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That toddlin’ town roundup

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune reports on a recent $415,000 loan made by the Chicago Teachers Union’s operating fund to its campaign funds

“The loan to the CTU’s Political Action funds simply moves money from when we collect it (after the 2023 municipal election) to the time we need it (during the 2023 municipal election),” said an email bulletin to members Feb. 12. “The loans will be repaid with political funds we collect between the end of February and the end of June.”

Campaign finance records show the transfers aren’t without precedent. The CTU contributed around $323,000 in 2015 to the CTU-led Chicagoans United for Economic Security super PAC, which is a committee allowed to raise and spend unlimited funds advocating for or against certain candidates. The union separately gave around $570,000 that same year to then-Cook County Commissioner Jesús “Chuy” García’s unsuccessful campaign for mayor. […]

Boyle and Alison Eichhorn, a fellow delegate and former union trustee, claim that only a fraction of the money the union transferred in 2015 — to help a candidate it’s no longer endorsing — has been repaid. Four years later in 2019, the Chicagoans United for Economic Security super PAC transferred around $72,000 back to the union, campaign finance data show. Boyle said a repayment plan for the remainder of the loan was included in the CTU budget that year, but that no budget since then has reflected any payments.

* The CTU’s Brandon Johnson had a weekly radio show, and the archives are likely chock full of opposition research possibilities. On this particular episode, Johnson said of “our” move to “redirect and defund” the amount of money that is spent on policing: “I don’t look at it as a slogan. It’s actually, it’s an actual real political goal”…

* New García ad…

* Bit of payback perhaps?

2023 Chicago mayoral candidate Jesús “Chuy” García endorsed Samie Martinez, a challenger to incumbent Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33rd Ward), a spokesperson for the campaign confirmed on Feb. 18. The endorsement puts García in bed with allies of former Mayor Harold Washington’s fiercest enemies, including former 33rd Ward Ald. Dick Mell. García was once an ally in the City Council to Washington and frequently refers to that legacy as proof of his own progressive bona fides.

Rodriguez is a member of the Socialist, Progressive Reform and Latino Caucuses. She was among a wave of progressives who were elected to City Council in 2019. She won the seat after defeating Deb Mell, who had been appointed to replace her father Dick Mell, who was the 33rd Ward alder from 1975 to 2013. Laith Shaban, an investment advisor and housing developer, is also challenging Rodriguez.

Along with progressive incumbent alders such as Daniel La Spata (1st Ward), Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35th Ward), Jeanette Taylor (20th Ward) and Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th Ward), Rodriguez has endorsed Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson for mayor.

* Money…

* Ben Joravsky

Vallas has certainly won Chicago’s MAGA vote—as well he should. He’s been courting it for the last few years, showing up at an Awake Illinois fundraiser, hanging out with John Catanzara, the controversial Trump-loving president of the Fraternal Order of Police, and appearing on the Jeanne Ives podcast.

Ives is the far-right, anti-abortion zealot who ran against former Governor Bruce Rauner in the 2018 Republican primary because he, Rauner, wasn’t conservative enough. And there was Vallas on her show, sounding like Ron DeSantis, going on and on about masked mandates, evil teachers unions, wokeness, etc.

Vallas has a MAGA-style hatred for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). His voucher proposal to use millions in TIF dollars to subsidize private, non-union schools has the potential to do what even Rauner couldn’t accomplish—destroy CTU and public education in Chicago.

* As a reminder, Darren Bailey said “take back our state” a whole lot during the last campaign. Vallas is not another Bailey, but he does use a lot of the same rhetorical devices and hangs out with some of the same people…

* Paul Vallas talked about Critical Race Theory on a Wirepoints podcast in 2021

Vallas: When you introduce a curriculum that is not only divisive, but a curriculum that further undermines the relationship of children with their parents, with their families, that’s a dangerous thing. And for White parents, I mean, how are you going to discipline your child when your child comes home and your child has basically been told, you know, that their generation, their race, their parents, their grandparents they have discriminated against others and they have somehow victimized another person’s race. Or for that matter, if you are a Black child, how do you go home and and listen to your parent when your parent has failed to be successful in addressing these historically racist institutional obstacles that have denied them a chance at equal opportunity> So I think it’s detracting from our need to focus on our core subject areas. It’s allowing us to avoid accountability in terms of the quality of our teaching the quality of our schools, and I think it’s not only divisive, but I think it does damage between the children and their own and their own parents, their own family and within their own families.

Wirepoints: Yeah, Paul, I often wonder if you’re a Black kid, why wouldn’t you become a criminal if you’re hearing this stuff in school? It’s everybody with white skin is an oppressor if you have black skin, you’re the oppressed. That makes it pretty easy to justify pretty bad conduct in my opinion.

Vallas: You’re absolutely right. But what you’re also doing, you know, you’re giving people an excuse for bad behavior.

