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Question of the day

Thursday, Jul 27, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

In an effort to improve customer service and eliminate the unpredictability of wait times at Illinois DMVs, Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias will begin implementing a Skip-the-Line program starting September 1.

The Skip-the-Line program includes:

    Simplified Online Services — Customers are encouraged to take advantage of the many services offered online at, including renewing their driver’s license or ID card and license plate sticker online.

    Appointment Scheduling — Customers will be required to make appointments for in-person visits at 44 of the busiest DMVs including all Chicago and suburban locations and some central and downstate DMVs for those seeking REAL ID, driver’s license and ID card services, and in-car driving tests.

Those seeking vehicle-related services, such as title and registration or renewing their license plate sticker, do not need to make an appointment and can just walk in.

Upon arrival, customers will check in with DMV staff and “Skip the Line,” eliminating lines and unpredictable wait times. Illinoisans may visit or call (844) 817-4649 to schedule an appointment.

New Extended Hours of Operation — All DMVs statewide will extend hours of operation, with 16 facilities open six days a week – Monday through Saturday.

    • All DMVs will change their days and hours of operation from Tues-Sat to Mon-Fri,
    8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
    • 16 DMVs will also be open on Saturday, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m., as noted below.

“Customers will save time by skipping the line,” said Giannoulias. “Our goal is to eliminate the Time Tax that has plagued Illinoisans for years, forcing them to stand in long lines wasting time – just to conduct basic services. Extending hours at all DMVs and requiring appointments at our 44 highest-volume facilities is the most efficient way to get the services you need quickly and without the headache of unpredictable wait times.”

The appointment-only facilities include 24 Chicago and suburban DMVs and 20 DMVs in central and downstate Illinois that are within 10 miles from a population center of at least 25,000 residents. The list of these facilities is below, along with their days of operation.

View instruction video on how to schedule an appointment.

The full list of appointment-only facilities is here.

People tend to dislike change, sometimes just because it’s different. With that in mind…

* The Question: Do you like this idea? Explain.

Also, we discussed the whole DMV thing yesterday, so try to focus solely on the new policy. Thanks.

…Adding… I noticed some folks chiming in about closing on Saturdays. Giannoulias said at his press conference that people just weren’t coming in much on Saturdays…

What I would say is what we’ve seen, and data backs this up, people are way more inclined to visit a facility on a weekday than they are on a Saturday. That’s pretty universal. Foot traffic at our facilities on Saturdays is just not there. The other thing we noticed is that, and while we changed the hours from 8 to 12:30, that some of the facilities that were open Saturday afternoons, for months and years, no one stepped foot in a facility at 2:30, 3pm on Saturday. So we want to shorten those hours, increasing for 16 locations that we think are pretty strategically placed that people have the ability to go in six days a week.

The Tribune has more here.


  1. - 10th ward - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 11:58 am:

    Did not for Alexi, but have to admit, I am impressed with his leadership so far. I love this idea and also like the hours and days changes. Nice work

  2. - 10th ward - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 11:58 am:


  3. - Former ILSIP - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 11:59 am:

    The hours change is probably a welcome change for the employees who now can get a proper weekend off, but for folks who work days, Saturday was likely a useful option.

  4. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:00 pm:

    The lines at suburban SoS offices the last few years have been unbelievable. If I can make an appointment I am 100% behind this.

  5. - Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:02 pm:

    Not a fan of the closing Saturdays.
    Will probably make it tougher for some to get there because of work, school, etc.

  6. - Baloneymous - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:05 pm:

    I live in Macoupin County that still allows walk-ins so it doesn’t affect me. Actually, I just went on Tuesday to renew my DL. Got there before 9am and was immediately called up to counter. Finished in 15 minutes or so. Easy peasy.

    Now for the elderly and those without home computers or internet, as long as that 800 number is promptly answered and easy to set up appointments, I think it could work ok. So they need enough people to answer those phones and not keep people on hold forever.

    I remember over 10 years ago I hadn’t had any traffic violations in 5+ years, so I was able to renew my license via mail. They just mailed me a sticker to put on the back of my existing license. I liked that. In 4 years if I am able to renew my driver’s license online like I renew my license plate sticker every year, I would love that.

