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Rauner nod was GOProud’s last act before dissolving

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The pro-gay rights tea party group GOProud is shutting down, just days after endorsing Bruce Rauner for governor

In 2004, GOProud was born when Jimmy LaSalvia and Chris Barron split from the Log Cabin Republicans. Fast forward to today: both have stepped down from the organization and it is shutting down for good.

GOProud has been mired by several controversies since the departure of their founders. The group has bled donors since the widely reported departure of Jimmy LaSalvia from the Republican Party earlier this year. […]

Finding it difficult to continue without securing more funding, GOProud will be shutting down immediately - an homage to an era gone by. The shuttering is undoubtedly necessary as the organization’s full effectiveness has been tarnished.

The organization may rebrand and regroup later, but for now, the organization will no longer be functioning. Co-director Matthew Bechstein stated in an interview that the “brand is broken” and a rebrand is necessary.

* More

After Andrew Markle’s story yesterday that the far-right conservative LGBT group GOProud was shutting down, the organization’s leadership took to Facebook to deny the reporting saying, “Nothing could be further from the truth” and “GOProud is not closing. It is growing.”

Today, however, the group confirmed it plans to kill the GOProud brand and will attempt to reorganize as a grassroots online organization with a new name.

A “grassroots online organization” is not a political committee.

So, is the Rauner endorsement now essentially worthless? Seems so.


A new record

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* According to statistics generated by my web hosting company using Apache log files, we reached a milestone last month. had nearly 5 million page views in the month of May (not including spiders, spambots, etc). That’s more than double what it was in May of 2012.

I don’t usually share this sort of data because my advertising sales are based on the target audience, not the quantity of clicks. But that’s a pretty darned amazing stat and I figured you ought to know. Also, the number of unique IP addresses using this site in May grew by more than 57 percent compared to the same month two years ago.

* More importantly (for advertising purposes), a check of the top IP addresses found that at least 20 percent of those May page views - or at least a million - came from within the Capitol Complex, which is my target audience during session. That’s about 50,000 Statehouse/Stratton Building-area page views per session day. And that doesn’t count all the cell phones, etc. which aren’t connected to the LIS wi-fi system.

Not bad for a little state politics website, eh?

* Anyway, thanks so much to all you subscribers and readers out there. And thanks to the commenters who truly help make this site live and breathe. And many, many thanks to the advertisers who allow me to keep this little monster of a website going strong.


More defining Statehouse moments

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Doug Finke

“I haven’t read the language of the amendment.” Speaker Madigan in response to a question about a bill he sponsored making the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum its own state agency.


* On the other hand, this could very well signal some real progress on the city’s pension reform bill. Somebody was apparently using his or her noggin

As Mayor Rahm Emanuel waits for Gov. Pat Quinn’s decision on a measure that would partially fix the finances of city worker pension funds, the mayor isn’t saying whether a 911 fee increase on phone bills would allow him to avoid a property tax hike. […]

Emanuel has talked about raising property taxes to come up with the city’s share, but that puts Quinn in a tight spot. The Democratic governor is running for re-election against anti-tax Republican challenger Bruce Rauner.

Meanwhile, the legislature last week gave Emanuel and Quinn a possible escape route by approving a bill that would allow the city to raise a 911 tax on landline and cell phones by $1.40 a month to $3.90. The resulting $50 million or so a year from the 911 tax could allow the City Council to put off raising property taxes until after next year’s city elections. […]

“I don’t think we should be subsidizing (OEMC) from” other revenue sources, said Emanuel, who added that the 911 budget “should be self sufficient and independent.” But Emanuel did not address the property tax portion of the question during his news conference.

The city claims it was subsidizing 911 services out of general revenue. So, this tax hike frees up that general revenue cash, which could, indeed, postpone a property tax hike until after election day.

So, sometimes, we can have positive defining moments.


A selective conspiracy?

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an e-mail sent yesterday by Michael Kolenc, the campaign manager for Yes for Independent Maps, which is pushing a constitutional amendment for remap reform and doesn’t yet have enough valid signatures to qualify for the ballot…

We knew it would come to this. The status quo in Illinois was not going to let this process be easy…and because of that, we have been hard at work trying to rehabilitate signatures the state threw out in their rushed, uneven and back-room validation process. In fact, we are working today – checking signatures in the voter file, preparing lists of certified voter registration cards we need to obtain; having notaries collect signed affidavits.

