AFL-CIO responds to Rauner
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* IL AFL-CIO President Michael T. Carrigan…
“The Bruce Rauner that managed to mask his true feelings about working families for most of last year showed his true agenda today. Much like his past proposal to cut the minimum wage, he is now going after workers on all fronts by supporting Right To Work, attacking Unemployment Insurance and Workers Compensation, as well as prevailing wage and Project Labor Agreements that benefit both workers and the taxpayers.
“A recent University of Illinois study points out that the net economic benefit of right to work in Illinois is negligible. The study points out that Right To Work seriously erodes wages, benefits and compounds racial and gender wage inequality. Right To Work will drop wages in Illinois between 5.7 to 7.3 percent. Prosperous economies are driven by good wages and a thriving middle class. Rauner’s proposals are not economic development, but middle class eradication.
“We suspected all along that Bruce Rauner would go back to his roots as a mega-wealthy corporate CEO and force the tired philosophy of increasing the bottom line on the backs of the workers. I haven’t seen any proposals from him on increasing Illinois’ low corporate income tax or closing big business loopholes. Where is his shared sacrifice?
“His attack on the middle class will be vigorously opposed by organized labor and community allies. He’s going to have to come up with something better than failed right-wing economic policy.”
The U of I study is here. The U of I also studied the possible repeal of the prevailing wage law, and that’s here.
…Adding… The governor’s presentation today in pdf format is here.
Rauner cranks up anti-union rhetoric
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gov. Bruce Rauner was in Decatur today giving a speech. He focused on right to work, prevailing wage, project labor agreements and other union issues…
* Also, this…
Why Quinn’s med-mar punt matters
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* When Gov. Pat Quinn punted the medical marijuana licensing issue to his successor, he not only created a longer wait for patients, he also put in jeopardy some pretty well-paying jobs…
A medical marijuana dispensary proposed on Ottawa’s North Side was ranked most likely to receive a license in La Salle, Bureau and Putnam counties prior to the end of Gov. Pat Quinn’s term, according to documents obtained by the Associated Press. […]
Scott said the operation would generate 25 to 30 jobs with pay ranging from $30,000 to $100,000.
Try finding a job in Ottawa that pays $100K a year. Not easy. Heck, try finding one at $30K.
* The AP has some new info on the licensing procedure…
When Quinn left office, his administration publicly said the agencies in charge of evaluating applications still had more work to do. But the emails and other documents show the agencies were ready to award many of the licenses, having evaluated and identified as top scorers 18 businesses to grow medical marijuana and
The new information could trigger lawsuits, said patient advocates and the lawmaker who sponsored the legislation that created Illinois’ medical marijuana pilot program.
“The scoring system should have played out and those with the highest number of points in each area should have won,” said Rep. Lou Lang, a Skokie Democrat, questioning why the Rauner administration released the documents before granting the business licenses. “This creates fodder for litigation. And there will be litigation.”
Not to mention that the names of those license-holders aren’t supposed to be made public under state law until after the procedure was complete.
* Illinois Review…
ArcView Market Research released the executive summary to the 3rd edition of the State of Legal Marijuana Markets. The report finds that the U.S. market for legal cannabis grew 74% in 2014 to $2.7 billion, up from $1.5 billion in 2013 making it the fastest growing industry in the U.S.
The report also shows that if trends continues and all states legalized marijuana the total market size would top $36.8 billion, making it larger than the organic food industry which is $33.1 billion according to Nutrition Business Journal.
It also concludes that pot businesses in states with restrictive patient access and regulatory systems like Illinois, New Jersey, and Delaware are not likely to be particularly profitable as long as the market constraints remain.
The executive summary is here.
* In other news, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper appears to have been quoted out of context in some outlets. Many folks saw his recent statement about voter approval of recreational weed…
“If I had a magic wand that I could have waved and reversed the decision of the voters … the day after the election, I would have waved my wand,” he said in a recent interview.
But here’s the rest of his quote…
“Now, I’m not so sure,” he said crediting his team with a smooth implementation. “It’s not impossible to see that we could create a regulatory framework that works.”
Hickenlooper pointed to reports from the left-leaning Brookings Institution that called the rollout “largely successful” and the right-leaning Cato Institute that found the law “had minimal impact on marijuana use and the outcomes sometimes associated with use.”