  7. - JoanP - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:10 pm:

    Yes, I do. Last time I went to a SOS office (for my Real ID), I got moved to the head of the line because I’m old. But that line was REALLY long, and I think this plan will alleviate some of that.

    On the other hand, I think more than 16 should be open on Saturday.

    Also, they used “DMV” a lot in that press release. Guess they didn’t read your post yesterday, Rich.

  8. - New Day - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:11 pm:

    Anything that modernizes that office and makes simple services more convenient is great in my book This is the lowest of the low hanging fruit made possible because, with great love and respect, Jesse was phoning it in for most of his last two terms.

    But no, not letting that nonexistent DMV nonsense go. Repeat after me. There is no DMV in Illinois. There is no DMV in Illinois. There is no DMV in Illinois.

  9. - Jane - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:15 pm:

    I’ll believe it when I see it — my son had an appointment for his driving test. Still waited 2 hours.

    What’s more, appointment times are very difficult to come by. We were online at 6:30 when scheduling opened up, and appointments were filled almost immediately.

  10. - Give Us Barabbas - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:15 pm:

    The appointment works okay as long as traffic cooperates and nothing disrupts your schedule.
    I recently did the on-site renewal by appointment in May. It was a slow, uncrowded morning but there was still a short wait until they called my number. The desk clerk was very efficient, helpful, and cheerful, as they always are. The photography station however, had a ridiculous problem, in that it was designed to be able to move the camera up and down to adjust to how tall you are, but this camera was somehow stuck, they wouldn’t try to change the height, and I wasn’t the only one that morning that had to actually squat down and make a bit of a limbo pose, to get my head framed-up correctly for my driver license picture. Fix the darned cameras, Alexi. A tall guy like you should relate.

  11. - Amalia - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:16 pm:

    Love it. but I’ll believe it when I see it. getting the news out to people who need the service and who will actually follow the rules is a whole other thing. it’s not quite like recycling, which no one in many parts seems to do despite all the publicity but I’m sure if people just show up they won’t be turned away. or if they are someone will yell about access to whatever way of making an appointment, available times. lots of things in government would function better if the customers of government…the people…would be good at being customers. file, pay, make appointments, recycle, don’t liter….

  12. - Rigby 416 - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:16 pm:

    I did not read any mention of Veterans, seniors and people with disabilities being allowed to avoid waiting in line and not needing appointments, as they are now.

    My Father is a 90 year old Korean War Veteran who has to take the road test every year. He uses the Bridgeview facility and as a senior/Veteran goes in immediately.

  13. - George Ryan Reynolds - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:18 pm:

    Appointment rather than waiting hours in line? Seems like a no brainer.

  14. - Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:23 pm:

    Yes. This makes sense as long as it’s easy for folks without internet.

    One of the big keys to making this work will be to avoid over-booking. If people make an appointment, show up on time, and then have to wait for anything more than 10-20 minutes, it won’t be accepted. I hope they don’t “set it and forget it;” the SOS folks should monitor in-office wait times and adjust the system accordingly. The site currently only differentiates between “in car driving test” and “license and ID services” which may not be granular enough.

  15. - TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:34 pm:

    I don’t not like this idea. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I like it though. Put me in the indifferent column.

    My DMV has been great, at least for the past few times I needed to renew. I think the last time I was physically in a DMV was in 2016 for a renewal in person. Every other time I had to renew my license over the past decade or so I was able to use the ‘fast’ method, where if you have a good driving record the SoS just sends you a sticker in the mail to put on your existing license, or just sends a new license. No test or anything needed in-person to renew.

    For license stickers, I’ve been using the online method for what seems like at least a decade.

    On the rare times I need to go in person to a facility for a title transfer or something, I’ll either use my local one or if it’s a nice day to enjoy an afternoon drive through the country, there’s a rural one I use - which I won’t name but most people in the west and sw suburbs are are probably familiar with already for similar reasons.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:34 pm:

    I can’t think of a single service that I use now that doesn’t have “appointment” attached to it.

    Rare now are “walk ins” as a business model.

