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Deal cut on assault weapons ban

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There is a deal on assault weapons. HB5471.

Senate President Don Harmon said the bill provides for an “immediate ban on manufacture, delivery, sale, import or purchase of assault weapons, assault weapon attachments, 50 caliber rifles and 50 caliber cartridges. It also bans rapid fire devices, those attachments to weapons that can dramatically increase the rate of fire of a semi automatic weapons. Ban the manufacture, delivery sale or purchase or possession of large capacity magazines. For long guns, it’s a 10 round magazine. For handguns, it’s 15. We do grandfather possession of both the firearms and the magazines for the firearms.” On that point, FOID cardholders would submit the make, model and serial number of their weapon. They’re also expanding the duration of the firearms restraining order from six months to one year.

More in a bit, but they’re debating the bill now.

…Adding… Sen. Darren Bailey just said he and “millions” of others “will not comply” if the bill becomes law. Republican Sen. Neil Anderson claimed that the 2nd Amendment authorized citizens to possess “weapons of war.”

…Adding… “‘The right of the people to keep and bear arms’ is intended to produce a secure state,” Senate President Harmon said, quoting the US Constitution in closing. “We do not have a secure state.” “We’ll see you in court.”

…Adding… The bill passed and heads to the House…

…Adding… Press release…

Gov. JB Pritzker, House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch and Senate President Don Harmon issued a joint statement in support of a sweeping assault weapons ban. The Senate passed the legislation Monday and the House is expected to put final approval on it Tuesday to send to the governor’s desk.

Joint statement from the three leaders:

“After continued negotiations between the leaders, stakeholders and advocates, we have reached a deal on one of the strongest assault weapons bans in the country.

“Gun violence is an epidemic that is plaguing every corner of this state and the people of Illinois are demanding substantive action. With this legislation we are delivering on the promises Democrats have made and, together, we are making Illinois’ gun laws a model for the nation.”

Key components of HB5471 include:

    · Immediately ends the sale, delivery and purchase of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The legislation includes a comprehensive, detailed and updated list of assault weapons subject to the ban. High capacity magazines are also prohibited.

    · Strengthens assault weapons ban by allowing Illinois State Police to update as needed.

    · Those already owning guns on the assault weapons list would have to provide information to the Illinois State Police.

    · Immediately bans the possession and use of rapid-fire devices that increase the firing rate of semiautomatic weapons.

    · Expedites the implementation of universal background checks.

    · Does not change the FOID card age.

…Adding… Press release…

Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, and Brady released statements applauding Illinois Senate lawmakers for passing the Protect Illinois Communities Act, a critical gun violence prevention legislative package. The bill now returns to the Illinois House for concurrence.

“Today, Illinois lawmakers listened to voters and agreed on a package of common-sense policies to get assault weapons and high-capacity magazines off the streets, help keep guns away from people in crisis, and hold illegal gun traffickers accountable for taking advantage of weak laws in neighboring states,” said John Fienblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “ This victory was made possible by Illinois Moms Demand Action volunteers, who were a constant presence in Springfield. Everytown is grateful to Representative Morgan, Speaker Welch, President Harmon, Governor Pritzker, and their colleagues for honoring the victims and survivors of gun violence, from Highland Park to the South Side of Chicago, with lifesaving laws.”

“Since July 4th of 2022, thousands of activists across Illinois have been asking their legislative leaders to produce strong, effective gun violence prevention legislation. Today, leaders like Representative Bob Morgan, Speaker Welch, President Harmon, and Governor Pritzker came together to introduce and pass a strong gun safety bill that will get assault weapons off the streets,” said Peter Ambler, executive director of Giffords. “Giffords thanks all of those who worked hard to make this day happen, including groups like GPAC and Protect Illinois Communities.”

“Brady applauds the passage of this life-saving legislation that will better protect communities across Illinois. Put simply, weapons of war have no place in civilian hands and in our communities at large,” said Kris Brown, president of Brady. “This assault weapons ban will add to Illinois’ record of strong gun laws and help prevent tragedies like Highland Park and countless others from occurring again. We have the power to prevent these uniquely American tragedies, and a ban on weapons of war and the magazines that further increase their lethality is a critical step towards that future.”

