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ILGOP pledges to “continue to oppose taxpayer funding of abortion”

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Didn’t Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner sign HB40 into law? Wasn’t he the guy who essentially funded the ILGOP for five years? I guess times truly have changed…

Yesterday, Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an executive order concerning taxpayer-funded abortion and stated Illinois will be the “most progressive state in the nation” on abortion under his administration. Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot issued the following statement in response:

    “Making Illinois the ‘most progressive state in the nation’ on taxpayer-funded abortion is not something to be proud of. Rather, it’s tragic. At a time when our state budget is strained already, allowing this new and unfettered entitlement program to continue is beyond fiscally irresponsible. The Illinois Republican Party is deeply disappointed in Governor Pritzker’s executive order and will continue to oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.”

* From 2017

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider released the following statement after Governor Rauner announced he will be signing House Bill 40 into law:

    “I am disappointed in the Governor’s decision to sign HB40 as the Illinois Republican Party opposes taxpayer-funded abortions.

    “While I am frustrated and saddened, I also know that Speaker Madigan and the Democrats are trying to use this issue to divide our party and elect a Madigan-backed candidate for governor.

    “As Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, I will not let that happen. Our state faces great challenges, and we are focused on the issues that unite us as Republicans and as Illinoisans. There is no daylight between Governor Rauner and the Illinois Republican Party and we will continue working hard to ensure his reelection and finally defeat Mike Madigan once and for all.”


The Madigan PR campaign continues

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

House Speaker Michael J. Madigan and members of the House Democratic Women’s Caucus are calling on the Trump administration to stop a plan to roll back protections against sexual harassment in public schools and college campuses.

Madigan, Assistant Majority Leader Kelly Burke and House education committee chairs Michelle Mussman, Rita Mayfield and Sue Scherer are working with the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) to submit public testimony to Trump’s Department of Education ahead of a vote this week on proposed rule changes that would make it harder for students to report abuse.

“Here in Illinois we have taken important steps to allow all students learn and reach their full potential in an environment free of harassment, but the Trump administration’s extreme ideology is threatening to take our schools backwards,” Madigan said. “No student should face harassment in school, but the administration’s onerous new rules would silence survivors and create an environment where unacceptable behavior is ignored, excused or accepted as normal. We will not sit back and allow this to happen.”

Madigan, Burke and fellow House Democrats have submitted letters decrying the Trump administration’s proposed changes to Title IX. Under the proposed rules, schools would no longer be required to take action on complaints made to teachers and counselors; only reports made to the few school employees with “authority to institute corrective measures” would require follow up. When an investigation does occur, the rules would require schools to assume no harassment had occurred, and schools would be encouraged to use a standard of proof the NWLC says “stacks the deck against survivors.” Additionally, schools would also be required to ignore harassment that occurs outside of a school activity, including most off-campus and online harassment, even if a student must see her assailant each day at school.

“The House Democratic Women’s Caucus and Speaker Madigan are dedicated to working together to create a culture free of harassment. But the Trump administration’s policies undermine these efforts in our schools, where we can least afford it,” Burke said. “The administration’s message to young people is that they should remain silent. In Illinois, we will do the opposite. We will speak up on behalf of survivors and continue to work toward a better culture for all.”

Citizens can join House Democrats in expressing concern about the Trump administration’s proposed changes to Title IX by joining NWLC letter campaign to submit testimony to the Department of Education at and


Climate change denier warns of mob violence if renewable energy is expanded

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois News Network’s story on today’s executive order committing Illinois to the Paris Climate Agreement

Climate Science Coalition Executive Director Steve Goreham said there is demonstrable evidence that the more renewable energy injected into the power grid, the higher the utility cost will be for ratepayers. He said that could lead to ratepayer revolts that have been seen in other countries.

“If you look around the world we’re seeing ratepayer revolts already,” Goreham said. “The most visible one is the yellow jackets in Paris regarding a fuel tax that [French] President Emmanuel Macron was putting on.”

In December, Macron suspended France’s gasoline tax increase after weeks of violent protests.

More info on Mr. Goreham is here, here, here, here, here and here.


Pritzker, Frerichs announce loan program for furloughed federal workers

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Since this will be run through the state’s linked deposit program, the only state cost will be lost investment returns…

Governor JB Pritzker joined Illinois Treasurer Michael Frerichs to announce a $100 million program to fund zero or low-interest loans so furloughed federal workers who live in Illinois can pay their bills during the partial federal government shutdown.

In addition, the Governor called on lenders doing business in the State of Illinois to waive fees and provide other support to furloughed workers, especially as they deal with mortgage payments, student loans and car loans. Lenders that have already agreed to participate are listed online at; their assistance ranges from deferments on loans to 0 percent interest to assisting individuals on a case-by-case basis.

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is also offering winter heating assistance to qualified federal workers through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Federal workers whose last 30 day income has been impacted by the federal shutdown can find a complete listing of LIHEAP’s local administering agencies and additional information about the programhere, or call the LIHEAP toll-free hotline at 1‑877‑411-WARM (9276).

More than 8,000 federal employees who live in Illinois have been affected by the partial shutdown that began Dec. 22. Nationally, the figure is more than 800,000.

“Through no fault of their own, federal employees living in Illinois are not receiving their paychecks while expenses continue to pile up,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “We have an obligation as a state to do everything we can to help those paying a direct price for the actions of the president. This loan program will help those struggling to meet their day-to-day expenses as the shutdown drags on. My administration is continuing to explore all possible options to shore up critical services that receive federal funding, to make sure our most vulnerable families are protected from the harm the Trump shutdown might cause, and to assist impacted federal employees.”

The “linked” deposit loan program will be run by the Treasurer’s office in partnership with various banks and credit unions across the state. The Treasurer’s office will make deposits in participating financial institutions, allowing these institutions to provide below-market rates to federal workers who qualify for the program. For example, the state might offer a deposit at 0.01 percent if the financial institution agrees to loan out the money to federal works at 0.0 percent. Specific rates and terms of eligibility will vary by institution.

“This program will help bring relief for working families impacted by this impasse,” said Treasurer Michael Frerichs. “The President shut down the federal government and threatened the livelihood of thousands of families in Illinois to play political games. Difficult policy debates are a hallmark of government, but we cannot let our disagreements hurt working families who want nothing more than to pay their bills, raise a family, and save for the future.”

“The Illinois Bankers Association’s 300 member banks stand with Governor Pritzker in his call to assist workers who are struggling with the federal government shutdown,” said Linda Koch, President & CEO, Illinois Bankers Association. “We are proud that banks throughout Illinois are offering help to federal employees and other businesses and individuals affected by the shutdown.”

“On behalf of the IBA Board of Directors, I thank Governor Pritzker for his leadership and call to action on this serious matter,” said Daniel P. Daly, Illinois Bankers Association Chairman and President & CEO, SENB Bank, Moline. “Illinois’ banking community takes pride in serving the needs of our customers, and certainly those individuals and businesses impacted by the shutdown are no exception. Our bank, and all Illinois banks, stand ready to help our customers through this hardship.”

“Based on the makeup of the membership, we have a number of the 270 credit unions in Illinois with a significant percentage of federal workers as members,” said Tom Kane, President Illinois Credit Union League. “Many of these credit unions have implemented formal programs to assist federal workers with special low or no interest payroll interruption loans, skip-a-payment options, or waiving penalties for cashing in a CD early. In addition, I would urge any furloughed federal employee who is a member of a credit union to stop into a branch and ask what they can do to help during this challenging time.”

A partial list of participating banks and credit unions offering assistance are below:

    1st Mid America
    Bank of America
    BMO Harris
    Citizens Equity First Credit Union (CEFCU)
    Community Plus Federal Credit Union
    First Midwest Bank
    Heartland Credit Union
    Home State Bank
    IH Mississippi Credit Union (IHMVCU)
    KCT Credit Union
    R.I.A. Federal Credit Union
    Scott Credit Union
    JP Morgan Chase
    SENB Bank
    SIU Credit Union
    University of Illinois Community Credit Union
    U.S. Bank
    U.S. Employee Credit Union
    Wells Fargo
    Vibrant Credit Union

A full list services being provided by participating banks can be found here and participating credit unions can be found here. For more information on aid for federal workers during the shutdown visit the governor’s website at The site will be updated periodically with additional information.


Today’s quotable

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* WBEZ’s city hall reporter…

…Adding… The great Fran Spielman…


Ald. Carrie Austin (34th), the always outspoken Budget Committee Chairman, was suddenly speechless when asked to comment about Solis.

“Not about Danny. I might cry,” Austin said. “You don’t do that. You just don’t.”

Rules Committee Chairman Michelle Harris (8th) offered a variation on Don Corleon’s infamous admonishment to his son in the movie, “The Godfather”: “Don’t take sides against the family.”

“I try to think that we’re a family down here and we all work together. So, I got to say it’s probably a little disheartening for me,” Harris said.

…Adding… Paul Vallas…

My fellow candidates have been extremely and unusually quiet today, so let me be the first to call out the latest episode around corruption at City Hall. I said it first and I will say it again – there is a “code of silence” amongst Chicago’s political elite – including many elected and appointed officials and those who lobby to them, many of whom have made generational wealth of the city. Today’s revelation that Alderman Solis wore a wire to tape criminally-charged Alderman Ed Burke is just the latest scandal at City Hall.

There was a code of silence around Laquan McDonald and cover up of the video tape. There was a code of silence around former Country Assessor Berrios and his outrageous tax assessment practices that punished working families. There was a code of silence around the $22 million no-bid contract that landed CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett in prison. There was a code of silence around Emanuel and McCarthy’s degradation and scapegoating of the police department. This has got to stop!

There are only two reasons someone would wear a wire when conversing with public servants: they are in trouble themselves and are seeking to lighten the consequences through cooperation, or they have a sense of integrity. I won’t pretend to know which is the case in this instance of Alderman Solis taping conversations with the charged Alderman Ed Burke.

However, the sense of betrayal that is being expressed today by some other aldermen is frankly disgusting. One alderman said Solis was like “family,” with the clear inference that Solis betrayed the family. If there is a family of aldermen like that, then it is a crime family with a code of silence – and every one of the machine candidates who got into this race after Emanuel bowed out is connected to Alderman Burke in some way or another. I will be holding a press conference tomorrow to talk more about those connections. It is time for a clean sweep at City Hall. We need a Mayor and a City Council that are honest and puts our citizens first.


