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Pritzker claims state hopes to build “the best behavioral health system in the nation”

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is much-needed here. People of all political and ideological persuasions talk about the dire need for mental health care all the time. To do this, we need more trained people. We don’t have to build the best program in the nation, but we definitely need to do a lot more.

You may have noticed earlier today that the Choate revamp will be led by this very same Behavioral Health Workforce Center. Press release…

Today, Governor JB Pritzker along with state and local officials celebrated the launch of a new Behavioral Health Workforce Education Center, which will increase Illinois’ capacity to recruit, educate, and retain behavioral health professionals. The Center builds upon the state’s commitment to behavioral health transformation, strengthening behavioral health care infrastructure and access across the state.

Housed at Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine, the Center was created in partnership with the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Jane Addams College of Social Work, the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE), and the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS).

“From care portals and universal screenings to improved coordination of service delivery and increased statewide capacity, we are laying out a plan to build the best behavioral health system in the nation,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “We’re launching the Behavioral Health Workforce Education Center, a partnership between the Illinois Board of Higher Education, Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine, and the University of Illinois Chicago’s Jane Addams College of Social Work. It will begin with a $5 million annual investment from the Department of Human Services to help both rural and urban areas of our state address the behavioral healthcare crisis to increase access to effective services for all Illinoisans”

In Illinois and across the nation, behavioral health professionals are only able to provide a fraction of the services required to meet the population’s needs due to a national shortage of workers. The Center was established to combat these critical shortages in the workforce by addressing barriers to recruitment and training, collecting data on behavioral health needs, increasing diversity in the workforce, and expanding the capacity of health care providers to meet behavioral health needs.

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIU SOM) will serve as the primary administrative hub in Springfield, providing coordination and support for building the behavioral health workforce pipeline and increasing entry into the field. The UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work will serve as the secondary hub, supporting specific data collection and training initiatives. Public and independent universities, as well as community colleges in ten regions, will be invited to participate as partners to increase the statewide impact.

The creation of the Center is a milestone in a long-term plan to address the behavioral health workforce emergency. State lawmakers sounded an alarm about the staffing shortages in a unanimous 2018 resolution. In 2019, a Behavioral Health Workforce Education Center Task Force issued a final report recommending the creation of a hub-and-spoke center to address unmet mental and behavioral health needs.

SIU SOM, UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work, and all consortium members will coordinate programs and oversee initiatives to increase the behavioral healthcare workforce and its capacity to provide high-quality behavioral health services across the state.

“We have been facing a workforce crisis in mental health for years due to a shortage of behavioral health specialists. Local staffing levels were already critical in rural and small urban communities, and the pandemic made matters worse globally, with a 25 percent increase in people seeking mental health care,” said Kari Wolf, MD, Chair of Psychiatry at SIU SOM and CEO of the Behavioral Health Workforce Center. “Through the Center, we aim to assess current educational pathways and create additional training opportunities to develop a diverse behavioral health workforce that is distributed across the entire state.”

“We’re excited to have this opportunity to understand the needs of the behavioral health workforce and support their training and career development,” said Sonya Leathers, PhD, UIC Jane Addams College of Social Work professor and co-director of Center activities at UIC. “We hope to increase access to effective services through initiatives that will provide critically needed support and training for behavioral health providers in a range of traditional and nontraditional settings.” […]

“I commend and thank Governor Pritzker for prioritizing behavioral health workforce development in Illinois. The Workforce Center is an opportunity to transform the system to make it more responsive to the needs of individuals, families and children in this State,” said Grace B. Hou, Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services. “IDHS is energized to work with our partners to strengthen the infrastructure needed to provide critical services to those in need.”

“The Behavioral Health Workforce Center will help increase the number of behavioral health professionals in Illinois at a crucial time, as we are still grappling with the impacts of the pandemic,” said IBHE Executive Director Ginger Ostro. “Addressing workforce shortages and needs in the state is a key goal of the state’s strategic plan for higher education, and we are excited to work collaboratively with our agency and university partners to ensure we are meeting workforce needs in behavioral health in benefit of the people of Illinois.”

Numerous legislators were also quoted in the release.

Also, this ties in to the inadequate number of pediatric psychiatric hospitals in Illinois that we talked about today and the problems with finding placements for kids who are in those hospitals and don’t have a way out. It’s crucial that this succeeds.


Your feel-good story of the day

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Brenden Moore…

* From Brenden’s story

(T)he plates are produced by Macon Resources, Inc., a Decatur social service agency that provides services to people with mental, physical and developmental disabilities.

The agency operates daycare and after-school care programs for children with disabilities and a wide range of services for adults with disabilities, including life skills training, vocational training, job placement and volunteerism, along with the operation of nine group homes.

Nearly 60% of the agency’s workforce is made up of people with disabilities. And Illinois is one of two states not making license plates in a prison, said MRI chief operating officer Ryan Raleigh. Workers make at least $15 per hour, he said. […]

“This is one of the most inspirational things I’ve ever seen in my time in politics,” Giannoulias said. “I wish everyone who lives in Illinois could come here and see the amazing work that MRI does. I think it’s a testament to others helping others, but also providing jobs and opportunity and hope.”

Giannoulias said he would like to use his platform “to promote this model across the country.”


“To see the pride they take in the work and the pride they take in their friendships and giving hugs around, and this is not just the very best of Illinois, this is the very best of humanity, so I couldn’t be more excited about this partnership,” Giannoulias said. […]

“We’ve met people who have been here for 38 years, 39 years, 24 years. I mean, unless you’re here meeting them in person, it’s very tough to make that translation,” Giannoulias said. “That’s also why we’ve been trying to visit as many of our driver services facilities as possible to really see the challenges that Illinoisans are facing, to get to meet our employees, to see the hard work that they do. “


Afternoon roundup

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

COGFA’s new estimate for the current fiscal year is $545 million beyond the amount assumed by the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget in Pritzker’s budget proposal.

COGFA is also projecting stronger revenues in the upcoming Fiscal Year 2024 than the most recent estimate from GOMB. The $50.4 billion COGFA estimate marks an increase of $465 million beyond the revenues the governor proposed.