This omnibus package was introduced during the Illinois veto session in December. It includes legislation that would prohibit assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, prohibit rapid-fire devices that dramatically increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic firearms, facilitate better implementation and efficacy of Illinois’s Firearm Restraining Order (FRO) law, and address illegal gun trafficking in the state. The package introduction came following a year that saw at least 23 mass shootings across the country, including one in Highland Park, where seven people were shot and killed and an additional 48 people were wounded at a July Fourth parade by a shooter using a high capacity assault weapon.

Policy experts and volunteers from Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action, Giffords, and Brady have been at the forefront of advocating for the Protect Illinois Communities Act, attending and testifying at hearings, meeting with legislators, and engaging in public discourse explaining the need for these life-saving measures.

In an average year, 1,505 people die and 2,715 people are wounded by guns in Illinois. Gun violence costs Illinois $18.6 billion each year, of which $625.5 million is paid by taxpayers.

* Press release…

Today, Protect Illinois Communities Chair and President Becky Carroll released the following statement on the Senate’s passage of the Protect Illinois Communities Act:

This is a historic day for our state, as the Protect Illinois Communities Act stands to become one of the strongest gun safety bills in the nation. Soon, survivors and their families throughout Illinois can breathe a little easier knowing that this bill will help save lives. From Chicago to East St. Louis to Highland Park, our communities deserve to live free from the devastating trauma of gun violence. Today, we are taking another step toward making that a reality. 

This moment would not be possible without the countless individuals and organizations who have worked tirelessly, not only in recent months, but for years, to move comprehensive gun reform forward here in Illinois. We appreciate the unrelenting dedication of Brady United, Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords Courage, Gun Violence Prevention PAC, and many others who lent their time, energy, and resources to getting this done.

We applaud the legislature and leadership of both chambers including Speaker Chris Welch and Representative Bob Morgan, the initial bill sponsor of the Protect Illinois Communities Act, and Senate President Don Harmon for their continued collaboration that sets the stage to pass a model assault weapons ban supported by the three leading national gun safety groups.

We also want to thank Governor JB Pritzker for his courageous, vocal leadership and commitment to signing a strong bill. 

* Morgan…

Following is a statement from State Rep. Bob Morgan in response to the Illinois Senate’s passage this evening of SB 5471, a sweeping gun reform bill that includes an assault weapons ban, on Monday evening:

“The Senate stepped up and took bold action to save lives in Illinois tonight, and I applaud Senate President Don Harmon and his Democratic caucus for their leadership. Tomorrow, we have the chance to pass this once and for all, and send it to the Governor’s desk for signature. I urge my fellow Representatives to vote yes.”


  1. - Commissar Gritty - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:09 pm:

    Party of “law and order” as long as the law is used to punish their enemies. They don’t give a toot about the laws if it asks them to change their behavior.

  2. - Big Dipper - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:09 pm:

    Beetle will look good in a prison jumpsuit.

  3. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:14 pm:

    “Sen. Darren Bailey just said he and “millions” of others “will not comply”…

    I say marshmallow bellied Bailey (and his combine chair warriors) are bluffing…like the majority of these self- deluded insurrectionists.

  4. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:16 pm:

    What will I do without my .50 caliber rifle?…madness!

  5. - Mel - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:27 pm:

    Will the senate pass the bill on reproductive (and potential gender affirming care) protections this session or are they done for now?

  6. - Mel - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:27 pm:

    Will the senate pass the bill on reproductive (and potential gender affirming care) protections this session or are they done for now?

  7. - Nuke The Whales - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:28 pm:

    ===Republican Sen. Neil Anderson claimed that the 2nd Amendment authorized citizens to possess “weapons of war.”==
    Even the late Justice Scalia conceded in DC v Heller that the government has a right to some restrictions on firearms. In Justice Scalia’s words, it is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.” I do look forward to Senator Anderson’s bill in the 103rd GA to allow me to own a bazooka.

  8. - vern - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:31 pm:

    So after all that, they basically passed the House bill with a slight tweak to the magazine sizes. Harmon got nothing from this except a whole lot of annoyed Democrats.

    At least now we know who the problem senators were. Doris Turner is the only one in a tough seat who will still be a Senator in a week. I really hope this whole production wasn’t on behalf of Mattson or Tharp. Mattson in particular can take a look at the red by his name and contemplate why he won’t be a senator after Wednesday.