A twofer for Preckwinkle

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some interesting layers to this Tribune story. First

Ald. Edward Burke’s son was under internal investigation for allegedly making inappropriate sexual comments at the sheriff’s office when Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s administration hired him to a nearly $100,000 per year job, newly released records show. […]

One investigation began after a female sheriff’s employee alleged that Burke was “consistently disrespectful of women,” talked about sex acts and would leave the office by saying, “I’m leaving, going to watch the girls on Rush Street,” records show.

Preckwinkle’s office denies knowing anything about that investigation.

* Preckwinkle and Sheriff Tom Dart have feuded for years, so this is also a fascinating angle

[The female sheriff’s employee] also said Burke called himself “the law,” claimed to have “tapes” that would “humiliate” Dart, vowed to run for sheriff and said he would fire a bunch of employees when he won, records show. […]

A male lieutenant filed a separate complaint from a female employee against Burke, claiming he made false allegations against the supervisor and had said publicly he had $11 million for a sheriff’s run.

The lieutenant quoted Burke saying that if anything happened to him as a result of his own complaint against the supervisor, “his father (Ald. Burke) would take care of it,” according to the records.

Rumors about the younger Burke challenging Dart circulated for quite a while. So, Preckwinkle got a twofer. She did a solid for a powerful alderman and hired someone who thoroughly despised Dart, which probably irked the sheriff.

Also, I don’t hate patronage because people who campaigned for their bosses get jobs. That’s never really bothered me. I hate patronage when connected, self-entitled swellheads think they can’t ever be touched (and rarely are) no matter what they do. The world would be a much better place if politicians would stop protecting their mopes. But that won’t happen, obviously.

* In other news

At the first City Council Finance Committee meeting in decades without embattled Ald. Edward Burke in charge of the body, aldermen on Tuesday took a step toward giving up the $100 million-per-year workers’ compensation program he has long tightly controlled with little oversight.

Ald. Patrick O’Connor ran his first meeting as chairman of the committee weeks after federal authorities charged Burke with attempted extortion and he stepped down from the powerful post. Burke did not attend Tuesday’s meeting as O’Connor fielded questions from aldermen pushing for more transparency about how the opaque workers’ compensation program is run.

The committee voted to move workers’ compensation to the city Finance Department, a change Mayor Rahm Emanuel backed as one of several City Council reforms after the charges against Burke.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to this morning’s edition

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Scott Kennedy…

* The Question: Any other ideas for using the space? Snark is heavily encouraged, of course.


First Class all the way

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Someone’s been drinking too much Potomac water during the government shutdown

With President Donald Trump and the GOP prolonging the partial government shutdown, a Republican lawmaker had an uncomfortable run-in Tuesday when a fellow airplane passenger found him flying first class from Chicago to Washington, D.C., according to a video of the encounter shared with HuffPost.

“Congressman, do you think it’s appropriate to fly first class while 57 TSA agents aren’t being paid?” the person says to Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), in an apparent reference to the Transportation Security Administration’s 57,000 employees, who are being required to work without pay. […]

Davis remained silent, prompting the person to say, “Taking that as a yes.”

“Taxpayers paid for this flight? Fair enough,” he added.

Not a good look.

* More

Davis spokesperson Ashley Phelps told the site that the lawmaker has never used tax-payer money to purchase first-class tickets, and did not do so for Tuesday’s flight.

Phelps said Davis’s office bought a coach ticket and was upgraded to first class because of his frequent flyer status.

“There was no additional cost to taxpayers,” she said.

OK, fine. I’ve taken upgrades before (the first time was when I was 16 and was delighted to be treated to champagne at takeoff). And the frequent flyer upgrades are allowed by congressional ethics rules. But it’s not like this hasn’t been an issue for Davis in the past. From the 2014 campaign

Eerily prescient right down to the shutdown.

Not to mention that an ad on endless loop supporting Davis last fall made a big issue out of his opponent’s membership in a local yacht club.


Manteno Veterans’ Home tests show “low levels of Legionellosis”

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs…

The safety and health of our residents and staff is the highest priority for the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs. To ensure that you are fully informed, I’m writing to provide information about a recent case of Legionellosis at the Manteno Veterans’ Home.

On January 8, 2019, a sole case of Legionellosis was detected in a resident who lived at the Manteno Veterans’ Home.

At the time of the diagnosis, we immediately put protocols into place out of an abundance of caution, including installing filters on all showerheads, conducting additional wellness checks on residents, conducting thermal eradication of our water, and increased flushing of the water system. Engineers also conducted additional testing of the water to determine whether there was a “false positive” or whether other locations in the facility had been impacted.

On January 22, 2019, the Manteno Veterans’ Home received our first preliminary water sample test results. These results showed low levels of Legionellosis at three fixtures: a faucet, a sink, and a shower. These three water fixtures were immediately taken out of service. To confirm these test results, the facility will undergo additional testing on Wednesday, January 23, 2019. Results for the second round of tests are expected on February 1, 2019 and we will promptly communicate those results to you and your family.

Through this period, we will support the care of residents and staff with filtered and bottled water. Bottled water and fresh ice are being delivered to the home for drinking and preparing meals. Filters in showers will remain in place until Legionella-free water test results are received. IDVA will continue increased resident vital sign checks. Legionella bacteria exist in most public places, and test results can vary day by day, which is why we will continue testing and keeping rigorous protocols in place to protect the health and safety of our residents and employees.

We will continue to inform you of developments moving forward. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tanya Huston, Manteno Home Administrator at (xxx) xxx-xxxx, ext. xxx. The State of Illinois will take every precaution necessary to protect our residents, staff, and visitors at the Illinois Veterans’ Home in Manteno.


Brig Gen (R) Stephen Curda, Ph.D. Acting Director
Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs (IDVA)


Pritzker signs EO committing Illinois to Paris Climate Agreement

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Surrounded by environmental advocates in the state capital’s Southwind Park, Governor JB Pritzker took executive action joining the U.S. Climate Alliance, becoming the 18th governor to uphold the environmental protections despite President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

“I ran on a bold agenda to protect our environment, help our workers thrive and build the 21st century economy our state deserves, and now I’m taking action to join the U.S. Climate Alliance and stand on the side of science and reason,” said Gov. JB Pritzker. “I’m proud to join the bipartisan coalition of governors and states committed to upholding the provisions of Paris Climate Agreement. While the president is intent on taking us backwards, I will work hard every day to move our state forward. We know that climate change is real. We know it’s a threat. And we know we must act.”

Advancing a key environmental priority, the governor officially signed on to the U.S. Climate Alliance which commits the state to the principles of the Paris Climate Agreement in order to protect Illinoisans from the damaging effects of climate change. President Trump pulled out of the international agreement on June 1, 2017.

Executive Order 2019-06 also directs the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to monitor the Trump Administration’s environmental proposals and identify opportunities to protect Illinoisans from environmental harm. The executive order takes effect immediately.

“Communities across America are facing the impacts of climate change. We need more leaders like Governor Pritzker that are committed to deploying climate solutions, promoting sustainable economic growth and creating high-quality jobs,” said Julie Cerqueira, executive director of the U.S. Climate Alliance. “We welcome the state of Illinois into the Alliance, and look forward to supporting their priorities and learning from their experience.”

“The governor’s commitment to clean energy will improve public health and bring new economic opportunities and investment to Illinois,” said Jennifer Walling, president of the Illinois Environmental Council. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has found that we have just 12 years to limit carbon emissions in order to keep climate change at moderate levels. Governor Pritzker’s executive action commits Illinois to the goals of the U.S. Climate Alliance.”

“By joining the U.S. Climate Alliance as one of his first acts in office, Governor Pritzker is showing the world that, even though Donald Trump wants out of the clean energy economy, Illinois is all in,” said Jack Darin, director of Sierra Club Illinois. “We can and must reach these climate goals, and we know we need to do so in a way that puts our workers and disadvantaged communities first. We know Governor Pritzker shares these values and can unite Illinois in planning for the 100% clean energy future we all want, and that starts today.”

“Climate change is real and Illinoisans are already experiencing its harmful effects,” said Sen. Melinda Bush (D-31st), who chairs the Senate Energy and Environment committee. “I’m proud to stand with Gov. Pritzker in acknowledging science and taking action to preserve and protect our planet. We must make every effort to secure Illinois’ place as a leader in the green economy”

“The governor’s actions today will put Illinois at the forefront of efforts to develop and use clean energy and take concrete steps to reduct carbon emissions,” said Rep. Ann Williams (D-11th), who chairs the House Energy and Environment committee. “We must get serious about pushing back on the dangerous environmental policies of the Trump administration which have left our communities vulnerable and put the public health at risk. Today, under the leadership of Governor Pritzker, we’ve done just that.”

The EO is here.

One thing he could do is come up with some reasonable and uniform statewide siting requirements for solar and wind power to prevent local NIMBYs from stopping reasonable developments. Counties are developing patchwork quilts of regulations, some reasonable, some less so. We need to standardize this across the state, but the various interest groups haven’t been able to reach an agreement on their own. An engaged governor could knock some heads and offer some capital plan goodies to convince folks to go along.

…Adding… Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition…

While the Federal Government remains shut down, today’s announcement is an important reminder that the responsibility to protect citizens from the harms of climate change has fallen to the states. By signing on to the U.S. Climate Alliance, Governor J.B. Pritzker has taken an important first step in fulfilling his commitment to put Illinois on a path to 100% renewable energy by 2050, and he has demonstrated his leadership on climate action in the Midwest.


The Dome is leaking

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Finke

Illinois officials are going to undertake a comprehensive study of the Capitol dome after secretary of state workers noticed small pieces of concrete fell from the inside portion of the outer dome.

Described as about the size of marbles, the pieces do not represent an emergency situation, said Harl Ray, senior project manager for Secretary of State Jesse White, whose office is in control of the Capitol. […]

There is space between the inner and outer domes, which is where the pieces concrete were seen. The metal skin of the outer dome is attached to lightweight concrete panels, which in turn are attached to the steel framework for the dome.

Ray said there is evidence of some leakage occurring in the outer dome, likely from places where the outer metal skin is bolted to the concrete panels. That probably has caused the pieces of concrete to fall. The last time the dome was patched for leaks was in 2000 or 2001, he said.


