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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* She’ll never provide proof to the Daily Herald or anyone else because there is no proof. But, she’s serving what I think is her purpose: Raise lots of small-dollar contributions which then get spent by DC consultants

Even though the claim has been debunked as a hoax, Republican congressional candidate Catalina Lauf is standing by a recent tweet in which she said some schools provide litter boxes for students who like pretending they’re anthropomorphic animals.

“I hear story after story from teachers and school administrators detailing meetings about this ‘furry’ trend in (Illinois) public schools,” Lauf, of Woodstock, told the Daily Herald in an email.

When repeatedly asked to share proof of such activity, Lauf provided none.

* Also from the Daily Herald

The two candidates for Illinois’ U.S. Senate seat — both suburban women — challenged each other’s records on women’s rights, abortion access, guns and a bevy of other issues in a candidate forum Monday where little middle ground was found.

In the forum organized by the Illinois Associated Press Media Editors collaboration, Democratic incumbent Tammy Duckworth said her opponent, attorney Kathy Salvi of Mundelein, “wants to rip freedom from women” because of her “dangerous anti-choice views on abortion.”

But Salvi argued Duckworth was an “extremist” on the abortion issue, saying “there isn’t an abortion she doesn’t support.”

Duckworth, of Hoffman Estates, reiterated multiple times she supports codifying abortion access as outlined in the now-overturned Roe vs. Wade case.

* Scott Kennedy on vote by mail totals…


“Amendment 1 would make our state even less business-friendly and less competitive right as businesses already leave our state in droves. It would empower and make state and city bureaucrats and employees even less efficient and accountable than they are now. This constitutional referendum grants super-legislative powers to union bosses that could only be changed by further constitutional referendums, not legislative action. Illinois voters should reject Amendment 1 as the government union power grab and trojan horse pathway to tax increases that it is,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Don Tracy

* Darren Bailey at a Burr Ridge fundraiser yesterday. I can’t tell if they’re social distancing or it’s just a smaller than expected turnout /s


* Local…

…Adding… Pantagraph editor…

Whew. Getting really bad in that county.

* Roundup by Isabel…

* GOP contender Scott Gryder says local experience could help him unseat U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood in congressional race: Republican congressional hopeful Scott Gryder said he was inspired to challenge Democratic incumbent Lauren Underwood after boundaries were redrawn by the Illinois General Assembly based on 2020 census results. The 14th Congressional District shifted away from some of the far western and northwestern suburbs to instead represent Democratic-leaning Joliet and Underwood’s hometown of Naperville westward through conservative Kendall County farmland into rural LaSalle County.

* Trump-backed Miller, off hotly-contested primary, takes on Lange for 15th District seat: Miller, a Donald Trump acolyte who is completing her freshman term in Congress, faces Democrat Paul Lange of Mendon in the Nov. 8 election. Lange has virtually no name recognition and little cash on hand for his campaign.

* Durbin weighs in on City Council race: In case you missed it, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. has weighed in with an endorsement in one of Chicago’s aldermanic races. Durbin endorsed Kim Walz, running to succeed the retiring James Cappleman in the North Side’s 46th Ward. Currently a community liaison for Walgreens, Walz is a former aide to U.S. Rep. Mike Quigley, D-Chicago, (who also endorsed her) and once worked for Durbin, so the nod is not unexpected.

* Human Rights Campaign Endorses Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul for Reelection: Today the Human Rights Campaign PAC (HRC PAC) announced its endorsement of Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul for reelection. HRC PAC is committed to engaging its volunteers, members and supporters to mobilize the nearly 3 million Equality Voters in Illinois in support of Attorney General Raoul and other pro-equality candidates up and down the ballot.

* ISU students share their most important campaign topics as midterms approach: Senior finance major Freddy Olmedo said how the controversial topic of gun violence is a major concern to him. “Something that has been concerning me is the violence in Chicago that has been out of control lately,” Olmedo said …Senior social work major Daniela Vargas said that she is most interested in hearing about conversations surrounding abortion rights.

* Here’s how to watch Pritzker, Bailey face off in their first Illinois governor debate: Democratic incumbent Gov. JB Pritzker and Republican state Sen. Darren Bailey will participate in an hourlong debate starting at 7 p.m. at the Illinois State University campus in Normal. WGN-TV news anchor Tahman Bradley and WCIA-TV news anchor Jennifer Roscoe are the moderators for the debate, which will be covered by all 10 television markets in the state. Springfield viewers can tune to WCIA-TV, Channel 3 on Comcast, both on TV and through its website for this debate and the one scheduled Oct. 18 at the WGN-TV studio in Chicago.


  1. - Steve - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:49 pm:

    The Gryder race is a race to watch. He could win and become a big voice in the Illinois GOP. Don’t bet against greatness from Oswego.

  2. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:54 pm:

    It looks like Darren Bailey is about to sell them some time shares.

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:55 pm:

    -When repeatedly asked to share proof of such activity, Lauf provided none.-

    I want to see proof of those litter boxes right meow.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:55 pm:

    “Nothing happens in Illinois until Oswego has her say”

    - Hamlet Motto, maybe

    My favorite posts are usually “Campaign Notebook”

    Lauf-A-Bel is a conspiracy theorist who’s muppet like qualities allow for ATM goodness.

    My fear is Lauf, if she loses and worse gets blown out will be one to sow “election fraud” as a narrative… and to grift some more.

  5. - Jerry - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:57 pm:

    Who’s gonna pay for all of these litter boxes? Clean them? Dispose of them?

  6. - Are Ya Kidding Me? - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 2:58 pm:

    Has anyone started sending Kitty Litter to the Lauf campaign ?

  7. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    =“I hear story after story from teachers and school administrators detailing meetings about this ‘furry’ trend in (Illinois) public schools,” =

    The only conversations we (and yes, I speak for all admin in Illinois/s) are having is with parents and community members to DEBUNK the total nonsense.

    Don’t be such a lauf-ingstock cat-alina (banned punctuation).

  8. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:09 pm:

    I never ever ever thought I would see the day where Allen Keyes would be a better candidate than who the Republicans are running this year. The LaRushies made more sense

  9. - AlfondoGonz - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    Everyone knows a Catalina has 9 lies.

  10. - Bunga - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    seeing how DCCC is pulling ads from IL-13, definitely confirms what I’ve been saying for a while is that they’re confident that Budzinski will win

  11. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:12 pm:

    An A1 from Salvi to Bailey seems a lot like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  12. - tea_and_honey - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:18 pm:

    As a reminder that McLean county clerk is the same one that “accidentally” left her laptop out in the rain making the data unrecoverable for an ethics probe she was facing. Hope she plans to handle the gun more responsibly than the laptop.

  13. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:24 pm:

    -“accidentally” left her laptop out in the rain’-

    And you thought MacArthur Park was a terrible song before.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:31 pm:

    ===“Amendment 1 would make our state even less business-friendly and less competitive right as businesses already leave our state in droves. It would empower and make state and city bureaucrats and employees even less efficient and accountable than they are now.”===

    Rauner lost by 15 points.

    This amendment is to codify what Rauner wanted ruined.

    The Floridian Rauner can care less now if it passes.

    Tracy should be concerned that he refuses to condemn racist thinkers, conspiracy theorists, and insurrection apologists. Any critique to a want to “better business climate” is being told to people by a person embracing the worst elements of democracy

  15. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:32 pm:

    === The Gryder race is a race to watch. He could win and become a big voice in the Illinois GOP. Don’t bet against greatness from Oswego. ===

    There’s no evidence Gryder gaining traction in IL-14. He has no TV ad buys, no independent expenditures from super PACs supporting or opposing him, and he hasn’t announced his 3rd quarter fundraising.

    Ratings for IL-14: Cook has it Likely Democrat, Sabato has Leans Democrat, and no ratings changes since before the primary.

  16. - btowntruth from forgottonia - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    “I hear story after story from teachers and school administrators detailing meetings about this ‘furry’ trend in (Illinois) public schools,”

    Key word is “story”.

  17. - Facts Matter - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:39 pm:

    It is a close call between Mill and Burgundy for the best comment of this thread.

  18. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:52 pm:

    –Clerk wants to be able to keep a gun there.–

    Take a lesson from Will County, when one of our county board members said they wanted to be able to bring a gun to board meetings.

    “Sure, but if we allow you to do it, then we will have to allow *everyone* to do it, meaning the public - including the people you are worried about.”

    Amazingly, the request from the board member went away right after that.

    Use their entitled selfishness against them. They want special treatment, not equal treatment. A person like this will *never* choose the option that treats everyone equally.

  19. - cover - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 3:59 pm:

    = It looks like Darren Bailey is about to sell them some time shares. =

    Those timeshares all happen to be located around Fort Myers. “Oh, how you can get stucco”

  20. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 4:03 pm:

    Going with Ron Burgundy with “right meow” and AlfonsoGonz with “9 lies” for best comments of the day.

  21. - Nagidam - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 7:33 pm:

    The election data would mean more in relationship to other years data at the same time. 600K ballots outstanding with like 1,800 returned to me sounds like a disaster. But I don’t have any context.

  22. - granville - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 7:44 pm:

    @Nagidam I was going to say the same thing. Is

  23. - Amalia - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 8:09 pm:

    so when do we start the show us your Catalina litter memes/photos?

  24. - Ares - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 10:59 pm:

    If CD-15 can be recovered, so can the Nation.

  25. - Candy Dogood - Wednesday, Oct 5, 22 @ 11:26 pm:

    === I can’t tell if they’re social distancing or it’s just a smaller than expected===

    This is a fair concern, but I was too distracted by wondering why none of their suits fit properly to ponder it.

  26. - MisterJayEm - Thursday, Oct 6, 22 @ 8:29 am:

    “I was too distracted by wondering why none of their suits fit properly to ponder it.”

    The pandemic has been rough on everyone — even on the people that denied its existence.

    – MrJM

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