Noggle noted that COGFA’s estimate was higher than GOMB’s because the commission had an extra half of January and all of February to factor into its projections. Because base revenue growth remained strong over that span, the commission was able to increase the estimate. That drove up the current year base revenues, which in turn drove up estimates for next fiscal year.

And that last sentence means COGFA believes much of this new revenue is recurring.


Six years after Illinois enacted a major new K-12 funding formula that was supposed to direct more resources to historically under-supported school districts in low-income communities, new research released today finds that the program is working as intended, and, in fact, benefiting all students in every geographic region of Illinois—irrespective of race or ethnicity. The report, Educating Illinois: A Look at the Evidence-Based Funding Formula, from the nonprofit and nonpartisan Center for Tax and Budget Accountability (CTBA), finds that the Evidence-Based Funding for Student Success Act (EBF) is helping redress historic funding inequities by race and ethnicity, “effectively countering the structural racism inherent in the state’s former approach to school funding,” while increasing the state-level investment made in school districts spanning Illinois. On behalf of CTBA, I hope the report on the success of EBF, which ties the dollar amount taxpayers invest in schools to covering the cost of educational practices which the evidence shows actually enhance student achievement, is of interest.

Three key findings of the Report “confirm that the EBF is working as intended”:

    • First—the data confirm the EBF is helping redress the state’s historic underfunding of schools attended by Black and Latinx students, thereby countering the structural racism inherent in the state’s former approach to school funding.
    • Second—the EBF is helping reduce the per pupil funding gap faced by both low-income and English Language students.
    • Third—the EBF is benefiting students of all races and in all regions.

The full report is here.

* Tribune

The allure of Chicago green on St. Patrick’s Day is apparently enough for downstate Republican U.S. Rep. Mary Miller to overcome her fears of a city she has described as a “war zone.”

Miller — a second-term congresswoman from Oakland, a member of the far-right Freedom Caucus and a disciple of former President Donald Trump who is backing him for another White House bid — has scheduled a March 17 fundraiser at the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago.

* From the Abortion, Every Day blog

In Illinois, Democrats are pushing legislation that would allow the state Attorney General to bring legal action against anti-abortion centers for lying to women or concealing information in an effort to keep them from obtaining an abortion. Definitely something to ask your local representatives to support if you live in Illinois.

The bill is here. It’s been assigned to the House Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee.

* Just Food website

US-based Hearthside Food Solutions is one of the companies under investigation by the country’s Department of Labor (DOL) as part of a probe into allegations of child labour.

Hearthside Food Solutions, an Illinois-based contract manufacturer and private bakery which makes energy bars, snack bars, cookies and crackers, said in a statement it is “appalled” by the allegations, which first came to light in a New York Times investigation.

According to the Wall St. Journal, the company makes Cheerios cereal and Nature Valley granola bars, among other things. It’s based in Bolingbrook.

Fox 32

State Representative Edgar Gonzalez, of Little Village said he talked to a worker at Hearthside who told him minors are used to work with machines because their hands are faster than the older workers. She reported it and she felt targeted for punishment because she is undocumented.

* Illinois Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture’s administrative rules allow for craft growers to receive an operational extension for good cause shown, at the Department’s discretion. The Department has granted an operational extension to all craft grower license holders due to a number of factors, including ongoing Covid-19 impacts and supply chain issues.

The Department previously authorized an operational deadline extension for 2021 Craft Growers which required them to become operational by March 1, 2023. The Department is now authorizing an additional extension applicable to all 2021 Craft Growers, extending their operational deadline to February 1, 2024.

For the same reasons, the operational deadline for 2022 Craft Growers is extended to December 1, 2024.

Licensees should be aware that additional extensions may not be granted, and the Department retains the authority to adhere to this operational deadline, regardless of factors related to finances, ownership changes, location-related issues, or other reasons.


Maybe the department could also get to work on providing a legal option to buy seeds for those with medical cards who want to grow their own. People are currently forced to buy seeds in the underground market. I mean, it’s only been almost four years since the law passed. No rush or anything.


Old Dominion will headline the Illinois State Fair grandstand.

The 5X CMA and 5X ACM Award-winning band is coming off a record-breaking fifth consecutive win for “Vocal Group of the Year” at the 2022 CMA Awards, where they were also nominated for “Album of the Year.”

* Happy International Women’s Day!…

* Isabel’s roundup…


Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Springfield and the Mason-Dixon Line

The line was surveyed by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon in the 1760s, in part to define a segment of the border between colonial Pennsylvania and Maryland. The precise location of the line varies slightly, depending on where along its length one measures it, but 39 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds north latitude is close. Were that line extended westward across Illinois it would run roughly midway between I-72 and Woodside Road.

So, my Springfield house is just south of the Mason-Dixon Line. But that’s not why I have eaten 38 of these 39 southern dishes…

My paternal grandmother was born in Kentucky and my maternal grandmother was born in southern Illinois. What I didn’t get from them came from traveling to places like New Orleans, etc.

Never tried pickled pigs feet. I’ve watched others eat it, though.

* The Question: What’s your score on the southern food test? Explain.


Credit Unions: Better For Illinois Consumers

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

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It’s just a bill

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Best of luck…

* Press release…

To ensure Crest Hill residents have clean drinking water, State Senator Meg Loughran Cappel sponsored a measure that would construct a Lake Michigan water receiving station, which passed the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday.

“Water is basic need for everyone,” said Loughran Cappel (D-Shorewood). “Ensuring Crest Hill has access to Lake Michigan’s water supply is vital. This initiative would help the city for decades to come.”

Crest Hill’s switch to Lake Michigan as a source of treated water supply needs to be finished by the end of 2029. The new water supply operation would be able to serve both the city’s water system pressure zones and would be capable of meeting all of its water supply needs.

Senate Bill 347 would authorize the City of Crest Hill to buy the land that would be used in the construction of a Lake Michigan water station. The proposed site for the water receiving station is on land owned by the Illinois Department of Corrections which is near the city’s largest water customer, Stateville Correctional Center. […]

Senate Bill 347 passed the Senate Judiciary Committee and heads to the floor for further consideration.

