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Len Lieberman

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I don’t think I knew anyone at the Statehouse who loved their job more than Len Lieberman loved his. Len was the Jewish Federation’s lobbyist and he took his responsibility seriously as his faith’s top liaison to Illinois’ government. But he was also an incredibly kind person, a humble man with a genuine smile for everyone. A mensch in the truest sense of the word.

Len stayed out of politics because he lobbied both sides of the aisle and, before that, had worked for the state. But he proudly sent me an email back in 2014 with the announcement that these were his first two yard signs in 40 years, “two people I know personally and respect,” he said…

* Many, if not most members of the General Assembly never got to know Len because he’s been retired for so long. I feel sorry for you

Len was born in Chicago on September 23rd 1947. There he attended Mather High School before graduating from Northern Illinois University in 1969. Len worked for ten years at both the Department of Transportation and Department of Corrections. He then found his dream job as a lobbyist for the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and the statewide Jewish Federations for 29 years.

A community activist, Len was a prior President of Congregation Temple Israel and the Springfield Jewish Federation, among other board positions. He was a founding volunteer with the local Parents Anonymous chapter, and B’nai B’rith Lodge #67 when it was re-founded, later served on the boards of Oak Ridge Cemetery and the State Journal Register’s Advisory Committee. Among his accomplishments Len was named Professional of the Year, given a Lifetime Achievement Award, honored as Alumni of the Year by his alma mater, and upon his retirement had the Len Lieberman Professional of the Year award named for him by the Jewish Federations of North America. In retirement he became active in the LLCC Academy of Lifelong Learning, serving as president in 2017-2018 among other leadership roles.

What Len treasured most in his later years were his relationships with the individuals he mentored, his many bridge and poker groups, and the annual get-together with his fellow NIU alumnists.

Len often said that when he died, celebrate his life rather than mourn his death.

His family asks that you contribute to your local Jewish Federation or Temple Israel in his name. Also, make a point to do something fun and kind. I’m sure he’d like that…


Question of the day

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pritzker campaign email…

After years of dysfunction in Springfield, JB is turning things around and getting big things done for Illinois.

From enshrining reproductive rights into state law, to a historic bipartisan infrastructure plan, to raising the minimum wage to a living wage, JB is moving Illinois in the right direction. And we want to hear why that matters to supporters like you, who’ve made all of this possible.

We want to know: Which of JB’s policies have benefited you and your family? Why would you re-elect JB for another term?

* The Question: Could you please tell us, as of today, why you would or why you would not vote to reelect the governor? Explain, please.


COVID-19 roundup

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

Among COVID-19–like illness hospitalizations among adults aged ≥18 years whose previous infection or vaccination occurred 90–179 days earlier, the adjusted odds of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 among unvaccinated adults with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection were 5.49-fold higher than the odds among fully vaccinated recipients of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine who had no previous documented infection (95% confidence interval = 2.75–10.99).

What are the implications for public health practice?

All eligible persons should be vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible, including unvaccinated persons previously infected with SARS-CoV-2. [Emphasis added.]

Get your shots, people.

* Tribune

According to the Food and Drug Administration’s announcement authorizing the use of the Pfizer vaccine in children 5 through 11, the recommendation would be for a two-dose series, three weeks apart, but at a lower dose than has been used for people 12 and older. Younger children would receive 10 micrograms, compared with individuals 12 years and older, who receive 30 micrograms.

The FDA noted that in the U.S., 39% of COVID-19 cases in people younger than 18 are in children 5 through 11 years old, and about 8,300 COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization in this younger age group. As of Oct. 17, according to the FDA, 691 deaths from COVID-19 had been reported in the U.S. in people under age 18; 146 of these deaths were of children 5 to 11.

The CDC notes that although fewer children have been infected with the virus compared to adults, kids can be infected, get sick and spread COVID-19. Right now, youths 12 and older receive the same dosage of the Pfizer vaccine as adults, and there are no patient weight requirements for vaccination, nor does the dosage vary by weight.

* Tribune

Illinois students from economically disadvantaged families — who represent nearly 50% of the state’s roughly 2 million students — appear to have borne the brunt of the disruptions to education during the pandemic, with test scores for students in grades 3-8 plunging in math and English language arts on the Illinois Assessment of Readiness.

