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This just in…

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 1:46 pm - Gov. Pat Quinn is meeting with another group of state legislators and Rep. John Fritchey is live-Tweeting. Apparently, the guv is talking about a $3.5 billion pension note plan, instead of the $2.2 billion proposal that failed in the Senate…

Lavin talking about pension reform, healthcare reforms, a billion in cuts. Aim is 5 month budget or 12 month w/ a 5 month sunset.
21 minutes ago

Now they’re floating the idea of 3.5 billion in pension obligation notes instead of 2.2 billion. Job cuts would still come.
19 minutes ago

Plan seems to be that come December, either find revenue or impose more cuts.
17 minutes ago

This meeting with the Gov. and his staff is not giving me a good feeling about session next week.
less than 10 seconds ago


As I mentioned below, I have to leave the office soon, so follow along by clicking here. Help out in comments if you can.

…Adding… More from Fritchey…

Gov’s plan would have providers funded at about 90% for the next 5 months. But they keep ignoring the possibility of an override.1 minute ago


Roland Burris announcement

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have to leave the office, so my kinda former intern Mike Murray will be handling the live blogging duties on this post if he can find a live feed of the announcement. Burris is apparently announcing that he won’t run in the 2010 election at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Help him out in comments if you can. Thanks.

Possibilities include…

* NewsRadio 780
* ABC7
* Chicago Public Radio

[All of the following was posted by Mike Murray]

* 2pm - I still have not found a live news feed of Sen. Burris’s press conference. If anyone has found one just make a comment to let me know so I can live blog it. Either way, I will post something once the presser is over and and stories start to go up on the web…

2:10 pm - USA TODAY is live blogging it all. CNN also has it on live….

Updated at 3:03 p.m. ET. A little late, but Burris stepped to the microphone, with a big smile, to applause and cheers of “don’t quit” from his supporters. “Run, Roland, Run.” They cheered.

Updated at 3:08 p.m. ET. He talks about how proud he is to have served the people of Illinois for 30 years. “Life is about choices. Make no mistake, I love serving in the United States Senate,” he said. He talks about how he is the only African American in the Senate.

* Again, USA TODAY is live blogging the event…

Updated at 3:09 p.m. ET. He gets to the point: “And so today i return to where my political journey began back in 1978 … to announce announce that, my friends, I will not be a candidate in the 2010 election.” He says he cannot raise money and focus on the issues in the Senate.

Updated at 3:12 p.m. ET. “I will keep fighting for the great people of the state of Illinois,” he said, ticking off issues he wants to work on, including health care and military veterans.

Updated at 3:13 p.m. ET. It’s over. That was quick. He took no questions, just walking away to polite applause.

* Sen. Burris is not eligible for Senate pension, from the Trib

Burris plans to serve out the remainder of the term, which expires in January 2011. Under federal law, he is not entitled to a pension for his Senate service since he did not serve a minimum of five years.

* 2:30pm - For those of you who missed it, I have some video of Burris’s comments about the high cost of political campaigns, and his decision not to run…


Question of the day

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Remember back when this blog had a regular feature entitled “Friday Topinka Blogging“?

Because I know it drives certain unnamed tinfoil hatters on the right absolutely bonkers - and that can’t be a bad thing.


Topinka is now running for comptroller, so I’m thinking we might just revive that feature…



*** UPDATED x1 *** Step back and wait for more info before burning Hynes at the stake

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s always wise to take a deep breath during horrific scandals like the ghastly Burr Oak cemetery debacle before pointing too many fingers

I thought I might see [at the Sheriff Dart press conference] another prominent politico with 19th Ward Democratic organization connections: Illinois Comptroller Dan Hynes.

A few years ago Hynes campaigned on cemetery rip-offs and made news splash after news splash about abuses in what he calls the “death care industry.” He vowed to fight them. His Web page is full of such vows.

Though Hynes’ office is responsible for the oversight of privately owned cemeteries like Burr Oak, he wasn’t at the news conference. His office said he has oversight but little legal authority to enforce cemetery upkeep.

Perhaps Hynes was busy making plans to get into the U.S. Senate race. Sen. Roland “Tombstone” Burris, who cozied up to disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich for the Senate appointment, has apparently decided to drop out of politics.

* From Pam Zekman’s report last night

It’s hard to believe, but state regulators say that other than checking out records, they literally have blinders on when it comes to checking out conditions at cemeteries. It’s not their jurisdiction, they say. […]

[Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart] was shocked to learn how little oversight there are for cemeteries in Illinois. So were we. Cemeteries are licensed by the Illinois comptroller and required to keep 15 percent of the cost of a grave in a trust fund for cemetery care. Documents show Burr Oak had almost $2 million in its trust funds.

The comptroller’s office says the law only allows them to audit the cemetery care trust funds. Critics argue that when they come to inspect the books, they should take a look around. If they had, they might have found the desecrated graves at Burr Oak before the body count reached 300, and it’s still climbing. […]

Talk about lack of enforcement. The comptroller’s office, which investigates misuse of burial trust funds, says it’s had 20 complaints about Burr Oak but referred them to the cemetery. [emphasis added]

* OK, first of all, the comptroller’s oversight is, indeed, limited, as Zekman pointed out. Here’s the official explanation…

The Comptroller’s Office has limited legal authority over cemeteries, specifically focusing on consumer funds accepted by the cemetery that may be held in trust. The office licenses all funeral homes and cemeteries that sell arrangements in advance of death to ensure proper safeguards are taken with the consumers’ monies. The office requires annual financial reporting and conducts audits to ensure financial compliance.

Larry adds an important point…

…[Hynes] has very little power to enforce the law. Why? Because the industry wanted it like that.

True. From a 2000 story in Illinois Issues

More specifically, Hynes would require an owner to provide “reasonable maintenance” of the property. […]

The plan has received bipartisan support in the General Assembly, but it faces some hurdles. The Illinois Cemetery and Funeral Home Association is opposed to the package as drafted. The 200-member trade group argues that cookie-cutter standards are unrealistic.

As Larry also notes, the Senate Majority Leader back then was a funeral director, which made it tough on Hynes.

* OK, well, what about those “20 complaints” about Burr Oak? Turns out, that’s 20 over the past decade. The problems apparently started four years ago. There was just one complaint filed this year, according to the comptroller’s office. That complaint was about maintenance of the facility. It was filed in April and it concerned potholes in the road and standing water, the comptroller’s office said.

* And Zekman’s claim that if the comptroller’s office had just “looked around” while they were auditing the books they might have found something? Well, a Google search shows a major Chicago Tribune story about the maintenance problems at the cemetery back in May of this year…

Burr Oak Cemetery — known as an historic resting site for a number of prominent African-Americans — has been drawing complaints from visitors appalled by the apparent lack of care and upkeep.

Sunken or tilting gravestones, unmanageable roads, rivers of rainwater, and an abundance of uncut weeds dot the Alsip cemetery where Emmett Till, blues legend Dinah Washington and heavyweight boxing champion Ezzard Charles are buried along with many other famous figures.Complaints over the years have led to reprimands from the state and a bevy of fines issued by village officials. But little has improved, probably because laws regarding the cemetery don’t come with enforcement powers.

So, a reporter and a photographer both visited the cemetery looking for a story, but neither noticed that graves had been dug up and resold. I’m not completely sure that the “look around” criticism has much value. It took a pretty intense police investigation to find those problems. Just looking around obviously wasn’t enough.

* From the Southtown Star

The scam came to light after someone who paid [former Burr Oak general manager Carolyn Towns] cash asked another cemetery employee about the purchase of a plot. When no record of the transaction could be found, the Perpetua Corp. president questioned Towns in March. Court documents show Towns confessed to stealing the $8,400 cash deposit and showed company officials all the other cases in which she kept the cash.

The general manager’s firing was reported to the comptroller’s office. The report included notification that the local police had been called into the case, the comptroller’s office said today.

Also, since the stolen cash was “off the books,” the comptroller’s office says, it wouldn’t show up in an audit of the official records.

* Without a doubt, Hynes should’ve been all over this thing once the cemetery scandal story broke. He wasn’t. That’s not good for him at all. But whether he’s actually to blame for this mess is entirely another matter The fact that he’s from the 19th Ward shouldn’t automatically mean he’s guilty, no matter what some may think.

Still, his office should immediately release all 20 complaints. Were there any hints over the past four years? If so, I, for one, would like to know about it.

And, considering the Tribune story back in May - which was bad enough as it was even without the dug up graves aspect - Hynes should’ve been a whole lot more proactive.

But I’m not sure we should be burning him at the stake just yet.