* IL Families for Public Schools…

The Invest in Kids Act is scheduled to sunset after the 2023-2024 school year, but supporters have been lobbying intensely for it to continue and grow. Legislators have introduced bills to eliminate the program, but also bills to extend and expand it so far this session. Governor Pritzker’s budget book for Fiscal Year 2024 did not include the program.

“Illinois is not currently fully funding the evidence-based school funding formula. Four out of five of our schools are not funded appropriately. Until we fully fund Illinois public schools, which provide an education for ALL students, tax credits, which are essentially school vouchers, should not be available to fund private and religious schools,” said Kathi Griffin, president of the Illinois Education Association. “In addition, there is no meaningful data being collected for this program. We don’t know how many students, new to the schools, this voucher scheme is funding; the retention rate of students attending; learning outcomes or the impact on enrollment at nearby schools.”

Invest in Kids is a statewide program, but vouchers and school privatization are now an issue in Chicago’s mayoral runoff, where candidate Paul Vallas supports extending Invest in Kids and is calling for the creation of a new voucher program for Chicago funded through tax-increment financing. His opponent Brandon Johnson wants the Invest in Kids program to end and opposes further school privatization. In 2021-2022, about 4100 Chicago students were voucher recipients, and Chicago private schools received at least $31 million in Invest in Kids voucher funding. The shortfall in state funding for Chicago Public Schools this year was about $1.1 billion, according to the Partnership for Equity and Education Rights Illinois, a statewide school funding advocacy coalition.

* 25 News Now

Illinois is one of only 16 states that doesn’t have a way to review long sentences on a prisoner’s behalf, but State Rep. Carol Ammons (D-Urbana) said the Prisoner Review Board should determine if those behind bars for long sentences have earned the opportunity to be released.

“This bill provides a much-needed escape valve that can safely and fairly return people who have earned their release back to their communities once they’ve done work while inside to better their lives and make clear that they are ready to rejoin society,” said Sarah Staudt, director of policy for the Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts.

The bill passed out of a Democratic-controlled committee on a 10-5 vote, but more work is being done on the legislation before it goes back to the committee.

* Press release…

Rep. Anne Stava-Murray’s House Bill 3572 would require all new gas stoves sold in Illinois starting in 2024 to have a warning label detailing the asthma risks associated with gas stove emissions. Labeling new stoves would help Illinoisans make informed decisions about what products to put in their homes. NOTE: The bill would not ban gas stoves or require existing stoves to be modified or removed.

More Illinois households cook with gas than in any other state, and a recent study attributes 21% of childhood asthma cases in Illinois to gas stove pollution.

A press conference will be held on Wednesday, March 8 at 4 p.m. CT in the Blue Room at the IL State Capitol Building in Springfield.


[State Rep. Jennifer] Gong-Gershowitz is sponsoring a bill that would take away rideshare companies’ exemption from the common carrier standard. She says when lawmakers first moved to regulate rideshare companies, they were scrappy upstarts and the idea was to help encourage competition. Given their ubiquity now, she says the exemption just doesn’t make sense – and that holding them to a higher standard will make everyone safer. […]

For its part, an Uber spokesperson told WTTW News: “This proposal would make Illinois the only state that treats rideshare this way, severely impacting drivers’ ability to earn money.” […]

Clark Kaericher of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce is also opposed to the bill. He says state law already requires Uber and Lyft to carry $1 million insurance policies in case passengers are hurt or killed. Kaericher also thinks additional regulation could push rideshare companies to leave the state, costing drivers work and making it tougher for people to get around. […]

The bill has passed the House Judiciary Civil committee. Gong-Gershowitz says she’s looking forward to taking it to the House floor for debate.

* Press release…

State Senator Mike Simmons presented multiple pieces of legislation that will increase vehicle safety and improve CTA disability benefits to the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday.

“Transportation plays such an important role in our day-to-day lives. It is an essential service. Agencies responsible for providing services should be held accountable to provide accessible service to people of all abilities, and mitigate risks larger vehicles can pose to the road,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “These bills will not only improve safety in our daily transportation, but will also help decrease the amount of accidents on our roads.”

Senate Bill 1892 provides that CTA, PACE and Metra benefits for people with disabilities will automatically renew unless discontinued by the benefit holder.

Senate Bill 2278 permits local authorities to impose limitations on the weight, height or length of trucks or other commercial vehicles on the highways under their jurisdiction.

These measures passed out of the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday and now head to the Senate floor.

* HB4011 sponsored by Rep. Matt Hanson was filed Monday

Amends the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986. Provides that if a law enforcement officer has reason to believe that a person has been abused, neglected, or exploited by a family or household member, in situations where the alleged offending party is a juvenile and there are no factors of aggravation, the law enforcement officer may seek to divert or find alternative placement without initiating an arrest.

* HB1533 was passed out of the Agriculture & Conservation Committee yesterday

The Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association (ISVMA), which represents more than 1,800 veterinarians across the state, is opposing a bill being considered by the state House of Representatives to ban a veterinary surgical procedure that is sometimes recommended by veterinarians to protect a cat’s health and well-being.

“It’s deeply concerning that politicians propose outlawing medical procedures without consulting the medical professionals who have the expertise and insights necessary to ensure animal health and well-being is protected,” said ISMVA President Dr Joanne Carlson DVM. “While we appreciate good intentions, this bill will jeopardize the lives of some cats and compromise veterinarians’ ability to uphold their medical oath to protect and save animals’ lives.”

House Bill 1533, sponsored by Representative Barbara Hernandez (D-Aurora), aims to outlaw the surgical removal of any cat’s claws, known as feline onychectomy, with few exceptions. ISVMA contends the bill is too narrow and puts cats at risk.

Veterinarians are concerned about false and misleading information being shared by the bill’s proponents.

“To be clear, Illinois veterinarians perform feline onychectomies infrequently, and any suggestions that this is a common practice are untrue. When it is done, as a last resort, it is to protect the health and well-being of the cat,” Carlson said. “When the procedure is recommended, veterinarians employ the utmost care while engaging in state-of-the-art procedures and employing the most effective pain-management treatment.” […]

Veterinarians speaking out against the proposed law see unique cat health cases every year, and there are situations where they believe this procedure is the most humane option, and sometimes the only alternative to abandonment or euthanasia.


