IL-12 now rated “pure tossup” by Rothenberg
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the Rothenberg Political Report…
Illinois’ 12th District. Neither Mike Bost (R) or Rep. Bill Enyart (D) are lighting the Downstate district on fire, but one of them has to win in November. Democrats have been attacking Bost with ads that include his fiery tirade on the state House floor, but the Republican is still standing and may even be leading in the race. This is a competitive district where Gov. Pat Quinn (D) is going to get crushed by Bruce Rauner (R) at the top of the ticket and Enyart just hasn’t done the work that some of his freshman colleagues have done to put himself in a stronger re-election position. We’re changing our rating from Toss-Up/Tilt Democratic to Pure Toss-Up.
Quinn isn’t gonna get “crushed” in the western end of that district, but I don’t really dispute the rating change.
The great Illinois smoke-out
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* State Rep. Dan Brady doesn’t appear all that enthused about IDPH’s proposed new rules to ban smoking in outdoor beer gardens…
The Illinois Department of Public Health is preparing an administrative rule that could shut down tobacco smoking in patios and other outdoor places of public accommodation. These areas, often called “decks” or “beer gardens,” are allowed by the zoning rules of many Illinois municipalities and local governments. They are used by restaurants and taverns to accommodate smokers who are eating or drinking at places where food or alcohol is served. Rules are already in place to enforce the Smoke-Free Illinois Act prohibiting the smoking of tobacco at indoor locations where food or beverages are prepared or served. The proposed new rulemaking would expand this prohibition to cover outdoor ancillary locations also used by an establishment for serving.
The proposed rule change would affect the private property of small businesses throughout Illinois. Several owners of licensed establishments have told their legislators and the press that they had built or modified patios and beer gardens in response to specific assurances, including in at least one case an alleged written assurance, from the Department of Public Health that smoking in a covered outdoor location would be acceptable under State law if the smoking area was accessible to servers but not adjacent to an ingress/egress doorway or window.
* And, speaking of smoking, from Dick Durbin’s office…
Today U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) joined U.S. Representatives Henry A. Waxman (D-CA), John D. Dingell (D-MI), Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ), Diana DeGette (D-CO), and Senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) releasing a new report that found that hundreds of tobacco advertisements and images glorifying smoking and e-cigarettes appear in magazines with large teen readerships.
The report finds that “tobacco companies continue to glamorize smoking in advertisements in magazines with large youth readership” and that “magazines frequently contain alluring images of smokers in their editorial content.”
The report identified hundreds of advertisements, photos, and other images – many featuring alluring images of celebrities glamorizing smoking and e-cigarette use. These advertisements and images appeared most frequently in Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone, US Weekly, People, and Time.
Um, Time has a “large teen readership”? I had no idea. Actually, I didn’t think anybody under 60 read that magazine any longer.
Today’s number: $126 million
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Rahmbo no likey the weed…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday knocked down potential challenger Karen Lewis’ idea to legalize and tax marijuana, saying he doesn’t “think you should balance the budget by promoting recreational smoking of pot.”
OK, who’s talking about “promoting” it? Just get the government the heck outta the way.
* I’m kinda choking a little here as I write this, but I’m with Karen Lewis on this issue…
“I think it’s important for us to start thinking very differently about revenue sources,” Lewis said. “In Colorado, in the first quarter alone, the state generated $80 million. Come on. Not only that, but having a sensible drug policy stops a lot of other silliness.”
Told that the mayor criticized her idea, Lewis said the casino that Emanuel wants to build in Chicago to boost revenue would be much more damaging to Chicagoans than legalized cannabis.
“I know for a fact that casinos have a devastating effect on families and communities, and people have lost their houses because they have gambling addictions and problems,” Lewis said. “But recreational usage of marijuana is worse? Come on. How do you compare that, to you also promoting casinos, which damage families way, way, way worse?”
* Lewis has a very good point about revenues. In fact, NerdWallet just did a study on this very topic and concluded Illinois could reap annual revenues of $126 million.
Comments Off
* Gov. Quinn took questions from reporters today about Bruce Rauner’s new TV ad that uses some disparaging remarks about Quinn by the late Mayor Harold Washington. He said that his last conversation with the mayor was cordial…
Quinn said he “always did the right thing” as the city’s revenue director. “My conscience is clear,” Quinn said.
The governor said the last time he talked to Washington the mayor said, “ ‘Quinn, You’re my friend. You’ll always be my friend. Some day we’ll have a drink about this.’”
Quinn also said he didn’t get along with some Washington’s staffers.