It’s Time To Put Our Progressive Values Into Action

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Illinois progressives ran, organized, voted, and won in 2018. Now it’s time to lead. Our victories this election showed there is strong support across Illinois for a bold, progressive agenda and leaders who can turn that agenda into action. We have the power to make Illinois a state that leads the nation on committing to 100% clean, renewable energy, reducing gun violence to keep our communities safe, expanding abortion access to all no matter where they live, their income or age. Working together, we can move Illinois forward on these issues and more — from workers’ and immigrant rights to criminal justice reform, LGBTQ equality, and affordable healthcare. We are one in the fight to build a state where all people can raise families in healthy, safe communities, with dignity and justice.

Forward Illinois is a coalition of leading progressive organizations representing more than 500,000 member-activists. Our work to mobilize voters around the progressive issues that impact us all didn’t end on Election Day. Now we’re taking our fight from the ballot box to the steps of our state Capitol to demand action. Learn more and join the fight at

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More on Pritzker’s HB40 EO

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Tuesday signed an executive order aimed at ensuring the state is properly enforcing a politically divisive law that allows for the taxpayer funding of abortions — saying he was “concerned” former Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration wasn’t “making sure that it was enforced for state government employees.” […]

The American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois said that within the past month, some state employees had received notices that abortion is now covered under their plan. The group says Rauner’s administration “didn’t really prioritize fully implementing and creating the mechanics for people to be able to easily access abortion through Medicaid.”

“We were concerned and are concerned that the leadership that Gov. Rauner had in place wasn’t in fact making sure that it was enforced for state government employees,” Pritzker said. “And of course more broadly we want to make sure that private and public health insurance coverage included it and that it’s enforced. So we had some indications, but the most important thing is we’re going to make sure that everyone, every woman in state government has the coverage that she deserves.”

You may recall that I asked the governor’s office yesterday about complaints or compliance issues with state employee group health insurance plans. I was referred to the ACLU of Illinois.

* Ed Yohnka with the ACLU…

Here is the information about the state insurance plans’ coverage of abortion. This is based on information we received via FOIA requests in 2017 and mid-2018.

The following plans do not appear to cover abortion in most circumstances. As of the time of our FOIAs, it appears these three plans covered nearly half of all enrollees.

    * Healthlink OAP. Appears to contain a life exception only. This plan does not renew until 2021.

    * Aetna QCHP. Appears to contain a life exception only. This plan does not renew until 2021.

    * Aetna HMO. Does not cover “elective abortion” or “abortion drugs.” This plan was renewed for FY2019. We do not have any more updated information to indicate if abortion was covered, but we believe it might not be.

The following plan just expanded its abortion coverage, but it is not complete.

    * Health Alliance HMO. Before viability, it now covers abortions determined by the physician to be necessary. After viability, the abortion is covered if the life of the mother is endangered, the fetus has a condition incompatible with life outside the uterus, or the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. Based on the notice we received, it does not contain an exception post-viability for the health of the pregnant person.

Two other plans cover election abortions, but have a lifetime limit of two.



Yeah, that’ll work well

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dispatch-Argus editorial

Clearly, mapmaking is a power that Madigan has no intention of ceding. So how to go forth? First, lawmakers can stop leaving the fight to others; that includes the U.S. Supreme Court. Those applauding the court’s decision to again hear a pair of gerrymandering cases this term should be careful what they wish for. The court’s new makeup has court observers worrying that the majority will protect, not reject, partisan maps.

That means Pritzker and Illinois lawmakers must take the matter out of justices’ hands by crafting a constitutional amendment that creates an independent commission to draw districts that let voters choose their political leaders and not the other way around, as well as answers the constitutional objections raised in past court challenges.

They must then demand en masse that Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton call identical bills — without amendments — for a vote. And Pritzker must sign it.

Um, governors don’t sign constitutional amendments. And governors who publicly and loudly demand things from Madigan don’t succeed. Perhaps the editorial board missed the last four years.

As I’ve said many times before, you don’t need a constitutional amendment to get a fairly drawn map. The best leverage Pritzker has is to stick to his March, 2018 pledge to veto any map “that is in any way drafted or created by legislators, political party leaders and/or their staffs or allies.” If their super-majorities hold up, the Democratic leaders will try to override a map veto in 2021. Then it’ll be up to Pritzker to pick off as many members as he can to prevent the override.

But, think about it, if the Democratic leaders do wind up overriding a governor’s veto of an unfair map, there’s no way in Hades their members would’ve ever approved a constitutional amendment to remove that power from them and no amount of yelling at the clouds will do any good. The only leverage Pritzker would have at that point would be to threaten to do something drastic like shut down the government or something, and we’ve all seen how that turns out.

* News-Gazette editorial

CHANGE Illinois wants legislation or a proposed state constitutional amendment that will strip legislative leaders of their map-drawing authority and transfer it to a bipartisan commission directed to draw maps without regard to voting patterns. That way, more voters will have a real choice on Election Day.

But Madigan is a ruthless political tactician who is determined to retain gerrymandering. Using the courts, he’s twice defeated efforts to put a proposed Fair Map constitutional amendment to a public vote.

Further, one ought not get too excited about Pritzker’s anti-gerrymandering pledge because, unfortunately, campaign promises don’t count for much.

When he was governor, Democrat Pat Quinn made the same pledge Pritzker did, only to meekly sign Madigan’s gerrymandered 2011 maps into law.

Quinn flip-flopped on a lot of things. For instance, he said he wouldn’t sign any tax increase above a single percentage point and signed a two-point hike. And Madigan knocked the remap amendments off the ballot with ease because they were Rube Goldberg contraptions which clearly exceeded the constitutional limits of what can and what cannot be placed before voters.

* From ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider…

An overwhelming majority of Illinois voters supports independent redistricting reform, but Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton have, through lawsuits and obstruction in the legislature, blocked all efforts to let the people have their voices heard. Governor Pritzker must follow through on his fair map pledge, work around Madigan and Cullerton, and empower rank-and-file Democrats to stand up to their leaders and enact meaningful change. Republican lawmakers are ready to work with Democrats on this critical issue to finally get the job done. It’s time for the people to truly be able to choose their representatives, not the other way around.

The Republicans have 44 members in the House and 19 in the Senate. That’s a very long way from the 71 and 36 required to pass a constitutional amendment over the objections of Democratic Party leaders.

I support fairly drawn maps, so it’s fine to keep up the heat, but people should retain some perspective and try to learn from the failures of the past. And one of the biggest failures is relying on frontal assaults against Madigan. They don’t work. They only make him stronger.

* Related…

* Sun-Times editorial: In the glow of victory, Governor, listen to the GOP on gerrymandering


Report: Ald. Solis recorded conversations with Ald. Burke

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fran Spielman and Jon Seidel with the bombshell scoop

Retiring Ald. Danny Solis (25th), the powerful chairman of the City Council’s Zoning Committee, has secretly recorded more than a dozen conversations with Ald. Ed Burke (14th) over the last two years, including at City Hall, to help federal investigators build their corruption case against him, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned.

Those conversations include Burke meeting with individuals seeking actions by the city, a source familiar with the matter said. […]

Solis’ cooperation is extraordinary, not only because the target was Burke but because Solis was a trusted ally of both Burke and Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Solis’ position as Zoning Committee chairman gave him the influence and standing to arrange for meetings where Burke could pitch potential clients.

In late November, Solis surprised his colleagues by announcing that he would not seek re-election, ending a 23-year career in the City Council that began with his 1996 appointment by then-Mayor Richard M. Daley to replace the disgraced and convicted Ambrosio Medrano.

Now that his role as an FBI mole has been exposed, Solis is prepared to resign immediately and start taking his aldermanic pension, the source said.

Go read the whole thing.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wednesday, Jan 23, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Illinois is finally out of Crosscheck

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Confirmed…

* From Board of Elections spokesperson Matt Dietrich…

Yes, the board voted 8-0 to withdraw from Crosscheck, though for some time we have been operating on the belief that Crosscheck was dormant and likely to remain so.

The main purpose of today’s action was to facilitate our creating a data sharing agreement with Indiana to help with voter list maintenance efforts in both states. Indiana’s statute allowed the state to enter into a data sharing agreement with Illinois in the event that we withdrew from Crosscheck but didn’t have specific language about creating such an arrangement if Illinois was still a member. In our initial talks with Indiana election officials this month, they indicated it would be easier (from a legal/technical standpoint) to craft an agreement if Illinois was officially not a member of Crosscheck.

You might recall that when the General Assembly last year passed its bill to remove Illinois from Crosscheck, it contained a clause allowing us to enter into a data sharing agreement with Indiana. That bill was vetoed by Gov. Rauner and an effort to override his veto in November was unsuccessful.

As things stand now, three of our neighboring states - Wisconsin, Missouri and Iowa - are members of Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which Michigan also recently joined. Kentucky also has expressed interest in joining ERIC.

We’re not sure how long it will take to get a data sharing system with Indiana in place but we’re already in contact.

Illinois is also a member of ERIC.


Question of the day

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Caption?…


Police union endorses Burke

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller


While many in the political world, and mayor’s race in particular, are trying to distance themselves from the alderman, The FOP is standing by [Ald. Ed Burke], but a spokesman would not comment on why the organization was endorsing Burke amidst his legal troubles.

Burke is accused of trying to force owners of a Burger King in his ward to hire his law firm for property tax work in exchange for building permits.

Earlier this month, Burke stepped down as chair of the city’s finance committee but announced he would continue in the alderman’s

* You dance with the one that brung you, I suppose

“We are supporting Ed Burke because he has supported us and because we, unlike the Tribune and Sun Times, believe a man is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty,” Martin Preib, the FOP’s second vice-president, wrote in a statement to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“Furthermore, we believe that people should be tried in courts, not in [the] court of public opinion, as the acquittal of three officers last week and likely vote for a payout to the Englewood Four this week demonstrates.” […]

Burke was one of only a few City Council votes the FOP could count on. He could not be reached for comment.

“It’s not surprising, given his longstanding relationship with the police. In the wake of the Laquan McDonald video unleashing, he still had the audacity to say on the Council floor that there were no institutional issues at the Chicago Police Department,” said Jaime Guzman, one of two serious challengers vying to end Burke’s 50-year reign as 14th Ward alderman.