Most Illinois students have gone through courses about the dangers of drugs and substance use. However, several state lawmakers want to improve the drug education standards and provide new materials for K-12 schools to teach about overdose and substance use prevention.

Sen. Laura Fine (D-Glenview) filed Senate Bill 2223 to require the Illinois State Board of Education to collaborate with the Department of Human Services, Department of Child and Family Services, Department of Public Health, and the Illinois Opioid Crisis Response Advisory Council to improve the health education standards. Her proposed standards could help students understand current and projected substance use and overdose trends. It also calls for education of the history of drugs and health policy in Illinois and the United States, the impact of zero tolerance, and restorative justice practices. […]

Senate Bill 2223 passed unanimously out of the Senate Education Committee. The proposal now heads to the Senate floor for second reading. Although, Fine told the committee that she is willing to hold the bill on second to negotiate an amendment with stakeholders to ensure the standards and materials could be accessed online.


Progressive income tax opponent Ken Griffin now complains that Illinois taxes are too regressive

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Florida resident Ken Griffin is really quite something

When discussing government spending earlier in the interview, Griffin was quick to criticize Illinois’ tax policies.

“They haven’t been able to raise income taxes yet,” Griffin said. “But they’ve raised almost every other tax you can imagine, from gas to property.”

He argued that such tax hikes aren’t an effective means to “tax the rich” as progressives would insist, but rather they’re regressive — putting greater pressure on working- and middle-class people.

On that topic, however, Griffin didn’t mention the $54 million he spent in the 2020 election to kill the graduated income tax ballot measure that Pritzker pushed that cycle.



Our sorry state

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From last July

For the 12th time since January, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Director Marc Smith has been held in contempt of court.

Judge Patrick Murphy issued the contempt order following a motion from the Cook County Public Guardian’s office. This latest case involves a 15-year-old girl who has been stuck in a psychiatric hospital even though she was cleared to be released January 14, 2022.

And that practice of holding kids in psychiatric hospitals because there’s nowhere else to put them has consequences far beyond those particular children. It crowds out other kids in need.

* WBEZ’s Sarah Karp and Kristen Schorsch

What’s unfolding at St. Bernard is happening across Illinois. For the most vulnerable kids who need immediate help, there are only around 30 hospitals in the entire state — making up about 15% of all hospitals — that have pediatric psychiatric beds. And not all take a large portion of Medicaid patients. Hospitals with the most psych beds for children are concentrated in the suburbs and near Chicago’s West Side, according to 2020 state data, the most recent year available.

Here’s the ripple effect: Children across Illinois are crisscrossing the state chasing the same beds, traveling perhaps hundreds of miles from their homes.

* Their story is about way more than the shortage of pediatric psychiatric hospital beds, however

Twenty years ago Illinois developed a safety net for low-income children — like the 13-year-old in the oversized shirt — who are in mental health crisis and have Medicaid health insurance or none at all. The state works with more than two dozen nonprofits, including Ada S. McKinley Community Services, where Sadler works, to try to quickly assess and find help for these children after a call is made to a hotline. The program is called Screening, Assessment and Support Services, or SASS.

Illinois mental health providers call the program an essential lifeline, a godsend for families at a difficult moment. But a six-month investigation by WBEZ, involving dozens of interviews and a review of hundreds of documents and state records, finds the state is failing to ensure thousands of children are getting any follow-up help, let alone the type of intensive behavioral health support many need.

WBEZ found this vital safety net is riddled with holes. It’s buckling under the weight of a youth mental health crisis that is grappling with staff shortages and greater need. SASS workers can be a real help, but they are hamstrung — they don’t have enough places to send kids in distress.

As one provider put it, SASS is like a Cadillac driving nowhere. […]

Complaints that children in crisis are waiting hours just for a SASS assessment — a response is required within 90 minutes — are up 50% in the last year, even though state officials say they track this and hold SASS providers accountable. That’s according to WBEZ’s review of state records and data obtained through public records requests. Last year, about 46,000 SASS calls from across Illinois required a quick response.

And the state doesn’t even know if all children in crisis screened by a SASS worker were connected to mental health support, typically inpatient or outpatient care, let alone whether they actually received treatment. After months of asking, the state couldn’t provide screening outcome data for about 40% of the cases that required the 90-minute response over five years. More than 220,000 calls required a quick response during that time period, from 2018-22.

Go read the whole thing.


Giannoulias wants authority to refuse state grants to book-banning library boards

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* According to the Illinois Public Library Trustee Manual, issued by the secretary of state’s office, only library directors and their staff should be selecting library materials, not library boards

The library’s materials selection policy should include these concepts so the public is clear about how materials are selected for the collection:

    ● Library directors and their delegated staff are responsible for the selection of library materials. Materials selected by them are considered to be selected by the board
    ● No library material should be excluded based on political or social views
    ● Patrons are free to reject for themselves materials that they disapprove of, but they must not use self-censorship to restrict the freedom of others
    ● No materials will be removed from the library except under court order

* Press release…

Amid coordinated efforts throughout the nation to ban books from library shelves, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias has drafted first-in-the-nation legislation designed to support public and school libraries and librarians as they face unprecedented censorship of books and resources in Illinois.

The legislation comes after extremist groups – including the far-right nationalist group, the Proud Boys – have targeted Illinois libraries, divided communities and harassed librarians across the country, even though the books are not required reading for anyone.

Giannoulias, who serves as the State’s Librarian, reiterated his staunch support for Illinois librarians who not only deserve our gratitude, but also must have safe environments in which to work. Giannoulias argued that book banning undermines First Amendment rights, threatens individual freedoms and liberties and prevents the public from accessing reading materials of their choice.

“This is an alarming phenomenon that’s occurring throughout the nation, including Illinois, which is designed to polarize and disrupt our communities,” Giannoulias said. “This scourge of censorship has a chilling effect on our democracy. These efforts have nothing to do with books. Instead, they are about ideas that certain individuals disagree with and believe no one should think, or be allowed to think.”