    We’ll see how it goes.

  17. - sulla - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:38 pm:

    The switch to scheduling appointments is okay in theory, but the current appointment system only allows you to book 48 hours in advance.

    So if you’re a busy person and you’ve got an opening in your schedule next Wednesday? Well, you better also schedule a time on Monday to log into the ILSOS system to make an appointment for Wednesday because you can’t make that appointment now. Super not-useful.

    Idea for a future question-of-the-day: How would you rank Illinois’ general customer service and user-friendliness compared to other states?

  18. - Stuck in Celliniland - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:45 pm:

    =All DMVs statewide will extend hours of operation, with 16 facilities open six days a week – Monday through Saturday=

    I wonder what SEIU thought of this. Unless the extended hours take additional staffing and flexible, rotating schedules into account.

    Not a fan of eliminating Saturday morning hours.

  19. - SomeGuy - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:50 pm:

    ==The switch to scheduling appointments is okay in theory, but the current appointment system only allows you to book 48 hours in advance.==

    I am not sure when it changed, but I just looked into scheduling an appointment and it shows availability out to August 4th.

    Lots of availability for same day and every day between now and the end of next week.

  20. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 12:59 pm:

    Will SoS appointments be like doctor appointments, that are pretty much never on time and often very late?

    Support this but with reservations, because it’s easier to do things online and avoid waiting.

  21. - WestCU - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 1:03 pm:

    I thought it would be useful to see this on a map, so I created this map marking the ZIP code of each facility, with the red ones being Skip-the-Line facilities.

  22. - yinn - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 1:08 pm:

    My SoS facility is take-a-number-and-sit. It works pretty well except the people coming in to renew CDL don’t have to wait, and that upsets the applecart a little. I’d be happy to make an appointment for anything I can’t do online but what happens with the CDL guys.

  23. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 2:31 pm:

    Happy to see anyone work to change the way the state does business. Will this be a cure all?

    No. But I do think it will make the process better. Alexi talked about the anger they are seeing in people who have to wait at the DMV. I think that’s key - he and others need to do what they can to cut it down and see that it isn’t taken out on the worker.

    Let people get mad at home about having to make an appointment but be happy when they get there a wait just a minute or two.

    Now I just wish the Real ID business would be easier to navigate. I got mine a few years ago and the process was a little less than clear and seemed to take too long.

    If I already have a Passport I don’t understand why that isn’t enough to issued a Real ID. It seems that the ‘vetting” by the feds should be enough to get me a Real ID with the state.

  24. - Dotnonymous x - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 2:36 pm:

    I can wait in line for hours…patiently…the Federal System taught me that skill.

  25. - Bear 3 - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 3:12 pm:

    Why not have like states near us (WI and Ky) not require new test for drivers and just have an open license renewal? Could be exceptions and pay a fee anually.

  26. - E-town - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 3:57 pm:

    Yes but not a fan of eliminating Saturday. There is Loya of folks that work and will need to take a day off.

  27. - DuPage - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 3:58 pm:

    @- Bear 3 - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 3:12 pm:

    ===Why not have like states near us (WI and Ky) not require new test for drivers and just have an open license renewal? Could be exceptions and pay a fee annually. ===

    Good idea. Also, Illinois is the ONLY state that requires drivers 75 and over to take a road test every year. It should be based on tickets or other actual reasons, the same as other drivers.

  28. - Aaron B - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 4:29 pm:

    Has the appointment system improved in the last year at all? I had to change my address and get a Real ID last summer and I ended up only being able to get an appointment by logging on at like 6am and same day was the only option. Everything went smoothly while I was there (Bradley) but it seemed to me that they had far too few appointments available since most of the staff was just standing around doing nothing.

    Given the choice between having to wait in line or play the lottery trying to get an appointment I think I’d rather wait in line to be honest. If the appointment system is better now then I can get on board with appointments.

  29. - Big Dipper - Thursday, Jul 27, 23 @ 6:19 pm:

    ==If I already have a Passport I don’t understand why that isn’t enough to issued a Real ID.==

    If you have a passport you don’t need a Real ID. They both allow domestic air travel.

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