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Question of the day

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This one will be for the old-timers and Illinois history buffs…

* The Question: Your memories of Adlai Stevenson III?


COVID-19 roundup

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The big, highlighted takeaway here is get your shots, people

The World Health Organization this week spotlighted a new and worrying COVID-19 variant it says might be resistant to vaccines. The mu strain accounts for a tiny fraction of all coronavirus cases in the U.S. — Illinois has detected only 18, according to the database — but like the delta variant that has become omnipresent, mu has properties that could make it more transmissible. […]

Elena Navas-Nacher, an epidemiologist from Colombia who founded the Chicago-based Global Health Beat Foundation, said the variant has taken a harsh toll on the country. When she visited this summer, she said, intensive care units were 90% full. […]

The caseload has since plunged, which Navas-Nacher attributes to a vigorous vaccination program in the South American country.

* Sun-Times

As an expert treating women with infertility, Dr. Eve Feinberg of Northwestern is asked often about the perceived risk of the COVID-19 vaccines.

“I have vaccine conversations every single day,” says Feinberg, who assures her patients that there is no evidence that the shots inhibit future pregnancy.

An infertility rumor started in Europe late last year has been refuted by multiple scientific studies, says Dr. Randy Morris, medical director of IVF1 fertility clinics in the suburbs. Morris conducted his own research to debunk the myth in a peer-reviewed study published in the spring.

“There is an abundance of evidence that it does not cause problems,” Morris says.

Again, get your shots.

* This is great, but one week does not a trend make

The virus is still sending more Illinoisans to hospitals, but at a slowing pace. A total of 2,286 beds were occupied Thursday night, the most since April 19 and a net increase of 2% compared to last week. Previous week-to-week hospitalization spikes were 12%, 21% and 38%, respectively, dating back to early August.


State health officials today reported 2,333 patients are hospitalized with COVID-19 throughout Illinois, including 551 who are in intensive care.

Say it with me now: Get your shots, people.


The Illinois State Board of Education began putting schools on probation nearly a month ago. The order applies to public and private schools. Only 12 public schools and seven private schools remain on probation for defying the mandate.

But there are some dead-enders

A Christian school in northeastern Illinois that declined to enforce a mask mandate has lost state recognition but will seek accreditation in other ways, a newspaper reported.

Kankakee Trinity Academy, a pre-K-12 school in Kankakee, can’t participate in events affiliated with the Illinois Elementary School Association or Illinois High School Association. It also will lose access to state aid for certain programs, though officials said it didn’t add up to much.

* Illinois Chamber

From March of 2020 and throughout 2021, Illinois businesses and organizations have had to weather the COVID pandemic through closures, reopening phases and mandates for employees and customers. The following survey results, offered to Illinois Chamber of Commerce members and partners from August 10, 2021 to August 31, 2021, samples feedback from 335 businesses responding to survey questions pertinent to the evolution of the Delta COVID-19 crisis. […]

With 45% of survey participants located in Cook County and the Collar Counties in the Northeast corner of Illinois, downstate survey responses are slightly overrepresented in comparison to state demographics.

“Slightly”? Downstate makes up less than 35 percent of the population.

* More…

* Editorial: Plea to southern Illinois: Wake up and get the vaccine

* Editorial: Your ‘personal choice’ not to get COVID vaccine is putting our ‘healthcare heroes’ at risk

* How U of I fought the clock to develop a COVID-19 test that schools will use this fall

* Pleasant Plains students exposed to COVID-19 can return to school Tuesday, agreement says: The agreement between the two sides puts in place a “modified quarantine order” that allows the children to return to school Tuesday, the day after the Labor Day holiday, if they receive negative results from COVID-19 tests Sept. 4 and Sept. 6.

* COVID quarantine at Pekin school districts sends up to 5% of students out of the classroom

* This Could Be Israel’s Level-Up in the Fight Against COVID: Now, a new drug developed at Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Center is providing hope of a better, cheaper, treatment. While still in its early stages, and pending a crucial third trial, Dr. Nadir Arber believes that he’s developed a drug that will turn even the most severe cases of SARS-COV-2 infection into manageable medical events—without affecting the body’s natural ability to protect itself.