*** UPDATE *** From the comptroller’s office, here is a list of the complaints filed…

5/13/02 Care related complaint regarding flooding.
5/6/05 Inquiry regarding an exhumation.
5/9/05 Care /professionalism complaint against CBOC staff.
11/1/05 Consumer received 2 headstones with wrong design.
12/13/05 Consumer wants to change the design on grave marker.
5/26/06 Care complaint regarding drainage/pot holes in roads.
6/15/06 Care complaint regarding raising of markers and potholes in roads.
3/5/07 Mother’s grave was not opened on time.
4/23/07 Care complaint regarding pumped water making her parent’s section inaccessible.
5/16/07 Care complaint regarding potholes.
10/16/07 Care complaint regarding poor upkeep in cemetery.
10/22/07 Consumer’s mother was temporarily displaced by CBOC staff.
10/26/07 Family spaces occupied by non-family members.
10/30/07 Care complaint on overgrown grass and fence down.
2/19/08 Contract dispute regarding open/closing fees and Saturday burial fees.
5/29/08 Care complaint regarding mud and water in cemetery.
6/3/08 Care complaint regarding water drainage.
6/9/08 Care complaint regarding sitting water, potholes, and poor grass cutting.
11/19/08 Consumer feels his mother was not buried deep enough. Cemetery verified that depth was sufficient.
4/23/09 Care complaint regarding standing water and potholes in the road.

[CBOC stands for the cemetery staff]


LMadigan conspiracy theory and predictions roundup

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Zorn mocks the dogged LMadigan conspiracy theorists…

What’s Lisa Madigan really up to?

* She’s secretly angling to challenge Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley in 2011.
* She and her father, Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, are setting her up to run for governor in 2014.
* She’s biding her time until her friend and former legislative seatmate, President Barack Obama, appoints her to a Cabinet post or perhaps even to the U.S. Supreme Court.

* I’ve seen this one floated a lot since the AG’s announcement…

[Lisa Madigan] could have had the democrat nomination for either seat. For the asking. And here’s where the tell comes in: she’d have to run for either office as a Democrat. In 2010, that looks like a very risky situation. My gut tells me that Madigan has calculated the same thing, i.e. 2010 is going to be a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad election year for Democrats.

Running for reelection, she’s essentially decided to sit this one out. By the time national Democrats realize what Madigan signaled today, it will be too late for them.

* This theory has been popular as well…

…it’s just dreadful for the White House, which seems to be striking out everywhere in terms of influencing statewide elections. Joe Sestak, Carolyn Maloney, and now Lisa Madigan. Obama should give Emanuel a good time-out.

I think Chris Cillizza was the first to use that particular theory…

For the moment, however, the team that beat Hillary Clinton in a primary and then overwhelmingly elected the nation’s first black president last year hasn’t been able to recreate that magic in downballot contests.

* Many of us have seen this theory as well

[Jim Nalepa] said correctly when we had lunch earlier this week that Lisa wouldn’t run either for governor or Senator but for reelection. Then he added that in the future she will run for only one thing more: the Illinois Supreme Court where she will spend her time waiting to later to be named to the U. S. Supremes.

* This was written after Madigan’s decision…

Mike Madigan, the Illinois House Speaker: Found himself in a dilemma. He wants his daughter to become Governor, or possibly now US Senator — Senators do become presidents — but he also wants to maintain his iron fist majority rule in the Illinois House and the battle over the budget could jeopardize that. He’s held back on an income tax increase to protect his daughter and to protect the many spineless legislators who don’t want to say if they will support an income tax increase until they know for sure no one of substance will be running against them in this Spring primary.

As was this diametrically opposed position

I have no doubt her father, House Speaker Mike Madigan, would have twisted enough arms among his fellow House Dems to get a tax hike passed. That way, a budget fix would be in place by now, Lisa Madigan could criticize Gov. Pat Quinn for raising taxes in a recession but still reap the financial benefits when she took office in 2011. That Mike Madigan didn’t get a tax hike passed through the House was a pretty big red flag that his daughter wasn’t going to run for governor in 2010.

And then there’s this

“It’s the worst kept secret in Springfield that a lot of this is driven by the Attorney General’s political ambitions,” said Righter.

Sen. Righter also claimed in that article that the Senate passed a budget this year which went nowhere in the House. I don’t remember that.

* My personal favorites came from a couple of often strange commenters on my own blog…

lake county democrat - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:19 am

Come on people, there’s more smoke here than in Wasilla, Alaska — people who wouldn’t believe Sarah Palin for an instant think that Lisa Madigan who HERSELF has indicated interest in both races suddenly drops out because she likes her present job/wants more time with her family/etc.?


Conservative Republican - Wednesday, Jul 8, 09 @ 11:30 am

Good example of liberal hypocrisy here:

Palin quits: she’s a coward and a loser

Lisa Madigan wimps out on higher office run: she is “wise” and a “gift” to the people of Illinois in deciding to continue as a “wonderful Attorney General”

* Stu Rothenburg rates the US Sen. race closer now that Lisa Madigan is out of the picture…

Here are our latest Senate ratings, reflecting Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s (D) decision not to run for the U.S. Senate in Illinois and Cong. Mark Kirk’s (R) decision to run.

*- Moved benefiting Republicans

Narrow Advantage for Incumbent Party
Burris (D-IL) *

* Rep. Julie Hamos floats her name for everything

Asked about the news that Lisa Madigan plans to seek re-election as the Illinois Attorney General and not seek higher office, Hamos said Wednesday that’s one post off her list.

Everything else — Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer — remain options, said Hamos, whose profile has soared recently from her work on transportation, the budget, and call for tougher ethics reform.

I’m also hearing 10th Congressional District, believe it or not.

Anything else?


Morning shorts

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* 4 charged with digging up, dumping bodies at Burr Oak Cemetery

As many as 300 bodies were unearthed and dumped in a mass grave as part of a scam that netted the workers about $300,000, authorities said Thursday.

The empty graves were resold to unsuspecting families for cash — off the books, authorities said.

“There should be … a special place in hell for these graveyard thieves,” said the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who appeared with authorities at a press conference at the cemetery Thursday.

* Jail moves to protect cemetery defendants

The four cemetery employees charged in the alleged scheme to dig up bodies at Burr Oak Cemetery and illegally resell their grave sites have been moved into a special section of Cook County Jail to avoid serious injury from other inmates, Sheriff Tom Dart said this morning.

“These people need to be put in a special place because there is the strongest possibility of serious injury if that doesn’t happen,” he said. “We jumped on that right away.”…

Former cemetery manager Carolyn Towns, 49, foreman Keith Nicks, 45, and dump-truck operator Terrence Nicks, 39, all of Chicago, and back-hoe operator Maurice Dailey, 59, of Robbins, were each charged with dismembering a human body, a Class X felony. All face up to 30 years in prison.

Towns’ bail was set at $250,000, the others’ at $200,000. Towns was placed in the psychiatric wing of Cermak Hospital. “We’re concerned for her based on a psychiatric evaluation,” said sheriff’s office spokesman Steve Patterson.

* Cemetery Investigation To Last Months

* Families rush to site of disturbed burials

* Families anguished at finding bodies dug up, headstones gone

* Exclusive: Emmett Till’s casket left to waste at Burr Oak

Broken. Rusted. Battered. The image of a glass-covered casket with the body of Emmett Till was shown around the world in the 1950s. But on Thursday, as hundreds of African Americans searched frantically for the graves of love ones, the battered casket of Till was rusting in the back of a shack at Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip…

“When we opened it up trying to find what we have, a family of possums ran out,” said Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart.

Cemetery workers had been cooperative and informed law enforcement officials that it was indeed Till’s original casket.

“It sure looks like all of the photos I have ever seen,” Dart said. “This is absolutely horrible.”

* Ex-Daley aide pushes back against inspector general

Tristan’s lawyer, William Coulson, sent a letter Wednesday to the mayor in which he defended Tristan’s conduct and suggested Inspector General David Hoffman violated a federal court’s wishes and a city ordinance by making his investigative report public.

“Mr. Hoffman’s report is, in my view, shockingly deficient in both factual support and analysis, and falls far short of the high standards which the citizens of Chicago should expect from the Inspector General,” Coulson wrote to Daley.

Various city employees who also were mentioned in Hoffman’s report have hired a lawyer and separately asked a federal court judge to remove Hoffman’s report from the public file.

The unidentified employees want the report sealed, Hoffman and other city employees barred from making any more comments about it, and future reports by Hoffman that recommend employee discipline to be filed under seal.

* Pick outsider as personnel chief

Here are a few suggestions for the mayor as he considers Tristan’s replacement:

• • Pick a professional with no deep political ties. We’re not saying all top city professionals need to be free of politics, but if you want this post to have credibility, pick an outsider.

• • Hire someone who understands that the federal court order on city hiring means what it says. When an alderman sends a letter advocating for a city employee, it’s time to pick up the phone and inform the federal hiring monitor — not ship it along to the city’s legal department to see if it absolutely, positively has to be reported.

