Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker on Trump: “It looks to me like he committed espionage”
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Pritzker on Trump: “It looks to me like he committed espionage”

Tuesday, Jun 13, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker was asked by a reporter today to comment on former President Donald Trump’s arrest in Florida on federal charges

It looks to me like he committed espionage. We’ll have to see how the trial goes. But everybody should be held accountable to the law. it doesn’t matter what position you ever held. The fact is that the law is the law. if you broke the law, you ought to be held accountable.

I’ve tried to avoid this topic, but a comment from the governor puts it in the ballpark. Take two deep breaths before commenting, please. Maybe three.


  1. - vern - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:53 pm:

    I wonder if any Illinois Republicans are crying about a “weaponized, political DoJ.” After all, that same DoJ is currently prosecuting Mike Madigan and his cronies, among others. Illinois is proof positive that the feds have no hangups about indicting Democrats.

  2. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:56 pm:

    I agree with Donald Trump, who said it best when he said, “In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information.”

    I’m a little surprised he didn’t plead guilty today.

  3. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:56 pm:

    This raises a question I’ve never considered: Is there such a thing as classified documents on a state level?

    I can see the need for secrecy in defenses against terrorism, riots, and nuclear plant sabotage.

    But to the post, one has to wonder what use Trump would have made of these documents. Simply as trophies to show off?

    A couple weeks ago the special counsel was going to subpoena records on Trump business dealings overseas, to see if there was any connection between those countries and the subject of some of the documents.

  4. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 1:56 pm:

    It’s unfortunate the topic itself requires kiddie gloves because Donald’s supporters are so unable to control themselves.

    The indictment is very detailed. And it details blatant and deliberate criminal behavior. The idea that Donald should get a pass, for anyone of the predictable and disingenuous reasons his supporters suggest, is laughable.

  5. - Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:00 pm:

    I don’t think the indictment alleges actual espionage as much as it lays out that Trump willfully possessed classified documents without authorization, even after repeated demands for its return. One can speculate about what Trump intended to do with these files, but the indictment does not allege anything more than possession.

  6. - Snowman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:01 pm:

    I handled classified material when in the military. Enough said.

  7. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:03 pm:

    Vern hit the nail on the head. Well said.

  8. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:06 pm:

    ===I don’t think the indictment alleges actual espionage===

    [Massive brain freeze. Nevermind.]

  9. - Anon E Moose - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:11 pm:

    Didn’t JB say he committed espionage? That’s different than violating the Espionage Act. But point taken.

  10. - unafraid - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:13 pm:

    I would suggest that he and all other Governors keep their mouth shut (at least publicly) about this issue and concentrate on state issues

  11. - Big Dipper - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:14 pm:

    ==but the indictment does not allege anything more than possession–

    I think it alleges that he showed some of the classified documents to golfing buddies etc. That would be more than mere possession.

  12. - Flapdoodle - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:17 pm:

    If the indictment, drawn in painstaking detail, is accurate, then the former president’s actions intentionally violated the law, putting at risk the security interests of this country and its allies. That is legally and morally unforgivable. Why it was done matters not a jot. Anyone found guilty of engaging in such acts should feel the full force of the law. What is in play here rises far beyond mere partisanship or personality cult. Foundational issues affecting the strength and durability of this republic are in play here. Whoever cannot see this cannot be taken seriously. The governor is a serious man and was right to speak out.

  13. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:21 pm:

    Trump is charged with 31 counts of violating a part of the Espionage Act … (Wash. Post)

    We’re going to see a lot of conflating due to the common understanding of the word “espionage” and the legal implications under the Espionage Act. The MAGA GOP is going to throw everything at the fan to muddy up the water.

    JB needs to focus on the argument that Trump did this to himself by not cooperating and then lying to and obstructing officials investigating the issue.

  14. - Homebody - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:25 pm:

    == I would suggest that he and all other Governors keep their mouth shut ==

    Ah yes, the traditional weak spined Dem way. Take the high road instead of repeatedly and openly critiquing the obvious bad behavior that permeates the GOP and has been steadily getting worse my entire adult life.

    I appreciate Pritzker specifically for his willingness to speak directly and to the point.

  15. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:26 pm:

    The law and order party is getting some law and order today.

  16. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:30 pm:

    I find it interesting that Trump promised to weaponize the Justice Dept, tried to do it, and failed miserably when most of the folks in the department wouldn’t go along. The folks doing the work know better than to follow the political whims of whoever is temporarily at the top.

  17. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:35 pm:

    If anyone, regardless of political party, engaged in the activities that the former President did, they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Hard stop. Those that feel otherwise live in an alternative reality. The governor is not one of those individuals.

  18. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:40 pm:

    Not because of this mess that he got into all by himself but this country does have way too many classified documents and too many people classifying things. Everything should be out there for the public after 50 years and if something extra ordinary maybe 75 years

  19. - Mason born - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:42 pm:

    Unfortunately we have a disturbing, IMHO, habit of treating political leaders, high ranking officials, & aides to the same with kid gloves in regards to Classified documents. There is no doubt that had a soldier, sailor, Marine, or low lever bureaucrat done half what is alleged in the indictment they would be charged, convicted, and punished. We can’t rewind the clock, unfortunately, but going forward we should treat the “Great and Good” to the exact same standards we require the lowly public servants and armed forces personnel to abide by. If that means incarcerating, Presidents, Representatives, Cabinet Secretaries, etc. so be it.

  20. - ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:48 pm:

    The high number of indicted and convicted ex-Governors in IL prove that what is happening to Trump is just normal application of justice. We charge politics with crimes all the time. Sometimes they beat it at trial or appeal. Sometimes they go to jail. Trump will get his day(s) in court.

