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COVID-19 roundup: Statewide hospitalization decrease accelerates

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 6,507 hospitalizations were reported by IDPH today. That’s down from 6,695 reported yesterday, or 2.8 percent. The 7-day rolling average decrease is now 1.7 percent, down from the 1.04 percent average decrease yesterday. Deaths were up, but that’s likely due to the holiday. Coroners weren’t working. Death stats are not reliable the first day or even two back from a weekend, particularly a long one. Other outlets jumped the gun.

* Daily Herald

Of those hospitalized, 1,085 are in intensive care, down 4.1% from a week ago, according to Illinois Department of Public Health records.

IDPH officials also reported 160 more COVID-19 deaths, as well as 26,491 new cases of the respiratory disease.

That’s the highest number of deaths recorded in a single day from the virus in more than a year, IDPH records show.

It also brings the state’s death toll from the virus to 29,510, while 2,709,474 infections have been diagnosed since the outset of the pandemic.

Again, some or even many of those new deaths reported are very likely due to coroners and others not working over the holiday weekend.

* Don’t celebrate yet, particularly if you don’t live in Chicago or the area around it

Chicago has passed its peak in the latest COVID-19 surge, the city’s chief health officer says.

“We have formally passed the omicron peak” in the city of Chicago, Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Allison Arwady said at a news conference today with CPS CEO Pedro Martinez. There’s a way to go, but “I’m really pleased to have seen this turnaround,” she says. See the latest city and state COVID figures in the charts below.

COVID cases in Chicago peaked Jan. 4, with a daily total of 8,553 cases that day. Today, the case average is 2,903.

That’s “still very high, the risk remains high, but (we’re) heading in the right direction,” Arwady said.

The risk remains high. Remember that. Let’s not go backward.

* Jake Griffin

Vaccine providers in Illinois have now administered 20,054,921 doses, according to IDPH records.

IDPH officials also report vaccine providers are averaging 47,010 inoculations a day over the past week.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 8,250,044 Illinois residents are considered fully vaccinated. That accounts for 65.1% of the state’s 12.7 million residents. These figures include residents who were vaccinated in other states.

Of those fully vaccinated, 43.6% have received a booster dose, CDC records show.

Statewide, the CDC reports far northwestern Jo Daviess County has the highest percentage of its population fully vaccinated, at 75.2%. Lake County has the second-highest fully vaccinated rate, at 74.7%. DuPage County is third at 74.1%.

* More…

* Under strain, UChicago Medicine Ingalls hospital gets medical workers from federal government

* Biden to give away 400 million N95 masks starting next week

* Suburban Chicago COVID testing company sued by Minnesota officials

* Cook County Health reopens mass vaccination site in Forest Park

* Lightfoot back in action — and masked — a week after COVID-19 diagnosis


Irvin touts “Back the Blue” fund

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Richard Irvin campaign fundraising email…

I’m going to get straight to the point. Are you satisfied with the safety and security of your community?

Let me just give you a quick review… in 2021 Chicago surpassed 800 murders.

Yes, you read that correctly - eight hundred murders! This is nothing short of failed leadership from politicians like Pritzker who continue to push lunacy policies like defunding the police. This soft-on-crime approach has simply exacerbated the problem and further divided our great state.

Let me ask you this: Is this how you imagine the future of our state to look? Take a stand with me and contribute to my Back the Blue Fund to help me advance policies that defend the men and women who keep our communities safe.

As a Mayor of a major urban city, I’ve seen first hand what happens when you leave communities vulnerable by not taking action against criminals and looters who damage property and harm local citizens, like we saw during the summer of 2020. We all watched in horror as Chicago allowed criminal activity to overrun a city under Democratic control. As Mayor, I did not hesitate to crack down on crime, support policing and even called in the National Guard when appropriate. We arrested the law-breakers and ensured thugs from out of state could not enter our streets and harm our citizens.

Here’s the bottom line. Crime remains one of the largest issues facing urban communities throughout this country and in major cities across our state.

As your next Governor, I’ll implement proven strategies to decrease crime, while removing liberal prosecutors who look to decriminalize acts of violence. It’s time we kick these soft-on-crime Democrats who support defunding our police out of power so we can keep our streets safe and our citizens secure.

Will you chip in any amount to my Back the Blue Fund to stand with me as a fellow law-and-order supporter?

