A lawsuit challenging a proposed state constitutional amendment on the November general election ballot saw its first hurdle. Plaintiffs argue the amendment violates federal law governing labor relations and the U.S. Constitution.
Sangamon County Circuit Judge Raylene Grischow denied the petition brought by the plaintiffs in Sachen v. the Illinois State Board of Elections, et al. The Chicago parents and teachers bringing the legal challenge to remove Amendment 1 from the ballot are represented by attorneys at the Liberty Justice Center and Illinois Policy Institute. Attorneys plan to appeal the decision.
Statement from Jacob Huebert, president of the Liberty Justice Center, a national nonprofit law firm:
“The state is asking voters to consider an amendment that contradicts federal law and is therefore unconstitutional. The parents and teachers bringing this legal challenge have the right to block the state from using public funds to promote an unconstitutional ballot measure. We will make this argument on appeal and continue to work toward removing this unlawful measure from the ballot.”
Statement from Mailee Smith, director of labor policy and staff attorney at the Illinois Policy Institute, a nonpartisan research organization:
“We are committed to pursuing our claims in court and ensuring Illinois voters are not forced to vote on an unconstitutional amendment. The law is clear that Amendment 1 would do more than the state is allowed to do. Illinoisans deserve to have this addressed now. Not later. Not after their tax dollars have been wasted putting an unconstitutional measure on the ballot. We look forward to our next opportunity to argue on behalf of taxpayers.”
The lawsuit was filed on April 21, 2022, in the Seventh Judicial Circuit Court in Sangamon County.
Even accepting as true all of Petitioners’ allegations, there are no reasonable grounds to permit suit. Petitioner’s claims fail as a matter of law, and impermissibly seek an advisory opinion as to “constitutional issues … [which] may never progress beyond the realm of the hypothetical.” Slack v. Salem, 31 Ill. 2d 174, 178 (1964).
First, under Article XIV, section 2 of the Illinois Constitution, “[a]mendments approved by the vote of three-fifths of the members elected to each house shall be submitted to the electors at the general election next occurring at least six months after such legislative approval, unless withdrawn by a vote of a majority of the members elected to each house.” Ill. Const. art. XIV, § 2(a). The requirements of section 2 are plainly met, and the constitutional command is clear. The proposal must be submitted to the voters for adoption or rejection. […]
Second, the Court has no power to restrain a referendum on the grounds that, if the proposed law were enacted, its enforcement would be unconstitutional. […]
Third, even if the Court had power to offer an opinion as to the prospective validity of an enacted Workers’ Rights Amendment, and even if Petitioners are correct that application of an enacted Workers’ Rights Amendment to private employees would be preempted by the NLRA, Petitioners plainly concede the Amendment would have valid applications, specifically application to public employees. … The Amendment would also prohibit the passage of laws restricting union security agreements, a subject about which “Congress …. left the states free to legislate.” These are plainly substantial applications of the Amendment. Petitioners offer no basis for preventing the Amendment’s submission to the voters merely because some anticipated applications may be preempted by federal law. The rule is exactly the opposite. […]
At most, federal preemption would merely render the Workers’ Rights Amendment dormant, not invalid, because it would still apply to situations not covered by the NLRA and would become enforceable even as to preempted applications in the event the NLRA were ever repealed. […]
Thus, the proposed Amendment would serve at least three permissible purposes. First, it would create rights for public employees, which Petitioners concede is not preempted by the NLRA. Second, it would restrain the power of the General Assembly to pass laws restricting union security agreements, a subject left open to the states. Third, it would act as a state-law failsafe to preserve rights for private-sector employees in the event the federal government ever decided to abandon the NLRA. There are no grounds for denying the voters the opportunity to decide whether to add the Workers’ Rights Amendment to the Illinois constitution.
Accordingly, the Petition states no reasonable grounds for filing suit. The Court has no power to pass on the validity of the proposed Amendment unless and until it is adopted by the voters. To do so would constitute an improper advisory opinion. … Moreover, even if the Court could entertain Petitioners’ challenges to the anticipated enforcement of the proposed Amendment, Petitioners plainly concede it has substantial applications unaffected by any federal preemption. Petitioners are therefore not entitled to an order prohibiting the placement of the proposed Amendment on the ballot. The Petition is denied.
* The Daily Herald endorsed Steve Kim for attorney general. But check out the soft-pedal job on the other GOP candidates…
His opponents — David Shestokas of Orland Park and Thomas DeVore of downstate Greenville — are talented attorneys and skilled critics of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s authority to mandate COVID-19 restrictions, but neither is apt to attract the broad support necessary to make them electable in November.
* CD1…
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted today to throw its support behind Jonathan Jackson, candidate for Congress in the 1st Congressional District race, giving him a full endorsement. The CTU is a 25,000-member organization of teachers, paraprofessionals, and clinicians that work in the Chicago Public School (CPS) system.
