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Former Marion Mayor Bob Butler dies at 92

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


Former Marion, Illinois mayor, Bob Butler, passed away at 9:30 a.m. Monday, April 22, according to the City of Marion.

Emeritus Robert L. Butler, 92, was one of the longest-serving mayors in the United States. He retired from office on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 and Anthony Rinella succeeded him.

We talked to him in 2018 about his retirement. He said longevity brings consistency.

“I want to be remembered by one who did his best. I’ve tried to do the best I could at the greater interest of the people in Marion,” he said.

Former Mayor Anthony Rinella said the irony is that if he had served his whole term, Monday would have been his last day and Mike Absher would be sworn in.


In 2015, he was presented with the Lifetime of Service award from the Illinois Municipal League.

“He was a good friend of mine. I confided in him a lot, especially when I was mayor of Harrisburg,” said Sen. Dale Fowler, (R-Harrisburg). “I’m saddened but so respectful of his service.

Several southern Illinois legislators and community leaders reacted Monday to news of Butler’s death.

West Frankfort Mayor Tom Jordan told News 3, “He was the consummate mayor. If you looked up mayor in the dictionary, his picture would probably be there.”


Butler first took office in May of 1963. When he retired, he was the second-longest serving mayor in the United States. He was the longest serving mayor in the state of Illinois.

Butler’s death comes on the same day Mike Absher is to take the oath of office and be sworn in as the new Marion mayor. Absher won the April 2nd election, beating Anthony Rinella, who had served as Acting Mayor since Butler’s retirement.

* Marion Republican

Butler was the driving force behind the city’s west end development and Marion’s rebirth following the devastation of the 1982 tornado.

Butler said that once the city was back on firm ground financially, it was just a matter of enhancing an already good product. “I never dreamed of having a cultural and civic center like we have today or a top-notch recreational facility like the Hub or a gathering place like the Pavilion,” he said.

“In the back of my mind, I knew something good could happen here … as long as we didn’t stand in our own way.”

He was also a delegate to the state’s constitutional convention.

* Related…

* Former Marion Mayor Bob Butler died Monday at 92. Here are 90 facts about Butler, who was mayor for more than 50 years.


Today’s quotable

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Madeleine Doubek on redistricting reform

The Illinois Fair Maps Amendment has a supermajority of 36 of 59 senators signed on as sponsors, including 19 Republicans and 17 Democrats. It’s supported by minority groups, farmers, business and good government advocates around Illinois.

Is it right that there’s all that support, but Illinois Senate President John Cullerton hasn’t assigned it to a favorable committee to be debated and voted on? […]

Illinois politicians shouldn’t meddle in our elections any more than Russians should. We deserve elections we can trust. We deserve to know our votes mean something. Let’s try a citizen redistricting commission.

The Russians?


Question of the day

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


This week marks 100 days since Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker swore the oath of office.

* The Question: Your rating of the governor’s first 100 days in office? Explain.


It’s just a bill

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you only read this AP story, you’d never know that townships never had state legal authority to regulate wind farms. A couple of townships tried to unilaterally seize regulatory authority and this new law stops them

Gov. J.B. Pritzker predicts growth in wind-energy development after signing a law streamlining zoning rules.

The Democrat signed legislation Friday that allows only counties and municipalities to establish standards for developing wind farms. Townships will no longer have authority in the process.

Pritzker says the law will spur investment in rural areas, create jobs and pour tens of millions of dollars into the pockets of landowners and farmers and into government accounts in the form of property taxes.

* This bill passed the House with 73 votes

In recent years, many Illinois consumers were socked with steep price increases when buying health insurance on the Obamacare exchange.

A bill that’s gaining traction in Springfield, however, could prevent that. The bill would give the Illinois Department of Insurance the power to say no to certain sky-high price increases proposed by insurance companies for plans sold to individuals and small businesses. The bill wouldn’t apply to plans offered by large employers.

It’s a change proponents say could help protect consumers, while opponents of the bill say it does nothing to address the rising prices of health care that can lead to higher insurance prices, and it could limit the types of plans insurers are able to offer.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Bob Morgan, D-Highwood, would allow the Department of Insurance to reject rate increase proposals, for individual and small group plans, that are “unreasonable,” meaning they’re excessive, unjustified or unfairly discriminatory, as defined by the federal government. Now, Illinois reviews rates and may try to negotiate with insurers to bring them down, but the state generally can’t reject or change rates that are actuarially sound.