This work is tedious, but with the support of over 500,000 petition signers, we know you have our back. Can you continue to cheer us on by making a $25 contribution today?

That’s a nice little conspiracy theory, but you’d think the Board of Elections would’ve been at least as “unfair” to Bruce Rauner’s term limits petition drive. Nope

Illinois election officials say a group that supports eight-year term limits on legislators appears to have enough signatures to let voters decide on the issue in November.

Illinois State Board of Elections Director Rupert Borgsmiller told The Associated Press on Monday that about 60 percent of the group’s tested signatures were valid. The Committee for Legislative Reform and Term Limits turned in nearly 600,000 signatures. That’s about 370,000 eligible signatures. Illinois ballot measures need about 300,000 voter signatures.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner backs the proposal. It also would also change the size of the Legislature and make it harder for lawmakers to override a governor’s veto.

* From Rauner’s term limits group…

“Today we also extend our gratitude to the State Board of Elections for their impartiality and professionalism throughout the petition process,“ said Executive Director Mark Campbell. “Today the Board has made official what we have known all along – that the people of Illinois want term limits.”

Bottom line, Rauner appears to have run a professional operation.


Question of the day

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your choice for biggest losers of the spring legislative session?

We’ll do winners tomorrow.

…Adding… Please explain your choices. Thanks.


Today’s quotable

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Jeanne Ives complained bitterly last week during debate on the election reform bill that I told you about earlier today

If you can’t listen to audio at work, here’s some of what she said about the voting changes…

“Let’s set it up at Chicago State University with a less than 20 percent graduation rate. I’m sure those guys know exactly what they’re doing.”

She always chooses her words so carefully.


Unclear on the concept

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn’s running mate might wanna change his script

Vallas said that he is “bothered” by a return to the bad budgeting practices, and the lack of a budget alternative from the Rauner campaign. […]

“It bothers me that we’re borrowing again and we seem to be relapsing into the same kinds of practices that got us into this position in the first place,” he added.

Emphasis added because the borrowing he speaks of was in Gov. Quinn’s own budget proposal. From the Civic Federation

Although the budget recommended by Governor Pat Quinn for FY2015 proposes extending current income tax rates to avoid a massive revenue cliff, it also relies on borrowing $650 million to close a budget gap and pay down a portion of the State’s backlog of unpaid bills.


Big changes for November voting

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The General Assembly sent this bill to the governor’s desk last week

The Chicago Democrat’s proposal would extend in-person early voting hours and allow voters to register on election day.

It also would remove identification requirements for in-person early voting and allow public universities to serve as locations for election day in-person absentee voting.

The changes would be in effect for [only] the November election. [….]

Republicans say the move is an attempt to drive Democratic turnout in a close, nationally watched governor’s race.

* From a Chicago Votes press release…

What happened Friday is a big deal. The legislature approved a pilot program that allows Illinoisans to register to vote until the end of Election Day at designated polling locations across the state! This is a great step towards permanent precinct-wide Election Day Registration, which we will continue to fight for in the coming months.

We also got some bonuses:

    * University of Illinois at Chicago, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U of Ilinois at Springfield, U of I Carbondale, U of I Edwardsville, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State University, Northern Illinois University, Southern Illinois University, Western Illinois University at Macomb and Western Illinois at Moline will allow students who are registered, but haven’t switched their registration location to vote on Election Day.

    * Employers may not require employees to use earned vacation time or paid leave to serve as an election judge!

    * We also got extended hours and more days for early voting.

Fewer folks will have to deal with an arbitrary 28 day registration deadline before an election, (or scramble to the few spots that offer registration 3 days before), or worry about not having their provisional ballots counted, or be excluded from the voting process because they moved just before Election Day.

The full bill is here.

* The bill also includes this

Provides that Cook County Commissioners and the president of the board are not eligible to hold office if he or she has been convicted in any court located in the United States of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony.


…Adding… From Think Progress

Election Day registration is, in many ways, the anti-voter ID. Voter ID laws, which have been en vogue among conservatives recently, could disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters (though different studies have reached different conclusions regarding how many voters will be disenfranchised by voter ID, even conservative estimates suggest that 2 to 3 percent of registered voters will be impacted). Election Day registration, on the other hand, tends to boost turnout between 7 to 14 percentage points, according to scientific studies. These gains come predominantly from the very groups that voter ID tends to discriminate against: minorities, young voters, and low-income Americans.

