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Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Afternoon roundup

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* More trouble in Joliet Township

Now, ahead of Tuesday night’s Township Board meeting, the Joliet Park District had issued a statement saying that it is rescinding the lease to the township of the Hartman Recreation Center, which was set to go into effect on Oct. 1. Park District Executive Director Brad Staab said in the statement that the township misrepresented what the township would use the Hartman Center for.

“Until we saw a copy of the grant application and saw the Hartman Recreation Center listed as a Welcome Center, we trusted they were going to do what they said, which was use it for community events, a farmers market, and moving some of their offices from Jefferson Street, NOT a migrant welcome center,” the park district statement said.


* 12th District Republican challenger Darren Bailey issued a statement on the invasion of Israel over the weekend. The NRCC responded…

…Here’s a quote below regarding Darren Bailey’s complete 180 on his stance with Israel/Palestine. As you know, he spoke in front of a map that erased Israel and depicted the entire region as “Palestine.” When asked by the Times of Israel if he would get behind legislation supporting Israel, Bailey “avoided providing an answer.”

“Terrorists are invading Israel to wipe it off the map—which is exactly what Darren Bailey endorsed in his shameless campaign appearance in Chicagoland last year. We live in too dangerous a world to allow flip-flopping politicians like Darren Bailey into Congress.” – NRCC Spokesman Mike Marinella

More background is here.

* Politico completely ignored the Illinois Legislative Jewish Caucus’ statement on Israel and the sharp push-back against Rep. Rashid’s counter-statement, and the resulting “clarifications” issued by at least four (now five) of Rashid’s own co-signers. Subscribers know more

Gov. JB Pritzker condemned the “horrifying attacks on Israel” by the Palestinian Hamas group over the weekend. “In Illinois and across America, the people of Israel are in our prayers,” Pritzker said in a social media statement and reiterating his sentiments on CBS’ Face the Nation.

And 18 members of the Illinois General Assembly signed a letter calling for peace in the Middle East.

“There are people across Illinois, many of whom are our constituents, who are watching this situation unfold and experiencing deep pain as they worry for loved ones,” the members said. “We will not be able to achieve peace when millions of Palestinians are denied basic human rights.”

State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid, the first Palestinian American to serve in the Illinois General Assembly, was among those signing the letter.

* WBEZ has a profile of United Working Families leader Kennedy Bartley

Kennedy Bartley knows her way around 121 N. Lasalle.

Her group, United Working Families, has long sought to shape public policies passed through City Hall. They hold political action events there, attend council meetings to push their agenda, and work to elect grassroots organizers.

But for the first time since UWF’s ascension in Chicago politics, Bartley and the organization she’s been tasked to lead have an influential seat at the City Hall table, with the mayor they helped elect.

Same Kennedy Bartley…

“From the river to the sea” explained by the ADL

Demanding justice for Palestinians, or calling for a Palestinian state should not also mean negating Israel’s existence. This chant can be understood as a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the State of Israel, implying the dismantling of the Jewish state. Indeed, this rallying cry has long been used by the anti-Israel terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the PFLP, which seek Israel’s destruction through violent means.

* On to other topics. Sen. Durbin had a knee replaced…

U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today underwent a successful total knee replacement surgery for his left knee. The procedure was performed this morning at RUSH in Oak Brook, Illinois. Durbin will remain in Illinois until he is cleared for travel to Washington by his doctor.

“As a result of my unremarkable high school football career, it was determined that I needed a full knee replacement for my left knee. I’m grateful to the medical staff at RUSH for today’s successful procedure and my new knee. I look forward to getting back to Washington as soon as possible.”

* Got any ideas?…

The Illinois Senate Special Committee on the Chicago Elected Representative School Board is seeking further input from parents, education advocates, community groups and other stakeholders regarding the transition to a fully-elected school board.

The committee will host a public hearing online at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 12 at to explore suggestions on how the transition can be done in a way that ensures equitable representation for all of Chicago’s diverse communities. Recent hearings have raised questions about a number of provisions required under current law, including the hybrid period in which some districts will be represented by members who are elected and others will be represented by members who are appointed, as well as the petition and election process for prospective board candidates.

Comments can be submitted prior to the hearing via email at, or online at That website also hosts an online map-making portal where anyone can draw and submit proposed district boundaries for consideration.

* Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker joined local and state leaders today to celebrate the ribbon cutting of Eli’s Cheesecake expanded facility. The $10 million investment and 42,000 square-foot expanded facility will increase space for packaging lines and bakery operations for the famous Chicago cheesecake company while creating 50 new jobs for the area.

“A family-owned bakery — three generations strong, Eli’s Cheesecake is an iconic Chicago-staple,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Thanks to a $10 million investment and competitive hiring incentives from our EDGE tax credit program, Eli’s Cheesecake was able to complete a 42,000 square foot expansion—bringing this facility size to a whopping 104,000 square feet. And, of course, more capacity brings jobs for the people of Illinois. More jobs, more customers, more cake: it doesn’t get much better than that.”

“With more than three decades of serving communities, the expansion of Eli’s Cheesecake is an example of how Illinois continues to grow,” said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. “We have the talent, the business and the infrastructure to keep our communities moving forward.”

The expanded facility – which is the company’s first expansion in almost 30 years – almost doubles the size of its bakery, allowing for increased bakery operations, including additional production and packaging lines, warehousing, and welfare areas. With a total of 104,000-square-feet, the expanded facility includes Eli’s Corporate Offices and the Eli’s Cheesecake Bakery Café, which is open to the public.

* Isabel’s afternoon roundup…


City may not get state supplemental; Pritzker avoids question on taking control of aslyum-seeker situation; Governor says White House ‘taking action in a way that they didn’t before’

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor was asked today if he thought a supplemental appropriations bill would be introduced during the upcoming veto session. The City of Chicago is hoping to use such a bill to pry loose more state dollars for new arrivals, which isn’t exactly receiving a hearty welcome. Here’s Gov. Pritzker’s response…

I have not heard of a supplemental that will be introduced. That’s certainly something the legislature might think about doing. But there are plenty of other things to consider, including, as you know, looking at a better nuclear moratorium removal, and a few other things that are, you know, the purpose of a veto session.

Doesn’t sound promising. The governor’s office usually is closely tied to any supplemental. They administer the budget, so they know if they need any additional authority.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* My associate Isabel Miller was also at the press conference…

Q: Governor, how many asylum-seekers are in the suburbs? And is there any word of the state taking control the situation through IEMA or any other state agency?

A: Let me be clear that the asylum-seekers are not required to tell us where they are moving to. They might choose to go to a suburb or anywhere Downstate, and some have without us even knowing. And so you would find out only if they’re applying for certain kinds of services, where they are. For us, in order to manage the major services that people need, working with the City of Chicago, we need to have them in locations where we can serve a number of people all at once, and not one family here, one family there, because there just aren’t too many services that many people need.

Sounds like he prefers to have them in Chicago. Also, they can track some of those folks who are being sent to the suburbs. [The governor’s office says that if the asylum-seekers leave the city it’s totally on their own volition, so they cannot track them.]

Isabel tried to ask a follow-up because he didn’t address the second part of her question, but got big-footed by a TV reporter. It happens.

* Asked if there was any news this week about the federal government cooperating on the migrant situation, Pritzker said…

A: I will say that they have moved quickly on a number of items. I think you saw that, shortly after our letter went to the White House, that the determination was made to expand the return of refugees who no do not qualify for refugee status. So that’s one thing. Another is very, very close to discussion about buses that are coming here, whether some of those buses are potentially breaking the law along the way, and working with the government about the logistics of those buses. Where would they go? Is Chicago the only place they can go? New York the only place they can go? And so those conversations are going, and the White House is taking action in a way that they didn’t before. So I’m very pleased about that.

Q: Were they breaking that midnight curfew? Is that the law you’re talking about?

A: No, no, no. This is just folks who do not qualify for refugee status. So remember, when they come here, they get temporary asylum status, they’re seeking asylum. And they have to go through a process. If they don’t meet the requirements for someone who could stay, we’re making sure, the federal government anyway is making sure those folks are returned.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Pritzker says person who threw rocks at his home may be charged with stalking

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. From today’s Gov. Pritzker news conference…

Q: Governor, should a person who was arrested be held in custody that was breaking windows at your home?

A: Should they be held in custody? They should if they meet the requirements. But let’s say, criminal property damage is one thing. Stalking, which is something that it appears that this person may be charged with. Also, this is not the first time they’ve come by our home. And so I don’t know what the state’s attorney is going to do with regard to that. But I can say that, collectively, those could lead to somebody being held in jail and not let out.

