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Afternoon roundup

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias announced a settlement agreement today with online used-car retailer Carvana, which admitted to violating Illinois law and agreed to abide by new restrictions aimed at protecting consumers. Illinois was the first state in the nation to suspend Carvana’s license in May 2022.

“The admission by Carvana demonstrates what we knew all along: that Carvana was violating the law in a manner that was harmful to Illinois consumers,” Giannoulias said. “Under my administration, I will do everything to ensure that proper safeguards are in place that protect Illinois consumers regardless of how they purchase a vehicle.”

Click here to watch a video statement from Secretary Giannoulias.

Illinois began investigating Carvana’s practices in February 2022 after customers alleged it was issuing out-of-state temporary registration permits and for failing to transfer titles in a timely manner as required by the state’s vehicle code.

The agreement also calls for Carvana to: adhere to Illinois law in the future; surrender its $250,000 bond; and allow for pre- and post-licensing Secretary of State Police inspections to ensure it remains in compliance. Most important, the settlement agreement allows the Illinois Secretary of State to summarily suspend and revoke Carvana’s dealership license once again if it fails to comply with either the agreement or the laws.

Secretary Giannoulias emphasized that Carvana’s actions of putting unregistered license plates on vehicles jeopardized Illinois consumers who were at risk of being ticketed by law enforcement for driving without proper title and registration.

Prior to the settlement agreement, Carvana was allowed to sell cars, but only under strict guidelines set forth by a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) granted by a DuPage County judge. Under these guidelines, Carvana was not allowed to issue temporary registration permits or license plates, but was required to register titles through Illinois remitters, which are third-party entities licensed in Illinois to process title transactions. This ensured titles would be processed expeditiously.

…Adding… From Carvana…

Carvana, a pioneer in the automotive industry, will continue selling and buying vehicles using the Company’s innovative e-commerce platform as well as its iconic car vending machine located in Oak Brook, Illinois under an agreement reached today with the Illinois Secretary of State.
Upon reaching this agreement, the Company issued the following statement:

“For the past eight years, we have been an economic engine in the state by providing Illinoisans with an unmatched e-commerce experience that includes great selection, home delivery and a 7-day money back guarantee and today’s agreement with the Secretary of State allows us to move forward in our journey to becoming the largest automotive retailer,” said Alan Hoffman, Carvana Head of Corporate Affairs. “We look forward to working with Secretary Giannoulias to ensure customers continue having access to the best car buying and selling experience possible.”

* Chicago Tribune editorial headline from 2016

Say ‘no’ to more Chicago business mandates, including paid sick time

Chicago Tribune editorial headline from today

A week’s paid leave? What took Illinois so long?

* Press release…

Gov. JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) today announced that $113.8 million has been awarded to downstate transit providers as part of the historic, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital program. The funding brings the total investment in downstate transit via competitive grants to $337.8 million, supporting the Governor’s mission to create economic opportunity by improving all modes of transportation while boosting safety and efficiency. […]

Today’s announcement, made in Decatur to celebrate three awards that will help expand the city’s transit campus, install solar panels on a bus barn, and replace older vehicles with hybrids, represents the third round of competitive grants in Rebuild Illinois funding to invest in transit outside the Chicago area. Awards are supporting projects that include the purchase of new vehicles as well as the construction of bus shelters, plus stations and maintenance facilities that expand and improve service. The projects provide more transportation options in downstate communities and promote an enhanced quality of life. […]

A total of 32 transit systems are receiving $113.8 million to advance 44 projects, including:

    • St. Clair County Transit District, $10.8 million for the electrification of transit vehicles with supporting charging stations.
    • Champaign–Urbana Mass Transit District, $7.2 million for hybrid bus replacement.
    • Rock Island County Metropolitan Mass Transit District (MetroLINK), $6 million to replace six buses with zero emission buses.
    • Sangamon Mass Transit District, $6.9 million for a secondary transfer center.
    • Coles County, $70,000 for new bus passenger shelters.
    • City of Macomb and McDonough County Public Transportation, $2 million for new buses.