Chip in $75 to Back the Blue

Chip in $50 to Back the Blue

Chip in $25 to Back the Blue

Chip in $10 to Back the Blue
Any contribution to my Back the Blue Fund will help us fight against the failed policies of liberal politicians, woke prosecutors and soft-on-crime Democrat leaders. Thank you for considering this urgent request to help protect the safety and security of our future.

Fighting for Illinois,

Richard Irvin

* About that National Guard claim. Here’s Mark Maxwell

On Irvin’s campaign website, he claims he called in the national guard to respond to looting in the aftermath of protests over the murder of George Floyd. However, a spokesman for the Illinois National Guard confirmed mayors do not have that authority, and would have to make any request through the governor’s office.

Governor Pritzker’s office declared states of emergency in several counties during the protests and looting incidents of the summer of 2020, and issued deployments of the national guard to assist local police departments in several cities, including Aurora. Calls to Irvin’s office in Aurora were not returned on Monday.

The next year, while he was running for re-election in Aurora in the spring of 2021, Irvin told a local news outlet, “I support Black Lives Matter strongly and passionately.”

Also, I’m not sure what legal mechanism exists for a governor to remove liberal prosecutors. Bruce Rauner, remember, pledged he would investigate Madigan and Co. and prosecute them if elected. Um, no.

Sure did hit all the talking points on the head, though.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Bailey gave two-thirds of his Q4 net contributions away to fellow Republican legislators, had a 183% net burn rate

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey’s D-2 caught my eye last night. Despite reporting that he raised almost $500K in the quarter, Bailey actually ended the quarter with $200K less than he started it with…

* So, I decided to look into it further…

* Let’s back up a bit. Restore Illinois was founded in 2018 to raise money to elect Eastern Bloc legislative candidates. It has reported raising $477,442 since it was founded, with $200K coming from that above-mentioned Bailey contribution and $319,800 since the start of the 4th quarter last year.

What happened last year? The remap. As part of Democratic redistricting, fellow Eastern Bloc Reps. Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich) and Chris Miller (R-Oakland) were mapped into the same district, the 102nd. Eventually, Rep. Miller (no relation) agreed to move and run in the neighboring and vacant 101st House District. His spouse, US Rep. Mary Miller, was mapped in with fellow Republican Mike Bost, but then she decided to run against Rep. Rodney Davis.

There has been some paranoia within the Eastern Bloc about how agents of Rodney Davis are supposedly trying to gin up opponents against some of them. From Rep. Chris Miller earlier this month…

Never-Trumper Rodney Davis is looking for RINO candidates to run against every pro-life, pro-gun Republicans who supported Trump. Conservative Republicans will defeat liberals like Rodney Davis who stabbed President Trump in the back. The America First movement will not back down to the RINO establishment - we will defeat any and all liberal RINOs Rodney Davis recruits.


* Anyway, Restore Illinois collected $319,800 from three Eastern Bloc Members last quarter: $200K from Sen. Darren Bailey in October, $59,900 from Rep. Blaine Wilhour in November and $59,900 from Rep. Adam Niemerg in December. The PAC refunded $150,100 to Bailey a week after he made his contribution because, by law, it can only accept $59,900 from a candidate committee. Oops.

Almost all of the $179,700 Restore Illinois collected from those three members was then transferred to Rep. Miller shortly after each of the three contributions were received. Click here.

* Here’s where it gets kinda interesting. Neither Rep. Wilhour nor Rep. Niemerg had enough money in their accounts to make those $59,900 contributions to Restore Illinois.

Rep. Wilhour started the quarter with $45.7K in the bank. But then he reported a $59.9K check from Bailey on November 17, and Restore Illinois reported a $59.9K check from Wilhour the very same day.

Same with Rep. Niemerg, who started the fourth quarter with just $23,380.40 in the bank. Bailey maxed out to Niemerg with $59,900 that was reported on December 3rd, and Restore Illinois reported its $59.9K contribution from Niemerg on December 22nd.

So, essentially it appears as though Bailey was able to get $169,800 to his ally Rep. Chris Miller via a complicated series of maneuvers through other campaign accounts. It’s a mechanism that might’ve made Mike Madigan proud.

Except, they didn’t have to do it this way. Rep. Miller busted the caps on his race on November 22nd with a $100,001 contribution to himself. Bailey could’ve just written Miller a check for whatever he wanted.

Seems like a lot of work for nothing.