*** UPDATE 1 *** ISP…

Illinois State Police (ISP) Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Zone 1 announces the arrest of 38-year-old Adam A. Dabash of Villa Park, IL for two counts of Stalking (Class 4 Felony) and one count of Criminal Damage to Property (Class 4 Felony).

On October 9, 2023, ISP DCI was requested by the Chicago Police Department (CPD) to assist with a Criminal Damage to Property investigation that occurred at Governor J.B. Pritzker’s residence in Chicago. CPD was able to successfully locate the suspect, later identified as Dabash, on POD cameras and took Dabash into custody without incident. ISP was subsequently able to identify Dabash as the same suspect who left letters at the Governor’s home on two occasions in August.

The joint investigation by ISP and CPD culminated in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office approving the above-mentioned charges for Dabash. Dabash is being held at the Chicago Police Department’s 18th District lockup until his pretrial conditions have been set by a judge. No further information will be disseminated.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Confirmed

A Cook County judge on Tuesday rejected a prosecutor’s request to have a man who allegedly stalked and threw rocks at the home of Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker jailed as a safety threat. Judge William Fahy decided that the public’s safety could be assured by releasing the man, 38-year-old Adam Dabash, on electronic monitoring instead, according to court records.

Assistant State’s Attorney Anne McCord Rodgers told Fahy that surveillance video showed Dabash walking outside the governor’s home in the 1400 block of North Astor around 9:45 a.m. Monday. Dabash allegedly stopped twice to throw baseball-sized rocks at the mansion’s windows, then returned to throw another rock at the windows. She said three of the governor’s windows were damaged, with one rock recovered from inside the mansion and two found outside. […]

Dabash destroyed the mattress in his police holding cell and told officers at the police station that Illinois has a “m****r f****r for a governor.” […]

Rodgers said he has no criminal background.

It’s unclear why they didn’t also charge him with threatening a public official, which is on the list of alleged crimes that qualify for detention.

…Adding… Stalking, I’m told, is also a detainable offense.


COGFA: State revenue still growing

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller


Year to Date

Through the first quarter of FY 2024, overall General Funds revenues are $39 million above last year’s pace. This comparison, however, includes $764 million in FY 2023 Federal reimbursements that will not repeat in FY 2024. Excluding these one-time revenues, FY 2024 “base” receipts are up a noteworthy $803 million or +7.0% through September. But, as mentioned in the previous paragraphs, Illinois’ revenue totals are aided by the timing of reallocations and transfers that slightly distort its year-to-date performance. With that being said, Illinois’ economy has avoided a significant downshift to this point, which has allowed its primary revenue sources to continue to generate respectable totals through the first quarter of the fiscal year.

Personal Income Taxes are up $391 million through September or +$321 million on a net basis. While part of this growth is due to the first of five “true-up” reallocation installments, most of the year-to-date growth stems from steady employment levels and higher wages. The previously mentioned adjustments, as well as modified percentages of current business income tax disbursements, have factored into the slight $12 million decline in Corporate Income Tax receipts through September [-$2 million on a net basis]. Without these adjustments, corporate income tax receipts would be modestly higher through September.

Sales Tax receipts have continued to stay in positive territory through the first quarter of the fiscal year with growth of $57 million [or +$22 million net of non-general fund distributions]. All Other State Sources have combined to grow $92 million through September. This growth is primarily due to the $105 million rise in Interest Income, which has benefitted from comparatively higher interest rates. Other first-quarter increases have come from the Inheritance Tax [+$39 million]; Insurance Taxes [+$12 million]; and the Corporate Franchise Tax [+$3 million]. Other tax sources that are lower through the first three months include Other Sources [-$32 million]; Public Utility Taxes [-$25 million]; the Cigarette Tax [-$9 million]; and the Liquor Tax [-$1 million].

General Funds revenues from Transfers In are a combined $233 million higher through September, again mainly due to the timing of this year’s Income Tax Refund Fund Transfer [up +$259 million]. As alluded to previously, a sharp decline in this transfer category is expected by the end of the fiscal year due to the size of the FY 2023 Income Tax Refund Fund transfer, which was completed in January. Lottery Transfers have performed quite well so far this fiscal year, up $65 million. On the other hand, Other Transfers are down $79 million, mainly due to significantly lower Capital Projects Fund transfers into the General Revenue Fund. Gaming Transfers from casinos are down $10 million, while Cannabis Transfers are $2 million lower.

