Question of the day
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* We’ve surpassed the 100 comment mark on the Dave McKinney resignation story, so it’s time for a fresh thread.
* The Question: What do you think happens next?
…Adding… The AP story is predictably “he said, she said”…
An Illinois political reporter says he’s resigned after being put on temporary leave when Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner’s campaign accused him of having a conflict of interest.
…Adding More… From Jim Kirk, Sun-Times Publisher/Editor In Chief…
It is with reluctance that I accept Dave McKinney’s resignation. As recently as this Monday on our Op/Ed page, I stated that Dave is among the best in our profession. I meant it then and I mean it now. The pause we took last week was to ensure there were no conflicts of interest and was taken simply to protect Dave McKinney, the Sun Times and its readers as we were under attack in a heated political campaign. We came to the right result, found the political attacks against us to be false and we stand by our reporting, our journalists and this great newspaper.
I disagree with Dave’s questioning the integrity of this newspaper and my role as editor and publisher. I call the shots. While I’ve been here, our ownership and management have never quashed a story and they have always respected the journalistic integrity of this paper.
Yeah, he’s in charge. Rightio, pal.
* The media blackout on the Dave McKinney story has got to end. Right now. Dave just resigned his position as the Sun-Times Statehouse Bureau Chief and posted his resignation letter online…
Faced with the Rauner campaign’s ugly attack, Sun-Times Publisher and Editor Jim Kirk immediately told the Rauner campaign that this “assault” on my integrity “border[ed] on defamation” and represented “a low point in the campaign.” In other statements, Kirk called the campaign’s tactic “spurious” and “sexist.”
Yet despite such strong rebukes, two days later, I was yanked from my beat as I reported on a legislative hearing focusing on Gov. Pat Quinn’s botched Neighborhood Recovery Initiative. My reporting for that day was then removed inexplicably from the Sun-Times website.
I was told to go on leave, a kind of house arrest that lasted almost a week. It was pure hell. Kirk told me that his bosses were considering taking me away permanently from the political and Springfield beats. He offered up other potential jobs at the paper, all of which I considered demotions. Because of my unexplained absence from my beat, colleagues started calling, asking if I had been suspended. Or fired.
Through all this, I simply wanted to get back to my beat, but the paper wouldn’t let me. And, Carol [Marin] and I were instructed not to contact you [Michael Ferro, Sun-Times Chairman] or [CEO] Tim Knight about the Rauner campaign’s defamatory allegations.
For guidance, I called Patrick Collins, a former federal prosecutor whose name is synonymous with ethics in Illinois. His involvement brought about an abrupt shift in the company’s tone from penalizing me to reinstating me. Ultimately, the company pledged I could return to the job with “no restrictions.”
Yet, on the first day back, I was advised I shouldn’t have a byline on a LeapSource-related story “right out of the gate” even though it was a legitimate follow-up to our initial story. While later relenting and offering me a contributing byline after I protested, the newspaper had failed an important test: It was not permitting me to do my job the way I had been doing it for almost two decades.
Was all this retaliation for breaking an important news story that had the blessing of the paper’s editor and publisher, the company’s lawyer and our NBC5 partners?
Does part of the answer lie in what Kirk told me – that you couldn’t understand why the LeapSource story was even in the paper?
Days later, the newspaper reversed its three-year, no-endorsement policy and unequivocally embraced the very campaign that had unleashed what Sun-Times management had declared a defamatory attack on me.
Readers of the Sun-Times need to be able to trust the paper. They need to know a wall exists between owners and the newsroom to preserve the integrity of what is published. A breach in that wall exists at the Sun-Times.
It’s had a chilling effect in the newsroom. While I don’t speak for my colleagues, I’m aware that many share my concern. I’m convinced this newspaper no longer has the backs of reporters like me.
