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Caption contest!

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

BATH, IL — More than 7,000 invasive carp were removed from the Illinois River this past weekend and hundreds of people watched Asian carp cooking demonstrations during the 9th Annual Redneck Fishing Tournament.

“Every year I’m amazed at how many people turn out,” said Betty DeFord, who organizes the tournament. “More and more people are being made aware of the problems these fish create.”

Four, 2-hour fishing heats spread over Friday and Saturday netted 7,126 fish. The Sushi Slayer team from Washington, IL took first place with 531 Asian carp. Schafer Fisheries hauled away the fish to process into fertilizer.

Tournament proceeds will help homeless veterans through the Veterans Affairs hospital in Danville. More than $1,700 was raised through raffles. The Sushi Slayers and other top finishers donated their winnings to help the cause.

* The Senate Democrats’ communications director John Patterson was part of a team that caught over 300 flying carp. He’s posted a video of the experience

Man, that place was fragrant on Sunday. Whew. I met some cool people, though, and traveled there with an old friend who texted me this morning…

Thanks again for an epic unrepeatable weekend!

Ain’t that the truth. Still dragging today. Oscar is worn out too.

* On to the caption contest. Yes, it’s late in the day, but hopefully we’ll still get some solid entrees. I mean, how many times do we get to mess with Patterson? Here he is holding a giant flying carp that a member of his team netted right before it flew into somebody else’s face…


Confidential memo reveals hostilities, hurt feelings

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We’re coming really late to this Kurt Erickson column, but I wanted to make sure you saw this

Among the more than 2,000 emails turned over to a legislative panel investigating Gov. Pat Quinn’s failed anti-violence program is a confidential note from the governor’s liaison with the Legislature.

In it, Jessica Brushkin shines a spotlight on how individual lawmakers view the governor.

It is not a pretty view.

Let’s take state Rep. Bill Mitchell for example.

Brushkin wrote that the Republican from Forsyth was upset the governor did not invite him or state Rep. Adam Brown, R-Champaign, to events with the governor in Decatur.

At the time the email went out in September 2012, Quinn had just been in Decatur for an event honoring veterans.

* Ah, but there’s more. With many thanks to Kurt, the full e-mail…

From: Bruskin, Jessica
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 10:48 AM
To: [Redacted by me]
Subject: Noteworthy information from roll call
Sensitivity: Confidential

· Rep. Cabello (Repub) is is supportive of all of our veto action except for assault weapons ban, budget and gaming. He has not made a decision on Leucadia yet.

· Rep. E Jackson - had other concern regarding one particular program that got funded, the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative Program; which was funded $14 million. His concern is why all the funding got sent up to the Chicago area. He wants to know: -Why did none of those dollars come down to the East St. Louis area? -How was the process determined? -What is the process to apply? -Is it to late to apply? -Wanting a list of contacts who in charge of this program? He also spoke about the Safety Recovery Program which funding was cut. Rep. Jackson stated he would like to have someone get back with him regarding these questions before next Wednesday (September 26).

· Rep. Lang - The Gov’s office had better not think they can negotiate a [gaming] compromise without me at the table, or just Link and Cullerton at the table without me, they are wrong and will not succeed.

· Rep. Lyons - Joe is extremely upset with the Governor’s office at this time. He professionally and politely refused to answer any questions about legislation.

· Rep. Mitchell, B - Rep. Bill Mitchell was upset that the Governor did not invite him (nor Rep. Brown) to events the Governor was at in Decatur. He stated he was only agreeing to listen to the Governor’s point of view on these issues because I requested the meeting. He would not have met with anyone else.

· Sen. Delgado - He wants this to be shared with the Governor: he is tired of the Gov blaming legislators for issues and problems in the state. When he bashes legislators, he is trageting ALL of them. If Gov. Quinn has issues with certain legislators he should single them out & not blame allof them. Delgado says he is a Democrat, just like Quinn & that they should work together as a team & team members–don’t bash each other. He said he expects an apology from the Gov and the Gov should understand that they are allies & will get so much more done when they work together. He apologized to the caller for having to go thru her to relay this message, but the Gov and his leadership have not responded to him & his requests to discuss issues.

