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Former Rep. Stoneback files defamation suit

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie) has filed a lawsuit against G-PAC and Rep. Kevin Olickal. Press release

Former State Rep. Denyse Wang Stoneback (D-Skokie), announced that she has filed a complaint including claims of defamation and false light, which can be downloaded at Stoneback stated:

“I have worked to reduce gun violence for the past decade. Since the Sandy Hook school shooting, I created a non-profit, a coalition, and a national working group to reduce gun violence. I also have passed gun safety legislation and stopped the largest gun shop and range in the Midwest from locating near schools in my community.

Unfortunately, my reputation as a well-known advocate and voice for gun violence prevention was severely damaged by statements in the 2022 primary election that intentionally described my record falsely, and portrayed me as an enemy to gun violence prevention.

Due to the harm these statements have done to my reputation, the distress the situation has caused me, the damages and harm I suffered, and the need to attempt to right a wrong and prevent it from occurring in the future, I felt compelled to file my lawsuit, pursue remedies available to me, and, at the same time, set the record straight.

The truth matters. The public deserves reliable facts as they make critical decisions about who will represent them. Prohibiting false statements in political campaigns in some manner is law in 27 states, but not in Illinois. In the fall of 2022, I introduced a bill to prohibit false statements, libel, and defamation in political advertising in campaigns and ensure that candidates commit to our state’s Code of Fair Campaign Practices. I encourage state legislators to pass this legislation, and I encourage all candidates for elected office to sign on and commit to observing the Code of Fair Campaign Practices.

Undoubtedly many other candidates have faced situations similar to mine. By shedding light on the facts, I hope others will join me in calling for these changes. Together we can take an important step towards improving the way we conduct political campaigns in Illinois.

I will not allow the unfortunate occurrences of the 2022 election to get in the way of progress and the work that needs to be done. Despite what has happened, I remain committed to reducing gun violence, and hope to continue my work in this area.”

* Stoneback and G-PAC both supported a Fix the FOID bill which included mandatory submission of fingerprints. The bill passed the House, but stalled in the Senate. G-PAC eventually decided to support a compromise bill for voluntary fingerprint submissions. Stoneback refused to go along, conflict ensued, yada-yada-yada, G-PAC backed Kevin Olickal in the primary. It was quite a negative campaign. Stoneback lost, then introduced a “truth in campaigning” bill before leaving office and eventually filed suit. From that lawsuit

Defendant [ Friends of Kevin Olickal], created and published a mailer flyer that included an excerpt quoting statements from Kathleen Sances, President and Chief Executive Officer of Defendant GPAC (“FOKO First Mailer Flyer”).

Specifically, the FOKO First Mailer Flyer stated that “… [Ms. Stoneback] turned her back on the people that elected her by not supporting life-saving universal background checks, fingerprinting for gun license applications, and mental health and trauma support funding for survivors.”

The FOKO First Mailer Flyer also stated that “Rep. Wang Stoneback failed to keep our children, families, and communities safe from illegal guns that have led to an increase in violence.” […]

These statements are false. […]

In June 2022, Defendant FOKO created and published another mailer flyer that falsely stated “Denyse Wang Stoneback Chose to Stand with the NRA” (“FOKO Second Mailer Flyer”).

In addition, the FOKO Second Mailer Flyer emphasized this false statement by including a photograph of Ms. Stoneback next to a photograph of the National Rifle Association (“NRA”) logo.

Additionally, the FOKO Second Mailer Flyer stated that, “[w]hile Mass Shootings Terrorized Ou[r] Country, Denyse Wang Stoneback Stood With the NRA And Ignored Victims of Gun Violence. […]

These statements are false. […]

The Defendant GPAC created and published a third mailer flyer that contained false statements about Ms. Stoneback (“Third GPAC Mailer Flyer”).