The professional suburban victim and the only White mayoral candidate are oh so worried that Black kids could be convinced by CRT (which is not taught in any K-12 schools here) to become criminals? Great.

* CBS 2

Vallas also wants to stop the exodus of Chicago residents. He has proposed a property tax cap of 3% per assessment cycle, to keep people from being taxed out of their homes.

The people who will benefit the most from that will be people who live in affluent neighborhoods with rising property values. Guess who they’re voting for? Everyone else will have to pick up the slack.

* Buckner campaign…

Many candidates have talked about their plans to reform City Hall, but no other candidate has offered concrete steps the next Mayor can take to make city government more responsive to residents and representative of the 77 neighborhoods that make up Chicago.

“Today I’m committing to a reform agenda for City Council to make it operate like a true legislative body and not a feudal system governed by arcane traditions,” said candidate for mayor Kam Buckner.

“First and foremost Chicago should have a City Charter. Every other big city in America has one, but here we’ve only ever had ‘the Chicago way.’ City Council shouldn’t be a rubber stamp for the mayor, it should be able to elect its own leadership and be governed by rules that prevent unilateral action by the mayor, which Lori Lightfoot took to an extreme during COVID.”

Buckner’s plan also calls for a better process to enable more resident-lead ordinances, removes the selection of Committee chairs from the Mayor’s purview, sets stricter standards of transparency for the Office of the Inspector General and eliminates Rule 41, which gives the Mayor too much power to shape how the Council conducts its business.

“I am also calling for a community-facing ward map redistricting process ahead of the next census,” said Buckner. “The machine politics of old nearly tore the Council apart this year. While Mayor Lightfoot stood back and let it happen, the next Mayor must start right away together with the Council and community organizations to devise a better, more transparent process.”

Full plan is available on Buckner’s website

* On to other campaigns. Press release…

Today, Alderman Gilbert Villegas received the endorsement of Illinois Governor JB Pritzker for his re-election in Chicago’s 36th Ward.

“As Alderman of the 36th Ward, Gilbert Villegas has made expanding access to city services and increasing public safety his top priorities. Alderman Villegas is a voice for his community, a fearless champion for justice, and a trusted leader on the City Council. We need him re-elected for all of Chicago & I’m proud to endorse him for 36th Ward Alderman,” Governor Pritzker said.

Governor Pritzker’s endorsement only further strengthens Gilbert’s robust list of endorsements, which also include Senator Tammy Duckworth, Congressman Mike Quigley, Congressman Danny Davis, Congressman Chuy Garcia, Chicago City Clerk Anna Valencia, the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Federation of Labor, Better Streets Chicago, Illinois Nurses Association, UNITE HERE Local 1, AFSCME, UFCW Local 881, IUOE Local 150, Chicago Firefighters Local 2, and more.

* And a campaign committee called People For Rogers Park is not set up as an independent expenditure committee, yet the PAC just reported an independent expenditure opposing Chicago Ald. Maria Hadden. Odd.

* Isabel’s roundup…


  1. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 12:27 pm:

    ==Vallas also wants to stop the exodus of Chicago residents.==

    Yet he was part of it.

  2. - Hot Taeks - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 12:41 pm:

    I’m tired of all the mailers I get each day having 4 people vie to be Alderman in my Ward. I just want this election to be over with so I don’t have to keep recycling junk.

  3. - The Truth - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 12:41 pm:

    ==I often wonder if you’re a Black kid, why wouldn’t you become a criminal if you’re hearing this stuff in school?==

    Every accusation is a confession with these people.

  4. - JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:18 pm:

    = I’m tired of all the mailers I get each day having 4 people vie to be Alderman in my Ward. =

    Only four? I have to figure out which of ELEVEN people should be my Alderman (or Alderwoman or Alderperson, depending on whose sign it is).

  5. - Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:20 pm:

    33rd ward payback, gotta be a Victor Reyes thing. it’s so strange how the Villegas run for Congress now has people on the other sides of the equation. Don’t understand how Brandon Johnson is so big on taxing. that’s not gonna help the region.

  6. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:20 pm:

    In addition to other voters she’s losing for various reasons, looks like LL is going to lose the softball (16 inch, no glove) players as well. Just guessing there are a lot more Chicago voters in that group than in the NASCAR crowds she expecting.

  7. - Roadrager - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:23 pm:

    It’s nice that some attention is being paid to who “lifelong Democrat” Paul Vallas actually is, but it would be nice if one candidate could figure out how to campaign on it before the city ends up with a Vallas/Lightfoot runoff.

    I saw someone point out yesterday that competitive aldermanic races in the 19th and 41st Wards are driving up turnout. Those are both police-heavy wards and Chicago’s dueling hearts of MAGA Country, so you know who they’re voting for.

  8. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:26 pm:

    Someone could use the racism exhibited by Vallas and Wirepoints as an example of how racism still exists in the country.

