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Giannoulias to expand “Skip-the-Line” program, but you’ll still be able to walk in to lower-volume facilities

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Media advisory…

Giannoulias to Announce Skip-the-Line Program at DMVs

Who: Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias

What: Secretary Giannoulias will announce the implementation of a Skip-the-Line program at DMVs throughout the state.

Where: 555 W. Monroe
3rd Floor – Room 300-N (Press Room)

When: Thursday, July 27, at 11 a.m.

Why: Secretary Giannoulias’ Skip-the-Line program is designed to improve customer service and eliminate the unpredictability of wait times at DMVs. The program is scheduled to launch September 1, 2023

I asked if this means walk-in service will be eliminated…

Walk-ins will be allowed at the lower-volume facilities. This is the majority of the DMVs across the state.

As a side note, I really don’t like that it’s now common practice to call drivers’ service facilities “DMVs.” There is no Department of Motor Vehicles in Illinois.


Sen. Tom Bennett won’t run in 2024; Sen. Patricia Van Pelt will finally retire next week

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sen. Bennett was appointed to the seat this year after incumbent GOP Sen. Jason Barickman stepped down…

Illinois State Senator Tom Bennett (R-Gibson City) announced his plans to retire from his storied and successful career in the General Assembly at the completion of his current term representing the 53rd District.

“Serving in the General Assembly has been one of the most challenging, amazing and rewarding times in my life,” said Bennett. “The only way I know how to do this job is full-time, often six or seven days-a-week and my family and I have decided that after this term it is time to slow down,” Bennett said.

Senator Bennett served in the Illinois House of Representatives representing the 106th District from 2015 until 2023 when he was appointed to the State Senate on behalf of the 53rd District of Illinois, including Bureau, Ford, Grundy, Iroquois, LaSalle, Livingston, Marshall, McLean, Peoria, Putnam, Tazewell, Will, and Woodford Counties.

“Senator Bennett is as well-known for his kindness and compassion as he is for his legislative skills,” said Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove). “The accomplishments and impact that he continues to make will be felt throughout the capitol and the state for many years to come. I am grateful for the chance to serve alongside him and look forward to working with him in his final session and endeavors beyond the capitol.”

Senator Bennett grew up in Gibson City before earning a BS in Education and a BS in Computer Science from Eastern Illinois University, an MBA from Illinois State University and a Doctor of Business Administration from Nova Southeastern University. He spent his career in education as a high school and junior high science teacher and later as an IT professional at State Farm Insurance.

His passion for education stemmed into his public service in Springfield where he was a leader on Education participating in many meaningful negotiations and legislative packages in the House and passed multiple bipartisan education bills, specifically ones focused on addressing the state’s teacher shortage in the Senate. Raised on a family farm, he also took an active role in agriculture, small business, public safety and transportation issues.

Despite his many legislative accomplishments, it is the people he has met along the way that brings Sen. Bennett the most joy.

“It’s amazing what my staff has done over the last nine years for countless constituents across our district and our state to make a positive difference in people’s lives,” Sen. Bennett said. “I am also grateful for my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in the General Assembly – we come from different parts of the state, with different backgrounds, sometimes holding very different viewpoints, but we have tried to respect each other and work together on issues important to the people of Illinois.”

Always finding new ways to give back to his community, Sen. Bennett served on several school and education boards including 19 years on the distinguished Parkland College Board of Trustees and became the first Illinois trustee to ever serve as Chair of the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT).

“The process of running for office, meeting people, telling them why you’re running, your goals and how you hope to achieve them – is not an easy one. I make this announcement today so the hardworking and fair-minded people I represent are in the best position to elect a new leader.”

In the meantime, Senator Bennett said he looks forward to making the most of the remainder of his term.

“Today is not the end of my work as a Senator, it is simply the beginning of the sprint to the finish,” Bennett said. “I have a lot of legislative work left to do and a lot of people yet to meet. Because, as I learned from a friend a long time ago: it’s all about the people.”

Sen. Bennett’s term will end at the completion of the 103rd General Assembly in January 2025.

* Sen. Van Pelt was absent for most of the spring session…

State Senator Patricia Van Pelt issued the following statement after filing to retire from the 5th Senate District seat:

“It has been an honor of a lifetime to serve the people of the 5th Senate District for the last decade. Throughout this time, we have accomplished much change to ensure the voiceless are heard and the underserved receive the help they need.

“I want to thank all who have stood by me over this past year throughout my health challenges. It has been a blessing to serve the people of this great state, but it’s time to pass the torch. I will forever be grateful for the people I’ve encountered, the stories they’ve shared and the work we’ve accomplished together.”

The retirement will be official August 1, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.