  9. - Mason born - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:39 pm:

    Nuke the whales

    However Heller also states that tge 2nd protects weapons in common use for legal purposes. That includes these weapons. I suspect that Harmon is right in that this will be settled in court.

  10. - Manchester - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:39 pm:

    Thank you to our legislators who voted to pass this legislation. Long overdue. To Bailey and his ilk, sit down and be quiet. No one asked you to give up your precious AR15. You simply have to register it.

  11. - low level - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:42 pm:

    Yes, the Founding Fathers faced a tyrannical government. They did so without benefit of a standing army, hence the 2nd amendment and militias.

    Today we have a standing army who use M16s and other assault rifles. We dont need citizens carrying these weapons.

  12. - low level - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 6:46 pm:

    The only reason for Sen Anderson and others to mention a tyrannical government is that they believe the day will come when they consider a duly elected government to be illegitimate, much like we saw on Jan 6th.

  13. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:08 pm:

    “Sen. Darren Bailey just said he and “millions” of others “will not comply” if the bill becomes law.”

    Then how can you be the party of law and order with this? Or is it law and order for the “urban poor?” Obvious snark opportunity aside, the landmark SCOTUS decision Heller allows for gun regulation. We can enact gun reform.

  14. - thisjustinagain - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:09 pm:

    SCOTUS in 2022:
    “good cause to carry a firearm in public” — overturned/unconstitutional
    “magazine capacity limit” — overturned/remanded
    “assault rifle ban” — overturned/remanded
    Illinois in 2023:
    “We can do what we want, ’cause we won’t lock up felons or blame criminals for their actions.”

  15. - Patrick Smolar/ Patrick 34 - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:18 pm:

    Democrats say we Banned High Capacity Magazines. Then allow 15 Rounds for a Pistol. That is a High Capacity Magazine. They then allow 10 Rounds for a Rifle. What kind of Rifle Holds 10 rounds besides AR 15 Ak etc. I guess lever action 22 tubular magazine holds mother than 10 rounds, But that was already Legal.

  16. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:25 pm:

    So my favorite compact 9 pistol that comes standard with both a 10 round and a 17 round mag will now be illegal if I don’t get rid of the 17 round mags, or modify them.

  17. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:32 pm:

    Hmm … exactly how are they going to prove prior possession of large mags that predate this bill? Those parts don’t have serial numbers.

  18. - FormerParatrooper - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:44 pm:

    RNUG looking at the Bill itself it does not provide a way to prove when you acquired the magazines. This could go two ways, no evidence against you for possession or they may require receipts of purchase which very people would have kept when they were bought. Unless I am wrong and I haven’t done a full read yet, you can’t have a 17 round magazine in your carry weapon. You can only use it at the range or on your own property. Your daily carry has to conform to the new requirement.

  19. - Fivegreenleaves - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 7:44 pm:

    Wonderful. Criminals already don’t obey gun laws, so lets make more laws they won’t obey, then make more laws after that because the old ones aren’t working. We already have enough gun laws. We don’t need any more.

  20. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:05 pm:

    - FormerParatrooper -

    That’s pretty much what I figured. I do have the receipt from when I purchased a few years back.

    Guess I’ll just have to pick up a couple of 10 round mags to be legal.

  21. - Labradoodle Dad - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:08 pm:

    What a waste of time and money that could have been better used enforcing existing laws and providing much needed mental health support. At least the supporters will feel better that they did something, not that this law will change one thing.

  22. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:24 pm:

    isn’t it interesting that ICHV is no longer around.

  23. - Stephanie Kollmann - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:36 pm:

    The only interesting thing is the classless way money and national groups have been making it seem that way.

  24. - Stephanie Kollmann - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:39 pm:

    GPAC was mentioned by the Senate President today, though they don’t appear in the release above.

  25. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:41 pm:

    Bailey says he’ll fight and die before giving up his guns. That means he won’t do what the cops order him to do. Don’t “law and order” types demand people follow police orders? Isn’t that what they shout at those shot by police?

  26. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:43 pm:

    RNUG, set up a GoFundMe page and I’ll kick-in for you.

  27. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 8:49 pm:

    I mean how much are we talking about here? $20?