* One of the staff replies was pretty snarky…

Cabello’s is interesting — he is supportive of all our veto action except for 4 out of 7 of them?

I like Lang’s too, it sounds like something out of The Avengers.


Rauner paying canvassers

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Bruce Rauner’s campaign manager sent out an e-mail to supporters over the weekend…

Well, we’ve tried to keep under wraps the grassroots machine we’ve built as a counterpoint to the insiders’ powerful political machine that’s been around for decades. We’re work horses, not show horses. But what we’re doing is so big and so unprecedented that reporters and the political class have taken notice. Below is an article that highlights our historic grassroots effort.

Thousands of volunteers are walking doors, making calls, and reaching out to their friends and neighbors.

The “ground game,” as campaigns call it, has long been the domain of the insider’s powerful political machine. They’ve invested in people and elbow grease while we’ve too often limited ourselves to the “air war” of ads. They’ve also cleaned our clock.

Not this time. We’re all-in.

Thousands of “volunteers”? Maybe not. Illinois Review

Perhaps there are thousands of Rauner volunteers elsewhere, but in at least two southwest Cook County townships, Rauner is paying people to walk precincts.

Both Palos Township GOP Chairman Sean Morrison and Worth Township GOP Chairman Shaun Murphy sent out emails this past week, telling their members about opportunities to be paid to walk precincts for Rauner.

The program offers limited opportunities, beginning immediately, Murphy wrote in his email.

“The program will continue for the next several weeks, up to the election,” he said. “The positions will be filled on a first come bases, with productivity the determinate factor for its continuation. The compensation will be $1000 for 100 hours a month or $500 for 60 hours a month.”

Morrison’s email offered a similar opportunity to walk for Rauner in Palos Township.

“Due to available funding, in a joint coordination effort of the Palos Organization and the Rauner for Governor campaign, we are pleased to announce that we are able to offer a paid precinct walker program,” Morrison wrote.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release

State Senator Kirk W. Dillard stepped down from his seat as state Senator for the 24th District, ending a prolific legislative career.

Dillard will begin work immediately as Chairman of the Regional Transportation Authority, which oversees the nation’s second largest mass transit system, over 2 million riders daily.

“It has been a true privilege to serve the people of the 24th District,” said Dillard. “It has been a tremendous honor to work side by side so many great people in my district serving them to make our communities better places to live and work.”

Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno (R-Lemont) adds, “Sen. Dillard is a respected legislator in the Capitol, a statesman recognized by both chambers and both parties. We will truly miss his experience.”

“I began my career as an intern right out of Western Illinois University in 1977 on the Senate Republican staff and then attended law school at DePaul while living in my parents house and taking Metra to school daily,” said Dillard.

“I was called to public service at a young age,” he said. Dillard served with distinction as Chief of Staff for Gov. Jim Edgar (from 1990 to 1993) and as a Legislative Director for former Gov. Jim Thompson (from 1983 to 1987). He was a Judge on the Court of Claims from February 1987 to December 1990.

“I’ve greatly enjoyed my work as a lawmaker.” Dillard said. “I respected the process and worked hard to honor the wishes of those who elected me and sent me to the General Assembly to work humbly on their behalf. I’ve worked with many outstanding lawmakers and community leaders over the years and I am grateful for the opportunity to have served the state of Illinois.”

“Among my accomplishments legislatively, I’m very proud to have sponsored a bill to create the Amber Missing Child Alert System here in Illinois,” said Dillard. And we bolstered public access to Internet information about sexual predators, said Dillard, who was first elected to the Senate in 1995.

“I am proud to have worked in a bipartisan fashion, without ever giving up my Republican principles of less government, lower taxes and individual liberties.”

The rest is here.

I know that many of y’all had some hard feelings about Sen. Dillard during the primary campaign. I did, too, and I gave Dillard a piece of my mind. But he’s leaving the Senate after a long and pretty darned distinguished career, so…

* The Question: Your thoughts on Dillard’s retirement? And be kind, please.

* I’ll start: Too many legislators will look for a way to disagree with their colleagues. Dillard built a reputation for trying to find a way to agree with a colleague in order to make a bill better. I admired that in him.

He also listened, even if he totally disagreed with you. He heard you out.