• • Select someone who understands the best way to end the costly federal monitoring of the city’s hiring is to work with the federal court monitor, not around her.

* City job headed down the tubes

The Daley administration moved Thursday to fire a $91,008-a-year plumbing inspector caught doing a side job with no permit, city license and without signing a secondary employment form allowing him to perform the work.

The violations were particularly egregious because Kendrick was assigned to a task force that busts people for working without permits.

On Thursday, Kendrick was placed on administrative leave pending termination proceedings. The fact that he allegedly asked Water Management investigators for city-owned parts — lead packs and copper — to repair the broken pipe did not factor into the decision.

“It’s not that we’re making light of that. It’s just that we have enough to fire him without delving into that,” said Buildings Department spokesman Bill McCaffrey.

* Radical School Reform Model Showing Results

* Inflating test scores just misleads public

Daley said 69.8 percent of Chicago elementary students passed their 2009 state exams.

There’s just one problem: That’s not correct. It’s actually 67.5 percent — 2.3 points lower than what Daley and CPS’ leaders announced. This is the real number, the one that goes on the state report card.

There is a logic to using two numbers, but CPS and Daley didn’t explain it, preferring to highlight the higher number in their press release, which is what many reporters and the public rely on. The higher number, you see, excludes Chicago students still learning English. The lower number includes them.

* Mayor urged to quit over health insurance

* Kane County DUIs: Cops seek tough penalty when suspects refuse tests

* ‘Chicago Gardens’ exhibit see artists’ visions in full bloom

* State fire marshal warning on smoke detectors

* New O’Hare runway prompts noise complaints in Park Ridge

* There’s an app to teach you CPR


Campaign 2010 roundup

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Alexi Giannoulias’ fundraising slowed down in the second quarter. That usually happens. The first round of calls is almost always the easiest. Still, he’s raised an impressive amount of dough…

Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias raised $1.8 million to date for his Senate bid, while his likely Democratic rivals have zero dollars in their warchests.

Giannoulias has been fund-raising since March. Federal fund-raising reports, public next week, will show that Giannoulias raised about $670,000 in the second quarter of 2009. […]

Giannoulias is also in a position to pour some of his own money in his campaign; his federal financial disclosure statement–which requires that only the range of assets be listed–will show that he is worth between $13 million and $62 million, I’m told.


* Comptroller Dan Hynes posted a message to his FaceBook page yesterday about the governor’s race…

…Over the next couple of weeks I plan on taking a serious look at running for Governor and what we can do together to solve our problems. I’m confident that, with your support, we can bring progress back to Illinois.

In the meantime, I’d like to hear your thinking on the upcoming election and encourage you to email me at or send me a Facebook message with your thoughts….

* No surprise at all. JBT is gearing up for another statewide bid…

Former state Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka is looking to return to state government. The Riverside Republican is eyeing a run for state comptroller, a position now held by Democrat Dan Hynes.

“I am very frustrated watching what is going on in Springfield,” Topinka said Thursday. “It would give me a chance to fight back.”

* Sen. Kirk Dillard was in southern Illinois touting his campaign yesterday. No slip-ups about Lisa Madigan this time…

On the matter of Wednesday’s announcement by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan that she will not be seeking the governorship or a seat in the U.S. Senate, Dillard said he hoped the move would help break the budget gridlock.

“We have been sitting back for too long (waiting) for what Lisa wants to do,” he said, referring to her father, House Speaker Michael Madigan’s, lack of action so far.

A friend pointed out yesterday that Dillard’s Republican opponents screwed up even more than Dillard did this week with his “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor” comment.

None of the other GOP gubernatorial candidates had a tracking staffer at the Dillard announcement with a video camera. If they had, that comment could’ve been posted to YouTube before Dillard’s plane landed at the next town. Over.

* Related…

* Potential candidates eyeing Kirk’s 10th Congressional seat

* Burris won’t seek election to Senate in 2010

* Questions on his testimony led to perjury, ethics probes

* Madigan’s choice clears decks

* Some Republicans want lieutenant governor post eliminated

* Houlihan says he won’t run for Cook County Board President

* Assessor out of county board president race


Lisa out, Quinn settles down?

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There’s more to it than what I wrote today, but things were changing so fast yesterday that I didn’t have time to get to it all before my deadline. Anyway, here’s my Sun-Times column

Maybe now that Lisa Madigan has decided to stay put as Illinois’ attorney general, Gov. Pat Quinn can finally relax a little and get down to the business of governing.

When Quinn was sworn in after Rod Blagojevich’s impeachment and removal, he seemed like a guy who wanted to do what was right, regardless of the political consequences.

He proposed an unpopular tax increase because he knew it was the only real and honest way to comply with the state’s Constitution and balance the budget, despite the continued protestations of Fantasy Island naysayers.

He demanded serious pension reforms that freaked out the teachers unions and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees — two enormously influential interest groups.

He proposed a couple of steep budget cuts that enraged the Service Employees International Union, which has been one of the top players in Illinois politics for most of this decade.

Quinn made it abundantly clear that he was prepared to sacrifice his own political future to do what he believed was right. Whether you agreed with him or not, the new governor’s attitude was quite refreshing.

But then, things started going haywire in a hurry.

He’s not a very capable manager, and it really showed. He is, by all reports, an inexperienced, stubborn micromanager who refuses to listen to sound advice.

And, for whatever reason, he’s one of those guys who doesn’t seem to realize that he loses credibility when he abruptly changes position. After he infuriated the teachers unions by demanding that their members pay another two percentage points from their paychecks into the pension fund, he backed off during a speech to a teachers union rally. But he never got anything from the unions in return, so it was a pointless gesture.

The same thing was true about his tax increase proposal. He refused to budge off a big tax increase for corporations, then offered to drop most of it, even though nobody had ever agreed to support the revised plan.

Quinn’s flip-flops are becoming legendary. He said he’d sign the public works bill right away, but then changed his mind and tried to use the job-creating bill to pry votes loose for his income tax increase. He testified in favor of the Senate Democrats’ tax increase plan, then a few hours later said he was for a different plan. He made his reputation as a government reformer, then wholeheartedly agreed to a woefully inadequate reform bill, then privately indicated that he might veto it.

People around the governor say some of this can be blamed on the threat that Lisa Madigan posed. He knew he was finished if she ran, even if he somehow managed to beat her in the primary. Her father, the House speaker, would’ve made Quinn’s life unbearable. The threat meant the governor just wasn’t thinking right.

Quinn’s news conference earlier this week was described by the Sun-Times editorial page as “confusing and bewildering.”

He looked to me like he was melting down in front of our very eyes. I was actually worried for him.

But, lo and behold, just one day after Lisa Madigan decided to run for re-election, Quinn looked like he was pulling himself together.

First, he announced he would sign the massive public works bill that has been awaiting his action for weeks.

Then, he bowed to the harsh Springfield reality and said he could accept a temporary, five-month budget, even though it could mean he has to sign a tax increase into law a month before his own Democratic primary.

Maybe, just maybe, he’s finally starting to settle down and really govern. Let’s hope so. It was all getting too weird, even for me.

…Adding… Related…

* Looks good for capital, not so much for budget

* Quinn says he’ll sign capital plan, hope for budget deal

* Quinn changes mind yet again, says he’ll sign construction bill

* State budget slays suburban sacred cows

* Gov. Pat Quinn says ‘no final decisions’ yet on prisoner releases

* Questions Raised About Plan to Release Illinois Prisoners

* Groups blasts plans to spend stimulus funds on high-speed rail

* Lost in the Shuffle: Financial Aid for 137,000 College Students

* Budget Deadlock Confounds Swine Flu Vaccination Prep

* Ag Department struggles with $6 million in budget cuts

* Moultrie County’s Beacon Inc. plans budget rally


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Raw audio of Gov. Quinn’s Thursday presser - New TV ad

Friday, Jul 10, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Sneed: Burris out of the race

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise, but welcomed news anyway

Sneed has learned U.S. Sen. Roland Burris has decided NOT to seek election to the seat he fought the government to keep. […]

The decision by Burris was based on his inability to raise campaign funds; campaign disclosures with the Federal Election Commission are expected to be filed next week…and he has reportedly only raised approximately $20,000 […]

“After 20 years in government service, Burris didn’t want the last four months in office to be that legacy,” said a source.

Too late. That is his legacy now. He screwed it up himself by taking up Rod Blagojevich on his offer of a Senate appointment and then allowing his allies and staff to use disgusting race-baiting tactics to keep him there.

Good riddance.

* 4:59 pm - The Tribune has a brief bit that appears to confirm.

