Blagojevich campaign explains new TV ads
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller A new press release [edited for space because the thing is too darned long]: Highlighting two key policy differences with Judy Baar Topinka, Governor Rod Blagojevich began running commercials today in which she details her opposition to a ban on assault weapons and raising the minimum wage. In the ads, Governor Blagojevich reiterates his record of raising the minimum wage to help Illinois workers, his support for an additional increase and his work to ban assault weapons. […] UPDATE: SurveyUSA’s new results for President Bush’s job performance ratings is out, and it’s very bad news for the prez and Topinka. Tying JBT to W is a sound idea. Doing it this early? I just don’t know. UPDATE: I was looking for something else and stumbled across this site that I hadn’t seen in a while. Apparently, when Blagojevich was in Congress he voted against a bill that would have stopped Washington, DC from implementing a needle exchange program and forbidden the District from holding a referendum on medical marijuana. But, lately, he’s said he’s opposed to medical marijuana. I’m sure there’s more to this possible flip-flop, but there’s more to every political hit. Just an example of how anything can be twisted in this business. Now, it’s back to finding what I started looking for in the first place. UPDATE: Some people in comments have been talking about Bill Clinton’s early attacks on Bob Dole being very effective and a model for Blagojevich, so I pulled up this story, edited out the stuff that doesn’t apply here, and present it for your consideration. “The fact that we’ve been able to finance this long-running constant television campaign,” [Clinton] told well-heeled donors at a May 21, 1996, White House lunch, “has been central to the position I now enjoy in the polls.” […] UPDATE: is up and running, but without the purloined photo. You can also read the text for two of the new TV ads here. [Hat tip: ArchPundit]
I wonder what he has planned?
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Actually, I think I know, but I don’t think I can say yet. Remember yesterday when I pointed out to you that Governor Blagojevich’s campaign lifted a photograph from Jake Parrillo’s site? ![]() ![]() I wondered if there might be some copyright issues. From Jake’s blog today: I’ve consulted with some folks and after some discussion, we’ll be pursuing this a bit. Should be fun to watch. UPDATE: is up and running, but without the purloined photo. You can also read the text for two of the new TV ads here. [Hat tip: ArchPundit]
And still another Lane Evans open thread
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Dems are finally seeking advkce from the Board of Elections. Democratic partisans are looking for guidance on interpreting Illinois election law regarding the replacement of U.S. Rep. Lane Evans on the November ballot. What else have you heard out there?
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Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller TIME magainze just rated Dick Durbin as one of the nation’s ten best Senators. Go read the article (it’s not long) and report back with your thoughts.
Guv goes negative
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I had a little bit more detail on what these ads are about in today’s Capitol Fax, but the Tribune has a good story, too. With more than six months until the state’s general election for governor, the incumbent, Democrat Rod Blagojevich, planned to hit the TV airwaves Thursday with a commercial critical of Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka.
Can we call him a perennial loser now?
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Krol has the story: Sugar Grove dairy magnate Jim Oberweis lost another election Wednesday night. OneMan has more.
What a mess - UPDATED
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller So, if the Chicago Tribune was really delving into the pasts of jurors on its own instead of just taking some friendly directions from prosecutors, why did they miss all of these people? From the Sun-Times: FIVE WHO STAYED And then there’s this very good point at the bottom of the story: After two more jurors were removed, Ryan’s lawyers sought a mistrial. They argued that jurors believed the feds were investigating their backgrounds and it tainted their deliberations. Indeed. [emphasis added] UPDATE: I’ve noticed a trend in comments, so let me just intervene now. This is not about whether a juror had any run-ins with the law, it’s about whether they disclosed it on their juror forms. UPDATE 2: Mary Mitchell: I don’t know whether Chambers, an African-American female, would have been excluded from the jury because of her past involvement with the court system, but the judge and the lawyers had a right to know the truth. UPDATE 3: So, let me get this straight. Forewoman Chambers didn’t disclose her repeated involvement with the legal system on her jury form, testified under oath that she didn’t talk to “Dennis the drycleaner” while it looks like she might have done so, said at a press conference that there were no pro-Ryan holdouts that she could recall, when there was at least one, now has hired a lawyer and won’t talk to the press, and yet she was still qualified to judge Ryan on perjury charges? I don’t get it.
Morning open thread
Thursday, Apr 20, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller I’ve changed the name to encourage debate on topics you choose, but here are the short bits: · “State lawmakers and education officials said they want to free up more money for textbooks, restrict schools’ ability to mark up book prices and develop a better state monitoring system after a Tribune investigation revealed that outdated and decrepit textbooks are being used in public schools across the state.” · Madigan Sues NJ Firm Over Cell Phone Record Sales · State joins others, sues over tobacco money · Local Republicans react to Ryan verdict · Zorn: Ryan verdict should be death knell for perks · Editorial: The new immigration politics · Campaign steams ahead with major Blagojevich fundraiser · Editorial: School junk food ban gets its just desserts · SIUE professor to help plan Lincoln’s 200th. More here. · And then there’s this, but read the whole thing: Medicaid providers from throughout Western Illinois are writing letters to lawmakers to complain about a deadbeat that is months behind in payments — the state of Illinois. UPDATES: · An Illinois town is held captive by a still-empty prison · Crain’s: State pipeline-safety inspectors have concluded that recent safety records submitted to state regulators by Peoples Energy Corp. can’t be relied upon as an accurate gauge of the condition of the underground natural gas pipes in Chicago. · llinois House OKs strict limits on property seizure · Editorial: Let voters decide stem cell issue · I guess I can announce it here. The Sun-Times has asked for two columns a month from me instead of just the one I was writing. The next column will appear a week from tomorrow. (I actually did two columns last month because of the primary election.) · How Ryan could lose his pension. · After logging just a single vote, candidate contests election results · Ray Hanania is on a Middle Eastern comedy tour. I am not making that up. Check out his blog. · Collin Hitt: End of ‘business as usual’? Audits will tell the tale · Another great toon from Chris Britt. (jpg file) · Durbin says Obama shouldn’t rule out national office · Bernie: For the fourth year in a row while in office, Gov. ROD BLAGOJEVICH didn’t file his family tax returns by the April deadline, opting to get an extension until mid-October. “He’s busy running the state,” said gubernatorial spokeswoman REBECCA RAUSCH. (Abe has more.) · Black-owned businesses booming.