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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Turn it up

I said when it drops
Oh you gonna feel it

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Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m looking forward to it…

* The Question: My brother wants me to come down for the Du Quoin State Fair. Should I go? Please explain your answer. Thanks.


Jim Oberweis, others picked for NRCC’s “Young Guns” program

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


The National Republican Congressional Committee today announced the first round of “On the Radar” candidates as part of the Committee’s 2020 Young Guns program. The program mentors and supports candidates in races across the country and works to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents.

“It’s clear the 2020 election will be a choice between two futures: a future of more freedom or government control,” said Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. “The new socialist Democrats are embracing policies that are in direct conflict with the needs and priorities of the American people: more taxes, more spending, more government, and less freedom. Simply put, this is theft.

“In stark contrast, Americans’ priorities are Republican priorities. This is why we are recruiting the best to compete in 2020 and I am proud to welcome each of these candidates to the Young Guns program. I remain focused on ensuring they have the resources they need to win, and I look forward to seeing them on the campaign trail over the next 14 months.”

* Candidate list for Illinois

(IL-06) Evelyn Sanguinetti
(IL-14) Ted Gradel
(IL-14) Jim Oberweis

A snub of state Sen. Sue Rezin in the 14th? Interesting. And 73-year-old Jim Oberweis is part of the “Young Guns” program?

…Adding… Candidates apparently needed to have $100K in the bank at the end of June, but Rezin didn’t announce until mid-July. The same goes for Jeanne Ives in the 6th CD.

* From Sanguinetti…

Today, Evelyn Sanguinetti, Republican candidate for Illinois’ 6th Congressional District, was named as one of the National Republican Congressional Committee’s “On the Radar” candidates as part of the Committee’s 2020 Young Guns program. The program mentors and supports candidates in races across the country and works to provide them with the necessary tools to run successful, winning campaigns against their Democratic opponents.

“Americans’ priorities are Republican priorities. This is why we are recruiting the best to compete in 2020 and I am proud to welcome each of these candidates to the Young Guns program,” said U.S. House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. “I remain focused on ensuring they have the resources they need to win, and I look forward to seeing them on the campaign trail over the next 14 months.”

“I am honored to receive this important recognition by the NRCC and I look forward to victory next November,” said Evelyn Sanguinetti. “This election is about beating Sean Casten to ensure our kids and grandkids have the chance to live the American dream. Socialism is not the answer. Sean Casten has consistently shown that he does not represent the interests of the 6th district, but rather the elite progressive donors and socialists he’s catered to since being elected to office.”


*** UPDATED x1 *** Justice Neville moves a step closer to being slated

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daily Line

Cook County Democratic Party leaders swept aside an insurgent campaign amid lingering questions about Illinois Supreme Court Justice P. Scott Neville’s property taxes, backing his bid to keep his seat on the high court. […]

A party committee tasked with recommending an endorsement for the Supreme Court chose Neville following a closed session that lasted fewer than 30 minutes. The full party is widely expected to vote on Friday to accept the recommendation, solidifying the party stamp that would give Neville precious caché and campaign resources in next year’s primary.

Neville had been seen as the party’s inevitable choice to fill the seat until a contingent of black leaders including Secretary of State Jesse White, Ald. Emma Mitts (37) and Ald. Pat Dowell (3) rallied around Appellate Judge Nathaniel Howse as an alternative.

And Neville was dealt a setback on Monday, when NBC5 reported that he reaped the benefits of a homeowner property tax exemption for a house where he does not live. The candidate repeatedly said on Thursday that Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi’s office found “no evidence of any wrongdoing.”

* Crain’s

Justice Neville received ownership of the home from his siblings in a quitclaim deed in 2004 but does not live there. The exemption is worth $726.

Neville told the committee during questioning today that there had been “no irregularities” or evidence of wrongdoing on his part. “I don’t think I can provide any more elaboration than the assessor provided. They have records. They have indicated there’s no evidence of wrongdoing. What else is there to say? If you have some evidence, I’d very much like to see it.”

Scott Smith, a spokesperson for Assessor Fritz Kaegi, said homeowners’ exemption applications from the year 2000 were “destroyed by the assessor’s office” and is unable to say who requested the exemption after Neville’s mother’s death.

“Our electronic records indicate whether a property received a homeowner’s exemption, but they do not reflect the name of the applicant. Therefore, we do not have the name of the person who filed for the exemption on this property in 2000. (Justice Neville’s) name is on the deed so he’s ultimately responsible for repayment of the erroneous exemption and has been in contact with our office about doing so.”

Neville told reporters he’d never asked for the exemption.

* But

Smith said Neville’s name is on the deed, “so he’s responsible for repayment of the erroneous exemption and has been in contact with our office about doing so.”

* Meanwhile, in the circuit court clerk’s race…

*** UPDATE *** Done…


New laws

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release

With a historic $420 million investment in broadband infrastructure included in the Rebuild Illinois capital plan, Governor JB Pritzker launched a statewide strategic initiative to guide broadband expansion by naming 25 members to the Broadband Advisory Council.

“Rebuild Illinois will improve our infrastructure at a historic scale, and it lays the foundation for economic progress and educational success for the decades to come,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “High-speed broadband internet is an absolute necessity for economic progress and educational attainment, but too many of our towns and counties and communities have been left out of the digital revolution, especially downstate. Our Broadband Advisory Council will be guided by three areas of focus for Illinois’ success in the 21st century: education, telehealth and economic development. By working together, we’re going to Connect Illinois.”

Connect Illinois will centralize state agency resources, collaborate with private-sector experts and bipartisan legislators from around Illinois and break down government silos to expand broadband access across the entire state. Their work will be centered around three main outcomes: telehealth, education and economic development.

Telehealth: Increase access to telehealth across the state of Illinois, which will provide additional health care options to communities in rural Illinois and expand treatment opportunities in areas such as mental health and opioid addiction.

Education: Put the state on a path to increased broadband access for K-12 schools throughout Illinois to ensure students have the tools they need to succeed in the classroom.

Economic Development: Expand economic development and opportunity in urban and rural communities throughout Illinois. This investment will support the growth of Illinois’ agriculture economy and information technology sector and will help to modernize transportation and support the development of entrepreneurs and small business owners. […]

By December 31, 2019, the council will deliver a report to the governor and General Assembly with recommendations for the statewide broadband expansion.

* Thursday press release…

Taking another step forward to combat climate change in Illinois, Governor JB Pritzker signed House Bill 3481 today, repealing the Kyoto Protocol Act of 1998 which limits state action to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

“We know that Illinoisans are suffering the effects of climate change, and we must act now. That’s why I joined the Climate Alliance in my first days in office and am proud to repeal outdated restrictions on the state’s ability to reduce emissions and tackle the climate crisis,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “While the federal government unravels the progress made under the Obama administration, Illinois will not stand idly by. We’re stepping up to protect the lives of generations to come.”

In 2001, the United States withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol, leaving Illinois tied to goals that the federal government no longer intended to meet. After Illinois codified the protocol in state statute, state government has been restricted in enacting more stringent emissions reduction standards.

HB 3481 takes effect on January 1, 2020.

“By repealing the Kyoto Protocol Act, we’re sending the signal that Illinois is ready to get serious about climate change,” said Sen. Laura Ellman (D-Naperville). “It’s an outdated law that only served to tie lawmakers’ hands and it never should’ve been passed in the first place.”

“The world’s scientists are urging immediate action on climate change, but for two decades Illinois has been locked from reducing these emissions because of an outdated, unfortunate ban on climate action,” said Rep. Robyn Gabel (D-Evanston). “Governor’s Pritzker’s signature today is an important step toward achieving a 100% clean energy future for Illinois and a strong and just climate action plan for our state that protects us all and invests in the clean energy economy.”

“I believe that the United States, working with the international community, must aggressively address global climate change. Short of that, it is our local and state governments that must lead the charge in protecting our environment,” said Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. “I have no doubt that our changing environment is due, in large part, to human activity. I have long supported federal legislation and other initiatives that focus on alternative fuel production, air and water quality improvement and environmental protection for our communities. Repealing this 1998 law now allows our state to forge ahead with vital policies and initiatives that will help protect our environment and preserve our planet.”

“In 1998, an anti-environment majority restricted Illinois’ ability to tackle air pollution, including carbon emissions. Twenty one years later, a majority of the Illinois House and now Illinois Senate supports action on climate change and reducing Illinois’ carbon emissions,” said Jen Walling, executive director, Illinois Environmental Council. “This General Assembly along with our pro-climate action governor are set to lead the nation on tackling this issue.”