“I am honored and extremely grateful to receive this endorsement as I am a longtime supporter of the hardworking and dedicated members of the Chicago Teachers Union,” Jackson said in response to the endorsement announcement. “The importance of the roles CTU members play in our children’s education and thereby the future of the 1st District cannot be overstated.
* CD1…
Alderman Matt O’Shea of Chicago’s 19th Ward is announcing his endorsement of Pat Dowell for Democratic Nomination for Congress in the First District of Illinois.
“I have worked closely with Pat Dowell for the past 11 years. She is hardworking and dedicated to her constituents and is a person of great character. Pat will be a strong voice for our community in Congress,” said Matt O’Shea, 19th Ward Alderman.
* CD6…
Today, U.S. Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL) released a new ad highlighting his work to address gun violence and his pro-choice record. The ad will run on Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Hulu through Election Day as part of a six-figure digital ad buy. This is the latest in a series of digital ads the campaign is running to highlight Rep. Casten’s work to protect a woman’s right to choose, pass real gun safety measures, and lead the charge on ethics reform. […]
My Congressman Script
“18, a big year. Lots of milestones. Like voting for the first time. But not just for anyone. Sean Casten is working to pass real gun reform, like universal background checks, to protect our neighborhoods and our classrooms. He’s fighting to make sure women can make their own healthcare choices. And he’s leading the charge on ethics reform because we deserve leaders we can trust. Sean Casten. My Congressman. But I just call him Dad.”
Mike Lawrence, former director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute and a longtime observer of Illinois politics, lives in the 15th Congressional District and says he is concerned.
“Some people are writing off Mary Miller’s candidacy – I’m not one of them. I think she can win. I don’t trust the polling that is being done. And I know in primaries, both parties draw their most extreme elements out to vote. And if Donald Trump comes and campaigns for her, she very well could win.”
Lawrence noted that in his flyers, Davis is playing up his support for Trump.
“The only reason I can think that he is doing this is to mitigate any damage that might be done to his candidacy if Trump does come to the district and campaign for Miller. But he runs the risk of alienating more moderate Republicans by doing this,” he said. […]
Former U.S. Rep. John Shimkus still gives the edge to Davis.
“So, you’ve got a lot of the new district that has been in the media markets that Rodney has served,” he said. “And that means they’ve seen millions of dollars in ads for and against him. Even though they didn’t have to vote for him, he’s a known commodity. In that new area I’d guess that other than Trump, they don’t know much about Mary.”
* We’ve seen more out of district endorsements this year than usual, but this one takes the cake…
Today, Jonathan Logemann, Democratic candidate for Illinois’ 17th Congressional District, announced the endorsement of former Congressman Dave Loebsack (D-IA) and former State Senator and candidate for Lt. Gov. and Congress Rita Hart (D-IA). Loebsack is a seven-term former Representative of Iowa’s Second District which covered Southeast Iowa including the Iowa side of the Quad Cities. Hart is a two-term former State Senator from Iowa’s 49th Senate District covering Southeast Iowa.
“It’s truly an honor to have the support of fellow educators and public servants Rita Hart and Dave Loebsack,” said Jonathan Logemann. “Dave and Rita each served their communities–locally in the State Senate, and nationally in Congress–with common-sense, results-driven leadership. Their work in bringing jobs and investments to their constituents is exactly what voters throughout Illinois’ 17th Congressional District expect from their next Representative. I am inspired by their lifelong commitments to education as well, both serving as educators in their communities.”
Four candidates who won court battles to stay on the June 28 primary ballot are now facing appeals by challengers. Supreme Court candidates Nancy Rotering, Mark Curran and Susan Hutchinson, and Cook County Sheriff candidate Carmen Navarro Gercone, were removed from the ballot when objectors argued they didn’t have enough signatures (in the high court races) or the qualifications (in the sheriff’s race). Judges overruled the decisions and all four were put back on the ballot. But now the objectors are appealing that decision.
The cases are on an accelerated court docket because of the approaching election. Briefs are due today and tomorrow, and the court could rule as soon as Monday. Depending on the outcome, the candidates could take their cases to a higher court.
And the contest is less than three weeks away: “At this point, their names already are on the printed ballots. If ultimately the courts remove them, votes cast for those candidates would not be counted,” Matt Dietrich, spokesman for the Illinois State Board of Elections, told Playbook.
She also had the Indo-American Democratic Organization’s endorsement list.
* Speaking of the Supreme Court…
Former IL State Senator and Elected Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen Endorses Judge John Noverini for IL Supreme Court
CARPENTERSVILLE, IL - Honesty, integrity and ethical behavior are promised to voters by candidates running for public office. Citizens are ready to support candidates who have demonstrated during their careers solid professional competence and consistent adherence to core traditional principles. This is why former Illinois State Senator and Elected Kane County Board Chairman is encouraging residents to vote for Judge John Noverini for Illinois Supreme Court 2nd District in the June 28th Republican Primary.
