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Governor, spouse again bid up price of grand champion steer

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Isabel Miller


Governor JB and First Lady MK Pritzker reprised their routine as the two final bidders for the grand champion steer at the Sale of Champions at the Illinois State Fair.

The first lady again prevailed, tying her own 2021 record with a $105,000 bid.

It’s a prize that will partly go toward the college education of the steer’s shower.

21-year-old Ashtin Guyer of Robinson, Ill. will be a senior at Western Illinois University. She raised King, the steer who received the winning bid.

* The State Journal-Register

It was a fitting cap for Guyer’s showing career. She started at the age of 6 and worked her way up to winning a Grand Championship at 21. The Western Illinois University student said the experience was something that went beyond simple words or feelings.

“It’s unexplainable,” Guyer said. “You can’t tell anyone how it feels and the emotions that you have going through you. I’m so proud and so blessed.”

At more than 1,300 pounds, King brings a little bit of an attitude to the show ring. Ashtin said the attitude died down somewhat as he aged, maturing into an impressive-enough specimen to be named Grand Champion at the state fair.

“When we first got him, he had a little bit of a fire under him,” she said. “The older he’s gotten, he’s mellowed.”

You can find pictures from SJ-R’s Thomas Turney here.


These accomplished young exhibitors represent the future of our state’s number one industry and they have dedicated their young lives to this work,” Gov. Pritzker said.


“About 5:00 every morning they come in and go into a cooler room that stays at 47 degrees, and they don’t get turned out until midnight, 1:00,” said Ashtin Geyer, 21, of Robinson, Ill. “That cooler room helps grow their hair. That’s his routine, and his routine’s pretty laid-back. He gets to hang out in the cool while it’s hot outside.”

Geyer, who will be a senior at Western Illinois University, showed King – whose posh life leads to an ignominious end.

The Pritzkers are donating him to a food bank.


Sign of the times?

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Today…

* But…

* Oops…



Democratic county chairs’ brunch roundup

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Not good…

* More from the brunch…

And now we’re heading to the brunch. Talk to you later.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Sen. Hastings resigns leadership position

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Some quick background

State Sen. Michael Hastings is suing Frankfort’s Police Department and alleges that unnamed employees of the department or Will County released “a fabricated police report with false claims” of domestic violence against him alleged by his wife, who he said he is divorcing.

A petition for discovery, filed last month, seeks records from Frankfort and Will County regarding who may have accessed the June 20, 2021, police report in which his wife alleged that Hastings was verbally abusive toward her and had, several months earlier, battered her at the Frankfort home they shared.


State Sen. Michael Hastings lost a round in court Thursday when a Will County judge ruled that potential sworn testimony by a Tinley Park police officer and Mayor Michael Glotz were irrelevant to the senator’s divorce case at this time.

Judge Dinah Archambeault quashed subpoenas that sought to depose Glotz and a police officer who took a report from Hastings’ estranged wife on Father’s Day 2021 at the Tinley Park Police Department.

Attorneys for Hastings argued the prospective witnesses might shed light on alleged efforts to damage the senator’s political career.

…Adding… Southtown

An ethics investigation launched last year at the behest of state Sen. Michael Hastings found his former chief of staff engaged in prohibited political activity and misappropriated state resources by using her official email account to conduct personal business.

The legislative inspector general concluded that allegations Hastings made against Cassandra Matz, who worked for him from 2013 until he fired her in 2018, were “factually well-founded” and that her termination was “supported by the facts,” according to an investigative summary report.

* OK, on to the Edgar County Watchdogs

In a letter dated August 12, 2022, to Secretary of the Senate Tim Anderson, Senate President Don Harmon wrote:

“Senator Michael E. Hastings has stepped down from his role on Senate Democrat Majority Caucus Whip. I have accepted this resignation and it is effective immediately. If you have any questions, please contact Jake Butcher, Chief of Staff.”

* More allegations from the Edgar County Watchdogs

In 2019, Illinois State Senator Michael Hastings and the Illinois State Senate were sued by Cassandra Matz, who was Hastings’ former Chief of Staff (See Chicago Tribune article).

The Cook County Case Number was: 2019-L-6369 and alleged she was paid less than her predecessor and was treated differently than his other employees, which constituted harassment. Count I complained of Violations of State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. […]

On December 8, 2021, the court docket shows a “Stipulation to Dismiss” was filed.

According to the Stipulation to Dismiss, “Each party shall bear their own attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses.” This Stipulation was signed by both party’s attorneys. […]

The Comptroller was invoiced on January 7, 2022, and later paid Plaintiff Cassandra Matz $45,000 on February 23, 2022.

The Comptroller was also separately invoiced on January 7, 2022, and later paid Plaintiff Matz’ attorneys $55,000 on February 23, 2022.


* And Sen. Hastings posted this on his Facebook page earlier today


Life can be like that. It kicks us around. The stuff we expected to be simple turns out to be tough. The people we thought were friends let us down. A couple storms or unexpected weather patterns just add a whole bunch of difficulty on top of whatever we’ve been doing.