Now, with Illinois schools slated to receive around $7 billion in federal COVID-19 relief funding, educators hope to bridge the gap with everything from tutoring and teacher development, to after-school programs and extra social emotional support for students dealing with trauma.

Still, school officials say despite Illinois classrooms being fully reopened for in-person learning this fall, the pandemic is far from over, and academic recovery efforts continue to be hampered by students in quarantine, hiring challenges and educators who are already exhausted, just two months into the new school year.

While around 25% of low-income third graders met proficiency standards for math in 2019, that number declined sharply during the pandemic, with only 13% of third graders in that demographic meeting proficiency standards on the recent assessment.


About 47,000 patients with the virus are currently hospitalized nationwide, according to a seven-day average of data from the Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. is reporting an average of roughly 1,150 Covid fatalities per day, according to Johns Hopkins data. Both figures are flat over the past week.

Besides the plateauing cases, Fauci, also director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said the U.S. must focus on vaccinating the roughly 60 million people nationwide who have not yet been immunized. That excludes 28 million children ages 5 to 11 who became eligible to receive Pfizer’s two-dose Covid vaccine earlier this month, he noted.

“There’s a lot of good news, but some challenging news that we really need to address as we go into the winter months,” Fauci said.

Fauci added that those who’ve been fully vaccinated for Covid can gather for the holiday season without concern. But he recommended wearing a mask in indoor congregate settings with cases still hovering at a high level nationwide.

“When you’re with your family at home, goodness, enjoy it with your parents, your children, your grandparents,” he said. “There’s no reason not to do that.”

1,150 deaths per day translates to almost 420,000 per year.

* Get your shots, folks

Though Lake County remains in the high risk category, the number of new cases of COVID-19 is approximately a quarter of what they were a year ago.

Local health officials say that decline is thanks in large part to the vaccine.

“It was four times higher without the vaccine,” said Lake County Health Department Executive Director Mark Pfister. “The major difference is the vaccine. Most of the new cases and hospitalizations are people who were not vaccinated.”

The county experienced a 10.35% increase of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents in the past week but also crossed the 80% threshold of vaccinated residents with 80.1% of those eligible for vaccination receiving their shots.

* Tribune

The opponents of vaccination requirements may be loud and litigious, “but they’re not going to get 50% of the vote plus one,” [Chris Mooney, a University of Illinois at Chicago political science professor] said. “And that’s, in some sense, what it’s coming down to for Pritzker.”

* More…

* ‘A real sense of relief’: Illinois school-based vaccine clinics get shots in arms of kids ages 5 to 11

* How one Southwest Side health center is leading Chicago on kids’ COVID vaccinations

* Surge protectors? Experts urge vaccinations as state’s climbing COVID-19 cases spark concerns of ‘yet another wave’


Today marks the one-year anniversary of DeVore’s bounty (and he still hasn’t paid up)

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

The attorney suing the governor for defamation may have a high burden to prove his case.

After being called a “grifter” by Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Attorney Thomas DeVore filed a defamation case in Sangamon County late last month.

Pritzker’s comments came after DeVore filed a lawsuit against COVID-19 mandates in schools on behalf of more than 700 parents.

“So to make the suggestion that somehow or another these people were stolen from for all intents and purposes is completely out of bounds,” DeVore told.

He said he’s not a thief, didn’t dupe anyone and the governor’s comments have a chilling effect, keeping people from speaking up or taking action against policies they disagree with.

DeVore is seeking damages of more than $50,000.

While some suggest the governor has executive immunity, DeVore downplayed that idea.

“Ultimately, the governor can’t just say whatever he wants to say about somebody in that fashion, he doesn’t have that ability,” DeVore said.

“Some suggest”?

* The “some” who “suggest” is the Illinois Supreme Court, for crying out loud, and DeVore is running for appellate justice..

Attorney Don Craven explained Pritzker has absolute immunity due to an Illinois Supreme Court decision from 1976. Former governor Dan Walker had issued press releases with alleged statements of libel against two real estate brokers who were also attorneys.

Allan Blair and David Gray believed Walker made malicious statements about them and knew they were false. However, the highest court said executives need to exercise their duties free from civil liabilities for statements they make.

“So the use of the word grifter, even without the issue of absolute immunity, it’s simply name-calling. Perhaps it’s inartful name-calling, perhaps very artful name-calling,” Craven said. “But name-calling is not defamatory either.”