Another one pops
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Yesterday, we discussed three opposition research reports on Bruce Rauner. The lindane story finally popped late last night, and now the baby medicine story is in Crain’s…
The story is about how GTCR LLC, the private-equity firm that Mr. Rauner headed before he got in the gubernatorial contest — he’s the “R” in the name — increased thirteenfold the price of a medication used for premature infants with a heart defect. The huge hike, to nearly $1,500 from $77.77 for a three-vial treatment, came two days after GTCR gained rights over one of the few competing products. […]
“By acquiring its only competitor in the treatment of a serious heart condition affecting premature babies, Ovation has been able to charge dramatically higher prices for its drugs,” Acting FTC Bureau of Competition Director David P. Wales said in announcing the action. “While Ovation is profiting from its illegal acquisition, hospitals and ultimately consumers and American taxpayers are forced to pay millions of dollars a year more for these life-saving medications. The action taken today is intended to restore the lost competition and require Ovation to give up its unlawful profits.”
The FTC lost the case before Judge Ericksen. And it lost an appeal. In effect, Judge Ericksen ruled the two drugs weren’t competing against each other because physicians testified that the effectiveness of each drug, not its price, is what determined usage. And since the two did not share a market, there was no monopoly and no monopoly violation. […]
No, I don’t think Bruce Rauner hates old people, beats up women and wants sick babies to die, as Mr. Quinn’s ads suggest. But does his bottom-line fixation on making money leave enough room to care about those things? It’s a fair question to ask.
* Interestingly enough, commenters seemed in agreement that the other story, about workplace violence, strip clubs and the profit motive über alles, was by far the most interesting and outrageous to them…
I read the second link first also, and thought “Oh my God!” This sort of stuff is the death knell for a candidate if enough people find out about it.
Rubbing toxic ooze in kids’ hair is bad. Republicans can see past it though.
But GOP voters are generally unaccepting of candidates who condone - nay, applaud - using the company account to visit strip clubs.
So, maybe that one’ll see the light of day, too.
Reality vs. reporting
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* For one reason or another, some members of the media have been reporting that Vice President Joe Biden would be campaigning with Gov. Pat Quinn today in the 10th Congressional District.
But Brad Schneider’s campaign has been saying that Paul Vallas, not Gov. Quinn, would be the one attending the rally ever since at least October 13th, when I received this notice…
Vice President Joe Biden will headline an early vote rally in Illinois’s Tenth Congressional District for U.S. Congressman Brad Schneider, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and Illinois Lt. Governor Candidate Paul Vallas on Wednesday, October 22.
I have several more announcements with pretty much the exact same language in my in-box. Quinn wasn’t ever on the official schedule.
* But the Illinois Republican Party chose today to go with the reporting rather than the facts…
For the last week, Chicago media has been reporting that Vice President Joe Biden was coming to Chicago to campaign for Illinois Governor Pat Quinn and U.S. Rep. Brad Schneider, both facing tough re-election battles. Here’s how WGN News reported it on Monday:
Democrats are sending in heavy hitters to bolster Quinn’s campaign, with President Obama in town Sunday and Monday, former President Bill Clinton here on Tuesday and Vice President Joe Biden in Chicago on Wednesday.
As recently as last night, ABC Chicago was still reporting Vice President Biden was coming to rescue Pat Quinn. And then this morning, the news broke – Pat Quinn is NOT attending!!
That’s right, Gov. Quinn is not attending a rally that was originally billed as part of the Quinn campaign’s rescue effort. Instead, Biden will only stump with one of his rubber stamps in Congress – Brad Schneider.
And we know why. Pat Quinn is VERY UNPOPULAR in the 10th Congressional District. And with Quinn pushing for an income tax increase right after the election, Brad Schneider wants Pat Quinn to stay as far away as possible.
* The NRCC sent out a statement today entitled, and I kid you not, “does Pat Quinn have cooties?”…
Brad Schneider sure thinks Pat Quinn does. Why else would the governor now suddenly be missing the Veep’s visit to Chicago today?
It was originally reported by WGN that Quinn would also be at the rally with Schneider and Biden, but now it’s being reported that Quinn’s not coming.
Could it be that Schneider is in the fight of his life and doesn’t want to be seen with the toxic gov? Or that Schneider doesn’t want to explain if he supports Quinn’s income tax increase?
Hey, considering polls taken for both myself and Congressman Schneider showing Quinn getting stomped in that district, I wouldn’t want the governor anywhere near me, either. That part is a fair hit.
