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*** UPDATED x1 - Kifowit still in *** Rep. Williams: Vote makes it clear that “House Democratic Caucus is ready for a change in leadership”

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you somehow need it. Rep. Ann Williams (D-Chicago)…

Today’s vote makes clear the House Democratic Caucus is ready for a change in leadership. I want to thank Representative Kathy Willis and Representative Stephanie Kifowit in joining me on this journey to elect Illinois’ first woman Speaker. I am grateful for the support of so many of my colleagues and will continue to work to earn the support of the rest and unify the caucus.

*** UPDATE *** Some folks I’ve talked to tonight misread that press release and wrongly assumed that Kifowit was supporting Williams. Here’s Rep. Kifowit…

I am still in the race.

…Adding… Rep. Williams…

I’m sorry if my statement was misinterpreted…Rep. Kifowit remains a strong contender as we both continue to make the case for new leadership in the Illinois House.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Speaker election update (password updated)

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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House Speaker election updates - Madigan is 9 votes short of 60, opposition grows from 19 to 22

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 6:56 pm: According to three sources, Rep. Kathy Willis has dropped out of the race for Speaker.

This post will be updated.

* 7:12 pm: Hearing Rep. Willis has endorsed Rep. Ann Williams for Speaker.

* 7:18 pm: Not only do they bar reporters from the floor, have Illinois State Police troopers escort credentialed journalists to and from the restroom, but they are repeatedly yelling at grown adults tonight for telling reporters what’s going on in a caucus meeting about the future of this state. The HDem leadership attitude on display this week is really a bit much.

* 7:33 pm: Haven’t confirmed this yet, but nice job by Maxwell…

Hearing 1 Present.

I’ve been trying to tell folks that Madigan is more than 6 votes short.

* I’m hearing the same…

* Confirmed…

They’re done for the night, by the way.

* 8:17 pm: Of those who hadn’t pledged one way or the other, Suzanne Ness, Denyse Wang Stoneback and Michelle Mussman all voted for someone other than MJM. Ness and Stoneback were with Rep. Ann Williams, Mussman was with Rep. Stephanie Kifowit. More tomorrow.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Fireworks before vote on House Speaker

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Stava-Murray told me yesterday that she had prepared a line of questioning for Speaker Madigan today that would be tough…

“Everyone’s yelling at her,” I was told. “She just said ‘very angry questions were being asked of the other three yesterday and nobody yelled at them.’” Decent point. Even so, she apparently didn’t exactly rally the caucus to her side.

*** UPDATE *** WCIA’s Mark Maxwell had this react from Rep. Mary Flowers

“That was so out of place for her to put that on the Speaker,” Rep. Mary Flowers (D-Chicago) told reporters Sunday night. “And I’m not making any excuses for him. But he didn’t bring racism into Springfield, where the worst race riot has been years ago.”

“Before the speaker was born, we had systemic racism,” Flowers said. “We had 400 years of slavery, so we won’t go there. And I think everybody [has] a little bias in them. But everyone is trying to evolve to do the right thing.”

If Stava-Murray’s attack was designed to weaken Madigan’s alliance with the Black Caucus, Flowers’ comments show it may have only strengthened it. The legislature is in the middle of a thorny debate about police reform measures, and several members, including Flowers, value Madigan’s experience as a negotiator who can muster the votes to pass difficult legislation.

“He’s a hard working man,” Flowers said. “Negotiating with various entities across this state is heavy lifting, and I would not want to be driving with an inexperienced driver that may run this state further off the track.”

* Hannah Meisel caught up to another Black Caucus member

Stava-Murray’s heated exchange with the Speaker didn’t sit well with Black Caucus members in the room.

“The Black Caucus is fully capable of advocating for itself and Black issues,” State Rep. André Thapedi (D-Chicago) told NPR Illiinois. “We don’t need anyone to do that for us.”


Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Updates to both the afternoon and morning editions

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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4,711 new confirmed and probable cases; 81 additional deaths; 3,527 hospitalized; 740 in ICU; 7.9 percent case positivity rate; 9.1 percent test positivity rate

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 4,711 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 81 additional deaths. Illinois has now reported more than one million cases since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Cook County: 1 female 30s, 1 male 30s, 3 females 40s, 1 male 40s, 2 males 50s, 5 females 60s, 2 males 60s, 6 females 70s, 12 males 70s, 10 females 80s, 5 males 80s, 4 females 90s, 7 males 90s
    DuPage County: 1 male 80s, 1 male 90s
    Franklin County: 1 female 80s
    Fulton County: 1 male 90s
    Kane County: 2 males 80s
    Knox County: 1 male 50s
    Madison County: 1 male 70s, 1 male 80s, 1 female 90s,1 male 90s
    McLean County: 1 female 50s, 1 male 70s
    Montgomery County: 2 females 80s
    Peoria County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 80s
    St. Clair County: 1 male 90s
    Tazewell County: 2 males 70s
    Will County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 1,028,750 cases, including 17,574 deaths, in 102 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have reported 77,775 specimens for a total 14,103,289. As of last night, 3,527 in Illinois were reported to be in the hospital with COVID-19. Of those, 740 patients were in the ICU and 391 patients with COVID-19 were on ventilators.