Burke makes judges and some of those judges go on to do things like ignore clear Illinois Supreme Court precedent and go light on sentencing of a convicted cop. It’s all one thing.

* Meanwhile, who wants this endorsement?…

* Related…

* Chicago mayor’s race: Tusk donates to Mendoza; Brown knocked off ballot - Also taking place on a busy day in the race for mayor: Bill Daley gets endorsed by Howard Dean and Toni Preckwinkle vows to slash vehicle sticker, boot and related fees and fines.


HGOPs unveil independent map commission proposal

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin (R-Western Springs) today announced that he, along with the entire House Republican caucus, has filed HJRCA 10, a constitutional amendment for the independent drawing of legislative maps.

“Governor Pritzker has urged the legislature to create an independent commission to draw legislative maps, so House Republicans are proposing to do just that,” said Leader Durkin. “Not only are we answering the Governor’s call on this issue, but we are also prepared to provide the majority of the votes required to pass this out of the House and on to the Senate. So I call on my Democratic colleagues to join us and Governor Pritzker in supporting the independent drawing of legislative maps and pass HJRCA 10 this legislative session.”

HJRCA 10 would establish an independent commission, comprised of 11 members, charged with proposing a legislative map. The commission would be required to hold public hearings both before and after releasing a proposed plan.

The map would need to receive the affirmative vote of at least seven commissioners, including two from each political party whose candidate for Governor received the most and second-most votes and two commissioners not affiliated with each such political party.

If the commission fails to adopt a new map by June 30 of the year following the decennial census, the Chief Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court and the next senior Justice, not of the same party as the Chief Justice, will be required to appoint a Special Commissioner for Redistricting that must adopt and file a map by August 31 of the same year.

* I can see one big Democratic objection right away

the redistricting plan shall respect the geographic integrity of units of local government

That could wind up packing Chicagoans into the city.

* The process for choosing mapmakers starts with the Auditor General, who would select a pool of 30 potential “Reviewers,” then draw three names out of a hat. The three Reviewers would in turn choose 100 potential commissioners. Each of the four legislative leaders would be allowed to strike five people from that list and then a lottery would be held to choose seven commissioners, with two Democrats, two Republicans and three unaffiliated people. The four leaders would each get to appoint one commissioner from those not selected.


Who should run IDNR?

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dale Bowman at the Sun-Times

I would like a simple declarative sentence from Pritzker, “I believe a wildlife professional should head the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.”

Unfortunately, I am losing faith.

Rumors have had Downstate legislators or former legislators as likely to be named director of the IDNR. The latest came earlier this month when the O’Fallon Weekly reported that state representative Jerry Costello II (D-Smithton) is “likely to be appointed the next Director of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.”

IDNR isn’t just about wildlife. It operates state parks, regulates the mining industry, operates the Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation program, regulates the oil and gas industry and even regulates the use, possession and storage of explosives.

Four years ago some of the state’s wildlife columnists were up in arms about the appointment of then-Rep. Wayne Rosenthal as director of IDNR. Just like now, they wanted a wildlife professional as director. But putting someone with such a narrow focus to run an agency with such broad powers seems like an even worse idea than putting a politician in that job.

What’s really needed are highly capable professionals running the various departments like Conservation/Preservation and Hunting/Trapping and Fishing/Boating. The person at the very top needs administrative skills and a real passion to protect the outdoors for future generations.

Bowman also wrote about rumors that Rep. Costello may not get the gig. There are lots of rumors out there about every agency, but his campaign contributions from coal and energy interests probably aren’t helping.


Stava-Murray says home town has “white supremacist policies”

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Never a dull moment

Just days into her new job as a state representative, Anne Stava-Murray (D-Naperville) has managed to cause a stir among her constituents by characterizing her hometown of Naperville as having “white supremacist policies.”

Her remarks about Naperville came in a Facebook response to a post by Felicia Palumbo, who in early January wrote that “Naperville is the biggest bullies … horrible.”

“I know and I am so sorry,” Stava-Murray replied on her “Anne Stava-Murray for U.S. Senate” Facebook page. “I actually wanted to move to Oak Park but stayed to work on my community. Our history of white supremacist policies is ongoing.” […]

A white supremacist Naperville was news to Mayor Steve Chirico.

“I would never characterize Naperville in this way,” Chirico told the Policy Journal, “but I realize that people have many different perceptions and views.”

* Tribune

Stava-Murray said Friday she is glad her comment, which was posted about two weeks ago, is getting attention.

“I think this is a very necessary conversation people need to be having in Naperville and the Chicago area because we are still so segregated,” she said. “There are many schools in Naperville that have almost no black students in them and many schools where there is not a single black teacher teaching.”

She also said Naperville makes no effort to educate residents on the city’s history as it relates race disparities and the city’s lack of a race-based bullying policy is “one of the areas where a lack of policy is a white supremacist policy.”

Keep in mind that her plan is to run statewide in two years.


Rep. Kalish is first ever rabbi in Illinois House

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Times of Israel

An Orthodox rabbi was appointed to serve in the Illinois State Legislature.

Rabbi Yehiel Kalish was sworn in to the Illinois House of Representatives on Sunday night. Kalish, 43, is the first rabbi to serve as an Illinois state representative.

“I may be the first rabbi in any state legislature. And that’s very exciting,” Kalish told the CBS affiliate in Chicago. […]

He replaces Rep. Lou Lang, a Democrat who served in the legislature for 32 years. Lang resigned following his reelection after receiving a partnership offer from prominent lobbying firm Advantage Government Strategies. He was harmed last year by a sexual harassment allegation, though absolved of the allegations after an investigation by the Illinois Inspector General. Lang was on the three-member committee that selected Kalish from among 20 possible candidates.

* The Yeshiva World

Rabbi Kalish spent more than 10 years at Agudath Israel of America, focusing on governmental advocacy in state capitols across the country.

Rabbi Kalish was chosen by a three man committee from a field of 20 other candidates. In the 16th House district which he now represents, Orthodox Jewish residents comprise approximately 30 percent of the population.

As Kyle Hillman pointed out on Twitter a couple of days ago, Agudath Israel of America is on record against gay marriage and wants Roe v. Wade overturned.

* Sun-Times

Kalish said he believes even more strongly that “church needs to be separated from state.”

“As it relates to issue that may come up in the Legislature, I will support the law of the land. And if the law of the land is Roe v. Wade, I will support Roe v. Wade. At the same time, I will support Zelman v. Simmons-Harris. That’s school vouchers. That’s educational choice,” he said.

“I have not been chosen to be the rabbi of the state legislature. I have been chosen to be the representative of the 16th District.” […]

“Just because he’s a rabbi and just because he works for an organization that is pretty conservative does not mean that he is not personally progressive,” Lang said Monday.

“I would never, ever appoint somebody to replace me that didn’t share my values.”

* Politico

He’s for years lobbied on behalf of the nursing home industry. And as an Orthodox rabbi, his appointment has some political observers wondering whether Kalish will be as supportive of progressive issues as Lang, such as a minimum wage increase and strengthening the rights of women and LGBQT communities. […]

“During my conversation with Lou Lang, I said, ‘The voters of the 16th District won’t notice a difference in my voting record compared to yours.’” That means: “Yes,” he’s pro-choice. “Yes,” he supports gay marriage. And “yes,” he supports a $15 minimum wage—and wants to “make sure Medicaid providers have what they need for quality care” in nursing homes, too.

Kalish is a father of six children who attended private religious schools, so his personal view is to support school choice and private school vouchers. But he said he’ll work with public schools to “grab as much funding” as possible for those institutions.

* Hamodia

First and foremost on Rabbi Kalish’s agenda is to defend the state’s newly-launched private school scholarship program for low-income children, which has brought roughly $10 million in aid to Orthodox families in Chicago. The program was initiated by former Republican Governor Bruce Rauner, but its elimination was one of the campaign promises of newly inaugurated Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker.

Another high priority is protection for the healthcare industry, which is a leading employer in Chicago’s Jewish community. […]

While the 16th district is home to much of Chicago’s Jewish community, it has become increasingly diverse, with sizable populations of east Asians and Muslims. Rabbi Kalish said that he was eager to engage in a “listening tour,” with the hopes of gaining a fuller grasp of the needs of the constituency beyond his home community.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Pritzker issues EO to enforce HB40

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I asked the Pritzker folks whether there’ve been any complaints or compliance issues with state employee group health insurance plans and have yet to hear back…

On the 46th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade decision, Governor JB Pritzker took executive action making Illinois the most progressive state in the nation for women’s reproductive rights.

“On the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I’m proud to declare under my administration, the State of Illinois will be the most progressive state in the nation when it comes to guaranteeing the right to choose for every single woman,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “Thanks to the courageous advocates across our state, HB 40 is the law of the land. I was proud to stand with you in that fight, because a right is only a right if it can be exercised by everyone. And today, I’m proud to sign an executive order that will further protect and expand the right to choose in Illinois – and that will fully implement all the provisions of HB 40.”

In today’s executive order, Gov. Pritzker took swift action to ensure the state fully enforces HB 40, now known as Public Act 100-0538. Through EO 2019-05, the governor directed the Department of Central Management Services to review all state employee group health insurance plans, identify barriers to women exercising their right to choose, and present recommendations to bring all health insurance plans into compliance with the law within the next 60 days.

The governor signed the executive order at Planned Parenthood of Illinois surrounded by women’s health advocates and co-sponsors of the legislation.

“Women’s rights are human rights. It’s important that women have the right and ability to chose what is best for them and their bodies,” said Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton. “Today’s executive order makes it clear that our state is a leader in that respect.”

*** UPDATE *** From the Pritzker administration…

The office of the governor learned that advocates for safe and legal abortion are concerned that there are several state employee group health insurance plans that are not fully compliant with the intent of HB40. Advocates cited issues of potential non-compliance ranging from failure to cover “elective” abortion or the abortion pill to failure to cover abortion unless it’s necessary for the health of the woman. The governor took immediate action today requiring CMS to conduct an internal review of all state employee group health insurance plans so we can officially identify and take action to correct any residual compliance issues.


The high cost of Rauner’s failed war with AFSCME

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

Just days into his term of office, Gov. J.B. Pritzker last week signaled an abrupt about-face in government relations with organized labor after 4 years of rancor.

