Shelter in place ordered at Statehouse (Updated x7) - All clear
Tuesday, Mar 12, 2024 - Posted by Rich Miller * Not sure what’s going on yet, but there are police with long guns outside the Capitol Building right now. …Adding… I’m told by the secretary of state’s office that someone called in a threat saying they were bringing a gun into the Statehouse. Pics… ![]()
…Adding… Giannoulias… ![]() …Adding… From the Secretary of State’s office…
* Good point… ![]() …Adding… Please be careful about spreading rumors. Thanks. Most of what I’ve heard from legitimately concerned folks so far has not turned out to be true. …Adding… Capitol basement…
…Adding… An “all clear” has been given. …Adding… From SoS Giannoulias…
- West Sider - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:33 pm:
We need much longer prison sentences for domestic terrorism.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:38 pm:
Regarding doors not locking, my organization gave us door stoppers to use on the inside of the door.
I was like, “this is your active shooter plan?” It didn’t inspire a lot of confidence, to say the least. Did it inspire a lot of jokes? Yes. Did it inspire confidence in our ability to protect ourselves? Not so much.
I hope this is a false alarm, but it’s terrifying for anyone in the complex regardless. Hope they catch who did it.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:45 pm:
Brings back memories of Bill, RIP.
- charles in charge - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:49 pm:
== We need much longer prison sentences for domestic terrorism.==
Oh yes “soft on crime” laws are definitely the problem here. I’m sure the nut who called in this threat is very well informed about the current penalties but would have been deterred if only there were stiffer sentencing laws in place.
- Wowie - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:51 pm:
Definitely a great time for snark, Charles. Well done.
- Mary Pantle - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:52 pm:
This is why including the public in emergency exercises is critical. It isn’t just about testing the systems to make sure they work but also about making sure that the people relying on them know what to do when they go off.
- Ugh - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:52 pm:
Such a high number of amazing people in one building. Sickening no matter how many Capitol lockdowns you’ve been through. We don’t have to live this way, and we all know the majority of us don’t want to. Angry.
- Hannibal Lecter - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:54 pm:
Charles, its not about deterrence. Its about punishment. This person needs to be punished.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:55 pm:
===This person needs to be punished. ===
They gotta catch the person first. Meanwhile, everybody needs to simmer the heck down.
- Mountain Goat - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:57 pm:
Heck of a way to find out the lock on my office door doesn’t work…
Anyways, I’d much rather this sort of thing motivate us to combat political radicalization and stochastic terrorism than to think about how hard one dude needs to be punished
- Jeremy Rosen - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 2:59 pm:
I was in a Stratton hallway and although the PA announcement said to shelter guests the nearest office locked the door in my face. Thankfully another office let me in.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:12 pm:
===although the PA announcement said to shelter guests the nearest office locked the door===
I assume the problem here is that you could let the shooter into a safe room, which wouldn’t be ideal. Not sure what the solution is, but something needs to be figured out.
- One Term - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:13 pm:
These comments are tough. I am glad everyone is OK and hope this was a one-off event.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:14 pm:
glad the only damage done was fear and terror that something might happen. but that is real damage. peace to all who experienced that non event event.
- Mark Peysakhovich - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:16 pm:
Very sincerely, just always grateful to and for the folks in uniform who have to run towards the trouble while the rest of us figure out where to hide!
- Stratton Employee - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:21 pm:
@ Jeremy — You really think we’re going to pull someone not already in our offices into our offices during a threat? Get real. We are instructed to immediately secure our area and shelter any guests already present, not to open our doors and invite in more people. We have no idea who we may be bringing into our space, at that point. Sit down.
- CornAl DoGooder - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:22 pm:
Much better training is needed, so many people didn’t know the right procedure. Schools do regular lockdown training and everyone knows what to do. The Capitol is a pretty clear target, we need consistent training of what to do
- Frank Bass - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:31 pm:
I thought about the officer who was killed a few years ago. Yes people do need to calm down. I hope they work on a way to lock doors that won’t lock and work on the intercom system on the 1st floor. I’m just thankful everyone is aok.
- Jeremy Rosen - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:48 pm:
Yes I do Stratton employee, like some of your colleagues did. Or I expect Stratton to have a plan to address safety for people not in offices when emergency alarms go off, like they did in the Capitol.
- Drury's Missing Clock - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:51 pm:
==You really think we’re going to pull someone not already in our offices into our offices during a threat? Get real.==
Wanna friend in politics? Get a dog.
- Sangamo Girl - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 3:53 pm:
There is a long way to go in securing the Capitol Complex but important steps have been taken. We have had monthly test messages for several years and now alert texts are available. The next step is a complex-wide plan for emergencies. Right now it is up to each agency/office to create a plan. Some have them, some don’t.
- Steve - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 6:42 pm:
I have been in my job at state for 38 years bill was great friend he was killed many years ago that was why the capital police was created to protect everyone that comes to Springfield I respect every one of them and all the young staff members please understand that we don’t need all the rumors I’m sure I upset someone but bill was a true friend
- The South Springfield Shoplifter - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 7:24 pm:
I’d like to know more about this decision to clear the outside before clearing the inside. Given the track record of police reluctance to enter buildings with an active shooter (Uvalde and Parkland), a skeptic might say today’s responders “cleared the outside” until they were mostly sure there was no active shooter, and then they went inside.
- George - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 8:47 pm:
I was in a Senate committee room. The doorman did an excellent job of managing the situation. Kept everyone calm and informed. The room was full, orderly and calm. In the small part of the Capitol I found myself in at that moment the situation couldn’t have been handled better. A true professional did his job and kept a large group of strangers safe, calm and informed.
- 'Lectric guitar - Tuesday, Mar 12, 24 @ 9:07 pm:
Presumably, an individual already in the Stratton hallway would have gone through screening, or be and employee who showed their badge. Not trying to further instigate conflict on this thread, as I can understand why in the heat of the moment would be inclined to not ket in somwone they dont know.
But it’s something to consider in the broader discussion about protocol going forward.
To the overall point, I am just thankful everyone is safe tonight.