Quinn also pointed to Mayor Washington’s strong support for increasing the minimum wage and the fact that there are no African-Americans in executive positions at Rauner’s former firm. Have a listen…
* But the Rauner campaign released some more info on the decades-ago spat, which got pretty darned nasty…
After Washington Fired Quinn, Quinn Publicly Attacked Him And Questioned His Honesty. “Former city Revenue Director Patrick Quinn said Monday that he told Mayor Harold Washington on two occasions that an aide tried to influence the timing of a city tax audit hearing but that Washington made no move to stop the practice. In an interview, Quinn, who was ousted last week from the post he held since November, also disputed figures released by city officials to show that a parking-ticket amnesty program he conceived was a failure. The forced resignation of Quinn, a grass-roots reformer, has sparked countercharges by Quinn and the mayor’s chief of staff, Ernest Barefield, who pressed for Quinn’s resignation. But Quinn on Monday, for the first time, disputed Washington’s statements about the incident.” (R Bruce Dold, “Quinn Disputes Mayor On Audit,” Chicago Tribune, 6/30/87)
Quinn Called Press Conferences Accusing The Washington Administration Of Improper, Politically-Motivated Hiring Decisions. “A former official of the Chicago Department of Revenue charged Tuesday he was fired for refusing a city official’s order to block the hiring of a job applicant who had ties to former Revenue Director Patrick Quinn. The surprise allegation, made at a press conference called by Quinn, touched off new questions about whether Washington administration aides have interfered in the scandal-plagued revenue department. City officials denied the charges and retorted that Quinn, the grassroots reformer who was brought in to shake up the department, attempted to circumvent court-ordered hiring guidelines himself to get a job for a friend.” (R Bruce Dold, “City Aide Says Quinn Link Got Him Fired,” Chicago Tribune, 8/12/87)
Quinn Accused The Washington Administration Of Lying About Motor Fuel Tax Collections To “Bamboozle” The City Council Into Approving A Property Tax Increase. “Patrick Quinn, ousted Chicago revenue director, accused the Washington administration Tuesday of deliberately overestimating income from motor fuel taxes to “bamboozle” the city council into approving the record $79.9 million property-tax increase last year. Quinn leveled his latest charges in a heated exchange with Lucille Dobbins, Mayor Harold Washington’s assistant for financial administration, during a radio interview about Quinn’s ouster in June.” (James Strong, “Quinn Says Council Was Tricked Into Passing Property-Tax Hike,” Chicago Tribune, 8/26/87)
Washington Said Quinn’s Charges Were A “Patent Lie.” “Later, Washington branded Quinn’s charges that the administration deliberately exaggerated the fuel taxes as a “patent lie” and said: ‘the estimates are just that. Sometimes you hit and sometime you’re off.’” (James Strong, “Quinn Says Council Was Tricked Into Passing Property-Tax Hike,” Chicago Tribune, 8/26/87)
Question of the day
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The person who took this photo of a car with bipartisan political bumper stickers was safely stopped at the time…
* The Question: Caption?
Unclear on the concept
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’m not quite sure why I received this e-mail from the Quinn campaign today…
ICYMI: Defense attorneys hit value of lawsuits in Rauner-linked nursing home case
Actually, the article points out something that I had on the blog the other day which backs up Rauner’s claims that nobody was trying to dump assets in the face of huge lawsuit threats…
Defense attorneys for a nursing home chain once owned by Bruce Rauner’s GTCR equity firm sought Wednesday to show a bankruptcy court judge that wrongful death cases involving patients could have been settled for modest sums, aiming to undercut claims that the owners had a motive to hide assets.
Under cross-examination, a former staff attorney for the nursing home chain testified that the plaintiff attorneys offered to settle six neglect and wrongful death lawsuits for a total of $200,000. The offer came as the company was trying to clear lawsuits off its books before filing for receivership in Maryland in 2009, said Kristi Anderson, who was a lawyer for Trans Healthcare of Baltimore at the time.
“There was some demand that came back in the neighborhood of $200,000,” Anderson testified.
When she relayed that to the chief financial officer of her company, his counter offer was $80,000 to settle all the suits. She said the attorney representing estates of the patients never responded, and that was the end of settlement talks.
* Well, here’s a “controversy” I had never heard about until Bruce Rauner’s campaign sent it to me twice today. From an online publication called the Washington Free Beacon…
Wow. That sounds pretty darned serious.
* The lede…
Illinois Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn’s ongoing refusal to publicly defend the University of Illinois’ decision not to hire an academic whose anti-Semitic tweets sparked a national controversy is causing concern among local Jewish community leaders who feel that Quinn should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the school.
* The author claims that “Quinn has repeatedly refused to defend the university” without providing much explanation or any links to stories where he specifically “refused” to answer any questions except for relating this incident…
Quinn’s campaign again avoided commenting on the controversy Wednesday when approached by the Washington Free Beacon.