The Third GPAC Mailer Flyer stated: “Why did Denyse Wang Stoneback tell grieving mothers NO to supporting universal background checks on gun purchases? … because for politicians like Denyse Wang Stoneback it’s my way or the highway.” […]

These statements are false. […]

The Defendants knew their Defendants’ False Statements did not accurately reflect Ms. Stoneback’s record on gun safety legislation. […]

Additionally, the Defendants sought to destroy Ms. Stoneback’s reputation as a gun safety advocate. […]

As a result of the Defendants’ False Statements, Ms. Stoneback lost the primary election in June 2022. […]

As a result of the foregoing conduct of Defendants Kevin Olickal and FOKO through the publication of the FOKO Flyer Statements, Ms. Stoneback has suffered and continues to suffer damages including, but not limited to, harmed reputation, harmed standing in the community, and, loss of income.

In addition to the foregoing, Ms. Stoneback has suffered economic harm in the form of lost income as a state representative and the monies expended on her campaign.

It goes on, so go read the rest.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Afternoon roundup

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

*** UPDATE *** I just now noticed that Cristina Pacione-Zayas (D-Chicago) has resigned from the Senate. Let the appointment games begin.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* Crain’s

Former Commonwealth Edison CEO Anne Pramaggiore could see ComEd parent Exelon seek recovery of legal costs the company has paid on her behalf, as well as past incentive compensation, if the expected appeal of her conviction on conspiracy and bribery charges fails.

That’s the recommendation of a special committee appointed by Exelon’s board to respond to shareholder lawsuits filed following the bribery scandal that led to jury convictions last month of Pramaggiore and three others. Exelon’s board last month endorsed the committee’s proposed settlement of a handful of such lawsuits, according to a court filing. […]

“If Ms. Pramaggiore and/or Mr. Hooker’s convictions were ultimately affirmed after all appeals are exhausted, the SLC (special litigation committee) believes that the Exelon board would have a strong basis to pursue any available civil claims against Ms. Pramaggiore and/or Mr. Hooker, including for recoupment of previously advanced legal fees, compensation subject to clawback pursuant to the Company’s clawback policies and/or other claims for damages,” according to the May 26 filing by the committee in federal court in Chicago. “Particularly in light of certain changes that have been made to the company’s leadership and board, and consistent with the corporate governance reforms already put in place and to be put in place in accordance with the settlement terms, the SLC believes the board will be well-positioned to determine whether the pursuit of such claims is in the best interest of the company at that time.”

* Crain’s

Both Chicago and Illinois have been screaming hard in Washington trying to get the feds to come up with more to help care for the influx of refugees arriving here from the Southern border. They’re about to get their wish — but only in part.

A knowledgeable source says the next tranche of refugee aid to be announced early in the week will include $19.3 million for Illinois, with just over half of the aid — $10.5 million — allocated for Chicago.

Both surely wanted more; the Chicago City Council just appropriated more than $50 million to pay for food, shelter and other expenses through June. But it’s a lot better than the $8.5 million they had to split in the last award in May.

…Adding… Chicago’s $10.5 million is on top of the state’s $19.3 million, I’m told. So, almost $30 million. That ain’t too horrible.

* Press release…

Governor JB Pritzker was joined by Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, advocates, and lawmakers today at the Harold Washington Library to sign legislation outlawing book bans in Illinois. This nation-leading legislation comes in the wake of a nationwide rise in extremists targeting literature, libraries, and books in an effort to censor the material students need to thrive in the classroom. Targeted books cover a wide range of categories and predominantly consists of stories by and about People of Color and the LGBTQ+ community. […]

This legislation, HB2789, protects the freedom of libraries to acquire materials without external limitations. Prior to this, Illinois law did not provide such protections and according to Chicago-based American Library Association (ALA), there were 67 attempts to ban books in Illinois in 2022. Just this past year, PEN American reported 1,477 instances of books being banned nationwide during the first half of the 2022-23 school year, affecting 874 individual titles.

HB2789 tasks the Illinois State Librarian and the Illinois State Library with adopting the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, statewide. This bill of rights indicates that reading materials should not be proscribed, removed, or restricted because of partisan or personal disproval. Illinois libraries would only be eligible for state-funded grants if they adopt the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights.

