New AARP poll shows serious anxiety
Monday, Aug 11, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * AARP has a new poll of Illinoisans aged 50 and over. Click here to read it all. Let’s start with the politics. Bruce Rauner leads Gov. Pat Quinn 48-39… ![]() Again, the governor has base problems. * President Obama’s job approval rating is upside down among the 50+ crowd… ![]() * But the real story here is the deep anxiety levels among the aging and aged. For instance, 61 percent of non-retirees say they have or will delay their retirement for financial reasons. And 76 percent of all of those polled say the Illinois economy is bad, with 46 percent saying it’s “very bad”… ![]() * Almost two-thirds say their income is falling behind their cost of living… ![]() * “Looking ahead to the next five years or so, do you feel more hopeful and confident, or more worried and concerned about being able to achieve your economic and financial goals?” More worried and concerned are in red… ![]() * “Voters are assigned 20 points for each of five economic concerns about which they say they worry very or somewhat often. A minimum score of 0 reflects no economic anxiety, while a maximum score of 100 indicates a great deal of economic anxiety”… ![]() It isn’t difficult to see why Bruce Rauner keeps bringing up the tax issue every chance he gets. * On to other concerns. 64 percent said it was important to them “that the next governor preserve access to reliable, affordable landline service in Illinois,” with half saying it was “very important”… ![]() * “How important is this issue in helping you make your voting decisions this year? - Helping older people and the disabled live independently.” 79 percent said it was important, with 65 percent saying “very important”… ![]()
- Been There - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 1:04 pm:
===, affordable landline service in Illinois,” with half saying it was “very important”…===
Found out something new this weekend when our power went out. We bundled the phone with TV and the internet. No phone service without the internet. And that was about the only valid argument my wife would agree with for keeping the landline.
- A guy... - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
If you’re walking precincts and talking to folks, none of this is surprising. None of it.
- Anonymous - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 1:29 pm:
Anyone who’s lived through the 90’s would think today is financial armageddon. It’s hard to adjust your lifestyle downward and those non-retired folks still want. Retired folks with real places for their cash, like medical costs now and sure to come in the future—-they have reason to be worried about the future. With 2 candidates running for governor who seem to want to make it even harder for older people to function financially, well, no wonder the angst.
Income keeping up with the cost of living? How about slashing your income, as PQ was put on earth to do, at a time when you can’t go out and get another job?
- wordslinger - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 1:45 pm:
Aren’t the “Chicago media market” and “Cook County media market” the same? And isn’t much of “Out-state” (whatever that is) also in the Chicago media market?
- mcb - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:25 pm:
People 50+ are usually dependable voters.
- justbabs - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:31 pm:
Just wondering…Why no breakdown of “married men” and “unmarried men”?
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:34 pm:
The economy reminds me much of the Carter years between 1976 and 1980. Turmoil and malaise in the Middle East, causing an massive energy crisis due to inept leadership in Washington, an economy that was falling apart due to damaging tax and economic policy, and general hopelessness amongst Americans about the future. The exception here is that Illinois seemed to faring better than the nation overall.
Now we’re racing to the bottom in Illinois because of bad political choices by Illinois voters.
In America, it took a real consensus builder in the WH to turn things around, even if it took four years.
The same can happen to America and Illinois again. If the people see us turning the corner under the right bi-partisan leadership, this could turn things around in the next guv’s first term. The problems in America and Illinois are mainly political rather than technical.
Is Rauner the guy? I honestly don’t know. I just know that Quinn ISN’T.
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:36 pm:
3% of “Republicans” are going to vote for Quinn? Oswego Willy, is that you?
- dupage dan - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:42 pm:
Under 35 y/o women go for Quinn over Rauner? What is it, the hair? The sparkling personality? The encyclopedic mind? The raw power that exudes from his every pore?
- walker - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 3:04 pm:
DD: Younger, and Unmarried Women for Quinn. Why?
You know why: it’s those darn “social” issues generally associated with Republicans, that Rauner is trying his best to avoid.
Overall, very bad right now for Quinn, and it is driven by perceptions of the economy, to a great extent.
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 3:45 pm:
The fear about retirement security is justified. Defined pensions of the past have been reduced. The good thing about these pensions is that they’re reliable.
These days companies are offering more 401(k) plans, or no plans at all. Some workers don’t earn enough to invest enough in 401(k)’s, according to what I read.
Thankfully some or many people recovered the values of their 401(k)’s, after the Great Recession. If there’s another downturn or crash, that too will strain people’s retirements or even wipe out their savings.
We need more retirement security, and to advocate for traditional pensions, or other retirment systems that are secure. We know extreme income inequality is dangerous and unwarranted. There’s no need for people to suffer more than they have to.
- Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 3:54 pm:
==- Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:34 pm:==
Some “massive energy crisis.” Gas the same as 3 years ago. Natural gas still cheap.
- A guy... - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 4:15 pm:
===justbabs - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:31 pm:
Just wondering…Why no breakdown of “married men” and “unmarried men”?===
Uh oh,you’re trying to start a fight on gay marriage again, aren’t you? (total snark, lol)
- dupage dan - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 6:36 pm:
So, walker, it has nothing to do with Quinn per se. It has to do with the perception that Quinn is all about the social issues and ANYBODY from the GOP is gonna be a goon. I get it.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 6:59 pm:
===- Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 2:36 pm
3% of “Republicans” are going to vote for Quinn? Oswego Willy, is that you?===
You are a Dope.
If you would take 11 seconds and read;
Said this every time…
Won’t vote for Quinn, can’t vote for Rauner….
Won’t vote for Rauner. Can’t vote for Rauner…
Does not mean I will vote for Quinn, because I won’t vote for the Blago of the ILGOP.
You’re ignorance to reading sometimes knows no limits.
- Skirmisher - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 9:35 pm:
The landline bit is fascinating. This very day my wife and I gave up on a wireless home phone device and had AT&T restore our landline. We wanted back in the phone book, and we wanted the relative reliability of a landline. We winced at the cost, however, which is over twice the monthly cost of the wireless device. A lot of that comes from an outragious array of government fees and taxes, none of which seem very necessary or reasonable.
- Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 11, 14 @ 10:22 pm:
=You’re ignorance to reading sometimes knows no limits.You are a Dope.=
Lighten up, dufus. I was just poking you, but
I can understand your lack of ken since it takes intellegence to recognize humor, no matterr how soft. Your substituting insults for intellect speaks to your deficiencies, not those you insult.
Do your self a favor. learn the difference between bickering and debate. Then you might be able to find a decent job!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 12, 14 @ 5:53 am:
- Arizona Bob -,
===Do your self a favor. learn the difference between bickering and debate. Then you might be able to find a decent job!===
Do yourself a favor, decide which poking you want to be seen for. You know nothing of me, but you seem to have a perception, you use this perception, and you expect me to know the difference in your types of snark.
Reading doesn’t work that way.
- dupage dan - Tuesday, Aug 12, 14 @ 9:17 am:
On another note, Walker, what happens to women when the get married? They shift over to a more conservative stance. Explain that, please. Do they become less intelligent? Care less about the demographic you allude to? Puzzling, no?