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Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Mary Mitchell writes this morning: Should pastors serve as elected officials? […] Read her column and tell me what you think about this topic.
Still more trouble for Alexi
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller As I told Capitol Fax readers earlier this week, Dem treasurer nominee Alexi Giannoulias was planning to meet with reporters in an all-out attempt to improve his image. There appears to be mixed results. He answered some questions and backtracked from some of his dumber comments about an ex-mobster, but the Tribune found more problems. Citing bank privacy laws in response to new questions about loans made by Broadway Bank, Giannoulias would not comment about the bank’s relationship with another borrower, Boris Stratievsky, whose companies received millions of dollars in loans before his federal indictment on money-laundering charges last year. […] Read the whole thing. There’s plenty more.
Guv claims he isn’t leasing tolls to keep Meeks out
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’m not sure this is believable. The governor insisted he is not considering the tollway-leasing idea as a way of keeping state Sen. James Meeks, a Chicago independent, from making a run for governor.
It’s still not going away
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The governor attended a Holocaust memorial ceremony in Springfield yesterday, which dredged up some bad memories. Gov. Rod Blagojevich joined Jewish leaders for an annual ceremony observing the Holocaust on Wednesday, the first public gathering since he angered many of them by standing by his appointment of a Louis Farrakhan aide to a state panel. The Sun-Times adds: But key Jewish leaders said Blagojevich must engage in serious fence-mending if he intends to keep Jewish voters from aligning themselves this fall with Republican gubernatorial nominee Judy Baar Topinka, who attended Wednesday’s observance. Claiming everything is fine when it obviously isn’t is probably not a good idea. At best he looks disingenuous. At worst he looks like an uncaring jerk.
Trib moans about guv’s ads
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The Tribune editorial today is entitled “194 days and counting“ Here it is barely spring, and Gov. Rod Blagojevich already is resorting to the sort of negative campaigning traditionally reserved for, well, late spring. The AP has a summary of the governor’s new ads here and an article here. esurrecting a tactic that helped him win office four years ago, Gov. Rod Blagojevich stepped up efforts Wednesday to link his Republican opponent to the failures of former governor and convicted felon George Ryan.
Morning news roundup
Thursday, Apr 27, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller · Ousted Ryan juror alleges more intrigue · Zorn: Anti-gay issue could shake up the fall election · Lawmaker proposes 3-month gas-tax holiday · Editorial: We need to tank up on ideas for energy independence · Voting machines, company focus of scrutiny · Non-tenured Chicago teachers getting pink slips · Lots of links on a very important and crucial topic for the future of the Internet. · Blagojevich gets bill on ‘doggie bags’ of wine · It was Sutor. Figures. · Group says 3 area executions were botched