In delivering his State of the State address last month, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker spoke out about book banning and censorship. He recently announced his support for Giannoulias’ legislation.

“In Illinois, we don’t hide from the truth, we embrace it and lead with it,” said Governor Pritzker. “Banning books is a devastating attempt to erase our history and the authentic stories of many. Students across this state deserve to see themselves reflected in the pages of stories that teach and entertain. I’m proud to support House Bill 2789 and ensure that Illinois’ libraries remain sources of knowledge, creativity, and fact.”

Under House Bill 2789, sponsored by State Reps. Anne Stava-Murray (81st District – Downers Grove) and Carol Ammons (103rd District – Champaign) and State Sen. Laura Murphy (28th District – Elk Grove Village), Illinois libraries would only be eligible for state funded grants, which are issued by the Secretary of State’s office, if they: 1) demonstrate that they adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights indicating reading materials should not be removed or restricted because of partisan or personal disapproval; or 2) issue a statement complying with the policies of the State Library or one prohibiting the practice of banning books or resources.

Stava-Murray’s suburban district includes Community High School District 99 in Downers Grove, which withstood efforts led in part by the Proud Boys group.

“Downers Grove has seen first-hand what some groups will try to do to prevent access to books that contain language or ideals that they disagree with,” State Rep. Stava-Murray said. “Librarians and educators are dedicated to their schools and communities and serve out of a love of knowledge, reading and helping people. It’s absurd to think that groups would seek to harass them and create animosity in our communities by driving cultural wedges in an effort to divide them.”

“As a legislator assigned to several education-related committees, this issue is very important to me,” said State Rep. Ammons. “The books these groups are targeting are overwhelmingly those written by or about people of color or LGBTQ individuals. We must fight to allow the public greater access to reading and learning materials, not restricting access by banning books.”

“This radical movement to ban books cannot be allowed in the state of Illinois – the state in which Ray Bradbury, the author of Fahrenheit 451 – a book that chronicled the dangers of censorship, book bans and book burning – called home,” said State Sen. Murphy. “Coordinated campaigns to banish books run contradictory to the principles our country was founded upon. Our First Amendment protects not only our rights to speak but the right to access resources from the school or public library that are free from censorship that comes from disapproval by select individuals or groups who dislike a book’s content.”

Currently, Illinois law does not contain language related to book banning or eligibility for state grants that restrict access. Last fiscal year, the Secretary of State’s office awarded 1,631 grants to Illinois libraries totaling more than $62 million. Of those, 97 percent of the grants were awarded to public and school libraries, with public libraries receiving 877 grants and school libraries securing 712 grants.

According to the Chicago-based American Library Association (ALA), there were 67 attempts to ban books in Illinois in 2022, increasing from 41 the previous year.

“Public libraries are committed to serve their communities with books and resources, programming, and other services,” said Cynthia Robinson, Executive Director of the Illinois Library Association. “Serving the community means serving everyone in the community. Not every book is for everyone, and library staff are always ready to help library users find the right book for themselves or their children. Parents are encouraged to make decisions for their own families, but not for other families. Banning books takes crucial resources away from those who need them.”

New restrictions not only challenge an individual school system or library, but legislation in certain states is aimed at eliminating the availability of certain books in schools and libraries all together. In neighboring Missouri, state lawmakers passed a law that empowers prosecutors to arrest, assess fines and even jail school librarians who fail to monitor books in their libraries.

Nationally, the number of attempts to ban books has been rising, with 681 attempts involving more than 1,600 titles throughout the U.S. in 2021, according to the ALA. This is the most attempts to ban books since the ALA began tracking these numbers 20 years ago.

If approved, HB 2789 would take effect January 1, 2024.

Emphasis added.

* Statements in support…

“The efforts by certain radical groups to ban books is aimed overwhelmingly toward silencing people of color,” said Teresa Haley, President of the NAACP Springfield Branch and NAACP Illinois State Conference President. “These same groups have been oppressed and victimized through countless discrimination policies, such as book bans, that attempt to silence us and erode the rich contributions of Black Americans in our country. We must act now!”

“The Association of Illinois School Library Educators (AISLE) actively seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of Illinois students by opposing censorship and book banning in all forms. It is the purpose of school libraries - and the duty of formally trained school library staff - to meet the needs of every student by providing materials that allow for differences in expression. AISLE endorses the belief that exposure to a wide
variety of perspectives and the unfettered exchange of ideas is necessary to preserve the freedoms guaranteed in a democratic society. Students of all ages should be allowed the freedom of choice to select from a wide range of materials that are appropriate for their individual age, ability, and family’s values.”

“As a union of educators, we feel strongly that it’s our duty to defend the right to read and access information freely for all Illinoisans,” said Dan Montgomery, President, Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT). “Our libraries serve as the town square, the home of our democracy. That’s why we fully support HB 2789 and thank Secretary of State Giannoulias and the sponsoring legislators for this smart and clear policy that will help libraries protect that critical access to books and knowledge that our children and all citizens need now more than ever. “

“The freedom to read is literally written into our Chicago Public Library mission. After all, libraries are for everyone, and inherently democratic and inclusive of our diverse stories,” said Chicago Public Library Commissioner Chris Brown. “As one of the most diverse cities in the country we want those in Chicago and beyond to know we will continue to protect our freedom to read, and have declared our 81 libraries as Book Sanctuaries. We’re proud to have a Secretary of State so committed to this most democratic freedom.”

“As a librarian for 13 years, I know that access to a wide range of reading materials is essential,” said Elizabeth Lynch, librarian at Addison Public Library. “This is about our fundamental rights. Democracy requires an informed public and equal access to information that reflects a wide range of views. That’s why I strongly support House Bill 2789.”

As a public library director, I firmly support everyone’s right to equal access to information,” said Summer Griffith, Director of the Lincoln Library in Springfield. “This includes technology and digital equity, access to arts and cultural events, and also books and ideas. As a parent of school-aged children, I fully understand not every book is for every kid or family, but denying others the right to read or think is inherently against our shared value of freedom of thought.