* Now, take out the refund from Restore Illinois and Bailey raised a net $349K. Of that, he contributed a net $230K to Restore Illinois and Eastern Bloc Reps. Wilhour, Niemerg and Dan Caulkins, or 66 percent of what he took in. You gotta wonder what all those folks who believe so strongly in Bailey’s message might think of him spending two-thirds of their money not on his “grass roots movement,” but on his pals’ races.

I’ve asked the Bailey campaign for comment.

* Meanwhile, Bailey spent about $410K on consultants and their services, staff, etc.

All of his spending and transfers gave Bailey a net burn rate of 183 percent by my calculations.

Hope he doesn’t try to run the state like that.

*** UPDATE *** Bailey campaign…

We are in a fight for the heart and soul of our state and the Republican Party. It’s evident the corruption in Springfield isn’t partisan, and we’re all tired of the political elites selling out working families and taxpayers. Darren Bailey was given money from generous donors who have indicated they not only want to take on extreme Democrats, but they want to take on RINOs. The money was then sent to several members of the conservative coalition and the Restore Illinois PAC. On top of defeating the establishment’s Democrat in the Republican Primary for Governor, and taking on Democrats in other races across the state, the Restore Illinois PAC is planning on challenging Republicans who have sold out working families and our conservative principles to vote with Democrats to raise taxes. This is the only way we can truly reform Springfield and restore Illinois.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic Party of Illinois

Give the governor a shoutout on his birthday!

Our team is grateful for Gov. Pritzker’s service and the progress our state has made under his leadership. The Pritzker Administration is delivering higher wages for workers, strengthening our state’s finances, investing in our infrastructure, protecting the environment, securing reproductive rights, and more.

Sign our card for Governor JB Pritzker to wish him a Happy Birthday and show your support as we continue to deliver real progress for the people of Illinois:

* Pritzker himself…


Happy Birthday to JB Pritzker

Past birthday wishes for the Governor have gone unfulfilled: Progressive income tax, Senate President Kimberly Lightford, and DPI Chairwoman Michelle Harris

It’s usually sad when birthday wishes don’t come true. But when it comes to Governor JB Pritzker’s unfulfilled wishes - the failures are embarrassing. We hate to be a downer on the Governor’s birthday, but let’s take a look at how JB’s hopes have often go awry:

Birthday Wish #1: Implement a massive tax hike on Illinoisans via the Tax Hike Amendment of 2020.

    Unfortunately for Pritzker, his hopes of higher taxes met the will of the people who soundly rejected his progressive tax proposal at the ballot box in November 2020. This was a high profile defeat for the Governor and cast massive doubt about his future agenda and the effectiveness of his political team. Even so, we know this remains his #1 birthday wish again this year - he’ll never stop trying to raise taxes - which is why we will work overtime to defeat Pritzker in November.

Birthday Wish #2: Elevate Senator Kimberly Lightford to Senate President.

    After the retirement of longtime Senate President John Cullerton, the race was on to see which Democratic senator would take his place. The contest was whittled down to Senators Don Harmon and Kimberly Lightford. Pritzker publicly and privately pushed hard to elect Lightford to the position but was rebuffed by a majority of the Senate Democratic Caucus who nominated Don Harmon instead. The defeat was an embarrassing and unexpected one at the hands of supposed legislative allies.

Birthday Wish #3: Elect Chicago Alderwoman Michelle Harris to be Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Illinois.

    Pritzker tried to impose his wishes again to anoint Chicago Alderman Michelle Harris as Chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Illinois (DPI) after his old ally Mike Madigan had to go away quietly. The new chair was elected by the state central committee of the DPI and again, the Governor found that while his inherited billions will spend, his political capital will not. Instead, Congresswoman Robin Kelly, backed by US Senator Dick Durbin, edged out Harris and was elected DPI Chairwoman. This was another stinging defeat for the Governor that left him wondering if any of the “friends” at his birthday party actually like or respect him.

We wish we could say we hope for the Governor’s dreams to come true in 2022 - but we don’t. The people of Illinois can’t afford Pritzker’s wish list of higher taxes, coddling criminals, and more corruption.

* The Question: Your birthday message to Gov. Pritzker?


Campaign notebook

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

Just over a year out from her presumed re-election bid, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s latest financial totals are out, and it’s fair to call them distinctly mediocre.