“Today, Illinois takes a first step to being a leader in addressing the climate crisis that threatens all of our communities, and achieving Governor Pritzker’s vision of an Illinois powered by 100% clean energy built by our union workers,” said Jack Darin, Director of the Sierra Club, Illinois Chapter. “Scientists are urging bold action, and the economic benefits of clean energy can lift up disadvantaged communities and support a just transition away from fossil fuels. Trump may be taking America backward and out of the clean energy revolution, but today Illinois goes forward.”

* Press release…

State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) says sexual assault survivors deserve the respect of knowing the status of their evidence, which is why he proudly sponsored a new law that provides survivors more transparency during the processing of their rape kits. Senate Bill 1411 was signed into law on Friday, August 16.

The new law is the product of the Sexual Assault Evidence Tracking and Reporting Commission and mandates the Illinois State Police to establish a statewide sexual assault electronic tracking system.

“Illinois currently lacks a uniform system across all law enforcement to track sexual assault evidence,” said McConchie. “No one who has been sexually assaulted should be left in the dark while the evidence is being processed. This new law will allow survivors to access real-time status updates. This is just the first step in providing transparency for victims, ensuring survivors are treated with the seriousness they deserve, and bringing more offenders to justice.”

* Related…

* Here’s Every State That Requires Schools to Teach LGBTQ+ History

* Pritzker signs closed-caption bill


Sen. Tom Cullerton enters not guilty plea, will “continue to fight these untrue allegations in court until his name is cleared”

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Nothing too surprising here…

* Press release…

**This is the only statement that will come from Tom Cullerton or his lawyer regarding what happened today.**

“Today is another step in seeking justice for Mr. Cullerton. He will continue to fight these untrue allegations in court until his name is cleared.”

-Lissa Druss, Spokesperson for Tom Cullerton


“It’s the racial stuff”

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Officials at an Illinois prison suspended an educational program for inmates, launched two internal investigations and removed 200 books from a prison library because many had “racial” content or addressed issues like diversity and inclusion, according to records obtained by the Tribune.

Danville Correctional Center officials also prohibited for use in the University of Illinois program several classic books of African American history, including “The Souls of Black Folk,” the anti-slavery novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” and the memoir of former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass.

Hundreds of pages of records released by the Illinois Department of Corrections in response to Freedom of Information Act requests paint the clearest picture yet of the origins of the dispute between IDOC and the Education Justice Project. And while the department’s public statements about the controversy emphasized that the books had not been appropriately reviewed, internal IDOC emails and other documents show that the program was swiftly suspended and the books removed after the race-related themes of the some of the content were flagged. […]

The Education Justice Project teaches seminars and for-credit courses to inmates at Danville Correctional Center, with offerings ranging from calculus to Intro to Critical Race Theory in Education, and the group has its own space and library at the prison. The program has operated at Danville for a decade, but amid growing tensions between EJP and prison officials, it was suspended for weeks and the books withheld by corrections officials for months before they were returned to the prison in June, the records show.

Go read the whole thing.

* Related…

* The Reason Why Hundreds Of Books Were Removed From An Illinois Prison Library

* ‘It’s Heartbreaking’ Authors Criticize The Removal Of 200 Books From An Illinois Prison Library


Republican Day roundup

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

There was no sugarcoating it at the dour breakfast before the party’s pep rally at the Illinois State Fair. Things are not great for the state’s Republicans a year after Gov. Bruce Rauner lost re-election, and Pritzker quickly racked up major legislative accomplishments.

“We had a rough year,” Illinois Republican Party co-chair Tim Schneider said. “We lost the governor’s mansion. We have no statewide office holders, and we lost several legislative seats. But that’s our current reality, but it doesn’t and it won’t be our future.” […]

He said Republicans are in a “bunker” with the opportunity to come back “and be better than ever in 2020 and beyond.” […]

Illinois House Republican Leader Jim Durkin said Republicans must “continue to fight them [Democrats] at every turn,” calling the graduated income tax “the killer of killers.”

“This past session there was one of the most aggressive, progressive returns that I’ve seen in all of my life and anywhere in the United States,” Durkin, R-Western Springs, said. “This progressive agenda that the Democrats passed is not yours. It’s not mine. Nor does it reflect the majority of Illinois’ morals and values.”

* Tribune..