“I respect our local long-time Kane County resident Judge John Noverini because he personifies the Code of Judicial Conduct in his character and behavior, regardless of circumstance. I trust that Judge Noverini will preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution”, stated Lauzen.
* DGA…
In a candidate profile, Illinois GOP gubernatorial candidate Richard Irvin dodged a question about his top campaign contributors — trying to hide the well-known fact that megadonor Ken Griffin has been bankrolling his struggling campaign.
But Ken Griffin isn’t hiding his influence — in fact, he’s flaunting it. Griffin officially became the largest GOP megadonor in the country for combined federal and state campaigns this election cycle, a title he earned by dumping a record-breaking $50 million into Irvin’s campaign.
When asked who his top three campaign contributors were, Irvin employed the trusty old duck-and-dodge, saying his three main contributors are those who plan to vote for him, those who volunteer for him, and those who “contribute financially.”
Missing in that answer is $50 million worth of support from the wealthiest person in Illinois — a sum that constitutes the largest chunk of Griffin’s local spending. In return, Irvin concocts pay to play schemes to enrich Griffin and rewrites history to align himself with the megadonor’s platform.
“Richard Irvin will stop at nothing to hide from voters and obscure the truth,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Illinoisans deserve a transparent, honest leader — not one who ducks and dodges even when asked an easy, straightforward question. Illinoisans deserve better than Richard Irvin.”
* DGA…
With an endorsement from former Trump strategist Steve Bannon, Illinois GOP candidate for governor Darren Bailey is doubling down on his stance as the single uber-conservative, far-right extremist candidate in the race.
Following an interview with Bailey on his “War Room” podcast, Bannon said: “Darren Bailey in Illinois, Doug Mastriano in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrew Giuliani in the state of New York — I tell you, if you get these guys in office, you’re going to turn this thing around.”
Here’s a refresher on Steve Bannon: he’s the former executive chairman of Breitbart News who served as chief executive of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and chief strategist for the Trump White House — holding so much power over Trump and the administration that he was nicknamed “the Great Manipulator.” That’s who just endorsed Darren Bailey.
The far-rights of the far right think Bailey is the true conservative for Illinois, and he’s embracing their support. Earlier this month, he announced former Trump advisor Steve Cortes’ support of his campaign, and he’s still vying for Trump’s endorsement ahead of the June 28 primary.
“With another MAGA endorsement under his belt, Darren Bailey’s doubling down on his stance as the single uber-conservative, far-right candidate in this race,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Darren Bailey is far too conservative for Illinois — and voters know it.”
* This is so wild…
the richard irvin campaign is running an ad hitting darren bailey featuring a clip from a @WCIA3 news report…but they digitally altered the chryon to spell bailey's name incorrectly?
Democratic Secretary of State candidate Anna Valencia announced today that she has earned the endorsement of Chicago City Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin. The announcement comes as Valencia continues to build a broad, statewide coalition ahead of the June 28 primary election.
“Anna Valencia is a dedicated public servant with a proven track record of fighting for working families, and I’m proud to endorse her for Secretary of State,” said Treasurer Conyears-Ervin. “Anna’s passion for helping our communities—and her ability to deliver for them–are evident through her many accomplishments as Chicago City Clerk, such a modernizing city government and establishing the CityKey municipal ID program. As our next Secretary of State, she will build upon these successes to help Illinoisans across our state.”
* Open letter to MWRD President and Democratic candidate for Cook County Assessor Kari Steele…
Dear President Steele,
Given recent discussions about anti-semitic language used on Mr. Jackson’s show, we feel compelled to raise our own concerns about a long history of homophobic and anti-Trans rhetoric used by Mr. Jackson. Mr. Jackson has stoked fear that trans people are leading an attack to delegitimize cisgender identity, claimed that LGBTQ+ people seek to “indoctrinate” children, and used the term “gay” as a pejorative.
President Steele, while we recognize that this language has not come directly from you, Mr. Jackson regularly uses his show as a platform to promote your campaign. He is often your most vocal surrogate and recently spoke to the Chicago Tribune on the record on behalf of your campaign. You have not repudiated his comments in your capacity as an elected leader or as a political candidate.
We were heartened to see that you both issued apologies following revelations about Mr. Jackson’s anti-semitic statements. We feel you must also take steps to address the impacts on other communities, including ours.
In addition, there are members of the LGBTQ+ communities, of course, who are also Jewish and thereby have been targeted by this bigotry from multiple angles. It is our hope that you will acknowledge that harm and take steps to rectify it.
As you may know, the LGBTQ+ community has been severely impacted by overt bigotry and direct violence for decades, and in particular anti-Trans violence has been rampant in recent years. Already this year, at least 7 Trans people have been killed across the country. In 2021, we saw record violence against Trans and gender non-conforming people. It is important to note that Black Trans women in particular have been targeted for hateful attacks at disproportionate levels. As you see, Mr. Jackson’s kind of rhetoric can have real consequences for our community. This isn’t theoretical to us. Words and platforms like Mr. Jackson’s create a clear and present danger to vulnerable people.