How could that possibly be seen as a good thing? You have to squint a bit to see it, but there is one way: if you see what’s been happening as practice, as training.

Seneca wrote that only the prize fighter who has been bloodied and bruised—in training and in previous matches—can go into the ring confident of his chances of winning. The one who has never been touched before, never had a hard fight? That’s a fighter who is scared. And if they aren’t, they should be. Because they have no actual idea how they’re going to hold up.

His point was that the boxer who has, “seen his own blood, who has felt his teeth rattle beneath his opponent’s fist…who has been downed in body but not in spirit…”—they know what they can take. They know what the darkness before the proverbial dawn feels like. Only they have a true and accurate sense of rhythms of a fight and what winning is going to require them to do. That sense comes from getting knocked around. That sense is only possible because of the hard times—the hard knocks—they’ve experienced before.

So yeah, things might not be great right now. Obviously it’d be nice if they were better. But if they were, you’d also be weaker for it. Less informed. Less in touch with yourself and the fight you’re in.

So squint and see that.

*** UPDATE *** Sen. Hastings’ resignation letter indicates that his resignation was requested by Senate President Harmon…


Pritzker says special session will depend on if legislators can devise bills “that will meet my requirements that could get done before the new session” in January

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Capitol News Illinois

While the governor quickly announced he would call a special session after the landmark Supreme Court case Roe vs. Wade was overturned in June, lawmakers have thus far not scheduled any return to the Capitol.

Last week, Pritzker wasn’t any clearer as to when he expected lawmakers to return to address issues such as abortion rights and gun violence.

“As you know, the working groups are hard at work in the House of Representatives, working on various aspects of legislation, working with advocates, listening to them,” he said. “And so we’re cautiously optimistic that they’ll be able to come up with ideas for us to be able to bring forward in a special session, or in veto session, or some of it may even be in the new year.”

On Tuesday, Pritzker was asked about session again, noting he was in favor of banning high-capacity magazines and assault-style weapons like the ones used in the Highland Park July 4 shooting.

* The governor’s full response to the question

Well, let me be clear, I am in favor of banning assault style weapons in the state of Illinois. I’m in favor of gun safety measures like banning high capacity magazines, like the ones that we saw used in Highland Park, for example, in that terrible tragedy. So I have told this to legislators. I know that they’re in working groups now to try to figure out what they can get done. As you know, in the current time period, it requires to get something done, you really have to get a supermajority of legislators voting for something. And in the new session in January, fewer. So the question is, can they come up with a compromise or bills that will meet my requirements that could get done before the new session, and that’s what I’m looking for.


Pritzker says he will “definitely” debate Bailey, criticizes opponent for dodging news media

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From yesterday’s Pritzker press conference

Q: Do you plan on debating your opponent? Where do you stand?

A: We’re definitely going to debate. And, you know, we’ll be making decisions about that sometime over the next several weeks. And by the way, welcome to Springfield. Glad to have you at the state fair.

Q: It is the tradition that the incumbent usually gets to pick. I mean, that’s how it goes, whether that’s fair. The challenger always wants more. Do you see yourself doing 2, 3, 4?

A: I don’t know. Decisions haven’t been made yet about that. But we surely will debate. There’s no doubt about that. I’m looking forward to that. I am I look forward to debating.

Q: Why do you think that’s important?

A: Why is it important to debate? Well, I mean, there are clear differences between Darren Bailey and me. I’m standing up for working families, making sure that we’re protecting women’s rights, reproductive rights, fighting to make sure that we have gun safety, but also that we’re actually supporting our police and public safety. And that’s something that I’ve done throughout my term in office. Darren Bailey has not, so there’s a lot that we’re going to be debating about, no doubt about it. And I look forward to demonstrating that when we’re together. But I will point out, I stand up in front of the press, I don’t know, virtually every day, certainly on average, once a day, answer any questions that come. I don’t tell you, I’m not going to answer questions. And the fact is that Darren Bailey doesn’t want to answer questions from members of the media, walks away, tells you that he’s not going to answer questions. It seems to me that he ought to answer the questions that you put forward. And certainly a debate will be one opportunity. But I think it ought to be every day on the campaign trail. If you’re out there, and you’re open to having people attend your events. You ought to be open to having the press ask you questions.


With 83 days to go until election day, Bailey’s messaging still focused on CRT and sex ed while ducking reporters

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Hannah Meisel

Republican gubernatorial candidate Darren Bailey on Tuesday said he’d prioritize eliminating “critical race theory” and “egregious” sex education standards from Illinois schools if elected to replace Gov. JB Pritzker in November, courting a relatively new coalition of voters radicalized during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bailey made those comments to a small rally outside the state Capitol building in Springfield organized by activist group Awake IL, which in recent weeks has come under fire for its social media posts, including a tweet in June that called Pritzker a “groomer” for signing new sex education standards into law.

