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Cullerton to Brady: Show us your plan - Dillard not conceding yet

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last year, the Senate Democrats talked about passing a bill to force the GOP gubernatorial nominee to come up with his/her own budget proposal not long after the governor’s budget address. They withdrew the idea, but now President Cullerton has decided to resort to public pressure instead

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton is challenging Republican candidate for governor Bill Brady to present his own budget plan as the state struggles with a whopping deficit.

Cullerton on Monday said he doubted Brady’s suggestion that he could fix the state’s finances without an income tax increase.

Cullerton says the state senator from Bloomington should detail his plans to cut the budget and fix the deficit ahead of the November election.

Brady has said the state doesn’t need an income tax increase.

I highly doubt that Brady would take the bait, but I would like to see how he plans to cut taxes by a billion dollars and still balance the budget with a ten percent across the board cut. I mean, we’re talking about a $26 billion operating budget this year and a $13 billion or so FY11 deficit.

* Meanwhile, if you’ve heard any rumors that Sen. Kirk Dillard is conceding soon, forget them. From a press release…

Dillard for Governor Campaign Update

(Lisle, Ill.) – Republican candidate for governor Kirk Dillard today provided a campaign update regarding the vote count in the GOP Primary:

“As I have said, the race for governor is a statewide election, and it is our sincere desire that every legal vote is counted and counted accurately. That process continues, and we will await the results from the Illinois State Board of Elections before determining our next course of action.”

…Adding… The rumors likely emanated from this story

State Sen. Bill Brady’s campaign says its lead in the GOP race for governor is 247 votes, a spokeswoman said Monday.

Illinois counties have to have their final vote totals reported to the state by tomorrow. Brady’s camp has been counting votes by county, and spokeswoman Jaime Elich said she expects the 247-vote lead to hold up. […]

Dillard spokesman Wes Bleed said Monday he was unsure if his camp agreed with Brady’s numbers. But Bleed said Dillard could make a public announcement about the race Tuesday or Wednesday.


Unsolicited advice

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Dear Illinois legislators,

This could happen here, if it hasn’t already…

As California stumbles through its continuing budget crisis, 60% of likely voters in the state now believe it would be better if most incumbents in the state legislature were defeated in this November’s elections.

* Dear Senate President Cullerton,

These two ideas are good, but I doubt they’ll be enough

The president of the Illinois Senate says he’s interested in two big changes to shore up the state’s dramatically underfunded employee pension plans — but only two changes.

In an interview before a Chicago speaking engagement, Senate President John Cullerton said he is “interested in exploring” an older retirement age and a cap on the maximum retirement benefit.

But those are potentially “the only changes” he’s prepared to support, Mr. Cullerton added, because, “compared to other states, benefits in Illinois are not overly generous.”

* Dear Chicago parking enforcement types,

Is it so difficult to figure out where the city’s boundaries are and not issue tickets to people who live outside those aforementioned boundaries? Apparently so. Sheesh.

* Dear incredibly wealthy soft drink industry,

Capitol Fax Blog advertising rates are available upon request

After successfully quashing discussion of a federal tax on soft drinks last year, Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc. and the fast-food industry are facing a new battle on the state level, where legislators are beginning to consider their own taxes on sweetened beverages.

The next showdown could be in California, where legislators last week pledged to pass such a tax in light of new studies linking soft drink consumption to obesity in children and adults. One study suggests that obesity and related problems cost California alone $41 billion a year in medical expenses and reduced productivity.

Just sayin…

* Dear Illinois Review,

Publishing assassination fantasies disguised as jokes probably won’t help with the advertising.

Just sayin…

* Your turn…

…Adding… Dear University of Illinois,

Gigantic cash reserve piles are, by design, for use during fiscal emergencies. We’re in one. Letting the GA know you have this much cash - and more - squirreled away probably won’t help your case this spring

The University of Illinois is spending a pool of easily accessible cash to pay its overdue bills while it waits for the state to come through with $475 million in overdue appropriations.

Doug Beckmann is the university’s senior associate vice president for business and finance. He says the university is using the $800 million to whittle away at $3.8 billion in bills.

Beckmann says the money is going quickly. If the state doesn’t come through soon, he says the university will have to tap other reserves by May. [emphasis added]

Sorry, but entities with that sort of rainy day stash need to drain those reserves entirely while everybody else is facing real cuts.


Kirk and Brady, sitting in a tree

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Kirk says he is looking forward to running with Bill Brady on the ticket…

Kirk said he’s looking forward to running alongside Brady “if he’s the nominee” because “Bill wants to spend less money.”

Geographically, with Brady hailing from downstate Bloomington and Kirk representing the northern suburbs, the two could compliment each other.

“I should do well north of I-80, he will do well south of I-80, it will be a good team,” Kirk said.


“On some of the social issues, (Brady and I) don’t agree, but this is part of the big tent,”

HuffPo takes a look at the ideological differences between the two men

The differences on social issues are quite stark. Brady wants an all-out ban on abortion, even in cases of rape and if the mother’s health is at risk. Mark Kirk is largely pro-choice, and had received a 100 percent rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America before his vote for the Stupak Amendment. The National Right to Life Committee gives Kirk a 9 percent rating, another pro-choice indicator.

Bill Brady also wants to change the state Constitution to ban gay marriages and civil unions. Mark Kirk voted against several such amendments to the U.S. Constitution during his tenure in the House, and his 75 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign indicates a favorable stance toward gay rights.

Lastly, and maybe most bizarrely, Brady wants to allow Illinois schools to teach creationism. Kirk has come out strongly against creationism, saying that the theory of Intelligent Design “appears to be neither.”

There’s been a bunch of talk elsewhere about how Sen. Brady is a creationist and wants creationism taught in public schools. Not quite. First, he appears to believe that evolution is real, albeit after God created earth…

“I accept the theory of creation, as I was taught, and believe the world has continued to evolve since.”

And his position on teaching creationism in schools is a bit more nuanced than what some may have you believe…

When this reporter asked Brady about teaching evolution and/or creationism in the public schools, Senator Brady said, “Curriculum ought to be left to local school boards.” When this reporter followed up and asked if Brady would be okay with a local school board deciding to teach creationism, not evolution, Brady said he believed most school boards probably would choose not to do that, but he supported leaving local control in the hands of the local school boards.