“If a parent doesn’t want their child to read a particular book, they have the right to choose not to read that book and guide their children accordingly,” said Josephine Tucci, Director of the Lincolnwood Public Library District. “They should not be making decisions for other people’s children. Libraries make every effort to break down barriers and provide access to information, not build up walls to make access to information more difficult. Library users have all the power to CHOOSE what they want to read and what they don’t want to read. It’s that simple.”

“Libraries are institutions that should be available to everyone to explore and discover the world around them,” said Christine Gerrish, Executive Director of the Glen Carbon Library. “They depend on diverse collections and the ability of their patrons to browse them without fear of being judged. One of the main goals of banning books is to silence the voices of marginalized people. The act of banning books threatens all library services which is why I support House Bill 2789.”

“The First Amendment provides a clear and equitable standard for building library collections that uphold the freedom to choose for ourselves what we read,” said Heidi Smith, Executive Director of the Highland Park Public Library. “It would be impossible to build a book collection with the goal that everyone in a community agrees with and wants to read every book. The flaw in the idea that every library book must reflect the values, experiences, and beliefs of a community is that a community is made up of unique individuals. Our individuality is a community strength that our books must reflect. Thank you to our legislators for working to support our freedom to read in Illinois.”

“I represent a small, diverse community in the St. Louis Metro area and it is my responsibility for my library’s collection, programs, and services to meet the needs of ALL of the members and tax payers of the community I serve,” said Ashley Stewart, Director of the Caseyville Public Library District. “Censorship is not a partisan issue. It is an organized effort by a very small percentage of our population that are specifically targeting libraries. My library board and staff received hateful messages and threats for an event held during PRIDE month. Can you imagine if zoo or museum staff were threatened over the types of animals held or works of art displayed at their respective institutions? That is why I fully support the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, which provides the foundation for House Bill 2789, a noble goal that seeks to prevent censorship from plaguing our libraries and patrons.”

* Tribune

One opponent of the Illinois measure is State Rep. Dan Caulkins, a Decatur Republican who said the legislation takes away local control.

“Parents know best, school boards know best, library boards know best what their communities want and need,” said Caulkins, part of a far-right group of House Republicans informally known as the Eastern Bloc. “And for the state of Illinois again, here we go, the radical Democrats are pushing an agenda trying to force their woke ideology on more conservative parts of the state.”

…Adding… Decent retort to Rep. Caulkins in comments…

You can ban all the books you want, and in fact the state will give you even more local control by removing any state interference, like state funding.

* Related…

* Noting “Changed Complexion of Staff,” Elmwood Park Public Library Board Takes Over: A Case Study in Library De-Professionalization


New Vallas TV ad includes Bill Clinton shout-out

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Vallas for Mayor campaign is releasing a new television ad highlighting the mayoral candidate’s record of improving public education while he served as Chief Executive Officer of the Chicago Public Schools, complete with an authoritative source who saw the progress being made and praised it publicly in real time — President Bill Clinton. The ad shows footage from President Clinton’s 1999 State of the Union address, where he singled out CPS for praise as a national model for public education under Vallas’ leadership.

The ad is available here:

“At the time I was asked to lead our school district our children were being failed, but with the hard work of our entire dedicated team we turned it around and made Chicago Public Schools into a national model for excellence,” said Vallas. “Now, our schools are struggling again with declining enrollment, falling test scores and in many cases unsafe conditions. As Mayor, I will make schools part of the solution to both higher academic achievement and a safer community, and drive more decisions and resources into the hands of those closest to our kids. Because their safety and success is our safety and success.”

The spot

Not mentioned

Speculation that Mr. Vallas was on the way out had grown recently, owing largely to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley’s public criticism of some stagnant and declining test scores.

* Meanwhile

Watch for Paul Vallas to announce that Willie Wilson is supporting his campaign. Wilson placed fifth in last week’s mayoral election, but his base of 51,200 Black voters has been coveted by both Vallas and Johnson. Along with being aligned on public safety issues, Wilson and Vallas have a personal bond. They have both lost sons.

* Fran Spielman

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle on Tuesday threw her formidable support behind Brandon Johnson in the April 4 mayoral runoff, but an even more potent endorsement awaits Johnson: from SEIU Local 1.

Local 1 President Genie Kastrup has called a news conference for 11:30 a.m. Wednesday to announce the state council’s decision to back Johnson.

The union represents “more than 45,000 working people,” including janitors, security officers, window washers and employees for the contractors who work at O’Hare and Midway Airports.

…Adding… The national SEIU’s PAC has just transferred more than $300K to SEIU Local 73’s political action committee.

* Press release…

The Sierra Club Illinois Chapter PAC announced today its endorsement of Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson for mayor of Chicago.

“Commissioner Brandon Johnson stands out as the candidate with the most equitable vision for the climate and environmental justice crises Chicagoans face today, and Sierra Club is proud to endorse him for mayor,” said Sierra Club Illinois Director Jack Darin. “Brandon has demonstrated a deep dedication to fighting for environmental justice, and he is committed to building a Chicago that leads the way in the transition to 100% clean energy. We look forward to working alongside Brandon Johnson in City Hall to make environmental justice and our clean energy future a reality for all Chicagoans.”

“Chicago can and must lead the way in protecting the communities most harmed by pollution while also mitigating the climate crisis with a just transition to 100% clean energy,” said Brandon Johnson. “As mayor, I look forward to working alongside advocates at Sierra Club and environmental justice and community organizations across the city to reduce and mitigate air and water pollution, ensure every Chicagoan has access to clean, affordable, and reliable energy, and address environmental racism. No park, no neighborhood, no community in Chicago will ever be treated as a sacrifice zone in my administration.”

Sierra Club will host weekly phonebanks and canvassing events to urge our nearly 5,000 members in Chicago to support Brandon Johnson in the April 4 election.

“Sierra Club Chicago members are motivated by Brandon Johnson’s commitment to clean air, clean water, and equitable communities,” said Sierra Club Chicago Political Chair David Teeghman. “Building on the momentum from the February 28 election, we are excited to hit the ground running by knocking doors and making calls over the next month to help elect Brandon Johnson to the mayor’s office.”