Alternatively, the State Librarian and State Library can work together to develop their own written statement declaring that every library or library system must provide an adequate collection of books and other materials to satisfy the people of Illinois

DPI responds…

“I applaud the Illinois General Assembly and Governor Pritzker for taking action to defend our schools and libraries from attacks on access to accurate information and diverse stories, and I’m grateful to Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, our State’s Librarian, who led this effort to defend Illinoisans’ freedom. Removing books from our shelves represents a dangerous backslide into a world where a small but loud minority can silence anyone who looks, loves, or believes differently than they do. As extreme right wing groups attempt to place candidates with their regressive values into local offices across Illinois and the nation, it’s as important as ever that we step up to defend our children, their freedoms, and their futures,” said DPI Chair Lisa Hernandez.

Earlier this year, the Democratic Party of Illinois took action to prevent extreme candidates who supported policies including book banning from taking over school and library boards. DPI successfully prevented 73% of the candidates it communicated against from winning their elections. Throughout this unprecedented program, DPI reached hundreds of thousands of individuals and households in Illinois via digital and mail communications as well as organizing support. This initiative was brought forth as part of the new party building directive under the leadership of Chair Hernandez to provide year round support to Democrats through grassroots organizing and continuous voter engagement. The legislation signed today will act as an additional safeguard against far-right efforts to limit access to diverse ideas and inclusive education.

* Press release…

With attacks on same-sex couples and marriages on the rise across the nation, State Senator Mike Simmons successfully sponsored a law signed Friday to strengthen marriage equality for same-sex couples in Illinois.

“As the first openly gay senator in Illinois, protecting and strengthening same-sex marriage laws in this state is significant to who I am and what I fight for,” said Simmons (D-Chicago). “I am proud to support legislation that protects same-sex marriages in Illinois and creates avenues for same-sex couples in other states coming to Illinois seeking those same protections.”

House Bill 1591 protects same sex marriages in Illinois by repealing the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution Act. This bill provides that same-sex couples can receive a marriage license in Illinois without requiring a signature from an official from their previous state. This will make it easier for same-sex couples who resided in other states to marry in Illinois.

“With the overturning of Roe v. Wade, many are suspecting of the Supreme Court’s intentions regarding Obergefell v. Hodges, which protects marriage equality,” said Simmons. “This bill makes marriage equality stronger for Illinoisans and provides security to same-sex couples.”

* From Gov. Pritzker’s Northwestern University commencement address today

Thank you to President Schill for your kind introduction. To the Class of 2023: congratulations on your graduation from one of the finest universities in the world.

Look, I know there were more than a few of you who may have groaned when you heard that the Governor was going to be your commencement speaker. Believe me, I too would rather be listening to Beyoncé give a speech today.

But rest assured, as a Northwestern Law School alum, I studied up before crafting my remarks, mostly by watching a whole bunch of YouTube videos of other people’s commencement addresses. And I’ve come to the conclusion that the best graduation speeches are a lot like your favorite sitcoms. They are short. They make you laugh. And they feature an oddball but lovable character.
Well, I’m your oddball character, folks.

Today, graduates, I want to invoke a seminal piece of twenty-first century culture to help send you forward on the right path in life.
I am, of course, talking about the Emmy award-winning sitcom known as “The Office” – which in its two-hundred episode run gave us all the wisdom you need to make your way in this world.

Now look, the younger members of my staff made it clear to me that your generation might consider “The Office” to be sort of “cheugy” – which I learned is a pejorative term meaning “uncool” or “you’re trying too hard.”

That’s fine. I don’t care. I’m a dad. By definition, dads are cheugy. We try too hard every day. Mostly to get our kids to turn off the lights when they leave a room. We don’t care if you don’t think we’re cool – we are determined to plunge ahead anyway.

Turns out, Steve Carell was in the audience, according to Tina Sfondeles

But the Democratic governor didn’t know he’d be delivering a commencement address in front of Michael Scott himself, according to his office.

Actor Steve Carell, who played Scott on the show, along with his wife, Nancy, who also appeared on the sitcom, were at Ryan Field to celebrate their daughter’s graduation from the university. […]

Pritzker’s office said Carell and the governor met briefly after the address, with Carell telling him he liked his speech. Both Pritzker and his chief of staff, Anne Caprara, wrote the speech before learning Carell would be in the audience — and both are self-avowed die-hard “The Office” fans.