He does deny that climate change is caused by human activities, however…

* Meawhile, a few days ago the Chicago Tribune editorial board parroted national GOP talking points and demanded that Alexi Giannoulias fess up about his family bank…

Now that Alexi Giannoulias is the Democrats’ nominee for U.S. Senate, he’s got an answer for everything: Jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s not what people are asking about, though, and Giannoulias knows it.

Voters want to know about his role in his family’s struggling Broadway Bank, and Giannoulias promised he’d provide those details after the Feb. 2 primary election. “If I’m fortunate enough to make it out of the primary, we can have that conversation,” he said. His plan now seems to be to stonewall until November. Or forever. Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs… […]

Giannoulias says the payouts were triggered by his father’s death in 2006. The senior Giannoulias’ will called for estate taxes to be paid through dividends. But $70 million? Really? Can someone show us the math? That’s one of the questions Giannoulias refused to answer before the primary.

He did say he got about $2.5 million, half of which went to pay taxes. He holds only a 3.6 percent share in the bank and has no voting rights, so he’ll play no role in deciding how the family deals with the situation. So as far as he’s concerned, it’s all been asked and answered. Time to change the subject, and what topic could be safer than jobs? Someone needs to remind him that worked for Scott Lee Cohen, until it didn’t.

The GOP has sent out at least 10 e-mails in recent weeks demanding that Giannoulias answer questions about the bank. Trouble is, he has been answering questions, at least to the Sun-Times…

Most recently in December, Giannoulias spent 12 minutes before Sun-Times editorial board members answering questions about the loans. […]

One question the e-mails from the Republicans and the Tribune editorial say Giannoulias should answer is whether he plans to give back any of the dividends paid out after his father’s death. That was $70 million to $86 million the Giannoulias family took out of the bank as it was struggling. Giannoulias said that money went to cover taxes on his father’s estate and the administration costs of handling that estate. Only $2.5 million of that went to Alexi Giannoulias and about $1.5 million of that went to taxes Giannoulias campaign has said. Will Giannoulias give back any of that $1 million?

“If my family asks me, sure,” he told the Sun-Times. […]

Giannoulias said he had no role in approving loans to convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko, a close confidant of Giannoulias’ “mentor,” Barack Obama. Broadway loaned $10.9 million to Chicago Hudson LLC, which was Rezko and his partner Daniel Mahru. Broadway Bank got back $9 million of the loan.

Asked if he may have been involved in servicing those loans, Giannoulias said yes, but added, “I’m one of the few elected officials who never received any contributions from Tony Rezko.”

Referring to his opponent, Rep. Mark Kirk, Giannoulias said, “Some Republicans did. My opponent took contributions from Tony Rezko.”

Go read the whole thing.

* Lynn Sweet brings both statewide campaigns together by looking at Sarah Palin’s impending visit to central Illinois

She is as polarizing as she is popular. Last year, the winning Republican gubernatorial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey never had her stump for them. Illinois Democrats last week continued to pound U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk, the Republican Senate nominee, for soliciting Palin’s backing last year. As Pete Giangreco, an adviser for Democratic Senate nominee Alexi Giannoulias, put it, Kirk was the author of “a covert memo trying to beg for her endorsement.”

But several Illinois Republican leaders said if Palin is agreeable — and used in targeted areas — she could be a help, especially in the governor’s race, where either state Sen. Bill Brady or Sen. Kirk Dillard will face Gov. Quinn.

Pat Brady, chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, says Palin “energizes people.” State Sen. Dan Rutherford (R-Pontiac), the Republican nominee for state treasurer — Washington is in his district — says, “I think she does invigorate a certain constituency.”

Palin probably wouldn’t play well in Cook and DuPage counties, but, in central and southern Illinois, her stardom could get out the vote.

* Related…

* Kirk Touts National Security Credentials

* State GOP pressures Giannoulias to answer bank questions

* Kirk opposes U.S. military in Iran

* U.S. Senate hopeful Giannoulias stops here

* Giannoulias to return millions to Northern and Southern Illinois

* For the Tea Party Movement, Sturdy Roots in the Chicago Area

* Sweeny: People unhappy with parties hold their own party

* Schoenburg: Macoupin Democrats need a leader — again

* Not big fans of red light cameras

* Lobbying intensifies in red light camera fight

* White House unveils plan to clean up Great Lakes

* Great Lakes rescue blueprint unveiled; will cost $2.2 billion

* City’s parking ticketers are crossing the line: Viverito not only confirmed this is a long-standing issue in Central Stickney but also that he’d received reports that very morning about Revenue Department employees ticketing more local residents in their driveways.

* Area gets ‘call to action’ as federal prison nears: Even if the prison plan doesn’t become a reality, northwest Illinois communities need to be prepared for other economic development opportunities by analyzing their readiness in areas such as housing, education, infrastructure and broadband availability, Prasse said.


Question of the day

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* State Rep. Art Turner appears to want the lt. governor job so bad that he’s willing to openly defy Gov. Pat Quinn

QUINN: As the nominee of the Democratic Party, I should have a strong voice in who my running mate is, and I’m sure that’ll happen.

TURNER: Well, I’m not certain where the governor’s coming from. He sounds a little confused on a number of issues.

State Representative Art Turner got the second most votes in the primary, behind Scott Lee Cohen, who dropped out. Turner says he thinks the governor’s heart is in the right place, but notes that the nominee will be voted in by members of the Democratic state central committee, not Quinn.

TURNER: You know, I respect his opinion, but I think that voice is up to the 38 people, and they’re the ones that should make this decision.

That’s probably not the best tack to take, to say the least.

* Hermene D. Hartman, the publisher of N’Digo, wrote a column recently entitled “The Lieutenant Governor’s Race Shouts Racism”

The argument against [naming state Rep. Art Turner as the Democratic lt. governor candidate] is that not only is he is Black, but that the Democratic General Ticket is not balanced. Quinn is at the top of the ticket, and everyone else is Black. Therefore, the Lt. Governor choice should be a white person and preferably a downstate white person, which would balance the ticket. This is a great thought in the name of diversity and racial consideration. But what about the voters? Should we vote; should we appoint; or should we call a special election? What happens to the runner up, no matter what?

Have there ever been too many Irishmen on the ticket? Kennedy; Daley; O’Brien; O’Keefe; Burke; Madigan; O’Connor; is that too Irish?