There are a few reasons why Election Day registration has such a significant impact on turnout. Requiring people to register before they actually cast a ballot presents an extra hurdle to voting that necessarily depresses turnout. In addition, many Americans don’t begin paying attention to an election until just before Election Day, at which point it is too late to register in many states. Finally, nearly one in eight Americans move in an average year. Unless they remember to update their voter registration before Election Day or live in a state with Election Day registration, they can’t vote.

Election Day registration has grown increasingly popular in blue states recently, likely in response to the rash of voter suppression laws since 2010. In the past two years, four other states — California, Colorado, Connecticut, and Hawaii — have enacted Election Day registration, bringing the total number of states to 13, plus the District of Columbia.


Why did they do it this way?

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

The latest state budgetary meltdown got me wondering: Why did the Democrats decide four years ago to allow the income tax hike to expire in the middle of a fiscal year?

The trouble caused by the Jan. 1, 2015, tax hike expiration has been tremendous.

By putting in that particular “sunset date,” state revenues are scheduled to drop almost $2 billion in the second half of the new fiscal year, which starts July 1 and ends June 30, 2015.

To prevent that dramatic loss of revenue, Gov. Pat Quinn proposed in March that the Illinois General Assembly permanently extend the income tax hike. Fellow Democrats House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton both publicly agreed.

Trouble is, statehouse tax hikes almost never get passed before an election. Former Republican Gov. Jim Thompson twice pushed for post-election tax hikes, claiming he’d badly misread the fiscal tea leaves while he was campaigning on a solemn pledge to never raise taxes.

And, sure enough, the combination of an off-year election that’s already going to be bad for Democrats and Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner’s endless supply of campaign cash has scared the living daylights out of House Democrats. The tax extension idea was dropped.

Instead, the Democrats passed an alternative budget that kicks a very expensive can down the road, blowing a gigantic, multibillion-dollar hole in next year’s budget.

So why did the Democrats lock themselves into such a mess?

Mr. Cullerton told me a few weeks ago that he’d been asking himself that same question.

Go read the whole thing to find out what Cullerton said.

* Meanwhile, Doug Finke

[Gov. Pat Quinn] didn’t get the tax extension, he didn’t get the $500 pre-election checks for property taxpayers (another of his proposals), he didn’t get an increase in the minimum wage (although he’ll get an advisory referendum), there’s no increase in the earned income tax credit, and most of his budgetary priorities went down the drain. He did get a new capital program of sorts, all of $1 billion for roads and bridges.

But like the Chicago Cubs, there’s always next year and the hope it will prove more successful. Except, depending on the November election, this could have been Quinn’s last spring hurrah.

* Umm

“This was a successful session,” the speaker continued. “The governor didn’t get everything he wanted, but that’s the nature of the Legislature. That’s the nature of American government. But going forward, the Democrats will be together because they’ll be brought together by Republicans.”


Stuff you may have missed

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Let’s take a quick look at some legislation that has been overlooked

Unpaid interns would be included in the state’s ban of sexual harassment in the workplace under one measure. Currently, Illinois law only prohibits the harassment of paid employees. The bill would require employers to act on all reports of sexual harassment.

Two bills would expand protections for adults and children with intellectual disabilities. The first measure would give the Illinois Department on Aging legal protections from being sued for enforcing bans against the abuse of disabled adults. The second proposal would enact new penalties for the abuse of disabled children. The measure would allow police to seize property, such as boats or cars, of adults who abuse children 13 or younger who have severe mental disabilities. […]

In another effort to give people a fair shake and broaden the workforce pool, lawmakers passed a bill that would bar employers from asking on initial job applications if a person has a criminal record. After the applicant has been found qualified for a position and scheduled for an interview, the employer would be able to ask for criminal record disclosure.

* More

In an effort to undo a previously approved law that had over-enforced poker runs, the House and Senate signed off on changes to the rules governing this popular fundraising tool for motorcycle enthusiasts, in which bikers ride from one tavern to another collecting poker hands. The new rules take enforcement out of the hands of the state and gives counties the authority to issue licenses for the events. […]

A proposed new law will require schools to address electronic bullying, even if it doesn’t happen on school grounds. […]

In an effort to stop cities from over-regulating farmers’ markets, a proposed new law would preclude municipalities from passing regulations that are stricter than state laws. […]

In a move that could drive up the cost of school construction, a proposed new law would require all new schools to have storm shelters.