Please see below for a detailed list of sample instances of homophobic and transphobic comments from Mr. Jackson on his show. If these are the things he is saying in the light of day on his radio broadcast, we are deeply concerned about what he is saying or doing in private. The Democratic Party is a big-tent party that stands for full respect and inclusion of its many diverse constituencies. We hope you stand up for this value, and for your LGBTQ+ constituents, by denouncing what your surrogate and campaign advisor Mr. Jackson has claimed.
Thank you for your consideration. We are open to a dialogue to discuss our concerns with you further.
Brian C Johnson, CEO, Equality Illinois
Michael Ziri, Director of Public Policy, Equality Illinois Mony Ruiz-Velasco, Deputy Director, Equality Illinois Former State Sen. Heather Steans
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy
State Rep. Sam Yingling
Commissioner Kevin Morrison
Ald. Tom Tunney (44)
Ald. James Cappleman (46)
Committeewoman Maggie O’Keefe
Note: Mr. Jackson’s show begins daily with a song that includes the line “[Chicago Mayor Lori] Lightfoot seems more lesbian than Black.”
Feb 26, 2021
● “Eventually, removing gender will be an acceptable thing.” (00:39:50)
● “Being a man is part of life. Being a woman is part of life. Now they’ve added all of these adjectives in between, but literally, we are at a point where they are saying that it they are teaching children, that it is wrong to be a man or a woman.” (41:40)
● “Where are we that it is now wrong to be a man or a woman? Like, it’s not that we are not including all of the alphabet in between. After we include the [LGBT] alphabet in between, they want to eliminate the original letters.” (43:37)
● “So there’s M and there is F, right? We have always lived with male and female. We have now added LGBTQ and whatever else. I’m OK–I have learned to be OK with that. But the moment that the [LGBT] letters in between are now saying that they want to eliminate the bookends. I’m lost! Am I supposed to just be OK with this?! I don’t want my son to go to the store and not see Mr. Potato Head and Mrs. Potato Head.” (43:47)
● “Are you literally telling me that we’re now at the point where Mr. and Mrs. makes people so uncomfortable…what about all the Mr. and Mrs. that love being Mr. and Mrs. or Mr. and Miss can?” (45:50)
● “There are way more people that identify as male and female than that do identify all those other letters combined, and how are all of those other letters combined now seeking to eliminate, minimize, emasculate–literally the two outsides [M and F]? Like, I feel like having this conversation, somebody’s gonna say I’m having hate speech.” (46:33)
● “Life has changed. I’m OK with that. But I am not OK with being told in any way shape or form that it is wrong to identify that being identifying something as a male or a female should make anyone uncomfortable.” (49:50)
● “There’s your truth and then there’s facts. Now you can add to the facts but until you can prove to me there’s no such thing as a man or a woman, then they’re trying to create an alternate reality.” (52:52)
● “I think it starts with a toy. I think it’s [a toy] because they want to educate and indoctrinate the next generation.” (53:17)
● “We are getting to a place that is bordering on obscene to me” (54:26)
● “I think it’s ludicrous that we have to defend the concept of a Mr or Mrs.” (56:00)
● “This right here is how you get to your Handmaid’s Tale. When you start deaffirming men and women, they are the majority.” (56:30)
● “This whole concept that there is this worldwide movement to eliminate gender, because somebody decides it’s the new, hot button issue to prove that you’re equal, it’s freaking crazy to me.” (57:33)
● “Are we really moving to a point where we’re saying there are no men and no women—that everything is just the same? And are we really accepting that? This is where a Maze Jackson would be meeting in the parking lot with Hillbilly Jim. ‘Hillbilly Jim, me and you, we’re on the endangered species list.’” (57:53)
55:19, September 27, 2021
“I don’t like [director Lee Daniels] either. I don’t like how he turned everybody gay.”
I’ve asked for comment from the Steele campaign. I’ll let you know if there’s a response.
Some of her colleagues in the Illinois state general assembly thought she was being “hyperbolic,” she says — maybe even “hysterical.” But the Chicago Democrat, a longtime reproductive rights advocate, saw the “fertile seeds” that the antichoice movement had spent years planting starting to blossom into a grave threat to abortion rights, and led an effort to build a “firewall” of laws to protect and expand access to the procedure — including the Reproductive Health Act she sponsored, which was signed by Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker in 2019 to make abortion a “fundamental right.”
That legislative push helped turn Illinois into a national leader in reproductive healthcare. It is also likely to soon make it a refuge for people in states as far away as Texas, who will face even less access to abortion if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, as it is expected to do. Indeed, Illinois already serves large numbers of out of state patients, who often face significant barriers to abortion even with Roe in place. But the state is bracing for a post-Roe surge: Cassidy and others in Illinois helped secure freedom of choice here in Illinois before reproductive rights came under existential threat nationally; now, healthcare advocates here are working to ensure they can meet patients’ needs after those threats come to pass. […]
“We are an island,” says Democrat Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz, an Illinois state representative who as a freshman lawmaker helped get the Reproductive Health Act and other pro-choice legislation to Pritzker’s desk. “I think our sense of responsibility feels larger, because as an Illinois legislator, I now feel a responsibility to women outside of my own borders.” […]
In Connecticut, Democratic Governor Ned Lamont in May signed a law protecting people from out of state who seek or provide abortions there, allowing those facing legal action against them in another state for receiving or providing abortion care to sue for damages. “I am very appreciative to the majority of lawmakers in Connecticut who had the foresight to draft this legislation at a time when the right to a safe legal abortion in America is in jeopardy,” the governor said. Cassidy says she and her colleagues are looking not only at protecting providers, but trying to find ways to make it easier for abortion providers from states where the procedure is outlawed to “reestablish themselves” in Illinois. […]
The trouble is, they’re not only scrambling to meet the needs of those from outside their states — they’re fighting to ensure their own protections they’ve passed stay in place. “We can’t sleep on this firewall by any means,” Cassidy says. Challenges to the RHA and other Illinois laws will likely crop up in the wake of a Roe decision, Cassidy says, and rights like marriage equality could come under threat next. And the safeguards Illinois has in place could be dismantled by a single election — if Democrats lose their majority in Springfield, for instance, or if Pritzker loses reelection in November to one of the Republicans who have spent primary season trying to pass a conservative purity test. “We did everything we could do, but now we’ve got to keep doing it,” says Cassidy.
Subscribers know more about this particular topic.
* It really is everywhere. I know so many people with it…
I'm looking forward to tonight's debate. While I'm disappointed that I won't be able to participate in person due to ABC's COVID protocol, I'm excited to continue sharing our positive vision for Illinois' future via Zoom. Here's how to watch: https://t.co/nAvEdSk8Bppic.twitter.com/3xhXDR1Bti
Midcontinent ISO (MISO) faces a capacity shortfall in its North and Central areas, resulting in high risk of energy emergencies during peak summer conditions. Capacity shortfall projections reported in the 2021 LTRA and as far back as the 2018 LTRA have continued. Load serving entities in 4 of 11 zones entered the annual planning resource auction (PRA) in April 2022 without enough owned or contracted capacity to cover their requirements. Across MISO, peak demand projections have increased by 1.7% since last summer due in part to a return to normal demand patterns that have been altered in prior years by the pandemic. However, more impactful is the drop in capacity in the most recent PRA: MISO will have 3,200 MW (2.3%) less generation capacity than in the summer of 2021. System operators in MISO are more likely to need operating mitigations, such as load modifying resources or non-firm imports, to meet reserve requirements under normal peak summer conditions. More extreme temperatures, higher generation outages, or low wind conditions expose the MISO North and Central areas to higher risk of temporary operator-initiated load shedding to maintain system reliability.
MISO A capacity shortfall in the North and Central areas poses high risk of energy emergencies during peak summer conditions. The shortfall is largely driven by a peak demand increase of 1.7% percent and 3,200 MW less generation capacity than summer 2021
Southern Illinois is among the most vulnerable places in the country heading into the summer, according to a newly published forecast by the North American Electric Reliability Corp., a regulatory authority that monitors risks to the grid.
The area, along with large parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other states linked to the regional grid, has been put on notice in the forecast that it is facing a “high risk of energy emergencies during peak summer conditions.” A major reason is that some of the coal plants that regulators assumed would keep running for another year or two are instead coming offline. Some plant operators are choosing to shut down rather than invest in upgrades for coal plants that do not fit with states’ and the federal government’s long-term goals for clean energy.
“We are seeing these retirements occur at a faster pace than expected,” said Jim Robb, chief executive of the regulatory authority. “The economics aren’t great, so coal plant operators are saying ‘uncle.’”
As demand across the Midwest is increasing, the amount of power available to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator grid that services a large swath of it has dropped, leading regulators to warn that outages could accompany extreme summer weather.
Retiring coal plants are just one of many challenges putting unprecedented stress on the nation’s electricity network.
“It’s a soup of things,” Robb said. “The grid is transforming. We are putting on a lot of new resources and learning how they behave.” That is compounded, Robb said, by prolonged stretches of extreme weather, the inability of utilities to get badly needed transmission lines built as they wrestle with land-use disputes, and difficulties delivering natural gas supplies to the power plants that are a crucial backstop to wind and solar energy when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. […]
Some political leaders and utilities in the Midwest are assuring residents that their connections to neighboring grids can provide a backup of energy to avoid blackouts if the Midcontinent system gets overstressed. But energy experts warn those power transfers may not be available in the event of a prolonged heat wave that stretches across many states, as California learned when part of its grid became overwhelmed in the summer of 2020.
The [Marie Newman dog poop] ad amounts to a little bit of proactive offensive defense.