The preliminary seven-day statewide positivity for cases as a percent of total test from January 3–9, 2021 is 7.9%. The preliminary seven-day statewide test positivity from January 3–9, 2021 is 9.1%.

*All data are provisional and will change. In order to rapidly report COVID-19 information to the public, data are being reported in real-time. Information is constantly being entered into an electronic system and the number of cases and deaths can change as additional information is gathered. Information for a death previously reported has changed, therefore, today’s numbers have been adjusted. For health questions about COVID-19, call the hotline at 1-800-889-3931 or email


Protected: *** UPDATED x2 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Rift between Black Caucus and organized labor (password updated)

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Bailey collapses on House floor

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) appears to have had some sort of medical emergency. Live video from showed Bailey lying on his back on the floor for several minutes. He eventually stood up and was placed in a gurnee by paramedics and wheeled out of the House chambers at the BOS Center.

…Adding… Photo

…Adding… House GOP Leader Jim Durkin said Bailey has been experiencing some “gastrointestinal issues over the past few days” and likely passed out because he hadn’t yet eaten today.

Leader Durkin said Bailey “hit his head,” but said he believes Bailey will “be fine.” He asked for prayers for a quick recovery so Bailey can rejoin the chamber.

I’m told by a witness that Bailey hit his head “hard,” but was coherent within seconds of going down.

*** UPDATE *** From Rep. Bailey…

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*** UPDATED x6 - Lake County Democratic Women, Northwest/North NOW, McHenry NOW, Resistor SisterHood, Democratic Women of McDonough County, Illinois Handmaids, Peoria NOW, Indivisible Oak Park, Friends Who March, Indivisible Illinois, Chicago NOW, Women’s March Chicago, Illinois NOW join call *** Women’s groups urge vote for woman as new House Speaker - All 19 MJM opponents say they are still together

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Democratic Women, We Will, Vote Mama and She Votes…

Open Letter to the House Democratic Caucus

We are writing today to strongly encourage the House Democratic Caucus to choose a woman as their new leader when they convene to vote for the Speaker of the House of the 102nd General Assembly. As statewide women’s organizations, we’ve watched with pride and gratification as the declared candidates to the current Speaker, Michael Madigan, have all come from the House Democratic Women’s Caucus, which in the past several years has taken the lead on legislation important to us such as the Clean Energy Jobs Act, Equal Rights Amendment Ratification, and Reproductive Health Act, as well as initiatives on minimum wage, education, and mental health.

While we appreciate the leadership the current Speaker has provided, we believe it is time for a change, and choosing a strong female leader is the change that is needed. We’ve also watched with some concern arguments that are being made that Speaker Madigan is the only one running who can hold the caucus together, pass important legislation, and help re-elect his members. This suggests that the female candidates that have announced do not share these same qualities. We do not believe that to be true. Further, we find that sexist school of thought to be one that has permeated the legislature in Springfield for decades. Changing that culture is another reason why it is important that a woman should be chosen to lead.

All the female candidates that have declared their intention to run for Speaker of the House have done so in an environment that has been hostile to a change in leadership; this alone gives credence to their courage and fortitude. Illinois is on the precipice of a great transition as we work to come out of a global pandemic and restore jobs to working families and revive an economy that has been ravaged by Covid-19. We recognize strong leadership is needed to meet these challenges and many pressing issues, especially the much-needed criminal justice reform being championed by the House Black Caucus. We believe that all the women who have announced their candidacy are up to this challenge and strongly urge the House Democratic caucus to elect one of them as their new Speaker.

* Meanwhile…

Today, 19 Illinois House Democrats in opposition to Michael Madigan’s re-election as Speaker of the House released the following statement:

“After meeting the past two days in Springfield, and having had the opportunity to participate in multiple candidate forums in the Speaker’s election, our position has not changed. We will not be supporting Michael J. Madigan for Speaker of the Illinois House at any stage of the voting process. It is time for new Democratic leadership in the Illinois House.”

*** UPDATE 1 *** Illinois NOW has joined the call to elect a woman Speaker. Click here for the revised press release.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Women’s March Chicago has now signed the letter. Click here.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Indivisible Illinois and Chicago NOW have also joined the letter.