* Something that’s been noted by many since last year’s campaign is the number of junk polls, mainly GOP in origin, flooding the discourse and skewing the average to make a “Red Wave” look much bigger than it turned out to be. As a result, some money shifted away from competitive races to shore up what had been presumed to be comfortable Democratic incumbents. An argument can be made that this may have cost Wisconsin Democrats a Senate seat, among others. And, right here in Illinois, junk polls were used to try to stir up money for and news media interest in Republican candidates who wound up being clobbered. Is this happening again in the city’s mayor’s race?

Here’s a Paul Vallas campaign press release. The first poll is from a GOP pollster and the second is not verifiable…

According to an independent poll by M3 Strategies, mayoral candidate Paul Vallas is now leading the field in the race for Chicago Mayor with 26% of the vote. Vallas is followed by Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson, with Mayor Lori Lightfoot in fourth and businessman Willie Wilson in fifth place among the nine candidate field.

“These polling results prove what our campaign already knew — that Paul Vallas is surging and establishing himself as a frontrunner in the race for Mayor,” said Vallas campaign chief strategist Joe Trippi. “Paul’s message of putting crime and Chicago’s safety first is clearly resonating with the voters and our campaign has the financial resources and support necessary to continue driving that message home over the next six weeks.”

The results of the poll are consistent with another that was reportedly done on behalf of the SEIU Healthcare union, which also shows Vallas in the lead with 32% of the vote.

Yeah, about that second “poll”…

SEIU Healthcare Illinois issued the following response to coverage by NBC 5 concerning a poll attributed to SEIU Healthcare:

NBC 5 recently reported on a poll “conducted by Celinda Lake with SEIU Healthcare” stating that NBC had reached out to SEIU Healthcare concerning the poll but had “not yet heard back” from us.

This is not our poll. Our only knowledge of this poll has come from media sources. We are not currently working with Celinda Lake on any polling projects.

We communicated this information to NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern on Sunday evening.

And yet the Vallas campaign still flung it out there.

* Mayoral candidate Brandon Johnson’s website

Audit Lightfoot’s Inefficient Spending to Save Half a Billion

Ah, yes, the ol’ waste, fraud and abuse approach.

More magic

Stop Raising Property Taxes

…Adding… Has anyone told him he lost?

Enough with this nonsense! The Republican Party wants to distract from their failures by blaming the candidates that…

Posted by Darren Bailey on Tuesday, January 24, 2023

* Isabel’s roundup…


  1. - Arsenal - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 2:32 pm:

    ==Is this happening again in the city’s mayor’s race?==

    Well, if it is, it figures that Vallas would be the one to do it.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 2:48 pm:

    Chairman Tracy, you made a big mistake welcoming the racist thinkers, the insurrection apologists and the conspiracy theorists… now the loser of the last election that was embraced by 56+% of the party you wanted to build… wants YOU gone… because it couldn’t be *him* voters rejected..,

    Bruce Rauner bought the brand, Diana Rauner paid for a brand that couldn’t elect Republicans statewide, and now like a brand that exists as a penny stock with products barely sold at the Dollar Store, you are the CEO of a pathetic attempt of a party that has the worst elements you embraced as the voice, and now their “leader” is done with you.

    Heck of a job there.

    By the by, you stay… “why?”

    You lost any identity once you caved, now your own existence is predicated on not placating but surrender.

    But, by all means… fight to stay, lol

  3. - H-W - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:00 pm:

    Regarding the Bailey post, he seems to think because he ran for Governor, he should become the Republican Party Chair by fiat.

    Of course, he did lose the election handsomely. But why bother with the small details. Why wouldn’t the IL-GOP want to be led by a loser? Geez. Just go away.

  4. - Lurker - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:00 pm:

    Every time I read something from Mr Bailey, I am thankful that Rich has his banned punctuation rule. All that shouting is not necessary Darren.

  5. - New Day - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:06 pm:

    “This is not our poll. Our only knowledge of this poll has come from media sources. We are not currently working with Celinda Lake on any polling projects.

    We communicated this information to NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern on Sunday evening.”