Despite the September decline, Federal Sources (base) are up $137 million year to date. However, if the $764 million in one-time ARPA Reimbursements receipted in FY 2023 are included in the equation, Federal Sources are down $627 million through the 1st Quarter of the fiscal year.

* More


Chicago experienced a 50 percent increase in asylum-seekers housed in staging centers last week

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the City of Chicago’s aldermanic briefing on October 6th, which was this past Friday

There’s more, so click here.

* Meanwhile, the mayor’s communications with alderpersons continue to be woefully inadequate. Block Club Chicago

Officials are holding a community meeting this week to share details about a proposed shelter in Ukrainian Village that could soon house asylum seekers.

The city has identified an industrial building at 526 N. Western Ave. for the shelter, according to a map on a city data portal and Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36th), whose ward includes the site. […]

Villegas said he’s waiting for additional information from the mayor’s office, but may not learn more until neighbors do at Thursday’s meeting.

“As of today, I don’t have details as relates to how many people are going to be sheltered, what are the plans to provide wraparound services, whether it’s singles or families, how they’re going to be interacting with local schools, the parks, etc.,” he said. “I don’t know what the plans are from the administration.”

Unacceptable behavior.

* It’s no wonder that people in Joliet are upset. All they have to do is look at Chicago and the lack of a coordinated response by the city, state and federal governments

A state grant awarded to Joliet Township would fund services for migrants, but some residents in the southwest suburb are questioning whether the money should be accepted.

Community members say they were surprised to learn recently that Joliet Township applied for funding to aid asylum seekers. Word spread quickly when, on Friday, Sept. 29, Governor J.B. Pritzker announced that Joliet was selected to receive $8.6 million. […]

As controversy brews, a Joliet Township board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 5 p.m. There, Sheridan and Brown – among other residents – plan to share their concerns. […]

It’s expected to draw such a large crowd, that it was moved from Joliet Township Hall to the auditorium at Bicentennial Park.



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Fundraiser list

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Today’s must-read: Millions in misspent TIF dollars

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Drew Zimmerman at the Northwest Herald

Under TIF, property taxes in a defined geographic area are collected and, over time, as property values rise, the increased tax revenue which would have been collected normally, goes into an incentive pool to grow and be used for specific projects. Traditionally, TIF incentive pool funds go to development or other projects designed to improve buildings or areas within the TIF-defined region which are deemed ‘blighted’ by the TIF Act.

However, many municipalities use the tax dollars to augment their budgets, utilizing the money to pay for administrative and police salaries. Meanwhile, millions more are spent with no officially reported purpose at all, a Shaw Media review of tax increment financing records over the last 10 years has found.

The selective reporting requirements of the Illinois Comptroller’s Office make it nearly impossible to track these expenditures at best, and at worst may be helping to mask millions in misspending. […]

But an in-depth look into the financial reporting within a dozen counties in and around the Chicago area shows numerous other municipalities reporting their spending in a similar fashion to DeKalb and University Park without identifying how they are spending TIF funds – and whether those expenses are TIF-eligible.

For some municipalities such as Kirkland in DeKalb County and Geneva in Kane County, this amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars in administrative expenses being covered by TIF. But for others, such as East Dundee in Kane County and West Chicago in DuPage County, millions have been allocated to staff salaries.

An analysis of tax increment financing reports filed with the Illinois Comptroller since the 2010 fiscal year identified roughly $10.3 million in unspecified administrative expenses, over $17 million in undisclosed fund transfers and $6 million in completely unidentified expenditures – primarily from University Park. Given the distribution of the Illinois property tax burden, the bulk of those funds would have gone to support public schools.

Go read the rest.


Study attempts to bust some Illinois population myths

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Contrary to concerns about an exodus of residents due to high taxes, crime and other factors, researchers report that the state has made noticeable gains in certain areas.

“Reports of Illinois’ population decline have been greatly exaggerated,” researcher Frank Manzo IV told the Tribune. “… Data show the Illinois population has been stable, with the Chicago area adding residents and taxpayers.” […]

The analysis of data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Illinois Department of Revenue was conducted by researchers at the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the Project for Middle Class Renewal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. […]

The new analysis shows that people who moved out of Illinois were younger, more likely to be Black or from downstate, less likely to be Hispanic, and have lower incomes. Nearly 100,000 African Americans left Illinois. Those losses were largely offset by growth in the Chicago area and immigrants from abroad, the report found. […]

From 2013 to 2022, Illinois saw significant growth in its number of higher-paid taxpayers, including an 52% increase in those earning $100,000 to $500,000 per year, and an 80% surge in taxpayers earning more than $500,000 per year.


