Caption contest!
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Illinois Review… ![]() Their link goes to our caption contest of Attorney General Lisa Madigan yesterday. But we’re not gonna caption that ridiculous little post. I just thought you’d get a chuckle out of the site’s silly hostility. * By the way, Jeff Trigg won yesterday’s caption contest and a free ticket to Wednesday’s benefit party for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (5 o’clock at Boone’s) for this one…
* Our first two roasters at the black tie optional charity roast for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois this Saturday night in Chicago are Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno and Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka… ![]() Leader Radogno has a funny, biting wit, but she doesn’t show it very often in public. I’ve been pushing her people to make sure she ups her game for Saturday night. Maybe this caption contest will prod them into retaliation. Comptroller Topinka has a well-known reputation as a smart aleck, and she is that way in private, too. But she also has a sweet side that she doesn’t often show. Let’s hope JBT leaves her softer side at home. Saturday’s roast of yours truly is supposed to be funny, but it can’t really be funny if the roasters don’t go over the top. * Anyway, commenters with the best two captions today will get a free ticket to tomorrow night’s big charity bash at Boone’s. The fundraiser starts at 5 o’clock. Admission is $20. Tom Irwin, Brooke Thomas and Mike Burnett will all be performing live and Mike Fountain is our DJ. I’ve heard a rumor that Luke Turasky might also be playing. I love Luke. He’s the best around, so I hope he makes it. As I write this, a friend of mine is cooking a 28-pound roast for Italian beef. Another friend is making more Italian beef. Another friend is contributing some other foodstuffs. And last night, a blog fan gave me a case of barbeque sauce made in tornado-ravaged Harrisburg. I’m gonna sell those bottles for as much as we can get and give the money to the relief fund. It’s good stuff, by the way. I tried it this morning (I’m keeping that test bottle for myself, however). Also, if anyone wants to bring food or stuff to sell or whatever, send me an e-mail or call me. I’ll say yes. * Oh, there’s one other thing. Legislative staffers don’t make much money, so they get in Wednesday for $5. All the legislative staffers (including secretaries) have to do is show their state ID cards and they get the discount. * OK, have at the caption contest, campers.
*** UPDATED x3 *** House Investigating Committee live coverage
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I mentioned earlier, the bipartisan House Investigating Committee meets at 11 this morning for the first time. The committee, chaired by Rep. Elaine Nekritz, will determine whether there is enough evidence against Rep. Derrick Smith to warrant referring the issue to a committee that will decide what the punishment should be. The full House will then have to vote on that punishment. Expulsion requires a two-thirds vote. * Live video from the committee will be available here, but I’ll also embed the video feed in this post as soon as the hearing begins. *** UPDATE 3 *** From our friends at, here’s the video of the proceedings… *** UPDATE 2 *** And here’s our ScribbleLive feed. BlackBerry users click here… * From the AP…
The House asked much the same thing of the US Attorney after Rod Blagojevich’s arrest. * Meanwhile, Gov. Pat Quinn reiterated his call for Rep. Smith to resign…
* But check out how the governor bobbed and weaved several times when reporters asked him about why he didn’t call for Smith’s resignation before the primary. It’s vintage Quinn and the reporters never do get a decent answer... Heh.
Question of the day
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The setup…
* The Question: Should all local governments be allowed to tap state income tax returns to recover money owed for unpaid traffic tickets and water bills? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Thanks.
Motion or movement?
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * On Sunday, the Chicago Tribune demanded that Senate President John Cullerton allow a floor vote on a bill to abolish the legislative scholarship program…
* Gov. Pat Quinn also tossed in his two cents…
* Gatehouse lays out the next steps…
* The bill is currently in the Executive Subcommittee on Education. Two of the subcommittee’s three members are co-sponsors. No hearing is scheduled yet, but the bill is likely to be sent to the full Executive Committee if the chairperson, Sen. Kimberly Lightford, allows a vote. Lightford has strongly supported the scholarship program in the past. If it passes subcommittee, you can probably expect a big round of news stories about how the proposal “advanced.” But if it does move, it will only advance to the Executive Committee, where, as they say, it’s fate remains uncertain. The Democrats in charge of the committee are mostly opposed to abolishing the scholarship program. In other words, only believe there’s progress if the bill actually gets out of Exec. And then there’s the issue of whether the House will take up the Senate bill after passing its own House bill. But I’ll save that for another time.
There They Go Again…
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] As opponents of SB 678 and the Taylorville Energy Center unleash their latest onslaught on the truth, Ronald Reagan’s famous line seems particularly apt. There they go again. The only thing that’s happening faster than the Exelon/ComEd/STOP penchant for saying anything to defeat the bill regardless of accuracy is the rapid-fire closing of coal-fired plants. And their seemingly endless collection of false claims hasn’t gone unnoticed by objective observers.
- Springfield Journal-Register Editorial – September 13, 2011 As the Chicago Tribune recently reported, ComEd parent Exelon spent $40,000 on a lopsided report full of “sky-is-falling” claims. Not only did this Exelon-funded “study” grossly exaggerate the unfavorable effect of natural gas price changes, but it ignored big improvements such as falling interest rates and increasing coal plant retirements that more than offset lower natural gas prices. Why is Exelon/ComEd/STOP engaged in such a massive misinformation campaign and unleashing thousands of robocalls throughout the state? Here’s why:
- Chicago Tribune, March 16, 2012 So next time Exelon/ComEd/STOP try to scare you about SB 678 and the Taylorville project, remember: there they go again.
ComEd Modernizing and Strengthening Electric Grid
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] ComEd is investing $2.6 billion over the next ten years to strengthen and digitize the electric grid. Our work – a direct result of the historic Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act passed last October – is already underway. In the past few months alone, ComEd has: Replaced more than 22,000 feet of mainline cable. Replaced or injected more than 300,000 feet of underground residential distribution cable (URD). By replacing cable where necessary or injecting cable to fill in voids in insulation, ComEd will reduce the number of service interruptions. Reinforced and replaced utility poles in over 200 locations: ComEd is inspecting, treating and, where necessary, replacing or reinforcing wood poles. Properly maintaining utility poles will help ComEd keep customers’ power on during severe weather. Installed more than 110 distribution automation devices: These devices will automatically detect problems on the electrical grid and reroute power, making service more dependable. These and other improvements made in recent months are just the beginning of ComEd’s commitment to delivering power you can depend on. We will continue to update you on our progress in the weeks and months ahead.
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * The House’s Special Investigating Committee will meet today at 11 to begin proceedings against Rep. Derrick Smith (D-Chicago). We’ll have live video and a separate ScribbleLive Feed which will look a lot like this one. Anyway, the House convenes at noon and the Senate is in at 4. BlackBerry users click here and everyone else can just hang back and watch all of today’s events unfold…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a post election roundup
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, Mar 27, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller