* For a very long time, the “About” section of Cindy Bailey’s Facebook page has said she is the “chief consultant, strategist and cheerleader” for her spouse’s gubernatorial campaign. But that page has since been altered and then apparently taken down since Greg Hinz started looking around and asking questions. You can still Google the phrase, but here’s a screenshot…
She’s also listed as a “Board member” on Bailey’s D-1 filing with the State Board of Elections. And she is a regular on the campaign trail with Bailey and often acts as a surrogate for her husband’s campaign…
Just saw Stephanie W. Trussell running for Illinois Lieutenant Governor and Cindy Cindy J. Bailey, that’s the wife of Republican nominee Darren Bailey for Governor in Illinois at CPAC 2022 in Dallas. @DarrenBaileyIL@ReaganMom@Trussell4ILpic.twitter.com/tlmk9r5l3V
Speaking of Cindy Bailey, here she is posing with Kari Lake at CPAC four days ago. Lake is the GOP gubernatorial nominee from AZ, an election fraud/QAnon conspiracy theorist, and a Proud Boy fan. https://t.co/xNAd8fiIQKpic.twitter.com/2BK0QbpmM2
In one [post], she cited “amazing testimonies from ones who were once in the homosexual lifestyle!” In another, she called on “any red-blooded American” to drop their subscription to Netflix for “normalizing homosexuality” and other material she views as objectionable. “We are living in wicked days, just as in the time of Noah,” she stated.
* People on Twitter have been discussing this topic for a while now. A sampling..
Is this really who we want as the First Lady of IL. Do her morals and values represent all of us? Please make a plan to vote this November. #twillpic.twitter.com/GFDuAdARNh
Darren and Cindy Bailey aren't the best choice for the future of Illinois, they have both stated they think we're living in the "end times". In short they don't really see a longterm future for our state or country. pic.twitter.com/aKoSxQjzvY
JB Pritzker’s administration has been a disaster. Pritzker has raised taxes, attacked law enforcement and crime is skyrocketing on his watch. The Department of Children and Family Services is a criminal disaster under Pritzker’s Director Marc Smith. Families are suffering and kids are dying because Pritzker refuses to take ownership and fire his failed director. Friends, JB Pritzker hasn’t just failed working families, he’s downright abandoned every one of us.
Well now he’s more desperate than ever, and JB and his allies in the media shamelessly think that they can attack my wife Cindy and try to twist her words. Let me be clear, my wife is not on the ballot. I’m on the ballot and I speak for myself. So, JB, if you can fit it into your presidential campaign schedule and want to talk about someone in this race for governor and about the people of Illinois who are struggling under your watch, well I’m here in Illinois. And I’ll be waiting when you fly back. I’ll debate you anyplace anytime.
And if the media wants to look into spouses, well how about you find out what Pritzker’s pal Jennifer Thornley texted him and his wife after she stole money from taxpayers. The Pritzker/Thornley scandal stole over $700,000 from taxpayers because JB continues to scratch the backs of his cronies at the expense of working families.
Friends, people are being gunned down riding public transportation. Springfield corruption continues while families struggle to put gas in their cars and food on their tables. We have serious issues and I’m ready to get to work and restore Illinois.
Please pardon all transcription errors.
* The Question: Fair hit on Cindy Bailey or not? Make sure to explain your answer in comments, please.
*** UPDATE *** A commenter reminds us that Darren Bailey posted a false story on his Facebook page about the governor’s daughter…
Like I’ve been saying from the beginning, this is how you handle a lockdown!
Absolutely fair considering she acts as a campaign surrogate. Remember how much criticism Anna Valencia got from Alexi’s camp in the Primary for the activities of her lobbyist husband? This is all fair politics.
Cindy is just a mainstream Republican. Christian nationalism is in vogue right now, and if it takes a civil war for the right wing to turn back the clock, people like Cindy think that’s a fine outcome.
It’s a fair hit because Darren agrees with everything Cindy has said and posted. And if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll make that clear.
Absolutely fair. Ideally family members should be off limits, however, when your out there as a face of a campaign, and even a stand-in at events for the candidate, you’re words and actions, especially when those words and actions relate to public policy, are fair game for criticism. Some of those statements should absolutely be called out. Voters deserve to know who Bailey is. And they’re finding out.
Mark Weyermuller from IR always looks so thrilled. To the question - Pointing out Cindy’s posts is fair game. It’s not like the Pritzker team has made a commercial with them.
Absolutely fair. By her own admission she has influence with Sen. Bailey. Not sure why he is so defensive as her views are consistent with his. I doubt she mischaracterized herself.
Fair game. But I’ll differ with Hot Taeks a little in that Valencia was steering contracts toward her husband while Cindy Bailey is just saying horrible things.
Although I’m sure the Bailey camp will just say this was all out of context.
Totally fair, and nothing untrue. This is information that should be shared publicly so voters can make educated choices. The “end of times” for these folks will be the November election, hopefully.
Totally fair because she put all this stuff out on the internet herself, and I don’t understand why this is called a ‘hit’ piece.
On a related topic, I would love to see Bailey and Pritzker debate.
“Strategist”, A person skilled in planning action or policy, especially in war or politics.
she is volunteering her caustic opinions concerning homosexuality, blacks, the big lie, and so on. Totally fair game. She doesn’t get a pass because she is not on the ballot.
Fair. I mean, why would she object to people saying what she’s been saying or talking about with whom she’s been appearing if she’s been saying those things and spending time with those people? It’s just restating facts. And facts matter.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:47 am:
Fair hit. She identified herself as the chief strategist and consultant for the campaign, and was ID’d on govt. forms as a campaign board member. If Darren Bailey disagrees with these views of his campaign adviser/board member, he can say so.
If you and/or your spouse spout conspiracy theories and hate, and one of y’all are running for office… don’t post it publicly on Facebook.
My goodness… they’re victims to their own words and beliefs?
- Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:54 am:
One problem with social media is that many people posting their views assume they will be read only by people who already agree with them. Little thought is given to how those word might look to others.
The other problem, of course, is that those statements are out there forever- there’s no denying that you made them. Not a good position for a candidate or his strategist to be in.
It’s absolutely fair. This way of thinking for Cindy Bailey didn’t just start when her husband started running for office. This is the radical religious mindset that been going on for years. These people want to wave the Bible at everyone they disagree with and ban them to Hell. Mrs. Club J’s family is these type people. I keep my distance from them. Lots of Bible waving over the last 30 years.
“I think the “my spouse is off limits” days in politics are over”
I agree mostly. I think that spouses and kids who make a point to avoid it deserve consideration.
If you compare how Mary and Cindy engage in the political arena, it’s night and day. That’s why we don’t hear much about Mary and are hearing an awful lot about Cindy.
The hit piece comment reminds me of something Archpundit said back when Alan Keyes ran for the seat. About it not even being low hanging fruit but fruit that had already fallen to the ground.
She was listed as a strategist. She has made these extreme statements. Moreover, they are not exactly statements that Bailey is going to actually contradict (I mean I would like to see him do so, for his own soul’s sake).
How so? He added no comment and only posted her words and those of her husband.
Cindy posted these things publicly, and did so because she a) wants people to know her beliefs and b) wants others to agree with or act on her beliefs
In the old days you’d send a ‘letter to the editor’ to get your views out there. Would it be a “hit piece” to cut that out and tape it up without comment?
Spouses are off limits if the stay out of the lime light and out of the campaign. Once in ring, all is fair. If the candidate can’t take a spouse getting heat, the spouse should have stayed off the stove.
Fair. “Family is off limits” is for personal business unrelated to politics and governance, like if someone found an unflattering picture of Cindy at a kid’s birthday party. But a politician’s spouse’s political beliefs are fair game, since the spouse is in a place to influence their husband’s/wife’s actions in office.
Absolutely fair hit, she is an official member of the campaign as declared by herself.