* 5:19 pm - From a press release…

United States Senator Roland W. Burris to Make Major Announcement Tomorrow

CHICAGO, IL— United States Senator Roland W. Burris will make a major announcement during a speech in Chicago on Friday afternoon. Senator Burris will be addressing a group of Illinois residents at the Chicago South Loop Hotel at 2:00PM.

WHO: Senator Roland W. Burris

WHAT: Speech to Illinois Youth

WHEN: Today, Friday, July 10, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: Chicago South Loop Hotel, 2600 South State Street,

Chicago, Illinois 60616, Room: State Street


Birkett backing away from AG race? Sure looks like it

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Well, that didn’t take long

“”Right now, obviously, the plan is the plan,” Birkett said. “I didn’t formally announce, but I was indicating I would not be a candidate for governor and was looking at the attorney general’s race, and that’s the way it stands right now.”

Really? That’s what he said?

Um, no.

This is from the e-mail Birkett sent out last week

I’ve made the decision to remain a prosecutor and to run for the Office of Illinois Attorney General in 2010.

There was no “indicating” that he wasn’t running for guv and “looking” at the AG’s office. He announced for AG. Watch his campaign video if you don’t believe me. It’s entitled: “Joe Birkett Announces for Illinois Attorney General.”

Yet, the local paper described his comments as: “hedged a little.” That’s more than a little.

* Birkett said he’s now going to have to talk to his supporters to see what they want him to do…

“Lisa Madigan’s decision to retain that office is something I have to speak with my supporters about and assess the possibilities. But anybody can be beat.”

Hat tip to a commenter.

…Adding… With all the flip-flopping today from Quinn and now Birkett, I think I need some Dramamine.

Just sayin…


Quinn “open to 5-month budget”

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 3:48 pm - Another flip-flop, but probably for the better

Gov Quinn to sign capital bill Monday; is open to 5-month operating budget as “Plan B”

As a refresher, Quinn said this just 10 days ago

Quinn also said a temporary budget that would extend spending for another month or so would not happen, dousing the hopes of Republicans who had been pushing that idea to buy more time on a full agreement.

“We’ve got to get a full budget as quickly as possible for the people,” Quinn said.

That would mean a tax hike vote in January - right before the primary.


Brady: Dillard should apologize - Houlihan won’t run for county prez

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Senator Bill Brady, Republican candidate for Governor, today demanded that Kirk Dillard apologize to Attorney General Candidate Joe Birkett and to Illinois Republicans for his apparent endorsement Wednesday of Democrat Lisa Madigan

“Republicans must support Republicans,” Brady said.

“I am calling on Senator Dillard to publicly apologize to Republicans and especially to Joe Birkett. Further, I am asking Kirk to request that Lisa not use his comments during the upcoming campaign, unlike President Obama’s use of Kirk’s commercial during the presidential campaign.”

Dillard’s comment, if you’ve forgotten, was…

“I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

And here’s part of what Lisa Madigan said this morning

On this morning’s WLS 890 AM Don and Roma Show, Attorney General Madigan laughingly said Kirk Dillard’s fawning endorsement of her for reelection as Attorney General, the previous day, would be used on her mailings into DuPage County during the upcoming campaign against Birkett.

*** 2:33 pm *** Houli won’t run

Cook County Assessor James Houlihan said Thursday he will not be a candidate for Cook County Board President.

A spokesman for the former state representative and aide to former Mayor Harold Washington said, “After careful consideration, Assessor Houlihan has decided not to run for president of the Cook County Board. As Assessor, Jim has fought to make the assessment process more transparent and responsive to the taxpayers of Cook County. He is focused on continuing those reforms — and on the 2009 reassessment of the city of Chicago.”


This just in…

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:50 pm - I told subscribers about this already, but Rep. Roger Eddy is Tweeting from inside a meeting with Downstate lawmakers and Gov. Pat Quinn and just Tweeted this

The Governor is here and says he will sign the capital bill on Monday.

That’s true.

* 1:39 pm - Another Tweet from Rep. Eddy inside the meeting with Quinn…

Gov. Quinn says he will present his specific plan for economic stabilization & recovery in drafted language tomorrow.
24 minutes ago from web

Not sure what the heck that means yet.

* 2:03 pm - From a press release…

The Illinois State Legislature’s $375 million revenue estimate from a new tax on video gaming is at least $165 million too low, according to a new study of other states with legalized video gaming machines. Citing this new data, Illinois’ hospitality industry again called on Governor Quinn to veto the proposed alcohol tax hike, saying that the legislature’s under-accounted for windfall would more than cover any alcohol tax gains.

“Each extra dollar of revenue from gaming represents one more reason not to punish the state’s struggling hospitality industry through higher alcohol taxes,” said Distilled Spirits Council Vice President Dale Szyndrowski, who noted that Illinois’ hospitality industry has already lost over 18,700 jobs in the past year due to the recession. “A tax on alcohol hurts the restaurant, hotel and tourism industries and will destroy thousands more jobs among those least able to afford it.”

The new study, conducted by Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics (ALME), found that based on the experiences of other states that have legalized video gaming, the Illinois State Legislature’s $375 million revenue estimate is far too conservative. ALME estimated that the average revenue experience from other states could justify revenues of at least $540 million – or, a $165 million tax revenue windfall for the state of Illinois. The report found revenue forecasts could be as high as $1.7 billion.

Another point that could be made is, why not use the “extra” revenue for more projects or to balance the state budget?

…Adding… Here’s the study.

* 2:31 pm - The Tribune starts to catch up

State lawmakers who met privately with Gov. Pat Quinn today said he told them he now plans to sign a $29 billion statewide construction bill next week.

If he does, it would mark the latest change of heart for Quinn, who has been criticized by fellow Democrats for flip-flopping as politicians try to come up with a solution for Illinois’ latest budget impasse. Quinn previously has tied signing the construction bill into law to a budget deal.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Budget; DCFS; Froehlich; Constitution

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Extra!

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in…

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Since Dan Hynes is thinking about running for governor, it’s only fair that he be subjected to stuff like this…



A must-see map

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Progress Illinois has done a yeoman’s job of collecting stories and data about private social service providers who are now laying off staff and cutting back services. Check out the map

This issue is extremely important and has been kinda lost in the shuffle recently. Good job by PI. Keep it up.

…Adding… With thanks to a commenter, click here for a list of all the info in that PI map.

* Other budget stuff…

* CMS: 656 layoffs total, 82 in Sangamon County so far

* Budget ax casts a shadow on social service agencies

* Illinois budget uncertainties throw lives off balance

* Up To 10,000 Illinois Prisoners May Be Released

* Phelps: Prison cuts a bad idea

* Britt: Gov. Quinn ready to release some inmates

* State fairs set to continue without budget

…Adding… The Fox News Chicago talking heads just called a proposal to eliminate all of Chicago’s state revenue sharing money “common sense.” No joke. Watch it…


The crystal ball sez…

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Let’s look ahead. First, an interesting theory in the Daily Herald

[Lisa] Madigan’s move has repercussions beyond just the ballot box.

Quinn, who rose to the spot from lieutenant governor after Blagojevich’s ouster, has had trouble marshaling support from lawmakers as he pushes an income tax hike and struggles with service cuts facing a $9 billion budget shortfall.

Lawmakers who have long expected Madigan to successfully challenge Quinn in a primary had little reason to listen to him.

“Certainly the idea that Lisa Madigan was going to be there to take him out made it easier for lawmakers to take Quinn on,” said Kent Redfield, interim director of the Institute for Legislative Studies at the University of Illinois in Springfield. “If they now come to the conclusion that they are stuck with Quinn, that may change the calculations.”

There was far more to the resistance than that. A tax hike is considered by many to be a political death trap. But it’s still an interesting thought.

* Campaign-wise, Delmarie Cobb wins our quote of the day award… again

Burris campaign aide Delmarie Cobb said Madigan’s decision, along with money are part of “a long line of factors” determining if Burris would seek election.

“As you know, there have been many marquee names thrown out for this seat and so far they have all fizzled,” Cobb said. “With [Burris] as the incumbent, it seems the Democratic Party would do well to rally around the person who has the seat and keep the seat rather than mine for a candidate.”

I can’t foresee a career in political prognostication for Ms. Cobb. Then again, the cable networks tend to choose people who are always wrong as their regular pundits, so maybe I’m off base here.

* The a general consensus is building that yesterday’s announcement was good for Republicans

Republicans in general and state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias in particular look like the beneficiaries of Wednesday’s announcement by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan that she’s running for re-election, not for governor or U.S. Senate, one analyst says.

It was certainly good news for US Senate Republicans. A Lisa Madigan candidacy was their most feared outcome. But Mark Kirk is no sure thing. Not yet, anyway. We’ll see how the Democratic primary goes.

