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And that’s a wrap

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Senate has adjourned until after the governor’s inauguration tomorrow without taking up their own assault weapons proposal or the House’s version, but they will caucus on it tonight. The chamber did pass a pay raise bill, which must be signed into law by the governor before noon tomorrow so that statewide elected officials can get their raises. The constitution bars any adjustments in salaries during a term in office.

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Pritzker says “Enough is enough,” claims Senate gun bill “falls short” of a “real assault weapons ban”

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Gov. Pritzker…

Every time a weapon of war is used to inflict the maximum amount of damage in the shortest amount of time we mourn for the lives lost and communities shattered.
Enough is enough.
The people of this state deserve a real assault weapons ban, one that has a real accounting of the weapons currently in circulation and a real chance at ceasing the flow of more weapons of war immediately. We need a bill that meets the urgency of now and the current version in the Senate falls short.

That’s about as close to an outright veto threat as you can get. Combine that with Speaker Welch’s criticisms and the Everytown statement, and that Senate bill looks DOA.

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Speaker Welch flatly rejects Senate proposals on guns, reproductive rights

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Speaker’s spokesperson clarified that this statement is about both the gun bill and the reproductive rights bill passed by the House last week…

Speaker Welch’s Statement on Senate Proposals

“As Speaker of the House I will stand firm in our values and principles as Democrats. I will fight for the needs of Illinoisans and I will not accept a watered-down version of legislation that falls unacceptably short of the comprehensive solutions that the people of this state deserve.”

*** UPDATE *** Harmon spokesperson John Patterson…

The Senate and House have shared goals on these issues.

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Everytown for Gun Safety president says Senate’s gun bill is “simply not as strong as the House version”

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already seen today, the gun reform groups have been sticking with the House’s version of the assault weapons ban legislation. But I’ve been asking some of the groups where they stand on the Senate’s new bill. This is from John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety…

In the wake of the tragedy, Illinois lawmakers need to act swiftly and aggressively to help save lives. Illinois has long been a leader in gun violence prevention legislation, and the House-passed version of the Protect Illinois Communities Act lived up to those standards.

The Senate version is simply not as strong as the House version — particularly in regard to the assault weapons ban and high capacity magazine provisions — and we urge lawmakers in the Senate to step up and lead to help save lives in their communities. 

More to come.

…Adding… Another one…

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Leader Durkin to resign from Illinois House on Tuesday

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pearson with the scoop

On Tuesday, when the 102nd General Assembly is scheduled to come to a close, Durkin will retire after 24 years in the legislature — the last nine as House GOP leader, he said. […]

“The politics have changed. The party over the last at least six years has shifted,” he said. “The only way you can win in Illinois is that you’re going to have to just find the candidates that reflect the district. And we should not hold anyone to the 100% (party) purity test that some people in this party expect throughout the state.” […]

Shortly after the Nov. 8 election expanded the Democrats’ advantage in the House to a record 78 members compared to 40 Republicans, Durkin announced he would not seek another term as House GOP leader, and his decision to resign his seat had been expected. The Republican leader for the 103rd General Assembly will be state Rep. Tony McCombie of Savanna. Durkin’s successor representing the 82nd House district will be selected by local Republican township officials.

Durkin points the blame for the disastrous election results — particularly in the suburbs that were once a cornerstone of Illinois Republicanism — on a statewide GOP ticket led by gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey, a state senator who leaned heavily on his evangelical Christianity in his campaign and who was endorsed by Trump. A new legislative map drawn by Democrats also was a factor.

…Adding… Durkin’s resignation letter

As the duly-elected and certified Representative-Elect for the 82nd Representative District in the 103rd Illinois General Assembly, I am declining service in the office.

It is with a heavy heart but a lifetime of great memories that I submit my resignation from the House of Representatives at 11:59pm on January 10th, 2023. After 22 years in the General Assembly, 9 as the minority leader, it is time to give this great responsibility to the next generation of public servants.

Serving in this august chamber will be the pinnacle of achievement in my life. To the countless members I have been fortunate enough to work with over the years, thank you for everything. To every employee of the General Assembly, who treat this institution with white gloves and hard work, thank you for being the best. I am eternally thankful to the people of Illinois for entrusting me with their democracy.

I hereby inform you I will not attend the January 11, 2023 convening of the 103rd Illinois General Assembly and I ask that you please accept this letter as a declination to serve notice for my duly-elected position as Representative-Elect for the 82nd Representative District.

