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Campaign notebook

Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dan Proft has done this a few times in the past, and now he’s done it again

Some 85 in 100 Illinois journalists and news media executives lean Democrat, according to an analysis of primary voting records by Prairie State Wire.

The analysis tracked the Illinois State Board of Elections’ public voter files of 400+ journalists and news media staff working across the state, identifying 225 who have voted in a primary election and declared a political party. […]

Of the 26 who voted in more GOP primaries, eleven were from outside the Chicagoland area. They include Capitol Fax publisher Rich Miller of Springfield, who has voted in five GOP primaries and four Democrat ones.

I vote in primaries where there are contested races that I’m interested in. If I voted in Cook County, most of the contested local races would be Democratic. I mean, Chicago resident Amy Jacobson, who is about as out there on the right as one can get, has voted in 4 Democratic primaries. The ratings don’t really mean much.

* Fran Spielman

U.S. Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Ill.) would easily defeat Mayor Lori Lightfoot in a runoff — and he’s the only top challenger who’d win a head-to-head match-up, according to a new poll, bankrolled by Garcia, that makes it likely he will join the race.

“It’s further encouragement to consider taking the dive into the race. … If I sense that there is a way forward and that I can win the support of people across Chicagoland, I’m inclined to do so,” Garcia, whose supporters have been circulating his nominating petitions for weeks, told the Sun-Times Monday.

“Getting a strong mandate from voters across Chicago would be important. Finding the financial resources to run an effective campaign is another consideration and, of course, I’m working on that,” he added. “Chicago is facing some very serious challenges that will require that everyone lend a hand and be involved in moving the city forward.”


* I do not quite understand the continuing support by trade unions of former House Speaker Michael Madigan

WTTW News counted five dozen contributions [to the 13th Ward Democratic Organization] since Madigan’s March 2020 indictment, the bulk of which came from labor groups.

Just last Wednesday, the Illinois Union of Operating Engineers (I.U.O.E. Local 150) Local Area Political Action Committee and the Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC each gave $59,900, the full amount they’re allotted to under law.

The Engineers Political Education Committee (listed as the 13th Ward Democratic Organization’s all-time top donor, with $391,200 in contributions) and the Laborers’ Political League Great Lakes Region each gave the max amount in September, while the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) Chicago Laborers’ District Council PAC did so in August.

Multiple unions contacted by WTTW News did not return calls seeking comment.

The operating engineers’ union issued a statement, saying “Local 150 has a longstanding relationship with the 13th Ward Democratic Organization, which advocates for many policies and candidates that we support.”

Yes, he was really good to the trade union folks. But he’s gone now and he’s never coming back.

And he’s using some of their cash to buy Sox tickets…

* DPI press release…

New FEC filings reveal GOP congressional candidate and current Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau accepted thousands of dollars of campaign donations last week from Orland Park contractors to whom he had awarded lucrative taxpayer-funded contracts. In 2019, Keith Pekau was investigated for dishing out lucrative government contracts as part of a pay-to-play scheme. Now, he’s at it again.

Pekau’s 48-hour report filed Friday revealed he has accepted $6,250 in donations from employees of Edwards Realty. Pekau voted to give Edwards Realty a TEXT $10,000 a month consulting contract with the Village of Orland Park last year, and voted again this past August to grant the company another development contract. 

Despite reservations from village trustees, Pekau led Orland Park in approving the new contract for Edwards Realty last March. Coincidentally, Pekau has accepted over $18,000 from the consulting firm and its executives since 2017, including $1,000 just weeks before Pekau voted to approve the first contract. 

Keith Pekau has made it clear time and time again that he values himself over the residents of Orland Park. Voters are tired of corrupt, self-interested politicians — and they’ll remember the truth about Keith Pekau at the ballot box.

* From a Tribune endorsement

We also like her idea to set up a new “211″ service line that would connect families with state, county and nonprofit resources.

From the Illinois Department of Human Services

211 is an easy to remember telephone number assigned by the Federal Communications Commission to streamline access to health and human services.

211 is available on a 24-hour basis to connect residents to a wide variety of human services or social services across the state.

If someone needs information or referral services but has little or no prior knowledge or experience, dialing 211 is much simpler than other options. Once the person dials 211, a professional Information and Referral specialist will then either refer or connect that caller to the correct agency based on the services needed.