* From the decision

We emphasize that today’s decision is not an endorsement of either the tenor or the content of the defendant’s statements concerning the plaintiffs. The Governor’s position could undoubtedly have been expressed to the people with language less calculated to injure the plaintiffs’ personal and professional reputations. While it is unfortunate that the application of executive immunity may occasionally deny relief to a deserving individual, the sacrifice is justified by the public’s need for free and unfettered action by its representatives.

* Back to WGEM

“I’ve accused him of making horrible policy decisions,” DeVore said. “And I will continue to do so. But again, I’m taking issue with him as a politician. He’s taking issue with me in my professional capacity as an attorney. It’s not the same thing.”

Yeah, right.

* From a year ago today

More here. DeVore never did pay up. And then he offered up some cockamamie story about not even knowing the governor had kids.

* I also told you a year ago today that DeVore was asked whether it might be time to stop filing lawsuits because he was losing so many of them

If they think that any of this is going on is about winning or losing lawsuits, the people that say that need to consider if they’re as intelligent as they think they are. This isn’t about winning lawsuits.

* Meanwhile

…Adding… DeVore’s American Freedom website is hosted by a German company.

* Related…

* Editorial: Our COVID-19 obligations: What few of us fully appreciate — and certainly most of the unvaccinated and those who disdain masks don’t — is that each of those who died were, in reality, killed by other people. Yes, the virus is a killer. But it could not kill anyone without people who are complicit in passing it along.


Republicans, MALDEF and NAACP propose remedial legislative maps

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Republicans and a Latino voting rights group have filed alternatives to the state legislative districts drawn by Democrats, with both challenges pushing for greater Chicago-area Latino representation than provided in the map signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker.

In federal court filings on Wednesday, both the GOP and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund contended the Democratic-drawn map violates constitutional and federal Voting Rights Act guarantees by diluting the votes of a growing Latino population. […]

In its filing, MALDEF contended the Democratic map violates the federal Voting Rights Act “with regard to Latino voters on the North Side and Southwest Side of Chicago” and that Democrats engaged in a “racial gerrymander” aimed at protecting white Southwest Side incumbents. […]

Democrats have until Nov. 22 to file their response to the alternatives with the court. The challengers will have until the week after to respond to Democrats. In court arguments over the boundaries are scheduled to begin Dec. 6.

* Capitol News Illinois

The proposed GOP maps would create four House districts in northern Cook County where Latinos make up a majority of the citizen voting age population, seven Latino-majority districts in southern Cook County and one district in nearby Aurora, District 50, where Latinos make up slightly less than half the voting age population but would still have an opportunity to elect a Latino candidate.

Their plan would also create a Black-majority House district centered in East St. Louis.

Their proposed map would reconfigure House Districts 3, 4, 39 and 77, primarily in Chicago’s northwest side and neighboring suburbs like Franklin Park and Melrose Park. Other districts around those proposed Latino districts would be adjusted so they would be substantially equal in population, but otherwise would be similar to their configuration in the September maps.

In southern Cook County, the GOP map would reconfigure House Districts 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 32, all in Chicago’s southwest side and adjacent suburbs such as Berwyn, Cicero, and Burbank.

MALDEF’s map would create 10 Latino citizen voting age population majority House districts and four such Senate districts.

* A.D. Quig at Crain’s

In a separate interview with Crain’s, Gov. J.B. Pritzker said he hadn’t yet seen the maps released by Republicans, so he couldn’t comment directly on whether they expanded minority representation, but did say “Republicans are not known for doing things to increase diversity and representation. Just look at their caucus.” […]

The UCCRO/NAACP coalition submitted their own fresh map that they say addresses the dilution of the Black vote in the 114th House District (currently represented by Rep. LaToya Greenwood). Their proposal keeps certain communities like Washington Park, Belleville, and the Scott Air Force Base together and boosts the Black voting age population to 49.45%, up from the 33.55% in the current map.

But it’s unclear whether the courts will take up any of the remedial maps. Ami Gandhi, senior counsel at the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights who is representing UCCRO in the case, said they are “still awaiting details from the court on what procedures it will be planning from here on out.”

* Other stuff…

* Charles Selle: Illinois congressional districts were ‘cherrymandered’


Lightfoot paying little more than lip service to federal consent decree?

