This just in… Madigan moves pension reform bill… House takes up bill… Pension bill zooms out of House… Pension bill breezes through Senate
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * 12:12 pm - As I already told subscribers this morning, Speaker Michael Madigan has moved a pension reform plan that is hotly opposed by the unions. The bill passed the House Personnel and Pensions Committee by an 8-2 vote. The two “No” votes were both Springfield-area Republicans, Raymond Poe and Rich Brauer. Madigan is expected to run a floor vote today and the Senate is expected to take up the bill as early as tomorrow. The legislation creates a two-tiered pension system. It raises the retirement age, gets rid of double-dipping by a retiree if that person gets another public job, limits pensionable salaries to $106,800, etc…
Speaker Madigan talked to reporters afterward. Among other things, he wasn’t optimistic that Republicans would support the pension bill. Watch the avail… We’ll have budget director David Vaught’s comments in a bit as well as committee testimony by at least one opponent. * 12:17 pm - From an IFT spokesperson…
* 12:25 pm - Budget director David Vaught testifies… * 12:58 pm - Rep. Raymond Poe (R-Springfield) asked Speaker Madigan a whole lot of questions. Here’s part one… *** 1:54 pm *** The House Republicans asked for a one-hour conference as soon as Madigan’s bill was brought up on the floor. They need to figure out what they’re gonna do. Back at 3ish. *** 2:34 pm *** The IFT has issued a fact sheet on the bill. Click here. And here’s IFT’s pension testimony. *** 3:48 pm *** The House is now bebating the bill on Third Reading. *** 5:05 pm *** The House approved the pension bill 92-17-7. Speaking to reporters minutes after the vote, Speaker Madigan said he expects the Senate to call the bill either tonight or tomorrow morning. *** 8:20 pm *** Senators sent the pension reform bill that began movement in a House committee this morning to Gov. Pat Quinn by a 48-6-3 vote. From the committee hearing where Speaker Madigan read the amendments to SB1946 to the final Senate vote, it took the Legislature roughly 10 and a half hours to approve the bill.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn and lite guv frontrunner Sen. Susan Garrett at a press conference a while back… * The Question: Caption? Keep it clean, please. We’re very busy today. Thanks
New lawsuit on school funding inequities
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I told subscribers today, a new lawsuit is about to be filed against the way the state funds schools. The Sun-Times editorialized in favor of it today…
It’s an interesting tactic, based on the state Constitution’s equal protection clause…
This lawsuit differs from all other suits filed anywhere in the country by using the equal protection language. The Urban League filed suit in 2008 based on violations of state anti-discrimination laws…
Thoughts? * And now, your legislative roundup…
Republicans want AG Madigan to fight new healthcare law
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Perhaps the most futile gesture ever…
This was about the “base,” not about any hopes that AG Madigan would act on this request. Also, notice that Mark Kirk isn’t on that list of letter writers. [ADDING: Kirk’s absence is a bit puzzling since he promised just the other day to “lead the effort” to repeal the new law.] * But top Democrats in the GA are nervous about this law. A week ago, the House took up a resolution on the national healthcare issue…
The resolution passed with just 62 votes, even though the Democrats have 70 seats. Democrats voting “No” were Reps. Crespo, DeLuca, Farnham, Franks, McAsey, Sente and Walker. Rep. Jehan Gordon voted “Present.” Except for Franks and probably Gordon, that’s most of the people on the Republican target list. The Repubs said they’d be whacking the Dems who voted “Yes” and claimed it was an indication that President Obama’s bill is not polling well in key districts. Perhaps the biggest surprise on that “No” list is Rep. Carol Sente, who has a north suburban district formally represented by Kathy Ryg, who quit the seat last year to take a job running Voices for Illinois Children, a statewide group that lobbies for greater health care spending, among other things. * A new report by NCSL about states introducing measures to repeal or limit healthcare laws is probably destined to get some media coverage. From the report…
Make sure to keep a few things in mind if this does break through. First and foremost, an introduced bill or resolution often means nothing. The Senate Republicans here could introduce a bill banning compliance with the national law and it would never get out of Rules Committee, for instance. And then there’s this…
Many of the measures appear to modeled on the conservative legislative group ALEC’s “Freedom of Choice Act,” which was unveiled in 2008. Most of these state proposals appear to have been introduced last year, and they haven’t moved since. Also, keep this in mind…
* Related…
*** UPDATED x1 - Boland out, endorses Turner *** The hard truth about the budget, and Garrett is called out on taxes
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is what budget cuts look like…
And this…
And this…
And while the governor’s office claims this is unrelated to the budget, it most likely is. Gov. Quinn wouldn’t even think about dinging veterans if budget times were good…
Now, you could say that the proposed $32 million cut to the State Police budget and the increased rate for veterans are just more scare tactics by the governor. Cut schools, cut the coppers, cut the vets. Create panic. Then again, the state is deeply in the red. The governor’s proposed $2+ billion in cuts would have to be tripled to erase the current structural deficit. And then there’s that projected $6+ billion in past due bills that the state can’t afford to pay and will roll over into Fiscal Year 2012. You can’t just cut “fat” and make the numbers work by magic. You have to cut muscle and bone. * Meanwhile, the AP crafts a lede for maximum impact…
I don’t think she was nearly as harsh on Quinn as the lede implies (watch the video if you missed it yesterday). She never specifically blamed Quinn for not articulating the message, using “we” over and over again. But this sort of story was easily predictable. The Illinois GOP e-mailed the article to its press list earlier this morning. They’re clearly happy with the result. Expect more like this. Also along that vein, Sen. Garrett admitted publicly yesterday that she had been contacted by Gov. Quinn’s chief of staff about running for the LG office. Others, however, haven’t even been able to get their calls returned…
Rep. Boland has touted himself as Quinn’s top legislative ally for years. If people like him can’t get a return call while top Quinnsters court Garrett and supply her with a “driver” on interview day, then you get a good idea of where this is going. I had a long talk with Garrett yesterday, and I’ll have more on this for subscribers tomorrow. *** UPDATE *** From a press release…
Yeah. It means he came in second. * Related…
Morning videos - Quinn & Brady at the IEA
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller * Our pal Simon Edelman from the Quinn campaign has just produced the first video for the fall effort. Rate it… The IEA has posted its full video of its debate last week between Gov. Quinn and Sen. Brady. Have a look…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Swaim’s e-mail
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010 - Posted by Rich Miller