I agree with Bailkey (took a while to pick myself up off the floor when i realized that) in that spouses and children are off limits, but campaign officials are not EVER off limits.
It’s a Maze Jackson redux. Being a loud bigoted spouse of a candidate is all fine and dandy until someone notices and pushes back on it; then it’s the fault of whoever had the nerve to push back for noticing.
Do any newspapers ’round these parts still have religion reporters? It might be nice to have one of them sit a spell with the Baileys and have them explain why it’s important for Darren to be in charge of the state if the Rapture is imminent. Mary Ann Ahern could probably do that justice, as well.
It’s a fair hit. Take out the context that she is his wife, she is/was a “consultant” or “strategist” on the campaign. So her words can be judged in that context. I was laughing my *** off at the response video from Bailey. First he says his wife is not on the ballot, then attacks JB’s wife.
Absolutely a fair hit. When you spew hatred in public, you deserve this kind of reaction. As a long time conservative I’m completely frustrated with my choices for governor this November.
Fair. The views of a candidate’s “chief consultant, strategist, and cheerleader” are always relevant.
I note, too, that she has apparently not read Genesis. If she had, she would know that “Biblical marriage” is between one man, multiples wives, and various concubines.
Surrogate or not it’s imminently fair. When you post on social media it’s in the public domain. Cindy and Darren Bailey have not been shy in expressing their views over the years on social media to further Darren’s profile and aspirations. And now it’s coming back to bite them.
A fair and appropriate hit. Anytime a spouse injects themselves into a campaign (or even worse into government/policymaking ala Team Valencia/Kazmi), it’s fair game.
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:01 pm:
I miss Brenda Edgar.
This was plenty fair. Even if she wasn’t in the arena as a surrogate. She was publicly volunteering the opinions and forgot the internet isn’t private, so we got a peek into what the B-team are truly like at home. Turned out they’re even worse than we imagined.
Maze is about the perfect example of “is this fair” in this particular context. He was outwardly a campaign surrogate like Cindy. His views were all over the place in various media like Cindy.
I didn’t see anyone defending don’t use spouses in that campaign. Why? Is it because only wives are off limits but husbands aren’t?
She has placed herself in the arena of the combatants. You don’t just get to take hits and think folks won’t hit back because your a down home southern Illinois farm girl.
Absolutely a fair hit. She doesn’t get to publish all of these things on social media and then have them claim she is off limits. She’s held herself out as a campaign surrogate. If you can’t handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen.
Are you comparing Brenda Edgar to Cindy Bailey… via Janis Cellini?
You’ve been on a personal lockdown way too long. Get some sunshine and fresh air… whew.
It should also be noted that “whataboutism” is predicated on the idea that one is right and the criticism is likely just, the goal is to soften that truth or thise facts by trying to include a wrinkle of warped hypocrisy that deflects.
Fair hit. She is officially representing her husband’s campaign as a candidate and has sent the social media material out. She did not have to do that. Once she did there are no go backs. There is no ‘out of context’ here, her words, her effort. As othes said, she stepped into the arena.
It is a fair hit, to criticize Ms. Bailey. Ms. Bailey has a large presence in Mr. Bailey political realm, and has played an intentional role in advocating for policies that will create inequality of access in society and in Illinois. She is in short, a political figure (and as noted, she used to reveal in that).
Ms. Bailey is intentionally in the political realm, and thus criticism of the views of a potential spouse of a potential executive officer is justifiable.
Fair hit–she is active in the campaign and is spouting hateful rhetoric and disinformation. These aren’t benign posts on tax policy or how to improve the state IT system–they are targeting minority groups with hateful tropes and just straight up disinformation in some cases.
- thisjustinagain - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
It’s not hate if you say you love everyone…or something, I dunno. (SARCASM). But how showing anyone’s very own words is a hit piece remains utterly baffling. Rich’s politics are what they are, but he breaks his back to get the actual words, posts, photos instead of somebody else’s summary for CFB. Better a hit piece than gaslighting and whitewashing.