Notice the lack of any other voice in that second release.


Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Auditor General looked at the Illinois Department of Employment Security’s books and found a whopping $5.24 billion in overpayments

Overpayments (which include fraud, non-fraud, and identity theft) were an issue in both the regular UI and PUA programs. IDES reported overpayments for FY20 to FY22 that totaled $5.24 billion; regular UI accounted for $2.04 billion and PUA accounted for $3.20 billion. Considering gross benefits associated with regular UI claims were 2.5 times higher than gross benefits associated with PUA claims, it shows the magnitude of fraud experienced in the PUA program. IDES noted stopped or recovered payments of $150.36 million and $361.34 million for the regular UI and PUA programs respectively.

Many decisions made during the pandemic were intended to decrease or eliminate delays and prioritize paying claims as soon as possible. Several of IDES’ defenses against fraud could not handle the exponential increase in claims. Claimants were unable to register for claims since they were required to pass these cross-matches in order to file. Beginning in March 2020, IDES suspended some routine identity cross-matches performed on all regular UI claims filed because the cross-matches required time to run and constricted the processing system severely. These cross-matches were temporarily suspended and/or processed offline. This allowed IDES to better handle the increase in claims processing traffic; however, this left the unemployment programs more susceptible to fraud.

Timely payment of benefits and preventing fraud are competing concepts. Preventing fraud, especially in new programs with evolving guidance and guidelines, likely would require additional processing time and a possible delay in benefit distribution to claimants. Conversely, paying claims quickly, especially when certain cross-matches and controls were suspended, increased IDES’ risk of making improper payments.

Go read the rest.

* The Republican Party’s elders in this state have not had much of an influence on the rank and file for quite a few years. So this likely won’t change things much

An influential Illinois Republican is urging Republicans to break from ex-President Donald Trump, the current front runner for the 2024 GOP nomination.

Richard Porter, a local and national party leader, took his first public stand about moving on from Trump in a column published Wednesday by Real Clear Politics.

The op-ed is here. Porter is backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whose campaign appears to be imploding at the moment.


The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is reminding the public to be aware of the potential for exposure to rabies from infected animals. Bats are the most common source of potential infection in Illinois, and exposures from bats tend to be more frequent during the summer months, especially July and August. The disease can also be found in other wild animals, including raccoons, skunks, foxes, and coyotes.

So far this year, 27 rabid bats have been found in fourteen Illinois counties. There have been five rabid bats each in Kankakee and Lake counties, four in Cook County, and three in McHenry County. Rabies has also been found in bats in Bureau, Clark, DeKalb, Macon, McLean, Peoria, Rock Island, Sangamon, Wayne, and Will counties.

“Rabies is a fatal but preventable disease,” said IDPH Director Dr. Sameer Vohra. “It is important that Illinois residents know how to prevent rabies exposure to protect themselves and their loved ones. Rabies can be prevented in a number of ways including vaccinating pets, being cautious around wildlife, and seeking medical care immediately after a potential exposure. If exposed, please seek medical attention immediately.”

Rabies is a deadly virus that affects the brain and nervous system. People can get rabies from being bitten by an infected animal. Rabies can also be contracted when saliva from a rabid animal comes into contact with a person’s eyes, nose, mouth, or an open wound. If someone wakes up to find a bat in the room, that is also considered an exposure even if they cannot identify a bite.

A bat’s teeth are small, so someone who has been bitten by a bat may not know it, or may be unable to communicate it (for example, very small children). That’s why it’s important that if you discover a bat in your home, you should avoid killing or releasing it; instead, immediately consult with your local animal control or your local health department to determine appropriate next steps. If you have been exposed to rabies, preventive treatment, known as PEP, is necessary. But if the bat or wild animal can be safely captured and tested, and the test comes back negative, no preventive medication is required.


Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Director John J. Kim today announced a grant opportunity with $10 million in funding for projects that will improve water quality in Illinois. The Green Infrastructure Grant Opportunities (GIGO) Program has been made possible by Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital plan. The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is posted at […]

The GIGO Program provides funding for projects to construct green infrastructure best management practices (BMPs) that prevent, eliminate, or reduce water quality impairments by decreasing stormwater runoff into Illinois’ rivers, streams, and lakes. Projects that implement treatment trains (multiple BMPs in series) and/or multiple BMPs within the same watershed may be more effective and efficient than a single large green infrastructure BMP.