The Democrat took a series of pro-worker actions, highlighted by reinstatement of long-postponed, experience-based salary increases for state workers represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Restoration of the so-called step increases is good news in itself not only to the 20,000 employees affected but also, advocates contend, to taxpayers. Step increases, required by state law, are paid to employees in their first 8 to 10 years who, as a savings to state government, start at below-market rates as incentive to gain experience and stick around. Former Gov. Bruce Rauner halted them in 2015 when AFSCME’s last contract expired. […]

The new governor is giving clear signs that high-profile litigation with AFSCME is on the wane. Appellate courts have ruled that Rauner should pay the back-due step increases, and that the negotiations his team left 2 years ago were not at an inextricable “impasse.”

“We’re living up to the court orders,” Pritzker said Friday. “That wasn’t being done by the prior administration and that’s our job. Our job is to follow the law.”

We don’t yet know the full costs of what turned out to be Rauner’s illegal impasse declaration and his decision to stop paying step increases, but one estimate puts it at $415 million. And, as Hannah Meisel pointed out today, the state owes 7 percent annual interest on that tab

More here.

* Meanwhile

A program designed to curb Illinois’ pension debt is now underway. Early numbers show more Illinois state employees than expected are choosing to take a pension buyout from the state.

Public employees hired before 2011–and who have worked for at least eight years–get an annual three percent boost when they collect their pensions. That adds to what the retirees bring in, but also the cost of Illinois’ pension debt.

So, state lawmakers introduced the option as part of last year’s budget. State retirees can now choose to swap the three percent annual adjustment on their pensions for a lump sum payment–70 percent of what they would have gotten.

They also get to keep their base pension and 1.5 percent adjustment each year. […]

Since it launched in December, at least 200 new retirees took the deal, more than expected. Blair says their buyouts have ranged between $80 and $100,000.


Pritzker and Raoul could take one simple step to expand medical marijuana

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

With pro-marijuana J.B. Pritzker now in the Illinois governor’s mansion, all eyes are on his plan to legalize cannabis for recreational use. But even if approved by lawmakers, that could take more than a year to implement, and many voices are raising the call to take things slowly.

In the meantime, advocates say there’s a simple way the governor could greatly increase access to marijuana for those who want it for medical reasons.

At least eight lawsuits are pending to expand the conditions for which medical marijuana would be allowed under the state’s existing program. Chief among them is intractable pain, which the courts have already ordered to be added as a qualifying malady. But that ruling was appealed by the administration of Pritzker’s Republican predecessor, Bruce Rauner.

If Pritzker and new Attorney General Kwame Raoul drop the appeal, the court order would take effect within 30 days. The Illinois Department of Public Health, which resisted adding some new qualifying conditions during Rauner’s term in office, could also now choose on its own to expand access to medical cannabis. Neither Pritzker nor Raoul, who are both Democrats, have yet said what they’ll do with the pending lawsuits.

* Meanwhile, from the Chicago Crime Commission…

Today, the Chicago Crime Commission along with representatives from Drug Free America Foundation, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, and a former member of the White House Drug Czar’s office and expert physician specializing in addiction medicine held a news conference to discuss the dangers of legalizing recreational marijuana. The news conference was held to urge Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois General Assembly to fully consider and prepare for the consequences before legalizing recreational marijuana in Illinois.

“Legalizing marijuana presents significant public safety and health concerns that need to be fully discussed and considered before Illinois moves forward in this endeavor,” said Jeffrey Johnson, a member of the board of directors for the Chicago Crime Commission.

“First, it is important that we must address the misconception that legalizing marijuana will somehow be a panacea in addressing the illegal marijuana trade and other crime in Illinois by examining the experience of other states that have legalized recreational marijuana,” Johnson said.

I asked the commission to identify the person or persons who have been calling marijuana legalization a “panacea,” but have yet to hear back. The truth is, nobody in power believes that this will solve all our problems. It’s simply one step forward on a number of fronts.

The commission’s press release went on to cite junk science reports and made wild “reefer madness” predictions and I refuse to post crud like that. Instead, I’ll wait to see if any media outlets are silly enough to fall for it.


Good luck, Sol

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced last week that he had picked Sol Flores to be his fourth deputy governor. He’d previously announced deputy governors Dan Hynes, Christian Mitchell and Jesse Ruiz.

Pritzker’s deputies are each overseeing a block of related state agencies and departments, and will “track” their progress on goals that the governor wants those entities to meet. They’ll also ensure that the agency and department directors are all cooperating with each other, whenever and wherever needed. Flores will oversee human service agencies, Hynes has budget and economic development, Ruiz has education and Mitchell will handle the capital bill, among other things.

Pritzker specifically pointed to the issue of Medicaid during a recent interview with me. He said he wants to make sure that the Department of Health and Family Services and the Department of Human Services are “working together,” rather than operating in their own individual agency “silos.”

So, Flores will have a big job to do. Those two agencies cover everything from health care, to child care, to long-term care, to cash and food assistance, to housing programs, to mental health, to child support, to everything in between. They do, indeed, need to work together better. Both departments are the products of past mergers of smaller agencies, but forcing yet another merger could once again disrupt operations for months or even years.

The administration has not yet released a flow chart, but it’s likely that Flores will also be given responsibility for the Department of Children and Family Services, which has been “led” by nine different directors and acting directors since 2011 and has been in constant disarray.

By all accounts, these new deputy governors are very capable, bright, intelligent people. Flores built a much-admired organization from the ground up that provides shelter to homeless people and works to prevent homelessness, but she’s never overseen anything close to this huge before. And, for that matter, neither has anyone else at the top of Pritzker’s administration, except for Ruiz, who served as vice president of the Chicago Board of Education and then the interim CEO of Chicago Public Schools. Hynes was a state comptroller for 12 years, but that’s not exactly a gigantic agency. Mitchell was a legislator who served a stint as interim executive director of the Democratic Party of Illinois.

They won’t be managing day-to-day government operations, of course, but their portfolios are gigantic. They’re all taking jobs where you can’t really get the required experience until you do it. And their tasks are enormous if Pritzker truly wants to rebuild the government after years of neglect, whether through deliberate disregard or incompetence, or just because bad stuff happened and the state wasn’t ready or able to deal with it.

I’ve pointed this out before, but this state’s fiscal condition has not recovered since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, which vastly accelerated a downward economic slide and literally dried up state revenues and forced up government costs around the same time that state pension payments were finally starting to really ratchet up.

And then came the 2008 worldwide financial and real estate crash. And then came the partial expiration of the 2011 income tax hike in 2015 (a tax hike which basically just helped pay state pension costs and didn’t do much to rebuild government), followed by a two-year governmental impasse that, among other things, wreaked havoc on our social services provider network, followed by another inadequate tax hike and two substandard state budgets.

Throughout all this, healthcare, state employee and pension costs continued to rise, the General Assembly passed legislation to guarantee annual $350 million funding increases to K-12, and governors have done things like a consent decree recently entered into by Bruce Rauner’s past administration, which will completely revamp the wholly inadequate health care system at state prisons with unknown, but likely high taxpayer costs.

As a result, state agencies have been forced to rely on sorely inadequate resources to do more. Our service delivery system — already nickel-and-dimed half to death by miserly and constantly delayed funding, then body-slammed by the impasse — could require years to recover.

Much, probably most of that destruction was endured by human and social services. And now some of those same crucial providers are suffering yet again under the partial federal government shutdown.

I do not envy Ms. Flores one iota. She arguably has one of the toughest and one of the most important jobs in all of Illinois government.

So, good luck, Sol, you’re gonna need it.


Brendan Kelly will be nominated to run Illinois State Police

Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Joseph Bustos at the BND

St. Clair County State’s Attorney Brendan Kelly is set to have a new job.

Gov. J.B. Pritztker is nominating Kelly to be director of the Illinois State Police, the administration confirmed to the Belleville News-Democrat.

Kelly, who has been state’s attorney since 2010, ran for Congress in this most recent election. Kelly, of Swansea, lost to incumbent U.S. Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, and was a top Democratic recruit. […]

“This governor and his team are very serious about governing and very serious about public safety,” Kelly said. “There’s already ongoing conversations about how do we confront the challenges we have about forensics and other manpower issues and I’m very excited to be able to serve with the men and women of the state police and this team which is trying to reach out to both sides of the aisle … to do the work hard work of governing and there’s nothing more important for government to do then to make sure we provide for justice and safety and the Illinois state police is at the heart of that in this state.”



Tuesday, Jan 22, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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How Jason Van Dyke’s projected 96-year sentence wound up being 81 months

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Chicago Daily Law Bulletin just reposted an October 10, 2018 op-ed by Cook County assistant public defender David C. Holland claiming that Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke could wind up serving as many as 96 years in prison due to a “quirk” in Illinois statutes and case law.

We’ll get to the column after this news report from ABC 7

Jason Van Dyke, the Chicago police officer convicted of murdering 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, was sentenced to 81 months, or 6 years and 9 months, in prison and two years mandatory supervised release. […]

Van Dyke was found guilty of second-degree murder and 16 counts of aggravated battery.

Judge Vincent Gaughan said he considered the most serious charge to be the second degree murder charge, not the 16 aggravated battery charges, and made his sentencing decision on that murder charge.

The special prosecutor argued that aggravated battery with firearm was the more serious of the crimes of which Van Dyke is convicted and should be sentenced consecutively on those charges instead of the second degree murder charge, which carries a lesser sentence.

* According to Holland’s October op-ed, the special prosecutor was right

Second-degree murder, on the other hand, is punishable anywhere from probation to 20 years in prison with possible release after 10 years. Moreover, committing second-degree murder with a firearm does not require an extra sentence of 25 years to natural life as a first-degree murder does. […]

By a quirk of Illinois law, Van Dyke may face a mandatory minimum sentence as high as 96 years.

This is because the prosecution charged each gunshot as a separate offense of aggravated battery with a firearm, and each shot holds a minimum sentence of six years in prison.

Illinois’ sentencing statute, however, requires that the sentence for any Class X felony (such as aggravated battery with a firearm) that causes “severe bodily injury” be served one after the next (consecutively).

Thus, if Judge Gaughan finds that each shot caused severe bodily injury, he would be required to sentence Van Dyke to a minimum of 96 years in prison (16 multiplied by six). If the judge finds that only 10 of the 16 shots severely injured McDonald, the minimum sentence would be 60 years, and so forth.

