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Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Oct 12, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Crain’s got something new out of the governor today

But with Illinois not yet luring big facilities such as those recently announced in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and other states, Illinois could use a big deal-closing fund, Pritzker said—essentially a pot of money the governor is empowered to dip into to sweeten economic development deals when the competition with other states is tight. “Michigan has, I believe, a $1 billion fund. They can just write a check,” he said. “It would be great if we had a closing fund in Illinois.”

Pritzker’s apparent reference was to Michigan’s Strategic Outreach & Attraction Reserve Fund, which can provide grants or loans for “infrastructure improvements, capital investments, acquisition of machinery and job training.” Officials there say the fund has been a major success.

Asked if he’ll ask Illinois lawmakers to authorize such a fund—Texas created such a program decades ago—Pritzker suggested it would depend on whether the state has an available budget surplus.

* Jim Rapp

State law has long provided that when a constitutional amendment is on the ballot, the secretary of state is to send out a pamphlet explaining the proposal. This is the Illinois Constitutional Amendment Act (5 ILCS 20/0.01).

Among the requirements under the law are that the Secretary of State publish a pamphlet with the proposal along with an explanation of the amendment. Important, too, is a requirement that the pamphlet include arguments both for and against the amendment to better inform voters.

State law also requires the Secretary of State to mail the pamphlet to every mailing address in the state. Yes, the official pamphlet itself. […]

Illinois law was amended (5 ILCS 20/2(f)) to provide that for any proposed constitutional amendment appearing on the Nov. 8 ballot that the pamphlet would not be sent out. Instead, the Secretary of State was directed to instead mail a postcard advising that “a proposed constitutional amendment” will be considered. A URL (or for the non-techie, a Uniform Resource Locator) to a state website then is provided to access the pamphlet.

This special provision was tucked in the FY2023 Budget Implementation Act (Public Act 102-699). The bill was 544 pages long. This only applies to the upcoming election. […]

The postcard doesn’t even say that the amendment relates to our Bill of Rights. It only says “a proposed constitutional amendment” will be voted upon.

Man, when Local 150 wants something…

* Screen shot of Darren Bailey’s new TV ad

With a hat tip to a reader, the person on the left is Grundy County Sheriff Kenneth Briley. The Anti-Defamation League analyzed a large list of Oath Keepers members and Briley turned up on that list. From the Rockford Register-Star

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “the Oath Keepers are a large but loosely organized collection of individuals, some of whom are associated with militias. Though the Oath Keepers will accept anyone as members, they explicitly focus on recruiting current and former military, law enforcement and first-responder personnel.”

Oath Keepers were among the individuals and groups who forcibly entered the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. […]

For the time being, the ADL is only releasing the names of public officials. Other public Illinois officials named include Lewistown Mayor Doug Lafary and Grundy County Sheriff Kenneth Briley.

Data compiled by the ADL showed Illinois has 883 Oath Keeper members.

* Statewide vote by mail totals…

Chicago Board of Elections…

Early Vote and Vote By Mail totals in Chicago, night of Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

The Early Vote total stands at 1,050 ballots cast.

Additionally, 3,712 Vote By Mail ballots have been returned to the Board – total VBM applications stands at 166,151.

The grand total is 4,762 ballots cast so far in Chicago for the November 8th General Election.

That means Chicago VBM is just 5.8 percent of the statewide total. Not a great start.

* We already knew the Gannett thing, but James Norman comes up with another tidbit

Gannett, the largest newspaper publisher in the United States, has taken on as a client a group of controversial conservative publications run by Republican insider Dan Proft, a few weeks after the publications lost their previous printing deal. […]

Postage permits printed on some recent LGIS publications also show The Mail House Inc., out of Mount Prospect, sent some out, a USPS spokesman wrote in an email. An official with The Mail House Inc. on Tuesday said they had no comment.

The Post-Dispatch weighs in on Gannett

The last thing the news industry needs is to have its biggest print publisher, Gannett, participate in the actual production of fake news. In Illinois, Gannett is accepting money to publish fake newspapers that manufacture coverage helping GOP candidates. The fake newspapers carry names like the “West Cook News” and “Chicago City Wire.” They appear to be the handiwork of a Florida-based right-wing activist, Dan Proft, who has taken particular aim at incumbent Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Proft was an Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate in 2010 and has a current talk show on a conservative radio network. […]

Gannett, which also publishes the non-trustworthy Epoch Times, remains silent about such printing contracts. Profiting off operations that help undermine real journalism is abhorrent, no matter how much Gannett needs the money.

* The Republican nominee for DuPage County Board Chair on abortion, via WBBM Radio

Greg Hart, the Republican candidate for DuPage County Board, said there’s very little the board can do involving abortions, and he downplayed the issue. Democratic rival and state Rep. Deb Conroy, though, said the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v. Wade has driven many people to the polls.

“[Roe v. Wade] being overturned by the federal Supreme Court has really triggered people in DuPage County because in Illinois, we are a bastion for being able to trust women to make their own health care decisions,” [The Democratic nominee Rep. Deb Conroy] said.

Still, she agreed the county doesn’t directly drive policy on abortion.

Hart, a current board member, refused to let himself be lumped together with the more conservative members of his party on this issue. He said as the father of a daughter, he has concerns about rolling back any rights, and added that he would not stand in the way of women’s health care.

“There is nothing I will do as county board chairman to restrict a woman’s right to choose, and I’ll always support women’s health initiatives,” Hart said.