The late columnist, Mike Royko, used to write an annual column on the Irishmen who ran the city.

So, Turner finds himself in a strange position on racial politics. The concern or the fear is that if Turner is on the ticket, he will darken it too much and it might throw the election. Voters might not vote for the straight party ticket. Turner has been a good party man, who happened to be Black. But then, if one is appointed to the position, the voters are slapped in the face and it makes you wonder if your vote matters.

Either position smacks of racial politics and if things were truly fair and balanced, which this shows we are not, it wouldn’t matter. I wonder if anyone told Cohen to withdraw from the race because he is Jewish?

* Meanwhile, comments like these are why I was secretly hoping that Sen. Rickey Hendon would win the lt. governor’s primary…

A powerful Democratic lawmaker is throwing some big stones at the likely Republican nominee for Illinois governor. Rickey Hendon says his fellow state senator, Bill Brady is “as crazy as you could possibly get.”

HENDON: People will look at Bill Brady and his hoffific, horrific voting record. I serve in the Senate with him. He is as far to the right as you can possibly get. You don’t get any crazier - and that’s the word I used - than Bill Brady when it comes to right-wing politics.

Brady says he has no comment on the tone of Hendon’s remarks. But he insists he’s a “center right” candidate in a state full of “center right” voters.

Not that I agree with Hendon, understand. But, man, would he have been fun to cover on the trail.

* Related…

* Editorial: We should drop the lieutenant governor

* Marin: You be the judge. No, wait. That’s Madigan.

* Auroran will help pick next Lt. Gov. nominee

* The Question: Whom should Gov. Quinn and the Democratic Central Committee choose to run for lt. governor? Explain.

Also, since Gov. Quinn is adamant about filling the seat with somebody and not leaving it open, choose an actual candidate. And, as always, stick to the question at hand.


Shine a light

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Patterson makes an excellent point

One day last May, the 37 Democrats in the Illinois Senate went behind doors only to emerge and, on the strength of their votes alone, pass an income and sales tax increase to help balance the state budget.

At the same time, the Senate Republicans were meeting privately to plot their opposition to the tax plan. In the end, the increase never passed in the state House.

Yet there was nary a complaint from the media or good government groups that monitor the Capitol over the Democrats’ meeting.

One summer when Rod Blagojevich was still governor, he met collectively with the vast majority of the Illinois House behind closed doors at the executive mansion to discuss the budget. Not a peep was heard from the reform groups or the editorial pages.

But when the Senate decided to hold a “joint caucus” last week to hear from an NCSL representative, all heck broke loose

Why such diverse reactions? Why is it OK for the Democrats, who have enough votes to control the Senate agenda, to privately discuss strategy on actual issues, but then seemingly a sin against the constitution to include the political minority Republicans who, on most days, are powerless to do anything but object in the Senate?

“That’s actually a really good question,” said Cindi Canary, director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform, a group all too familiar with the ways of the Capitol.

“They always have closed partisan caucuses. The difference was this was the Senate as a whole. This was the entire body. There is no such thing as a joint Senate caucus. There is simply a Democratic caucus or a Republican caucus or the Senate.”

OK, I agree, but party caucus meetings, particularly in the Senate, often involve actual roll calls. The “real” questions are asked in caucus meetings and that’s almost always where the “real” debates take place - in both chambers.

I developed a niche for myself back in the 1990s by writing about the goings-on in the House Democratic caucus. When the HGOPs took over, I wrote about their meetings as well. My reporting on the Senate GOP caucus meetings were so detailed and inflamed tempers so much that members were told they’d be expelled if they leaked any more information to me - which, of course, was my headline the next day.

I still write about caucus and leaders meetings. It’s the only way to shine any real light on this process, which is almost entirely conducted in secret.

The only big difference between now and then is that Speaker Madigan rarely ever divulges information in caucus now. Back in the day, I had a couple of his members taking detailed notes in every meeting. So, he eventually stopped sharing information.

…Adding… After months of angrily and loudly and insistently pushing for a state reform bill that capped campaign contributions (sometimes noting parenthetically that it actually opposes contribution caps), the Tribune editorial board’s latest “reform” screed more than suggests that banning federal campaign contributions from foreign corporations would be unfair

Justice Anthony Kennedy said explicitly in the court’s opinion that the government “may regulate corporate political speech through disclaimer and disclosure requirements.”

Where the [federal] bill faces more uncertain prospects is in banning certain corporations from engaging in political speech at all. Foreign companies, government contractors and banks getting federal bailout money would all be barred.

The court justified its invalidation of the corporate ban on the ground that it deprived voters of information and interfered with the “marketplace of ideas.” The same problems exist when only some corporations are restricted. If the information is potentially helpful to voters in assessing candidates, should it matter whether it comes from a domestic or foreign source?

* Related…

* Statehouse Insider: ‘Transparency,’ Illinois-style

* Conduct state business in public

* Illinois Senate should meet openly


Quinn’s populist schtick exposed

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* In just about every speech, Gov. Pat Quinn holds up his Super 8 VIP discount card to show how frugal he is

The problem is, however, that the Daily Herald has found Super 8 VIP cards like Quinn’s were discontinued more than five years ago.

So the card Quinn has been touting at news conferences was effectively useless even as it helped him build a reputation as a politician so thrifty he not only sleeps in budget motels, but uses a discount card to do so.

The cards were discontinued five years ago? Here’s the official explanation

Quinn’s office said in a statement to the Daily Herald that the card was intended as a “demonstration.” His office said the governor has stayed at Super 8 hotels in Moline, Mokena and Joliet within the last year.

“Especially in these difficult economic times, we need a governor (who) is fiscally responsible,” read the statement from Quinn’s office. “Governor Quinn has stayed at Super 8 Hotels across the state for many years and will continue to do so.”

If Quinn has stayed at the Super 8 at least three times this past year, then he knows the VIP card is no good. So, all along, this has just been patronizing populist schtick.

ABC7 steps up for Quinn

An Associated Press review of state records shows that, as lieutenant governor, Quinn stayed at Super 8 motels when travelling and routinely paid for his own food.

Quinn say he is proud to be frugal, and considers Super 8 a move up from his previous choice, Motel 6.

* The Daily Herald also took a look at the governor’s recent public schedule

When Gov. Pat Quinn stepped inside a famous West side Chicago soul food restaurant on Friday to celebrate Black History Month alongside lawmakers, it marked the end of a more than two-week hibernation from public events.

Quinn’s postelection downtime was in stark contrast to the whirlwind of government appearances he held before the Feb. 2 primary, announcing millions of dollars of taxpayer-funded construction projects.

Quinn’s official government schedule shows the governor’s Friday event was the first time he’s held an appearance on taxpayer time since before he narrowly defeated Comptroller Dan Hynes in the Democratic primary. Today, Quinn’s scheduled to be in Washington, D.C., for several events, including a meeting with President Obama along with other members of the National Governors’ Association. […]

“I’ve been at work every day,” Quinn said as he entered the Capitol in Springfield one day last week, adding that he’s gone back and forth between Chicago and Springfield.

I poked a bit of fun at the governor’s disappearance in my most recent Sun-Times column. But I do understand if he wanted to take a break from the public eye after a grueling campaign.

* And the Sun-Times finally notices some of Quinn’s campaign contributions from former Senate President Emil Jones, Ald. Ed Burke and Joe Berrios

Quinn has long portrayed himself as the consummate political outsider. His credentials as a reformer include leading a successful push to reduce the number of lawmakers in the General Assembly and creating the Citizens Utility Board consumer advocacy group.

But voters shouldn’t view him any differently now, despite his turning for help to the Democratic establishment, his campaign spokeswoman says. “Absolutely not,” Mica Matsoff says.

“The governor’s credentials as a reformer rest on 35 years of fighting for change,” she says. “That’s not, in any way, undermined by the fact that he accepted contributions from members of his own Democratic Party.” […]

Quinn sees “Ed Burke as a family friend,” Matsoff says [even though Burke backed his opponent in the 1998 lt. governor primary] […]

“[Berrios and Quinn have] worked together since 1982 and have been friends ever since,” Matsoff says [even though Quinn backed a Berrios opponent in 1988].

* Related…

* Groups seek vote on redistricting method

* Organizations petition for Illinois Fair Map Amendment

* Help state change the way it draws political maps

* State government taking opinions from citizens

* Open government ready to close?

* SJ-R Opinion: Efforts to weaken FOIA are a mistake

* No pensions for felons

* Ryan: No pension; no pardon

* Maybe George Ryan should follow Tiger’s lead

* Pols, this can be you

* Illinois to receive funding to expand broadband

* Project to expand broadband in northern Illinois

* Illinois agencies host job fair for veterans


Civic Federation calls for tax hikes, but doesn’t detail the big cuts

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Even the Civic Federation sees the need for a tax hike

Underscoring Illinois’ bleak financial outlook, one of the state’s most prominent tax watchdog groups says it’s time to bite the bullet and raise the personal income tax rate by 66 percent.


“The Civic Federation does not enjoy advocating a significant tax increase in the middle of a difficult recession,” said President Laurence Msall. “However, continuing to do nothing would be, by far, a worse option.”

* In the process, though, they stepped on a third rail

It also recommends the state tax retirees’ pension and Social Security checks be taxed for the first time at the same rate as workers’ paychecks.

Obviously, there’s real political danger in raising taxes in an election year - particularly this year. But to include retirement income in the new, higher tax base for the first time would be a guaranteed suicide mission.

* The Civic Federation wants to increase current employee pension contributions by $179.4 million, and reduce other state spending by $2.114 billion by rolling back spending to “actual expenditure” levels in Fiscal Year 2007. From the report, with emphasis added…

This spending rollback in FY2011 will amount to a 7.2% cut from the total General Fund expenditures in FY2010.

Although the difference between General Funds expenditures in FY2010 and FY2007 is only $682 million, the calculation of the cuts adjusts both the FY2010 and FY2007 expenditure numbers to account for State pension contributions that should have been—but were not—made from General Funds in both years.

Also adjusted were the FY2007 numbers to keep Medicaid state-source General Funds expenditures and General State Aid to elementary and secondary education at FY2010 levels. That brings the adjusted difference between FY2010 and FY2007 expenditures to $2.1 billion including making the full pension payment from the General Funds and protecting critical services.

* The Sun-Times makes an important point

The cuts can be achieved, the federation contends, by rolling back the state’s General Fund spending to fiscal year 2007 levels, excluding spending for Medicaid and schools.

This, unfortunately, puts the burden for spending cuts squarely on important social services, such as care for seniors, abused and neglected children and the mentally and physically disabled.

If the federation really thinks that’s the way to go, it should spell out and stand behind each and every painful cut they’d like to see.

I agree. It’s easy to just say “roll back spending.” It’s far more difficult to say “cut this specific program.”


“Since this proposal to slash $2 billion exempts education and health care, it would mean reducing human services and public safety,” AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall said. “We think that’s reckless, especially in a recession that’s driving demand for public services up, not down.”


Its proposal for a spending rollback and 7.2% spending cut approaches Mr. Brady’s call for a 10% across-the-board cut. But his also would apply to spending on schools, as well as tens of billions of dollars a year in capital expenditures, federally funded programs and other line items.

And even with the cuts and the tax hikes, the budget still wouldn’t be balanced

The Civic Federation’s recommendations would enable the state to pay down the $12.8 billion deficit by more than $10 billion by June 2011, but $2.1 billion in red ink would carry over for at least another year under the group’s plan.

None of this works, of course, without the personal and corporate income tax hikes, the new income tax on seniors, corporate loophole closings and a buck a pack increase on cigarettes. And most of that is just highly unlikely to ever be approved by the end of May.

* Some context from the Sun-Times

Illinois’ 3 percent rate is among the lowest in the country. In Iowa, it’s 8.98 percent. In Wisconsin, it’s 6.75 percent. As a percentage of personal income, the overall tax burden in Illinois — all state and local taxes and fees — is among the lowest in the country, 41st out of all the states.

* Read the Civic Federation plan by clicking here.

* Related…

* Lawmakers see program at risk of state cuts: On Friday, state Reps. Linda Chapa La Via, D-Aurora, and Tom Cross, R-Oswego, toured the center. Early education centers like Brokaw are among many institutions that could be at risk if the state continues to delay its payments to districts.

* Some Clarity Coming to Illinois Budget Hole?