Lightfoot pulled in a combined $538,000 for her two political funds, a big chunk of it raised on a recent campaign swing to California. […]

Lightfoot for Chicago has $1.215 million in the bank, more than enough to get a solid campaign up and running, and Light PAC another $351,000. […]

At a press conference today, the mayor disagreed her fundraising this quarter was lackluster: “Given that we were in a pandemic and the amount of challenges we were facing… I feel pretty good about where our fundraising is.”

Factor in campaign expenses, mainly for consultants and staff, and Lightfoot’s two campaign committees netted a combined $61,289.43 for the quarter.

Not great.

* I told subscribers about this last week

A new candidate has announced he is seeking candidacy for the Republican nomination of State Representative for the new 108th District. This district covers all of Menard County, and portions of Sangamon, Christian, Macoupin, and Montgomery Counties.

Wayne Rosenthal, a Republican from Morrisonville, says that he has thrown in his hat to run for the new 108th District. Rosenthal has received several endorsements including Congressman Rodney Davis, Darin LaHood, and Mike Bost. He has also been supported by State Representatives Avery Bourne, Tim Butler and former State Rep Mike Murphy.

Rosenthal says that he and his family are excited to announce that he is running. He says he knows the area well, and has served the citizens for many years including the Illinois Air National Guard, coaching youth baseball, and serving in the General Assembly. ROsenthal also says that he plans to work hard, share his conservative vision for the state, and earn every vote in this election.

Rosenthal left the House to run IDNR for Gov. Bruce Rauner.


A doctor from Morton says he’s running for an open Illinois House seat that includes much of the district now represented by retiring state Rep. Keith Sommer.

Emergency physician and anesthesiologist Dr. Bill Hauter plans to run in the redrawn 87th House District. Hauter, a Republican, is a member of the Tazewell County Board. The 87th District includes portions of Tazewell, McLean, Logan, Sangamon, Macon, and DeWitt counties.

Hauter works primarily as an anesthesiologist in Peoria. He picks up shifts as an emergency physician as needed; over the past few years, he says, he has been needed to treat COVID-19 patients on a regular basis. Because of this, Hauter said, he can bring a new perspective to the General Assembly as they make decisions about the pandemic.

While he supports vaccination, Hauter is against vaccine mandates. […]

Sommer and Hauter are longtime friends, says Hauter. Sommer previously endorsed Hauter in his run for Tazewell County Board, and the pair have worked together on adoption reform legislation in the past. Hauter has an adopted child from Bulgaria, and his wife Shelley is the director of the Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center.

* Press release…

Today, EMILY’s List, the nation’s largest resource for women in politics, endorsed three women for election in Illinois, including Juliana Stratton for lieutenant governor, Susana Mendoza for comptroller, and Anna Valencia for secretary of state. Laphonza Butler, president of EMILY’s List, released the following statement:

“These groundbreaking women have been lifelong advocates for their communities, championing everything from youth development and empowerment programs, to animal welfare and social services initiatives. EMILY’s List is confident that under their leadership, Illinois will be best positioned to recover from the impact of COVID-19 and become a place where all people can flourish.”

* Excerpt from a DGA press release

“It’s only day three of his campaign, and Richard Irvin is already being slammed by Illinoisans — including those in his own party,” said DGA Senior Communications Advisor Christina Amestoy. “Irvin has done a complete 180 from praising Gov. JB Pritzker to running a Rauner reboot campaign. Even if Irvin survives the bruising GOP primary, he won’t stand a chance against Gov. Pritzker, who Irvin himself agreed is ‘a great leader.’”

* Politico

There’s been a lot of hype about the political operatives behind Richard Irvin’s GOP gubernatorial bid having previously led former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s campaign and the effort to defeat the graduated income tax.

But recent campaign donations show that two big donors to those efforts are behind Jesse Sullivan’s GOP bid for governor.

Richard Colburn and Michael Keiser have donated $50,000 and $5,000 respectively to Sullivan’s campaign.

Colburn gave $500,000 to the group that helped defeat the graduated income tax measure backed by Gov. JB Pritzker, and he gave $10,000 to Citizens for Judicial Fairness, which helped defeat former Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride’s retention effort.

Keiser gave $25,000 to the effort to stop the graduated income tax plan. And both he and Colburn donated to Rauner’s 2018 bid for governor.

Sullivan is reporting $9.1 million in the bank, according to the latest campaign filings, though the bigger news is that he has yet to name a running mate.

He can’t gather signatures until he can list a lieutenant governor on his petitions. Playbook hears that announcement will be soon.