*** UPDATE 4 *** More signatories…

Illinois Handmaids
Peoria NOW
Indivisible Oak Park
Friends Who March

*** UPDATE 5 *** The Democratic Women of McDonough County has added its name to the list and released this statement…

The Democratic Women of McDonough County, a 501(c)4 non-profit, firmly supports the call for Illinois to have our First Woman Speaker named. It’s time for Democrats to show allyship to women and send a strong message of solidarity with womens rights and interests, which are the interests of all our communities. Representation matters.

*** UPDATE 6 *** More…

Lake County Democratic Women
Northwest/North NOW
McHenry NOW
Resistor SisterHood


Higher education reform bill unveiled in House; Bill filed to end state wagering prohibition on in-state college games

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

A bill aimed at making college education and teacher preparation programs more accessible and affordable for people of color began working its way through the General Assembly on Saturday with the formal introduction of language that lawmakers have been negotiating for months.

The action came on the second day of the General Assembly’s lame duck session, which is focused heavily on a racial and social justice agenda developed over the summer and fall by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus.

Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana, who chairs the House Higher Education Committee, introduced the language in the form of a 268-page amendment to Senate Bill 458. During a hearing Saturday, she said the omnibus bill touches on numerous aspects of higher education, but she focused the hearing on a few key parts: restructuring the AIM HIGH scholarship program; increasing the diversity of the state’s teaching workforce; and reforming the way schools place students into non-credit bearing “developmental” or “remedial” classes.

Go read the rest for the details.

* And while we’re on this topic…


Today’s quotable

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Todd Greenburg of Normal

When I was starting out as an attorney 40 years ago, I told my first boss, John P. Meyer, a former state senator, that I was unsure which political party to associate with. “You can go into the Republican Party and try to moderate it, or you can go into the Democratic Party and try to reform it,” he told me.

Forty years later, the political parties in Illinois are about where they were then.


AG Raoul lashes out at RAGA over robocalls urging march to US Capitol

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC News

An arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association, a national group representing the top law enforcement officers in their states, sent out robocalls encouraging people to march to the U.S. Capitol the day before the building was stormed by a pro-Trump mob.

“At 1 p.m., we will march to the Capitol building and call on Congress to stop the steal,” said the voice on the recording, which was obtained by NBC News.

The calls, which did not advocate violence or suggest the building should be breached, was sent out by the Rule of Law Defense Fund, a fundraising arm of the Republican Attorneys General Association. The groups share funding, staff and office space in Washington, D.C.

In a statement to NBC News, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, who runs the fund, said the calls were sent out without his knowledge.

* Illinois’ attorney general responds…

* Related…

* Inside the Capitol siege: How barricaded lawmakers and aides sounded urgent pleas for help as police lost control

* A mob insurrection stoked by false claims of election fraud and promises of violent restoration

* Journalists were attacked, threatened and detained during the Capitol siege

* Companies act quickly on employees involved in D.C. riot - If they don’t, “their reputation stands to be shredded in the public sphere,” says Northwestern’s Danielle Bell.

* Chicago-area CEO fired as companies grapple with how to respond to employee participation in US Capitol siege. ‘This is a character-forming moment.’

* Police departments across the U.S. open probes into whether their own members took part in the Capitol riot

* Crain’s: The police union’s chief should resign over this

* FBI: No evidence antifa involved in Capitol riot


Democrats will start voting today on House Speaker’s race

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I went over this with subscribers earlier today, but here’s WTAX

Illinois House Democrats will start voting on Sunday, as House Speaker Mike Madigan is in danger of missing out on a nineteenth term.

He has been speaker – except for 1995-96 – since 1983. But people close to him were caught up in the #MeToo scandal, and, more recently, Commonwealth Edison has admitted to a nearly decade-long attempt to bribe him to get its way in the legislature. The massive bribery case has implicated Madigan, though he is not indicted.

Three Democrats want to succeed him as speaker: Stephanie Kifowit of Oswego, Ann Williams of Chicago, and Kathleen Willis of Addison. It will take sixty votes of the 73-member caucus to win, and 19 of them have publicly said they are not going to vote for Madigan.

Black and Latino lawmakers are sticking with him.

* Sun-Times

The Sunday vote will likely be a voice vote.

That’s likely because Madigan opposes using secret ballots, which would allow representatives to vote anonymously, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Just one vote should help us figure out where people are at,” the representative said. […]

Assuming none of the 19 changes position, Madigan will be at least six votes shy of the 60 he needs to continue in the leadership role he’s held for nearly four decades.