For GIGO, green infrastructure means any stormwater management technique or practice employed with the primary goal to preserve, restore, mimic, or enhance natural hydrology. Green infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, methods of using soil and vegetation to promote soil percolation, evapotranspiration, and filtering or the harvesting and reuse of precipitation. Examples of project types/BMPs that may be funded through GIGO are provided in the NOFO. Illinois EPA anticipates project awards between $75,000 and $2.5 million. The first $5 Million in GIGO grants were awarded to eleven grantees in 2021 and 2022. Four projects have completed construction and the remaining are under construction.

* Not the ballot name it used to be, but we’ll see…

Today, Justice Eileen O’Neill Burke (Illinois Appellate Court, Retired) formally announced her campaign to be the Democratic Candidate for Cook County State’s Attorney:

    “At the beginning of this month, I stepped down from my position as a Justice on the Appellate Court for a simple reason: our criminal justice system is not working for this community that I love. As a former prosecutor, criminal defense attorney, and judge, I have spent more than thirty years seeking justice for the people of Cook County from every corner of the courtroom. I believe that my experience, sound judgment, and record of fairness can make things better at a critical time,” said Justice Eileen O’Neill Burke.

    “The State’s Attorney has an awesome responsibility to vigorously prosecute cases and seek justice for victims, their families, and the people of Cook County while respecting the rule of law and the civil rights of the accused. That requires not only tackling violent crime but also a thoughtful approach to restorative justice, where we put resources into juvenile, veterans, drug, and mental health courts to help people get back on the right path and build stronger, safer communities.

    “We don’t have to choose between safety or justice. We can have both with the right leadership. Above all, I know that no State’s Attorney can be successful without earning the trust of the public. I will lead an office with the highest standards of professionalism, and I look forward to sharing my vision with voters to make the office of the Cook County State’s Attorney one of the best prosecutor’s offices in the country,” O’Neill Burke concluded.

In only three weeks since stepping off the bench, Justice Burke has garnered the enthusiastic support of the local legal community. More than 150 retired judges, retired Assistant State’s Attorneys, and lawyers have joined Burke’s campaign.

* This ain’t gonna work…

* Isabel’s afternoon roundup…


Today’s gruesome task

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to read the replies to this tweet (or Xeet, or whatever it is now). Flat-out and even enthusiastic racism, historical revisionism, whataboutism all mixed in with weight comments. It’s a collection of miserably horrible people the likes of which you may have never seen before…


Rocky Wirtz

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Governor Pritzker at today’s bill signing…

I’ve known Rocky Wirtz for 25 years, I believe. Every day, this man showed his heart to people. I’m not talking about the leadership of the Blackhawks, which those of us who are fans are so proud of the work that he did to win our championships. I’m talking about the man who cared deeply about people all across the city, all across the state.

In fact, all across the country, Blackhawks Charities and the efforts that they made were an impetus of Rocky Wirtz. And he was a person that you could call up and he would try to help in anything that you asked him to do. Anything, anything.

When you think of big, powerful people in business, you often don’t remember that there are people who made it to that exalted height in their careers who brought with them a caring for people that aren’t just up there enjoying the treasures of having made it, but who bring with them the people that they know are most in need.

Rocky Wirtz was somebody who cared about those people and he demonstrated it in so many ways. And I can just tell you on a personal level, no better friend that you can have.

* Sun-Times

Formally, he was W. Rockwell Wirtz.

But he was always just Rocky, a name that fit both for its common-man connotation and the sense that he could be tough when the occasion demanded it.

Rocky Wirtz was the third-generation leader of his family’s businesses. Most Chicagoans knew Mr. Wirtz as the owner of the Chicago Blackhawks, and he enjoyed the role to the hilt, often chatting with fans in the stands instead of sequestering himself in a skybox. […]

Mr. Wirtz, 70, died Tuesday at NorthShore Evanston Hospital following a brief illness. He was surrounded by his wife, Marilyn, and his four children, according to a statement from Wirtz Corp. Friends say he had been experiencing stomach pains for a while, but he thought the symptoms would resolve themselves. […]

Along with his businesses, Mr. Wirtz leaves a long legacy of support for Chicago, including the activities of the Chicago Blackhawks Foundation. He also won city support in recent weeks for a land deal that allowed the Blackhawks to build a community ice arena and practice facility on the West Side.

* Crain’s

“Our hearts are very heavy today,” Rocky’s son, Danny Wirtz, CEO of the Blackhawks, said in the statement. “Our dad was a passionate businessman committed to making Chicago a great place to live, work and visit, but his true love was for his family and close friends. He was a loving father, a devoted husband to Marilyn, a brother, a nephew, an uncle and a doting grandfather to his six remarkable grandchildren. His passing leaves a huge hole in the hearts of many and we will miss him terribly.”

Wirtz’s death will reverberate through the Chicago sports, business and philanthropic communities, where he has been a high-profile figure for years.