* Money for solar

On May 30, 2014, the Illinois General Assembly passed House Bill 2427, which unlocks $30 million of roughly $54 million in existing state funds for investment in new renewable generation. The $30 million comes from the Renewable Energy Resources Fund (RERF), which is administered by the Illinois Power Agency (IPA). The $30 million is anticipated to be targeted at solar generation, with a focus on “distributed” solar generation, or generation with a name-plate capacity of less than two megawatts. To date the IPA has only made one procurement using the RERF and committed less than $3 million, even though the RERF is anticipated to grow to nearly $130 million this September.

* This bill passed both chambers

A measure, passed by the Illinois House or Representatives [Friday], specifically exempts the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in the northwest suburb from the Smoke Free Illinois Act, which prohibits smoking in public places. The exemption would last until Oct. 1, 2015. […]

Tobacco Plus Convenience Expo, which drew about 4,000 people to its annual meeting in Las Vegas in January, has already held preliminary talks with village officials about holding a second show, said Susan Reuter, president of Branford, Conn.-based Reuter Exposition Services LLC, which puts on the Expo. A Rosemont meeting would likely attract about the same number of people, she said.

Smoking is a necessary part of the show, which is limited to distributors, wholesalers and retailers and other people in the industry, she said. “It’s a type of sampling people do, whether they’re sampling cigars or a new cigarette.”

* And, finally

Republican Bruce Rauner doesn’t have a specific budget plan of his own yet ripped pieces of the Democratic budget Friday, including one spending package that contains $500,000 for a YMCA bearing his name. […]

Yet, one of the bills that makes up the spending package now headed to Gov. Pat Quinn contains a reappropriated $500,000 state grant “to the Rauner Family YMCA for costs associated with capital improvements at the facility.”

Rauner campaign spokesman Mike Schrimpf said “the Rauners’ have no personal benefit from the Rauner YMCA.”

“It’s called that because of their generosity in helping fund it,” Schrimpf said of the facility.


UNO charged with defrauding investors

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

The Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday announced it had charged charter school operator UNO with defrauding investors in a $37.5 million bond offering for school construction work by failing to disclose conflicts of interest.

The SEC alleged that UNO Charter School Network had failed to disclose a multimillion dollar contract with a windows company linked to one of its top executives, Miguel d’Escoto.

D’Escoto, resigned in February last year, days after the Sun-Times reported that UNO gave $8.5 million of business to companies owned by two of d’Escoto’s brothers with money from $98 million in state school-construction grant funding.


Defining Statehouse moments

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This buried little nugget in a Tribune roundup is the most overlooked story of the session so far, but I’m betting that won’t last

During the last few years, lawmakers each were supposed to take 12 unpaid days a year as a recognition of the state’s rocky financial condition. On Friday, lawmakers decided to keep that money when the new budget year starts July 1, providing a minimum $3,100 boost that would return the base salary for their part-time jobs to $67,836, though most lawmakers get an additional $10,000 or so for committee posts.

Yeah, because they did such a great job.


* And if this next bill is signed into law, those legislative paychecks can never be blocked again

House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton gave a little political payback to Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn on Friday as the spring session headed toward the finish line […]

(L)ast summer, Quinn vetoed the money for lawmakers’ paychecks after they ended session without sending him a bill to reform the state’s government worker pension systems. On Friday, Madigan and Cullerton passed a measure that would keep lawmaker paychecks flowing.

“You’ll remember the governor vetoed our salaries in the middle of last summer,” said House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, Madigan’s top lieutenant who maintained the paycheck move was not personal but rather an issue of “separation of powers.” “We didn’t like that very much, and a court said the governor couldn’t do it. But in order to make sure our governor doesn’t try it again, this will ensure that our paychecks come as they are supposed to come.”

What they did was create a continuing appropriation. So, if there is ever another veto, paychecks will still be issued.

* The roof problems at the governor’s mansion are also indicative of the bass-ackwards way our government is run

Over at the Governor’s Mansion, the 44-year-old roof is gasping for life. Water is coming in. Plaster is falling down. Antique furniture has been yanked out of the third-floor Lincoln and Yates bedrooms and stored for safekeeping. Called the “people’s house,” this is the most irresistible metaphor for the neglect and corrosion of our fiscal state. […]

According to Rep. Brauer, there is money in a $3.7 million appropriation to make repairs, though the administration disputes that. Nobody disputes that this is an emergency that has only gotten more expensive by waiting.