* Illinois early vote totals…

* Chicago early vote totals…

The most up-to-date Early Vote and Vote By Mail totals in Chicago, night of Monday, October 31, 2022.

The Early Vote total stands at 61,018 ballots cast.

Additionally, 70,147 Vote By Mail ballots have been returned to the Board – total VBM applications stands at 206,815.

The grand total is 131,165 ballots cast so far in Chicago for the November 8th General Election.


As of June 21, 2022 (7 days out from the 6/28/22 Primary Election): 52,197 ballots cast

As of October 26, 2020 (7 days out from the 11/3/20 Presidential Election): 553,307 ballots cast

As of October 29, 2018 (7 days out from the 11/6/18 General Election): 132,065 ballots cast

Illinois as a whole was ahead of 2018 by about 100,000 votes as of yesterday. This shows Chicago is still behind 2018 early voting as of this morning.

* Isabel’s roundup…

    * In campaign that has raised social issues, US Rep. Sean Casten looks to cement power against Keith Pekau: Pekau said Awake Illinois is made up of “normal people, they’re not violent in any way or any of that. They’re just parents who care about their kids.” “I don’t know what their broader positions are,” Pekau said. “The people that I’ve talked to from Awake Illinois, they’re parents that are concerned, and they want their children to be children. They want their children — they don’t want (critical race theory) in their classrooms. They don’t want their children being exposed to a bunch of sexual (themes) in their classrooms. I agree with those positions.” Casten, who has publicly battled with Awake Illinois so much that he says the group has threatened to take legal action against him, scoffed at that.

    * Fact Check | Gov. J. B. Pritzker’s attack on opponent Sen. Darren Bailey’s school: We dig through the details of an ad funded by Illinois governor JB Pritzker against his Republican opponent State Senator Darren Bailey.

    * Madigan skips arraignment as lawyers enter plea of not guilty on new AT&T conspiracy charges: Madigan was not required to be on the phone because his attorneys invoked a rarely used procedural rule allowing criminal defendants to waive their right to be present for their arraignment under certain circumstances. […] The hearing before U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Cole lasted less than three minutes, most of which was taken up by attorneys identifying themselves on the line. Cole set a status hearing before the trial judge, U.S. District Judge Robert Blakey, for Nov. 17.

    * Abraham Lincoln is a role model for today’s turbulent times: First lesson: Incremental progress is important for solving difficult policy problems. The book traces such progress, from the abolition of slavery in Washington, D.C. in 1862, to the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in states that had seceded in 1863, to the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery in 1865. Today, this approach can be used to strengthen gun laws. Both liberal Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rotering and conservative U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., agree that Congress raising the minimum age for purchase of assault weapons to 21, with narrow exceptions, is a possible step focused on individuals with the greatest propensity to engage in mass shootings.

    * Republican McConchie, Democrat Peterson exchanges jabs in League of Women Voters candidate forum for state Senate 26th District: “My opponent has missed key votes on critical gun violence laws,” Peterson said. “Your absence has weakened these laws by letting people get killed in Highland Park, Aurora, Waukegan and Chicago. Your absence is more devastating than my being six days late on a real estate tax bill.” McConchie offered an explanation for his voting record. “I did miss a number of votes, but unfortunately, I was in the hospital. I have a spinal cord injury and I have health issues associated with the disability,” McConchie said. “I’m sorry, Maria, I missed a vote that day. I appreciate you not using my disability against me in that way.”

    * Hurley faces Hebein in 35th District race: “I will fight to get our communities what we deserve,” Hurley said. “I will fight to improve public safety, support our small businesses, invest in our communities, and ensure access to quality schools with increased access to vocational programs while fighting against attempts to raise taxes even further.” Hebein did not return the questionnaire sent by The Beverly Review.

    * Education, taxes at the forefront for candidates vying for state representative seat: Republican Joe Sosnowski faces a challenge from Democrat Peter Janko for State Representative from Illinois’ 69th legislative district, which encompasses much of Boone County and sections of Rockford, Cherry Valley and McHenry County. Ahead of the Nov. 8 election, we asked the candidates what the most pressing issues they’ll face if elected and what they would do about them. Here is a closer look at the candidates.