…Adding… Updated seniority and demographic numbers from John Amdor

…Adding… Glad to see he’s no longer bitter about the election /s…

…Adding… Press release…

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is issuing the following statement on the news current Republican Leader Jim Durkin will be resigning as a state legislator.

“Leader Jim Durkin is offering all kinds of excuses as he leaves the General Assembly, but the truth is under his leadership our caucus is at its lowest point in membership in a very long time. Leader Durkin squandered money in the 2022 Primary to secure legislative candidates in open seats who were loyal to him and who were not necessarily the best fit for the districts in which they ran, and this proved to be a disastrous decision. We are in this mess not because of our principles but because of our leadership’ lack of commitment to our principles. Jim Durkin has abandoned Republican principles of lower taxes, reduced spending and standing up for our Constitutional rights. Raising taxes to spend more money we don’t have and attacking the Constitutional rights of honest citizens is not a winning message. We need to be united as a party against tax increases and we need to be the party of fiscal responsibility. Jim Durkin’s strategy of offering voters a ‘Democrat Lite’ agenda has been a colossal failure. Our party needs bold leadership if we ever hope to get out of the super minority. Jim Durkin has made it clear he is not willing to provide that bold leadership and is leaving the General Assembly. We wish him good luck on his future endeavors.”

The Illinois Freedom Caucus is comprised of State Representatives Adam Niemerg (R-Dieterich); Chris Miller (R-Oakland); Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville); Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) and Dan Caulkins (R-Decatur). The members of the Illinois Freedom Caucus are members of the Illinois General Assembly who are advocating for limited government, lower taxes and accountability and integrity in government.

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Today’s must-read: How Madigan’s reign as speaker ended and Welch’s emerged

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ray Long’s Tribune story on how House Speaker Michael Madigan was forced to step aside runs over some familiar ground. But there are some interesting points that haven’t yet been made public. For instance, Rep. Maurice West (D-Rockford) was the only member of the Black Caucus who refused to vote for Madigan’s reelection and Long writes about the efforts to convince him to change his mind

“Oh, man. It was brutal. It was brutal,” said Rep. Maurice West II, the only Black lawmaker to join the opposition group, a move made before the coalition was big enough to take away Madigan’s gavel. […]

The Black Caucus held a forum with both Madigan and Kifowit. Madigan secured 21 of 22 members, with West still holding out. Madigan moved fast.

“He called me immediately and said, ‘Mr. West, now that the rest of the Black Caucus is on board with me, does this give you cover to come back to the fold?’ ” West recalled. West declined, and he still remembered the speaker’s nonresponse.

“The silence was so loud on the other end of the phone,” West said.

* After Madigan “suspended” his reelection campaign, he reached out to Reps. Jay Hoffman and Chris Welch to inform them of his decision. Madigan advised Welch to focus first on the Black Caucus, then the Latino Caucus and then whites

[Welch] quickly sought support from fellow members of the Black Caucus, but they questioned whether Madigan, who no one was ready to count out yet, was just trying to “smoke out traitors.”

“The Black Caucus was having none of it,” Welch said. “None of them believed it was real.”

When the BC finally came around, Welch moved on to the LC

Welch then needed the Latino Caucus’ backing. He bolted out to find Rep. Lisa Hernandez, the Cicero Democrat and Madigan ally who headed the caucus and is now head of the state Democratic Party. Like the initial skepticism of some of the Black Caucus members, Welch recalled, Hernandez too wasn’t convinced Madigan’s suspension was legitimate. But a day later the Latino Caucus too backed Welch, soon bringing the race down to he and Hoffman, as Kifowit and Williams dropped out.

Hernandez became Welch’s point person on the remap and then, with Welch’s backing, became the state party chair.

Anyway, go read the rest.

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*** UPDATED x2 - Senate proposal introduced *** Advocates pressure Senators to support House-passed assault weapons ban as-is

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Background on Dr. Baum is here. The Senate Democrats have shown some reluctance to support the House-approved assault weapons ban as-is, so this robocall is just one aspect of the proponents’ advocacy efforts. Other things are happening as well, but the main message is that the advocates want the bill passed as-is. The Senate has balked at House language requiring FOID holders to disclose serial numbers of their grandfathered assault weapons, apparently because this would be too much like formal gun registration, which Illinois doesn’t currently have. Advocates say deleting or altering the House language would gut the ban.