    Oh, Mary Ann…

  6. - Stuck in Celliniland - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:06 pm:

    Thankfully Joe Crain called them out on it–sadly at the expense of his former job–but so thankful that the two infamous magic words “Code Red” are not as widely part of the Springfield dialect as they were 4 years ago. Or else that’s all we would have been hearing on Channel 20 since last weekend regarding tomorrow’s storm.

  7. - H-W - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:13 pm:

    The school enrollment story is interesting. Since it spans 2018-2023, I have to wonder how much of the decline might be associated with COVID effects. For example, I can imagine the steady decline reflected in the data graph being tied partially to a potential increase in home schooling, particularly among the anti-mask families. It is just a guess however.

  8. - Stuck in Celliniland - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:17 pm:

    Although it won’t save the company, I’m thinking maybe Sears should consider suing Carvana?

    The Carvana “vending machines” seem to closely rip-off the Sears’ toy Motorized Car Park of 1969, and also eerily similar to similar Sears parking garage playsets (using Hot Wheels cars) of the 70s and early 80s. (I had one of those as a kid at that time and thought it was cool).

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===Sears should consider suing Carvana===

    A 15 store, all but bankrupt Sears is gonna sue Carvana, a company about 18 minutes away from folding?

  10. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:24 pm:

    Federal corruption trial involving elected state representatives and utility companies … and it has nothing to do with Mike Madigan? They’re Republicans? Quick, someone check on Rauner, Tillman, Proft, and Greg Bishop.

  11. - Benniefly2 - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:29 pm:

    How many dubious pro-Valles polls does a reporter have to push before it becomes a reportable In-Kind Contribution? Isn’t this twice now?

  12. - Teve Demotte - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:31 pm:

    If the Vallas poll is junk, then one could argue the Lightfoot poll in Crains is junk as well.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:32 pm:

    The polling thoughts to the genuine aspect of methodology or truth to accuracy will haunt those after February going into April, because unlike a November tilt, this ain’t (likely “ain’t”) gonna be over in February

  14. - Strategy Geek - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:39 pm:

    Nice juxtaposition of Trib editorial headlines. You have their “Mea Culpa” headline about all their since-disproven Illinois-losing-population editorials, Rich?

  15. - James tge Intolerant - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:45 pm:

    When does Vallas start getting questions about the Daley admin not making the pension payment for 17 of 22 years. Vallas was the busgeteer from the beginning until he went to CPS.

  16. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 3:56 pm:

    ===then one could argue the Lightfoot poll===

    Lightfoot undoubtedly would rather face Vallas (or Wilson) than any of the other top tiers.

  17. - Groucho - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 4:43 pm:

    I would think Vallas would rather face Lightfoot also.

  18. - Gordon - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 4:47 pm:

    ==Lightfoot undoubtedly would rather face Vallas ==

    If Lightfoot makes it to the run-off, that is.

  19. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 4:56 pm:

    I’m thankful that Alexi is keeping the tie on…so far…

  20. - Stuck in Celliniland - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 6:21 pm:

    ==A 15 store, all but bankrupt Sears is gonna sue Carvana, a company about 18 minutes away from folding?==

    At this point it’s a given that both companies will fold (sadly for Sears) in the next few years so I say go for the lawsuit.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 23 @ 6:40 pm:

    ===I say go for the lawsuit.===

    “… water from a stone…”

    This ain’t no DeVore grift.

  22. - supplied_demand - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 8:54 am:

    ==A 15 store, all but bankrupt Sears is gonna sue Carvana, a company about 18 minutes away from folding?==

    Carvana has $9.6 billion of assets. Bankruptcy would require them to pay their debt-holders, which Sears would be if they successfully sued Carvana.

    Do you think Carvana has stopped getting sued because the business is struggling? Typically the opposite is true as people want to get in line for their payment when it fails.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 25, 23 @ 9:25 am:

    ===they successfully sued===

    That’s the reality. This idea Sears, barely existing, trying to glom on what, a sinking company to maybe recoup the time and energy?

    It’s a ridiculous thing.

    === Do you think Carvana has stopped getting sued because the business is struggling? Typically the opposite is true as people want to get in line for their payment when it fails.===

    So… Sears might get .25 cents to the dollar, *IF* they are successful?


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