* Subscribers have been following these developments as well…

* Perspective…


Illinois State Bar Association touts benefits of criminal justice reform bill

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Police unions and law enforcement organizations from across Illinois were united on Saturday in opposition to a broad criminal justice overhaul the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus is pushing during the General Assembly’s lame-duck session, while Cook County’s top prosecutor weighed in with her support.

Many of the objections from police unions and others were aired during a nearly four-hour Senate committee hearing, and centered largely on proposed restrictions on collective bargaining rights for police and the removal of protections for officers against lawsuits alleging civil rights violations. […]

Tamara Cummings, general counsel for the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police Labor Council, warned that eliminating so-called qualified immunity for officers would “open the floodgates for frivolous lawsuits.”

“This bill goes beyond reasonable reform and goes beyond necessary reform, and it’s frankly punitive,” Cummings testified before the Senate Executive Committee.

* Sun-Times

Law enforcement officials criticize the bill as only making their jobs harder.

Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro, minority spokeswoman of the House committee, said she was frustrated the bill was being brought during the lame duck session.

“If you’re going to run it as an omnibus bill then it’s a bill that should be negotiated until you can find not only bipartisanship on it, but you might actually be able to come to an agreed bill,” Bryant said of the proposal, which packages together several subjects related to criminal justice reform.

Sen. Kimberly Lightford, D-Maywood, the current chair of the Black Caucus, sought to quash the idea that the bill was rushed and said during the Saturday committee “… we’ve tried to reform the police system a number of times and every time it’s always an excuse from law enforcement to work with us.”

* ABC 7

In the lame-duck session, state lawmakers discussed a new controversial criminal justice reform bill put forth by the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus.

“This is a big problem and requires a bold response. House Bill 163 as now amended is a bold response,” said John Rakowski with the Illinois State Bar Association.

* The ISBA’s Rakowski noted that when several criminal justice reform measures were proposed in the past, opponents predicted an “apocalypse.” This bill, he said, would not cause an apocalypse either

When you look at this bill as a whole, what you see is that it really about three things.

It’s about transparency and accountability. It’s about basic humanity. It’s about making a better and more skilled law enforcement for the state of Illinois.

Transparency includes such things as wearing body cams. It includes a provision not to erase the tapes after they’re recorded. It requires reporting details of deaths of people in custody. It allows the reporting of police misconduct without the person who was abused or potentially abused having to be sworn in and take an oath. It publishes what the police are doing in terms of the hardware that they purchase. That’s transparency that this bill provides.

It provides accountability. It provides whistleblower protection, for example. It provides a specific thing to [garbled] that is not in the police reports. Police reports have to be truthful. It requires that applications for no-knock search warrants have detailed plans for implementing the no-knock search warrant, and that the affidavits in the background information be accurate. It requires officers to identify themselves to others. This is accountability. This is exactly what we want in our judicial system and in our law enforcement system.

The next thing that brings us to is humanity. There are provisions in this bill to provide medical care when it is imminently needed. I don’t think there is a person in this room or probably in the state that thinks that we shouldn’t provide medical care when it is imminently needed. It requires that pregnant women who are in custody have their condition recognized and treated and the concerns that they raise be tended to. It requires that the police provide more than just one phone call if a person becomes arrested and can’t contact somebody on the first phone call. It provides that there should be warnings issued by the police, just verbally, nothing very formal, before they start clearing protesters out of the street. And it requires that non-lethal force in clearing streets, such as rubber bullets, not be used indiscriminately. […]

If you give immunity in this blanket fashion that is given now to certain police officer conduct, the rights that are in the US Constitution, the rights that are embedded in Article One of the Illinois Constitution become meaningless, because a right without a remedy is not really a right at all.

And then the last thing this bill talks about is improving law enforcement for all of Illinois. It provides for training in sensitive areas such as bias and gender. […]

It provides for tighter grounds for deciding who can be certified to be a police officer, and makes clear and more transparent for everyone how you revoke a certified police officer, when it is clearly shown that there are problems with this person being a law enforcement officer. […]

Another aspect of better law enforcement is that with the body cams that this mandates and phases in over a period of years, there will be no question as to what happened that day on the street, when it happens, because there’s going to be a record of it. The officers’ body cam. The car cams. All that is going to be available, it’s going to be preserved. And that makes for better law enforcement. […]

Be fair, equitable, humane and transparent. Those are the key issues. This is a broad bill. And it is a broad bill that requires a great deal to digest, but at the same time, it is not a particularly difficult thing to understand if you break it down into its relative segments and realize that as a whole, this is a bill that will make a better Illinois.

Please pardon all transcription errors.

* Related…


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Sunday, Jan 10, 2021 - Posted by Rich Miller

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