* Durbin endorses the Democratic primary opponent of Rep. Jonathan Carroll…

Hon. Tracy Katz Muhl, Democrat for Illinois State Representative in the 57th District, held her first campaign event on Saturday, June 10. The Northfield Township Committeeperson spoke to a packed room of supporters, including prominent politicians at Northbrook’s Techny Prairie Activity Center.

A former District 28 School Board President, Katz Muhl laid out how her experience, collaborative nature, and tenacity ensure her ability to raise the voices of constituents and make progress on issues most important to residents of the 57th District. A number of state leaders spoke at the event in support of Katz Muhl, including U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider, IL State Senator Laura Fine, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, and Cook County Board Commissioner Scott Britton.

“I am running for state representative to enact meaningful legislation that will make a genuine impact in people’s lives,” said Katz Muhl. “As your township Democratic Committeeperson, your school board president, a gun violence prevention advocate, and a grassroots organizer, I have listened to, coordinated and amplified the voices of our community to make real change. Now it’s time to scale that up to give the voters of the 57th District a stronger and more representative voice in Springfield. It’s time to get things done.”

While unable to attend the event in person, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin, sent his endorsement in a statement that said, “Tracy is an effective leader who knows how to get things done. Her experience as a lawyer, school board president, and community organizer proves she has the skills to make a difference in Springfield. Tracy is a lifelong advocate for gun safety, reproductive freedom, and the LGBTQ+ community. We need her working for us in Springfield.”

* US Rep. Mike Bost announced he’s running again…

U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12) formally announced the launch of his reelection campaign at a meet-and-greet with supporters in White County on Saturday.

“Joe Biden and the crazy liberals in Congress are attempting to fundamentally change our way of life. Their woke, radical agenda is causing chaos with our economy, confusion in our schools, and a crisis at our southern border,” said Bost. “I’m honored to run for reelection because Southern Illinoisans deserve a fighter they know and trust to stand up for constitutional conservative values. We’ve got enough show horses in Washington as it is; that’s why I remain laser focused on serving the people and delivering real results for Southern Illinois, the place I’ve proudly called home my entire life.”

During his time in Congress, Bost has compiled a proven, conservative record, previously receiving endorsements from the NRA’s Political Victory Fund, Illinois Right to Life, and Illinois Farm Bureau. He was also endorsed by President Donald Trump the last three election cycles. Bost served as a state representative, small business owner, professional firefighter, and is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.

He will probably face former state Sen. Darren Bailey, a noted show horse.

* Up until this morning, the Will County Board’s June 15 agenda included this


    1. Recognizing the Juneteenth Holiday
    2. Recognizing June as Pride Month
    3. Recognizing MOMS for America

Those three oddly paired items have since been removed.

…Adding… The County Board Chair, not the Executive sets the legislative agenda, I’m told.

* Isabel’s roundup…

    * Shaw Local | Illinois hospital to close: The St. Margaret’s Health board of directors met recently and finalized the Spring Valley hospital will close 11:59 p.m. Friday, June 16. […] St. Margaret’s had announced in mid-May a June 16 closure was imminent without emergency state funding. A state budget passed without any assistance for the hospital. The closure - combined with January’s closure of the Peru hospital - will leave western La Salle and eastern Bureau counties without an emergency room throughout the summer.

    * Crain’s | Paul Vallas’ new role might reveal something about his true political leanings: But, later In the interview, Vallas spun his hiring [by the Illinois Policy Institute] as a good thing of no ideological significance. “I’m a research wonk. They do research,” he said. “They know my Democratic credentials. That suggests they want a diverse staff.” Vallas declined to discuss whether his new job suggests he misled voters. “I’m not a candidate now,” said Vallas. “I’m not going to go into that. It is what it is… I’ve done research for a number of groups through the years.”

    * Daily Herald | Why Illinois consumers will soon pay more for groceries: The yearlong suspension of the state’s 1% tax on groceries ends July 1. […] “It’s usually cheaper to cook it yourself than go out, so people will still shop for groceries and cut back elsewhere,” [Rob Karr, president of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association] said. “It would also be a big difference if it were a 10% tax coming back and not 1%. We don’t expect this will affect grocers much.”