Your turn…

*** UPDATE *** From Bruce Rauner…

“Senator Dillard has devoted years to public service on behalf of the people of the state of Illinois. His constituents were fortunate to have him working on their behalf in Springfield. The Regional Transportation Authority is gaining a wonderful leader who’s knowledge and experience will bring value as chairman. I wish him all the best in his new endeavor.”


*** UPDATED - Arrangements announced *** Gene Callahan

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a Cheri Bustos press release…

Congresswoman Cheri Bustos’ (IL-17) office released the following statement upon the passing of her father, Gene Callahan:

“Early this morning, Congresswoman Bustos received word that her beloved father passed away overnight at his home in Springfield. Congresswoman Bustos and her family thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and the outpouring of support on this difficult day.”

Gene was one heck of a man. A true gentleman. And he always made it a point to return all his calls, no matter how mighty or tiny the caller.

From his bio

For over 40 years Gene Callahan worked in the political arena, first as a journalist with the Illinois State Register (Springfield) from 1957 to 1967, then as assistant press secretary for Gov. Sam Shapiro, and Lt. Gov. Paul Simon’s press secretary until 1972. In 1974 he began his long association with Alan Dixon, when Dixon served as Illinois state Treasurer, then Illinois Secretary of State. When Dixon moved to the U.S. Senate in 1981, Callahan became his chief of staff and most trusted political advisor. After Dixon lost a reelection bid to Carol Mosley Braun in 1992, Callahan worked for several years as the chief lobbyist for Major League Baseball, fighting to preserve its exemption from the Sherman Antitrust Act. His long friendship with Senator Dick Durbin dates back to the days when both worked for Lt. Gov. Simon.

First Al, now Gene. We’re witnessing the end of an era.

I’ll update this post today with what I’m sure will be a flood of statements.

* Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka…

“Illinois lost a true statesman this morning with the passing of Gene Callahan. Gene was passionate about public service. Although he worked in government and politics for decades he was able to rise above partisanship and work with anyone for the good of the order. He was truly one of the good ones. My thoughts and prayers are with his family at this difficult time.”

* Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon…

“Illinois will miss Gene Callahan. And the Simon family in particular has lost a dear friend.

“Gene served as chief of staff for my dad, a mentor for my brother, and a trusted advisor for me. He was always focused on what was best for the people of our state, not short-term political advantage. His ethical standards were the highest – standards I try to live up to daily.

“My thoughts and prayers are with Gene’s family and all whose lives he touched.”

* Gov. Pat Quinn…

“Gene Callahan was one of those rare fixtures in the political world – a true gentleman who could work with anybody, any time, to get things done.

“It is hard to believe the 40-plus-year ‘Callahan era’ has come to a close. Few of us can remember a time when Gene was not involved in public service. Thankfully, he has instilled those same values in his daughter Cheri Bustos, who has taken his ethic of hard work and honesty to the U.S. Congress.

“Illinois has suffered two huge losses recently – first former Senator Alan Dixon, and now the Senator’s long-time friend and advisor, Gene Callahan. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and the thousands of people whose lives Gene touched during his long and storied life.”

* US Rep. Rodney Davis…

“Gene Callahan was truly a role model for anyone involved in government or politics. His work ethic was the stuff of legend, including his first rule: always return your phone calls, no matter the caller. Gene was most certainly a proud Democrat, but he also is one who believed that in order to accomplish great things, we need to work across the aisle to get things done. His passing is truly a loss for the state of Illinois and our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Ann, and his family, including my friend and colleague Congresswoman Cheri Bustos.”

* Class move by Bobby Schilling, who’s running against Bustos…

“Illinois lost a great statesman today. Gene Callahan admirably dedicated his life to public service and had a positive impact on the State of Illinois. My prayers go out to Congresswoman Bustos and her entire family.”

*** UPDATE *** From the family…

Era Eugene “Gene” Callahan, 80, of Springfield, formerly of Washington, D.C., passed away Monday, August 4, 2014, at his residence. Gene was born November 5, 1933, in Milford, IL to Joe and Helen Meyer Callahan. Joe Callahan, an active Democrat and Illinois state representative, introduced Gene to politics and his way of life. Gene served his country in the U.S. Army, stationed in Germany from 1956-1957. He was a graduate of Illinois College in Jacksonville, where he played baseball and met his future wife. On October 26, 1957, Gene married Antoinette “Ann” Hammond. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother, Fran, sister, Jody Pruitt, and son, Daniel “Coach Cal” Callahan.