* Most NFL Players Understand What Cam Newton Doesn’t

* Overwhelmed Morgues Belie U.S. Illusion of a Defanged Pandemic

* City Club bringing back in-person luncheons: (A)ll attendees will have to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination. No luncheon will be served; the food will be in to-go boxes. Attendance will be limited to 150 to 200, about half of usual capacity, and everyone will have to wear a mask.

* Fake COVID-19 vaccination cards seized at O’Hare


Caption contest!

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Center Square

State Rep. Andrew Chesney, R-Freeport, has filed legislation to counter Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s recent order that requires masks in private and public schools, regardless of vaccination status.

If I didn’t know better, I’d think somebody over there may have been trying to have a little fun at Rep. Chesney’s expense. Check out his exposed nose in the accompanying pic

Whether intentional on their part or not, we can have our own fun. Do try to keep it clean, however. Thanks.


*** UPDATED x3 - Bailey questions - ILGOP explains - Rabine claims victory *** Sullivan floats gubernatorial candidacy

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

Watch for Republican tech entrepreneur Jesse Sullivan to throw his hat in the ring to run for governor this week. He’s notified friends that he’ll be announcing Thursday. Sullivan lives in Petersburg but is also founder of the Alter Global venture capital firm in San Francisco. He’s been reaching out to potential donors, telling them he has $5 million in commitments, according to a fundraising booklet obtained by Playbook. Sullivan also has pulled together a campaign team, including campaign manager Noah Sheinbaum, a management consultant who worked for Bain & Co., and Eric Wilson, a digital strategist who also worked on Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign. Sullivan would face state Sen. Darren Bailey, former state Sen. Paul Schimpf, and business owner Gary Rabine, in a June 2022 primary.

* He has some good stories to tell. From 2010

Petersburg native Jesse Sullivan is living in a tent during one of Washington, D.C.’s worst winters on record to help raise money to provide emergency shelter for the people of Haiti.


When Jesse Sullivan arrived in Tor Ghai, a community in the Nahr-e-Saraj district of Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, it was riddled with violence.

Gun battles were routine, and improvised explosive devices were a constant threat.

Sullivan, 27, was there as part of a U.S. Army human terrain team. Made up of civilian and military personnel, the teams are embedded with brigades to help military commanders gain a deeper understanding of the social and cultural environments in which they operate.

* Sullivan has never contributed to a state or local campaign, but he did volunteer for a Democratic congressional candidate in 2008 against Aaron Schock.

* From Sullivan’s plan to win

• Over-perform and drive up turnout among rural and religious base voters

• Bring back the Suburbs! Message to college educated female and suburban voters with an appealing message

• Activate the youth vote with a future-focused campaign centered on economic growth and opportunity

Not sure how he does the first two at the same time. He also thinks he’ll be the early frontrunner, which he claims will avoid candidates being forced to take extreme positions, even though there’s likely no way of convincing people like Darren Bailey to get out.

Also, his campaign manager has never had any high-level campaign experience, but I’m sure this is the second coming of the “Best Team in America” ™.

* Speaking of Bruce Rauner

Ken Griffin, the GOP megadonor and billionaire founder of the hedge fund Citadel, donated $5 million to DeSantis’ campaign in April — the largest donation he has received this year. DeSantis also raked in $500,000 in May from WeatherTech founder David MacNeil, $250,000 in March from Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus and $250,000 in February from former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner, who moved to Florida after he lost re-election.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Press release…

The results are in and Gary Rabine, candidate for Governor, was the clear winner of the Illinois State Fair Straw Poll.

The Illinois Republican Party tent conducted a straw poll during the State Fair. Fair goers had the option of putting corn in the jar of their favorite candidate and Gary Rabine was the undisputed straw poll winner.