Sierra Club’s contacts with Illinois voters on behalf of endorsed candidates are funded by Sierra Club Illinois PAC. Copies of our reports are available from the State Board of Elections in Springfield, Illinois.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center to be “repurposed”

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Press release…

Governor Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) today announced a critical transformation initiative that will reshape the way the State approaches care for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) across the system.

The comprehensive plan includes:

    • Repurposing the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center (“Choate”) over three years, including investing significantly in building and ground improvements, and
    • Implementing new safety enhancements at Choate and across all State-Operated Developmental Centers including appointing a Chief Resident Safety Officer, and
    • Expanding support for families and individuals to pursue opportunities for community-based living while continuing to invest in provider capacity.

“Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities deserve respect, dignity, and the highest quality of care to assist them in living healthy, fulfilling lives,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This transformation initiative, spearheaded by IDHS, will standardize and improve conditions across the system and prioritize community-based solutions to ensure vulnerable Illinoisans receive care in the best possible setting.”

In coordination with their families and guardians, most current I/DD residents at the Choate Center in Anna, Illinois will have the opportunity to transition into community-based settings or other State centers where they will receive comprehensive, personalized care.

The transformation at Choate moves Illinois in closer alignment with nationwide, research-informed best practices, with increased respect for human dignity and equity. It also reflects the State’s legal duty to ensure residents with disabilities have a full opportunity to live in the least restrictive environment of their choosing.

During the next three years, portions of the Choate campus will be repurposed to meet patient capacity and other urgent State needs. The 229-acre Choate campus currently also includes a psychiatric hospital, an IDHS local public benefits office, and two case processing centers. Related improvements and upgrades will be made to put the buildings and grounds to the best possible public uses for many years to come. Safe, gradual, carefully planned resident transitions will take place in close coordination with residents themselves, and their families and/or guardians. Resident well-being and dignity will guide every step of the process.

“All people with I/DD deserve opportunities to live, work, and thrive in the least restrictive setting of their choosing. IDHS is grateful to all of our partners, including family and resident advocates, SIU School of Medicine, the Illinois Council for Developmental Disabilities, and the Arc of Illinois, for working with us in good faith to build a system that better supports person-first, community-focused care for all people with disabilities,” said Grace B. Hou, Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services.

While this initiative will be carried out over several years, IDHS is taking additional, immediate action to protect resident safety, including hiring ten new staff for the Office of the Inspector General and appointing Ryan Thomas as IDHS’ first-ever Chief Resident Safety Officer. Ryan brings extensive patient safety and regulatory compliance experience to the role, most recently serving as the IDHS Operations Program Manager, where she has led critical operational functions directly related to quality, safety, and healthcare. Prior, she served as the Director of Compliance and Risk Management at Erie Family Health Center.

IDHS is also partnering with the Illinois Council for Developmental Disabilities (ICDD) and the Arc of Illinois to launch a Resident and Family/Guardian Liaison Team to support families, guardians, and residents with questions and concerns about the change to provide peer support, resources, and friendship for those experiencing fear and/or uncertainty. This team will be meeting regularly over the next several years to ensure that all resident transition needs, regardless of setting, are managed holistically.

“The safety and well-being of the residents we care for is the cornerstone of our work. In the months and years ahead, we will do even more to ensure safe, dependable, and equitable care for those residing in IDHS’ 24/7 facilities,” said Ryan Thomas, Chief Resident Safety Officer, Illinois Department of Human Services. The transformation of the system will best position our residents for comprehensive care moving forward. As Chief Resident Safety Officer, I am committed to developing and carrying out a comprehensive approach to high-quality and safe care through continuous improvement in safety policies, assessments, systems, and processes.”

Over the last two decades, Equip for Equality, the State’s Protection and Advocacy Agency, the IDHS Inspector General, and the Illinois State Police have all been instrumental in reviewing abuse and neglect allegations at the Choate Center and making constructive recommendations to the State about the Center’s future.

“The IDHS OIG commends IDHS for recognizing that the status quo at Choate is not acceptable and for taking tangible steps to reduce abuse and neglect at the facility. OIG will continue to be a dedicated watchdog at Choate and throughout the state to ensure that the vulnerable populations OIG serve receive the respectful care they deserve,” said Peter Neumer, Inspector General, IDHS Office of the Inspector General.

While resident transitions will initially focus on Choate, IDHS will work to expand its emphasis on community-based settings across the developmental health system. With the investments included in Governor Pritzker’s FY24 budget proposal, IDHS will have increased funding to the Home and Community-Based System by $800 million. This brings total funding to $1.7 billion, nearly double from when the Governor took office. In the years ahead, IDHS will work to further expand community-based capacity which will result in a lowered resident headcount and improved staffing ratios at State centers.

This transformation is anchored by a partnership with Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Led by Dr. Kari M. Wolf, CEO of the Behavioral Health Workforce Center, partners from SIU will help shape the transformation, leading on crucial operational components, including whether specialized I/DD forensic, step-down, and dual diagnosis units should remain on the Choate campus or be located elsewhere. Leaders from SIU Carbondale and the Springfield-based School of Medicine will provide ongoing expertise on the broader transformation.

“SIU School of Medicine’s mission is to optimize the health of the people of central and southern Illinois. We are confident that through the leadership of the Behavioral Health Workforce Center, our clinical excellence, and our focus on the most vulnerable, we can serve the patients, families, and staff connected to the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center. We are committed to a mental health workforce transformation across the state. That work begins by objectively assessing the safety, patient care, and workforce needs of Choate,” said Kari M. Wolf, MD, CEO, Behavioral Health Workforce Center.

Many quality improvement and safety precautions have already been implemented and are ongoing. This transformation will enable current residents to identify other State-supported residential options, including in the community and at other developmental centers.

“The transformation of Choate Developmental Center is the right next step in the State’s process of improving how services are delivered to individuals with significant needs. As the Chair of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities I am committed to ensuring an Illinois where all people have access to equal opportunity and freedom. We look forward to partnering with IDHS to meet the needs of Choate’s residents, now, during transitions, and into the future through quality, person-centered services that prioritize community inclusion,” said Stephanie Brown, Chairperson of the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.