When asked if the governor has made any comments about the matter, a Quinn campaign staffer who answered the phone said, “not that I’m aware of.” A further request for comment was not returned by press time.
“Press time”? I didn’t know online publications had press times. Learn something new every day, I suppose.
Also, I called the main Quinn campaign number this afternoon and a young, low-level employee answered the phone. He didn’t know anything about the issue, obviously, because he’s just a guy who answers the phone.
* The Rauner campaign was more than happy to share its thoughts with the Free Beacon…
“There is a line between academic expression and hateful rhetoric that blames Jews for anti-Semitism,” Rauner said in a statement provided to the Free Beacon. “Salaita crossed that line, and I strongly support the decision made by [University of Illinois] Chancellor [Phyllis] Wise and the Board of Trustees.”
Rauner went on to slam Quinn, who sits on the school’s board, for staying silent in the face of clear anti-Semitic bias.
“What shocks me is that Pat Quinn has been silent on this issue—absolutely silent in the face of hate speech at our state’s flagship university—where the governor has a seat on the board. This isn’t the first time he’s been silent—this is a pattern of silence from Pat Quinn on a core issue,” Rauner said, referring to the governor’s past refusal to back a statewide measure to condemn boycotts of Israel.
Not to make light of this controversy, which I’ve avoided myself because university politics tends to bring out the absolute bat-dung crazy in people (and, frankly, the university is free to withdraw a job offer whenever it wants, so it’s basically a non-issue for me), but I’m guessing that Rauner’s statement didn’t come from the person who answers the phone at Rauner HQ. Just sayin…
And while it’s true that Quinn hasn’t been quoted on Sen. Ira Silverstein’s failed proposals to counter the anti U of I boycotts and boycott threats, the governor’s campaign spokesperson, who was his government spokesperson until this summer, told me that nobody has ever asked her or the campaign about the U of I controversy.
I asked her to get me a response from Quinn, who was in an SJ-R editorial board meeting when we texted. So, stay tuned for an update.
* Also, the U of I seems to be doing pretty well these days…
The University of Illinois Foundation said Monday that it received $259.5 million in donations during the fiscal year that ended June 30, a 10.5 percent increase over the previous fiscal year.
*** UPDATE 1 *** As mentioned above, the governor is traveling today. His campaign spokesperson sent along a quick statement a while ago with the promise of more info when she has a chance to talk more extensively with Gov. Quinn. I figured I’d go ahead and post the initial statement now to get it out of the way in case tinfoil hats start springing up in comments…
Of course the Governor supports the board’s decision
She also pointed out the obvious fact that Quinn appointed the members to the U of I’s board.
*** UPDATE 2 *** A bit more from Brooke, via text…
The Governor certainly supports the board’s decision. He believes they did the right thing and he made that clear to the Chairman of the Board after the decision was made.
*** UPDATE 3 *** I’m trying not to smirk here…
Governor Quinn Statement on Rosh Hashanah
CHICAGO – Governor Pat Quinn today issued the following statement on Rosh Hashanah:
“I extend my warm wishes for a sweet new year to the Jewish community in Illinois, and throughout the world, as we welcome the beginning of Rosh Hashanah.
“Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish High Holy Days, when the Jewish community reflects on the past and renews their commitment to the future. During this time of reflection, we honor and celebrate all faiths as well as their rich contributions to our shared Illinois.
“On behalf of the people of Illinois, I wish all a happy and healthy new year. L’Shanah Tovah!”
* Expect a lot more on this front in the coming days…
A coalition of leaders who worked with, supported and espoused Harold Washington ideals and policies issued the below statement. Leaders who issued the statement are U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-1st), U.S. Representative Robin Kelly (D-2nd), U.S. Representative Luis V. Gutiérrez (D-4th), U.S. Representative Danny Davis (D-7th), Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Commissioner Jesús “Chuy” Garcia, Timuel Black, the Rev. Clay Evans, Jacky Grimshaw and the Rev. Dr. B. Herbert Martin:
“Harold Washington would be rolling over in his grave to see this desperate commercial run by a billionaire who didn’t hire a single African American executive at his own business and who wants to eliminate the minimum wage.
“Those who remember and loved Harold Washington know that he spent his entire career fighting against the Republican, anti-worker, benefit-the-rich policies that Bruce Rauner wholly represents.
“This is another desperate effort by a billionaire trying to change the subject from an ongoing federal trial targeting his company after misdeeds that led to the abuse, neglect and death of many senior citizens under his watch. Bruce Rauner can’t avoid responsibility for his business.”
The Rauner ad is here, in case you somehow missed it earlier today.