Moreover, even though the shooting and the murder are the same physical act, Illinois case law requires Judge Gaughan to sentence Van Dyke on the aggravated battery charges, not the second-degree murder, on the counterinstinctual holding that aggravated battery with a firearm is more “serious” than second-degree murder (even when murder is the ultimate result of the gunshot wounds).

Judge Gaughan, instead, didn’t even sentence Van Dyke on the aggravated battery with a firearm charges, rolling them into the 2nd degree murder charge.

* Here’s the case law that Holland pointed to. From the Illinois Supreme Court’s 2004 opinion in People v. Lee

It is common sense that the legislature would provide greater punishment for crimes it deems more serious. Here, the legislature has classified aggravated battery with a firearm as a Class X felony with a possible sentence of 6 to 30 years. Second degree murder is a Class 1 felony with a possible sentence of 4 to 20 years. Therefore, in line with Duszkewycz, the second degree murder conviction, as the less serious offense, should have been vacated. […]

In sum, the appellate court erred in concluding that the more serious offense in this case was second degree murder simply because the court opted to impose a greater prison sentence on that count. Instead, aggravated battery with a firearm is the more serious offense, and defendant’s conviction for second degree murder must be vacated.

* Judge Gaughan apparently agreed with the dissent in that case

Given this reality, it is simply impossible to say categorically, as the majority does, that all aggravated batteries are more serious than all second degree murders as a matter of law. Indeed, had the legislature felt this way, it would have created mutually exclusive sentencing ranges, with the maximum sentence for second degree murder falling somewhere below the minimum limit for aggravated battery with a firearm. But this is not what the legislature did. On the contrary, it created broad and largely overlapping sentencing ranges, leaving it to the trial court’s discretion to evaluate and ascertain the seriousness of these and other offenses on a case-by-case basis. Accordingly, I would look to the sentences actually imposed in a given case when identifying the most serious offense. […]

The bottom line is that, in this case, the trial court clearly believed that this particular second degree murder was more serious than this particular aggravated battery with a firearm. The legislature specifically allowed for this result, and I see no compelling reason to set it aside. I therefore dissent on this point.

Some thought should be given to appealing Van Dyke’s sentence.


Pritzker campaign official pushes back hard against latest lawsuit

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

A former field organizer has filed a federal lawsuit against the campaign of JB Pritzker for Governor in Illinois for her firing on the basis of sex in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Ms. Emma Todd worked in the Springfield, Illinois office of the campaign from August of 2017 to the end of March, 2018. She is represented by the New York City-based Law Office of Jillian T. Weiss and Oak Park, IL attorney Joanie Rae Wimmer.

Ms.Todd’s job performance came under heightened scrutiny after she was assigned a new supervisor in February of 2018. The supervisor did not issue feedback or warnings for poor conduct. Co-workers witnessed the supervisor making comments indicating that she viewed transgender identity in a prurient manner and said that Ms. Todd was “the reason people don’t like transgender people.” She told other employees that she was going to fire Ms. Todd and they have indicated they believe Ms. Todd was terminated because of her sex and gender.

“Ms. Todd’s improper termination has caused her to suffer a loss of wages and out-of-pocket medical and insurance payments, as well as loss of reputation,” said her attorney, Jillian T. Weiss. “The state of Illinois prohibits sex and gender identity discrimination and the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and federal courts in the state have ruled that discrimination against a transgender person based on their sex is a violation of law. No one should ever be fired on the basis of sex. The JB Pritzker for Governor campaign must be held accountable for this workplace bias.”

“I worked hard on this campaign and loved my job,” said Ms. Todd. “I was blindsided by my termination. I wholeheartedly supported and voted for Governor JB Pritzker and Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton to end Bruce Rauner’s heartless administration. JB and Juliana will bring economic stability after more than two years without a state budget under Rauner. They will also protect services for underserved communities that Rauner has hurt. This lawsuit does not change my support for these highly qualified people. I am bringing this lawsuit because transgender people, like all Americans, deserve the same chance to earn a living, free from discrimination.”

This case is Emma Todd v. JB for Governor Campaign. It was filed in United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

The lawsuit is here.

* A Pritzker campaign spokesperson told me Todd was “fired for cause” because of several “performance issues.”

For instance, Todd treated campaign volunteers “poorly,” and used profanity with volunteers, the spokesperson alleged. Todd also posted “sexually explicit images” at her workplace and refused to take them down when asked, the spokesperson said.

Todd was allegedly let go after the primary when the campaign “downsized.” Her last paycheck was issued on March 30th.

And, the Pritzker spokesperson claimed, the campaign wasn’t even aware of Todd’s sexual orientation or her sexual identity when she was let go.

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Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Before I go, I want to thank you so very much for your overwhelming generosity to our commenter “HangingOn.” You contributed over $5,500 to help her get some dignity back in her life.

I truly do have the best commenters anywhere. You’ve helped make this more than just a blog. It’s a real community, and I love you all for that.

* From Citizen Action Illinois…

It’s with sadness that we share news that Lynda DeLaforgue, who served as the Co-Director of Citizen Action/Illinois (CA/IL) died on Saturday, January 12th after battling cancer for nearly five years. For two decades, Lynda served as the “Chief-Strategist” of CA/IL, leading campaigns to curtail predatory lenders, protect our food sources, beat back Social Security privatizers, win marriage equality, and secure quality, affordable healthcare for all. Whatever the fight, Lynda was a staunch and unstoppable crusader for our issues, for our candidates, and most importantly, for our progressive values. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Lynda, to her strength and her vision – as do millions of Illinoisans and other citizens, and citizens to-be, of this country. Rest in power, Lynda!

I knew Lynda for decades. She was one of those people who could be so kind and sweet and fun, yet totally no-nonsense when it came to the business of getting things done. She truly stomped on the terra and made a difference in this world.

And she was also very cool…

* Take care

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Question of the day

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I got busy with other things today and forgot about a question. And now it’s late Friday afternoon.

So, discuss amongst yourselves, but please keep it Illinois-centric and be nice to each other. Thanks.


Pritzker orders “comprehensive review” of problems, opportunities at state veterans’ homes

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

After touring the Manteno Veterans’ Home, where a case of Legionnaires’ disease was found earlier this month, Governor JB Pritzker signed an executive order to do more to ensure the health, safety and security of residents and workers at all of Illinois Veterans’ Homes.

During his tour, Governor Pritzker also listened to residents and workers about their experiences and reaffirmed his commitment to protecting Illinois veterans.

“The state of Illinois must provide a safe, healthy environment where veterans and their spouses receive quality care,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “This executive order will hold state agencies accountable to the people and ensure the state is delivering quality care to our nation’s heroes – and take action where the state has fallen short in the past. Veterans served us. Now it’s our turn to serve them.”

Gov. Pritzker signed an executive order that calls for a complete audit of the health, safety, and security process and procedures at the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.

Within 120 days, IDVA will deliver a report to the governor containing a comprehensive review of weaknesses, strengths, and opportunities for improvement at Illinois Veterans’ Homes. That includes policies, protocols and procedures related to:

    Identification and remediation of health and safety issues;
    Communication between state, federal and local agencies;
    Communication with residents, family members and the public;
    Facility maintenance schedules that protect the health and safety of residents and workers.

To complete this report, IDVA will work with the Illinois Department of Public Health and consult state and national experts, residents and their family members and employees involved in providing critical care to residents.

After the gross mismanagement of the past that cost veterans their lives, Governor Pritzker is determined to ensure that services don’t fall short of the high standard veterans deserve.

“I was proud to co-chair the governor’s veterans committee during the transition, and I’m even prouder that Gov. Pritzker is on the ground in Manteno today, taking action to keep our veterans safe,” said Secretary of State Jesse White. “After what happened under the previous administration, I’m heartened that Gov. Pritzker is acting quickly to uncover and remediate the state’s failure to honor our veterans and provide them with the quality care they deserve.”

“We have to do all we can to prevent a repeat of what happened in Quincy at the Manteno Veterans’ Home,” said Sen. Elgie R. Sims Jr. (D-17th). “These men and women have sacrificed so much for the people of this great state and country. We have an obligation to protect our heroes as they have protected us and this means collecting as much information as possible so we can be transparent with them, their families and the public and take all necessary precautions to protect them from any harm, particularly Legionnaires’ disease.”

“Gov. Pritzker touring the Manteno Veterans’ Home just days after taking office shows his commitment to our veterans is second to none,” said Rep. Nick Smith (D-34th). “The executive action the governor took today will ensure our veterans live safe and healthy lives and begin to repair the damage done by the previous administration.”

“Our veterans and their families have sacrificed so much for our state and country,” said Rep. Stephanie Kifowit (D-84th ). “It’s our duty to protect our veterans’ health and wellbeing, especially while in state care, and I applaud Gov. Pritzker for taking strong action today to do just that.”

“The men and women that have served our country deserve nothing but the best from the state of Illinois, and as a veteran myself, I’m glad that Gov. Pritzker’s executive order will ensure the state lives up to its commitment to our veterans,” said former Adjutant General of Illinois, Major General David Harris, the governor’s pick to lead the Department of Revenue. “There’s much work to do, and Gov. Pritzker is already getting started. The audit of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs is sorely needed to restore the trust of Illinois veterans and their families.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - This just in…

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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It’s just a bill

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* West Virginia must have some real issues with lobsters

A BILL to amend and reenact §6B-3-2, §6B-3-7, and §6B-3-9 of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended; and to amend said code by adding thereto a new section, designated §6B-3-3d, all relating to regulation of lobbyists; requiring registered lobbyists to purchase and wear body-mounted cameras at the Capitol and in certain other circumstances; requiring certain certifications be made by registered lobbyists; prohibiting lobbyists from making certain campaign donations; prohibiting lobbyists from loitering in the Capitol with certain exceptions; prohibiting lobbyists from making certain expenditures to benefit legislators; making body-mounted camera video and audio recordings subject to inspection by the Ethics Commission and subject to the provisions of the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act; authorizing random inspections of lobbyist body-mounted cameras; setting certain compliance requirements for lobbyists; creating a misdemeanor offense for failure to comply with certain requests for video and audio from body-mounted cameras; and creating penalties relating to access to the Capitol complex by lobbyists for violation of certain prohibited conduct.