Fair (although I’m not totally convinced that pointing to something that someone has unquestionably said even qualifies as a “hit”)
– MrJM
- Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:19 pm:
Cindy bailey; “You mean that people who don’t believe exactly as I do read my facebook? How dare they use my own words against me (banned punctuation)”
Well my prior comment is blocked. It wasn’t the use of “h(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)hole” since Hell is right up above. Maybe I should capitalize it? Don’t use asterisks?
the more I read from Cindy Bailey the more disgusted I am. Approaching level of ready to go protest her appearances disgusted.
- Fivegreenleaves - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 4:35 pm:
The more I see Darren Bailey, the more frustrated I get because as a bible-believing Christian, he is not what my faith represents.
To those of you who are judging Christianity by Darren Bailey, please don’t. Research Jesus for yourself. Seek your answers based on the bible, not Darren Bailey. Not all of us are Darren Bailey Christians. I’m not, and I’m voting for JB Pritzker.
=When you post on social media it’s in the public domain.=
While I agree with the overall sentiment, this needs a bit of rephrasing. As a photographer that has had my photos (hired for a campaign) pulled off of social media and used in an attack ad, I can tell you that it is NOT public domain.
It’s in the public eye and certainly open for commentary and criticism, but “public domain” means free and clear of ownership, and that’s not the case at all.
=As a photographer that has had my photos (hired for a campaign) pulled off of social media and used in an attack ad, I can tell you that it is NOT public domain.=
There’s a distinction between publishing works which may be subject to copyright vs. spreading your views and opinions. In this instance we’re seeing nothing more than an individuals public statements shared with a larger audience. As you own your photos, Cindy Bailey owns her words. And I would never take them from her.
==Cindy Bailey’s Facebook page has said she is the “chief consultant, strategist and cheerleader” for her spouse’s gubernatorial campaign.==That explains a lot about the trajectory of Darren’s campaign.
And to the question, not only is it fair but it is encouraged by Bailey. Remember? He likes when JB pays to get his messages out there (well, at least in the primary)
- SWIL_Voter - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:13 am:
They’re her words, it would be fair even if she didn’t make herself a campaign surrogate
- Hot Taeks - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:14 am:
Absolutely fair considering she acts as a campaign surrogate. Remember how much criticism Anna Valencia got from Alexi’s camp in the Primary for the activities of her lobbyist husband? This is all fair politics.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:15 am:
Cindy is just a mainstream Republican. Christian nationalism is in vogue right now, and if it takes a civil war for the right wing to turn back the clock, people like Cindy think that’s a fine outcome.
It’s a fair hit because Darren agrees with everything Cindy has said and posted. And if he doesn’t, I’m sure he’ll make that clear.
- Sox Fan - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:17 am:
Anyone who works for either campaign, whether related or not, is fair game.
- SAP - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:18 am:
Screenshots of social media posts of someone who has actively participated in the campaign? I’d say that’s fair.
- fs - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:19 am:
Absolutely fair. Ideally family members should be off limits, however, when your out there as a face of a campaign, and even a stand-in at events for the candidate, you’re words and actions, especially when those words and actions relate to public policy, are fair game for criticism. Some of those statements should absolutely be called out. Voters deserve to know who Bailey is. And they’re finding out.
- Highland IL - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:19 am:
Mark Weyermuller from IR always looks so thrilled. To the question - Pointing out Cindy’s posts is fair game. It’s not like the Pritzker team has made a commercial with them.
- McBook - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:19 am:
I guess we know who Rich is voting for lol, hit piece after hit piece.
- fs - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:20 am:
*Ugh, lotta typos…my “yores” are off today.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:20 am:
Absolutely fair. By her own admission she has influence with Sen. Bailey. Not sure why he is so defensive as her views are consistent with his. I doubt she mischaracterized herself.
- Huh? - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:24 am:
Fair game. If posing as chief surrogate, espousing the campaign speech, then eligible target.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:25 am:
-try to twist her words-
OK, I’ll bite. What specific words of hers were twisted? Put that on the to do list with tracking down those Rabbis, Jewish or otherwise.