    * Tribune | Cook County says employees and pensioners can breathe a little easier with long-awaited fixes: Following years of consternation about whether Cook County’s two main pension funds would fulfill its obligations to its 39,000 employees and retirees, county leaders are saying they are on track to reform. A pair of moves within the past year has freed up access to more pools of cash to help shore up the county’s long-underfunded pensions, though fiscal experts say the county will have to be careful not to overcorrect and tie their hands on spending for other needs.

    * Tribune | Ex-state Sen. Terry Link back on witness stand in bribery trial of Chicago businessman: Under questioning from Assistant U.S. Attorney Sean Franzblau on Wednesday, Link spent about an hour and a half taking the jury through his role spearheading the state’s massive gambling overhaul legislation in 2019, as well as a shouting match he had with Arroyo, a Chicago Democrat, about it on the Senate floor and a secretly recorded meeting at a Highland Park Wendy’s where prosecutors say the proposal to pay off Link was first made four years ago.

    * Tribune | What makes a fair election? Recent redistricting the most politically balanced in years: The dissatisfaction once voiced most loudly by Democrats in states gerrymandered by Republicans is now also rising from Republicans in such places as rural Macoupin County, Illinois. A Republican represented the former coal mining county in Congress during the past decade. But a Democrat won the redrawn district in 2022 after it got transformed into a slender snake-like shape — with a head in the twin university cities of Champaign and Urbana and a new tail in the Democratic suburbs of St. Louis.

    * SJ-R | Bill regulating cryptocurrency stalls, possibility remains for veto session: HB 3479 would create the Uniform Money Transmission Modernization Act and Digital Assets Regulation Act, where the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Secretary would issue annual licenses and overall regulate digital asset business activity in the state.

    * Tribune | Overcrowding, cold food and uncertain futures a way of life for migrants in Chicago’s shelters: The condition of the city’s 12 shelters cannot be assessed fully because the city has repeatedly denied a request from the Tribune and others for access to them. According to a letter in May from Chicago’s congressional delegation, the city has spent more than $75 million in the past nine months on over 10,000 new arrivals who have come to Chicago since August, and Chicago aldermen recently voted to spend an additional $51 million on migrant care through June.

    * NBC | An Illinois hospital is the first health care facility to link its closing to a ransomware attack: Suzanne Stahl, the chair of SMP Health, the hospital’s parent organization, said last month that the hospital was planning to close this year. “Due to a number of factors, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the cyberattack on the computer system of St. Margaret’s Health, and a shortage of staff, it has become impossible to sustain our ministry,” she said in a Facebook video.

    * Crain’s | How Chicago companies are testing the potential — and peril — of ChatGPT and AI: JPMorgan’s approach reflects the mix of wariness and excitement ChatGPT has stirred up among local companies as they consider possible uses of a new technology that burst on the scene in a tsunami of hype. In recent months, Chicago-area businesses from United Airlines to Morningstar have started experimenting cautiously with ChatGPT and its artificial-intelligence siblings.

    * Chicago Tribune Guild | UNEQUAL: A study of pay at the Chicago Tribune: There is an unconscionable pay gap between journalists of color and white journalists at the Chicago Tribune. The median wage for a full-time journalist of color is $10,000 less than a white full-time journalist. Comparing median pay for our full-time workers, for every dollar that a white journalist is paid, Alden values our journalists of color at 86 cents. From the data we can crunch, this gap can’t be attributed to differences in worker’s ages/ experience.

    * Crain’s | Grubhub lays off 400 workers: “After much consideration and evaluation of our business, we have made the difficult decision to reduce Grubhub’s workforce by 15%, impacting approximately 400 of our corporate employees,” the company said in a written statement. “These changes will enable Grubhub to invest in the growth of our core business and better position the company for long-term success.”

    * SJ-R | Celebrating Juneteenth in Springfield: here are some events to attend: From a parade and street fair to talent shows and an outdoor revival, there’s plenty to do to celebrate Juneteenth in Springfield.

    * AP | GM to invest $632 million at Fort Wayne assembly plant: The investment in new conveyors and equipment in the body shop and assembly areas won’t create any new jobs. But GM said on Monday it will keep jobs for about 4,000 people who work at the plant.