* Speaking of Kirk, if he does go ahead with a US Senate run as expected, his seat will be open

Potential Democratic nominees include: State Sen. Michael Bond, who was already in the race; Dan Seals, who was Kirk’s opponent in 2006 and 2008; and state Sen. Susan Garrett. Possible Republican candidates include state Rep. Elizabeth Coulson, state Rep. JoAnn Osmond, and businessman Dick Green.

Democrats think they’ll have a pretty good shot at this seat, as it is one of only six districts that were won by both Obama in 2008 and Kerry in 2004, but are represented by Republicans. On the Republican side, a source told me: “This won’t be an easy seat to hold, but with the right candidate and Kirk on the ticket, it is possible.”

Kirk had an amazing ballot impact last year. Down-ballot legislative Republicans in his district who were deemed vulnerable all ended up winning. That’s one big reason Republicans love the idea of a Kirk candidacy. Here’s another

“He attracts votes in large percentages from both independents and Democrats,” Edgar said. “He is the moderate kind of Republican that can win statewide in Illinois.”

The Democratic Senate Campaign Committee already has an Intertubes ad thingy designed to discredit Kirk as a moderate…

[Hat tip to a commenter.]

* And then there’s Dan Hynes

Madigan’s move also makes it very likely that Comptroller Dan Hynes will run for governor instead of a fourth term as comptroller, Redfield predicted.

He was never running for a fourth term as comptroller. He had been eyeing AG. Now, he has little choice but to look at guv.

* LG for Hamos?

The Madigan move also could be felt further down the ballot. State Rep. Julie Hamos (D-Evanston), who had been weighing a possible candidacy for attorney general, told supporters she was looking for their input about another office to seek—potentially lieutenant governor.

Your own predictions?


The “Daddy Conspiracy” finally dies

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The best thing about Lisa Madigan’s decision to run for reelection is the death of ridiculous comments like this one

Illinois Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan (D-Daddy will make her governor)

The assumption that Lisa Madigan is just a little girl following her daddy’s orders was always goofy, but it persisted, perhaps because she is a female, but also because of her father’s awesome power

…some Democrats speculated that the lack of a state budget had much to do with her father’s influence and an attempt to make the governor look bad in the eyes of voters.

It was a lot more than just “some Democrats” and the Tribsters know that.

…Adding… I didn’t see this one earlier. Hilarious

Conventional wisdom at the Capitol was that Mike Madigan was motivated to do whatever was needed to resolve state budget problems so that his daughter would not inherit a financial mess if she became governor.

Oh, yeah? Really? That’s why the budget mess was resolved long before May 31st, right?

* The Tribune editorial board looks back this morning and realizes that, in fact, Lisa Madigan has been leaning against moving up the ladder for a year or more…

The conversation over lunch salads occurred more than a year ago. Atty. Gen. Lisa Madigan was mulling a run for governor — or, if Barack Obama ascended to the presidency, for his seat in the U.S. Senate. But try as she did to sound captivated by the politics, Madigan kept circling back uncomfortably to the costs her family would pay if she succumbed to the ceaseless grind of campaigning for, and holding, higher office.

On Wednesday morning the mother of two young children echoed what she had said back then: “Both the governorship and the Senate seat are great opportunities,” she mused in a phone call, “but once you have kids it’s not just about you. It’s about these little people. I have a great family and a great job I’m committed to. How greedy do I want to be?” One influence on her decision to run again for attorney general: a neighbor woman who gave Madigan the warning every parent hears but not every parent heeds: “Your children will grow up in the blink of an eye. Don’t miss it.”

Lisa Madigan, of course, was until Wednesday the el-primo domino whose pick of either a gubernatorial or Senate race would tip lots of other pols — and not just her fellow Democrats — into or out of races for various Illinois offices. Her declaration that she wants to stay put liberates not just her, but all those other potential candidates.

* But the alleged conspiracy to elect Lisa governor so she could “share Illinois with her daddy” seemed so “obvious” to some that it refused to die, until now. Wally Haas is a must-read

The biggest conspiracy theory in Illinois has been that Speaker of the House Mike Madigan was making life difficult for Gov. Pat Quinn because Madigan wanted his daughter, Attorney General Lisa Madigan, to have a clear shot at becoming the state’s top executive.

“You guys are going to have to come up with a new conspiracy theory,” Lisa Madigan told me Wednesday in a telephone interview.

Madigan announced Wednesday she will run for re-election in 2010 and not seek higher office. Lisa Madigan was called “governor-in-waiting” before she was elected attorney general in 2002, so it’s always been assumed she would seek that office and get it with the help of her influential father.

“I had it from a pretty good source as recently as Friday that she was going to run (for governor),” state Sen Brad Burzynski, R-Clare, said. “It makes me wonder: What’s (Mike) Madigan’s end game?”


* I’m sure it won’t be long before some of those same folks switch gears and say that daddy ordered “Little Lisa” to stay put.

But, for now, at least, the tinfoil hat types have been discredited

“Politics is something that breeds conspiracy theories and there are going to be all sorts of armchair quarterback questions,” said House Republican leader Tom Cross, who opposes Madigan’s father at the Statehouse. “But I have every reason to believe her. I guess maybe that is because I struggled myself with those questions.” […]

Former Gov. Jim Edgar said he understands. “Politicians are people and personal considerations often trump political considerations,” Edgar said.

“She has a young family,” he added. “It is a very legitimate reason.” […]

Paul Green, political professor at Roosevelt University, agrees. “I know a lot of political families,” he said. “It is hard.”

* Related…

* Kadner: Madigan makes the right call for Illinois

* Madigan explains her reasons . . . a bit

* Word of the day: Neither

* Lisa Madigan won’t run for higher office

* Why Lisa Madigan isn’t running


Morning shorts

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray

* ADDED: Documents: Law school billed U. of I. for $300K in ’scholarship support’

* ADDED: Squeeze on law school

* ADDED: U of I starts sending documents to U.S. Attorney

* Judge knocks lawsuit over developmentally disabled

A federal judge this week gutted a lawsuit aiming to force the state to give thousands of developmentally disabled people the choice of moving out of large group facilities and into smaller community homes.

In his ruling, U.S. District Court Judge James F. Holderman said the suit was overly broad, affecting people who don’t want to move to smaller facilities.

Representatives from Equip for Equality, an advocacy group for the developmentally disabled, said they were disappointed by the judge’s ruling, but called it a “temporary setback.”

Equip for Equality’s Barry Taylor noted that Holderman didn’t dismiss the lawsuit, but instead stripped it of class-action status; that means any resolution of the current lawsuit would affect only the nine original plaintiffs and not thousands statewide.

* Bodies unearthed at Alsip cemetery

Five employees of the historic Burr Oak Cemetery in Alsip were taken into custody Wednesday after authorities learned numerous bodies had been dug up and the grave sites were illegally resold, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said.

Detectives discovered a pile of bones — from more than 100 decomposed bodies — above ground and uncovered in an overgrown, fenced-off portion of the cemetery, Dart said.

“What we found was beyond startling and revolting,” the sheriff said.

* Every family’s nightmare: Burr Oak Cemetery graves allegedly stripped for profit

Officers raided the cemetery, at 4400 W. 127th St, in Alsip, Wednesday morning. Five people were taken into custody…

“We thought it would be straightforward financial theft. We found out that graves were being opened and remains were disinterred and removed,” he said.

Dart believes the scheme has been going on for about four years.

* 350 dogs seized in dogfighting raids in 5 states

* Attorney General drops charges against 2 former Burge suspects

The Illinois Attorney General’s office says prosecutors are dropping charges against 42-year-old Ronald Kitchen and 50-year-old Marvin Reeves. The two men were convicted of killing two women and three children in 1988.

Their case was based largely on Kitchen’s confession, but he’s long maintained that he was tortured into the admission. The men were granted a new trial, but Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s deputy chief of staff says her office couldn’t meet the burden of proof and justice required the men’s release.

* Daley defends police efforts to stem violence

Daley said Tuesday, long holiday weekends are usually difficult for police. He added that concentration of police at the Taste of Chicago was not behind the lawlessness that erupted elsewhere in the city.

Eleven people were killed and at least 30 others were wounded in shootings and stabbings during the holiday weekend. According to authorities, it was among the city’s deadliest weekends in recent years.

According to police, some of the slayings appeared to be gang-related, while others may have resulted from domestic disputes. Many of the victims had criminal records.

Daley said the violence was a reminder the city must do everything it can to fight gangs, guns and drugs.

* Daley: Chief’s actions didn’t warrant termination

Mayor Daley acknowledged today that his outgoing personnel chief should have reported a letter from an alderman seeking to block a job transfer, but he said the “minor violation” did not warrant termination.

Nevertheless, Daley said he accepted the resignation of Human Resources Commissioner Homero Tristan because the “honest, hard-working” attorney did not want to become a “distraction” to the city’s efforts to implement a hiring system free of politics.