- New Day - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:25 am:
Of course it’s a fair hit. She’s not just a spouse but a political combatant almost like Gini Thomas is. If you’re in the arena, you’re in the arena.
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:25 am:
I don’t even see it as a hit. Social media has allowed us to see a record of a persons own actions, by their own hand.
- Steve Rogers - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:26 am:
Fair game. But I’ll differ with Hot Taeks a little in that Valencia was steering contracts toward her husband while Cindy Bailey is just saying horrible things.
Although I’m sure the Bailey camp will just say this was all out of context.
- New Day - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:27 am:
And btw, unfortunately I can’t unsee Weyermuller. Not a good way to start the day. UGH.
- Siualum - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:28 am:
Totally fair, and nothing untrue. This is information that should be shared publicly so voters can make educated choices. The “end of times” for these folks will be the November election, hopefully.
- Hot Taeks - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:31 am:
@Steve Rogers
Good point.
- Flapdoodle - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:32 am:
If someone actively represents or speaks for a campaign, they’re fair game. So yes to the question.
On another point, in his statement Darren Bailey says he’ll debate the Governor “anyplace anytime.” Please, please let that happen.
- Curious citizen - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:34 am:
Totally fair because she put all this stuff out on the internet herself, and I don’t understand why this is called a ‘hit’ piece.
On a related topic, I would love to see Bailey and Pritzker debate.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:36 am:
==I guess we know who Rich is voting for lol, hit piece after hit piece. ==
It ain’t Rich’s fault Bailey keeps doing dumb stuff.
- Langhorne - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:42 am:
“Strategist”, A person skilled in planning action or policy, especially in war or politics.
she is volunteering her caustic opinions concerning homosexuality, blacks, the big lie, and so on. Totally fair game. She doesn’t get a pass because she is not on the ballot.
- XonXoff - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:45 am:
I think it’s fair. But I also think it’s fair to talk about her ‘personal’ farm subsidies and the likelihood she has soft hands, now.
- Amalia - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:45 am:
Fair. I mean, why would she object to people saying what she’s been saying or talking about with whom she’s been appearing if she’s been saying those things and spending time with those people? It’s just restating facts. And facts matter.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:47 am:
Fair hit. She identified herself as the chief strategist and consultant for the campaign, and was ID’d on govt. forms as a campaign board member. If Darren Bailey disagrees with these views of his campaign adviser/board member, he can say so.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:48 am:
They believe the hate.
They embrace the hate.
The hate fuels the Baileys
This hate is *exactly* who the Baileys are.
Why take it all down?
To the QOTD.
Never put things on the internet… including your hate…
If you’re angry that one calls out your hate… why did you post it to begin with?
Own it.
- High Socks - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:49 am:
I think the “my spouse is off limits” days in politics are over
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:52 am:
===I think===
If you and/or your spouse spout conspiracy theories and hate, and one of y’all are running for office… don’t post it publicly on Facebook.
My goodness… they’re victims to their own words and beliefs?
- Friendly Bob Adams - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:54 am:
One problem with social media is that many people posting their views assume they will be read only by people who already agree with them. Little thought is given to how those word might look to others.
The other problem, of course, is that those statements are out there forever- there’s no denying that you made them. Not a good position for a candidate or his strategist to be in.
- Club J - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:57 am:
It’s absolutely fair. This way of thinking for Cindy Bailey didn’t just start when her husband started running for office. This is the radical religious mindset that been going on for years. These people want to wave the Bible at everyone they disagree with and ban them to Hell. Mrs. Club J’s family is these type people. I keep my distance from them. Lots of Bible waving over the last 30 years.
- DeeLay - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 10:59 am:
“I think the “my spouse is off limits” days in politics are over”
I agree mostly. I think that spouses and kids who make a point to avoid it deserve consideration.
If you compare how Mary and Cindy engage in the political arena, it’s night and day. That’s why we don’t hear much about Mary and are hearing an awful lot about Cindy.
