Question of the day
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Illinois attorneys general have long been consumer advocates, stretching back to at least Neil Hartigan. Lisa Madigan has cranked it up even further…
The AG’s office also does senior services (begun by Hartigan), crime victim assistance, open government, and lately she’s been taking on a major role of combatting sex offenders. * The Question: What do you think should be the central role(s) of the Illinois attorney general’s office? Explain.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: A little remap news
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller
A note to blog readers about the news feeds
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Feed Informer is currently down, so the automated news feeds aren’t working. I’ve contacted them and they say they’re working on it, but aren’t sure when the service will be back up. Sorry about this. …And, we’re back in business.
*** UPDATED x1 *** This just in… Senate redistricting proposal released
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * 8:56 am - Click here for access to the new maps. More in a bit. * You’re going to need Google Earth to access the detailed version. Click here to get it. * The Google Earth file is here. You can also download pdf files…
* Republican Sens. Tim Bivins and Christine Johnson also appear to be in the same district, the 45th. * The Democrats wanted to create a map that ran from the predominantly black East Side of Springfield to Decatur. They did. The 50th and the 48th. * Rockford Republican Dave Syverson was stripped of much of his turf and put into the 35th Senate District. His Democratic opponent from last year, Marla Wilson, has lots of Rockford territory and is in a different district, the 34th. * As expected, Speaker Madigan is in the same Senate district as Sen. Martin Sandoval, the 11th. * Freshman Sen. Sam McCann (R-Carllinville) has been moved into the 48th District, which stretches from the East Side of Springfield to Decatur. Not looking good for him. * Republican Sens. Kyle McCarter and Dave Luechtefeld are in the same district, the 54th. * Sen. Toi Hutchinson (D-Olympia Fields) has one of the odder shaped districts, which is in blue… Her southern boundary is the Kankakee County line. * Sun-Times…
* Sen. Larry Bomke’s (R-Springfield) district, the 50th, heads straight west through Jacksonville all the way to the Mississippi River and then way, way down south to Grafton. Lots of very new turf for him. * Check out Sen. Donne Trotter’s (D-Chicago) new district. The turf (the long yellow one on the right side) runs from 73rd St. all the way down to Momence, which is east of Kankakee…
* SJ-R…
* Daily Herald…
* Greg Hinz…
Landek’s district currently goes right up to the county line. *** UPDATE *** The above info about minority Senate districts is being disputed by the SDems. There are actually 8 Senate districts now with majority black population. There will be 7 districts with majority black voting age population (which is what counts in these things) and 1 district with just under 50 percent VAP.
Caption contest!
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Self explanatory… Winner gets a free ticket to a White Sox game this summer during the Sox Caucus event. …Adding… Please, keep it clean, people. * Yesterday’s winner was Oswego Willy…
Congrats, man. You finally won one. * By the way, LG Simon was interviewed yesterday about her bike…
Here we go again
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Rep. Lou Lang will introduce a bill as early as today to expand gaming here…
And so it begins… Again. What is this, Lou’s 90th gaming bill? I kid. It’s only been 85. However, he might actually have a shot this year…
Goodness knows, the state could use the cash (the money will be used for the capital bill, but that cash would mean less GRF will have to be tapped). * But there will be no magic beans moment for the state budget this year via the Thomson prison sale…
Just what we need, more great news. Sheesh.
Map day in the Senate
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * While we await the Senate Democrats’ unveiling of their new map proposal this morning, let’s take a look at Rick Pearson’s quite good backgrounder on the redistricting process…
Go read the whole thing. Barring any glitches, we should have some hard data at around 9 o’clock.
The backpedaling begins
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Keep in mind that Gov. Pat Quinn proposed reducing funding for local governments last year by $300 million, then floated an idea to the Tribune this year about “delaying” the rest of this year’s local government payments so the state could pay other bills instead. The Senate Republicans have proposed a $300 million cut, and House Speaker Michael Madigan has said he would stand with the governor. However, absolutely nothing is in writing at the moment. Nobody, not Quinn, the Republicans or Madigan have actually proposed any cuts via legislation. Politically, though, you cannot blame the mayors for mobilizing as much as they have. Blood - their blood - was clearly in the water…
* But things are starting to look up…
More backpedaling…
Mayors have very serious political influence in the Cook County suburbs, where lots of battles will be fought during next year’s remap election. Actually, nobody wants a hostile mayor when they’re running in districts with lots of new voters. So, it may turn out to be just too politically difficult to cut them more than a little, if at all. You gotta hand it to them. They’ve played their hand quite well. * Related…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller