Crain’s on Blagojevich: “Disgraced himself and the state” *** Updated x2 ***
Saturday, Oct 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Have you seen the Crain’s endorsements yet? Wow. Commenters kept urging me to read it, but I was a bit busy and simply forgot. The Crain’s editorial is by far the strongest denunciation of a sitting Illinois governor that I have ever seen. It’s even harsher than the magazine’s round of primary endorsements. Her opponent, Gov. Rod Blagojevich, has presided over an administration of unparalleled venality, and for that reason alone we cannot endorse him. Thoughts? *** UPDATE *** The Post-Dispatch goes the other way.
*** UPDATE x2 *** As I mentioned in comments, Crain’s endorsed Blagojevich in 2002. Here’s part of it. For decades, the Republican Party has had a stranglehold on the governor’s office. And though the GOP enjoyed its share of triumphs during that time, it’s become apparent in recent years that this concentration of power also has a dark side, as evidenced by displays of blatant cronyism, woeful ethics and some very costly wheeling and dealing. The next governor will have to clean up this unholy political mess, while at the same time finding a tangible way to ease the fiscal crisis Illinois will assuredly suffer next year, when it posts a $2-billion-plus budget deficit.
Congrats, Cardinals fans
Saturday, Oct 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Man, I’m sure glad I’m not a Cub fan. First, the cross-town rivals White Sox win the World Series, then the cross-state rivals Cardinals take it all. Oof. That’s gonna leave a mark for sure. lol Congratulations to all Cardinal fans, particularly this drunken crew. Gloat away.
Saturday Levine updates
Saturday, Oct 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller The Tribune obviously did not buy into the governor’s spin. Political insider Stuart Levine pleaded guilty Friday to scheming to squeeze millions of dollars from firms seeking state business, and authorities alleged in the clearest detail yet that he had the help of Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s top campaign supporters. * The AP was a bit more sympathetic.
* The Daily Herald focused on Chris Kelly.
* ABC7 reported “the plea agreement contained no new blockbuster allegations and none involving the governor directly.” Quotes from both sides. * Copley took the political route.
* And the Sun-Times went a different direction altogether.
Have at it. [Comments are now closed on this thread. Go here for more.]
Post Dispatch poll: 47-38-11-4
Saturday, Oct 28, 2006 - Posted by Rich Miller Not looking good at all for JBT. Blagojevich’s 57 percent negative rating is high enough that it would likely be politically fatal for him — except that Topinka’s favorability rating is even worse, in part because of Illinois’ growing anger with her party on the state and national levels. Lots more details at this link.