Playing the Trump card in Aurora
Friday, Mar 21, 2025 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’ve been sharing mail and other ads from the Aurora mayor’s race with subscribers the past few weeks or so. Here are two of the latest. Notice that the first one is from the Democratic Party of Illinois…

* From DPI last week…
Ahead of April 1, the Democratic Party of Illinois (DPI) has released details of its 2025 municipal campaign program—a robust and hands-on initiative to support nearly 300 candidates in every region of the state. In 2023, under Chair Lisa Hernandez’s leadership, the Party made clear its commitment to preventing extremist conservatives from implementing regressive platforms on school and library boards. This cycle, as national politics dominate the political ecosystem and impact the daily lives of working Illinoisans, DPI has built upon 2023’s program to continue defending its values of diversity, equity and inclusion and affirm that every election and every vote matters.
“From day one as Chair, I’ve stressed to my team that every election matters,” DPI Chair Lisa Hernandez said. “With national politics dominating the conversation and Trump-Musk threatening democracy, organizing at the most hyperlocal levels is one way for us to fight back right now. It’s how we protect our values and how we protect the people of Illinois.”
In partnership with the Illinois Democratic County Chairs Association (IDCCA), DPI and county chairs have identified 270 recommended candidates in municipal races across the state. Credible community advocates recommended by DPI are fighting for equitable public investments, better healthcare, and strong public schools for our kids. Conservative candidates who oppose these values are also seeking local office. DPI has identified 230 opposed candidates who will be targeted through this program.
The Party’s plan will include a six-figure mail and digital advertising investment, reaching hundreds of thousands of Democratic voters in target regions across Illinois. The paid communications program will highlight the Donald Trump–aligned conservatives on the ballot, as well as support the credible, commonsense community advocates that DPI recommends. In addition, the Party is facilitating direct candidate training led by DPI’s campaign staff and assigned one-on-one campaign coaches.
“DPI is providing candidates with the training and tools they need to run efficient and effective campaigns. Our direct mail and digital communications program will help raise awareness of these critical local races to ensure supported candidates win on April 1st,” DPI Executive Director Ben Hardin said. “The Party is making sure voters know which candidates are aligned with Democratic values and which ones will take their local governments down the wrong path.”
* Isabel linked to the Tribune story earlier today, but here’s more from that piece…
In a city where two-thirds of residents are people of color, the state Democratic Party, flush with cash from the billionaire governor and led by his hand-picked chair, has launched a barrage of attacks linking Irvin to President Donald Trump, whom a majority of the city’s voters rejected in November. […]
In addition to running in the GOP primary three years ago, Irvin launched a group called the Black Republican Mayors Association, which hosted an event at last year’s GOP national convention in Milwaukee featuring a U.S. senator, several Black congressmen and party delegates closely aligned with Trump. But the mayor’s record, particularly on immigration-related issues, is still more complicated than what is presented on one of the Democrats’ flyers where Irvin is wearing a red foam finger reading “#1 Fan Trump.”
Laesch, meanwhile, a former school board member who joined the Aurora City Council as an alderman at-large two years ago, hasn’t fully embraced the state Democratic Party’s approach to its support, even as state campaign finance records show he’s benefited from more than $112,000 in party spending so far — more than two-thirds of all the money Laesch’s campaign fund has raised since 2023. […]
“This election here, with this particular opponent that I have, has been very vicious, and I’ve been attacked consistently,” Irvin said. “I’m a person, you know, it hurts my feelings.”
I think a lot of people will be shocked if Irvin loses because Aurora has been pretty well-managed. But if voters buy into the Trump connection, and this being Illinois, it might work. It’s really DPI’s one and only route.
- Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:21 am:
Said it before, I’ll say it again. That small boat should have stayed close to shore.
Wondering if Ken Griffin even remembers your name, Irvin.
- JS Mill - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:22 am:
=But if voters buy into the Trump connection…=
Irvin is a republican so the line between the two is pretty direct in that regard.
I understand he does not talk like a maga, but still anyone running as a republican is directly linked to their party leader. Just the same as Illinois democrats can be linked to MJM.
- phocion - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:23 am:
How odd that Pritzker and DPI labeled Irvin a RINO and anti-Trump when he was running in the GOP primary for Governor. Now he’s suddenly a Trump guy when he’s running against a Democrat. More odd that no media coverage makes this simple point.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:25 am:
===Now he’s suddenly a Trump guy===
After his 2022 primary loss, he much more tightly embraced the GOP. Times do change.
- Flyin' Elvis'-Utah Chapter - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:26 am:
Welcome, phocion to this thing called politics.
- Center Drift - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:34 am:
If you’re looking for fair rules don’t go into politics. Both parties engage in this sort of character assassination and we are not improved as a country by their actions. But this is one of the perils of free speech. The remedy is more free speech on the other side. Also, This is clearly a Democratic state, and like all who control things they want even more under their control. So Republicans need to stop complaining about their feelings getting hurt and focus on why they would be better. Provide a positive alternative, identify where incumbents have not succeeded. Don’t let the opposition define you, you define them by their actions.
- Friendly Bob Adams - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:44 am:
Irwin has certainly learned from the T***p playbook, where criticism hurts his feelings.
He made his choice, cozied up and now he complains that people are being reminded of his actions.
- James - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 11:46 am:
Too bad if Irvin loses. He’s a good mayor and would make a good Governor or Senator.
- Arsenal - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:05 pm:
==More odd that no media coverage makes this simple point.==
That’s actually a pretty complicated thing to convey through political media.
- Donnie Elgin - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:15 pm:
= DPI Executive Director Ben Hardin said. “The Party is making sure voters know which candidates are aligned with Democratic values
Irvin is populate and he will likely benefit from GOP voters who will come out to vote against a county wide tax referendum
- Donnie Elgin - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:19 pm:
Sorry popular
- Hank Sauer - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:33 pm:
I guess the good folks want to wreck Aurora as well
- Excitable Boy - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 12:55 pm:
- More odd that no media coverage makes this simple point. -
Irvin could easily clear things up by denouncing Trump. Think he will?
- Jerry - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:24 pm:
Richie Irvin, you raised our right hand to support and defend the Constitution when you were in the Army. Well, do you or don’t you?
Enquiring minds NEED to know.
- OneMan - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 1:44 pm:
Aurora is in better shape than when he took office, with more development, housing going up, and data centers being built.
If his opponent is spending any money on mailings, I haven’t seen it (do get the Dem party mailers). It’s also interesting that the painters’ union, who spent a lot of money on the previous mayor, seems to be sitting this out.
The only union mailing I have seen was Pro-Richard before the first round. I think it was an operating union local.
I haven’t seen if the Democrats endorsed one of the guys who lost in the first round and now backing John. Then again, it isn’t like folks are asking who Durbin is endorsing.
- Lincoln Lad - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 3:15 pm:
If and when Trump or Musk show up with a check, will he take it? Or is he only interested in Griffin’s money? More than most, he’ll follow the money.
- JoeMaddon - Friday, Mar 21, 25 @ 4:16 pm:
**Irvin is popular**
A two-term incumbent mayor only got 37% of the vote in the first round. I’m not sure that “popular” means what you think it means.