* The leagues want in on the action

Professional sports teams historically have taken an arm’s-length approach to gambling, but after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling last year overturned a prohibition on state-sanctioned sports betting, the Cubs, White Sox, Bulls and Blackhawks are ready to embrace it — if their respective leagues get a piece of the action.

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker is counting on $200 million in licensing revenue from sports betting to help fill an estimated $3.2 billion hole for the budget year that begins July 1. With a lengthy agenda awaiting them when they return to Springfield on April 30 from a two-week break, lawmakers are still wrangling over what legal sports betting would look like in Illinois.

All of Chicago’s major franchises — with the exception, so far, of the Bears — are backing a plan pushed by Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the PGA that would give professional leagues 25 cents of every $100 bet on their sports in the state. Among other arguments, the leagues say the fee would be fair compensation for the millions of dollars generated by wagering on their games.

But opponents, including the casinos and horse tracks that in early legislative proposals would be shelling out upward of $10 million for each sportsbook license, say the leagues should be left to negotiate with sportsbook operators if they want a cut.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Sanguinetti kicks off campaign

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Former Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti announced this morning in her hometown of Wheaton that she is running for Congress in Illinois’ 6th District to fight government overreach and the tax and spend policies that threaten our economy and continued prosperity.

“I am running for Congress to keep the American dream alive,” said Evelyn Sanguinetti. “Only in America can the child of teenage immigrants who grew up on food stamps ascend to college, law school, and become our country’s first Latina Lieutenant Governor. I want my children to have the chance to live their own American dream, which is only possible through liberty, access, and opportunity.”

“I really wanted to see Sean Casten be the voice this district needed when he won election last November,” said Evelyn Sanguinetti. “Unfortunately, all we have is another politician cozying up to progressives and socialists in support of increased taxes and expanded government - when he should be fighting for the district he was sent to represent.”

Following Sanguinetti’s announcement today, she will head to the northern part of the district to tour a manufacturing facility in Cary – where she will discuss policies to promote jobs and continued economic prosperity with local business owners. Later Monday, she will host a rally in Barrington with supporters to discuss why she is running for Congress and why she can unseat Sean Casten.

Over the last two weeks more than 90 elected officials and community leaders have endorsed Evelyn Sanguinetti for Congress - including Congressman John Shimkus (IL-15) and Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13)

“Evelyn Sanguinetti is the best candidate who can win in this district and make sure Nancy Pelosi is removed as Speaker,’ said Congressman Rodney Davis (IL-13). “Evelyn understands Illinois and the issues that are important to our constituents. She’s a suburban mom who will fight for lower taxes and smaller government so all future generations have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”

For a list of endorsements to date, please visit

I clicked the link and couldn’t find any endorsements.

…Adding… The endorsement list is now up. Here’s one

Bruce Rauner, former Illinois Governor

* Tribune

Despite her opposition to abortion, she said in a January 2018 interview with the Tribune that throughout the re-election campaign, she and Rauner “were on the same plane” and “were in sync as far as messaging and the things that we believed in and what we wanted to deliver for the people of the state of Illinois.” […]

While now seeking a role in shaping federal policy, Sanguinetti displayed some questionable command when it came to foreign trade policy in a July 2018 interview with a Bloomington radio station.

Asked if she was supporting Trump trade policies and tariffs that were affecting Illinois farmers, Sanguinetti told WJBC-AM 1230: “Well, yeah, yeah. I do believe that at the end of the day, if people are paying less to be part of an organized agreement between nations, they should pay their fair share.”

Sanguinetti’s comments echoed those that Trump made in an appearance before NATO, the defense alliance with European nations, which has nothing to do with foreign trade. Trump had urged NATO member countries to increase payments to the group.

*** UPDATE *** DCCC…

Right out of the gate, newly announced candidate for Congress Evelyn Sanguinetti is lining up to back President Trump and his re-election – even if she doesn’t exactly want voters to know, as the Daily Herald reports:

    In her Friday interview, Sanguinetti initially was evasive about whether she will back President Trump in 2020, but a campaign spokesman later said she supports his re-election.

