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More grumbling about another competing Senate bill, but governor expresses optimism

Monday, Jan 9, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Things have settled down a little with the Senate’s gun bill. We’ve already discussed how House Speaker Chris Welch opposes the Senate’s version of the reproductive and gender-affirming care legislation

As Speaker of the House I will stand firm in our values and principles as Democrats. I will fight for the needs of Illinoisans and I will not accept a watered-down version of legislation that falls unacceptably short of the comprehensive solutions that the people of this state deserve.

* Others are chiming in today as well…

* Ed Yohnka of the IL ACLU…

We have shared our very strong concerns with the Senate staff about the description of gender-affirming care. To be sure, there are some good things in the Senate bill, but we don’t think the language offers the specific protections of gender-affirming care that is under attack in hostile states across the country. We prefer the specific approach taken by the House on this issue.

* Personal PAC…

Personal Pac strongly prefers the language in SB1534 that explicitly covers the care to be protected by the bill. The worse outcome is that no bill is passed this week. That outcome is unacceptable because it leaves providers and patients unprotected and our fundamental rights at risk.

* But here’s Gov. Pritzker…

I believe we can work together to pass a strong bill that reflects our values as Democrats. In Illinois reproductive healthcare of all kinds is safe and legal. But Illinois is an island in a sea of anti-choice states who are passing laws to criminalize and block access to essential healthcare services. We have an obligation to expand access and protect our providers and patients by passing a bill that outlines clear protections for all.


  1. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 2:57 pm:

    === pass a strong bill that reflects our values as Democrats.===

    Perhaps we should see about getting the Democrats together in some kind of big and representative meeting to come up with some kind of document that defines what these values are in explicit terms and sets a clear road map for the direction the Democratic Party wants the State of Illinois to continue to take.

    Otherwise it’s hard to say that one Democratic elected official’s values are less Democratic values than another’s.

    Who sets the standard?

  2. - Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 3:14 pm:

    This is the time. Election over, political capital levels at max, a majority in the House, Senate and gov office. Senate should put on their big boy (or girl) pants and follow the House lead on the gender stuff. Because the conservative hardliners are going to campaign on it, no matter what you do or don’t do. Might as well help this minority needing the medical services and be proud you did, and keep your base happy. This is what you’re elected to do.

  3. - vern - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 3:36 pm:

    Which Democratic Senators are opposed to gender-affirming care? Which Democratic Senators are opposed to the House assault weapons bill? We don’t know because none of them will speak. The House and the Governor are on the record with their positions. Everyone has known this was coming for months. I get that Harmon likes to play things close to the vest, but there’s a point at which that becomes being a bad communicator. Harmon’s enigma routine is getting very old.

  4. - Shibboleth - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 3:56 pm:

    Normally a bigger fan of the Senate but I’m with the House on this one. I fear if we don’t include these stringent gender affirming care protections now, it won’t make it through a standalone bill. If moderates might be willing to tank it even attached to reproductive health care, imagine the standalone bill.

    The rights of trans people are under attack in what is nearing a majority of states, including our neighbors. Not enough states are doing the right thing and speaking up to protect them.

    I will be incredibly disappointed with the Senate if we don’t seize this moment when it matters.

    Matthew 25:40

    The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

  5. - Suburban Mom - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 4:03 pm:

    Amen, Shibboleth

  6. - Interesting Point - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 4:53 pm:

    So, did Lamda Legal link to a legislator search page on the Illinois Policy Institute’s website?

  7. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 5:09 pm:

    I think the senators in opposition are the Republican senators.

  8. - Bob Gilligan - Monday, Jan 9, 23 @ 5:44 pm:

    If we’re quoting the Bible we should start with Genesis 1:27, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

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