  9. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:38 pm:

    Vallas is really one of those candidates where the more you know, the worse it gets. He’s in the wrong political party. This oppo is recent, too. Not sure why with him as a frontrunner, other top candidates are attacking each other in TV ads and not him. Why take a chance facing him in a runoff, where he makes it past the “primary” like Rauner did (past Dillard/AFSCME because they didn’t act quickly enough)?

  10. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:40 pm:

    If the Germans can come to terms with Gramps was a Nazi (for realsy) and yes, Grams did know about the final solution, then seems to me that we can in this country learn to accept history.

  11. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:43 pm:

    ==Someone could use the racism exhibited by Vallas and Wirepoints as an example of how racism still exists in the country.==

    It’s a fake Proft paper so the fact that Vallas would even go on the podcast tells you everything you need to know about him.

  12. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 1:57 pm:

    “Wirepoints: Yeah, Paul, I often wonder if you’re a Black kid, why wouldn’t you become a criminal if you’re hearing this stuff in school? It’s everybody with white skin is an oppressor if you have black skin, you’re the oppressed. That makes it pretty easy to justify pretty bad conduct in my opinion.

    Vallas: You’re absolutely right. But what you’re also doing, you know, you’re giving people an excuse for bad behavior.”

    Those sneaky Black descendants of Slavery…always looking for an excuse…WOW!

  13. - Amalia - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:01 pm:

    @Roadrager, spot on. If Chicago ends up with Vallas/Lightfoot it’s gonna get real ugly, including after reading those Vallas comments on what he thinks CRT is. jeeezzzzz……

  14. - James the Intolerant - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:07 pm:

    Is the Brandon Johnson statement going on the air or just online?

  15. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:15 pm:

    ===When you introduce a curriculum that is not only divisive, but a curriculum that further undermines the relationship of children with their parents, with their families, that’s a dangerous thing. And for White parents, I mean, how are you going to discipline your child when your child comes home and your child has basically been told, you know, that their generation, their race, their parents, their grandparents they have discriminated against others and they have somehow victimized another person’s race.

    He is 100% clueless about what is actually being taught and none of this is related to CRT.

    How are you going to discipline your kid? By disciplining them. This is completely incoherent nonsense.

  16. - Count Floyd - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:41 pm:

    Biden beat Trump by a full 12 points in 2020 in the 19th Ward. Calling it “MAGA Country” is inaccurate and lazy.

  17. - Jerry - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:42 pm:

    “….and your child has basically been told, you know, that their generation, their race, their parents, their grandparents they have discriminated against others and they have somehow victimized another person’s race.” - Paul Vallas

    Does Paul live in some imaginary world where this doesn’t exist?

  18. - Count Floyd - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 2:43 pm:

    ***Correction. Biden won the 19th Ward by a full 22 point margin. I can’t math good.

  19. - Da big bad wolf - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 3:24 pm:

    Vallas doesn’t know CRT isn’t taught k-12 or is he pandering? CRT is not going to ruin some college person’s relationship with their parents.

    What does this mean?

    “Yeah, Paul, I often wonder if you’re a Black kid, why wouldn’t you become a criminal if you’re hearing this stuff in school? It’s everybody with white skin is an oppressor if you have black skin, you’re the oppressed. That makes it pretty easy to justify pretty bad conduct in my opinion. Vallas: You’re absolutely right. But what you’re also doing, you know, you’re giving people an excuse for bad behavior.”

    I’m female. There’s sexism out in the world. There has been sexism throughout history. It doesn’t make me blame my parents. It doesn’t make me want to rob a bank. This is the goofiest thing I’ve read in a while.

  20. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 3:32 pm:

    =Vallas: When you introduce a curriculum that is not only divisive, but a curriculum that further undermines the relationship of children with their parents…= Paul Vallas is not just a lousy educator, he is fountain of fallacies. Hard to believe he was CPS CEO… or maybe not.

  21. - James of Chicago - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 3:33 pm:

    =Vallas: When you introduce a curriculum that is not only divisive, but a curriculum that further undermines the relationship of children with their parents…= Paul Vallas is not just a lousy educator, he is fountain of fallacies. Hard to believe he was CPS CEO… or maybe not.

  22. - James the Intolerant - Tuesday, Feb 21, 23 @ 4:11 pm:

    How does it take the LL campaign this long for Johnson oppo research? Bad candidate, bad campaign

  23. - WestBurbs - Wednesday, Feb 22, 23 @ 9:38 am:

    Sorry I missed this yesterday. Further cements my concerns about Vallas. And I know I’m repeating myself - but who is the right option for a moderate/centrist who can’t bring himself to vote for LL based primarily on her demonstrated lack of political skills but also due to her failure to fire Brown and support of Foxx. Moreover, I really despise CTU (despite or because of having several CPS teachers in the family) so Johnson is a hard no. Do I really have to vote for Chuy? AARRRGGHHH

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