“The results, of course, are not scientific but a win is a win,” Rabine said. “We are building momentum every day and we will continue our march to a victory not only in the primary but also against JB Pritzker. We can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. I am the outsider our state needs right now.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** Text from an ILGOP official…

We did not conduct a straw poll. The “Corn Poll” was not monitored, no one counted the corn at the end of each day and it started over new the next day as a fun thing for folks to do when inside the tent.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Giannoulias wants to allow extra vanity pics for driver’s licenses

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

*Alexi Giannoulias fundraising pitch…

Dear Friends,

Let’s face it. It’s hard to find anyone who loves their driver’s license photo.

But what if you could do a retake?

Earlier today, our campaign announced a plan that would allow Illinoisans to choose the photo placed on their driver’s license.

Under our proposal, the Secretary of State’s office would allow Illinoisans to take up to three additional photos when they renew their license or state identification card at one of the Secretary of State’s facilities.

The Secretary of State’s office would charge $10 for each additional photo taken. The additional cost would only apply to those who want to have their photo retaken.

Revenue generated from the extra photos would go towards a new driver safety fund to support education, safety and training programs.

Will you help us keep our policy driven campaign going by contributing $25, $50 or $100?

There are many important policy issues involving the Secretary of State’s office that we have discussed and initiatives we’ve proposed. This isn’t one of them.

But we want to give Illinoisans a choice and have the opportunity for a more flattering photo while generating new revenue to make our roads safer.



The change wouldn’t take effect until the current long lines finally dwindle.

Your thoughts on this?

*** UPDATE *** Potential Republican challenger issues formal response…


Speaker Welch says talks are “moving forward” on energy, calls Thursday session

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Looks like he’s putting pressure on everyone to come to a final deal…

The Illinois House plans to return on Thursday, September 9th for the purpose of considering legislative measures related to a comprehensive energy proposal.

“I am pleased to see negotiations moving forward on a comprehensive energy proposal that prioritizes a greener future for Illinois, as well as meaningful ethics reform and maintaining our current workforce,” said House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch. “I cannot thank Leaders Evans, Gabel, and Hoffman enough for their dedication and ensuring all stakeholders are heard throughout this process. I am confident that we will have a plan that Illinois can be proud of and will be viewed as a model for many other states.”

Information on the current energy proposals can be found at

…Adding… CNI

The latest House amendment is carried by Rep. Ann Williams, D-Chicago, a longtime renewable energy advocate who was the sponsor of the Clean Energy Jobs Act that provides much of the framework for the negotiated bill. It has the backing of leading environmental groups making up the Clean Jobs Coalition.

“I think the decarbonization piece, for many of us, many members of the General Assembly, is an important part of any clean energy package,” Williams said in a phone call Tuesday. “For me, it’s not good enough to do yet another utility bill without addressing the elephant in the room, which is our looming and ever-increasing climate crisis.”


Get your shots, please

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Too much ill-informed click-bait is a big reason for this…

* From that story

In an unvaccinated person, a viral load is akin to an enemy army facing little resistance. In a vaccinated person, the human immune system launches a powerful response and tends to prevail quickly — often before the host body gets sick or infects others. That the viral loads were initially similar in size can end up being irrelevant. […]

But at least one part of the American anxiety does seem to have become disconnected from the facts in recent weeks: the effectiveness of the vaccines. In a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, nearly half of adults judged their “risk of getting sick from the coronavirus” as either moderate or high — even though 75 percent of adults have received at least one shot.

In reality, the risks of getting any version of the virus remain small for the vaccinated, and the risks of getting badly sick remain minuscule.

In Seattle on an average recent day, about one out of every one million vaccinated residents have been admitted to a hospital with Covid symptoms. That risk is so close to zero that the human mind can’t easily process it. My best attempt is to say that the Covid risks for most vaccinated people are of the same order of magnitude as risks that people unthinkingly accept every day, like riding in a vehicle.