- CubsFan16 - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:01 am:
Mediocre “N word” facebook post in itself is about a fair hit as hits come.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:02 am:
-I guess we know who Rich is voting for lol, hit piece after hit piece.-
Amplifying what people actually said, posted, who they associate with isn’t a “hit piece.” Is something there not true? Fine, let’s hear it.
As for equal time, when one side is stepping on a field full of rakes and the other isn’t, it’s kind of hard to provide equal time.
- Back to the Future - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:02 am:
Generally feel family members of candidates should be off limits.
- AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:06 am:
Fair, but can hardly call it a hit. She posted as much for public consumption. She’s proud of her…beliefs.
“Hit piece after hit piece.”
Who’s fault is it that Bailey and his wife share their thoughts?
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:08 am:
Either he put her in the arena or, more likely, she put herself there. Either way, there she is and politics ain’t beanbag. Fair.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:10 am:
The hit piece comment reminds me of something Archpundit said back when Alan Keyes ran for the seat. About it not even being low hanging fruit but fruit that had already fallen to the ground.
She was listed as a strategist. She has made these extreme statements. Moreover, they are not exactly statements that Bailey is going to actually contradict (I mean I would like to see him do so, for his own soul’s sake).
- jimbo - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:14 am:
==McBook - hit piece after hit piece==
How so? He added no comment and only posted her words and those of her husband.
Cindy posted these things publicly, and did so because she a) wants people to know her beliefs and b) wants others to agree with or act on her beliefs
In the old days you’d send a ‘letter to the editor’ to get your views out there. Would it be a “hit piece” to cut that out and tape it up without comment?
Gaining views is *what the person wanted
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:15 am:
It might be easier if they both pray on it, or find a Biblical passage that can be misidentified as a way to substantiate all the… scrubbed stuff.
- Lt Guv - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:17 am:
Believe them when they tell you who they are. Fair piece.
- Emmerder - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:19 am:
All her posts are being taken out of context.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:21 am:
===All her posts are being taken out of context.===
Friend, think on this.
If you can post on a Facebook page the needed context to keep things up… why not do that instead of scrubbing the content?
It’s not like someone is editing her.
- Emmerder - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:25 am:
It’s called sarcasm OW.
- Huh? - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:26 am:
Spouses are off limits if the stay out of the lime light and out of the campaign. Once in ring, all is fair. If the candidate can’t take a spouse getting heat, the spouse should have stayed off the stove.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:27 am:
===It’s called===
Label as such #Context
- Benjamin - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:28 am:
Fair. “Family is off limits” is for personal business unrelated to politics and governance, like if someone found an unflattering picture of Cindy at a kid’s birthday party. But a politician’s spouse’s political beliefs are fair game, since the spouse is in a place to influence their husband’s/wife’s actions in office.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:32 am:
“The second (commandment) is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:31
Maybe the Baileys need a more complete study of Christianity.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:34 am:
-I guess we know who Rich is voting for lol, hit piece after hit piece.-
Well the victims are out early today.
- JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:42 am:
Absolutely fair hit, she is an official member of the campaign as declared by herself.
I agree with Bailkey (took a while to pick myself up off the floor when i realized that) in that spouses and children are off limits, but campaign officials are not EVER off limits.
Bailey is a child and not fit for prime time.
- Roadrager - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:42 am:
It’s a Maze Jackson redux. Being a loud bigoted spouse of a candidate is all fine and dandy until someone notices and pushes back on it; then it’s the fault of whoever had the nerve to push back for noticing.
Do any newspapers ’round these parts still have religion reporters? It might be nice to have one of them sit a spell with the Baileys and have them explain why it’s important for Darren to be in charge of the state if the Rapture is imminent. Mary Ann Ahern could probably do that justice, as well.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:44 am:
It’s a fair hit. Take out the context that she is his wife, she is/was a “consultant” or “strategist” on the campaign. So her words can be judged in that context. I was laughing my *** off at the response video from Bailey. First he says his wife is not on the ballot, then attacks JB’s wife.