“It won’t be our future. We can sulk and complain and do nothing. Or we can offer a vision of opportunity for the future,” said Schneider, who himself was defeated last year in his bid for reelection to the Cook County Board.

Still, as Schneider acknowledged a need for Republicans to “provide solutions for the pressing issues of our time” and offer voters a “positive vision” for 2020, he was unable to articulate a message forward. Instead, he said the state GOP “will map out a plan and a future for the party” at its state convention next year.

Symbolizing the state GOP’s situation, an attempt to conference call top Republican leaders who were unable to get to Springfield resulted in a recording of an operator saying the number they had dialed was out of service. […]

“Can you imagine a Democrat Party that invites the most liberal, socialistic member of the United States Congress to be their keynote speaker? Can you imagine that?” [Senate GOP Leader Bill Brady] said. “Ladies and gentlemen, if they want to bring Nancy Pelosi to Illinois, we know what that would tell moderates and independents and how they need to come back to the ranks of the Republican Party.”


As the Republican insiders plot a course forward, they remain upbeat and on the attack.

“You may have heard of AOC… AOC stands for absolutely out of control,” said Rep. Darin LaHood (R-Peoria).

House GOP Leader Jim Durkin said the “socialist agenda” is “not Illinois.”

* Speaking of socialism…

* Capitol News Illinois

Scalise was the keynote speaker at the Republican Day picnic at the fair, where the theme of the day was “Fight the Machine,” a reference to the Illinois Democratic Party. He noted that Louisiana politics was also once dominated by a Democratic machine, but Republicans have since wrested control of it.

“The ghost of Huey Long still walks the state capitol in Baton Rouge in many places, but we finally took it back,” he said. “Today we have majorities in the House, in the Senate, and by the end of this year we will have every single statewide elected office as Republican. That’s how far we’ve come. And in just a short period of time, you can do that too.”

* Illinois Public Radio

“We’ll tell you right out of the box: J.B. Pritzker has unlimited resources,” he said, “but we believe we have a message and we will build the resources necessary. The Democrats will always out-raise us, but we’ll out-message them.”

According to the Illinois Republican Party’s most recent financial report, it has just over $88,000 on hand. Schneider says Republicans are focusing on broadening their base of small contributors.

* Daily Line

“Our elections will be local,” House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) told reporters Thursday. “Democrats will try to nationalize it, but the fact is if they do that, we can do just as good a job [of nationalizing issues].”

Durkin encouraged Republicans Thursday, telling the party faithful that many suburban seats that were lost were only lost narrowly, by 1 percentage point or approximately 300 votes. He said the House GOP would regain those suburban seats, but also set his sights on the St. Louis area — an area that had long been a Democratic labor stronghold, but has in recent years ceded territory to Republicans.

“The Metro East will be ours after this next cycle,” Durkin said.

The HGOPs have a legit shot at picking up two-three seats in the Metro East/southern Illinois area next year: 116th House (appointed Rep. Nathan Reitz); 111th House (Rep. Monica Bristow); 112th House (Rep. Katie Stuart).


*** UPDATED x1 *** Has Proft’s Uihlein money dried up?

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I pointed out to subscribers several days ago that Dan Proft’s campaign committees hadn’t raised any money this year after spending a fortune battling House Republicans in past primary cycles. The House Republicans have been saying they don’t believe Proft will be getting any more bigtime cash from Dick Uihlein and that they’ve made peace with some key Proft allies. I’ve reached out to Proft for comment a couple of times this week and haven’t heard back.

Hannah Meisel advanced the story today

[Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider] said he’s trying to nix any Republican infighting before it has the chance to bloom in the 2020 campaign cycle. He told The Daily Line that he’s been working with the free-market think tank Illinois Policy Institute, whose CEO John Tillman was an early supporter of Rauner, and who has previously been in the background of efforts to field candidates against mainstream Republicans.

Schneider said he also planned to work with Ideas Illinois, a not-for-profit dark money organization created by longtime business leader Greg Baise to fight Pritzker’s signature policy: a progressive income tax that voters will have to weigh in on in the November 2020 election.

“We’re all working together, that’s the whole thing,” Schneider said. “You know, we’ve been fighting each other for so long, nobody’s done enough to try to get everybody to work together. And I think if there’s one thing that we’re doing that we haven’t done effectively, the last couple years we’ve been fighting each other.”