…Adding… From comments…

As a vaccinated person you’re now far more likely to die of any number of things that have nothing to do with Covid. And if we reported on those risks the way we do breakthrough infections you’d probably never leave your house. If a 1 in 5,000 chance of getting Covid is too high of a risk for you to take on, you might want to revisit any number of activities you’re engaged in on a daily basis.


AFSCME flooded with vax mandate feedback

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Form response letter from AFSCME Council 31…

Thank you for your feedback regarding vaccination mandates. We’re sorry to reply with this form letter, but we have had far too many letters from members (both for and against mandates) to respond to each individually.

We wanted to be sure you know that AFSCME supports the same kind of mandate that President Biden has put in place for federal government employees and that Governor Pritzker has put in place for all teachers and other school and university personnel, as well as for hospital and nursing home employees. This form of mandate requires that employees either be vaccinated or provide proof of weekly (or even twice weekly) testing.

We believe that state employees—or city or county employees—should be treated no differently than teachers and staff in our schools or nurses and doctors in our hospitals, and our bargaining is pressing for the same treatment for all.

Council 31’s position was developed in consultation with local union leaders from across the state. It is not anti-mandate, as some in the media have implied, but against a rigid, punitive mandate that would result in the discharge of every employee who does not get vaccinated by early October.

Our position is the same that most other unions are taking, and we are coordinating with some of those unions in the bargaining now underway with various employers.

AFSCME has been and will continue to be a leading voice in promoting COVID vaccinations. We have distributed informational materials and handouts, developed videos, held webinars and posted information on the Council 31 website and Facebook page, all with the goal of encouraging members to get vaccinated—and many thousands have done so!

In addition, our union has relentlessly advocated for appropriate protective measures in the worksites where tens of thousands of union members have been working every day since the outbreak of this pandemic—measures that employers have often been all too slow to put in place.

AFSCME’s overriding priority is to protect the health of our members and the public they serve. We will continue to act with that imperative front and center.

We appreciate you taking your time to write and express your opinion.

As I told subscribers last week, AFSCME is basically asking for the status quo ante. But that hasn’t stopped outbreaks in the state’s congregate facilities and it has rewarded employees who refuse to be vaxed with unlimited paid time off.

Get your shots.

…Adding… From comments…

The difference is that a student or a parent of a student can choose to avoid unvaccinated teachers through remote learning or homeschooling. Others that rely on state services, such as those in prisons or those in veteran homes, do not have that choice. By ignoring those that are dependent on state services, AFSCME’s argument of status quo is invalid.


Climate/energy talks still down to a “singular albeit complicated issue”

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. My weekly syndicated newspaper column

While a huge cloud of coal ash exploded around Springfield’s coal-fired electric power plant on Tuesday afternoon, Illinois’ top three Democrats huddled in a conference room at the Statehouse trying to find a way to slash power plant carbon emissions in the state to zero by 2045.

The irony was both unmistakable and irresistible.

The giant ash plume, caused by an equipment failure, dissipated hours later. But by then it also was clear that any attempt to pass a climate/energy bill by the end of the day was doomed — and that was a human failure.

The Senate’s Democrats have controlled the negotiations on the climate/energy bill for more than two years, but Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office obviously has wanted to take control of the process from the start. They just think they know better, on this and many other topics.

That conflict has led to untold sniping, which is not surprising given that Pritzker and Senate President Don Harmon have battled since even before the governor backed a candidate against Harmon in the Senate president’s race in early 2020.

Pritzker walked away from the energy talks at the end of this past spring session when Harmon wouldn’t agree to close the state’s two municipally owned coal-fired electric power plants in Springfield and the Metro East by 2035. Pritzker again walked away in mid-June when Harmon tried to piggyback onto the week’s session agenda of correcting the House appropriations bill’s many fatal mistakes with a bill to fix the climate/energy bill. But Harmon ultimately couldn’t unite unions and environmentalists on the new legislation, though Pritzker by then had agreed to extend the coal plant closure dates to 2045.

