Primary race updates
Wednesday, Mar 20, 2024 - Posted by Isabel Miller
* AP calls it for US Rep. Mike Bost…
From the Sun-Times…
Five-term incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike Bost fended off a challenge from ultra-right farmer turned politician Darren Bailey in a turf war over the state’s most conservative congressional district.
With 96% of the votes counted, Bost led Bailey 51.4% to 48.6% in the downstate 12th Congressional District, according to Associated Press estimates. AP called the race on Wednesday morning.
Bost declared victory at about 9:41 p.m. on Tuesday, and Bailey conceded about 15 minutes later.
Bost thanked former President Donald Trump for his endorsement in his victory speech in downstate Murphysboro — and urged Republicans to “unite and work together.”
“Because if we’re going to turn this ship … in the right direction, we have to take a larger majority of the House. We have to take the Senate. We need a president to guide us, from that Republican party.”
More from Tina…
* Here’s the updated list for AP declared winners…
IL Supreme Court 1- Joy Cunningham
SB19- Samantha Gasca
SD20- Graciela Guzman
SD37- Liandro Arellano
SD40- Sen. Patrick Joyce
SD53- Chris Balkema
SD58- Sen. Terri Bryant
HD4- Rep. Lilian Jimenez
HD5- Rep. Kimberly Neely DuBluclet
HD6- Rep. Sonya Harper
HD 21- Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid
HD22- Rep. Angie Guerrero-Cuellar
HD23- Rep. Edgar Gonzalez
HD24- Rep. Theresa Mah
HD27- Rep. Justin Slaughter
HD29- Thaddeus Jones
HB31 - Mike Crawford (vs. Rep. Flowers)
HD35- Rep. Mary Gill
HD36- Rick Ryan
HD49- Hannah Billingsley
HD76- Amy Briel (D)
HD83- Matt Hanson
HD88- Regan Deering
HD99- Kyle Moore
HD105- Rep. Dennis Tipsword
HD107- Brad Halbrook
HD110- Rep. Blaine Wilhour
HD116- Rep. Dave Severin
US House 4- Rep. Chuy Garcia
US House 6- Rep. Sean Casten
US House 7- Rep. Danny Davis
US House 11- Rep. Bill Foster
US House 12- Rep. Mike Bost
Cook County Circuit Court- Mariyana Spyropoulos
Cook County Commissioner- Tara Stamps
* Eileen O’Neill Burke is maintaining a close lead against Clayton Harris…