Anyway, here is one of the calls targeting Democratic voters in every Senate district yesterday and today

Hi, this is Dr. David Baum calling with Protect Illinois Communities.

We only have days left to pass bans on assault weapons and high capacity magazines in Illinois that are enforceable, and we need your help.

Assault weapons are simply too lethal to belong anywhere near our communities.

I attended the Highland Park Fourth of July Parade with my family, and what I expected to be a celebration quickly turned into a nightmare.

I helped treat victims on the scene, and it was a sight which I will never forget. The injuries I saw were unspeakable.

Now is the time to take action. Ask your State Senator to vote yes on bill SB2226, the Protect Illinois Communities Act, today.

Paid for by Protect Illinois Communities. ‪(773) xxx-xxxx. Thank you.

Again, this is just one angle on the effort to push Senators into voting for the House bill. More later.

…Adding… House proponents of the bill have been expressing concern about the Senate’s reluctance for several days. This is some of what I told subscribers early Friday morning

“I’m concerned about what the Senate is going to do,” said Rep. Fred Crespo (D-Hoffman Estates) during debate over the assault weapons ban bill (SB2226) in the House last night.

“If the Senate does not pick up this bill and we don’t pass anything at all and end up empty-handed, you’re basically giving people a false sense of hope,” Crespo said. “And that is a crime in itself.”

*** UPDATE 1 *** The Senate’s language has been filed on HB5471. The serial number language from the House bill has been deleted

This Section does not apply to a person who possessed an assault weapon, assault weapon attachment, or .50 caliber rifle prohibited by subsection (c) of this Section before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, if the person has provided in an endorsement affidavit, under oath or affirmation and in the form and manner prescribed by the Illinois State Police on or after 180 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly but within 300 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly:   (1) the affiant’s Firearm Owner’s Identification Card    number; (2) the serial number of the weapon or weapons;  (3) an affirmation that the affiant possessed the    weapon or weapons identified before the effective date of     this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.    The affidavit form shall include the following statement printed in bold type: “Warning: Entering false information on this form is punishable as perjury under Section 32-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012. Entering false information on this form is a violation of the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.”   In any administrative, civil, or criminal proceeding in this State, a completed assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle endorsement affidavit submitted to the Illinois State Police by the individual as required by this Section creates the     rebuttable presumption that a person lawfully possessed or had completed a purchase of the assault weapon or .50 caliber rifle before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly and is entitled to continue to possess and transport the assault weapon.

Advocates say the Senate has also reduced the number of assault weapons covered by the House bill. The Senate proposal also grandfathers in high capacity magazines…

This Section does not apply to any person who possesses a large capacity ammunition feeding device prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly.

A “large capacity ammunition feeding device” is defined as “a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily  restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition for long guns and more than 15 rounds of    ammunition for handguns.”

But it will be lawful to possess these devices only on “private property owned or immediately controlled by the person,” private property not open to the public with permission of the owner, on firing ranges, during competitions, at the repair shop and while traveling to and from those locations as long as they have no ammunition in them and are stored in a case.

The Senate sponsor is Senate President Don Harmon. You may recall that the sponsor of the House proposal was Speaker Chris Welch. An interesting showdown is coming.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Three gun law reform groups are standing behind the House’s version which includes serial numbers

Everytown for Gun Safety, Giffords, and Brady issued the following statements urging Illinois Senate lawmakers to pass an assault weapons prohibition that is comprehensive and can be fully implemented and enforced. This prohibition is part of the Protect Illinois Communities Act, a critical gun violence prevention legislative package currently on the Senate floor.

Requiring current owners of assault weapons who wish to keep those firearms after the law goes into effect to register their weapons with the state protects public safety and the rights of law abiding gun owners. A system that clearly identifies grandfathered assault weapons and their current lawful owners–including unique information like the firearm’s serial numbers– is necessary to ensure that law enforcement officials can identify illegal assault weapons in the months and years ahead and get them off the streets of Illinois communities. On Friday, the Illinois House passed their version of the legislative package, including this critical provision. We endorse the House’s version of the legislation, specifically the inclusion of this critical measure.

Emphasis added. Full release is here.

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Sunday early afternoon briefing

Sunday, Jan 8, 2023 - Posted by Isabel Miller

* An Oscar pic to start your Sunday afternoon off right…

* Here’s your roundup…

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