* AP…
Nearly five dozen Illinois Department of Transportation employees have been given a temporary reprieve from layoff because of a court agreement by Gov. Pat Quinn’s administration.
Quinn’s lawyers agreed late Monday in Sangamon County Circuit Court to disregard the Sept. 30 dismissal date for 58 so-called “staff assistants” until they have a hearing before a judge, according to Carl Draper, one of the Springfield-based attorneys for the workers.
Eliminating the staff assistant’s position was part of a reform Quinn announced last month after a blistering report about improper hiring at the agency. But the Teamsters union, which represents the workers, filed a lawsuit to block the dismissals.
Draper said a status hearing would be scheduled for late this month. He would not comment further.
* From the increasingly strident Bruce Rauner campaign…
Another Day, Another Pat Quinn Broken Promise
“Pat Quinn said he fired these illegal IDOT hires and now says he won’t. That’s on top of the other 103 illegal hires he’s already refusing to fire. Pat Quinn’s capacity to break his promises to the people of Illinois knows no bounds.” - Rauner spokesperson Mike Schrimpf
Oy. The guy agrees to a court delay and he’s breaking his promise?
These guys are making it almost impossible for themselves to govern should Rauner actually be elected.
* Mayor Rahm Emanuel said two things when he pushed for speed cams. First, the cams would slow down traffic near schools and parks and, therefore, potentially save lives. The second was the cams could generate up to $70 million a year for education programs.
Most figured the push was a cynical move to raise more cash. And they figured the $70 million was a low-ball estimate. Hey, maybe it was just a cash grab. But that’s not how it’s turning out…
The 92 speed cameras installed near 43 schools and parks have generated just $3.7 million in fines, and only $1.5 million of that has been collected. That’s after churning out 758,176 warning notices and 42,568 tickets since the first camera was installed at Gompers Park in August. […]
From the first day of warnings through March 9, the average number of motorists caught speeding each day has dropped at all but four of the 92 cameras locations. The biggest decline — 97 percent — occurred at McKinley Park, 2080 W. Pershing, which went from an average of 861 daily speeders in September to 28 in March.
* Hizzoner was asked about the slowed-down motorists the other day…
He essentially said, “I told you so.”
“The first goal — as I said when we created the child safety zones — was to deter people from speeding near our schools and our parks. And it has been incredibly effective at slowing people down,” he said at an unrelated news conference on street repaving.
Referring to the Sun-Times, Emanuel said, “You said . . . we’re not going to have the financial resources. The Tribune has said this is going to be an unlimited amount of money. . . . Stop the prediction business. We have only one fact: People are slowing down.”
Rauner attempts crime pivot
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sun-Times…
One week after Bruce Rauner said he wouldn’t have signed a bill supporting medical marijuana in Illinois, the Republican gubernatorial candidate on Tuesday said he was “open to the discussion” of decriminalizing small amounts of the substance statewide.
When asked about Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s proposal to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana and reducing to a misdemeanor the penalty for possession of one gram or less of any controlled substance, Rauner said: “I think we can and should talk about ways we can creatively deal with non-violent offenders. We should have that discussion…We have a massive failure by Pat Quinn to deal with violent criminals.”
Did that mean he could be for it?
“I’m open to the discussion,” he said. “What we’ve got to focus on is the violent crime that’s occurring in our communities. That’s what we’ve got to focus on, we’ve got to prevent it.”
* From the Chicago Reader…
“The fact is that as governor, two of your most important tasks are to try to create an economic environment in your state where jobs can grow and flourish, and second, to try to protect the public safety of your state,” [NJ Gov. Chris Christie] said. “Unfortunately for the people of Illinois, Governor Quinn has failed at both of those tasks.” […]
“Pat Quinn has failed on violent crime,” Rauner said. “He’s created an environment where it can thrive. And then, through his ineptitude, he has released violent criminals early.”
* Tribune…
“[Gov. Pat Quinn] ran a secret program releasing violent criminals early and just today it was discussed further in the media (that) a violent criminal was let out early under Pat Quinn (and) murdered a 9-year-old boy. We cannot allow this to continue to occur,” Rauner said.
Allmon was among four reputed gang members charged last week in the Grand Crossing shooting. Allmon had been on parole after being released from prison for possession of a firearm by a gang member.
Shaer later confirmed that Allmon received 17 “tickets” while in prison, including one for a “brief, mutual fight where no one was injured.” Allmon was transferred from a minimum security prison to a medium security facility after verbally threatening a guard. Shaer said that Allmon did not physically harm anyone or pose a significant threat and added that corrections officers have cracked down on minor offenses in recent years to prevent more serious incidents. Allmon was on parole that included home electronic monitoring except for certain times when he was allowed to look for work.
