Emanuel’s poll shows he has huge job approval rating
Tuesday, Aug 23, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Democrats close to Rahm Emanuel’s operation have leaked a few poll results from the survey we discussed a bit last week. The poll, conducted for Emanuel August 17-22, is of 600 likely voters. Let’s start with job approvals…
Racial breakdown of the job approval numbers…
Not much to say other than those are pretty darned solid numbers all the way around. Yes, it’s still very early in his term, but engaging Emanuel in a political war would hardly be well-advised at the moment. * Click the pic for a larger version of the character traits test… ![]() Again, not somebody who can be easily messed with. * This matches up pretty well with an Anzalone Liszt Research poll taken for the Teamsters Union June 7-12, which gave us a snapshot of his first month in office. From the pollster…
Anzalone Liszt had Emanuel at 71 percent favorable and 15 unfavorable after the election in late April. * The history of Gov. Pat Qunn’s approval rating is here.
- Coach - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 5:40 pm:
Link to Quinn history says “bad gateway”
- Kasich Walker, Jr.'s I-PASS - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 5:41 pm:
Of course the poll is positive. When the new chief of police came to town Chicagoans were living in terror, and the mayor held a press conference to tell everyone. The terror has subsided.
Who did the survey: the same company — Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research??? — that he paid to handle his robotic phone questioning?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 5:55 pm:
Coach, I just clicked it and it works for me.
- Sinister - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 6:01 pm:
There is no way Quinn can win a political battle vs Rahm. If he doesn’t play nice, I would not be surprised if PQ finds himself in a primary battle in 3.5 years.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 6:01 pm:
502 Bad Gateway —- 4 me 2
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 6:02 pm:
I don’t know what to tell you guys. The link works for me.
- DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 6:54 pm:
Not working here in DuPage either.
However, I’m having the same trouble getting to polltracker via the TPM website, so it must be a TPM problem, not the link.
- uknitty - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 6:59 pm:
I’m getting bad gateway. Not connecting from TPM. Linked from Google alerts.
- Ray del Camino - Tuesday, Aug 23, 11 @ 7:37 pm:
“Bad Gateway” message in both Safari and Firefox. But we can be sure Our Pat’s numbers never approach those of Rahmbo.
- Dirt Digger - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 8:35 am:
If you can’t access it the trendline is 31.8/60.9 approve/disapprove. Exactly what you would expect.
- Cincinnatus - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 9:26 am:
Very formidable poll numbers for Rahm. Most of the disapproves are actually split with a Dead Fish.
Do you know of any more recent polling on Quinn? I looked into it a few weeks back, and could only find March polling.
- anon - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 9:37 am:
The numbers are consistent with the opinions I get from everybody I talk to. Rahm is doing a great job, and he has been a great Mayor. Quinn is slowly becoming Blagojevich. Blago fought the Mayor. He turned on him when the mayor said he wanted a casino. he felt it was a “net gain” to bash daley because he believed it bolstered his claims of independence from the chicago machine (daley, mell) to downstaters. quinn is walking in blago’s footsteps.
quinn is governing like blago did…grandstanding on foolish populist issues. rahm is acting like a leader, similar to his predecessor. in other words, rahm gets it, and quinn does not. quinn needs to listen more and waffle less. and he should look at poll numbers before he picks foolish fights.
- Kasich Walker, Jr. - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 9:50 am:
Quinn’s “foolish populist issues”?
Some examples: a Vet Advocate; reviewing legislation before endorsing it; the Citizen’s Utility Board.
- Steve Bartin - Wednesday, Aug 24, 11 @ 11:26 am:
We are Chicago voters, we like higher property taxes to paid for 200 half empty public schools! We like Rahm! Yippie.