Then history repeated itself last week when the General Assembly’s focus was supposed to be on the legislative remap do-over. Harmon couldn’t close the climate/energy deal talks amidst numerous large and small objections from the governor and the greens. Blame Harmon, blame Pritzker, blame whomever. The talks failed.

Three strikes, you’re out, etc., so now the ball is in Pritzker’s court. Harmon finally surrendered control and punted a climate/energy bill to the House, where Speaker Chris Welch has warned both Pritzker and Harmon that he isn’t moving a bill unless all three agree to it.

Harmon’s game plan obviously has been to appease trade unions in order to fund his party’s redistricting-year campaigns in 2022. Speaker Welch has never expected to receive the same level of support from the white-dominated trade unions that flooded the kitty of his predecessor Michael Madigan, so he appears to be aligning himself with our billionaire governor to help fund the 2022 campaign season.

But, in reality, maybe it was time to hand all this over to fresh eyes, because what the Senate was doing just didn’t move the ball forward enough.

The proceedings last week often devolved into petty one-upmanship.

The week’s initial Senate Democratic proposal imposed such strict limitations on carbon emissions by municipally-owned electric power plants like Springfield’s CWLP and the Metro East’s gigantic Prairie State Energy Campus that there was no likely way either plant could survive until 2045, though no closure date was inserted into the legislation. But the governor had demanded a “date certain” closure for both plants, so the Senate Dems drastically revised their bill to allow the plants to pump out 100% of the carbon they are currently spewing all the way through to 2045, and only then would they have to stop.

No way would that be acceptable. It was an almost juvenile response.

The governor’s office countered with a combination of proposals: Scale down the coal plants’ carbon emissions over the years and then shut everything down in 2045. The proposal was rejected out of hand.

Senate President Harmon told reporters that he believed it was too uneconomical for the companies to both reduce their carbon footprint and stop production before they’d finished paying for their pollution-reduction efforts. The governor’s office believes the plants qualify for federal tax credits to subsidize the step-down, and they want time to convince Prairie State to take the money and the deal. Word is that an offer has been made directly to the electricity provider.

Unless attitudes change, the whole thing might just turn out to be too big for a state legislature to tackle. Harmon called the energy bill the most complicated piece of legislation he’s dealt with in 21 years. He’s probably right.

* This was issued last night by the governor’s office…

Negotiations on a comprehensive energy package that puts consumers and climate first continued this weekend with the shared goal of advancing legislation that will save jobs, gradually put Illinois on a path to clean energy in the years ahead, and foster job growth in clean energy industries. The administration looks forward to continuing discussions with our partners in the General Assembly.

Looks like optimism.

* “We are nearly there,” says the labor-backed Climate Jobs Illinois. But…

“Illinois’ labor community has a long, rich history of taking on and winning tough fights in the interests of working men and women, from advocating for safer working conditions to pressing for better wages and benefits that uplift families and provide greater opportunities for future generations.

As we celebrate this Labor Day, our coalition and our counterparts are taking on the greatest fight of our generation, with the threat of climate change growing every day.

We are convinced that we can win this fight but only if we work together by enacting a comprehensive clean energy bill that puts working people first, that expands opportunities for historically disinvested communities and that creates a just transition for workers in the fossil fuel industry.

We are nearly there.

A deal hinges on a singular albeit complicated issue. Labor has made significant compromises during this process, as have the other parties. We commit to continuing to work through the one remaining difference to reach an agreed bill.

We owe it to our members, to their families and to all future generations to continue this fight until we get it right. Put more simply, we cannot afford to fail. We urge the members of the House of Representatives to take up this bill and get it across the finish line.”

And it looks like the House will be back Thursday if they can get their act together by then. Some of you may have read a hugely optimistic take elsewhere this morning. But the take omitted the fact that organized labor is still not agreed on that “singular albeit complicated issue”: municipally owned coal-fired electric plants. I do think they’re making progress. I don’t think anybody is opening up the champagne, but I should know more later this morning.


Open thread

Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* What’s up?



Tuesday, Sep 7, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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