“He doesn’t want to be in the headlines. . . . He’s a wonderful young lawyer. He has good judgement. And he doesn’t want to be the ping-pong ball,” the mayor said.

Noting that Inspector General David Hoffman recommended that Tristan be fired, Daley said don’t “pit me against David Hoffman like David Hoffman is over here and the mayor is over [there]. . . . . I appointed him. I asked him to do the things that are necessary. So, don’t try to get him against me.’’

* Daley appeals to 3 hold-out unions to agree to cuts

Mayor Daley made a personal appeal to three hold-out unions today, but could not convince them to swallow cost-cutting concessions that would avert the need for 650 layoffs.

“No agreement, no movement, no nothing. They haven’t moved. … They don’t seem willing to compromise or entertain any other ways of saving money,” said Henry Bayer, executive director of AFSCME Council 31.

Lou Phillips, secretary-treasurer of Laborers Local 1001, said the mayor and unions leaders remain “at an impasse” with less than one week to go before Daley has threatened to pull the trigger on 650 layoffs.

“We don’t want to give up paid holidays. We negotiated for those years and years ago,” Phillips said.

He added, “You’re never willing to see people laid off. But, we can’t concede everything we’ve worked for.”

* Police union makes city budget suggestions

Davlin and the police union are close to reaching an agreement that would allow employees who are at least 50 years old and have 20 years of service to retire during a “pay spike” for the pay period that ends July 18 and is paid out on July 24, Davidsmeyer said.

Already, employees are eligible for a 5 percent bump in pay for one pay period twice a year around their work anniversaries and birthdays. After those pay periods, the employee’s pay returns back to normal. Employees who retire during bump periods can have their pensions based on the increased salary rather than their regular pay.

Davidsmeyer said offering a pay spike now is aimed at workers who are waiting to retire around their anniversary dates or birthdays later this budget year. Nineteen police department employees could be eligible for retirement, he said.

Retirements could reduce the number of layoffs at the department. Layoff notices already have been sent to 36 officers.

* City proposing cuts, freezes


A one-year wage freeze for all union employees, cuts to arts and library budgets, the elimination of free landscape waste hauling and a new water utility tax highlight a list of solutions the city’s administration released Wednesday to resolve a $10 million budget deficit next year.

* Unions, Rockford ponder multiyear deal

Facing a deficit projected at more than $2 million in the city general fund, Morrissey is looking for structural changes in labor agreements that would lead to sustained budget savings.

That would mean significant concessions from unions representing about 570 public safety employees.

At least one proposed concession early this year was met with resistance from the unions and from the Rockford City Council.

Reducing the number of firefighters who man eight city fire engine companies from four to three would mean sustained savings for the city. Although it is a staffing level found in many cities the size of Rockford, firefighters rejected the notion during the buildup to the April election.

* Chicago school officials tout higher test scores

Even as he questioned the efficacy of Illinois’ standardized school tests Wednesday, Mayor Richard Daley touted modest gains made by elementary students in Chicago Public Schools who met or exceeded expectations on one of those tests this year.

The percentage of elementary students who met or exceeded standards increased by 2 points to 69.8 in 2009, with math scores for 3rd through 8th graders showing the sharpest increase, Daley said at a news conference.

But even as he and other school officials highlighted the score increase as evidence of progress, they also said that the tests were not necessarily a good indication of a student’s ability to succeed in the real world. Nationally administered tests consistently show Chicago scores near the bottom.

* Colleges won’t accept some kids’ ACT tests

Some Spanish-speaking kids and other immigrants enjoyed new versions of state achievement tests this year, including a DVD video version of the ACT college-admission test, officials revealed Wednesday.

The problem for kids is that colleges will not accept the ACT scores of juniors who, for the first time this spring, got to listen to the ACT math and science questions in Spanish while reading them on a computer screen in English.

* Daley: Stop throwing darts or risk losing Olympics

“In the next eight years of any city in America, tell me where the economic development is gonna come from. Is it gonna come from the military? The military builds in the south and southwest. It does not build in the Midwest and East,” Daley said.

“You tell me one economic program that anyone has offered — both in the private sector or public sector. Every other city would love to have this—when the federal government will spend billions of dollars on infrastructure and on security. Besides that, the national and global publicity we receive from the build-up all the way to 2016. This is the only economic engine. We’re talking about jobs. We’re talking about contracts…coming into Chicago.”

But, the mayor warned, “If people keep throwing darts at it, maybe they will not get it.”

Pressed on whom he believes is “throwing darts,” Daley said, “Did you read any headlines?” He added, “You beat us up.”

* ‘Throwing darts’ the only way to pin down full data on Olympics

The mayor has been casting about the last few weeks, trying to save his Olympic dream as the clock runs out. On Oct. 2, the International Olympic Committee will chose one of four cities — Chicago, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo or Madrid — to host the 2016 Games.

But it’s the mayor himself who has put the city’s bid in jeopardy. At an IOC event in Switzerland last month, Daley said he would sign a host-city contract, putting the city on the hook financially for any Olympic losses. He did it without warning or City Council approval, generating a tidal wave of criticism back at home.

Daley then reversed course, saying he would put the issue before the City Council.

But dozens of questions remain — and they must be answered. We want the Olympics in Chicago, and we know the IOC won’t pick the city without Daley’s signature. But if taxpayers are at risk, it’s not worth it.

* What could it cost us, residents ask bid team

If anything, many of the 400 who packed the Southwest Side McKinley Park field house wanted to know what they stand to gain if the city wins the 2016 Summer Games.

* 1 in 4 Illinois adults is obese — a record

* New Des Plaines mayor making flooding problem a priority

* Hoffman Estates may take over Sears Centre

The 11,000-seat Sears Centre isn’t drawing the crowds Hoffman Estates officials once expected, so village leaders now are considering taking ownership of the struggling sports and music venue…

Opened in 2006, the Sears Centre is privately owned, though Hoffman Estates backed the $50 million loan used to build the structure near Route 59 and I-90. Its builder and primary owner, Ryan Companies, is obligated to pay for the center through 2010, but has approached Hoffman Estates about taking control after that, officials said.

“When the guarantee ends, the village anticipates it will be required to undertake a greater, overall financial contribution going forward,” Hoffman Estates officials said in their statement.

* Old Post Office goes on the block

* Want to put your stamp on old post office?

If Chicago hosts the 2016 Olympics, the building could house the entire Olympic Village and be sold off as condos afterward, suggests auctioneer Rick Levin, whose firm will oversee auction.

“I don’t think, in my career, I’ve seen a more underutilized piece of real estate,” Levin said. “To me, the biggest negative right now is it’s 2009. Financing is soft, and people are apprehensive about taking on projects.”

The building carries a suggested opening bid of $300,000 but no minimum bid, meaning it will go to the highest offer. To show their interest, registered bidders must submit a $250,000 cashier’s check. Losing bidders get their checks back; for the winning bidder, the check becomes earnest money, and any overpayment would be returned at closing.

* Rooftop power

A company founded by South Shore native George D. Sullivan on Tuesday won the exclusive North American rights to sell small wind turbines under the brand name Gentle Breeze.

* Retailers get jump-start on school, holiday sales

Retailers desperate for hard-to-get dollars are already advertising back-to-school sales, but Sears and Kmart may take the early-bird award for opening online Christmas shops.

* Public housing success stories

* Immunization classes reach out to immigrant communities

* University of Illinois at Chicago’s healing garden

* Illinois scientists to monitor soybean disease

* Ill. VA hospital fire forces patient evacuations

* 2 Illinois Guardsmen killed in Afghanistan

Two members of the Illinois Army National Guard have died this week while serving in Afghanistan.

Forty-one-year-old 1st Lt. Derwin Williams of Glenwood and 35-year-old Spc. Chester Hosford of Ottawa were killed Monday when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb in Kandu.

* Guard soldiers from Ottawa, Galesburg killed in Afghanistan

All were members of the Guard’s 33rd Infantry Brigade, a group of about 3,000 soldiers that has had 17 deaths during a yearlong deployment scheduled to end early this fall.

* Services set for civil rights leader Travis

A day-long visitation will be held Thursday for Dempsey J. Travis, 89, the historian and civil rights leader who died on July 2.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Gov. Pat Quinn weighs in

Thursday, Jul 9, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release sent last night…

“Throughout her years in public office, Attorney General Lisa Madigan has proven herself to be capable, conscientious, and committed to the best interests of the people of Illinois. She has done a fine job as ‘the people’s lawyer.’ I look forward to working alongside her in our common cause of providing strong, responsible, honest government for the people of Illinois. “

This ought to be the Question of the Day, but what do you think he really wanted to write?

Snark heavily encouraged.