    * The right’s worst offenders on Paul Pelosi conspiracy theories: The details also poke even more gaping holes in (and in some cases outright debunk) the conspiracy theories dismissing or downplaying the political nature of the attack — including theories promoted by some of the most prominent right-leaning figures in the country. Let’s run through what some of those people have said and how those comments have aged (poorly, and rather quickly).

* Endorsements…


  1. - Concerned Observer - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:07 pm:

    I know my share of people on that list. And I want to congratulate them on being important enough to have made it. I bet in most cases, they’re surprised they made it too.

    I also have my eyebrow up over who did NOT make that list, but, whatever.

  2. - Amalia - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:11 pm:

    Amy Jacobson voted as a Democrat? did they make her go through a purification ceremony to get her radio gig?

  3. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:24 pm:

    Amy Jacobson is a Democratic plant. Spread the word. /s

  4. - Montrose - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:31 pm:

    I’m going back and forth on whether it is better to have both Brandon Johnson and Chuy Garcia in the race or if the left coalesced around one of them from day one.

    Given how Chicago city elections work, it may be that having both of them in helps ensure Lightfoot is sent to a run off with one of them. I am just not sure if that is the right strategy.

  5. - Future - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:33 pm:

    Really hope people are paying attention to labor union ridiculousness.

  6. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:39 pm:

    Good to see Proft is relying on such reliable sources.

    “according to an analysis of primary voting records by Prairie State Wire.”

  7. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:45 pm:

    ==Prairie State Wire==

    I hardly think the Prairie State Wire can credibly complain about the political leanings of reporters.

  8. - DuPage parent - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:47 pm:

    There was great turnout in north Naperville for Stephanie Trussell Halloween meet and greet at a private home event. There are also Devore signs at every other home in south Naperville subdivision of Oak Creek. Dupage is blue but I think it will be closer than everyone thinks.

  9. - Groucho - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:48 pm:

    Montrose - Having both Chuy and Johnson in the race and all the other progressives may send Vallas into the runoff.

  10. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:49 pm:

    Why am I supposed to care what primary the sports reporter votes in, Dan Proft?

    Anyway good for these journalists doing their civic duty and voting. Presumably they are at least as well informed as the average citizen and likely have more up close and personal experience with what these politicians are really like. Good for them not being cowed into not voting in an attempt to appease the objectivity cultists who would never be satisfied anyway.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:52 pm:

    In the primary those franchises were showing that kind of support for another GOP candidate, I thought it was funny/odd then, it’s funny/odd now.

    The Casten / Awake Illinois story is seemingly more turning towards who/what Awake Illinois is and not much about Casten as the sunshine has turned.

    Casten has run a fairly smart and sharp race, so much about this race is about how this district is drawn, but to a larger scale how this district is drawn after Dobbs and after the economy has swung. It’s been an interesting watch.

  12. - Jerry - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:57 pm:

    Prophit lost me with his Cultural Marxist “prairie state wire.”

  13. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 1:57 pm:

    ==There was great turnout in north Naperville for Stephanie Trussell Halloween meet and greet at a private home event.==

    And the line to trick or treat at the Governor’s Mansion was really long, too.

    We can go anecdote for anecdote on this stuff.

  14. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    Whenever I hear contentions like Proft’s, I think back to the Royko piece where, when in public being asked “Why is the media liberal?” he’d say (paraphrasing) “Are. ‘Why are the media liberal?’ Media is plural.”

    He then went on to talk about, among other things, witnessing the likes of Bull Connor. There are many other examples, but aren’t Illinois-centric.

  15. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    -There was great turnout in north Naperville for Stephanie Trussell Halloween meet and greet at a private home event.-

    Unless it’s a really big house, it’s just how many people you can cram in a house. So what? And signs don’t vote.

  16. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:01 pm:

    “And he’s using some of their cash to buy Sox tickets…”
    At least he’s not wasting it on Cubs tickets.

  17. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:02 pm:

    ===Yes, he was really good to the trade union folks. But he’s gone now and he’s never coming back.===

    Yes, but why take a chance?