Not sure what that’s supposed to mean. Sullivan got a bit of cash from two people who also hated the graduated income tax and a Democratic Supreme Court justice and that’s supposed to show… what?

Also, she’s right about the running mate thing. Everyone else has a head start on him. Subscribers know more.

* Press release…

Illinois Supreme Court to Hear Chicago Alderman’s Appeal to Stop Elected Officials From Using Campaign Cash to Pay for Criminal Defense Fees

Ald. Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th) filed a complaint centered around ex-Ald. Danny Solis in 2019


Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, 25th Ward

Adolfo Mondragon, Esq.


In Byron Sigcho-Lopez v. State of Ill. Bd. of Elections et al., No. 127253, the Illinois Supreme Court will hear arguments from Adolfo Mondragon, Esq. on behalf of Chicago Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez (25th Ward) to reverse a lower court’s decision dismissing Sigcho-Lopez’s complaint that elected officials should not use campaign cash to pay for criminal defense attorneys.

Sigcho-Lopez filed an appeal in May 2021 to the Illinois Supreme Court from a decision out of the 1st District Court of Appeals, challenging whether the Campaign Disclosure Act of the election code allows politicians to use campaign funds for criminal defense fees.

Sigcho-Lopez was elected in 2019 to succeed former Alderman Danny Solis, who has spent more than $220,000 from his 25th Ward campaign fund to pay for his defense team while under federal investigation.

Click here to watch. You’ll have to rewind it.

* What could possibly go wrong?

A bill filed by state Rep. Charles Meier aims to combat voter fraud by allowing a county clerk the ability to cancel a voter registration if they do not think the person is a qualified voter.

House Bill 4310 was filed in December by state Rep. Charles Meier, R-Highland. The bill seeks to address issues with the state’s mail-in vote system and would give county clerks the ability to turn down a voter registration if the clerk believes the registration is fake or if the voter has passed away or moved.

“Illinois is notorious for having a lot of dead people vote,” Meier said. “It seems kind of amazing there is always accusations of this … and what simpler way to clean up the process than by using your county clerks.”

Illinois may be notorious for that, but it’s not been shown to actually be a thing that happens in real life beyond a few isolated incidents.

From the bill

Review of jury summons. If, upon review of the list of returned juror summons under Section 9.3 of the Jury Commission Act, the county clerk is of the opinion that any person registered is not a qualified voter or has ceased to be a qualified voter, he or she shall send a notice through the United States mail to such person, requiring him or her to appear before the county clerk for a hearing within 5 days after the date of mailing the notice and show cause why his or her registration shall not be cancelled. If such person fails to appear within such time as provided, his or her registration shall be cancelled. If such person does appear, he or she shall execute an affidavit similar in every respect to the affidavit required of applicants under Section 6-29.

Not onerous at all. /s

…Adding… Press release…

Today, the Madison County Democrats and the St. Clair County Democrats announced their endorsement of Nikki Budzinski in Illinois’ 13th Congressional District. Madison and St. Clair Counties make up significant portions of the newly drawn 13th Congressional District.

The Madison and St. Clair County Democrats’ endorsement is the latest in a broad coalition of support that Budzinski is building, including U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth, EMILY’s List, State Treasurer Mike Frerichs, Rep. “Chuy” García, Rep. Sean Casten, Rep. Cheri Bustos, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Bill Foster, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, State Senator Christopher Belt, Assistant Majority Leader Jay Hoffman, House Democratic Caucus Chair LaToya Greenwood, State Representative Katie Stuart, UFCW Local 881, Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT), The United Brotherhood of Carpenters (UBC), SEIU State Council, United Steelworkers (USW), IBEW Locals 51, 146, 193, 309, 601 and 649, Communications Workers of America (CWA), Sheet Metal Air Rail and Transportation Workers’ Union, Heat and Frost Insulators, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (AFFI), Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers (BAC) Local 8, Elect Democratic Women, Pastor T. Ray McJunkins, County Chairs Bill Houlihan (Sangamon), Mark Pohlman (Jersey), Paul “Snow” Herkert (Calhoun), Ben Curtin (Christian) and Pam Monetti (Macoupin).