Awake IL also took credit for “blast[ing]” a planned drag show targeted at families at a bakery in Chicago’s far north suburban Lake in the Hills in July, calling it “perverted,” and warning, “they’re coming for your kids, McHenry County.” But after UpRising Bakery was vandalized the night before the scheduled event — including broken windows and graffiti that said “f*gs rape kids” — the group distanced itself from Joseph Collins, the alleged perpetrator with ties to the Proud Boys.

Awake IL founder Shannon Adcock on Tuesday reiterated to NPR Illinois that her group “had nothing to do” with the vandalism and doesn’t condone violence. The day before the scheduled show, Awake IL’s Twitter account praised the pressure campaign that forced UpRising to make ticket information harder to find. […]

Bailey declined to speak to reporters while departing from the rally

This messaging emphasis and associating himself with that group won’t ever get him close to 50 percent plus one in Illinois. Maybe, I dunno, in Mississippi, but not in Illinois. I mean, it’s mid-August and he’s still publicly pandering to the micro-base of the base of the base. The object is to depress the other side’s base and appeal to the middle. All he’s going to do with stuff like this is further fire up the other side’s base, which is considerably larger than his, and frighten the middle.

* Jeremy Gorner and Dan Petrella

Under signs that read “GENDER IS NOT INTERCHANGEABLE! GOD CREATED MALE/FEMALE,” and “dad /dad/ noun a human male who protects his kids from gender ideology,” Bailey on Tuesday stressed the importance of fighting for “these freedoms that are being taken away from us.”

“Children are our most valuable asset but our children and our rights as parents, they’re being stripped from us,” he said during an eight-minute speech.

He acknowledged the small size of the crowd, which he blamed on economic conditions that prevented some from traveling to Springfield.

“Some of you had to make the decisions today, and some of you had to sacrifice whether or not you even come here,” said Bailey, a state senator from Xenia. “And I’m going to contend that may be one of the very reasons why this crowd size is smaller than we know it ought to be because people in this state are now making decisions whether we put food on our table or whether we fill our gas tanks up.”

C’mon. The gathering was small because the real-life crowds generated by that social media group are, as far as I can tell, pretty much always small. This isn’t a presidential race. Counties don’t vote.

* Meanwhile, here’s Mark Maxwell

The campaign for Darren Bailey, the GOP nominee for Illinois governor, is once again publicly distancing itself from a suspect charged in the attack on the U.S. Capitol after new video emerged showing the man campaigning alongside a paid Bailey campaign staffer.

So far, the FBI has charged 28 people from Illinois for alleged crimes at the Capitol on Jan. 6. One of them is Lawrence Ligas, who was charged last December with three criminal counts for storming the Capitol. Ligas has signaled he intends to face the charges at trial. He’s scheduled to appear in court again next month. […]

Bailey’s campaign lists Corrigan’s name in campaign finance documents under the category “staff salaries.” On Tuesday, Bailey campaign officials downplayed Corrigan’s role in the campaign, describing him as a 17-year-old paid intern who was not authorized to speak on behalf of the campaign.

Still, if Bailey intended to put distance between his campaign and Ligas, it’s clear Ligas never got the message.

“I believe in Darren Bailey so strongly that I’m out here trying to wake up the people that don’t get it,” Ligas said into the camera.

“He does not represent the campaign and anyone who breaks the law should be held accountable for their actions,” DeBose reiterated on Tuesday. […]

Ligas is not the only avid Darren Bailey supporter who was seen at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

5 On Your Side has also confirmed the identities of an Illinois couple seen in a video outside the Capitol on January 6th. Because they’re private citizens, not listed on campaign payroll, and have not been charged with a crime, we are not publishing their identities. But the comments they broadcasted on Jan. 6 reveal how strongly they felt when the crowd of rioters learned Mike Pence certified the election results:

“Do your (expletive) job or swing!” the man shouted, an apparent reference to the common chant from Trump supporters on that day, “Hang Mike Pence.” […]

“Darren does not condone this kind of language,” the Bailey campaign responded.

Does Bailey believe Mike Pence did the right thing on Jan. 6?

“Mike Pence followed the constitutional process,” DeBose said. “Joe Biden is the duly elected president, and he and JB Pritzker are failing Illinoisans.”

It’s one thing for a spokesperson to say something like that. But Bailey has a very bad habit of quickly and forcefully backtracking after his campaign issues official statements. Put the candidate himself in front of reporters on a regular basis and let him speak to all of this. Politico

Darren Bailey has made a major pivot. His team told reporter Mark Maxwell that “Mike Pence followed the constitutional process” and “Joe Biden is the duly elected president.”

Patting Bailey on the head because his spokesperson (not the candidate himself) admitted the bare minimum is what used to be known as the soft bigotry of low expectations. If Bailey himself had made those remarks during his speech to that tiny right-wing group, then that would’ve been a “major pivot.”


Open thread

Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A good time was had by all…


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Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022 - Posted by Rich Miller

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