In their study, ILEPI and PMCR researchers first used Illinois Department of Revenue tax statistics from 2010 to 2020 to note that Illinois added more than 200,000 taxpayers last decade, an increase of 4%. The tax base grew in the Chicago area while it declined Downstate. The number of tax filers with high incomes grew substantially, as Illinois became a $1 trillion economy: Taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes above $100,000 per year grew by more than 50% over the decade, including an increase of 80% among those earning more than $500,000 annually. Meanwhile, the number of families claiming Earned Income Credit (EIC) government benefits decreased 11% over the decade.

ILEPI and PMCR researchers then used Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement survey data from 2013 through 2022. In this survey, the Census Bureau asks U.S. residents whether they have changed residences in the past year, the state of previous residence for those who moved, and their primary reason for moving.

People who moved into Illinois were better educated and more likely to arrive for college than those who moved out. They were also younger on average than people who have stayed in Illinois. Two-in-five movers cite job-related circumstances as their top reason for moving. Additionally, the data indicated that while Illinois lost residents to “net domestic migration,” or people moving within the United States, these losses were almost entirely offset by immigrants coming to Illinois from abroad.

While outmigrants were statistically more likely to be Black or African American, people moving into Illinois and people who stay in Illinois were disproportionately more likely to be Hispanic or Latinx.

Finally, the data showed that people who stay in Illinois have better socioeconomic outcomes than all migrants. Stayers averaged 16% higher annual household incomes than those who have left Illinois, were more likely to be married, and had homeownership rates of 70%—more than double the rate of those who left the state (30%).

The data revealed that people who have left Illinois tended to be younger males with lower incomes than those who chose to stay. Only 30% of those who left became homeowners within their first year in their new states, and 14% reported relying on Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food stamp assistance.

The full report is here.


As city voters object while Chicago’s mayor aimlessly flails and Venezuelan asylum-seekers arrive in the suburbs, the governor needs to step in

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

I sent a top Democratic strategist whom I respect a copy of the Venezuelan migrant-related poll I posted for my subscribers last week.

Among other things, the M3 Strategies poll of 659 likely Chicago voters found that pluralities said they opposed “migrants being housed by the city of Chicago” (49-46), while also saying it’s time to end Chicago’s status as a sanctuary city (46-39). The poll’s margin of error was +/-3.82 percent. This is a Republican pollster, but they very accurately predicted the Chicago mayor’s race results during the first round.

Black and Latino voters really helped drive those poll results, with 49% of Black voters and 57% of Latinos opposing the city’s housing of migrants, and 51% of Black voters and 48% of Latinos saying they want to end the city’s sanctuary system. Several Latino residents have told reporters that they resent the help given to migrants when they received nothing at all after coming to the U.S. Fifty-six percent of Latino and Black voters told the pollster that the migrants made the city less safe.

“Not surprised by any of this,” the operative texted back. Indeed, plenty of Democratic legislators have been getting an earful from constituents about the problem, and not just in Chicago.

The question, he said, “is whether this is just another ‘law and order’ issue that polls well and seems persuasive but actually isn’t,” when you match up actual Republicans with Democrats. He said it would probably have more impact on Democratic primaries.

I suggested that Black voter turnout could be driven down by numbers like these. Seventy-nine percent of Black respondents told M3 Strategies that the asylum-seeker situation is “negatively affecting current Chicago residents who may be in need,” which seems to check out when looking at the strong pushback against housing migrants in Black neighborhoods. And Black turnout was already way down last year.

“Maybe,” the operative said, but added, “Elections are an eternity away with how voters’ memories operate.”

I agreed about the voter memory aspect but countered that his prediction assumes the migrant influx would be resolved a year from now. Some analysts have predicted far more migrants next year.

“Oof,” he replied.

“Support for housing migrants and positive views of the impact on the city is strongest among young, white voters on the North and Northwest sides,” the polling firm reported. Everyone else, not so much.