    * SJ-R | Sangamo Club to close doors Friday after 133 years: The Sangamo Club’s management cited a changing social environment and declining membership for the end of a Springfield institution. In a letter sent Saturday to club members, president James Ackerman said that the club had been losing money for some time, without the kinds of recreational activities that could keep a similar organization afloat.

    * Daily Herald | Glen Ellyn’s Sean Hayes wins a Tony: Former Glen Ellyn resident Sean Hayes won the Tony Award for leading actor in a play Sunday night for his tour-de-force performance as pianist/raconteur Oscar Levant in “Good Night, Oscar.”


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Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Report: Danville abortion clinic site repairs torn down in new attack

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background is here if you need it. Illinois Public Media is reporting that the site of an as-yet-unopened Danville abortion clinic has been vandalized a second time. You’ll recall that a man was arrested last month after he repeatedly slammed his car into the building that will eventually house the clinic. According to the police affidavit, the man brought several containers filled with gasoline with him.

Recently, “a new vandal tore down the temporary repairs from the last attack,” reports Farrah Anderson.

* Meanwhile, from a press release…

Planned Parenthood of Illinois (PPIL) has experienced a 54% increase in abortion patients, both medication and procedural, since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. PPIL data also show that more patients than ever are coming to one of our health centers at a higher gestational age that requires a procedural abortion. Abortions over 16 weeks gestational age now makes up 13% of all procedural abortions, compared to 8% pre-Dobbs decision. The number of patients needing financial assistance or travel support to get care at PPIL has more than doubled in the year since Dobbs. These trends demonstrate how bans and restrictions force patients to delay and travel farther for care. […]

PPIL data also indicates since the Dobbs decision:

    • Over the course of the year, nearly a quarter (25%) of PPIL patients traveled from another state compared to 7% before Dobbs.
    • Patients traveled from 34 different states.
    • The number of patients needing financial assistance or travel support for care more than doubled, and the average amount increased from $250 to almost $500 because of expanded distances, time delays, and costs of travel.
    • PPIL provided over $1.5 million in financial support to abortion patients through a combination of sources over the last year.

PPIL anticipated the surge in patients seeking abortion and gender-affirming care and took many steps to expand access. In July 2022, PPIL announced a partnership with Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin (PPWI) for abortion care providers from PPWI to travel to Illinois several days a week, expanding access to care at our Waukegan Health Center and across the state. In September 2022, PPIL unveiled the expansion of the Champaign Health Center to offer procedural abortion services to meet the demand of patients in central Illinois and Indiana. Since June 2022, PPIL grew its abortion navigation team from one to four with the sole purpose of helping out-of-state patients overcome barriers in traveling to Illinois for care. The team is now expanding services to help out-of-state gender-affirming care patients.

PPIL’s volunteer base also grew by 700 new people. PPIL volunteers provided over 6,200 hours of assistance, compared to 2,000 hours the year prior. PPIL also has 300 volunteer escorts, who put in over 3,500 hours at health centers, more than double the hours from the previous year.


Caption contest!

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner unveiled his official portrait today


Civic Committee tries moving from heckling to leadership

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Back in February, the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago proposed some sweeping revenue changes designed to significantly boost the state’s credit rating to “AA” over time and help accelerate the state’s pension payments to bring down its huge unfunded liabilities.

The group’s proposals were striking because their members are some of the wealthiest people in the state. In the country, even.

The Civic Committee led the charge several years ago to slash pension benefits for government employees and has long been known to be on the same side of the fence as the loud legions of Illinois government bashers. Heck, they helped build that fence. They also helped lead the fight against a graduated income tax proposal.

The committee surprised almost everyone by proposing a temporary, 10-year personal and corporate income tax “surcharge” to raise $2.9 billion per year, or, as an alternative, a tax on retirement income. The committee also proposed expanding the sales tax to services, which it said could bring in an additional $1.2 billion a year if the state adopted Iowa’s model. Much of the money would be used to pay off state pension debt.

In exchange, the committee proposed repealing the corporate franchise tax and the estate tax.

The franchise tax was lowered during the spring session. And lowering or even repealing the estate tax was also on the Senate’s discussion table this year. Senate Republicans at one point thought they might make some headway, even though the governor has long expressed reservations.