“Trooper’s trooper” laid to rest

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* ABC 7

Hundreds of mourners packed into Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington to pay their respects to Illinois State Police Trooper Christopher Lambert Friday.

The 34-year-old was killed while responding to a crash on the Tri-State Tollway last week.

“We lost a family member,” said Illinois State Police Director Leo Schmitz. “We lost a friend. He was a troopers’ trooper.”

Lambert, 34, was headed home to Highland Park last Saturday when he stopped to investigate a three-vehicle crash on the northbound lanes of I-294 near Willow Road in Northbrook. He stopped to position his vehicle on the left-hand lane to protect those involved in the crash. He was standing outside of his vehicle when he was struck by an oncoming motorist.

“Our job is to protect the lives of people,” said Director Schmitz. “My trooper had to trade his life to protect the people. I’m so proud of him he is a hero.”

* Tribune

Newly sworn-in Gov. J.B. Pritzker also attended, and from the pulpit reflected upon the grief he felt as a child when his father died.

“Let me try, however inadvertently and inadequately, to ease a small part of this burden for you,” he told Lambert’s wife and daughter. “There will come a day when the memory of Chris will be like a cool breeze in summer, comforting and gentle. … You will always mourn his death, but this agony fades. What is left are the most perfect memories — the best parts of the person that you loved.”

Lambert, a native of Dayton, Ohio, was an Army veteran who served in Iraq and Haiti. He had been with Illinois State Police since 2013 and worked in the criminal patrol division.

…Adding… The full video is here.


RNUG: Vallas’ plan “appears to make Chicago’s pension problem manageable”

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Paul Vallas announced his pension plan yesterday. It’s long, but worth a read

While there is much talk of a “grand compromise” to be reached with labor, state and local governments and the business community to amend the Constitution to address the City’s pension funding needs, it is unlikely to happen even if Governor-elect Pritzker had not voiced his opposition to such an amendment. As for the talk of changing the benefits for new employees who would not be protected by the Constitution, that has already been done. Employees hired after 2010 became Tier 2 pension participants at far lower benefits. Tier 2 employees contribute much more than what it takes to pay their own benefits and are, in fact, subsidizing Tier 1 retirees. This, in itself, could create future legal problems. It is highly unlikely there would be support for a further diminishing of new employee future pension benefits. I oppose any changes to new and old employee benefits.

The underlying pension funding problem is in large part the result of inequities in State funding which discriminated against Chicago Teachers and the City’s irresponsible decision to secure, through State legislation, a “Pension Holiday,” that allowed it to skip payments to all City-funded pension systems. The Police, Fire, Municipal Employees, and Laborers were all victimized by the pension holiday. The City also secured a pension holiday for the Chicago Teachers Retirement System. It is ironic that the leadership of a number of unions’ leadership has orchestrated the endorsements of candidates who supported the underfunding of the systems. […]

The plan includes supporting a legislative agenda that protects the statutory local government share of any increase in the State Income Tax that Governor Pritzker and the legislature enact, restores the illegal diversion of Corporate Personal Property Tax revenues that occurred during the previous administration, and phases in, over ten years, full State funding equity for the Chicago Teachers Retirement System. The first two items are things every municipality and county will be supporting and could be phased in over the next four years during the pension ramp-up. […]

I have identified a number of specific budget areas where I believe the growth in City non-pension spending could be reduced over the next five years to provide the balance of what is needed to meet the City’s pension obligations. These areas include overtime, contractual services, worker’s compensation, healthcare, and more. Just a five percent reduction in base spending over the next five years would enable the City to meet the balance of the pension funding ramp up. By 2023, the State mandated annual increases in pension contributions will be much more moderate and financially manageable - not only as a result of the almost doubling of contributions, but because of the increasing numbers of Tier 2 employees in the system.

While some have advocated for the earmark of revenues from a City Casino or a tax on cannabis to fund pensions, I would be cautious about making pension funding contingent on uncertain and unproven revenue sources that would at very best provide barely a fourth of what would be needed to meet the City’s pension funding obligations. Furthermore, we have been waiting for casinos for years and, even if finally approved, the full the revenue impact would be uncertain and not immediate. Funding for pensions should not be tied to unreliable revenue sources. Pension funding should be in the form of a “direct intercept” in the budget of the actuarial determined annual amount needed to ensure the system’s pension funds are on a 30-year full funding schedule.

As a contingency against delays or partial success in implementing the Springfield agenda and a hedge against unanticipated expenditure increases the City could consider issuing a Pension Obligation Bond financed through the revenue windfall from expiring TIFs. This would protect the City’s existing revenue base from further securitization, while providing a substantial increase in the amount invested in the retirement systems, thereby significantly reducing the increase in the annual contribution.

A Citywide TIF would be created to capture the revenue from expiring TIFs, the revenues of which could be dedicated to pension funding. The City would have the flexibility of using the revenues to immediately finance the POB to immediately improve the health of the system the unfunded [MG1] Even if the TIF was not used to finance a POB, the dedication of future TIF revenues would have a positive impact in the calculation of the long-term unfunded liability. Given the City’s direct funding of the Chicago Teachers Retirement System, the Pension TIF could earmark all but the County’s share of the revenue from expiring TIF’s.

Resolving the pension funding issue must also include reforming pension fund investment practices. This involves creating a Pension Investment Board of local investment professionals and taking the pay-to-play politics out of investment decisions. Often politicized and all too often lacking in real investment expertise, pension fund investments have historically produced disappointing returns and have sometimes been scandalous. There should be a consolation of pension investments for cost efficiencies and to ensure the highest rate of return.

Although data from the pension funds are hard to compare because returns vary across time periods, it is not unreasonable to think that if all the big pension funds in Illinois paid fees and produced investment returns that were achieved by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), which is 90% funded, the additional earnings would approach $1 billion statewide. If you had a board of Chicago’s most accomplished local investment professionals making investment decisions, do you think that Robert Vanecko and his investment strategy would have been the recipient of tens of millions of dollars in substandard investment strategy that cost the police pension $54 million?

With the City’s pension funding issue addressed and the City’s commitment to its public employees met, the City’s “non-pension” expenditure obligations needed to fund City services could be secured through natural revenue growth allowing property taxes to be permanently capped for homeowners, landlords and businesses, at no more than 5% or the rate of inflation whichever is less. F could be frozen, and fines reduced to no more than the cost of the license or dedicated to neighborhood infrastructure improvements, and services and ees ticket. Additional revenues from a casino, sports betting and video poker could be proceeds from the tax on cannabis could be dedicated to rebuilding the critically needed social service infrastructure in poor communities like mental health and wellness, health care, legal aid, family counseling, drug and opioid addiction.

* I asked our resident pension expert (and 2018 Golden Horseshoe Award winner) RNUG to take a look at it…

Some interesting items in it.

First observation is he’s counting on significant State money, about half of all the money needed. Admittedly not in the form of a direct bailout so much as trying to regain various revenue sharing the State previously clawed back. The political calculation of doing this for the entire state is smart.

Not sure what he means by Full State Equity for Chicago Teacher’s Retirement System unless he means either trying to undo the former deal giving Chicago control over it or looking for the State to take over those pension payments or just looking to get the State to kick in more money with Chicago still having control over it. Not sure about the politics, so it will depend on if Vallas can round up the votes in the GA. Think this is a harder challenge than increasing revenue sharing.

Interesting approach to grabbing expired TIF funds and either using them directly or as a payment stream for Pension Obligation Bonds. Was definitely looking for unused / dormant sources of cash.

And the 5% operating cut seems reasonable; you can usually find that amount of waste / fraud / abuse.

And he isn’t counting on the State actions by having a plan to cover at least half of what is needed. Smart and flexible planning.

Got to give Vallas (or his advisors) credit for some serious thought and creative out of the box thinking. His proposed plan appears to make Chicago’s pension problem manageable.

I don’t really follow Chicago politics per se, but I’m going to guess he may, if mayor, be able to get 75% of what he wants … and that would be huge.


Because… Chicago!

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Belleville News Democrat

“A gas tax, you might as well just change the name of it from a gas tax to a downstate tax,” said state Sen. Jason Plummer, R-Edwardsville. “The fact of the matter is, Mayor Emanuel is not going to hesitate to push something like that. A lot of folks that he represents in Chicago, they’re taking public transportation, taking the Metra, they have trains, they have all these things in Chicago that folks in Southern Illinois don’t have. … A gas tax is a tax on Southern Illinois because we are more rural, more spread out. We travel further for school, we travel further for work, we travel further to visit family.” […]

[Rep. Charlie Meier, R-Okawville] said he fears increases in the gas tax could be used to pay for upgrades to the Chicago-area’s commuter train system, Metra.

“I don’t want to pay for Metra upgrades,” Meier said. “We have to drive to work here in Southern Illinois. We’re the ones paying that gas tax.”

* But

A deal hammered out by the state’s top politicians in the 1980s means that 45 percent of all transportation revenues go to the Chicago metropolitan area and 55 percent is allocated to downstate Illinois.

IDOT’s District 1 contains the counties of Cook, Lake, McHenry, Kane, Dupage and Will. That’s 65 percent of the state’s population getting 45 percent of the transportation revenues. The rest of the state has 35 percent of the population, but they receive 55 percent of the money.

By the way, District 1 motorists drove 35 billion miles in 2017, according to IDOT. The rest of the state’s motorists drove 26 billion miles that year.

* Also from IDOT, here’s the 2017 Average Daily Vehicle Miles of Travel by county

* Madison (Plummer): 8,105,659
* Washington (Meier): 1,165,736
* Cook: 87,784,902

So, yeah, individuals do appear to drive longer distances every day in those two Downstate counties. Madison County has 5 percent of the population of Cook, but its daily vehicle miles traveled is 9 percent of Cook’s, for instance.

But they’re also getting lots more money back from the state than Cook is getting per capita.

* And that’s not even to mention this Paul Simon Public Policy Institute study of state revenues versus state spending

The research shows the south region receives $2.81 in state funds for every $1 generated. The central Illinois region of 50 counties receives $1.87 back for every $1.00 sent to Springfield. All of the downstate regions receive more from the state budget than they pay in taxes. By comparison, Cook County receives 90 cents for every $1, and the suburban counties only 53 cents for every $1 generated.