If this keeps up, there’s no doubt that the anger will spread to suburban communities, many of which have no local sanctuary ordinances. And the migrants have already started to arrive there.

During the uproar after Joliet Township Supervisor Angel Contreras applied for a state grant and more than just implied that he had support from the Joliet mayor and the city’s fire department when he apparently did not, news reports revealed that 2,200 asylum seekers had already been helped by the Spanish Community Center in Joliet.

Rep. Fred Crespo (D-Hoffman Estates), who chairs an appropriations committee, told me that at least one school district in his northwest Cook County district is “looking at bringing back mobile classrooms,” to help deal with the growing influx, and more are complaining that they can’t sustain the pace.

The poll makes it fairly easy to see why the governor and his administration would like to continue defining this as a Chicago administrative problem.

When asked last week about how all these folks could possibly be housed, Gov. J.B. Pritzker said, “This is a challenge I think the city has been facing since the beginning. You know, we don’t do city planning at the state level. This is, you know, a question best directed at the city.”

Pritzker added that the state has been supporting the city “as they have developed plans and as they’ve implemented them.”

What the city has actually done is floated a lot of ideas, but not implemented them and flailed all along the way. And after receiving more than $300 million in state assistance, the city is coming back for more cash, issuing demands in the news media and meeting with legislators.

Unlike Mayor Brandon Johnson, the Pritzker administration has lots of experience dealing with crises. They’re not perfect, but they did manage to help get the state through the pandemic. And Pritzker’s sharp letter to President Joe Biden last month seems to have helped push the president forward. The White House announced it will resume deportation flights to Venezuela.

Despite the governor’s words, this is no longer a Chicago-only issue. And that means the state needs to start taking more of a lead here.

The poll is here.

* Related…

*Hard sigh*


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! What’s going on in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* ICYMI: Chicago is elimiating submininmum wage for tipped workers. Summary of a Tribune story

    - The new law will shrink the gap between tipped and minimum wages by 8% each year until 2028.
    - The legislation passed 36-19.
    - Restaurant owners worry about the impact of high labor costs.

* Related stories…

* Isabel’s top picks…

    * Capitol News Illinois | Nurses unions push for mandatory staff-to-patient ratios: The proposed Safe Patient Limits Act, by Sen. Celina Villanueva and Rep. Theresa Mah, both Chicago Democrats, was introduced in February and was the subject of a joint hearing last week in Chicago by two House committees. It’s an issue that has been discussed in the General Assembly since 2019 but has thus far failed to gain the necessary traction for passage. The latest hearing came just three weeks before lawmakers return to the Capitol for their fall veto session, which begins Oct. 24.

    * Melissa Conyears-Ervin | I was a victim of domestic violence. Other victims should know they aren’t alone: Two days later, my mother and I filed a petition for an emergency order of protection in Coles County Circuit Court, which was granted and remained in effect until early January 1998. I ultimately decided not to proceed with a plenary order. I believed, as so many women do, that the system would protect him and not me. Since then, I’ve never stopped looking over my shoulder or fearing he would follow through on his threats.

    * Tribune | Chicago spent at least $3.5 million for NASCAR weekend and got $620,000 in return: The $3.5 million figure stands in contrast to the $620,000 NASCAR paid the city to transform streets surrounding Grant Park into a 12-turn, 2.2-mile racetrack. NASCAR paid a base $500,000 permit fee to the Chicago Park District in April and in late September cut a final check for the 2023 race for nearly $120,000 to pay the city its portion of ticket sales as well as commissions for food, beverage and merchandise, according to city records.

* Illinois Republicans supporting Ron DeSantis for president announced their statewide delegate slate. Illinois will have 64 delegates, including Sen. Sue Rezin and Awake Illinois founder Shannon Adcock. Click here for the full release.

* Here’s the rest of your morning roundup…


Live coverage

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Click here or here to follow breaking news.

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* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Live coverage
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* ARDC hearing board recommends two-year suspension for attorney in assault weapons case
* Judge ridicules anti-Gotion lawsuit: 'The complaint reads like a novel'
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Quinn explains how property tax relief proposal could work
* The Importance Of Energy Storage
* 'We believe we are in compliance with the law'
* State completes $73 million project to protect Illinois’ only undeveloped Lake Michigan shoreline
* Sean Grayson wasn’t the only Sangamon County deputy hired with a DUI on his record
* Open thread
* Yesterday's stories

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