Gene began his career as a political reporter for the Illinois State Register, the predecessor to the State Journal-Register. He wrote a daily political column called Callagrams for many years. He left journalism to become deputy press secretary to Governor Samuel H. Shapiro and later Governor Otto Kerner; eventually serving to Lt. Governor Paul Simon. He was director of communications for City Water Light and Power (CWLP) for the city of Springfield. He was U.S. Senator Alan Dixon’s Chief of Staff during his years as Illinois State Treasurer, Secretary of State and U.S. Senator. Senator Dixon just passed away last month. Gene also integrated his passion for baseball and was the director of Government Relations for Major League Baseball. In retirement, Gene served on the board of trustees for Southern Illinois University, where his late son, Dan, was the head baseball coach for 16 seasons. It was his and Ann’s passion to follow Dan’s baseball career. He remained active politically throughout his lifetime, although behind the scenes as advisor to many. In fact, his family is pleased that on his last day of life, he was at a political event at Norb Andy’s Tavern for his daughter, Cheri Bustos, a Congresswoman representing the 17th district for Illinois. Almost his entire immediate family was all together. Gene had many friends and enjoyed life to its fullest.

He is survived by his wife, Ann, of Springfield, IL; daughters, Lynn (Al) Riddley of Springfield and Cheri (Gerry) Bustos of East Moline; daughter-in-law, Stacy Callahan of Carterville; grandchildren, Brad and Chrissy Ruppert, Tony, Nick and Joey Bustos; Alexa, and Carly Callahan, sister Neta (Myron) Erdman of Chenoa.

Gene wanted his family and friends to celebrate his life, not mourn it. A party, complete with Gabatoni’s pizza, in Gene’s honor will be held at Norb Andy’s, 518 East Capitol Ave., Springfield, on Friday, August 8 from 2-6pm.

Staab Polk Memorial Home, 8855 State Route 4, Chatham, IL 62629 is serving the Callahan family. In lieu of flowers, please vote on November 4th.

Please visit to offer your condolences. [Emphasis added.]

“In lieu of flowers, please vote.” Heh.

* More

Springfield lobbyist Tim McAnarney, a longtime friend, said Callahan’s final day was spent doing what he loved.

“He was in a saloon talking politics, surrounded by his family,” McAnarney said.


Shooting for viral

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn’s campaign posted its new TV ad on YouTube on July 29th. It’s so far received 1,731 views

* Two days later, on July 31st, Bruce Rauner’s campaign uploaded a paradoy of the Quinn TV ad. Check out the view count

Neither one of these videos has gone viral, but the Quinn ad is its most-watched YouTube video of the year. Rauner has at least 30 videos which have garnered more views so far.

Rauner is the challenger, and there’s always lots of interest in a challenger, and as we get closer to the election we’ll see Quinn’s viewcounts rise. Four years ago, one of Quinn’s videos got national attention and received over 174,000 views.

But when your TV ad is being out-viewed online by a parody ad, that’s probably not a great sign.

* Meanwhile, the Illinois Federation of Teachers is hoping this video of Rauner saying last year that he may have to shut down government will get hot online

The Rauner quote…

“I apologize. We may have to go through rough times. We may have to do what Ronald Reagan did with the air traffic controllers. Sort of have to do a do-over and shut things down for a little while. That’s what we’re gonna do.”

From the video explanation…

In this clip, Illinois gubernatorial hopeful Bruce Rauner proposes that Illinois fire public employees (apparently without cause) because he felt “things” need to be “shut down for a while” to fix government.

Rauner will probably believe he has ample “cause” if he ever decides to take that step, but I see their point. Full speech is here.

* And the Rauner campaign is trying to put words into Quinn’s mouth with its latest video

Quinn Disagrees with Tribune, Falsely Claims No Federal Funds Were Used in NRI

Governor intentionally misleads public when asked to respond to congressional delegation concerns

On Friday, the Chicago Tribune reported for the first time that federal disaster funds were misused in Gov. Pat Quinn’s Neighborhood Recovery Initiative.