Schneider said because of his efforts, Republicans would face fewer primary battles — even from candidates launched by conservative radio host and one-time gubernatorial candidate Dan Proft, and conservative business magnate Richard Uihlein.

“In the past, resources have come from the Policy Institute and Dick Uihlein,” Schneider said. “And I don’t see that they’ve engaged in giving resources to Dan Proft in the last two quarterly statements, so I think there’s a pullback from that. I think they’d rather see us all working together than working against one another…if people are gonna constantly fight one another for radio ratings, no, we’re not interested in that.”

…Adding… Good point by Maxwell…

*** UPDATE *** I asked Matt Paprocki at the Illinois Policy Institute for comment on Chairman Schneider’s claim that his group was one of the “partners” on the state GOP’s team…

Illinois Policy Institute has no role with the Illinois GOP team.

But I hope everyone — Republicans, Democrats and Independents — says we are good partners.

We want to work to everyone. Our state’s biggest problems are not partisan. And the solutions to fix them have to be bipartisan, as well.

Illinois Policy Institute is nonpartisan, which means our policy work is open to all, and we will partner with anyone.


Hedge fund in bond lawsuit owns derivatives that will pay off if Illinois defaults on the debt

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here for some background if you need it. Bloomberg

Warlander Asset Management, the hedge fund seeking to invalidate $14.3 billion of Illinois bonds, bought derivatives that will pay off if the state defaults on the debt.

An attorney for Warlander’s co-plaintiff, John Tillman, the chief executive officer of the Illinois Policy Institute, disclosed the firm’s derivative wager at a hearing in Springfield on Thursday. That confirms the assertion made by two big bond investors, Nuveen Asset Management LLC and AllianceBernstein, in a brief arguing that the case should be tossed out — saying it raises questions about Warlander’s motives.

“Permitting activist investors to litigate against the validity of widely held municipal bonds based on their credit default swap bets could introduce a significant destabilizing force into the municipal markets and harm investors and government entities alike,” Nuveen and AllianceBernstin said in their filing on Friday. […]

A credit-default swap contract is similar to insurance on a bond, but the purchaser doesn’t need to own any of the underlying debt to buy one. The swap purchaser can buy the bonds after they default and then tender them to the swap seller to get full payment on the contract.

* Bond Buyer

The municipal bond market must wait up to two weeks to learn whether a judge will allow a complaint that seeks to invalidate $14.3 billion of Illinois general obligation bonds to proceed.

The case was “well-briefed” and “well-argued” on both sides, Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge Jack D. Davis II said Thursday. “There’s a lot of a material here” and I “believe it is warranted for some further review.” […]

He said he would rule within the next 14 days on whether the case should be allowed to proceed as a taxpayer action complaint. […]

A handful of professionals from institutional investment houses and investment banks attended the hearing in Springfield as the market looks for signals as to whether the courts will conclude that the lawsuit meets the legal criteria to proceed. If so, the case would then be litigated on its merits.

* Warlander’s involvement in the case was defended by Wirepoints…

If they can’t see the difference here, then I can’t really help them.


County grand jury subpoenas election records related to Ald. Quinn’s signature challenge

Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

A Cook County grand jury has subpoenaed city election records related to 13th Ward Ald. Marty Quinn’s challenge to a college student’s nominating signatures during the last City Hall campaign, the Tribune has learned.

Quinn, the hand-picked alderman of House Speaker Michael Madigan, the 13th Ward’s Democratic committeeman for decades, soundly defeated David Krupa, a DePaul University student, in the Feb. 26 City Council race.

Specifics of the ongoing inquiry were unclear Thursday, but Quinn had drawn criticism when he initially challenged Krupa’s petition signatures, saying they were invalid.

Only 473 valid signatures were needed to get on the ballot, and Krupa submitted 1,729. Krupa’s election attorney, Michael Dorf, previously told the Tribune that Quinn’s challenge against Krupa’s signatures included affidavits from 2,796 residents who said they were revoking their signatures for Krupa.

Only 187 of those matched signatures in Krupa’s paperwork, and there were more than 1,000 people seeking to revoke their signatures than Krupa’s paperwork even contained, Dorf said.

* Some explainers…

* In other news

State Senator Tom Cullerton will be arraigned Friday on federal embezzlement charges.

Cullerton is accused of collecting nearly $275,000 from the teamsters union, while doing little or no work.



Friday, Aug 16, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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