“Big changes are never easy – but I appreciate how Governor Pritzker’s team has approached this transformation effort. Some of our earlier concerns have been addressed and we are grateful that our voices have been heard. I believe Southern Illinois will be stronger for the improvements that are being announced today,” said State Representative Dr. Paul Jacobs, R-Pomona.

“I commend Governor Pritzker for taking strong, thoughtful, decisive action to improve Illinois’ system of care for people with developmental disabilities and serious mental illness. Together with residents, patients, families, guardians, and hardworking State government staff and healthcare providers, I am confident IDHS is beginning a new and positive chapter in the history of the Choate Center,” said State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria).

The Division of Developmental Disabilities at the Illinois Department of Human Services operates 7 State-operated developmental centers across Illinois. These centers provide residential support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and a variety of treatment programs/services, including but not limited to: educational, vocational, physical, and behavioral healthcare needs, and recreational. The Division operates three Home and Community-Based Services Medicaid Waivers serving over 24,000 individuals via adult community integrated living arrangements, child group homes, and child and adult home-based programs in addition to day programming and other ancillary services.

The Division of Mental Health at the Illinois Department of Human Services operates State-Run psychiatric hospital facilities across Illinois, including a smaller facility on the campus of Choate Developmental Center. These hospitals provide civil and forensic psychiatric hospitalization for individuals experiencing severe mental illness.

…Adding… AFSCME says it’s “concerned” about the residents…

In response to the proposed “transformation initiative” for the Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in Anna, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31 issued this statement.

“We’re extremely concerned about the fate of Choate Developmental Center residents and the employees who make Choate home for them,” AFSCME Council 31 Executive Director Roberta Lynch said. “We intend to make certain that the well-being of the more than 200 residents of the Choate home is given the foremost consideration, now and in the future. AFSCME will work to protect the jobs of Choate’s dedicated and compassionate employees, and our union will continue our close alliance with the Friends of Choate family group to ensure that no resident is forced out of their home without their consent.”

…Adding… Sen. Morrison…

State Senator Julie Morrison released the following statement after the Illinois Department of Human Services released a comprehensive plan to improve care at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in Anna.

“The state must take an aggressive approach to unravel and fix the ongoing issues at Choate. The quality of life of people with developmental disabilities has been ignored. We can no longer sit back and allow cruelty, abuse and poor care to overrun the facility.

“The multi-faceted plan rebalances the population served by moving some residents into less restrictive settings, such as Community Integrative Living Arrangement facilities. Hiring at least 160 new and professionally-trained staff and renovating the site for those residents who cannot live in the community are positive steps I support.”

“The plan outlined by the Department of Human Services is a good start. It is vital immediate action is taken to double down on safety precautions to ensure no other person is mistreated.”

…Adding… ACLU…

In response to the announcement by Governor JB Pritzker regarding changes at Choate Mental Health and Development Center, Heidi Dalenberg, Managing Legal Director at the ACLU of Illinois offered the following reaction:

The Governor’s announcement today regarding changes at Choate is a good first step. We fully support the smooth transitioning of people out of Choate who are living with developmental and intellectual disabilities. These individuals need to reside in the community, in the least restrictive setting possible. While this transition moves forward, we will continue to monitor efforts to ensure the on-going safety of those who remain at the facility. We hope this is just a first step toward ultimate closure of all state operated development centers in Illinois.

…Adding… IARF…

The Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (IARF), representing community providers of services for children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and serious mental illnesses, today issued the following statement after the Pritzker Administration announced the repurposing of Choate Mental Health Center in Southern Illinois:

“We welcome the leadership decision made by Gov. Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Human Services to repurpose Choate in light of the terrible and tragic media reports of abuse and neglect there of those with intellectual/developmental disabilities. We believe everyone has a right to live a life of dignity and to be safe and free from harm. These troubling reports made clear that decisive action was needed and justified.

We appreciate the Choate plan considers our recommendations to take the time necessary to work with our provider community going forward and to ensure residents can transition to the most integrated settings appropriate to their needs.

This is a first step, and now our work must focus on ensuring the transition is made smoothly and appropriately. We also hope the public conversation around needs for the I/DD community is continuing, not ending.

Governor Pritzker’s statement appropriately notes investments our state has made to-date in community-based services, but that work is long from finished. We will be advocating for a $4 per hour wage rate increase for the direct service professionals (DSPs) who serve and support persons with disabilities in community settings. We need to fully fund the remainder of the Guidehouse rate study to provide support for long-term, sustainable quality care by community providers. We have to ensure our state regulations and policies governing the I/DD services provided at every level can best meet those people who have high-support needs – in our state institutions, and in the community settings.

We look forward to getting to work with the Legislature and Pritzker Administration to take these issues head on and to put the tragic stories of Choate in our past.”

…Adding… Sen. Fowler…

State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) has released the following statement in response to the announcement of a partial closure at the Choate Mental Health and Development Center in Anna, IL:

“My priority has always been and will continue to be the residents of Choate and their families. They deserve nothing short of total transparency about this process and their options. While my heart goes out to the families and residents of the Choate Mental Health and Development Center, who will be forced to relocate, I remain committed to working with the Administration to ensure that all future action taken is in their best interest and care. We owe our most vulnerable nothing less.

…Adding… Sen. Gillespie…

State Senator Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights) released the following statement in response to the Illinois Department of Human Services’ plan to improve care and conditions at Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center in Anna:

“I am pleased to see the state taking action to fix the ongoing issues at Choate. The residents of Choate deserve to live in a dignified and supportive environment.

“The three-year plan outlined by IDHS is a start. Implementing new safety measures, expanding support for individuals and their families to pursue opportunities for community-based living, and hiring additional staff are steps I support.

“I am encouraged by this proposed plan that prioritizes resident well-being and dignity. While this initiative will not be a quick fix, a comprehensive and research-based approach is needed to deliver dependable and equitable care moving forward.”


Open thread

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Good morning! What’s going on? Please keep it Illinois-centric…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Here you go…


Live coverage

Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* 'This is the top of the mountain here, the very very top'
* Raoul, other attorneys general file lawsuit against TikTok
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