When confronted with the front page story at a press conference in southern Illinois later that day, Gov. Quinn pretended that no federal funds were ever misued in NRI, despite a front page Tribune story laying out the facts and members of the Illinois congressional delegation calling for an investigation.

Um, not quite. The video

Quinn’s quote…

“No, I haven’t misused any funds like that. I don’t agree with that at all. You know we take safe-guarding of any of the funds we receive,” he says.

To which the Rauner campaign responds…

Quinn doesn’t agree that federal disaster funds were used in NRI?

A bit of a stretch.

* But while this political video posted by a state legislative candidate has no views as of yet, it does have perhaps the best chance of catching some fire if we give it a little nudge today


Keep it short, keep it simple, add a bit of humor.


Sun-Times uncovers Cayman Islands investments by Rauner, Rauner’s firm and Rauner’s charity

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The front page of the Sunday Sun-Times

* From the story

Multimillionaire Republican Bruce Rauner has channeled at least part of his fortune into the Cayman Islands, a Caribbean paradise long criticized as a tax haven for American investors, the Chicago Sun-Times has confirmed.

A Rauner spokesman insisted that the former private equity investor has met his legal tax obligations and properly disclosed to the federal government information regarding at least five investments by him or his firm in a country that has no income tax and a financial system cloaked in secrecy.

Rauner’s campaign has refused so far to release a full set of his most recent tax returns to corroborate that and perhaps show the extent and value of those investments in offshore companies. No one has suggested Rauner has done anything illegal. In fact, offshore investments among the wealthy have been a common practice in recent years.

For Rauner, consistently leading Gov. Pat Quinn in mid-summer polling, it’s the same political issue that President Barack Obama used to his advantage against uber-rich Republican Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential campaign.

Three of the five Cayman investments were done through GTCR, Rauner’s former firm

“Bruce’s personal tax rate and state tax obligations are not impacted by where the GTCR subsidiary funds are located” [said campaign spokesman Mike Schrimpf].

The other two

A fourth Cayman Islands-linked investment was The Overlook Partners Fund LP, from which Rauner disclosed receiving a capital gain of at least $5,000 in 2012 on his state economic-interest statement. The Overlook Partners Fund is a non-GTCR-related investment fund for which Rauner’s personal funds were used, his campaign said.

On his economic-interest statement, Rauner also declared having at least $5,000 worth of stock holdings or deriving $1,200 or more in dividends from a fifth Cayman Islands-based entity, HSBC Holdings PLC. A campaign aide said that investment belongs to Rauner’s family foundation.

One other point from the story

In addition to their tax advantages, Cayman Islands investments typically aren’t accessible to most Americans because they can require minimum $500,000 or $1 million deposits, [ Richard L. Kaplan, a University of Illinois law professor] said.

* From the Quinn campaign…

“Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner doesn’t just use exotic methods to dodge taxes - he even uses exotic, offshore locations.

“Who ever heard of a candidate for Governor of Illinois stashing millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying Illinois and U.S. taxes?

“Whether Mr. Rauner’s tax dodge is legal is beside the point. It’s wrong.

“Mr. Rauner has a duty to disclose how much of his fortune he has hidden in the Cayman Islands and explain why he chose to send his wealth to a notorious tax haven that is shrouded in secrecy and available only to corporations and the uber-wealthy.

“These revelations also demand new scrutiny of his finances. Not only must Mr. Rauner reveal his full tax information - he must reveal whether he has any other foreign investments and just with whom he is investing overseas.”

Rauner is running millions of dollars in negative attack ads that are financed by money he obtained by jumping through elite loopholes to avoid taxes.

Sheltering his money in the Cayman Islands to avoid taxes isn’t the first time that Rauner has been caught gaming the system to enrich himself while the rest of us play by a different set of rules. In July, the Chicago Tribune reported that Rauner used elite tax strategies to avoid Social Security and Medicare taxes in previous years and drastically lower his own tax burden. For more information, visit

* The DGA has eight questions…

1. Why did Bruce Rauner park his money there if not to game the system for his own financial benefit?

2. How much money does Bruce Rauner have in the Cayman Islands?

3. What kind of tax obligations did Bruce Rauner dodge or withhold from Illinois and the United States by sheltering cash overseas?