But, as the far-right Illinois Family Action points out, this has not always been the case

In fact, as recently as 2018, chameleon Hart responded to a survey from Illinois Right to Life Action that he opposed the legal right of women to choose to have their sons and daughters killed in their wombs. Was Hart lying then, or has he devolved?

Hart, meanwhile, is sending out campaign text messages from his spouse…

* More…

* Casten backs committee investigating Jan. 6 attack; Pekau accuses members of grandstanding: Additionally, even though witnesses have testified at length about the attack and much video evidence has been shared, Pekau argued the committee hasn’t yet presented any results.


  1. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 2:24 pm:

    –Greg Hart, the Republican candidate for DuPage County Board, said there’s very little the board can do involving abortions, and he downplayed the issue.–

    One of the tactics that has surfaced, is attempting to get towns cities and villages to change their zoning ordinances regarding medical facilities in states where abortion is currently legal. If it can’t be wiped out fully at the state level, organizations like the Illinois Family Institute are pushing for these local zoning changes instead to restrict abortion at the local level.

    Currently, they are applying pressure on Rockford Alderman Frank Beach to propose a zoning change to prohibit an abortion clinic from opening in Rockford.

    This is not over in Illinois, not by a long shot. Attempting to downplay the issue as Mr. Hart is doing is not the correct stance to take, even in Illinois, and even for boards that normally wouldn’t have had much to do with the issue - until now.

  2. - H-W - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 2:25 pm:

    I dropped my subscription to Gannett’s McDonough County Boice yesterday. I stopped watching Sinclair’s KHQA television channel several months ago.

    It’s the little thing that matter.

  3. - Anon E Moose - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 2:37 pm:

    “for the non-techie, a Uniform Resource Locator”

    Yeah, that’s how non-techies talk /snark

  4. - AcademicUnionStateEmployee - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 2:56 pm:

    For the record, the Workers Rights Amendment pamphlet can be accessed at this SOS link:

    It is also available in Chinese, Hindi, Polish, Spanish and Urdu in addition to English.

  5. - Franklin - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 2:59 pm:

    Be careful Governor. If the socialists figure out you’re a billionaire business man there will be lots of questions to answer. It’s a good idea, just not in keeping with your base.

  6. - Future - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:00 pm:

    Dems going to let 150 lead them off a cliff

  7. - Marine Life - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:02 pm:

    If Rich will indulge one national reference: Then-Supreme Court candidates Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett downplayed intervening in Roe v. Wade. And look what they did. Why would we believe Bailey, Hart and any other candidate who claims they would leave reproductive choice alone?

  8. - Benjamin - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:04 pm:

    A “closing fund” sounds suspiciously like a way for corporations to siphon more money out of state coffers. I’d be happy if J.B. forgets about this one in January.

  9. - Norseman - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:07 pm:

    === Pekau accuses members of grandstanding ===

    Thank you Captain Obvious. That’s what Congressmen do. Actually, Jan 6 Committee has been the most effective committee I’ve ever seen. Thank you Kevin.

  10. - Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    The screenshot of Darren Bailey’s television ad looks like a lineup.

  11. - sulla - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:16 pm:

    “Michigan has, I believe, a $1 billion fund. They can just write a check,” he said. “It would be great if we had a closing fund in Illinois.”

    Oh, heck yes. Illinois is still running the same incentive programs that DCCA created in the mid 1980’s, which are antiquated and fall well short of what our competitor states are able to offer. This would be a huge step in the right direction for economic development in Illinois.

  12. - Chris - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:26 pm:

    “ for the non-techie, a Uniform Resource Locator”

    If that’s for the non-techie, I’d hate to see what the techie version is.

    Isn’t the true non-techie equivalent a “web address” or similar?

  13. - Arsenal - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:36 pm:

    ==Dems going to let 150 lead them off a cliff==

    Frankly, 150 has better political instincts than a lot of GA Dems. It has to, too many of it’s members are…not exectly DSA members, let’s say.

  14. - Donnie Elgin - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:46 pm:

    “But with Illinois not yet luring big facilities…pot of money”

    Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, and Iowa are RTW states. JB better have a huge pot.

  15. - Henry Francis - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:55 pm:

    That screen shot of Bailey’s ad is something. 6 balding, middle aged white guys. That is Bailey’s Illinois. That is MAGA’s ‘merica.

  16. - Excitable Boy - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 3:56 pm:

    - Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Michigan, and Iowa are RTW states. -

    And yet Illinois’ economy dwarfs each of them. Go figure.

  17. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 4:13 pm:

    Thumbs down on the slush fund idea. The money would be better spent on infrastructure or education. I think those factors weigh much more heavily in most relocation decisions than any incentives anyway.

  18. - Old time Independent - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 5:14 pm:

    Pekau accuses members of grandstanding. Well coming from a Carnival Barker like him he knows a expert grandstander when he sees one.

  19. - Hot Taeks - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 6:57 pm:

    I haven’t even received my mail-in ballot yet.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Oct 12, 22 @ 7:56 pm:

    I love me some “Campaign Notebook”

    To this…

    ===That means Chicago VBM is just 5.8 percent of the statewide total. Not a great start.===

    How much of an effect on this turnout is the large number of Aldermen retiring?

    Lightfoot lacking an standing apparatus and wards losing incumbent aldermen who use to use the fall as the dry run for February, it’s an interesting snapshot to where turnout is and the challenges.

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