State ward accused of killing roommate
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The question here is whether this could’ve been prevented…
Kadiedra Shontell Speed’s experience in Illinois’ child-welfare system has included being placed with adoptive parents who ended up abusing her, stays in psychiatric hospitals, addresses at four homes in the last five years and several arrests for fighting, according to court records and sources.
Now 20, she’s still a ward of the state after her failed adoption, years earlier. Over Labor Day weekend, she had another run-in with the law — this time with deadly consequences.
After arguing with her 34-year-old roommate, Speed left in a rage and returned hours later, allegedly stabbing the woman to death in their basement apartment in Joliet, Will County prosecutors and neighbors say.
* Back in 2009, another state ward named D’Andre Howard stabbed his fiancee’s sister, father and grandmother to death, prompting an internal investigation…
A report in 2012 by the DCFS inspector general about that case — in which Howard was found guilty and is now serving three life sentences — was supposed to lead to greater oversight of hundreds of older wards, who typically are in “independent living” programs run by social service agencies that DCFS hires. Inspector General Denise Kane revealed Howard had a history of sexual assault arrests and a “long history of violence” that “indicated an urgent need for services.” But she concluded “a lack of communication among involved professionals,” including DCFS’ sexual abuse services coordinator, led to a DCFS contractor inadequately supervising Howard.
Whether child-welfare workers missed warning signs of potential violent behavior by Speed is difficult to assess. There’s no indication the fights she had in high school caused any serious injuries, and her most recent involvement in the court system before her murder arrest involved her winning an order of protection in February against a parolee boyfriend she said beat her up.
Go read the whole thing and tell us what you think.
Oppo dump: More nursing home cases
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Quinn campaign claims it has uncovered “seven new wrongful death cases” involving Bruce Rauner’s former nursing home chain and “scores more settlements than previously known.” I’ve added links to supporting documentation…
The extent of negligence and wrongful death settlements from a chain of nursing homes controlled by Bruce Rauner is more extensive than previously was known.
Seven new wrongful death cases, in Ohio and New Mexico, were revealed Wednesday, even as more than $1 billion in judgments resulting from six deaths at Rauner’s Trans Healthcare Inc. (THI) face an ongoing bankruptcy trial in Florida. GTCRauner is a named defendant in the lawsuit.
The new cases add to a disturbing picture of neglect, abuse and substandard care at facilities managed by Rauner’s nursing home company.
See the attached court records for the case files and new information. A summary of the deaths at THI facilities under Rauner’s leadership appears below.
The new revelations were discussed Wednesday on a conference call with reporters by nursing home advocate and medical malpractice attorney Steven M. Levin, senior partner at Levin & Perconti.
“We now know of at least seven more individuals who perished as the result of poor care they received from nursing homes controlled by Bruce Rauner. Rauner calls any discussion of his involvement in his company a ‘distraction.’ I call it a pattern,” said Levin, a leading advocate nationally against nursing home abuse.
Levin noted that the seven new cases did not represent the full record of negligence at THI.
“Bruce Rauner has avoided questions about his conduct and involvement with THI. Given what little we know, it’s easy to see why,” Levin said.
New cases:
Name: Agnes Corbi
THI facility: McCrea Manor Nursing Home, Stark County, Ohio.
Date of death: March 5, 2001
The Story: Admitted Jan. 1, 2001, Corbi was at risk of falls. She was improperly supervised and suffered injuries related to a fall March 1, 2001. She died four days later. The complaint alleged unsafe and unclean conditions contributed.
Date of settlement: July 17, 2002
[Click here for more]
Name: Donna Arviso
THI facility: Albuquerque Care Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Date of death: September 1, 2005
The Story: The behavior of her caretakers was described as “willful, wanton and in reckless disregard” for her well-being. This included improper staffing and days of bleeding without proper care, which caused her death.
Date of settlement: July 21, 2010
[Click here for more]
Name: Cuong Koc
THI facility: Valle Norte Caring Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Date of death: September 20, 2006
The Story: According to the complaint, as the result of negligence, poor training and understaffing at the facility, Koc suffered injuries which left him in a “near-fetal” position, choking on food, suffering from massive dehydration and ultimately leading to his death.
Date of settlement: October 3, 2007
[Click here for more]
Name: Jeffery Long
THI facility: Autumn Court Nursing Home
Date of death: April 11, 2003
The Story: According to court documents, he suffered severe injuries and the care provided to him was negligent leading to his ultimate death.
Date of settlement: June 26, 2006
[Click here for more]
Name: John Heafey Howard, Jr.
THI facility: Greenbriar Healthcare Center, Boardman, Ohio
Date of death: January 2, 2008
The Story: Howard was an elderly man suffering from early Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, depression and hypothyroidism. He suffered negligent care that led to significant weight loss (from 178 pounds to 132 pounds in two months), pressure ulcers, malnourishment, dehydration and shock. He died as a result.