4. Why won’t he release his complete income tax records with schedules for full transparency and disclosure?

5. What other types of investments or financial interests is Bruce Rauner hiding?

6. Will Bruce Rauner fully disclose the amounts, the locations, and the partners of his foreign investments or holdings?

7. Does Rauner have foreign business partners that do business with the state of Illinois?

8. Would these wealthy foreign investors stand to benefit if Rauner were elected governor of the state?

* And from the Quinn campaign this morning…

Following new revelations that Bruce Rauner has been stashing millions of dollars in the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. and Illinois taxes, Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor Paul Vallas will discuss why it is more important than ever that Rauner disclose his full tax records.

WHEN: 10 a.m.

WHERE: 12th Street Beach – Northerly Island


*** UPDATED x3 - One count of “delivering a false federal income tax return” - Report: All felony charges dropped *** Rep. LaShawn Ford to change plea agreement

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the US Attorney’s office…

The change of plea was just scheduled this morning for 11 a.m. The previously scheduled 9 a.m. status hearing was cancelled. Details will be made available during and after court.

The hearing change today is “by agreement.” I’m told “it is related to, but different from, what he was originally charged with.”

I’ll update this post as soon as I know more.

Rep. Ford was indicted on 17 counts of bank fraud and making false statements to a financial institution in November of 2012. The original indictment is here. He has steadfastly denied the charges and pled not guilty.

*** UPDATE 1 *** The feds had a lousy case, so it’s good to see them reportedly backing off…

*** UPDATE 2 *** From the feds…

Attached is a superseding information filed this morning charging State Rep. LaShawn Ford with one count of delivering a false federal income tax return for 2007, a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison and a $100,000 fine.

The new “superseding information”…

On or about August 29, 2008, in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, and elsewhere, LASHAWN FORD, defendant herein, willfully delivered and disclosed, and caused to be delivered and disclosed, to the Internal Revenue Service a U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040 with schedules and attachments) for calendar year 2007, which return was false as to a material matter in that the return falsely stated that the total cost or other basis for the property at 5700 W. Erie in Chicago was $166,979, when in fact, as FORD knew, the total cost or other basis for that property was materially lower than $166,979;

In violation of Title 26, United States Code, Section 7207.

*** UPDATE 3 *** From the plea deal…

One of those investment properties was a single-family home located at 5700 W. Erie in Chicago. The defendant sold that property on or about March 20, 2007, for $275,000.

On or about August 29, 2008, the defendant signed and filed with the Internal Revenue Service an income tax return (Form 1040) for calendar year 2007. On that return, the defendant stated that the cost or other basis for the property at 5700 W. Erie was $166,979, a figure that included $74,226 in purported rehabilitation costs, yielding a capital gain of $124,278. As the defendant knew, the rehabilitation costs for that property were in fact approximately $51,160. This resulted in a $3,782 tax loss.

Man, they really backtracked there. Wow.

From the feds…

U.S. District Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer set sentencing for 11 a.m. on Nov. 7, 2014.

Ford faces a maximum sentence of a year in prison and a $100,000 fine. The court must impose a reasonable sentence under federal statutes and the advisory United States Sentencing Guidelines.


An Illinois budget fix politicians won’t touch

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column… [fixed link]

Big Jim Thompson and I disagree.

The former 14-year Illinois governor says he has no regrets about pushing legislation in the 1980s that exempted retirement income from state taxation.

I think it’s crazy. Illinois is facing a $4 billion hole in its 2015 budget when the 2011 income tax increase automatically starts to roll back on Jan. 1. That’s a huge headache for whoever wins the Nov. 4 election, Gov. Pat Quinn or Republican nominee Bruce Rauner.

Illinois is leaving $2 billion on the table by not taxing retirement income, studies have shown. That missed revenue is escalating every year. Total retirement income in Illinois is growing by 6.5 percent a year, compared with just 1.9 percent annual growth for personal income that is taxed, according to a study by the Civic Federation.

Illinois is one of just three states that exempt pension income from taxation, according to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.

