DCCC opposition research posted online
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * For whatever reason, the DCCC’s opposition research reports on several Republican congressional candidates have been posted online. They were found by a loyal reader this afternoon when he was searching Google for something else. Click here for the Google search which eventually turned them all up. I downloaded all the Illinois reports I could find… How about we do a little “crowd sourcing” with these OR books? Have fun reading, and make sure to tell us all what you find.
Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I’ve told you before, my brother Doug is an alternate Texas delegate to the Republican National Convention. From his Twitter feed…
Oh, funny. Like a clown funny. He amuses me. He makes me laugh. * A photo Doug tweeted of himself on the convention floor… ![]() * The Question: Caption? And, please, try to be somewhat gentle. Doug is my brother, after all.
Plummer breaks campaign pledge while DCCC screws up
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Republican congressional candidate Jason Plummer has repeatedly said that he’ll run a positive campaign. For instance, this is from a Plummer press release…
* But Plummer is running a TV ad in the Paducah market, far away from the political journalists in the Metro East, that is anything but positive. Watch… Calling Democrat Bill Enyart a “millionaire trial lawyer” twice in a TV ad is not what you would call a “positive” campaign. Not in the least. Plummer reportedly has a thousand points behind this ad, so it’s not a little thing. * Meanwhile, check out the DCCC’s potentially dangerous TV ad for Democratic congressional candidate Bill Enyart… On first blush, it looks great. But it’s full of dangerous goofiness. For instance…
Enyart did travel to Afghanistan and he was the general for the Guard troops who went there, but as I pointed out earlier today Enyart never saw combat. The DCCC is getting awful close to pulling a Mark Kirk here. Careful, kids. * But this is where the DCCC really goofed up…
The ad actually shows Gov. Pat Quinn in the ad. A screen capture… ![]() …Adding… I actually meant to post this screen shot instead of the other one. The governor is in the first several seconds of the DCCC’s ad… ![]() Quinn’s numbers outside the Metro East are beyond bad. Horrible even. You’re gonna use him in a TV ad? Are you insane? * Also, Enyart wasn’t originally appointed to run the Guard by Gov. Quinn. From Enyart’s official National Guard biography…
Rod Blagojevich was governor in 2007. The DCCC just opened the door wide to a “Rod’s general” attack. It was probably coming anyway, but they stuck their chin way out on this one. Stupid. Just stupid. According to the National Journal, the DCCC is spending $166,000 on this dangerous piece of junk through September.
Empty rhetoric masquerading as a “solution”
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * I first remember seeing this particular pension “solution” on the WLS Radio website back on August 9th…
* Cross has said this “lock ‘em in a room” line numerous times over the past few weeks. For instance, from August 15th…
* The idea, which is not really an idea as much as empty hyperbole, has since been adopted by some of Cross’ candidates as their own pension reform “solution.” Here’s Rep. Sid Mathias, who is in a very tough reelection race…
* It was even used yesterday by Republican state Sen. Kirk Dillard after S&P announced its Illinois credit downgrade…
* Obviously, this isn’t anything approaching a “solution.” It’s just talk. And it would be illegal as well. Kidnapping maybe? Unlawful restraint? I dunno what the exact crime would be, but it would almost definitely be a crime. Yet, it’s a good sound bite, so it gets repeated endlessly and even taken seriously by journalists who ought to know better. Maybe we’d all love to lock the leaders in a room and throw away the key, but that’s not how government works, nor how life works, for that matter. * It’s been frustrating to watch as the media refuses to challenged this empty rhetoric. But in doing a Google search for this post, I realized that the idea was first suggested by the Southern Illinoisan’s editorial board on August 5th…
The editorial was headlined “Fix pensions in proper, open manner.” Um, OK. What’s so “open” about locking the leaders and the governor in a room? Enough, already. This is childish stuff and not a worthwhile addition to the debate. * And, by the way, this is not to say that the other side is blameless here. For example…
They didn’t vote on a pension reform “solution,” they voted to cover their political behinds. Sheesh.
Enyart goes up
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Democratic congressional candidate Bill Enyart has a new TV ad…
* Rate it… * That line about how Enyart “led young men and women who fought in our wars,” is more than a tiny bit misleading. Enyart has no combat experience…
* Related…
*** LIVE *** Republican National Convention coverage
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * BlackBerry users click here, everyone else can just kick back and watch…
Caption contest!
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Fox Chicago interviews Treasurer Dan Rutherford and “President Lincoln”… ![]()