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gregory Pratt and Madeline Buckley at the Tribune

A Chicago police leader who worked to implement the department’s federal consent decree sent a resignation letter to Mayor Lori Lightfoot this summer alleging that CPD’s top leadership failed “to even feign interest in pursuing reform in a meaningful manner.”

Then the official alleged that Chicago police retaliated against him for raising concerns about the department’s progress complying with court-ordered reforms. […]

“Unfortunately, my disappointment with the inability of this department’s top leadership to even feign interest in pursuing reform in a meaningful manner has made it impossible for me to remain involved,” [Chad Williams, the former civilian commanding officer of the department’s audit division] wrote in the email [to Mayor Lighfoot], obtained by the Tribune via a public records request. “Even more unfortunate is that my experience is far from unique. Many well-meaning and talented civilians have signed up to help improve the nation’s (second largest) police department, only to find themselves steadily thwarted by its perverse incentive structures until they inevitably depart due to demoralization.” […]

“Despite my efforts, both the office of the superintendent and the office of constitutional policing & reform continue to insist upon employing a ‘check the boxes’ strategy that focuses on getting credit for ‘preliminary compliance’ based primarily on policy edits that lack operational considerations,” Williams said. “Over time, the optimism I brought to this role withered in an incessant stream of discussions with the singular intent of identifying ways to ‘move the needle’ by ‘getting the percentages up’ to improve portrayals in local media coverage.”

Mayor Rahm Emanuel had to be dragged by Attorney General Lisa Madigan into that consent decree. Sounds like the current administration is just trying to do the easy stuff first to get some positive news media coverage.

* More from Gregory Pratt

A top adviser to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot resigned in August while raising concerns about the city’s ability to “keep moving the ball forward” on its violence prevention efforts and Police Department consent decree implementation, records obtained by the Tribune show.

Lightfoot’s one-time deputy mayor for public safety, Susan Lee, left that post in fall 2020 but remained involved at City Hall as an unpaid consultant on public safety issues, according to a contract between Lee and the city.

Part of her adviser role included consent decree implementation, according to the agreement.

Lee sent Lightfoot chief of staff Sybil Madison and current Deputy Mayor for Public Safety John O’Malley an email on Aug. 2 seeking to “clarify” her role as senior adviser. In the email, on which she also copied Lightfoot, Lee said she’d been trying to “connect” with the mayor “for weeks” but had been unsuccessful.

(Hat tip: Jonathan Ballew.)

* Related…

* Embattled Chicago FOP president faces termination hearing

* Disorganized Cops Handcuffed Innocent Black Teens at Gunpoint Multiple Times In Bizarre 2019 Incident, New Body Camera Video Shows: As he stepped out of his family’s Rogers Park apartment, he didn’t know he’d soon be stopped by Chicago Police officers four times, and handcuffed twice, in the span of 20 minutes. He also didn’t know around that same time, officers in the area were responding to a 911 call about a group of “Black males” who were “up to no good,” according to dispatch audio, and that they would target him and his younger brother, who were innocent.

* The sergeant who led the botched raid in February 2019 that left Anjanette Young handcuffed while naked and pleading for help should be fired, Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown told the Chicago Police Board.

* Chicago police officer among 9 charged with defrauding low-income food program


The Berrios way, but without the patronage

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* For years, the Chicago Tribune editorial board argued that voters should give Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios the hook. That finally happened a few years ago and many of the same upper-income people who backed Berrios’ opponent Fritz Kaegi are now upset at Kaegi for matching their property tax assessments to reality. The Tribune editorial board sums up the issues today

During Berrios’ eight-year reign, ethics rules went ignored. Patronage and nepotism became the norm. Deep-pocketed insiders knew they could secure assessment reductions through well-timed campaign donations to his office. Finally, in 2018, voters indicated they had seen enough, and embraced Kaegi’s pledge to reform the county’s broken tax assessment system.

And so far, that’s exactly what Kaegi has set out to do. His reforms include basing assessments on the most accurate market value of properties — commercial and residential. What business community lobbyists conveniently forget is that, under Berrios, commercial and industrial properties were undervalued by nearly 40% in Cook County, and almost 50% in Chicago. Billions of dollars of tax burden was shifted from moneyed communities to low-income and minority neighborhoods.

* OK, now scroll down

And [business lobbyists] should push [state legislators] to get rid of Cook County’s tax classification system that assesses commercial and industrial properties at a higher rate than homeowners — a 2.5 to 1 difference.

Possible translation: We didn’t like it when Joe Berrios shifted billions of dollars of the property tax burden to low-income and minority communities. We’d prefer it, however, if the General Assembly would give business owners a gigantic property tax cut and force low income and minority residents to pay lots more because then it would be all nice and legal.

Maybe I’m missing something here, or maybe they just don’t quite understand what they wrote. But I don’t see how that comes out any other way in the end.


Pritzker and Lightfoot to attend White House infrastructure bill-signing

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will be among the governors, mayors and members of Congress at the White House today to celebrate President Joe Biden signing the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.

* Gov. Pritzker statement via press release…

President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure deal is a testament to what government should do for the people it serves: create millions of jobs, power local economies, double down on America’s global leadership, and ensure working families have the roads, routes, and digital access they need to succeed in the 21st century. And thanks to our Rebuild Illinois infrastructure plan — the largest in state history — the Land of Lincoln is prepped and ready for federal dollars to jumpstart our projects ahead of schedule.

I am proud to join President Biden, Vice President Harris, and colleagues from across the nation to celebrate this exemplary renewal of federal leadership. Every American deserves access to safe, reliable transportation. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act — the largest of its kind in over a decade — is how we deliver on that mission. Let’s get to work.

* Sun-Times

According to Lightfoot, money from the bill will fund “huge improvements to our CTA without any change in cost to consumers while delivering the same service they expect.”

The CTA system will “become 100% accessible with the addition and improvement of elevators and other ADA enhancements,” Lightfoot said, and “the Red Line will finally be extended to 130th Street.” Also, she said “the bus system will become fully electric,” and lead pipe replacement will be faster. […]

Lawmakers were told the White House invited at least 200 to the bill ceremony, enough to include almost all yes votes. Illinois Democratic Reps. Marie Newman, Bobby Rush and Cheri Bustos are among those who will attend the White House signing. […]

The infrastructure bill, a major Biden agenda item, “marks the largest investments in roads, bridges and highways since the creation of the Interstate Highway System,” [deputy secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation Polly Trottenberg] said.

* Background from the governor’s office…

• Gov. Pritzker last visited the White House July 14, 2021 to discuss the infrastructure package and how it would benefit states.
Under theInfrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Illinois will receive:
• Water Infrastructure:The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal includesSenator Duckworth’s entireDrinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act,which would help rebuild our nation’s crumbling and dangerous water infrastructure,and also provides five years’ worth of appropriations totaling $1.7 billion to improve drinking and wastewater infrastructure throughout Illinois.
• Roads and bridges:$9.8 billion for federal-aid highway projects and $1.4 billion for bridge replacement and repairs. The state will be eligible for billions more in competitive grant programs.
• Public transportation:Approximately $4 billion over five years to improve public transportation options across the state. The state will be eligible for billions more in competitive grant programs.
• Broadband:A minimum allocation of $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, including providing access to the at least 228,000 Illinoisans who currently lack it. 2,926,000 Illinoisans, or 23 percent, will be eligible for the Affordable Connectivity Benefit, which will help low-income families afford internet access.
• Airports:Approximately $616 million for airport improvements over five years, increasing the Airport Improvement Grant Program and creating a new Airport Terminal Improvement Program.
• Electric vehicles:$149 million over five years to support the expansion of an electric vehicle (EV) charging network in the state. Illinois is eligible for $2.5 billion in competitive EV charging grants.

…Adding… DPI…

The Democratic Party of Illinois is launching a multi-platform digital ad campaign highlighting the opposition of four Illinois Republican members of Congress to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal that will be signed into law later today by President Biden. In total, 32 Republicans in the House and Senate supported the bipartisan deal, however Reps. Mike Bost, Rodney Davis, Darin LaHood, and Mary Miller put partisanship above the needs of their own constituents and opposed the deal. The DPI digital ads campaign is designed to raise awareness of these legislators’ failure to deliver commonsense solutions for their constituents.

“After years of broken Republican promises on ‘infrastructure week,’ President Biden and Illinois Democrats finally delivered on a once-in-a-generation investment in our state and our nation that will improve the lives of every Illinoisan,” said Democratic Party of Illinois Executive Director Abby Witt. “Unfortunately, instead of working in a bipartisan way for their communities, Reps. Bost, Davis, LaHood, and Miller followed Donald Trump’s lead, letting petty partisanship get in the way of a good deal for their constituents.”

“The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal will deliver billions of dollars in investment for Illinois’ roads and bridges, safe drinking water, broadband access, cybersecurity systems, and more,” Witt continued. “These investments will grow good-paying union jobs while combating climate change, building on the progress already delivered by Gov. JB Pritzker and Democrats in the statehouse. Voters need to know that four Illinois Republicans decided to turn their backs on this bipartisan deal, and the DPI is ready to spread the word.”

The digital campaign begins today, will run across multiple social media platforms, and is expected to reach hundreds of thousands of voters across Illinois. Examples of the initial digital ads can be seen here.


Winter is coming: Pritzker says top epidemiologists warning of January-February surge

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column...

Gov. J.B. Pritzker told reporters not long ago that he was worried about the plateauing COVID-19 hospitalization rate and said he wouldn’t yet lift his statewide mask mandate.

But the governor told me something around the same time during an interview that he hasn’t yet said publicly: He’s most concerned about what may happen in January and February and upbeat about the spring and summer.

“What we’re trying to evaluate is, are the hospitalization numbers increasing, decreasing or staying the same,” Pritzker told reporters in early November. “We want them decreasing. They’re not currently, just to be clear. New hospitalizations are flat. That is not a good sign. That’s not what’s happened in previous dips from surges. We went down for a while here, but now we’ve leveled out at a level that is much higher than the summer. And so the question is, is that just a temporary situation? Are we going to start heading downward in those numbers?”

Since the governor said that, hospitalizations have yet again begun to increase, rising by almost 22% as of this writing. Hospitalizations are up almost 30% since late October’s low of 1,198.

That increase led Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike to warn last week that the statewide mask mandate wouldn’t be lifted before Thanksgiving, as some had hoped when hospitalizations were plateauing.

“As we’ve moved indoors,” Ezike told Quincy’s WGEM-TV, “we haven’t maybe taken our masks indoors with us. So a lot of unmasked indoor gatherings are likely part of the problem.”

Last year, COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths shot up in November and continued ravaging our still mostly unvaccinated state through January.

I interviewed Gov. Pritzker not long ago and asked him if he was worried about yet another big wave starting in November.

Pritzker said the top epidemiologists in Illinois he speaks with outside of IDPGH tell him, “Their expectation is that January and February we could see a surge of cases and the resulting hospitalizations. So, how worried am I? I am worried as much as the epidemiologists are.”

Asked how worried the epidemiologists are, Pritzker said he didn’t know how to characterize that, “other than that they tell me that they expect to see a surge. I have to take it very seriously.”

Pritzker also talked about the internal debate over what to do about mitigations, like mask mandates, in the meantime. “One of the questions that you have to ask yourself and that we all ask ourselves is, if we modify mitigations now as things are mildly reducing or getting better, what changes do you make now if you think that in January and February, you’re gonna see potentially a surge?”

A little later in the interview, Pritzker asked if he could clarify some things.

“I think when you look at the pattern here of surges, the surges are getting smaller because of vaccinations, because of where we are in the cycle. And so, the hope here is that each of the moves that we’re making going forward are really flattening those surges down.”

Pritzker went on to say that he’s hearing from the epidemiological community that by next spring or summer, the virus will become more like the flu “because people will be getting vaccinated on a regular basis or that boosters will be available, and because more people will have been vaccinated.”

The governor quickly added that he wasn’t suggesting COVID is anything like the flu. “I’m just saying if you look at other chronic diseases, other things that we’ve worked to overcome with vaccinations, this is becoming more and more like that because people are getting more and more vaccinated.”

And, it should be added, effective treatments may be on the horizon. Pfizer is developing a pill that shows real promise at preventing severe illness, the New York Times has reported.

But, as Dr. Ezike also said this month, “Of course, COVID is so complicated. It’s been throwing us curveball after curveball.”

Colorado is currently experiencing a surge in cases, and experts there have told reporters that they don’t know why and don’t know if they’ll ever know. And, as pointed out in a Denver CBS4-TV news story on that topic, the popularity of home COVID testing means that private results aren’t being reported and therefore not tracked by state and local public health departments.

That means the jobs of people who try to anticipate the future path of the disease have been made significantly more difficult, which is not what we need.


Open thread

Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another glorious week begins.



Monday, Nov 15, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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