Shouldn’t we get in line with all those other states? Mr. Thompson says no.

Click here to read the rest before discussing, please [fixed link]. Included in the story are exclusive results from a new poll of Illinois senior citizens on this issue.


Can a positive message work?

Monday, Aug 4, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Gov. Pat Quinn’s new TV ad is 60 seconds of one positive message after another.

“Pat Quinn sees problems, takes action and gets the job done,” the ad claims. “Now, Illinois is making a comeback,” it continues.

But the spot is being slammed by longtime campaign insiders in both parties as “spitting in the wind.”

For instance, a Paul Simon Public Policy Institute poll in June found that a mere 30 percent of Illinoisans thought the state was on the right track, while a a very strong 60 percent majority thought Illinois was on the wrong track.

And an infamous poll taken by Gallup in April found that 50 percent of Illinoisans would move to a different state if given the chance. We were first in the country on that response, according to Gallup. Just 25 percent of Minnesotans, by contrast, felt the same way.

In other words, a positive TV ad campaign is not very likely to change many minds. Way too many people simply hate the way things are going here.

Instead, Democratic critics have been arguing behind the scenes to abandon positivity in the very near future and launch a full-on, brutal assault against Bruce Rauner as soon as possible. And quite a few experienced Republican operatives were scratching their heads at the ad, saying they highly doubted it would move any numbers at all.

The Quinn campaign obviously tested that initial message with focus groups and polling. So, hey, maybe they’re right. But when’s the last time you heard someone say they were proud to live in this state or that things were really starting to turn around?

Meanwhile, the Quinn folks are reportedly hoping to drive up turnout by more than 200,000 votes with the non-binding minimum wage referendum this fall, which asks voters if they support a $10 per hour minimum wage.

That turnout projection has long caused much consternation behind the scenes among people who believe it’s entirely unrealistic. What the Quinnsters are hoping to do has never been done before, critics point out. The Quinn campaign’s projections rely heavily on a record off-year turnout, even though the national and state headwinds are rapidly nearing hurricane force levels and Democratic interest is quite low.

Democrats are hoping to spend as much as $5 million on the minimum wage project to drive otherwise non-motivated “base” voters to go to the polls. US Sen. Dick Durbin’s campaign is reportedly in full agreement and pressure from both Durbin and Quinn has for now forced the Chicago City Council to delay a vote on its own $13 minimum wage ordinance. The cold calculation was that a $13 per hour ordinance passed in September would undermine the Democrats’ $10 per hour efforts in the fall campaign.

On the other side of the fence, Bruce Rauner’s campaign has calculated a more than 300,000 voter turnout increase just to be on the safe side. After Rauner’s unexpectedly narrow GOP primary win (despite internal Rauner polls showing the candidate with a well over twenty-point lead), the Republicans want to be extra sure that they plan for every possible contingency.

To some Democrats, that Rauner internal turnout projection validates their theory of a turnout spike. They believe that early voting, same day registration and other new “tools” will assist them in reaching their goal.

To others, it’s just smart politics by Rauner and overly dangerous optimism by Quinn. In other words, if the spike happens, Rauner will have prepared himself. If it doesn’t happen, Quinn is likely toast.

At least in public, however, Rauner is making some pretty darned inflated claims himself. He reportedly told a group of African-American small businessmen last week that he will get 28 percent of the black vote in Chicago - something that hasn’t been done there in a very long time.

But he’s certainly trying hard. ABC 7’s Charles Thomas reported last week that Rauner committed at that same meeting with black small businessmen to deposit $1 million of his own personal money into a Chicago credit union to be used for small business loans.

The Rauner campaign confirmed the story with Thomas, calling the pledge “one of many steps Bruce will take to reinvigorate our communities that have suffered under the failed policies and broken commitments of politicians.”

That “one of many” phrase has got to send chills up the Quinn campaign’s collective spine.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign update
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* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* Roundup: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson fends off congressional Republicans (Updated)
* Federal judge issues sweeping preliminary injunction against Trump administration's unilateral budget cuts: 'An agency is not harmed by an order prohibiting it from violating the law'
* It’s just a bill
* Illinois might stick with its ‘seal on a bedsheet’ flag after all
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* What Is A Credit Union?
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