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:04 pm:

    Signs don’t vote.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:09 pm:

    To the post,

    Chuy making the decision to run is kind of confusing to where Chuy actually sits on the politics of Chicago.

    Chuy has all the juice and is someone that you “may need” and you call when you are making your own political decisions now.

    Taking on the city; crime, budgets, transportation, unions, CPS, “Springfield”… why take on this burden now?

  20. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:19 pm:

    We think a better question is how Capt Fax looks in a two piece.
    Also another tell tale the Tribbies endorsement era is about over was the importance given a college volleyballers prowess as a endorsement credit

  21. - jackmac - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:27 pm:

    Seven more days and Dan Proft goes away (at least temporarily).

  22. - Retired SURS Employee - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:35 pm:

    I am presently reading Jon Meacham’s book on Lincoln. It’s excellent. Highly recommended.

  23. - Montrose - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:46 pm:

    “Having both Chuy and Johnson in the race and all the other progressives may send Vallas into the runoff.”

    Ugh. You are right. That’s scary.

  24. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:48 pm:

    What would be the point of voting in a Republican primary in Chicago? They often don’t even field candidates for judge etc.

  25. - Regular democrat - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 2:52 pm:

    President and vp coming in this weekend I wonder if the races a lot closer than people think

  26. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===President and vp coming in this weekend===


  27. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:10 pm:

    ==President and vp coming in this weekend I wonder if the races a lot closer than people think==

    That doesn’t quite make sense; if the races are close, then Biden and Harris are *way* underwater, so you wouldn’t bring them in to save anything.

    More likely, it’s about money.

  28. - Middle Way - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:11 pm:

    “Retired SURS Employee” - I agree with you on Meacham’s book. It’s an easy to digest overview of what really drove Lincoln’s actions throughout his life. Would be perfect to incorporate into a high school civics course

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:14 pm:

    ===That doesn’t quite make sense===

    Finding out “where” is why I asked to the “what”

  30. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:16 pm:

    ==Finding out “where” is why I asked to the “what”==

    And indeed, I can’t find any confirmation that Biden is coming to IL.

  31. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:31 pm:

    -President and vp coming in this weekend-

    And why would they travel together? Seems like baseless rumormongering to me.

  32. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:34 pm:

    @Dupage mom- you may want to click on the link to the Bailey school fact check. I sure hope you don’t have daughters. Ouch

    Was it an Awake Illinois meeting too?

    North Naperville? Never heard that one.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 3:50 pm:

    ===will be here===


    Context matters

  34. - Slapshot - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 4:53 pm:

    == Having both Chuy and Johnson in the race and all the other progressives may send Vallas into the runoff.==

    Did anybody read the poll where Chuy has 14% support and Johnson 3%? How many millions do you think it’s gonna take for Johnson to catch up or I retake Chuy in this race. Mind you, this is Brandon “Defund the Police” Johnson.

  35. - Slapshot - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 4:56 pm:

    == … why take on this burden now?==

    It’s a valid question. I think it’s because Lightfoot has been so bad, because so many are pledging support, the field is weak, and he can truly make a difference. Plus it’s time for a Latino mayor of Chicago.

    Also, let’s not forget that Chuy retains his congressional seat if he loses.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 5:08 pm:

    ===Lightfoot has been so bad, because so many are pledging support===

    Thing is, in both items, it’s about ego then, not about a need or want.

    ===the field is weak, and he can truly make a difference===

    The field is indeed weak, the different part is debatable and up for discussion. If it were easy…

    ===it’s time for a Latino mayor of Chicago.

    Also, let’s not forget that Chuy retains his congressional seat if he loses.===

    More points for the “ego” argument.

    The downside is the … the burden and expectations of being a mayor in 2023

    You’re not wrong. The question, however…

  37. - regular democrat - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 6:25 pm:

    I am not sure at this time exactly where they are going. Stay tuned.

  38. - Tired teacher - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 8:07 pm:

    No car washes there; place is dirty .

  39. - What about… - Tuesday, Nov 1, 22 @ 10:16 pm:

    I’m reading “And There Was Light” by Meacham too. I was on the pre-order list after reading his book “The Soul of America.”
    Had the chance to listen to him speak, you could hear a pin drop in the audience. Highly recommend, struggling to remain hopeful in these turbulent times.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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