  28. - Southern Dude - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:02 pm:

    === Illinois in 2023:
    “We can do what we want, ’cause we won’t lock up felons or blame criminals for their actions. ===


  29. - low level - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:11 pm:

    ==Criminals already don’t obey gun laws, so lets make more laws they won’t obey,==

    Yeah. Why pass any laws? So much for law and order.

  30. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:18 pm:

    == RNUG, set up a GoFundMe ==

    LOL. I think I can get a couple out of petty cash.

  31. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:26 pm:

    - 47th Ward -

    Actually, the good steel ones are about $45 each for the 10 round mag.

  32. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:30 pm:

    And they come in a variety of colors. Enjoy your hobby RNUG.

  33. - Jocko - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:49 pm:

    ==We already have enough gun laws. We don’t need any more.==

    Parents of Columbine, Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas, and Uvalde would disagree.

  34. - FormerParatrooper - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 9:53 pm:

    47th it is more of a principle thing. Since RNUG, most others and I have not committed any crimes, how about the State trade us for our magazines they decided are bad? I’ll trade a 30 rd for 3 10s. Fair enough?

  35. - RNUG - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 10:03 pm:

    == And they come in a variety of colors. ==

    For my compact 9 pistol, which is what I referenced, it’s black or steel. I think one aftermarket company makes a 15 round instead of 17 in blue.

    I don’t care about AR mags that are, almost, a dime a dozen for the plastic ones.

  36. - JoanP - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 10:26 pm:

    = Republican Sen. Neil Anderson claimed that the 2nd Amendment authorized citizens to possess “weapons of war.” =

    Thank goodness. I was afraid someone might try to take my stock of hydrogen bombs.

  37. - Big Dipper - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 11:15 pm:

    ==Yeah. Why pass any laws? So much for law and order.==

    People kill people despite the homicide statutes so I guess we should repeal them smh.

  38. - rtov - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 7:36 am:

    Thank goodness there is a law in place, that should fix everything. Next they should consider passing legislation against cancer.

  39. - ChuckIL - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 7:38 am:

    I assume this is going to pass. I ordered some magazine blocks to take my 17 round handgun magazines down to 15 rounds today. Meh…$25

  40. - Logical - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 8:02 am:

    ChuckIL, I believe that will be illegal. The original bill mentioned easily converted. If you can add the blocks, you can just as easily remove them. Thus, easily converted. Just imagine, with one signature 85% of the concealed carriers in Il are now felons.

  41. - H-W - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 8:12 am:

    Some of the comments here are insane. Grown ups complaining and threatening lawsuits because they are only allowed to kill 15 people per clip. These same Illinoisans argue we need to do a better job preventing mentally ill from possessing weapons of war, while demanding the right to be able to kill more than 15 lives per clip.


  42. - Google Is Your Friend - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 8:25 am:

    - Fivegreenleaves - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 5:44 am:

    I know the cops with guns certainly didn’t.

  43. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 8:50 am:

    “does not apply to a person’s possession lawfully possessed that large capacity ammunition feeding device before the effective date of this amendatory Act”

    17-round magazines will be flying off the shelf today. Last day they can be sold.

  44. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 9:13 am:

    The only weapon of war our founders had was a single shot musket. Let’s compromise. Make that the only legal gun.

  45. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 9:15 am:

    ==Some of the comments here are insane.==

    Agreed. Started just before a quarter past eight this morning. At the risk of breaking Rich’s cardinal rule about feeding trolls, I’ll note that I don’t see any comments above about killing anyone, much less 15-17 people. I did see a few comments from people actively looking for ways to bring their existing weapons into compliance with a new law (before it’s even been passed, I note). I for one would like to see more of that attitude, not less. The main person who says he won’t comply with the new law is Darren Bailey. And to my knowledge, he hasn’t started commenting on this Blog… yet.

  46. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 9:17 am:

    ==The only weapon of war our founders had was a single shot musket.==

    Not true. They had cannons, swords, and bayonets as well. Thoughts?

  47. - Stix Hix - Tuesday, Jan 10, 23 @ 9:22 am:

    ==Some of the comments here are insane.==

    Yes. And so happy my barber went to appointments only. I don’t have to listen to the nutters while I wait my turn anymore.

Sorry, comments for this post are now closed.

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