* Civic Federation Calls For Major Income Tax Hike

* Only big tax increase can dig out Illinois

* Despite budget woes, lawmakers push tax breaks

* Illinois Owes Illinois School Districts $725 Million

* Schools being squeezed by late state payments

* Scholarship perk under fire in Illinois

* Lawmakers resolved to ease financial burden on students, families

* Frustrated schools advertising how much they’re owed


Illinois and New Jersey - Closer than you might think

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My syndicated newspaper column this week takes a look ahead at the governor’s budget address, both here in Illinois and in New Jersey

Decisions made by a governor in a far away but strikingly similar state might actually influence our election right here in Illinois.

Just a week or so after Gov. Pat Quinn lays out his state budget blueprint next month, recently elected New Jersey governor Chris Christie will do the same.

Illinois and New Jersey have more in common than you might think. They’re not exactly alike by any means, but they’re both Democratic-leaning states that have elected Republican governors in the past. They both have unemployment troubles, although New Jersey is better off than us right now, and they both have horrible state budget problems.

Illinois’ budget crisis is somewhat worse than New Jersey’s, but they’re similar enough that the two governors’ budget plans will undoubtedly be compared. Illinois’ budget deficit for next fiscal year, which starts in July, is projected at somewhere around $13 billion. New Jersey’s upcoming red ink total will be about $11 billion. The two states’ operating budget sizes are about the same.

Christie, a conservative Republican, already has ruled out any tax hikes to solve the problem and has vowed to allow a corporate income tax surcharge to expire. The liberal Democratic Quinn, on the other hand, still is talking about raising the income tax so he can avoid as many cuts as possible.

A few days ago Christie issued an executive order declaring a “state of fiscal emergency.” He froze school aid to districts that were running at least a 2 percent surplus, ordered a state spending freeze and reserved for himself emergency powers needed to balance the current fiscal year’s budget, among other things. The result, according to Christie, was $2.2 billion in savings - which matches his current deficit.

Illinois’ current fiscal year deficit of $5 billion is much higher than New Jersey’s, but Gov. Quinn has not yet taken any dramatic public action - although the state has quietly shut off the money spigot to just about anything outside of employee payroll, general school aid and most Medicaid reimbursements. Almost nobody else is getting a check. That’s why universities are owed hundreds of millions of dollars, for instance, state workers are being forced to pay up front for doctor visits and legislators are discovering that their district office landlords are being stiffed.

So far, the reaction to Christie’s actions in New Jersey has been mixed. The local media has mostly gushed over Christie’s “bold” executive order, but the Democratic-controlled Legislature was upset that the governor made the move without consulting them, and various interest groups are beginning to speak out in anger.

What we are almost certain to get next month is a stark contrast in approaches. While Quinn likely will propose big cuts in his budget plan, including slashes to agency operating expenditures and the “suspension” for a year or two of a large number of state programs, new revenue sources will dampen the blow. New Jersey’s Christie, on the other hand, will probably rely solely on steep cuts, “reforms,” payment deferrals and borrowing.

So far, at least, Christie’s promises and rhetoric match up pretty well with Sen. Bill Brady, who appears to be the presumptive Republican nominee for governor here.

Brady has said if elected he would cut taxes by at least a billion dollars, “reform” Medicaid to save as much as $1.8 billion, cut pension benefits and make big state agency cuts across the board.

If Christie is successful in putting together a budget that isn’t horrifically Draconian, Brady can point to that example as something he could follow.

However, I’m not sure that Christie can actually pull it off without coming across as too severe. The projected New Jersey budget deficit is more than a third of the state’s entire operating budget.

But, hey, New Jersey isn’t Illinois, so I won’t even pretend to know how that state runs. Its population is about a third less than ours, yet its operating budget is just as big and it has more state employees, so there seems to be a lot more room to cut over there.

If Christie does somehow succeed, Quinn’s cut, defer, borrow and tax plan probably will come under fire. If, on the other hand, Christie’s budget is repulsively retrograde and doesn’t stand the test of time, Quinn can claim some justification for his own approach, and Brady’s promises could be undermined.



Morning Shorts

Monday, Feb 22, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Millions of unemployed face years without jobs

* An economic turnaround could hinge on women

* Census rule change sparks debate about counting inmates

* Ethics chief suspension not retaliation: Daley

The mayor said he simply carried out a recommendation by the city inspector general’s office to suspend Boswell.

Asked if he would return Boswell to his job after he serves his suspension, Daley said, “Oh, yeah, definitely.”

* Daley says no political payback behind hiring chief’s suspension

* City: Move that junk from shoveled parking spaces

“It has been a long time since the last big snow, and temperatures are mild, so anyone who has put anything out in the public way needs to get rid of it or we will do it for them.”

* Chicago Discrimination Case Goes Before Supreme Court

A court case alleging Chicago discriminated against black firefighters goes before the U.S. Supreme Court, today.

* County clean-up ideas

* Todd Stroger: Dad was a ‘perfect mentor’

* Hearing scheduled in journalism students case

* CTA bus driver fired for fliers refusing extra hours

* [Jesse] Jackson operation holds rally for CTA workers

* Rev. Jackson Defends CTA Workers

* Laid-off CTA workers upset with unions, management

* Cicero’s ex-mayor’s return reawakens corruption

* Hastert’s perks come under scrutiny

Hastert staffers say the office is crucial to cataloging the records and coordinating the schedule for the man who served as speaker longer than any other Republican.

* Mr. Hastert’s perks

Hastert spokesman Brad Hahn is quick to point out that the former speaker is technically entitled to spend this money, and more. Yes, he’s entitled because Congress likes to take care of its own. Congress talks about being frugal, but it’s much better at preserving its sense of entitlement.

And what’s $1 million to Congress? Like the pennies and dimes you drop in a change jar.

* Chicago school considers requiring drug tests

* Weighing an education: College students worry if degree worth the debt

The average Illinois public university costs about $10,000 a year in tuition and fees alone, Illinois Student Assistance Commission spokesman Paul Palian said. Tuition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is about 30 percent to 50 percent higher, depending on major.

And that doesn’t include books, food and shelter.

* Enrollment at [Shawnee Community College] continues upward trend

* UI’s bond rating off watch list, but outlook is ‘negative’

Moody’s this month confirmed the University of Illinois’ higher Aa3 rating (high quality and very low credit risk) and removed the school from its watch list, though it changed the UI’s outlook to “negative.”

* UI is paying flood of bills by using its rainy day account

* Towns fear post offices may close

Municipal officials say the shifting of workers from the Roxana and Hartford post offices may be the first step toward closing the facilities.

* Hainesville meeting to discuss police department’s future

* City warns of lead exposure in Galesburg water

* Amendment to trim Bloomington’s budget by $2M to go before council

* Kane debates guidelines for wind turbines

* Kane County may turn to green construction to save money

* Eastern Will officials call communications center a money waster

* Peoria may shift road project funds

Higher than expected bids may force the city of Peoria to consolidate road project funds rather than lose $2.3 million in federal stimulus money.

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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* SXSW is coming up soon, and as I was browsing through the submitted music videos I stumbled across this delightful treat

My codename is dynamite
My nickname is exploding

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*** UPDATED x1 *** Friday afternoon this and that

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* No surprise here

Gov. Pat Quinn today said he has encouraged Iraq military veteran Tammy Duckworth to pursue the vacant Democratic lieutenant governor nomination.

But the governor said Duckworth told him she has other considerations to weigh, including her job with the Obama administration in Washington. She serves as the assistant secretary for public and intergovernmental affairs for the U.S. Veterans Administration.

Here’s my question: How is Duckworth gonna pay her bills for the next 11 months? She’s just a middle class person who needs to have a steady income. She’s not an attorney, so she can’t work on the side while she’s campaigning with Quinn. The governor can’t just give her a state job - that would be a bit much. What’s he gonna do? Get her a job with one of his big campaign supporters? Oh, yeah, that’ll go over well. I guess they could put her on the campaign payroll, but even that might get a bit touchy.

*** UPDATE *** Monique has added to her story

Quinn also said he doesn’t agree with attempts to eliminate the lieutenant governor office. Madigan filed legislation to ask voters this November whether the office should be eliminated in January 2015.

“I told Mike Madigan I don’t think that’s a good way to go,” Quinn said. “I think we should have a lieutenant governor who is capable, who in the case of an emergency can assume the office of governor and do a good job for the people. I think it’s also important to have a lieutenant governor who’s a strong voice for veterans and for service members, for their families, that’s what I have done over the last six years when I was lieutenant governor.”

There are those who think the strident stance against deleting the LG office taken by the African-American members of the central committee was either at the governor’s bidding or the members thought they could score some points by doing so.

[ *** End of Update *** ]

* The LaSalle News-Tribune had an interesting budget story today

One of the proposals is a 10-percent, across-the-board cut in general state aid, which is the primary mechanism for the funding of schools. State Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) posited that measure but [Rep. Frank Mautino] said it’s merely a consideration and nothing has been introduced or formalized.

Lawmakers are, however, putting together a list of all programs run by state agencies that would either be eliminated or suspended for two years. Mautino declined to identify any programs considered for elimination but noted suspension would have the same effect.

“Once a program’s been suspended,” he said, “it rarely comes back.”
Not until Quinn’s budget is in hand, however, will the scope of the cuts be known.

* I think Gawker or somebody had a titillating report about this book months ago, but I can’t remember. Anyway, there’s been a shakeup on Dick Durbin’s staff

There’s a reason people get nervous around writers: You never know what might end up in their books.

Kathleen Rooney, a staffer for Sen. Dick Durbin, was fired earlier this month after the release of her latest book, “For You, for You I Am Trilling These Songs.” The autobiographical essays include three chapters about working in a Senate office: insider gossip, staff secrets and a complicated flirtation between the author and her boss, Durbin’s state director in Illinois. […]

The prose hit the fan after Joe Shoemaker, Durbin’s spokesman, saw a short review of the essay collection last month in The Washington Post and bought the book. […]

Although no one was named, Shoemaker was disturbed that she had written about the office and especially concerned about the relationship between Rooney and her supervisor: “Once upon a time there was a girl in unrequitable (but not unrequited) love with her boss,” she wrote. “He would place his hand at the base of her neck, or flick her earring, or twist a strand of her hair…”

The fallout

Sen. Dick Durbin has sharply restricted the duties of a longtime aide who was his Illinois chief of staff after an internally conducted sexual harassment investigation that was prompted by the published essays of a woman who worked in his Chicago office.

Even though no evidence of sexual harassment was found, the senator has determined that Michael Daly, a former campaign manager and close aide for a quarter-century, will no longer have supervisory responsibilities, according to Durbin spokesman Joe Shoemaker.

“The judgments he made were not in keeping with what he wants out of a key employee,” Shoemaker said Thursday.

Daly had been placed on administrative leave during the course of the investigation and eventually was allowed to return to work.

* In other news, the Tribune editorial board and its little “me too” buddies at the Daily Herald both unleashed tirades against the Illinois Senate for holding that secret meeting to discuss an NCSL report. It was the Tribune’s second editorial in two days

Yes, we wrote about this yesterday. We’re still mad about it.


Senator Cullerton, this is a democracy in Illinois. It is not China.

* If at first you don’t succeed, do your own report

A development group that wants to build a mammoth entertainment and retail center near the Interstate 270-Illinois Route 157 intersection has hired consultants for a new economic impact analysis of the 900-acre project.

The announcement came less than two weeks after the Illinois Department of Revenue estimated that the development would take up to $525 million in annual sales from businesses in surrounding communities.

That report also said that pending legislation would divert up to $1.3 billion in sales taxes over 20 years to the developers’ use.

* The Tribune talked to some McPier trade show customers who didn’t particularly care for any of the legislative solutions floating around

Rather, they said, the authority, known as McPier, should take a series of nonlegislative steps to cut exhibitors’ costs for in-house electrical service, food and drink, and booth setup.

That in-house electrical service is a gigantic problem over there. They jack up electrical service costs through the roof to fund McPier staff salaries. The other items are a function of the contractor mark-ups, which I touched on earlier this week.

* Not even one minute after I received an e-mail notice about Tiger Woods’ apology, I got this e-mail from the Illinois Republican Party…

If Tiger Can Do It, Alexi Can Too

“If I’m fortunate enough to make it out of the primary, we can have that conversation,” he said. His plan now seems to be to stonewall until November.
– Chicago Tribune Editorial, February 12, 2010

CHICAGO – As Alexi Giannoulias enters his 22nd day of silence since promising reporters he would answer questions surrounding his role in the near-collapse of his family’s Broadway Bank, the Illinois Republican Party today renewed its call for Giannoulias to answer the Chicago Tribune’s demand to come clean.