Date of settlement: November 1, 2010
[Click here for more]
Name: Kimberly Bonnett Carter Hayes
THI facility: Greenbriar Healthcare Center, Boardman, Ohio
Date of death: August 7, 2006
The Story: Hayes went in for long-term care and rehabilitation. Instead, her caretakers withheld medication, failed to treat infections, failed to change her catheter for at least two months, failed to treat her psoriasis and failed to keep her skin clean. Her death certificate lists cause of death as septic shock and renal failure.
Date of settlement: February 21, 2008
[Click here for more]
Name: Mary Ruth Williams
THI facility: Valle Norte Caring Center Albuquerque, New Mexico
Date of death: September 4, 2004
The Story: Despite being a documented fall risk at the time of her admission, she suffered from multiple preventable falls resulting in fractures and eventually death.
Date of settlement: August 17, 2006
[Click here for more]
* Buried deep within this AP feature on the state treasurer’s race is some actual news…
Cross has accused Frerichs of financial mismanagement as county auditor, and highlighted a dispute over unpaid taxes for Frerichs’ legislative office.
Frerichs said the legislative office legally should not have been billed, but later did pay the $1,800 levy. However, on Monday the Illinois Department of Revenue reversed its earlier decision, and granted Frerichs an exemption.
The Illinois Department of Revenue was obviously wrong to claim Frerichs owed taxes when his district office rented space in a government building. That’s just a ridiculous contention. However, Frerichs brought the initial bad press upon himself by refusing to pay the tax debt, instead of just paying it while he was appealing.
And, don’t forget, he also owed taxes for a campaign office he rented in that same building. That one didn’t go away this week.
…Adding… I’m assuming that Tom Cross’ campaign is gonna question the convenient timing of this decision. While I still think this is the right decision - legislative offices are, after all, government offices - the timing is curious.
*** UPDATE 1 *** Statement from Kevin Artl, Campaign Manager for Tom Cross for Treasurer
“In typical Illinois fashion, Senator Mike Frerichs leveraged his clout with Governor Quinn and received an insider deal that allows him to avoid paying property taxes on his legislative office. After consistently claiming Frerichs and other lawmakers owed taxes on their offices, Quinn’s Department of Revenue has reversed that position a mere 40 days before the election.
“The decision allows Frerichs and at least one other lawmaker to avoid paying over $450,000 in unpaid property taxes. While Frerichs’ property taxes on his campaign office also went unpaid, the continued use of clout to secure patronage positions and now to avoid paying property taxes demonstrates why he would be a reckless State Treasurer.”
The Frerichs Case
Illinois Department of Revenue: “…consistently denied leasehold assessment exemptions…”
Crain’s, August 8, 2014
But according to Revenue Department spokeswoman Sue Hofer, the money is owed, which is why the department in June formally rejected Mr. Frerichs’ request for a non-homestead property tax exemption.
“We have consistently denied leasehold assessment exemptions for legislative offices,” Ms. Hofer said, pointing to one “very similar case” a few years ago involving state Rep. Monique Davis, D-Chicago.
Illinois Department of Revenue: Frerichs’ Exemption Denied Based On Longstanding Policy
Crain’s, August 12, 2014
The Illinois Department of Revenue earlier had rejected Mr. Frerichs’ request for an exemption, citing its ruling in a similar case several years ago involving state Rep. Monique Davis, D-Chicago.
Champaign County Treasurer: Frerichs Offered Excuses, But No Payments
Crain’s, August 8, 2014
According to Amy Foster, senior administrative secretary for the treasurer, he has not paid bills for seven years, starting in 2008, and now owes a combined $1,814.17 in back taxes and interest. That amount is due and outstanding.
Ms. Foster says she spoke repeatedly to Mr. Frerichs and aides through the years and on various times was given different explanations, including that the office was not subject to the leasehold tax and that an official waiver was being sought from the Illinois Department of Revenue.
Frerichs Also Did Not Pay Property Tax Bill For Campaign Office-Claims It Was “Misplaced”
Crain’s, August 12, 2014
Mr. Frerichs also did not pay the tax on his political office, which is rented from the transit district, until questions were raised. His campaign said it believes that the bill for that tax inadvertently went to the legislative office, which didn’t pay it because it was believed to be part of the larger tax dispute.
The Monique Davis Case:
Illinois Department of Revenue: Davis Office Not Tax Exempt
Chicago Sun-Times, June 11, 2012
“CPS contended that as a leaseholder of publicly owned property, Davis is responsible for leaseholder taxes dating back at least 20 years and totaling $157,500, plus close to $287,000 in penalties for nonpayment.