Dillard walks it back, Birkett vows to press on

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After saying earlier today: “I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor,” GOP gubernatorial candidate Kirk Dillard is now trying to walk back an obvious blunder on his first official day on the campaign trail…

Earlier today, I was asked about the attorney general and what my reaction is to her allegedly running for re-election. While I have a great deal of respect for her, we haven’t heard anything official about her status. Right now we’re focusing on the leadership of Illinois and returning pride to the people of this great state. And I will be backing the entire GOP ticket to accomplish that.

* And announced GOP attorney general candidate Joe Birkett has a new blog post entitled “Welcome to the race, Lisa“…

Lisa Madigan’s announcement does not change my plans. I look forward to offering Illinois voters new leadership in a state that desperately needs it.



Hamos will “revisit” with supporters and ask for ideas

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic state Rep. Julie Hamos was planning to run for attorney general. She just put out this statement…

Following the news of Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s decision to run for reelection, State Representative Julie Hamos released this statement:

“Lisa Madigan has been a strong Attorney General and an excellent leader for the state of Illinois. I was pleased to learn that she will continue to provide excellent leadership to our state in these difficult times.

“Over the past few months I have met with Democratic and community leaders and heard the concerns of voters across Illinois. In the coming days I plan to revisit those supporters and ask for their best ideas on how I can work for the people of Illinois. I look forward to hearing their ideas and input as I discuss my next steps with my family.”

Still waiting on one from Rep. Jack Franks, another Dem looking at AG. I’ll post it here if and/or when it arrives.


Lisa Madigan’s statement

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Lisa Madigan’s statement today…

I’ve talked about my job in some detail today because I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. Over the past few months, I’ve thought about how I can best continue to serve the people of Illinois.

The progress we have made and the work that can still be done have been foremost on my mind.

I’ve also talked with my husband about what’s best for our daughters.

As I have done so, I have been truly privileged to have the advice and generous support of many people around this state.

What it comes down to – and I hope you can hear in my voice – is that I am still passionate about my work.

So today, I am announcing that I will seek a 3rd term as Illinois Attorney General.

I understand that some people may be surprised by my decision, because there has been speculation about whether I might run for Governor or for the U.S. Senate. I can’t express how honored I am that others would consider me for either of these positions.

But I know that for now, the best way for me to continue serving the people of Illinois is to continue doing the job that I love … and there is plenty to do.

I promise those of you looking for leaders who will restore honesty and integrity to Illinois government, I will continue to fight for you.

Read her entire statement by clicking here.


Dan Hynes on Madigan decision - Updated with Giannoulias statement on LMadigan

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

“Comptroller Hynes believes that today’s decision by Lisa Madigan is a clear reflection of the passion she holds for her job as Attorney General and her unwavering commitment to the state. Like the Attorney General, Comptroller Hynes plans on continuing his service of leadership on ethics reform and fiscal matters to the people of Illinois. He will discuss his options with his family and make a decision within the next few weeks.”

What do you think Hynes will do now?

…Adding… Hynes told me weeks ago that there was no way on God’s Green Earth that he would run for a record-breaking fourth term as comptroller. We’ll see.

* By the way, I called Gov. Quinn’s campaign office about a half an hour ago. They weren’t issuing a statement, but said they might later today. I’ll let you know.

My own prediction is that Quinn’s statement will read something like: “Put it on the booooaaarrrrd!!! Yes!!!!”

…Adding… Here’s a visual aide re: Quinn…

Just sayin…

*** UPDATE *** From Alexi Giannoulias…

“In my experiences working with Lisa Madigan and the Attorney General’s office, I know her to be a talented, dedicated, and principled public servant who has always put the interests of the state first. Her decision to seek re-election ensures that the people of Illinois will have a strong advocate on their side. Our offices have worked very well together in the past and I look forward to continuing that relationship as we both focus on helping Illinois families get through these extremely difficult economic times.”


Dillard jumps in, all but endorses LMadigan, Proft pounces

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Sen. Kirk Dillard is on a scheduled fly-around today to announce his bid for the GOP gubernatorial nomination. The Tribune quoted Dillard this morning as all but endorsing Lisa Madigan for reelection…

“She’s been a good attorney general and if she wants to stay there, that’s fine,” Dillard said. “With Lisa Madigan out of the race, it clearly makes this at least an even, if not a Republican-tilting field. Personally, I’m glad she’s not going to be my opponent in the general election. I believe my chances are better with Pat Quinn or someone else than Lisa Madigan. I look forward to having Lisa Madigan as attorney general when I’m the governor.”

Announced GOP candidate Dan Proft had this to say via press release…

I wonder what DuPage County State’s Attorney and recently announced GOP Attorney General candidate Joe Birkett thinks of Sen. Dillard’s endorsement of Lisa Madigan’s re-election.

Sen. Dillard is also incorrect on substance when it comes to AG Madigan. When AG Madigan ran in 2002 she vilified former AG Jim Ryan for not doing enough to root out public corruption under Gov. George Ryan. The same standard she applied to Jim Ryan should now be applied to her. So I will ask a question Sen. Dillard clearly did not and would not ask: Which corrupt public officials has Lisa Madigan brought to justice over the last six years while Gov. Rod Blagojevich was taking pay-to-play politics in Illinois to new lows?

It is a sorry state of affairs when someone seeking to be the Republican Party’s standard bearer for Governor is disinterested in holding Lisa Madigan and the rest of the Chicago Democrats accountable for what has occurred on their watch. This is the kind of go-along-to-get-along politics that has debilitated the Republican Party in Illinois.

And, as nice a guy as he is, Sen. Dillard goes down this road over and over again—on taxes, on spending, on debt, and on the future of the Republican Party in Illinois.

Let me differentiate myself again from Sen. Dillard: I will be endorsing and supporting the Republican nominee for Attorney General come the general election.

Strange that Proft didn’t mention Dillard’s Obama TV ad, which fits the pattern that Proft lays out here.

…Adding… Proft did talk about Dillard’s Obama ad in an earlier press release today.


*** UPDATED x2 *** Harris cops a plea

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise. Former Rod Blagojevich chief of staff John Harris has pled guilty to a single count. Read the plea by clicking here.

This is what he pled to…

Count Four charges defendant with participating in a scheme to commit wire fraud, including through the deprivation of honest services, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 and 1346. […]

It was part of the scheme that beginning in or about October 2008, and continuing until on or about December 9, 2008, Rod Blagojevich (“Blagojevich”), with the assistance of Defendant and others, sought to obtain financial benefits for Blagojevich and his wife, in return for the exercise of his duty under Illinois law to appoint a United States Senator to fill the vacancy created by the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States.

At times Defendant assisted Blagojevich’s efforts to carry out the scheme by suggesting means by which Blagojevich could secure personal benefits for himself in exchange for appointing a United States Senator, conducting factual research relating to the scheme at Blagojevich’s direction, and counseling Blagojevich on carrying out the scheme.

At other times, Defendant expressed opposition to Blagojevich’s efforts to enrich himself through his appointment of a United States Senator, and/or did not follow instructions from Blagojevich to assist in those efforts.


Defendant understood that Blagojevich’s personal financial circumstances and security were a significant consideration for Blagojevich in his analysis of whom he should name to the Senate seat.

There’s not much new on the alleged third party offer to raise $1.5 million for Blagojevich’s campaign funds to secure the appointment of Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. to Obama’s vacant US Senate seat…

Although Blagojevich was previously not willing to consider Senate Candidate A, Defendant believed that Blagojevich was now seriously considering Senate Candidate A because of the offer of campaign funds.

* The G believes Harris when he says he never relayed a specific threat to the Tribune

Further, in November and December 2008, in response to Chicago Tribune editorials that had been critical of Blagojevich, Blagojevich directed Defendant to tell Tribune Financial Advisor that Blagojevich was going to withhold state financial support that would benefit the Tribune Company, unless the Tribune Owner fired people on the editorial board.

In order to appease Blagojevich, Defendant told Blagojevich that he would and did relay this threat to Tribune Financial Advisor. Although Defendant did have a conversation with Tribune Financial Advisor about the negative editorials regarding Blagojevich, Defendant did not relay the threats as directed by Blagojevich.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Natasha Korecki at the Sun-Times quotes Harris’ attorney as saying his client will have a “significant impact” in the feds’ case against Blagojevich…

“Working for Gov. Blagojevich for the most honest people, was an extraordinarily difficult thing to do,” Ekl said after his client pleaded guilty to one wire fraud count today. “I think John Harris ties a lot of incidents together. He will come across before a jury as absolutely 100 percent honest, because he is. I think his testimony will have a significant impact in the government’s case against the former governor.”

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Harris plea, this person seems fairly familiar…

…Blagojevich also pressed Defendant to have an “off campus” discussion with Senate Candidate D. Defendant knew that this was a reference to Blagojevich’s prior directive to Defendant to ask Senate Candidate D for Senate Candidate D’s remaining campaign funds in exchange for appointing Senate Candidate D to the U.S. Senate Seat.