Like every other state problem you can think of. […]

While the governor lives in a money-pit fixer-upper, Speaker Mike Madigan operates out of a gilt capitol palace, the renovation of which was downright reverential in its attention to detail. Copper doors, sconces and chandeliers. Nice digs for a Legislature that gets nothing done.

* And speaking of those nice Statehouse digs

In September, Quinn blocked spending on Capitol renovations after questions were raised about how money was spent, from big chandeliers in lawmakers’ offices to newly installed maidens on the grand staircase to three wooden double doors coated in glistening copper that cost nearly $670,000. On Friday, Madigan and Cullerton passed a bill that would take away Quinn’s ability to block spending on Capitol renovations.


* And speaking of Madigan

The budget also included language that authorizes $35 million in school construction in Chicago, funds that will be used to pay for a 1,200 student school in Madigan’s political home turf in the 13th Ward near Midway Airport.

“It’s a new school that’s planned,” Madigan said after the House adjourned shortly before 8 p.m. Friday.

Asked if it would be named in his honor, the longtime speaker smiled and said, “It doesn’t have a name. It’s a brand new building…. There’s severe overcrowding on the southwest side of Chicago.”

The big dogs always eat first here

Renovating the historic Uptown Theatre is the “missing piece” to creating an entertainment district in the North Side neighborhood, proponents say. And that effort just got a $10 million boost.

A House Bill which included the appropriation for the theater — pushed by Senate President John Cullerton (D) — passed both houses of the Illinois Legislature last week. It’s the first major investment in the theater since it was purchased by JAM Productions in 2008.

“We’re happy to help jumpstart that project. Of course we know it’s just upward of $70 million for the theater’s full renovation but he still wanted to jumpstart it,” said Rikeesha Pheon, a spokeswoman for Cullerton. “He thinks it could be the centerpiece of Uptown.”


Caption contest!

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ormsby

Governor Pat Quinn yesterday appointed a new communications director.

Quinn on Sunday announced that Grant Klinzman will immediately assume the role of Acting Communications Director for the Governor’s Office.

Klinzman has been serving as Deputy Communications Director. The Governor’s chief spokesman and Communications Director, Brooke Anderson, is leaving the Governor’s Office to join the Quinn for Illinois campaign.

* From Grant’s Facebook page

He almost looks like he’s being renditioned by the CIA.

Have fun and let’s welcome him the right way.


A huge hole

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

On the bright side, I suppose you could argue that last week’s budget passed by the General Assembly will lead to the largest tax cut in Illinois history come January, when the 2011 income tax increase partially expires on schedule.

But that’s about the only bright side. And, really, pretty much nobody expects that some sort of tax hike will be avoided after the election, no matter who wins come November.

The new Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal had to be based on the partial expiration of the tax hike on January 1st, when it will drop from 5 percent to 3.75 percent. House Democrats claim they couldn’t find enough votes to permanently extend the tax hike.

But this new budget will blow close to a $6 billion hole in the following year’s budget, according to my own back of the envelope analysis that top Senate Democrats said looked accurate to them.

I based what follows on what what I know about how the budget was crafted. But whatever the final number ends up being, it’s crystal clear that whoever wins the governor’s race will face a monstrous challenge after he’s sworn in next January.

Borrowing $660 million from special state funds, as this new budget does, is a one-off affair. The money is being put into the state’s spending base and will have to somehow be replaced the following year. A two-year repayment plan means another $330 million will also have to be found in the next budget, for a total hole of about a billion dollars.

Using about $500 million in one-time revenue increases from this fiscal year to pay forward some bills in next fiscal year means that same $500 million will have to be found again in when the next budget is crafted.

Not funding employee salary and health insurance benefit cost increases kicks another $380 million down the road. So, now we’re at $1.9 billion.

And then, of course, there’s the approximately $3.6 billion in full-year revenue lost after the income tax hike partially expires. That puts the hole at around $5.7 billion.

Also, Rep. Greg Harris, who chairs a House appropriations committee, told reporters last week that the new budget could create as much as a “couple of billion” dollars in past-due bills in the coming fiscal year. If that’s accurate, then the FY16 hole becomes much, much worse, plus there’s all that new debt owed to providers which will eventually have to be paid back.

Not to mention that some state agencies have been given lump sum operating appropriations. Gov. Pat Quinn could conceivably try to avoid cuts before the election by putting off decisions until after the election. Doing so, of course, would blow a big hole in the second half of the coming fiscal year, which begins July 1st.