Given President Trump’s disastrous record of hiking taxes and health care costs, it’s no surprise that Sanguinetti doesn’t want voters to know that she’s squarely behind President Trump. But, when push comes to shove, Sanguinetti would be another rubber stamp vote in Congress for Trump’s agenda of higher taxes for Illinois homeowners and higher health care costs for middle-class families.

“It took Evelyn Sanguinetti less than a day on the campaign trail, but she’s already admitted that she’s backing President Trump and his agenda of higher health care costs and tax hikes for middle-class families in Illinois,” said DCCC spokesperson Mike Gwin. “It may be tough for a Springfield politician like Evelyn Sanguinetti to give a straight answer, but at least voters now know that – when push comes to shove – Sanguinetti will be on President Trump’s side, not theirs.”


Separatism can spiral out of control

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The state of Washington has its own Eastern Bloc

A Washington state lawmaker says it’s time for eastern Washington to break away and become a 51st state called Liberty in order to protect gun rights and avoid the “socialist values of downtown Seattle.”

In a fiery speech Friday, Republican Matt Shea of Spokane Valley promoted his “state of Liberty” proposal at a sparsely attended 51st state rally in the Capitol rotunda.

“I’m not going to sit in a state that is going to try to take away our firearms,” Shea told the crowd, some of whom were openly carrying firearms. “So if they try to do that, then the only solution left is a 51st state.”

As Shea spoke, an unidentified bodyguard watched his back and two men held a 51st state flag that featured an osprey and the words “Liberty, Founded in Truth.” Shea said splitting Washington into two states would protect people in eastern Washington from what he described as Seattle’s experiment with socialism. […]

A six-term member of the Washington House, Shea is a self-described “Constitutional conservative” and “pro-liberty” legislator. He’s also no stranger to controversy. Last August, in a speech at a pro-gun rally, he referred to the media as “dirty, godless, hateful people.” In 2016, Shea participated in what he called a “fact-finding mission” to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge where he and other Northwest lawmakers met with the armed militants who had occupied the facility, as well as local officials and the FBI. In 2014, Shea traveled to Nevada to lend support to rancher Cliven Bundy, whose son led the Malheur occupation, during his fight with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing fees. […]

Shea has been trying to launch Liberty since at least 2015. This year, Shea and fellow Republican Bob McCaslin, also of Spokane Valley, introduced a bill to get Liberty up and running. The lawmakers have also introduced a House Joint Memorial petitioning Congress to create a new state in eastern Washington. So far neither have gotten a public hearing.

Our own Eastern Bloc uses similar rhetoric, but as you’ll see below it has so far been pretty tame by comparison, although ours appears larger.

* Things have clearly gotten out of hand in Washington

A Washington state Republican politician took part in private discussions with rightwing figures about carrying out surveillance, “psyops” and even violent attacks on perceived political enemies, according to chat records obtained by the Guardian.

State representative Matt Shea, who represents Spokane Valley in the Washington state house, participated in the chats with three other men. All of the men used screen aliases – Shea’s was “Verum Bellator”, Latin for true warrior. The Guardian confirmed the identity of those in the chat by cross-checking phone numbers attached to the Signal accounts. […]

The chats on the messaging app Signal took place in the days leading up to a supposed “Antifa revolt” on 4 November 2017. Throughout late October, far-right media outlets had been stoking fears of political conflict on the basis of planned peaceful protests by a small leftist group.

The men proposed to confront leftists – whom they repeatedly refer to as “communists” and “Antifa” – with a suite of tactics, including violence.

* Related…

* Wilhour Endorses County Board Votes on State Separation, FOID Card Registration: “They continue to burden our industries with impossible regulations that have crippled our private sector and limited our ability to create high wage jobs. They have no respect for the traditional values that have made our area great, and they are constantly working to erode our Constitutional rights. This is a position that I have long resisted, but so long as Chicago continues to marginalize our rights, our values and our pathway to prosperity; I contend that we are in fact better off without them.”