Wirtz’s legacy may be most clearly defined by the resurgence of the Blackhawks after the death of his father, Bill. Inheriting a historic franchise that had alienated fans and had languishing ticket sales and sponsorships, Rocky hired new business leadership for the franchise and put its local games back on television, which combined with a rare mix of young talent and success on the ice to turn the Blackhawks into one of the biggest business success stories in professional sports.

* Tribune

By 2009, just a year and a half after Bill Wirtz’s death, the Hawks were back in the playoffs for the first time since 2002.

Forbes Magazine dubbed the Hawks’ revitalization the “Greatest Sports-Business Turnaround Ever” in 2009. […]

In May 2021, former prospect Kyle Beach sued the team, alleging negligence over a claim former video coach Brad Aldrich sexually assaulted him. In October of that year, law firm Jenner & Block released its finding after investigating Beach’s claims. The firm found that Hawks upper management — including McDonough, Stan Bowman, Kevin Cheveldayoff and coach Joel Quenneville — failed to act on Beach’s sexual assault claim until after the championship was secured.

Wirtz said he was unaware of the 2010 allegations until the lawsuit was filed in 2021.

* ABC Chicago

NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman released a statement on Wirtz’s passing, saying in part, “Devoted to family and the Chicago Blackhawks, Rocky was a native son of Chicago and an accomplished businessman. Rocky took over control of the Blackhawks in 2007 and almost immediately restored the passion and following of the storied, Original Six, franchise…The NHL sends its sincere condolences to Rocky’s wife Marilyn, his children Danny, Kendall and Hillary, Marilyn’s daughter Elizabeth, and their six grandchildren. He will be missed terribly.”

“Rocky Wirtz was a champion in every sense of the word - in family, in business, in sports ownership, and most important, in life,” said Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson in a statement. “From his stalwart leadership of the Wirtz Corporation and multitude of corporate ventures, to the Blackhawks’ miracle run of three Stanley Cup champions in six seasons, he exemplified class and excellence at every turn.” […]

White Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf released a statement, saying in part, “This is just shocking news, and I am personally devastated. Rocky truly was a great man. We were far more than partners at the United Center. We were very close; he was a dear friend and our trust, our bond, was unbreakable.”


Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson had this statement following Wirtz’s death on Tuesday.

“Rocky Wirtz was a champion in every sense of the word — in family, in business, in sports ownership, and most important, in life. From his stalwart leadership of the Wirtz Corporation and multitude of corporate ventures, to the Blackhawks’ miracle run of three Stanley Cup champions in six seasons, he exemplified class and excellence at every turn.

As successful as he was as a chairman and owner, however, he was an even greater man, giving a United Center security officer or parking attendant the same amount of respect he would offer a fellow magnate or CEO. That is who Rocky Wirtz was, and he will be dearly missed.

My heart is with the Wirtz family, his colleagues and the entire Blackhawks organization during this difficult time. This is a sad day, and a tremendous loss for our city.”

* More…


Democratic state Senator pushes estate tax change, calls it “the number one reason that people leave Illinois”

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Senate President Don Harmon has also said he believes a major root cause for people leaving Illinois is the state’s estate tax. WGLT

There’s a push to change inheritance laws in the state of Illinois, and an unexpected source is taking up the cause.

You don’t usually find Democrats picking up the gauntlet to weaken provisions of a law originally intended to prevent the concentration of capital into hereditary wealthy elites. But State Sen. Dave Koehler of Peoria said there’s a sound economic development reason to do so.

“You know what I think the number one reason that people leave Illinois is? I think it’s the way we structure our estate tax,” said Koehler. […]

Koehler supports a bill to increase exemption to the estate tax from $4 million to $12 million. He said the federal exemption already is set at $12 million and will go to $12.9 million this year. In Illinois, for estates above $12 million in value, the estate tax percentage goes up as the size of the estate, until it tops out at a 16% marginal tax rate on inheritances of $10 million and higher. […]

Koehler said it’s not just farmers who are affected, but the families of small business owners, who also might be forced to shut down to pay the inheritance tax.

“I talked with somebody who is a retired teacher who said their accountant tells them if they really want to pass on their family wealth they really need to move to another state. That’s driving a lot of decisions. We really need to address that,” said Koehler.



Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC Sports Chicago’s associate producer for White Sox Baseball…

* The Question: Should White Sox ownership sell the team? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Open thread

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Happy Wednesday! We’re halfway through the week already, what’s been shakin’ in your part of Illinois?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…


Live coverage

Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* Pritzker on challenge to the interchange fee law, sports betting
* A walk down memory lane
* Open thread
* Uber’s Local Partnership = Stress-Free Travel For Paratransit Riders
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