* More…

* Cook County assessor candidate Kari Steele touts, then rebukes endorsement by controversial Chicago Ald. Jim Gardiner


*** UPDATED x1 *** Slate pledges support for Irvin, Bourne

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The word “Griffin” is not mentioned once, of course. How are they gonna fund these candidates? Irvin has just $164,888.35 in his municipal campaign account. Such a mystery…

Illinois Republicans have joined together on an organized statewide slate of candidates behind Richard Irvin for Governor and Avery Bourne for Lieutenant Governor. They will be joined by John Milhiser (Secretary of State), Tom Demmer (Treasurer), Shannon Teresi (Comptroller), and Steve Kim (Attorney General) in an effort to end the culture of corruption that has permeated Illinois government through the Madigan Machine politicians that have filled our state’s top executive offices for decades.

The announcement of the slate of candidates comes on the heels of Irvin’s historic campaign kick-off earlier this week, promising to not only clean up corruption in Springfield, but also fight crime and cut taxes and spending.

“I’m the only candidate for governor to take on Mike Madigan and win, and I know that Madigan will keep running our state until we replace his allies with true public servants,” Irvin said. “That’s what this slate brings to the table: candidates with the experience and qualifications necessary to take our state back.”

Irvin’s running mate, Avery Bourne, believes this slate will restore public trust in government, something that has been waning for decades but especially over the last few years as federal indictments have continued to fall on elected officials.

“Each candidate on our slate has the experience and dedication Illinois needs to root out the corruption that is so ingrained in this state,” said Bourne. “Together, we are committed to fixing our state. We will work together to reduce crime, fight corruption, and return fiscal responsibility for the people of this great state.”

John Milhiser is running for Secretary of State and previously served as the Sangamon County State’s Attorney and the U.S. Attorney for the Central District of Illinois, overseeing federal investigations in 46 counties. He was confirmed with bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate, including Senators Durbin and Duckworth. John has investigated and prosecuted corrupt politicians, murderers, violent criminals, child predators, drug dealers, embezzlers, and human traffickers. As Secretary of State he will make sure we never go back to the history of corruption for which that office has been a crucible.

“Illinois state government has had a pervasive culture of corruption for decades,” Milhiser said. “It’s past time for our state to be led by individuals who will work to rebuild public trust in our leaders. That’s why I support Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne. Richard has a strong record of working for the betterment of his community, has honorably served our nation, and will be a governor the people of Illinois will be proud of.”

Tom Demmer serves as Deputy Republican Leader in the Illinois House, representing the 90th District. As the Republican caucus’ expert in exposing Madigan-Pritzker budget gimmicks, he is a leading voice for meaningful fiscal reform that will put Illinois back on the right path. An innovative, out of the box thinker, Tom’s experience will be crucial in guiding the state’s financial future as our next Treasurer.

“Richard Irvin understands that the tax burden on Illinois families is a primary reason why we are losing more and more people to neighboring states every year,” Demmer said. “Avery Bourne is a tremendous leader, an advocate for Illinoisans, and someone whose love for this state is palpable. Richard and Avery are the people we need in Springfield to fix our broken finances, provide tax relief, and guide us into the future.”

Shannon Teresi is a Certified Public Accountant, a Certified Fraud Examiner, an internal auditor, and currently serves as the McHenry County Auditor. Under her leadership, the county has cut fraud and abuse out of the budget, and consistently earned AAA bond ratings. As the next Comptroller, Shannon will ensure that the financial reporting of our state is appropriately audited, will cut out corruption just as she has done in McHenry County, and will make sure that taxpayers know exactly where their dollars are going.

“The Madigan Machine and their career politicians have had the opportunity to change the trajectory of this state, and instead have stood in the way of progress for their own benefit,” Teresi said. “Richard Irvin and Avery Bourne will bring new, innovative leadership to our state government, reducing our tax burden and meeting the needs of families like yours and mine. Together, we will root out the corruption that has become a way of life for Madigan Machine Politicians and I’m proud to stand with them for the future of Illinois”.

Steve Kim is running for Attorney General because crime in this state is out of control. He has advised leaders at all levels of the Illinois government, including Senator Mark Kirk and Governor Jim Edgar. He has adjudicated hundreds of civil rights cases in his position on the Illinois Human Rights Commission. Steve works with companies all over the globe, and has seen the importance of anti-corruption policies, the rule of law, and public safety. Steve’s wide ranging experience makes him the ideal candidate to bring new ideas to the table on curbing the crime and corruption for which Illinois is globally known.

“Richard Irvin will be a governor who understands that public safety and reducing crime has far reaching benefits to our communities across Illinois, especially immigrant and minority communities which are most impacted,” Kim said. “Crime in this state is out of control. Richard has stood with law enforcement to curtail violence and has a proven track record in Aurora. I know that Richard will fight corruption and rein in crime for the betterment of all Illinoisans, and that’s why I’m honored to stand with him.”

Irvin’s new campaign committee, by the way, has the same treasurer as most of the rest of the slate. Les Williamson of Houston, Texas is a professional fundraiser with The Larrison Group.

Irwin’s 2021 municipal budget proposal ever so slightly reduced the Aurora police department’s spending below 2020 levels, but the funding appeared to increased very slightly by the time it passed.

* Gov. Pritzker went to Aurora last year to sign HB562 into law

“I applaud the 102nd General Assembly for taking decisive and life-saving actions that will, among other things, strengthen enforcement and hopefully prevent unnecessary tragedies in the future,” said Aurora Mayor Richard C. Irvine. “As the Governor signs HB0562 today, may we remember the lives and legacies of Russell Beyer, Vicente Juarez, Clayton Parks, Josh Pinkard and Trevor Wehner who devastating lost their lives at Henry Pratt. While we can’t change the past, we can change laws for the future, and I do hope this brings some measure of comfort to their families, knowing that their lives were not lost in vain.”

But the bill was opposed by most Republican legislators

Chesney Opposes “Anti-Gun” Amendments to House Bill 562

State Representative Andrew Chesney voted NO, and urged his colleagues to do the same, on an anti-gun bill sent the Illinois House for consideration during a special session on June 16th.

“I filed legislation to fix the FOID problems by eliminating the unconstitutional FOID system,” said Chesney from Springfield on Wednesday. “Instead, gun-grabbing politicians are doubling down on bloated bureaucracies that serve no one well; especially the unprecedented number of innocent Chicago residents hunted down by freed felons in gun-free zones.”

*** UPDATE *** DPI…

Today, billionaire Ken Griffin’s slate of Republicans announced their coordinated effort to take Illinois back to the Rauner years. And while the slate isn’t shy about their desire to drag our state backwards, they are being shy about making any actual appearances in public.

As opposed to making themselves available to voters and the media, this silent slate has hidden from the public for weeks. Not a single candidate has done an interview or public event since announcing and have instead chosen to hide behind consultant-crafted videos and meaningless social posts.

It is patently unacceptable that those seeking to lead our state would hide from reporters because they don’t want to answer basic questions like: Did you vote for Donald Trump? Do you want to overturn Roe v Wade? What promises has Ken Griffin made you?

Instead of proposing real policy solutions that help working families, these candidates are more of the same. Empty words, incendiary rhetoric, and no clue how to make Springfield work for working families.

The public deserves to know who is really pulling the strings of the Rauner Reboot. Each day the Griffin Slate continues to avoid scrutiny, we can only assume they have something to hide.


WBEZ to finalize Sun-Times purchase by end of the month, paper will stop endorsing candidates

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Robert Feder

The parent company of public radio station WBEZ 91.5-FM is moving forward on plans to acquire the Chicago Sun-Times — a merger designed to assure survival of the money-losing newspaper while creating one of the nation’s largest nonprofit local news organizations.

The board of Chicago Public Media voted Tuesday to approve the deal, which was first disclosed here in September. The merger is expected to be finalized by January 31.

Financial terms were not disclosed, but major funding is expected from Michael Sacks, lead investor in the Sun-Times, along with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and the Pritzker Traubert Foundation.

“I’m deeply grateful to the Chicago Public Media board of directors for their work in leading us to this milestone,” board chair Piyush Chaudhari said in a statement. “This new venture will be on its best path forward as we bring together two of Chicago’s most respected news organizations in our city and our region.”

According to the announcement, WBEZ and the Sun-Times “will continue to serve their respective audiences, and the newsrooms will operate separately with their own editors and maintain their editorial independence.”

* Sun-Times

While WBEZ and the Sun-Times will continue as independent operations, the deal could change one newspaper tradition. Executives said that as a nonprofit, the Sun-Times can no longer endorse political candidates. News coverage and investigations of public officials would be unaffected.

The Sun-Times stopped endorsing candidates in 2012, and then resumed in 2014 so it could endorse Bruce Rauner, a former part-owner.

Anyway, your thoughts on all this?


A fitting end

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Oy…


Open thread

Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have at it.


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Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Jan 19, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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