As a billionaire who inherited great family wealth, Gov. J.B. Pritzker wasn’t exactly eager to sign such a bill into law. But Republicans apparently saw some signals that the governor would be open to such a plan this year if the legislature decided to go ahead.

Senate President Don Harmon reminded me last week when we spoke that the Senate had already passed a repeal of the estate tax.

“I am more convinced than ever that the estate tax, more than the income tax, determines people’s residency,” Harmon claimed. He has said for a while that he believes many people move away from Illinois not because they want to lower their current tax rates but to assure their heirs inherit more of their money when they pass away than they would if they were still in Illinois.

Harmon said getting rid of the estate tax is “worth discussing but only in a broader tax reform package. It’s not something we can do as a one-off. It has to fit within a broader tax reform package.”

A top Senate Republican source suggested recently the state budget talks veered away from the estate tax issue because Harmon wanted a broader deal down the road. The source also said it sounded like the Civic Committee’s plan could be a blueprint, or at least a starting point.

Harmon confirmed that he was indeed looking at the recommendations.

“I think that the Civic Committee offers a very interesting blueprint,” Harmon said of the tax hike proposals the group proposed. “And if in fact the Civic Committee can generate broad support from the business community and from Republican lawmakers, it’s absolutely worth a longer conversation.”

That’s a big “if” at this point, but we’ll see.

The Civic Committee also recently announced that it plans to raise tens of millions of dollars for Chicago violence reduction programs, including finding meaningful jobs (with wrap-around services) for people who had gone through violence prevention training, many of whom have extensive criminal records.

Instead of a traditional “get-tough-on-crime” approach, the Civic Committee emphasized “constitutional policing” and other police reforms. The group also announced that it had hired Robert Boik to help spearhead that effort. Boik oversaw Chicago’s 2019 federal consent decree to overhaul policing until he was fired after criticizing his superiors.

Harmon seemed quite encouraged by the group’s proposals and its entire approach these days.

“From our research,” Harmon said, “there’s a dichotomy in the public perception. People want to be safer. But people understand that the root causes of crime are far more complicated.”

He said he believed people were moving away from the “locking up and throw away the key” types of people.

“I confess, it’s not what I expected” Harmon said of the Civic Committee, which has long had a conservative bent.

“I think that the Civic Committee is approaching major problems with a very different perspective,” Harmon said.

More on that topic next week.

* Meanwhile

Former Chicago mayoral candidate Paul Vallas is joining the Illinois Policy Institute as an adviser. […]

Vallas reiterated themes from his campaign, saying, “The city of Chicago is at a breaking point. Our public agencies are about to fall off a fiscal cliff, the kids in our public schools are falling behind after Covid-19 lockdowns … our economy is lagging and businesses are unable to operate in a high-crime, high-tax and high-regulation environment.”


It’s a law: Pritzker signed 90 bills Friday

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller


Governor JB Pritzker signed 90 bills into law on Friday.

The laws range from requiring large music venues to have Narcan on hand in case someone overdoses to eliminating any mention of the death penalty in state statutes. One, from Representative Amy Elik of Alton, makes September 17th Constitution Day at school.

“Constitution Day celebrates the US Constitution and also new US citizens. The US Department of Education states that schools that receive federal funds are required to provide education about the US Constitution each year, but we found it wasn’t in the school code.”

Another new law requires school administrators to let parents know if their child has been bullied within 24 hours of learning about the incident. There’s also a new law prohibiting utilities from shutting off a customer’s electricity or gas because of overdue bills if the temperature is over 90 degrees or there is a heath watch or advisory.

Here’s the full list

* Center Square

Among the 43 House bills his office announced were signed, one prohibits insurance companies from increasing premiums if someone owns a certain breed of dog. Another makes Constitution Day a commemorative holiday. Music venues over certain sizes must have opioid antagonists starting June 1, 2024 with one measure.

House Bill 1596 “Replaces certain pronouns with the nouns to which the pronouns refer.” House Bill 2389 “Prevents stops and searches by the police if a driver has an object hanging from the rearview mirror.” House Bill 2907 “Prevents striking workers from being sued for unintentional property damage as a result of a strike.” House Bill 3396 “Provides that any person with the intent of obstructing, impeding, or otherwise interfering with a picket line commits a Class A misdemeanor and a minimum fine of $500.”

