Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Maram on the hot seat
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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This just in…
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * 1:50 pm - The Public Policy Polling survey we had here yesterday was of likely Democratic primary voters. But today’s PPP poll is of 991 Illinois voters. The poll was taken April 24-26 and has a margin of error of +/-3.1 percent. Crosstabs and other results can be found by clicking here. Let’s look at the US Senate head-to heads first, since Lynn Sweet is reporting (and sources confirm) that “Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) is poised to jump in the 2010 Illinois Senate race”…
Oof. Then again, a Republican vegetable might be able to beat Burris at this point. More realistic opponents…
The partisan breakdown of this poll is 45 percent Democrat, 30 percent Republican and 25 percent independent, so Kirk is doing better than the partisan benchmark and both Giannoulias and Schakowsky are under-polling. …Adding… From Politico…
Attorney General Lisa Madigan does the best…
* Now, onto the governor’s race…
Man, that’s weak for Quinn.
Brady is getting 15 percent of the African-American vote in this survey, which could show weakness for Madigan, but it’s highly doubtful that Brady will get that many African-American votes come election day. * Meanwhile, as we’ve noted before, Dan Proft is considering a run for governor, but I’m not quite sure what this press release means yet…
I may have more later today. *** 3:20 pm *** Here’s your “more.” I’m hearing Proft is just about there. Decision will be announced soon.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Pepsi; Eddy; Righter; Marijuana; Drivers; May; Kids; OneMan (use all caps in password)
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller
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Question of the day
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * This story got me to thinking…
* Who’s your favorite radio talk show host? Explain why.
Partisan sniping heats up as end of session nears *** UPDATED x1 ***
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE *** Live-blogging ain’t easy so mistakes are common. The SJ-R has corrected its story to read…
That’s a lot different. * The SJ-R editorial board met with Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno and House GOP Leader Tom Cross this morning. Thanks to an alert commenter, we have this strange little snippet…
Madigan was meeting with Quinn about the budget as Radogno was saying that. He also met with Quinn last week to talk about Quinn’s proposed tax hikes, among other things. More from Cross…
Almost every day, the House Repubs have asked that bills be let out of Rules Committee, even though the passage deadline expired weeks ago and some of the bills were only just recently introduced. The Dems routinely refuse, the Repubs demand a roll call, the Dems vote with their party and the Republican political organization then blasts robocalls into targeted districts. It’s quite a fun little game, but it means almost nothing, except politically. * Here’s an example of that game from yesterday…
* The Repub “protest” even featured tea bags… ![]() * Meanwhile, I think this problem may be resolved…
Sandoval had some unkind words for the governor, however…
Ouch. And…
That would be a warning shot across the bow, if it wasn’t already clear to you. * And speaking of the capital plan, organized labor and construction groups are plunking down big bucks to run this TV ad across the state… Rate it? * Related…
Appointments have consequences
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * I thought secret police arrest reports were only for dictatorships. Who woulda thunk that Gov. Pat Quinn’s handpicked State Police Director would want to continue this goofy policy…
Releasing police reports is a crime? Strange. The last time I checked, Stratton wasn’t a candidate for rendition. Besides, those days are supposed to be over. * And check out how the goo-goos in the Quinn administration have reacted…
Stewart was at the forefront of pushing for open records for years. And now he’s mum? Jay… buddy… what the heck are you doing? * The SJ-R grazed the heart of the problem in its editorial today…
This is what happens when you appoint a 29-year-old with zero experience to run the Illinois State Police. He has to go out of his way not to offend the old bulls. And this records thing won’t be the end of it, either. They’re obviously leading him around by the nose. Heckuva job, Patty. * Semi-related…
A knight in shining armor riding a white horse to slay the dragon
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller * More white hat, black hat from Patrick Collins…
Sure, Collins has a valid point about the power of the leaders - and not just the Democratic leaders. All leaders. If you didn’t know any better when reading his commission report, you’d almost think that it was a legislative leader who was arrested and indicted by the feds and not the governor. It’s obvious the commission targeted the leaders, and Madigan in particular. But what’s with this John Wayne swagger stuff? Collins did back off that last point, however…
Cutting back the legislature would just make it easier to control. * Speaking of the Speaker, Gatehouse runs a story today that I’ve been following since January. Speaker Madigan has yet to reappoint former Blagojevich allies Rep. Jay Hoffman and Rep. Ken Dunkin to their committee chairmanships…
But my all-time favorite quote comes from Rep. Dunkin’s mouth…
Maybe Collins can intervene on his behalf. * Related…
Morning shorts
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Mike Murray * 2009 Reports on Poverty * State sees rise in poverty
* Quarter-million Chicagoans on brink of poverty: study * Victims of economy: 250,000 more forced into poverty in Chicago area, report says * Four area counties among 46 on poverty list * Survey says CFOs prefer salary freezes over layoffs * Chrysler UAW workers approve concessions
* Struggling Motorola reportedly a contender to make Microsoft’s challenger to iPhone * Car dealers confident — Don’t expect to be part of GM cuts * 6 local projects get $25M in stimulus funds
* Chicago Defender Returns to South Side * Closing Howe Center in Tinley Park could mean jobs here * Wind Power Makes Moves In The Statehouse
* Cook County assessor worker sentenced for skimming funds
* Feds searching Crestwood village hall in water case
* EPA seizes Crestwood files * EPA Reviewing Information from Crestwood Raid * Raid on South suburb in tainted water case * The chemo block, Crestwood, USA * Sensitive state data released to Web
* Des Plaines Aldermen Need More Time To Review Casino Non-Interference * Whistleblower files federal lawsuit against Peoria Scool District 150 * Judge clears way for Chicago Heights mayoral vote * Renner concedes race to incumbent Stockton * Madison County OKs new payment plan for taxpayers * Cook County judge wants former police Cmdr. Jon Burge to testify in beating case * Chicago will have last 24-hour post office in U.S. * Navy Pier Cinco de Mayo fest canceled over swine flu * Swine flu: 9 suspected cases in Chicago area * Swine flu: 3 Chicago-area schools close down over swine flu fears * School cancels ‘kiss the pig’ contest * Don’t panic; use sensible measures to fight swine flu * PJStar: Be serious, but rational, about swine flu concerns * Probable swine flu hits suburbs; two schools close in Kane County * Immigration march: Swine flu scare may reduce immigration rally turnout * Some universities calling off Mexico travel plans * Swine flu constant worry for hog farmers * Swine flu in Illinois
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax
Thursday, Apr 30, 2009 - Posted by Rich Miller