- Roadrager - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:45 am:
==Maybe the Baileys need a more complete study of Christianity==
Conservatism is the true Good Book. Christianity is merely the jacket they slip on it for appearances.
- Occasional Quipper - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:45 am:
Absolutely a fair hit. When you spew hatred in public, you deserve this kind of reaction. As a long time conservative I’m completely frustrated with my choices for governor this November.
- walker - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:49 am:
Not especially interesting — it doesn’t add anything we didn’t already know about the candidate himself.
- JoanP - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:49 am:
Fair. The views of a candidate’s “chief consultant, strategist, and cheerleader” are always relevant.
I note, too, that she has apparently not read Genesis. If she had, she would know that “Biblical marriage” is between one man, multiples wives, and various concubines.
- Pundent - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:52 am:
Surrogate or not it’s imminently fair. When you post on social media it’s in the public domain. Cindy and Darren Bailey have not been shy in expressing their views over the years on social media to further Darren’s profile and aspirations. And now it’s coming back to bite them.
- McGuppin - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 11:58 am:
A fair and appropriate hit. Anytime a spouse injects themselves into a campaign (or even worse into government/policymaking ala Team Valencia/Kazmi), it’s fair game.
- Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:01 pm:
I miss Brenda Edgar.
This was plenty fair. Even if she wasn’t in the arena as a surrogate. She was publicly volunteering the opinions and forgot the internet isn’t private, so we got a peek into what the B-team are truly like at home. Turned out they’re even worse than we imagined.
- Frank talks - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:14 pm:
Maze is about the perfect example of “is this fair” in this particular context. He was outwardly a campaign surrogate like Cindy. His views were all over the place in various media like Cindy.
I didn’t see anyone defending don’t use spouses in that campaign. Why? Is it because only wives are off limits but husbands aren’t?
She has placed herself in the arena of the combatants. You don’t just get to take hits and think folks won’t hit back because your a down home southern Illinois farm girl.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:23 pm:
Absolutely a fair hit. She doesn’t get to publish all of these things on social media and then have them claim she is off limits. She’s held herself out as a campaign surrogate. If you can’t handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen.
- JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:26 pm:
===Maybe the Baileys need a more complete study of Christianity==
Conservatism is the true Good Book. Christianity is merely the jacket they slip on it for appearances.=
For my money, this is the post of the year. Well done.
- Just Sayin - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:28 pm:
==I miss Brenda Edgar.==
But did she ever talk to Janis Cellini?
- Manchester - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:34 pm:
Totally fair. I am 100% sick of the ultra right Christian schtick. They want to impose their rigid views on the entire population.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:38 pm:
- Just Sayin -
Are you comparing Brenda Edgar to Cindy Bailey… via Janis Cellini?
You’ve been on a personal lockdown way too long. Get some sunshine and fresh air… whew.
It should also be noted that “whataboutism” is predicated on the idea that one is right and the criticism is likely just, the goal is to soften that truth or thise facts by trying to include a wrinkle of warped hypocrisy that deflects.
- zatoichi - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 12:56 pm:
Fair hit. She is officially representing her husband’s campaign as a candidate and has sent the social media material out. She did not have to do that. Once she did there are no go backs. There is no ‘out of context’ here, her words, her effort. As othes said, she stepped into the arena.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:00 pm:
The axiom—It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt— fits Cindy Bailey’s remarks.
One of Cindy Bailey’s posts captures a map with this “Poland has a strict no-migrant policy. Draw your own conclusions.”
About the migrants…and the Bailey farm workers. Hmmm?
- Excitable Boy - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:25 pm:
Anyone remember when Bailey was sharing fake stories about Pritzker’s teenage daughter? If not:
Spare us the crying, Darren.
- PublicServant - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:27 pm:
Biblically fair.
- H-W - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:34 pm:
It is a fair hit, to criticize Ms. Bailey. Ms. Bailey has a large presence in Mr. Bailey political realm, and has played an intentional role in advocating for policies that will create inequality of access in society and in Illinois. She is in short, a political figure (and as noted, she used to reveal in that).