Of the 47 Senate bills Pritzker enacted Friday, Senate Bill 40 “Establishes requirements for electric vehicle capable parking spaces.” Senate Bill 201 “Provides that the court may seal any foreclosure action filed during the COVID-19 emergency and recovery period.” Senate Bill 1351 “Allows a retiring teacher to forgo an evaluation in their last evaluation cycle before they retire.” SB 1527 “Requires insurance coverage for medically necessary compression sleeves” beginning Jan. 1.

Illinois legislators approved 566 bills during spring session. Hundreds more have yet to be sent to the governor’s desk for his action.


Gov. JB Pritzker signed a bill into law Friday to ensure utility companies can’t shut off your power on the hottest days of the year.

This plan could help protect the state’s most vulnerable from losing their gas or electric if they can’t pay their utility bills.

The law will only apply when the temperature is 90 degrees or hotter and situations where the National Weather Service issues an excessive heat watch, advisory, or warning. […]

The Illinois Attorney General’s office led the effort for this change. However, some House Republicans argued that this plan would push the costs of power onto other customers.

* Jurist

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed two bills on Friday safeguarding LGBTQ+ rights in the state.

HB 1591 amends the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. The Act previously prohibited out of state couples from obtaining and Illinois marriage license. The language before amendment stated, “no marriage shall be contracted in this State by a party residing and intending to continue to reside in another state or jurisdiction.” The amendment will now allow couples from outside the state to receive a marriage license.

The amendment in HB 1591 works in conjunction with the federal Respect for Marriage Act passed in 2022. Under federal law, states are now required to recognize legal marriages performed in another state, including same-sex marriages. Congress passed the Respect for Marriage Act due to concerns the Supreme Court could overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which held that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. A more conservative Supreme Court indicated in their decision eliminating a federal right to abortion that other rights extended under marriage and privacy, including Obergefell, may be reviewed.

Pritzker also signed HB 1596. The bill amends the Children and Family Services Act by removing gender specific pronouns. The removal of male and female pronouns is intended to make the statute more inclusive and representative.

* 25 News Now

A measure sponsored by Sen. Dave Koehler and Reps. Travis Weaver and Bill Hauter to create a task force highlighting the history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois has been signed by Governor JB Pritzker.

The task force will develop a statewide plan to connect existing local and new projects to create a cohesive statewide history of the Underground Railroad in Illinois, according to a release from Sen. Koehler.

The task force will identify the location of historical sites, connections they may have to one another and will paint a picture to recognize the Underground Railroad’s history. […]

Tazewell County Clerk John Ackerman initiated the bipartisan bill, in the hopes of bringing awareness to this part of Illinois’ history.

“Currently, there are many regional landmarks of the Underground Railroad throughout the state, but there is really no way of connecting them together,” said Ackerman. “This task force give us the ability to tie all of these regional pockets together to tell the story of just how long the path the Underground Rail Road was in Illinois, and the lengths that abolitionists and slaves took in search of freedom.”


Illinois has a new law on the books to put a stop to misleading fake “final notices” sent in the mail, thanks to State Senator Rachel Ventura. […]

When someone buys a car or home in Illinois, “final notice” letters regarding warranties, protection plans and insurance are often mailed out by third parties to scam recipients into providing information or buying products under the guise of maintaining their home or vehicle.

Ventura’s legislation amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act to require that senders clearly state that their mailing is not a bill but rather a solicitation of services. […]

Senate Bill 1440 was signed into law June 9th and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.


Open thread

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* Howdy! Hope you all had a relaxing weekend. What’s going on?…


Isabel’s morning briefing

Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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Monday, Jun 12, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

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* It's far more complicated than this
* Illinois temporarily suspends betting on certain aspects of NFL games
* Question of the day
* Showcasing The Retailers Who Make Illinois Work
* Roundup: Jury hears first wiretaps in Madigan corruption trial
* Pritzker responds to Local 150 claim about data center power usage growth
* Kenneally goes down swinging
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