Talk about rapid response.


Question of the day

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Session got a bit heated on the Senate floor yesterday during what was supposed to be a routine vote…

A suburban Republican lawmaker criticized colleagues Thursday for renewing the appointment of a Democratic lawmaker’s wife to a six-figure state post.

At issue is the reappointment of Lynne Sered to chair the state’s Education Labor Relations Board. Sered, who is paid $104,358 annually, is the wife of state Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, an Evanston Democrat and member of Senate Democratic leadership.

“The fact that elected officials’ spouses are receiving jobs in excess of six figures, I think is something the people of Illinois have a problem with,” state Sen. Dan Duffy of Lake Barrington said Thursday. He said the appointments should have been considered individually. […]

“These comments are demeaning and insulting to all women and to me, my wife and my family,” said Schoenberg. “It’s a very sorry state of affairs.”

I can’t wait to see what Duffy does when Mrs. Madigan is reappointed to the Arts Council.

* The Question: Should legislative spouses and family members be forbidden from holding state jobs? Explain.


Remap fight gets out of the gate

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The League of Women Voters has set the bar pretty high for reforming the way legislative redistricting is done in Illinois…

Both [Jan Czarnik, executive director of the League of Women Voters] and Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno agreed any proposal that would allow the legislature to draw the map would not be a genuine step toward reform.

Things got testy yesterday when the new proposal was unveiled…

But the Democratic chairman of a committee overseeing redistricting reform said the push announced Thursday goes around the existing bipartisan efforts to reach a compromise on the controversial topic.

“I was quite frankly offended and taken aback because this was being put forward as reform,” said state Sen. Kwame Raoul, a Chicago Democrat. […]

Jan Czarnik, executive director of the League of Women Voters, disputed Raoul’s contention that he’d somehow been left out of their plans. She said she’d met with Raoul shortly after he’d been put in charge of the redistricting committee and told him the league was considering a public petition drive.

Czarnik said Raoul’s Republican counterpart on the committee contacted her, but Raoul never did. “That is the fact of the matter,” Czarnik said.

Ummm. Raoul is the chairman of the committee, so perhaps a bit more diligence on the League’s part was in order.

* Raoul also pointed out to reporters that the League’s redistricting plan was actually drafted by a couple of lawyers on the Senate Republican staff, but that didn’t make anybody’s coverage. Watch the IL Statehouse News video

If you watched the video, you know that Raoul also talked about a lack of protection for minority districts. Here’s more on that topic

[Raoul] said he believes the plan that Czarnik and Republican state senate leaders are pushing does not take minority areas of the state into account.

He said changing the wording of the Illinois Voting Rights Act to prevent lawmakers from drawing boundaries is not enough. He said the legislation should protect areas of Illinois where a boundary change could smother minority influence.

“Instead of putting specific voting rights language into Illinois statute, we would protect communities of interest, we would say you have to be compliant with federal law,” Raoul said. “There would be a certain priority of principles that would have to be observed.”

Sen. Raoul also noted the not exactly diverse nature of the coalition and wondered aloud what that meant….

“I couldn’t get any specific answers as to what minority groups had been consulted for this plan that’s supposedly so protective of diversity. It would seem that, if we are speaking transparency and openness, that such groups would be consulted before the proverbial train had left the proverbial station,” he said.

Czarnik said that Raoul did not follow up with her organization on the issue after the Senate committee hearings. However, Raoul said that when he asked about the plan in December, after hearing about it in news reports, he was told that it was too late to make any changes.

* A general outline of the GOP plan

The proposals would remove the map-drawing power from the legislature and put it into the hands of a nine-member advisory commission.

Under the plan, the four legislative leaders would each choose two members to serve on the committee. Those members would choose a ninth member to head the commission.

Lawmakers could approve the commission-drawn map with a two-thirds vote. If that doesn’t happen, the chief justice of the Supreme Court and a justice from a different party would choose a “Special Master” to make a decision by Sept. 30.

That’s flipping around the current system, where lawmakers and the governor take the first shot. It then heads to a special committee and even to a name drawn out of a hat to end the political dispute.

The full amendment is here.

* There is, of course, dire need for reform. Here’s a stat for you

Todd Maisch, a lobbyist for the Illinois Chamber of Commerce said the history of redistricting usually falls in favor of the incumbent. Since the last legislative remapping 10 years ago, less than 3 percent of elections were won by the challenger, Maisch said.

“Under this map, when you look at the fact that tested incumbents have won 536 elections and 11 losses…,” he said. “That is really compelling data.”


This just in… George Ryan loses pension

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* 9:43 am - No pension for Ryan

The Illinois Supreme Court today rejected a bid by imprisoned former Gov. George H. Ryan to keep part of his lucrative government pension in a 6-1 ruling. The decision will cost Ryan $70,824 per year, a benefit that would have come from his government service prior to his corrupt reign secretary of state and governor.

“As the victims of Ryan’s crimes, the taxpayers of the state of Illinois are under no obligation to now fund his retirement,” wrote Justice Bob Thomas in the court’s majority opinion.

Justice Anne Burke was the lone dissenter.

The state General Assembly Retirement System had moved to strip Ryan of the entire $197,037 pension he was drawing annually up until his 2006 conviction on corruption charges linked to his tenure as governor and secretary of state.

But last year, a state appeals court reversed that decision, saying he should get to keep pension earnings from his time as a Kankakee County official, state legislator and lieutenant governor – posts in which he was not accused of criminal wrongdoing.

The decision is here.


Earth to lawmakers: Wake up

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is one reason why cutting the budget is so difficult

A proposed pilot program that would affect about 40,000 elderly and disabled Illinoisans could save the state $200 million over five years, but that’s not reason enough to rush into things, legislators said today.

The program in question is Gov. Pat Quinn’s Integrated Care Pilot Program, which outlines changes to some Medicaid fee-for-service plans for residents in DuPage, Kane, Kankakee, Lake and Will counties and suburban Cook County starting as early as October 2010. The program – focused on wellness and prevention – would offer incentives to medical providers based on patient health outcomes.