Sometime in the summer of 2008, Blagojevich told Defendant that if he appointed Senate Candidate D to the vacant Senate seat, he would want and expect Senate Candidate D to give Blagojevich some or all of Senate Candidate D’s campaign funds. Blagojevich raised this topic, which was often referred to as “the off-campus discussion” with Senate Candidate D, in several phone calls with Defendant. Defendant believed that Blagojevich was again raising this issue because Blagojevich believed that a deal with representatives of President-elect Obama involving Senate Candidate B was no longer a possibility.

In response to Blagojevich’s directives to him, on November 12, 2008, Defendant met with Senate Candidate D in his Springfield office. During the meeting, Defendant had a discussion with Senate Candidate D about his plans for his campaign funds that could not be converted to personal use. Defendant did not directly tell Senate Candidate D that Blagojevich was going to ask Senate Candidate D for his campaign funds.

Based on what Defendant did say, however, Defendant believed that Senate Candidate D was on notice that, in relation to the Senate seat, Blagojevich was going to talk with Senate Candidate D about Senate Candidate D’s campaign funds.

Hat tip to a commenter. Senate Candidate D has not yet been positively identified, so let’s keep the speculation to a minimum, please.


A programming note

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve spent the past hour or so calling around to Chicago TV and radio stations to see if anyone was going to broadcast Lisa Madigan’s speech live. ABC7 may have the speech on its website. Check it at 2 o’clock. CLTV plans to put the raw video on its site shortly after the announcement. Madigan’s campaign will release her full text shortly after her speech ends, which I’ll post here. They also plan to upload video late this afternoon.

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Dominoes begin to fall - Kirk to run for Senate

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 12:59 pm - Cillizza reports that Kirk is in

Just hours after Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan took herself out of the running for the seat held by Sen. Roland Burris (D), Rep. Mark Kirk (R) has begun telling influential folks in Washington that he will make the race.

Kirk is widely regarded as the strongest candidate Republicans can field given his proven ability to win votes in a Democratic leaning district and his fundraising prowess. ]…]

National Republicans seem likely to line up behind Kirk although Illinois Republican Party Chairman Andy McKenna is in Washington today meeting with people about a possible candidacy, according to a D.C. source familiar with the visit.

* 1:01 pm - Confirmed that he’s calling around and telling people he’s in.

*** UPDATE - 1:55 pm *** Remember this from yesterday? I wonder how McKenna’s DC meeting went today? Probably not well…

The head of the Illinois Republican Party is making a move to run for the U.S. Senate.

Andy McKenna Jr. is due in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday to meet with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and with GOP members of the state’s congressional delegation. Key among the latter is North Shore Congressman Mark Kirk, who so far has not heeded pleas by party leaders to run, creating a political vacuum.

Poor timing on McKenna’s part. But several top Republicans were convinced as of yesterday that LMadigan was running for Senate, which would’ve kept Kirk out.

Meanwhile, the National Republican Senatorial Committee has sent out a blast e-mail that includes highly favorable snippets from today’s Kirk coverage. Many are taking that as a message to McKenna to get the heck out.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The setup, which is from last week

DuPage County State’s Attorney Joe Birkett plans to run for Illinois attorney general in 2010 - even if incumbent Lisa Madigan seeks a third term…. Birkett… said the attorney general position is his best fit, regardless of whom he faces on Election Day.

* The Question: Now that Madigan has decided to run for reelection, do you think Birkett drops out of the race or stays in? If he drops out, what does he run for? And how does he explain himself?


L. Madigan to stay put

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

10:45 am - Lisa Madigan to announce she will run for re-election run for re-election as Attorney General, rather than seek the Governorship or a Senate seat.


* From the Tribune

Madigan has a 2 p.m. political news conference scheduled at a Chicago hotel.

Madigan’s decision stunned Illinois politicians, who saw her being groomed by her father, powerful Democrat Michael Madigan, for top statewide office in a state where he has been the longest-running speaker of the House.

Democrats in Washington, including her former state Senate seatmate, President Barack Obama, courted her for a U.S. Senate bid for the seat he once held.


“She loves her job as attorney general, that’s the first reason,” said Mary Morrissey, Madigan’s political director told me. “Every day she can make a difference.” […]

The immediate political questions:

*Does Chris Kennedy, the Merchandise Mart mogul and Kennedy clan member move ahead with his planned Senate bid?

*Does Comptroller Dan Hynes run for another term or challenge Quinn?

*Over on the GOP side, everyone is waiting for Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) to announce his plans–for senate, governor or another term in the House.

I picked a heckuva day to take the morning off. Oops. Back on the case now. Many thanks to for picking up the ball and running with it.


This morning’s Napalm smells nothing like victory

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Democratic leader reviews are in, and they’re brutal

“Last week, the governor criticized the General Assembly for not spending enough money,” said Rikeesha Phelon, spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton, D-Chicago. “This week, he is criticizing us for spending too much money.”

Phelon said the spending in the bill Quinn vetoed was what the governor wanted when he laid out his proposed budget in March.

“He was for it before he was against it,” Phelon said in a statement.

You can almost taste the hostility.

Speaker Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown also had a stock response for reporters, calling the governor’s veto “his biggest flip-flop yet”

“Whatever happened to the tax increase? That appears to be gone,” Brown said of Quinn’s failure to continue his push for a tax hike Tuesday. “This (budget bill) is based on his numbers. It can’t possibly be out of balance.”

More whacking

Cullerton spokeswoman Rikeesha Phelon said the governor’s veto came as a surprise and was not mentioned during a meeting between Quinn and the Senate president earlier in the day. Phelon questioned why Quinn didn’t instead use his amendatory veto powers to alter the budget bill instead of rejecting it outright, and said the decision will add further tension to negotiations.

“If we just had to deal with the budget gap in these meetings, that would be one thing.Now we have to maneuver around his credibility gap,” Phelon said.


Back to Brown

“It appears that he’s bent on causing some chaos, when this legislation was designed to avoid even the threat of any kind of a government service disruption.”

Chaos. That sounds familiar.

* The press reviews aren’t much better

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn is now laying out his proposed billion dollars in cuts to state government, but isn’t actually cutting anything.

The Governor has instead vetoed another piece of the state budget, and is telling lawmakers they have to chose what will get cut… his veto simply sends the budget proposal back to Springfield for what’s expected to be a quick override vote in the Illinois House.

Today’s Sun-Times editorial, entitled “Quinn fails to deliver leadership for state,” was the harshest I’ve seen since Blagojevich’s days…

At moments of crisis, we look to our leaders for clarity and direction. Gov. Quinn provided neither Tuesday.

Instead, he hosted a confusing and bewildering news conference at the Thompson Center

It’s almost starting to feel like old times, isn’t it?

* AFSCME ain’t happy, of course…

“The governor entirely avoided discussing the human costs of the proposed cuts,” said AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall. “I heard no acknowledgment from Pat Quinn that 1,000 layoffs in the Department of Corrections will make prisons less safe.”

The union, human services workers and others affected by the proposed budget cuts have been among Quinn’s top allies in his quest for a state income tax hike to address a projected $9 billion deficit.

Yep. Zap an ally. Always worked for Rod.

* The Daily Herald points out the political and societal risks of releasing prisoners early

As Gov. Pat Quinn ponders releasing prison inmates as a budget-cutting move, he’s taking a huge political gamble that has the potential to sink any chance of him being elected back to the governor’s office. […]

Suburban lawmakers expressed concern with the idea saying it could exacerbate crime and overburden already overwhelmed parole agents.

“It’s a huge mistake,” said state Rep. Dennis Reboletti, an Elmhurst Republican and former prosecutor in Will County.

* And some senior citizens might not be happy, as well…

One of the programs targeted for budget cuts is Illinois Cares Rx, which serves low-income senior citizens and people with disabilities. Gov. Pat Quinn has proposed cutting the program by $40 million, or 25 percent.

* Next year isn’t looking so hot, either, by the way…

…Rep. Franco Coladipietro, a Blooomingdale Republican, said the governor and the General Assembly need to address initiatives that affect not just this year’s budget, but budgets several years down the road. He cited job growth, as well as more significant ethics and public employee pension reforms. “Passing a tax increase right now with making no changes to the structural budget process in Illinois only puts us in a position where we’ll be in the same exact position three years from now,” he said. “And it doesn’t change anything.”

* But

Pat Quinn isn’t concerned in the least.

Wait a minute. Wrong Pat Quinn. That’s a quote from the Edmonton Oilers‘ coach. He seems to be having a much easier go of it than our PQ.



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax

Wednesday, Jul 8, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
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