Ms. Bailey is intentionally in the political realm, and thus criticism of the views of a potential spouse of a potential executive officer is justifiable.
- Big Dipper - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:37 pm:
Bailey says he wants a debate but is too scared to have a press conference?
- ArchPundit - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:40 pm:
Fair hit–she is active in the campaign and is spouting hateful rhetoric and disinformation. These aren’t benign posts on tax policy or how to improve the state IT system–they are targeting minority groups with hateful tropes and just straight up disinformation in some cases.
- thisjustinagain - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 1:57 pm:
It’s not hate if you say you love everyone…or something, I dunno. (SARCASM). But how showing anyone’s very own words is a hit piece remains utterly baffling. Rich’s politics are what they are, but he breaks his back to get the actual words, posts, photos instead of somebody else’s summary for CFB. Better a hit piece than gaslighting and whitewashing.
- Dotnonymous - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:00 pm:
Act like a political player…get treated like one.
- MisterJayEm - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:08 pm:
“Fair hit on Cindy Bailey or not?”
Fair (although I’m not totally convinced that pointing to something that someone has unquestionably said even qualifies as a “hit”)
– MrJM
- Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:19 pm:
Cindy bailey; “You mean that people who don’t believe exactly as I do read my facebook? How dare they use my own words against me (banned punctuation)”
- Lefty Lefty - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:32 pm:
Well my prior comment is blocked. It wasn’t the use of “h(asterisk)(asterisk)(asterisk)hole” since Hell is right up above. Maybe I should capitalize it? Don’t use asterisks?
Or was it “what the heck?” Is “heck” banned?
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 2:53 pm:
Regarding the update:
“I’ll stop telling the truth about your wife when you stop lying about my daughter.”
- Amalia - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 3:06 pm:
the more I read from Cindy Bailey the more disgusted I am. Approaching level of ready to go protest her appearances disgusted.
- Fivegreenleaves - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 4:35 pm:
The more I see Darren Bailey, the more frustrated I get because as a bible-believing Christian, he is not what my faith represents.
To those of you who are judging Christianity by Darren Bailey, please don’t. Research Jesus for yourself. Seek your answers based on the bible, not Darren Bailey. Not all of us are Darren Bailey Christians. I’m not, and I’m voting for JB Pritzker.
- Mike Sorensen - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 4:56 pm:
=When you post on social media it’s in the public domain.=
While I agree with the overall sentiment, this needs a bit of rephrasing. As a photographer that has had my photos (hired for a campaign) pulled off of social media and used in an attack ad, I can tell you that it is NOT public domain.
It’s in the public eye and certainly open for commentary and criticism, but “public domain” means free and clear of ownership, and that’s not the case at all.
Just to make a clarifying note.
- Pundent - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 5:13 pm:
=As a photographer that has had my photos (hired for a campaign) pulled off of social media and used in an attack ad, I can tell you that it is NOT public domain.=
There’s a distinction between publishing works which may be subject to copyright vs. spreading your views and opinions. In this instance we’re seeing nothing more than an individuals public statements shared with a larger audience. As you own your photos, Cindy Bailey owns her words. And I would never take them from her.
- MoralMinority - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 5:34 pm:
==Cindy Bailey’s Facebook page has said she is the “chief consultant, strategist and cheerleader” for her spouse’s gubernatorial campaign.==That explains a lot about the trajectory of Darren’s campaign.
- Lurker - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 6:53 pm:
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you think Darren is scary, wait until you hear Cindy
- Lurker - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 7:04 pm:
And to the question, not only is it fair but it is encouraged by Bailey. Remember? He likes when JB pays to get his messages out there (well, at least in the primary)
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 7:11 pm:
What you said.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 11, 22 @ 7:54 pm:
Didn’t read the article but not fair to Cindy Pritzker at all
- MoralMinority - Friday, Aug 12, 22 @ 2:04 am:
==punishment for reading a book they didn’t like==I sure hope that punishment didn’t also include making them drink Mountain Dew.