But Quinn wasn’t a late cancel.
* And speaking of Paul Vallas, the Rauner campaign lobbed this one over the transom today…
New anti-Rauner theme: “Wolf of Winnetka”
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I think this is the third time the Quinn campaign has pushed this theme today…
Bruce Rauner: “The Wolf of Winnetka”
Pattern of Layoffs, Outsourcing and Putting Profits Ahead of People - No Wonder He Can’t Name a Single Company That Created Jobs
On the heels of Monday’s debate when Bruce Rauner couldn’t name a single one of his businesses that has created jobs, Chicago Federation of Labor President Jorge Ramirez and other labor leaders joined Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor Paul Vallas to highlight Rauner’s real business record of laying off workers and eliminating jobs and voice opposition to his plan to hurt workers by enacting right-to-work-for-less zones.
When asked on two separate occasions during ABC7’s gubernatorial debate, Rauner could not name a single business he ran that created jobs. Not one.
“Bruce Rauner didn’t dodge this simple question because he didn’t know,” said Vallas. “He didn’t answer the question because creating jobs is not what he does - eliminating jobs and lowering wages are his real business philosophy. That’s how Rauner did business - he laid off workers and outsourced jobs. Those are not the sort of business skills that belong in the Governor’s Office.”
Furthermore, in the debate Rauner tried to cover up his well-documented (and showcased on his website) plan to strip workers of protections and force right-to-work-for-less zones across Illinois, something that did not go unnoticed by Illinois’ labor community.
“In 13 days, we will have to make a fundamental choice,” said Ramirez. “Do we want to elect an out-of-touch billionaire who is trying to buy his way into the governor’s mansion and dismantle the middle class? Or do we want to elect a Governor who over the last six years has fought to create jobs in Illinois, with Illinois leading the country in job creation in September. We need to move forward in a direction that will rebuild our middle class and protect basic rights like a living wage, health care and the right to join a union.”
* And they debuted the first in a series of YouTube videos…
Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner is the “Wolf of Winnetka,” a new Web video series debuting today. Illinois has never seen a candidate as out of touch as the Wolf of Winnetka and now he’s aiming for his next corporate takeover: the Governor’s Mansion.
Watch the first trailer - focusing on Rauner’s job-eliminating record
* Here it is…
Redefining Bobby
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Illinois Review…
Most Republican candidates expect the usual pro-abortion, “coat hanger” ads to hit their constituents’ mailboxes as Democrat groups attempt to confuse voters by gining up baseless fear just prior to an election.
However, Democrat Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and the Illinois Democrat Party may have sunk to a new low in putting out a mailer accusing her opponent - former Congressman Bobby Schilling - of trying to redefine rape.
Shocked by the audacity of Bustos and the Dems, and angry about the deliberate deceit, Schilling spokesman Jon Schweppe told Illinois Review the mailer is “completely false.”
“The bill in question about ‘redefining rape’ was H.R. 3, the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” said Schweppe. “Bobby co-sponsored this bill and voted for it when it passed the House. It contained exceptions for cases of rape, incest, and when the mother’s life was at risk. It had nothing to do with rape. To say so is shamelessly misleading and false.”
Actually, to say so is true.
* From March of 2011…
Last month, House Republicans proposed the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act that would redefine rape so that women on Medicaid could only have abortion services covered if the rape was “forcible.” It would also deny abortion coverage to victims of incest who are 18 years of ago or older. Not surprisingly, people were outraged at the proposal and for weeks talk of the redefinition provision dominated discussions of the new Republicans’ anti-abortion agenda in the political blogs and the social media universe.
That was one bizarre DC fight over some creepy far-right conspiracy theories about women faking rape reports in order to get Medicaid coverage. The kooky language was eventually withdrawn, but it did, indeed, attempt to “redefine rape.”
Pat and Bruce
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Sun-Times’ Neil Steinberg hilariously bites the hand that feeds him…
When it comes to a high office such as governor, however, I assume most readers don’t need a newspaper to tell them what their guts tell them. I assume you either are already a supporter — and I’ll try to be impartial here — of good old Gov. Pat Quinn, the homespun Democrat whom everybody knows and loves, working like a plough horse trying to correct the problems left behind by the jail-bound Rod Blagojevich, and, before him, the jail-bound George Ryan.