* Back to the BND story

Pritzker said he hasn’t decided on where he would stand on an increase in the gas tax.

“I don’t know, I don’t like regressive taxes much, that’s why I proposed a fair tax system for the state,” Pritzker said. “I don’t want to rely too much on regressive taxes, that’s why I’m looking for all the opportunities to piece together the revenue that would be required for an infrastructure bill. “

Everybody needs to just take a chill pill.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Update to this morning’s edition

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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What’s up with this lawsuit threat?

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Every news outlet mentioned the threat by the Illinois State Rifle Association to file suit against the new gun dealer licensing law. But Jonah Meadows at Patch explained what the group was actually threatening to do

The Illinois State Rifle Association has opposed the bill. Executive Director Richard Pearson said the group is considering a court challenge to the new law. He said it discriminates against small business owners and is aimed at reducing the total number of legal guns in the state by raising their cost and making it harder for law-abiding firearm owners to purchase them.

“We think that it’s totally unfair, and laws do have to be fair, in spite of what the legislature thinks,” Pearson said, suggesting the bill would do little to reduce gun trafficking and instead function mainly to drive gun dealers out of business and owners and their business out of state. “I assume that Gov. Pritzker is trying to get the economic development award from Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin and Kentucky.”

Under the law, owners of gun shops would need to pay the required $300 (for dealers without a retail location) to a maximum of $1,500 for a license from state police. They would also have to ensure shops have operational locks, surveillance equipment and alarms while keeping an electronic inventory and have employees go through annual training. The owners must provide a copy of a valid federal license to state police, who must accept a dealer’s “safe storage plan” to provide an Illinois license.

Another component of the new law requires state police to publish information about firearms used in crimes and penalize those who do not maintain records of private gun sales.

I’m not really sure how the law discriminates against small businesses or whether that’s even actionable. A little help in comments would be appreciated.

And I think they’d have to prove the law was purposely drafted to make business so difficult for small dealers that they’d go out of business and, as a result, deprive people of their right to own a gun.

These are not small hurdles, but I didn’t think they’d win the concealed carry case, either. So, we’ll see.

* And then there’s the procedural aspect

Lawmakers passed the bill with simple majorities more than six months ago on May 30, the penultimate day of regular session. The state constitution says bills that pass both chambers must be sent to the governor within a month, but Senate President John Cullerton made sure the bill didn’t go to former Gov. Bruce Rauner, who said he planned to veto it.

Cullerton put a procedural hold called a “motion to reconsider” on the bill, which kept it from Rauner’s desk. That hold was lifted Jan. 8 and sent to Pritzker Wednesday.

Using a procedural hold isn’t a new trick. Longtime statehouse observer and University of Illinois Professor Emeritus Kent Redfield said it’s technically possible for lawmakers to hold a bill that passed in one General Assembly and then pass it onto a new governor. He said it’s an ambiguous area that he’s not aware has been fully litigated.

“Particularly if it’s controversial legislation involving something like gun control measures … there certainly would be a court challenge,” Redfield said.

[Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois Executive Director Todd Vandermyde] said his group is looking a number of options, including a legal challenge. The law is set to take effect this summer.

“It just shows the political chicanery that went on with this, that they knew that former Gov. [Bruce] Rauner would veto this bill because of its anti-business, anti-Second Amendment repercussions,” he said.

The courts here have almost always been super reluctant to deal with legislative process issues like this, so I’m thinking probably not, particularly since the state Constitution is totally silent on the matter.

Something else not mentioned much in the coverage was that House Republican Leader Jim Durkin and six of his HGOP colleages voted for the bill (Andersson, Bellock, Breen, McAuliffe, Olsen and Winger), while four Senate Republicans voted “Yes” (Curran, Nybo, Oberweis and Rooney)

* I’ve been a customer of Siddens firing range for years and they also sell guns and conduct pistol and concealed carry training. Great people. Salt of the Earth. I’ve never once had a bad time there and I highly recommend going if you’re into that sort of thing.

I’m sure they’re not happy with this law. Just the opposite. But no business owner in the history of the world ever jumped for joy at new regulations. Again, we’ll just have to see how this all works out.

…Adding… Like I said, businesses don’t like regulations, even when the regulations wouldn’t touch them at all

Supporters of the bill said federal regulators are stretched too thin, but opponents say the new licensing is expensive, and could force small dealers out of business.

The director of operations at On Target gun shop in Crystal Lake said they are already doing what the law will now mandate.

“It’s not just the straw sales that are producing the guns that are killing people, it’s illegal stolen guns from other states that are brought up to Illinois. So why take it out on us?” said Tom Dorsch.


It’s Time To Put Our Progressive Values Into Action

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Illinois progressives ran, organized, voted, and won in 2018. Now it’s time to lead. Our victories this election showed there is strong support across Illinois for a bold, progressive agenda and leaders who can turn that agenda into action. We have the power to make Illinois a state that leads the nation on committing to 100% clean, renewable energy, reducing gun violence to keep our communities safe, expanding abortion access to all no matter where they live, their income or age. Working together, we can move Illinois forward on these issues and more — from workers’ and immigrant rights to criminal justice reform, LGBTQ equality, and affordable healthcare. We are one in the fight to build a state where all people can raise families in healthy, safe communities, with dignity and justice.

Forward Illinois is a coalition of leading progressive organizations representing more than 500,000 member-activists. Our work to mobilize voters around the progressive issues that impact us all didn’t end on Election Day. Now we’re taking our fight from the ballot box to the steps of our state Capitol to demand action. Learn more and join the fight at

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Money isn’t yet flowing toward Burke’s challengers

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There’s just no way on Earth to compete with Ed Burke dollar-for-dollar, but people can still raise enough to get their messages out. And unless they’re taking in lots of small contributions that don’t have to be reported, these are not great disclosure reports…

Congressman Chuy Garcia has endorsed Tanya Patino, but it doesn’t look like that has yet come with any money. Patino’s recent D-2 reported a $35 contribution, so she may be disclosing everything. She also received a $5,000 in-kind contribution from United Working Families to access the NGP VAN.

* And, in case you missed this, it looks like Burke won’t be indicted before the election

Federal prosecutors on Tuesday won a three-month extension on indicting Chicago Ald. Edward Burke on bombshell charges he shook down two businessmen seeking to renovate a Burger King restaurant in his ward.

In a one-page order allowing the delay, U.S. District Chief Judge Ruben Castillo wrote that “the ends of justice served by the extension outweigh the best interests of the public and the defendant for a speedy trial.”

Prosecutors now face a May 3 deadline to seek an indictment from a grand jury, making it likely Burke won’t need to return to federal court until well after his Feb. 26 bid for re-election to an unprecedented 13th full term on the City Council.

In their motion for an extension on Monday, prosecutors said they needed more time because of the “complex nature” of the public corruption case against Burke “and the fact that the investigation is ongoing.”

The request was filed hours after Burke waived his right to a preliminary hearing to determine whether there was probable cause for the criminal complaint unveiled against him Jan. 3. The procedural move canceled a hearing that had been set for Friday and means there is no current court date for Burke’s case.

* Other stuff…

* Ald. Edward Burke dumped as tax lawyer by developers of Lincoln Yards, ‘The 78’: For 10 years, Sterling Bay, one of Chicago’s biggest developers, used Ald. Edward M. Burke’s law firm Klafter & Burke to seek property tax cuts. But not anymore. The firm behind the massive Lincoln Yards development proposed for the North Side has cut ties with Burke now that the alderman faces a corruption charge that threatens to send him to prison and end the reign of Chicago’s longest-tenured and most powerful City Council member.

* Alderman Ed Burke corruption case continues to cloud Chicago mayors race

* Who Is Alderman Ed Burke?

* Can Ed Burke scandal become a #MeToo-like moment in fight against corruption?


Lock up your guns and vaccinate your kids!

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yesterday

Youth suicides rates are higher in states with high gun ownership rates, a team at Boston University School of Public Health found.

“Household gun ownership was the single biggest predictor of youth suicide rate in a state,” Dr. Michael Siegel, a public health specialist at BU, told NBC News.

Siegel has been studying the relationships between gun ownership and homicide, suicide and other factors. It’s well known that people with access to a gun are far more likely to complete suicide. And some data had suggested that gun ownership in general was associated with higher suicide rates. […]

“For each 10 percentage-point increase in household gun ownership, the youth suicide rate increased by 26.9 percent,” they wrote in their report, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

“The only other factors that were associated with overall youth suicide rates were the suicide attempt rate and the percentage of youth who were Native American,” they added.

“Together, the model explained 92 percent of the variation in overall youth suicide rates across the 47 states.”

Remember that old saying about how freedom comes with responsibilities? Lock up your guns, people. The full report is here.

* Meanwhile

A report released by [Chicago Department of Public Health commissioner Dr. Julie Morita] and her department and Lurie Children’s Hospital showed Chicago parents have doubts about the flu vaccine.

“In fact, 14 percent overall refused vaccines, and 83 percent of parents refused flu vaccine, in particular,” Dr Matthew Davis of Lurie Children’s Hospital said. “It was the most commonly refused vaccine overall.”

“It’s a really serious infection,” Morita said. “For most people they will recover, but for some people, young children, people with chronic underlying health disease, such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, those kinds of individuals can get very, very sick and end up in the hospital.”

More than 1000 parents representing all 77 neighborhoods in the city were surveyed. Two-thirds cited worry about short and long-term adverse side effects. About one-third believed the flu vaccine simply isn’t necessary. […]

The CDC recommends that all children 6 months and older receive the flu vaccine. And if you don’t have insurance, you can call 311 and the city will direct you to a healthcare provider where you can obtain a free flu shot.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Friday, Jan 18, 2019 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Sunday roundup: Rep. Williams says no takeover; 'Guardrail' bill floated; More alderpersons sign letter; Biz weighs in; CTU president claims city pays the bills for 'every municipality in this state'; Progressive Caucus supports letter
* News coverage roundup: Entire Chicago Board of Education to resign (Updated x2)
* Mayor to announce school board appointments on Monday
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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Question of the day (Updated)
* Ahead of mass school board resignation, some mayoral opponents ask Pritzker to step in, but he says he has no legal authority (Updated x5)
* Governor’s office says Senate Republicans are “spreading falsehoods” with their calls for DCFS audit (Updated)
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