  21. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:55 pm:

    I get that he was asked the question – but he is not compelled to answer. He sounds like a CNN pundit rather than a Governor acting officially. He is supposed to represent the entire state not just his Dem base. Here are some thoughtful answers to that question…

    Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty

    will have to wait for the legal process to unfold

    Wait for the verdict

  22. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:58 pm:

    Lotsa attempts to muddy the waters and confuse folks.

    Simply put, tfg was served with a lawfully issued subpoena to turnover docs. TFG intentionally tried to not turnover docs and to hide their existence from the feds.

  23. - Appears - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 2:59 pm:

    The saying that Governors Own? That holds true for Presidents and ex-Presidents. They are responsible for their own actions. And should be held accountable for their actions.

  24. - 40,000 ft - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:06 pm:

    The other half of the country wonders why Trump is the focus of the DOJ and not the current administration.

    The accusations against the Biden’s, as brought to light in the House Oversight Committee, are more serious than the accusations against Trump and his presidential documents.

    Please allow this comment out of fairness.

  25. - Appears - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:15 pm:

    The Governor gave his own personal opinion. He is entitled to do that.

  26. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:19 pm:

    ===The other half of the country===

    You basing that on polling nobody has seen or something?

  27. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:20 pm:

    Today is a good day to be alive.

  28. - Jerry - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:26 pm:

    Amazing time to be witnessing history. Never thought I’d see a man on the moon. The Cubs winning a World Series. And now this.

    Savor the moment.

  29. - Techie - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:35 pm:

    I mean, it would be one thing to accidentally possess classified documents. It’s a whole nother ball game to be notified that you’re unlawfully possessing them, and then refuse to return them. At that point it’s intentional violation of the law.

  30. - Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:45 pm:

    The DOJ is detailing with evidence and facts on Trump case, the MAGA GOP oversight committee is not. Trump’s DOJ looked at bribery allegations and found nothing. Reading and critical thinking is fundamental.

  31. - Mason born - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:45 pm:

    –40,000 ft-

    With respect why not both? I’d like to think we can walk and chew gum at the same time. Even if everything the House Oversight Committee alleges is true it doesn’t make the unsafe and improper storage of Classified 5 eye only documents less of a crime or risk to National Security.

    We can do both, I have faith in Anerica that we can.

  32. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 3:49 pm:

    “The other half of the country wonders why Trump is the focus”

    The “half” that for years has shouted law and order, lock her up and build the wall. The hypocrisy is now fully exposed for the world to see. Are we not backing the blue today?

  33. - Pundent - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 4:12 pm:

    =He is supposed to represent the entire state not just his Dem base.=

    I think he’s representing the state just fine. That is unless you have a problem with the statement “if you broke the law you ought to be held accountable.” Dems and Republicans should both be able to agree on that. Not exactly controversial in my book.

  34. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 4:42 pm:

    ==The other half of the country wonders why ==

    That half of the country doesn’t care what Donald Trump does. There is absolutely nothing that he could do that would make them support him any less. And that says a lot about those people and it isn’t good.

  35. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 4:47 pm:

    “classified documents on a state level”

    Documents that fall under attorney/client privilege. Worked on a project where the attorney was very clear what documents were between her and me. That releasing the documents would violate that shroud of confidentiality between us.

  36. - FormerParatrooper - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 5:08 pm:

    I have handled Classified documents, Top Secret and Nuclear Surety as part of assignments in the Army. No one accidently posses these documents, no one at all. The higher the classification the more controls there are. If I had a document I was reading and had to make a quick restroom break, I had to place the document(s) back into their folders and in the locked cabinets before I could leave. I know more than one individual who has lost clearances because they left document out in a secure area.

    If you “accidently” have one of these documents, you had to knowingly and deliberately take them from the secure area.

    Officers and Enlisted alike have lost careers over this. If Trump is the first to be held accountable and held responsible, so be it. Then the others, regardless of Office or current standing, need to be equally held accountable. As far as I care, they can share the same common area at a Federal prison.

  37. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 5:08 pm:

    A bit of perspective. In 1985, I worked at the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory in Champaign, Illinois. Some of the employees had security clearances.

    A fellow employee who was working on a classified document had to sign it out from her boss, who kept it stored in a safe.

    This document was to be in the employee’s possession at all times. If she went to the restroom, she had to take it with her. She could not lock it in a desk drawer.

    She could not take it home. At the end of the day, she had to return it to her boss, who put it back in the safe and signed it back in.

    These were fairly low level classified documents, but this was very serious business.

    Make no mistake. People in the Pentagon, FBI and CIA were horrified when they saw how Trump stored these documents.

    Everyone who is privy to such documents is briefed on their proper handling. Trump knew, and he knew better.

  38. - JoanP - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 5:28 pm:

    Interesting interview with Tom Durkin (criminal defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor) and Joseph Ferguson (former federal prosecutor):

  39. - Lurker - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 6:30 pm:

    Come on Rich. He got just under half the vote twice. I think this comment needs no justification:
    You basing that on polling nobody has seen or something?

  40. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 6:33 pm:

    - Come on Rich. He got just under half the vote twice. -

    Was that before or after his indictment on 37 counts of mishandling classified materials? Try not being an idiot.

  41. - FormerParatrooper - Tuesday, Jun 13, 23 @ 6:33 pm:

    Streator, that was the correct protocol you described for lower classifications. Higher classifications were much more strict. We worked inside a vault with multiple safes inside the vault. The documents we had could only leave the vault by special permission.

    I would imagine the documents in question that Trump and others had would have been much higher classifications than I was ever privileged to. Those controls would be stricter.

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