Or you back Bruce Rauner, the Republican multimillionaire who popped steaming from the C. Montgomery Burns mold, bursting onto the scene like a party guest flinging his cape at a cringing footman, demanding the governorship be given him right now, as his birthright, a kind of droit de seigneur.
Darn, I’ve blown this whole balance bit, haven’t I? No big mystery as to why. I’ve had many encounters with Quinn over the years, conversations and coffees and discussions about important issues facing Illinois. He struck me as decent, hardworking, moral — he signed the gay marriage law that Rauner said he would veto, despite Quinn being Catholic and enduring threats of excommunication from a church now scrambling to catch up with him. Two years ago I invited Quinn to a party; he came, and said some kind words.
I couldn’t invite Rauner two years ago because he wasn’t in the public eye. A late life conversion to the joy of public service, apparently. I’ve met the guy a few times, tried to initiate conversation, but it was as if the valet had tried to chat up a Rolls Royce owner while being tossed the keys. Rauner looked at me as if I were a bug.
* I’ve had drinks with both men. The governor and I whiled away part of an afternoon in 2008, back when he was the lieutenant governor and didn’t have much else to do. I moderated a forum on the proposed constitutional convention at a North Side tavern and he was the panelist arguing in favor (Doug Whitley of the Illinois Chamber argued the other side). He stuck around after the crowd left and we bellied up to the bar.
He was human, he was funny, he was warm and modest and he was very bright. It was all off the record, so I can’t go into more, but I very much enjoyed our conversation over a couple-tree adult beverages.
* A few months ago, Bruce Rauner took time off from campaigning to spend a few hours with me - no staff, just the two of us - on a mutual friend’s front porch. He was fine as long as we didn’t get anywhere near his talking points. Whenever that happened, you could see him stiffen up and go into bot mode.
Other than that oddity, it was some of the most fun I had all summer. We swapped stories about our lives and made each other laugh for hours. He was brutally frank and open about every question I had (other than those darned talking points). Like with Quinn, the conversation was all off the record, but my takeaway was that he was a well-raised, extremely likeable, unusually self-disciplined (even after a few beers) yet quite nuanced man who believed with all his heart that he was on the mission of his life.
* These two guys aren’t cartoon characters. One isn’t evil and one isn’t wearing a white hat. Like all human beings, both men have their flaws. But they also have many, many redeeming qualities. Sometimes, it’s helpful to remember that.
The lindane file
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Late yesterday afternoon, I posted a few pieces of opposition research on Bruce Rauner. The Rauner campaign sent over a memo last night about one of those stories, regarding a formerly GTCR-owned firm which marketed an anti-lice shampoo containing the pesticide lindane. You can read that Rauner campaign memo defending lindane by clicking here.
Lindane is powerful stuff. The EPA has banned its use as a pesticide. You can’t put it on your horse, but the FDA allows it to be used on your kid. It’s a second-line defense, meaning it’s only supposed to be used if traditional treatments fail. But it’s so toxic that it’s not supposed to be re-applied.
* Anyway, late last night, the lindane story finally popped loose in the Sun-Times…
Dr. Jonathan Fliegel thought he was well within his rights when he joined other members of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Michigan chapter at their state capitol a few years ago to urge lawmakers to impose restrictions on the use of a chemical called lindane.
He never imagined his activism as a citizen and physician in Michigan would result in getting sued in a federal case in Chicago.
The plaintiff in the 2006 civil lawsuit against Fliegel was an Illinois company called Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals Inc. It alleged that Fliegel, another pediatrician and environmentalists in that state had “negatively impacted” its business when they made statements about lindane.
The reason the case should interest you now is that Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals was owned at that time by the Chicago private-equity firm GTCR. And, as all but the most casual observers of Illinois politics know well by now, the “R” in GTCR stands for the firm’s founder and then-chairman Bruce Rauner, the Republican nominee for governor of Illinois in next month’s election.
Go read the whole thing.
I’ve been hearing rumors about this story for months.