* Sen. Brian Stewart: Do we have challenges? Absolutely we do! We’ve had challenges since our state became a state. We’ll have more. I don’t think our challenges are because downstate Illinois is a tugboat riding the global tsunami of “powerful economic forces.” And I don’t think decline is inevitable. We’re different. We have always been different. And there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s what folks like Krugman and Matthews are missing. They don’t get what makes us different. Maybe our differences mean we have a different economy that requires different solutions than big cities do. Maybe that’s the reason “one size fits all” doesn’t work for us, whether it’s a mandate or an economic development incentive. There’s a lot we can do. We can follow Professor James Ziliak’s advice, in his chapter for the Aspen Institute titled “Restoring Economic Opportunity for ‘The People Left Behind’: Employment Strategies for Rural America,” and invest in “rural broadband infrastructure; an ongoing program of expanded access to financial capital for entrepreneurs and other small-business development initiatives in rural areas; and … to rejuvenate rural infrastructure.”We can pass the common sense solutions I filed this session, like SB1925 and SB1926 that seek to expand tax credits to downstate cities and towns, while removing dangerously restrictive language for businesses applying for the economic development incentives under the Growing Economy Tax Credit Act. We can look to the Illinois Farm Bureau’s recommendations that include regulatory reform; a reasonable tax policy especially when it comes to capital gains taxes and “lower effective tax rates for small and family-owned farms and ranches”; and infrastructure investment, that I personally think also has to end the practice of taking tax dollars from downstate Illinois and spending it in Chicago.


This barely noticed gaming bill could be a whole lot bigger than advertised

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the synopsis of SB516

Provides procedures for a riverboat to relocate to new a location. Removes provisions that describe the geographical locations certain riverboats shall be docked.

The bill, sponsored by Sen. Terry Link (D-Vernon Hills), passed the Senate last week 44-5. Link has been pushing for a Waukegan casino pretty much ever since he was first elected.

The bill’s House sponsor is Rep. Marty Moylan (D-Des Plaines), who has the state’s most successful casino in his home town, where he used to be mayor.

* Hannah Meisel at the Daily Line

The impetus for the bill was to allow Penn Gaming, the owner of the Hollywood Casino Aurora, to move its facility to another part of the city, said State Rep. Marty Moylan (D-Des Plaines). But Moylan, the bill’s House sponsor, told The Daily Line that he felt the same opportunity should be afforded to all casinos in the state, and not just for a potential move across town.

“It’s an opportunity for some town or developer to move an existing license to another town and make it prosper,” Moylan said. […]

If a town and the casino’s existing owner agreed to revenue sharing terms, the Illinois Gaming Board would ultimately approve or disapprove the move based on the criteria laid out in the bill. […]

While Moylan is a Democrat, he opposes legalizing marijuana, and last month found 60 fellow House members to sign onto a resolution that calls for “slow[ing] the process of legalizing recreational marijuana in Illinois.” […]

“The governor says if we don’t like his revenue sources, we should find places to cut,” Moylan said. “Why not take casinos that are not doing good or are on the verge of bankruptcy and move them to Rockford or Waukegan? It would create jobs and the state would realize millions in revenue.”


Think Big ad gets it wrong

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From one of the latest Think Big Illinois TV ads

In almost every state with an income tax, wealthy people pay a higher tax rate than the middle class

* Nope

Even by the most conservative definition, there are 19 states with income taxes that do not apply higher rates to the earnings of the wealthy — nine flat tax states and 10 with graduated taxes with rates that top out at income below $25,000. Add in another eight states where top rates for married couples kick in somewhere between $31,000 and $104,000, and the Think Big claim becomes even more dubious.

That means far from “almost every” income-taxing state levies a higher rate on top earners, earning this claim a rating of Mostly False.

The ad also claims Kentucky has a graduated income tax. Its rate is a flat 5 percent with some income-reducing itemized deductions.


Woodward out, Odom in, McSweeney hit

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Over the weekend…

* I told subscribers about the rest of this last week

After losing six House seats in the 2018 general election, the House Republican Organization is reorganizing its leadership team and ramping up fundraising. […]

[Political Director Joe Woodward] is moving to the private sector, and HRO has hired Jayme Odom with the new title: executive director.