* 79% of votes are counted for Bring Chicago Home…

* Heather Cherone…

* Effingham Daily News…
Incumbent state representatives Brad Halbrook and Blaine Wilhour appeared to win their Republican primaries, according to unofficial results. […]
“The far-left teachers’ unions put hundreds of thousands of dollars up against me to try to silence and intimidate me,” Wilhour said in a statement Tuesday night. “Well, there was a message sent and it was not exactly the one my opponents wanted. Voters put the influence peddlers and political insiders on notice that the money they put behind their hand-picked candidates is toxic. I won by a landslide. Now I am sending a message to the far-left activists who tried to defeat me – I will not be silenced, and I will continue to fight for the values of my district.”
IEA President Al Llorens…
“While this race is over, tonight is certainly not the end of IEA’s collective efforts to defeat anti-public education candidates who attack our union. We will stop at nothing to make our schools and our communities better for our students, which means we will continue to harness the power of our 135,000 members to advocate for candidates who support public education and workers’ rights. The IEA will remain engaged, keep fighting for what we believe in, and never lose sight of what unites us.”
* More…
* AP | Incumbents win big in Illinois primary: Incumbents in competitive U.S. House races around Chicago cruised to victory in Tuesday’s primary, while a downstate Republican challenger conceded in a race that focused on an endorsement from President Donald Trump.
* Sun-Times: Bring Chicago Home map: View which precincts voted for and against the referendum
* Tribune | Voters OK $35 million referendum for Union Ridge School District, Harwood Heights: The Cook County Clerk’s Office website announced the result of the Union Ridge School District 86 ballot question around 7:49 p.m. on March 19. The results were 283 voting “yes” on the referendum question and 258 voting “no.” The “yes” vote had a 52.31% majority.
* BND | What the Mike Bost, Darren Bailey election results tell us about the Republican Party: It’s noteworthy that Bailey would garner a percentage of the vote in the upper 40s in a race where Bost had so many advantages: Bost is the incumbent, he had the support of the party leadership to aid his campaign with cash and troops on the ground and, perhaps most importantly, he had Trump’s endorsement.
* Northern Star | Amy “Murri” Briel wins 76th District in primary: Briel soared in the LaSalle County polls taking 50.41% of the 3,412 votes. The ballots provided Briel the boost she needed to triumph over Barnes who trailed with 2,077 votes and Zasada with 2,038 votes from the combined counties of LaSalle, Bureau and DeKalb. will face Liz Bishop of Peru who dominated the Republican Party nomination with 3,168 votes for state representative.
* WJBD | Marion County Election Results
- OneMan - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:00 am:
Darren, I think you will be surprised and disappointed by the number of people in the pews at church who do not want to hear about politics.
It is a brave approach to count on organizations that are seeing declining attendance to help you politically.
- God - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:03 am:
I’m not the member of any political party, nor am I an American. Hope that helps. Now go get a job.
- James - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:07 am:
The Bost Base held, but by a slim margin. In the end, it’s a win. Bost is on the way to Washington, and Bailey is still trying to get that puzzle put together. You don’t get too many losses in the political business before you are a loser. Where does Bailey go now to remain relevant? I hope he moves to Indiana.
- Glengarry - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:08 am:
The rise of Christian Nationalism is a threat to our very democracy. That’s what Darren and his ilk are.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:10 am:
Yeah, Bailey keeps making a lot of “statements”.
- Treefiddy - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:14 am:
Curious about what elected office Bailey will run for next. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’s the type who will ride off into the sunset.
- TJ - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:14 am:
The only good news about Bost winning is that it meant that Bailey lost.
- TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:16 am:
–That’s what Darren and his ilk are.–
And it was a close race.
In the bigger picture - we’ve got big problems.
- Google Is Your Friend - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:18 am:
- Treefiddy - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:14 am:
Statewide elections in 2026 will be here before you know it + Durbin’s U.S. Senate seat is up then. I’m sure Bailey will find another losing crusade to go on.
- Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:33 am:
In spite of visits from Don Jr. , Matt Gaetz, and Mike Lindell, that did not sway enough voters to back Bailey. His message mixed with religious overtones has no place in politics.
Any day that we don’t hear Bailey’s voice or see Bailey’s teeth is a good day.
- Route 50 Corridor - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:48 am:
Any word on the Neimerg race? I cannot find anything, which since it is a written contest I understand.
- Route 50 Corridor - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:50 am:
I wouldn’t be shocked if Bailey makes another run at Bost, but then again he might turn towards the Senate race, because I am sure he would do better there.
- New Day - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 11:58 am:
Pretty clear that Trump cost Bailey the race. So let’s add Darren to the long list of people who learn the lesson that with Trump, loyalty is a one-way street.
BTW, anyone have a clue when we’ll get updates on what to expect in the SA race. There is a paucity of analysis on this point. What is outstanding? Where are the mail-in votes potentially going to come from? Etc. Where is Steve Kornacki when you need him.
- Former Downstater - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:03 pm:
I assume any church that starts “talking politics” like Darren Bailey wants will also start paying taxes?
- Ryan - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:08 pm:
On Fridee, Darren will appear on Facebook live, in his Carhart vest, to let us all know what office he will be seeking next. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to watch…he blocked me…
- Route 50 Corridor - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:23 pm:
I have always found Bailey to have more than a little resemblance to Gruncle Stan on Gravity Falls a Disney show for those that don’t know.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:23 pm:
=Unfortunately, I won’t be able to watch…he blocked me…=
You win.
- train111 - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:24 pm:
The Il-12 GOP race is the tale of 2 districts. Bost’s 2010 map district vs Baileyland in the east.
Bost’s area just has a few more votes, that’s all.
Interesting sectionals on display.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:38 pm:
==Bost’s area just has a few more votes, that’s all.==
Huh? That’s all? You know it’s the number of votes that matter right?
- cermak_rd - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 12:51 pm:
So Bailey didn’t win a statewide and he can’t win even a congressional seat with a bigger area. Maybe it’s because people who personally know him like him but people who don’t are put off by his public persona (freeenz, cheeky smile, shooting piles of paper, etc.)
- Rudy’s teeth - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 1:30 pm:
Darren Bailey’s chance of a seat in the Senate is as likely as Darren sitting first chair violin in the Chicago Symphony.
- Lurker - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 1:44 pm:
“I have always found Bailey to have more than a little resemblance to Gruncle Stan on Gravity Falls a Disney show for those that don’t know.”
That was offensive to Grunkle Stan and Stan Lee, who the character is based on.
- JSI - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 1:59 pm:
The real person for Bailey to blame is Donald Trump. The endorsement would’ve likely put him over the top x
- Juice - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 2:04 pm:
@cermak_rd. Do people who personally know Bailey like him all that much? I don’t seem to recall a lot of his GOP colleagues in the GA going above and beyond to help him out when he won the nomination for Governor.
It really seems like people who already agree with him kinda like him ok though as long as they don’t have to work too closely with him.
- 13th - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 2:34 pm:
Maybe Bailey could just go back and run for the local school board, so he can vote to increases real estate tax each year and blame it on the state, but then he might loss that race also s/
- Paris 2 - Wednesday, Mar 20, 24 @ 3:38 pm:
Former Downstater: You are correct.
I live in “Bailey Land”. It’s hard to imagine, but his extremist way of thinking is the general norm here, and it’s getting worse. With the population decrease here in Southern Illinois, it just continues to become more concentrated. Oh, statewide any campaign he would have would be a joke. But, down here in the dark hole, it’s shared mentality.