* From the oppo file…
Morton Grove hired lobbyists to defeat lindane ban efforts in four states, including Illinois. In the spring and summer of 2005, MGP hired two lobbying firms – Winston & Strawn and Nicolay & Dart – to defeat a bill to ban the toxic lice shampoo, lindane. The lindane ban had sailed through the Illinois House with near unanimous support, but then MGP hired the high powered lobbyists and was able to kill the ban in the Senate.
The bill never made it out of committee in the Senate. Rauner’s firm sold the company in 2007 after profits dropped.
I’m told there’s more on this story, so perhaps you should stay tuned.
US judge orders hiring monitor at IDOT
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Uh-oh…
* Bruce Rauner’s campaign was quick with a response…
Bruce Rauner, who for months has called on Gov. Pat Quinn to allow a federal hiring monitor at the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), today issued the following statement after a federal judge confirmed that Pat Quinn cannot be trusted:
“A federal judge just confirmed what we’ve known all along – Pat Quinn is corrupt and cannot be trusted to clean up state government. Pat Quinn is a phony reformer and a federal judge just confirmed it. I applaud today’s decision and commit that my administration will work closely with the federal hiring monitor to root out Pat Quinn’s patronage and corruption.”
Underdog endorsements
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Sun-Times has been tallying up newspaper endorsements this month. So far, Gov. Pat Quinn hasn’t received any, but a couple of underdogs have managed to score one each.
The Peoria Journal Star endorsed Sheila Simon for comptroller…
We have no particular bone to pick with Topinka, and the polls have her far ahead. That said, Simon has solid credentials as a reformer in a state that desperately needs reform, butting heads with her own party over redistricting, legislative leader term limits, lawmaker economic disclosures, etc. The Simon family has a deserved reputation for being an incorruptible lot; if any of that is going to rub off on the Illinois version of the Democratic Party and the state government it now dominates, we’re convinced it must come from within.
She may be a long shot here, but Sheila Simon is endorsed.
* And the Northwest Herald endorsed Jim Oberweis for US Senate…
Oberweis seems thirsty to make the tough decisions when it comes to significantly cutting spending and bringing down the deficit. He is endorsed.
* Meanwhile, speaking of Oberweis…
U.S. Senate candidate Jim Oberweis raised relatively little campaign money in the last reporting period, digging into his own wallet for a $550,000 donation to bump up his total, reports show.
Oberweis, in the period ending Sept. 30, had $738,410 in net contributions, including his own more than half-million-dollar donation.
That means he garnered only $188,410 in contributions from other individuals and political action committees. […]
The total of gifts and loans to his campaign treasury stood at $1,556,400 on Sept. 30. He has already loaned and contributed $9 million in his five previous failed bids for major office, according to state and federal records.
That’s one expensive hobby.
Good morning!
Wednesday, Oct 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* A legislator texted me last night asking if I’d post “Free Bird” some morning. No way, I said. I was in a band that played that song in high school. I’ve heard it about a billion times. I used to love it when I was a kid, but I just can’t listen to it anymore. It’s just so tired, so ridiculously overplayed, so… ugh. And my friends and I have long viciously mocked drunken tourists who inappropriately scream requests at Tom Irwin for their own favorite silly cover songs by shouting “Free Bird!!!” at them. Tom eventually wrote a tune called “Ain’t No Jukebox” in reply.
I looked around online for quite awhile (these morning music posts are taking up a huge amount of my time, by the way) and couldn’t find anything close to a fresh, vibrant cover, so I decided to post a killer acoustic tune by a direct descendant of Skynyrd’s red-hot southern insanity. Here’s Blackberry Smoke…
Well, my fall from grace was a sight to see
Good turned to bad and bad turned to misery
I found out what it is and what it’s not
And all I ask for sure ain’t what I got
Well I’ve been rained on, rode hard and put up wet
Danced with the devil ’til I’m in debt
Took all I got and there ain’t much left of me
I’ve been knocked down, drug out and left for dead
Barely held together by a few old threads
Hey, I’m still here, but there ain’t much left to see
Well I’m still holding on and there ain’t much left of me
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