“We’re bringing in additional fundraisers and plan to be more aggressive with members on their own fundraising with the organization,” Durkin told POLITICO. The changes come after re-evaluating the 2018 losses. “When you have a multi-billionaire writing checks, it’s difficult,” Durkin said, referring, of course, to Gov. J.B. Pritzker‘s backing of so many Dem candidates. “We have to be more self-sufficient.” […]

Last week, the House GOP leader pulled [Rep. Dave McSweeney’s] communications aide after McSweeney spoke out against Rep. Steve Reick for a racially tinged comment about a bill requiring company boards to diversify. Reick later apologized. McSweeney paid to promote a tweet condemning Reick’s comment. In a statement to POLITICO, Durkin said: “This is an internal caucus matter. I will continue working to move the Republican Party and House Republican caucus forward in Illinois but will not tolerate public attacks on fellow members.”

Subscribers know more, including McSweeney’s response, which was quite something. Also, they didn’t remove his comms staffer for just the one instance.


A hard, consequential slog is coming

Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My syndicated newspaper column

From the looks of things, the fine print of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s most important legislative priorities should start becoming public not long after state legislators return from spring break on Tuesday April 30.

Legislators, the governor’s office and stakeholders have been negotiating the nuts and bolts of numerous items for weeks and they’re just about finished.

So, we’ll apparently start to see specific language pop out in public for things like the legalization of cannabis and sports betting.

The statutory language for the governor’s graduated income tax, which will set the various tax rates, will also likely be unveiled around that time.

We could maybe even see parts of the infrastructure bill by early May, and possibly some language for a new graduated tax on video gaming.

Those unveilings will all be followed by a couple of weeks of hearings in both chambers and then floor votes will commence.

There are actually five scheduled post-break session weeks ending on the final deadline of Friday, May 31, which is fortuitous for the Pritzker administration because they’re going to need every possible day they can get.

Everything has a long way to go before any of this is a done deal. Successful negotiations don’t automatically guarantee majorities in both chambers. And some negotiations are still not finished. Nobody yet knows for sure how the infrastructure bill will be funded, for example, which is pretty darned important. Infrastructure costs real money and that money has to come from somewhere.

Some legislators are pushing for more property tax relief from the governor’s income tax plan, which, if they’re successful, would mean less money for state programs or higher rates than the governor originally proposed, or both.

And, as I write this, big decisions still need to be made about cannabis and sports betting legalization, although proponents hope to circulate a draft of the cannabis bill to stakeholders sometime around April 22.

As you can clearly see, this is not a light load, particularly since the governor’s office, and not legislative staff, appears to be drafting the final versions of their bills and the governor’s staff is not exactly brimming with extra people just waiting around for assignments. I think Pritzker’s staff is probably the smallest one I’ve ever seen.

There’s also this thing called the budget that still must be worked out. Gov. Pritzker’s budget proposal seeks to plug some big fiscal holes by using revenues from cannabis, sports betting, the new tax on video gaming and a bunch of other things that aren’t easy to pass. And that’s just the revenue side. There will be disagreements over spending as well.

Amanda Kass, the associate director of the Government Finance Research Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, crunched the governor’s pension proposal numbers this month and didn’t have good news.

The governor has claimed he wants to put about $900 million a year less into the pension systems than state law requires, but Kass’ research turned up a significantly higher $1.1 billion projection for next fiscal year (and for six years after that), which is giving folks heartburn.

Not that Pritzker’s fellow Democrats (or the Republicans) have anything serious to counter the governor’s proposals with, except on the edges. There are no real competing ideas out there, so the task at hand is convincing members of his own party to just grit hard and vote for these bills.

The governor’s budget also proposes stuff like phasing out the private school tuition tax credit program, which has strong support among some Catholic, Jewish and other legislators.

He would also impose a tax on disposable plastic shopping bags, which has the potential to anger millions of Illinoisans every week for the grand revenue total of a mere $20 million a year. And he wants to pick yet another fight with the powerful Illinois Retail Merchants Association over how much sales tax money that retailers can keep as payment for collecting the sales tax.

Not to mention that the Senate may be combining some energy-related bills into an omnibus package. And the House is working on a massive ethics/sexual harassment proposal.

And don’t forget the hundreds and hundreds of bills that were passed during the first few months of the spring session and are now awaiting committee hearings and floor votes in the opposite chambers.

This could turn out to be the busiest and most consequential final month of session I’ve ever seen.



Monday, Apr 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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