And that brings us to Bruce Rauner, the Republican nominee for governor.

Gov. Quinn’s campaign has been pushing Rauner hard lately to divulge his “secret” plan to balance the budget. The reason for that is they may have him caught in a trick bag of his own making.

Rauner has hinted more than once that he’d like to taper off the income tax hike over a period of time. But he can’t do that now because last week’s legislative inaction means that most of the 2011 tax hike will automatically disappear on schedule this coming January 1st.

Because of that legislative failure, if Rauner follows what was widely believed to be his original plan, the Republican would actually have to raise taxes in order to lower them again.

Needless to say, don’t bet on that ever surfacing as his plan now.

So, he’s gonna have to come up with a new idea. And that won’t be easy, because as I explained above this “kick the can budget” has planted a multibillion dollar nuclear time bomb that is so massive Rauner won’t possibly be able to simply cut his way out of it.

The other option is to do what he’s doing now: Refuse to answer any questions about his secret plan. But after promising for a year and a half to deliver one, he’s going to find himself dogged on the campaign trail from now on if he tries to stay mum.

Either way, though, it’s Quinn who has the most problems. He’ll have to deal with a big budgetary hole during the campaign while attempting to convince voters to reelect him so that he can try once again to raise their taxes. I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

We’ll have more on the budgetary fiasco later today.


Rauner blasted for saying he’d veto gay marriage bill

Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Conservative Republican gay rights group GOProud’s endorsement of Bruce Rauner on the eve of the official start of legal gay marriage here sparked a major backlash among gay rights organizations which pushed the bill. From a press release

A robust debate occurred last year over whether all Illinois couples and families should be treated equally and with dignity under the law. Today, as we celebrate the official commencement of the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, we honor those officials who stood for freedom and equality.

We also remember those public figures, like Bruce Rauner, who chose the side of bigotry and intolerance.

Rauner, the Republican candidate for governor, claims to be a social moderate. In public and in the media, he claims not to “have a social agenda” and that “it doesn’t matter” how he feels about marriage equality.

Rauner can’t have it both ways. A real leader takes a stand. But we now know how he really feels. Last year at a Tea Party gathering in Quincy, he had this to say about marriage equality: “They haven’t approved it in a referendum, so if I were governor I would veto.”

Rauner opposes the freedom to marry. If he had been Governor, the many couples across Illinois who today are celebrating new families would still be relegated to a second-class legal status. Bruce Rauner, as he said in Quincy, has no problem with that.

We know the real Bruce Rauner. His administration would very likely be working behind-the-scenes to block new legislation and erode the existing laws protecting our families.

Just look at the GOP “top of the ticket” and the elected officials Rauner surrounds himself with, like running mate Evelyn Sanguinetti and U.S. Senate candidate Jim Oberweis, both of who strongly oppose the freedom to marry, LGBT family adoption rights and other legal protections. Moreover, he has given tens of thousands of dollars to anti-LGBT candidates throughout our state.

* Sun-Times

“They haven’t approved it in a referendum, so if I were governor I would veto,” [Equality Illinois] alleges Rauner said.

Rauner’s campaign could not verify the account or provide a response to the letter because they could not immediately be reached for comment Sunday evening.

Earlier Sunday, campaign spokesman Mike Schrimpf declined to reveal Rauner’s personal feelings on same-sex marriage because “Bruce does not have an agenda on social issues.” But he said Rauner is not in favor of overturning the new law unless a referendum on the ballot calls for it. The campaign also noted Rauner was endorsed by GOProud, a Republican pro-gay rights group.

And Schrimpf added that Rauner does wish the best for newly-married same-sex couples.

“He wishes them congratulations and many years of happiness together,” Schrimpf said.

* That’s no mere allegation. It’s a fact. I posted the audio of Rauner’s tea party event comments on December 19th

* From the Quinn campaign…

Throughout the campaign, Rauner has sought to downplay his position on the wrong side of history, telling one reporter: “My view is irrelevant. Why does that matter?”

At other times, he has ducked the issue altogether, acting as if it weren’t important. According to one report, during a press availability in Peoria, when a reporter asked, “Should Illinois legalize gay marriage?” Rauner responded: “I guess we’re done,” and abruptly walked out of the room.

While Rauner sought to downplay the significance of his position on the matter, people across Illinois visited their county clerks’ offices to apply for marriage licenses, a right they would undeniably not have had if Bruce Rauner were governor.



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Monday, Jun 2, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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