Perhaps the largest issue in the campaign has been the fact that Newman is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for allegedly offering a staff job to a potential election opponent if he’d drop out of the race. However, Casten has pretty much ignored that in his own TV ads, instead focusing on positive aspects of his career.
Did Casten know that he could take the high road while an ally—in this case, the Democratic Majority for Israel super PAC—went low?
Casten denies that, and the super PAC so far hasn’t responded to requests for comment. But both the Casten and Newman camps confirm that the group has made a $261,000 cable TV buy for a spot that’s believed to focus on Newman’s ethical problems.
Under investigation for corruption. Is that really what we want in our member of Congress? The Office of Congressional Ethics was unanimous: There’s “substantial reason to believe” Marie Newman may have violated federal law by promising a taxpayer-funded job to an opponent if he agreed not to run against her. Newman even put it in a signed contract. Say ‘No’ to a corrupt politician representing us. Say ‘No’ to Marie Newman. DMFI PAC is responsible for the content of this ad.
Not a gigantic amount of money behind that ad so far, but oof.
Irvin has also run ads discussing his response to incidents of looting and rioting in Aurora in May 2020, but State Sen. Darren Bailey says that his opponent has misrepresented his actions during that unrest.
“When the riots broke out in Aurora, he told police to stand down,” Bailey said. “And nobody is talking about that.”
Officials enacted a curfew during that incident, which saw individuals engaging in violent clashes with police in the wake of the George Floyd shooting in Minnesota. […]
“He was a passionate supporter of Black Lives Matter,” Sullivan added. “When cop cars were being burnt, he said he was ‘conflicted’ on whether to take action.”
Irvin, who has said during the campaign that he does not support Black Lives Matter, defended his record on the FOID legislation.
“Those FOID card changes that Pritzker talked about were not enough to go beyond what we needed to fix,” he said. “It’s broken, and when I’m governor I’ll fix it.”
* OK, let’s take these one at a time, starting at the bottom of the story and working up. Here’s Irvin’s full quote on the problems with the FOID card system…
…And then myself, not just a year ago, my FOID card expiring during the pandemic and I wasn’t able to get a FOID card for a full year. Now there’s a Second Amendment here in this country that says that you know, all of our citizens, law abiding citizens, you know, have the ability to own to own firearms, and the FOID card system is broken and needs to be fixed to ensure that that Constitution that constitutional amendment is [garbled]
Not gonna speak to the constitutional issues, but the FOID backlog has been eliminated, according to Illinois State Police spokesperson Melaney Arnold…
Hi Rich,
Since the middle of January, ISP has met all statutory turnaround times for processing new FOID as well as FOID renewals.
FOID new - 30 calendar days
FOID renewal - 60 business days
Maybe the candidate should check things out before saying that the next time.
* Let’s move on to Sullivan’s accusation that Irvin said he was “conflicted” during the riots. The Sullivan campaign pointed me to a video excerpt from August of 2020. Click here to watch…
…around the ountry, destroy our downtown, you know, in a matter of minutes what it took us years to build. And as I sat there in the police situation room, which was our EOC Emergency Operation Center, and I saw the drones going overhead as you know, things on fire, police cars on fire, my downtown just on fire, people running around destroying things. You know, I was conflicted. In one sense, I’m the mayor and I’m saying ‘This can’t happen my city’ and I refuse to accept that this is happening. On the other hand, I recognize that unless there’s some type of disruption, you know, in what they want here in our country, things won’t change. Just to simply knock on somebody’s door and say, you know, ‘I want equity and fairness,’ you know, without disruption, without anything behind. It doesn’t work.
So, yeah, that’s accurate. And, frankly, I kinda like that Richard Irvin. Too bad he’s now running away from his past.
* Bailey’s claim that Mayor Irvin ordered the police to “stand down” comes from an interview that Jeanne Ives did of former Aurora Ald. Rick Lawrence…
I’ve seen his commercial. He talks a lot about what he did during the riot. Our police officers were told to stand down and not engage in the riot. And over 30 businesses were destroyed in Aurora. And so that’s the real record. It’s frustrating to watch you know a made-up character by a marketing department because that’s not the person that I know and it’s not the person I worked with.
I reached out to Lawrence via Twitter, Facebook and email. “How do you know this to be true?” I asked. “And when was this order allegedly given?” I have not yet heard back. I’ll let you know if I do hear something. Lawrence has tangled with Irvin in the recent past over Irvin’s alleged corruption. I don’t think his claim yet rises to the level of evidence in a gubernatorial campaign. But if there’s evidence or another witness, I’m all ears.
* Coverage roundup from yesterday’s Irvin press conference, which went a lot more smoothly than his previous one…
* Republican Irvin’s anti-crime plan rests on repealing law Democrats say he supported: Pritzker’s camp was referring to a letter Irvin sent to state Sen. Elgie Sims, one of the bill’s Democratic sponsors. The letter, obtained by the Chicago Sun-Times, commends Sims on his leadership on the bill’s passage and also lauds the measure’s goals. Irvin’s campaign told the Chicago Tribune in March that the letter wasn’t “laudatory,” and was simply Irvin “being polite to a state senator when asking for revisions to a law” that affected police in his city.
* Illinois governor candidate Richard Irvin promises to repeal criminal justice reforms: But while Irvin calls crime an epidemic, new statistics released by the Chicago Police Department show that shootings are down 15.6% from the start of this year through the end of May. Murders are down 7.7% compared to the same five months last year. Irvin also found himself on the defensive about his recent criticism of the FOID, or Firearm Owner’s Identification System, which he called “broken.” That despite praising Pritzker when he signed a bill in Aurora last August to expand background checks, a move in response to calls for gun reform after the mass shooting the Pratt manufacturing plant.
* Irvin promises to repeal criminal justice reforms, gubernatorial rival calls him a ‘fraud’: “I’m the mayor of a city — second-largest city in the state — who not long ago was one of the most violent cities in the state of Illinois, per capita with over 30 murders a year,” Irvin said. “Now make Aurora one of the safest large cities in America.” But Irvin’s rivals in the Republican primary said that claim is outdated, citing the most recent statistics about crime in Aurora. “Actually, criminal assault is up 129% in the city of Aurora. Aggravated assault up 44%. Violent crime up 38%. Those are the facts and he has to be held accountable for his record. Aurora is not even in the 100 safest communities in the state of Illinois. Mayor Richard Irvin is really a fraud,” said Jesse Sullivan (R), candidate for governor.
Why is Rodney Davis attacking Mary Miller’s Christian faith? When Miller talked with Tony Perkins about the border, she noted the lessons of the Good Samaritan. Now Davis twist her words to attack her on immigration. Davis cut out: ‘The role of our government is to enforce our laws.’ Davis should apologize. The fact is Davis voted for amnesty, not Miller. Mary Miller, strong on the border, Trump endorsed. Conservative Outsider PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising
They have a point, but when you’re explaining, you’re not winning.
Does Rodney Davis think you’re stupid? His pals say Mary Miller hates our military. Horse manure. Miller opposed Joe Biden’s woke military makeover plan loaded up with diversity training, gender perspectives, even a report on discriminatory uniforms. Perfect for a squish like Davis, not a conservative like Miller. President Trump backs Miller and says she’s strong for our military. Conservative Outsider PAC is responsible for the content of this advertising
Last March, the state’s child welfare agency received a report through its hotline that an 8-year-old girl in Uptown might be in danger.
Her parents had gotten into a fight at a restaurant, the report said, and an investigator with the Department of Children and Family Services was assigned to check on the parents and the child, Amaria Osby.
The investigator tried the girl’s home the next day, on March 24, but was unable to see anyone, the agency said. It was not until two months later, on May 24, that the investigator finally checked on the child.
“There were no noted concerns for physical abuse or neglect,” the agency said.
The next day, Amaria was dead, allegedly killed by her mother, Andreal Hagler, who also tried to kill herself.
Charles Golbert with the Office of the Cook County Public Guardian spoke out Wednesday on Amaria’s death. Her mother, 38-year-old Andreal Hagler, is now charged with her daughter’s murder. Prosecutors say she confessed to killing the girl.
“Amaria is the sixth child to die in Illinois (since last December) despite DCFS’ involvement with the families,” Golbert said. “This case screamed out for intensive mental health services for the mother, for drug services for the mother and at least some type of protective supervision plan.”
Police found Amaria dead in her uptown apartment last Wednesday.
Police said they found the mother high on PCP with a bag around her head when they arrived. According to prosecutors, Hagler told officers she felt her daughter didn’t love her anymore and loved her father more. She said she put the bag over Amaria’s head similar to how she had placed it over her own head, prosecutors said. […]
Records revealed that a caseworker failed to visit the Uptown home for two months. Investigators cited no concerns for abuse or neglect upon making contact two months later.
“When you have investigators laboring under untenable caseloads in an inept bureaucracy without the support they need, the ball is going to get dropped on investigations with tragic results like what happened here,” Goldbert said.
The public guardian told WGN News that DCFS has a current investigator vacancy rate of 21%, according to a consent decree. It’s supposed to be no more than 6%.
Audit: DCFS failing to track kids in care
When WGN News asked DCFS to explain that two-month gap from March to May, a spokesman said that contrary to policies, the investigator, in this case, did not continue to make attempts to see the family. The spokesman added that the employee and a supervisor are not performing child protection duties at this time and the department is determining appropriate personnel action.
“They dropped the ball and did not do anything for two months,” Golbert said. “Their own regs say that they have to see the child within 24 hours.”
DCFS administrative code says in cases like this, “Good faith attempts must be made every 24 hours or sooner, including weekends and holidays, until the child victim is seen, unless a waiver is granted by the Child Protection Supervisor.”
A DCFS spokesman said the investigator working on the case did not make attempts to contact Amaria’s family as the code requires – and thus, disciplinary action is expected against the investigator and supervisor in this case:
“Contrary to DCFS policies, the investigator in this case did not continue to make attempts to see the family. Both the supervisor and the investigator are not performing child protection duties at this time and the Department is determining the appropriate personnel action. The allegation in this case stemmed from an incident of domestic violence between caregivers, and the investigator noted no signs of abuse after speaking to the mother and daughter.”
“All of this is interrelated and goes to DCFS’ illegal investigator caseload ratios, and just the inept bureaucracy that it is,” Golbert said.
09/08/2017 A hotline report was made identifying Amaria, age 3, as the child victim. The mother was being investigated for allegation 60-Substantial Risk of Physical Injury/Environment Injurious to Health and Welfare by neglect. This allegation stemmed from a DUI charge where the mother was arrested and charged with child endangerment.
09/09/2017 The investigator visited the child and observed no signs of physical abuse or neglect. Amaria was entered into a safety plan with a family member.
10/30/2017 A worker saw the child and there were no signs of physical abuse or neglect.
10/31/2017 The Investigator and assigned Intact worker met with the family to initiate a transition to Intact Family Services.
11/04/2017 The investigation was completed, and the mother was indicated for allegation 60-Substantial Risk of Physical Injury/Environment Injurious to Health and Welfare by neglect stemming from the DUI arrest. The family continues to participate in and receive supportive services through the Intact Family Services program.
3/21/2018 The family continued to participate in Intact Family Services. The assigned Intact worker saw the family on 11/07/17, 11/ 15/17, 11/21/17, 11/29/17, 12/07/17, and 12/19/17,1/10/18, 1/30/18, 2/15/18, 2/28/18, and 3/21/2018. During this time the mother participated in substance abuse treatment and community service. When the Intact worker visited the home on 02/15/18, the mother noted that the child had a seizure on 02/03/18 and was in the hospital for 3 days. The visit with the family on 3/21/18 was the final home visit There were no noted concerns for abuse or neglect during any of the home visits and the Intact Family Services case was closed.
03/23/2022 A hotline report was made identifying Amaria as the child victim. The mother was being investigated for allegation 60-Substantial Risk of Physical Injury/Environment Injurious to Health and Welfare by neglect. This allegation stemmed from Amaria allegedly witnessing a domestic violence incident between the mother and father in a public setting. There were no allegations of abuse involving Amaria. Law enforcement responded to the scene of the incident at a restaurant and made no arrest and did not press changes related to the incident.
03/24/2022 An investigator made a good faith attempt to visit the child victim and family without succes.
05/24/2022 An investigator visited the family and spoke with the mother and the child. There were no noted concerns for physical abuse or neglect.
So, the DCFS worker didn’t follow clear rules. The supervisor apparently didn’t notice. The regional supervisor apparently didn’t notice.
* I told subscribers last week that House Republican Leader Jim Durkin had taken the highly unusual step of endorsing Sen. Win Stoller’s Republican primary opponent Brett Nicklaus. Durkin followed up with a check. Here’s Politico…
Intra-party politics and dysfunction are playing out in the Illinois Republican Party.
House Minority Leader Jim Durkin just gave $25,000 to Republican Brett Nicklaus, who’s challenging incumbent Win Stoller — a fellow Republican — for the 37th District state Senate seat.
You read that right. The House Republican leader is meddling in a state Senate GOP primary, doling out cash that might otherwise help Republican candidates fight off Democrats in the upcoming General Election. Republicans are a minority in Springfield, after all.
“It’s absolutely unheard of,” a GOP insider told Playbook.
Durkin’s move is retribution because Stoller donated to Republican Travis Weaver, who’s challenging House Rep. Mark Luft (who you might know for his other job as the mayor of Pekin).
There was a reason for Stoller’s move. He and Weaver are family friends. In fact, Weaver’s father is former state Sen. Chuck Weaver — who hand-picked Stoller to succeed him in the Senate. […]
And Rep. Toni McCombie is endorsing Nicklaus over Stoller, too. She gave Nicklaus $16,000. McCombie at one point had considered running against Stoller but was persuaded by leadership to stay in the House. That cleared the lane for Stoller to run without a primary. But his support for Travis Weaver changed that.
And for doing Stoller and the Senate Republicans that favor, Durkin wound up with an expensive primary race against one of his freshmen.
Illinois residents are eligible to receive part of a $100 million class-action settlement involving another tech giant.
As with the class-action complaint against Snapchat, Google was accused of violating the Biometric Information Privacy Act regarding its use of a face regrouping tool in the Google Photos app.
Google used the tool to sort faces it spots in photographs by similarity. However, according to the suit, the company did not receive consent from millions of users before using the technology.
As a result, Illinois residents who appeared in a photo on the app between May 1, 2015, and April 25, 2022, may be eligible for payment.