HB 5086, sponsored by Aurora Democrat Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia, would halt the program before it begins and create a task force to analyze its merits.

Here’s another

Heroin dealers would face tougher penalties under legislation the Illinois House approved today.

The minimum sentence for possessing five grams of heroin with the intent to sell would jump from four years to six years under the measure. Right now, heroin dealers face the longer sentence if they’re convicted of having 15 grams or more.

And another

Criminals would no longer qualify for good time credit before setting foot in state prison under legislation a House committee approved today.

And another

Elgin Area School District U-46 officials Thursday formally asked the state board of education to be reclassified as a Cook County district.

The move, which would help the district seize millions in lost general state aid payments each year, came just days after State Sen. Michael Noland detailed new legislation that would provide a funding fix.

However, since this bill was tied directly to tax revenues, it was more easily killed

A proposed law to help the Illinois wine industry stalled Thursday because of concerns the cash-strapped state could lose money if it was approved.

State Rep. Mike Bost, R-Murphysboro, is sponsoring legislation that would divert a portion of the sales tax tacked onto purchases of wine to the Illinois wine industry. For every gallon of wine sold, or roughly five bottles, 2 cents would be put into a fund that would help promote wine industry tourism and research grapes that are more disease and weather resistant, among other things.

Without question, there are valid reasons behind all of these ideas. But it just goes to show how removed from reality so many legislators are that they’re still eagerly attempting to spend more money and reduce more state revenues.

We’re in a fiscal crisis, people. Wake the heck up.

* Related…

* Universities push for action on state budget

* Poshard: Borrowing ‘a last resort’

* RTA: Unless state pays up, more transit cuts likely

* RTA: Transit agencies running out of cash

* RTA chief Steve Schlickman resigns

* RTA chief quitting in fall to return to consulting gig

* Schlickman to bow out at RTA

* Task force targets nursing home violence in report


Hoffman? Nope

Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A Mike Sneed story was flat-out denied today by the Democratic Party of Illinois…

Sneed hears rumbles that former Dem U.S. Senate hopeful David Hoffman, who ran a tough campaign against Alexi Giannoulias, is one of five names on state Dem party leader Mike Madigan’s wish list for lieutenant governor.

Steve Brown, party chairman Michael Madigan’s spokesman, said the item was not true, there is no list, added that Sneed had not called to confirm and said he was giving her his “Dumber than a box of rocks award.”

Back to Sneed…

Top Tip: The list also includes Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez as well as Gov. Quinn’s favorite pick: former state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth, who is considering the possibility.

Top Tip II: Sneed also has learned that Quinn personally called Alvarez over the weekend to see if “she would be available for the job . . . should it come to that,” but Alvarez respectfully declined.

* Republican US Senate candidate Mark Kirk criticized Alexi Giannoulias’ poll results this week. The Giannoulias poll showed the Democrat leading Kirk 49-45. But the Kirk campaign refused to release its own numbers, which tended to undermine their otherwise decent argument

The Kirk camp attempted to refute the Giannoulias poll numbers which showed the Dem leading Kirk by 4%, but they refused to release their own internal numbers, and pollster Greg Strimple said he “thinks this race will be close all year long.”

Strimple argued that Giannoulias’ numbers lacked credibility because of the low number of undecided voters. The Kirk camp sees a high number of undecideds, particularly in the St. Louis media market and western edge of IL. Their polls also include Green Party candidate LeAlan Jones, who is on the Nov. ballot. He argued that Jones may win a significant number of votes this year from disenchanted Dems. […]

[Kirk campaign spokesman Eric Elk] did not deny that Pres. Obama is extremely popular in IL. The Giannoulias poll showed Obama with a 64% favorability, and Strimple said his poll showed a similar level. But Elk said he couldn’t “imagine (Obama) wants to campaign” alongside “Chicago politician” Giannoulias.

Elk might not be able to imagine Obama campaigning with Giannoulias, but I can.

Also from that conference call

Eric Elk, the Kirk’s campaign manager, indicated the Kirk campaign isn’t concerned about a third party bid, ideologically right of Kirk.

“A third party bid is somewhere between wishful thinking and a pipe dream for Giannoulias,” Richard Goldberg, another Kirk senior staffer said. They feel confident in the ability of Kirk to unite voters around fiscal sobriety, his Republican independence and homeland security issues.

* Meanwhile, incumbents can’t even have a fundraiser these days without being jumped on by the other party. I’ve seen it happen over and over, from both sides, and this is just the latest…

Good morning – Democrat campaign chairman Chris Van Hollen will be in Illinois today fundraising for vulnerable Democrat Representatives Bill Foster and Debbie Halvorson. Please see the following comments and research from the Republican National Committee:

“The president and Democrat leaders promised vulnerable Democrats they would be taken care of if they sold out their constituents and voted for unpopular big government policies. After voting for government-run health care and the failed stimulus amid Illinois’ 11.1 percent unemployment, Representatives Foster and Halvorson are welcoming Van Hollen with open arms as they try to line their campaign coffers and stave off competitive Republican challengers who embrace the fiscally responsible policies voters in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia have already demanded. But they should give their constituents more credit – come November voters won’t forget how Foster and Halvorson sold them out during tough times.” – RNC Spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski

* With the one-year federal stimulus anniversary this week, a Republican congressional candidate went on the attack

State Sen. Randy Hultgren used the anniversary to highlight U.S. Rep. Bill Foster’s support of a stimulus that the GOP challenger views as a failure in creating the job growth or job preservation promised to the country. Hultgren said in a written statement that he’s seen rampant unemployment and hurting families during his travels throughout the 14th District. The only growth Hultgren said he’s seen is in government spending and the national debt as the stimulus, originally estimated at $787 billion, is now projected to be about $862 billion.

And that brings us to our graph of the day. Click the pic for a larger image…

[Via Sully.]

* Related…

* Bean not worried about tea parties: “There is no question that when there is an economic downturn, that definitely the anxiety levels go up - absolutely - and the passion levels go up,” said the Barrington Democrat during an interview Thursday with the Daily Herald editorial board. “But I get a lot of people saying, ‘I like what you are doing.’”

* Schilling responds to Hare campaign kickoff

* Kirk, Giannoulias camps agree Senate race is tight


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Friday, Feb 19, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller

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