The Illinois Department of Revenue ruled back in 1998 that Davis’ use of the building for a district office did not make it tax-exempt.”
Illinois House of Representatives Votes to Change Law On Lease Hold Agreements To Make Them Exempt from Taxes
Chicago Sun-Times, June 11, 2012
By a 60-54 vote, with Davis voting present, the House entered into the legal dispute between the longtime South Side lawmaker and the Chicago Board of Education over her refusal to pay back rent and leaseholder taxes on her district office, which is in a school-owned building.
Note: The Legislation was not approved by the Senate.
Legislation to Exempt Lawmakers from Paying Property Taxes Fails
WTTW, January 29, 2013
In the last legislative session, a bill passed the House that would have exempted Davis and all public officials from leaseholder taxes. It was sponsored by Madigan’s top lieutenant, Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie.
Absent a resolution, the tab for past rent and taxes grows. Sullivan believes that the state of Illinois and Monique Davis now owes well over $1 million.
*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Frerichs campaign…
Tom Cross was at the heart of the insider deal with Rod Blagojevich, Tom Cross voted for $10 billion in borrowing that netted Cross ally Bob Kjellander $800,000, money that eventually flowed back to Tony Rezko’s circle of friends and was at the heart of Blagojevich’s corruption trial.
Only after the deal became public did Cross criticize Kjellander. And not for insider dealing, but for making the Republic Party look bad:
“It’s not healthy for us as we rebuild. It’s not healthy for our party,” Cross said. “He needs to make a decision whether to make lots of money or to represent our party. With the climate the way it is and the recent history of our party, he can’t do both.”
Google severs ties with ALEC
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Google is just the latest in a string of companies that is moving away from the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council…
The decision marks a major victory for a campaign by environmentalists, union activists and other liberal groups that have pushed companies to drop support for ALEC. Microsoft ended its ties to the group a few weeks ago.
“The consensus within the company was that that was some sort of mistake,” Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said, referring to the initial decision to support ALEC.
“Everyone understands climate change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse place,” Schmidt said in an interview with National Public Radio’s Diane Rehm. “And so we should not be aligned with such people — they’re just, they’re just literally lying.”
* ALEC’s response…
“It is unfortunate to learn Google has ended its membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council as a result of public pressure from left-leaning individuals and organizations who intentionally confuse free market policy perspectives for climate change denial,” said ALEC chief executive Lisa Nelson. “ALEC believes in freedom of speech and opinion. Google is an important voice on these and many other issues, and we will miss their perspective in our discussions.”
* Some context…
Google isn’t the first to succumb to such public pressure. Microsoft (MSFT) confirmed last month that it had left ALEC, and the progressive group Common Cause says corporations including Coca-Cola (KO), Bank of America (BAC), and General Motors (GM) have done the same. The Center for Media and Democracy, a foundation-funded progressive nonprofit, says at least 80 corporations have publicly dropped their ALEC affiliations since 2011, when it launched its ALEC Exposed website to track the group’s activities and the name-brand companies that help fund them. Common Cause and CMD were among 55 organizations, mostly labor and liberal groups, that sent a letter to Google earlier this month urging it to dump ALEC.
The success of the push against ALEC illustrates the effectiveness of going after what in labor circles are known as “secondary” targets: people or organizations that provide funding, support, or some kind of cover for an activist group’s primary opponent. Since those secondary targets have their own interests and reputations to protect, it’s often easier to cajole them into cutting ties than it is to get your primary target to change its ways. Peel off enough of the groups that bring their backing or their business to an organization, and you can cause it serious headaches. Unions made such effective use of “secondary boycotts” that Congress, in the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, restricted their ability to use them.
…Adding… Facebook is leaving, too…
Facebook is set to become the latest tech company to end its support for a controversial rightwing lobby group that works against climate change legislation. […]
Facebook said: “We reevaluate our memberships on an annual basis, and are in that process now. While we have tried to work within ALEC to bring that organization closer to our view on some key issues, it seems unlikely that we will make sufficient progress so we are not likely to renew our membership in 2015.”
Zorn nails it
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Eric Zorn has a masterful, must-read takedown of Democratic Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and her refusal to abide by her 2012 pledge at a Tribune editorial board interview to give up 10 percent of her salary. You really should read the whole thing, but here’s an excerpt…
In short, there’s no evidence that it played even a tiny role in Bustos’ subsequent 53.3-46.7-percent victory over Schilling.
Still. There’s a principle to consider here, and it goes something like this: “Do what you say you’re going to do. Follow through. Exceed expectations. Reputations matter, in politics and in every field. You want to be known as someone who can be trusted to get things done and stick to your word.”
Who put it that way? Rep. Cheri Bustos to MSNBC earlier this year as part of the cable network’s profiles of “30 of the most dynamic women candidates seeking office in 2014.” […]
When I asked for comment, her campaign directed me to a recent Peoria Journal Star article in which Bustos told a reporter, “When I was in Chicago, I said something that I shouldn’t have said, but I never said it on the campaign trail. I never made it as a promise to the people in the 17th Congressional District.”
Again, go read the whole thing.
Attorney: GTCR orchestrated shell company sale
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* More federal bankruptcy testimony about the strange GTCR business deal that left elderly graphic artist Barry Saacks with control of an empty shell nursing home company…
Also Tuesday, more videotaped testimony was played in court from a different lawyer involved in the sale of Trans Healthcare to Saacks. That attorney, Brett Baker, represented New York investors who had partnered with GTCR in the nursing chain.
After the deal closed in 2006, Baker said he sent himself an email to memorialize concerns he had raised about the legitimacy of the “disheveled” elderly man being placed as the sole shareholder buying the company.
In his testimony, Baker also said lawyers for GTCR orchestrated the timing and many of the terms of the Trans Healthcare sale, which involved not only the shell company owned by Saacks but another firm that would take control of still valuable facilities run by the chain.
That second firm, partly owned by Grunstein, continued to operate nursing homes while the Saacks-controlled entity ceased to do anything other than hold liabilities of the old GTCR-owned Trans Health, lawyers for the estates have alleged.
* From the Quinn campaign…
Quinn for Illinois Media Advisory
**Wednesday, September 24, 2014**
CHICAGO – Quinn for Illinois will hold a press call with medical malpractice attorney Steven Levin to discuss new records showing more deaths, abuse and neglect at Bruce Rauner’s deadly nursing homes across the nation.
WHEN: 10 a.m.
* According to Levin’s law firm bio, he obtained a “$2.9 million Cook County record nursing home neglect verdict in a pressure sore case.” More…
Steve was among the first attorneys in the country to handle nursing home cases, and has established a reputation as one of the country’s top litigators in the area of nursing home litigation. He has advocated on behalf of hundreds of nursing home residents who have been victimized by improper care and treatment, achieving record-setting verdicts and settlements in these cases.
More importantly, Steve’s vigilance in representing victims in nursing home negligence lawsuits has brought national attention to this rampant and unacceptable problem, sending a message that mistreatment of one of society’s most vulnerable groups will not go unnoticed.
Steve is a member of the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care’s Leadership Council, an organization dedicated to protecting the rights of nursing home residents and their families. He is also the former chair of the AAJ’s Nursing Home Litigation Group. Steve’s comments on nursing home litigation have been quoted in national news publications including The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.
He apparently knows his stuff, but PI attorneys aren’t usually beloved figures, to say the least.
…Adding… From the Rauner campaign…
His law firm (Levin & Perconti) has given $4k to Quinn this cycle. $36k to the Democratic Party of Illinois since 2004. $100k to Democrats and Trial Lawyer PACS in total.
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* This same ad backfired badly on Dan Hynes in the 2010 primary. We’ll have to see what happens with Republican Bruce Rauner’s attempt at using the late mayor’s comments. I’m assuming Quinn will do what he did in ‘10: Try to gin up a furious backlash on African-American radio stations…
New TV and Radio Ads: ‘Biggest Mistake’
“Harold Washington fired Pat Quinn – we should too.”
Ads follow Monday endorsement by key African American pastors
Two days after receiving the endorsement of key leaders in Chicago’s African-American community, Bruce Rauner today released television and radio ads highlighting former Chicago Mayor Harold Washington’s blistering 1987 criticism of Pat Quinn.
“I would never appoint Pat Quinn to do anything,” Mayor Washington said at the time. “Pat Quinn is a totally and completely undisciplined individual who thinks this government is nothing but a large easel on which to do his PR work.”
Mayor Washington had hired Quinn to be the city revenue director but fired him eight months later.
“He was dismissed; he should’ve been dismissed,” Mayor Washington continued at the time. “My only regret is that we hired him and kept him too long.”
In addition to the 30-second TV ad, the Rauner campaign also launched a 60-second radio spot titled “Biggest Mistake.”
“Pat Quinn failed Harold Washington, and Quinn failed our schools, streets and whole community,” the radio ad says. “Now Pat Quinn wants four more years? Harold Washington fired Pat Quinn – we should too.”
* The TV ad…
* The radio ad…
…Adding… To refresh your memory, here’s Dan Hynes’ 2010 ad…
Good morning!
Wednesday, Sep 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Let’s wake up today with an awesome cover of “Sugaree” by Cubensis…
You thought you was the cool fool
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