Um, wow
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* One of the most bizarre developments in the Chicago mayor’s race happened yesterday when Bob Fioretti made what appears to be some blatantly false claims about the incumbent…
Fioretti said the mayor’s decision to not press charges after suspects were questioned for attacking his teenage son near the family’s home before Christmas “sent the wrong signal.”
“The next time somebody gets shot, the next time somebody gets beat up, the time somebody’s home gets invaded, you know what? It’s OK,” Fioretti said. “No, it’s not. The Mayor sent the wrong signal to everybody.”
Actually, according to the Sun-Times, a suspect who allegedly bought the phone stolen from the mayor’s son was questioned, but not arrested. And you can’t charge somebody until you either indict him or arrest him.
* Fioretti didn’t stop there…
“This mayor, where has he been? I mean for God sakes, you’ve got a CVS that gets a burglary a couple blocks down. You’ve got your own family member, and you don’t want to prosecute charges? What did we just send a signal about? What did we just do by doing that? When your kid gets a tooth almost knocked out? When your kid is out, just maybe whatever he was doing at 10 o’clock at night on the phone and had to leave the house,” Fioretti said. “What message does that send to every community about let’s not snitch, when they’re saying you gotta take an active role in our communities. Mr. Mayor, you failed us again.” […]
“Now, let’s see. You’re on your way for a vacation. Your kid leaves the house whatever time it was to make a phone call to talk to his college counselor, and then he gets attacked? And then, with all the resources that you have around the house more than any other citizen, to make your block a safe block.
“And he gets attacked, gets a tooth pretty well injured. I don’t know how quick they got to the dentist before they boarded that plane,” Fioretti said.
“And then you catch the people and then you say: ‘Well, we’re not going to prosecute it.’
Isn’t that the same thing that we hear the folks in: ‘let’s make sure you start telling about what crime is happening, who committed the crime?’ What did they do? They left. It sends the wrong signal.”
If he has any proof, he ought to just come out and say what’s on his mind instead of hinting around like that about the mayor’s kid.
Fioretti, by the way, ended the fourth quarter with just $196,071.16 in the bank and hasn’t raised much since then.
Tuesday puppy blogging
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* CBS 2…
The governor and his wife, Diana, won’t be the only ones who will have to get used to living in a fixer-upper for a while. Rauner drove the family van to Springfield on Saturday, to bring their two Labrador Retrievers, Stella and Pumpkin, to their new home, and he said they’ll have to get used to sleeping alone near the kitchen.
“Pumpkin is 15, and she has arthritic knees, so she can’t really handle stairs very well,” he said. “The elevator doesn’t work. So I’ve got a plan. The dogs are not going to be able to sleep up near me, as they normally like to do. They’re gonna have to sleep down by the kitchen. That’s okay. They’ll get used to that. They don’t have to do that at home, but they’re gonna have to do that here.”
That’s sad about his older dog.
* Which reminds me, I haven’t posted any pics of Oscar in a while. Here’s one of him looking cool…
* His face is covered in snow after playing outside…
* And here he is dashing around our “man cave”…
A very tough problem to deal with
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
State prison officials hold close to 1,250 inmates beyond their release dates every year — not because they pose a threat to the public but because they cannot find a place to live that parole officers find suitable, according to court papers and interviews.
For Illinois taxpayers, the extended stays add as much as $25 million a year in prison costs, compared with the far lower tab for parole.
It’s a practice commonly known as “violating at the door” because guards at one time walked inmates who had completed their sentences to the prison gates, only to return them to their cells for failing to find a suitable home — considered a parole violation.
Now, according to prison officials, such dramatic “turnarounds” rarely if ever take place, yet hundreds of inmates continue to be held every year for months or even years beyond their release dates. They must be set free by the time their terms of parole end, sometimes as long as three years later.
This story was first reported by the Illinois Times on January 22nd. What makes this issue so difficult is that most of those inmates are sex offenders.
* From Patrick Yeagle’s IT piece…
Johnny Cordrey did his time.
He spent 18 years at Menard Correctional Center in southern Illinois, but when his release date came in April 2012, Cordrey was instead sent back to prison. He hadn’t committed any new offense, however. His attorney says the only crime Cordrey committed this time around was being poor. […]
Cordrey, now 66, was sentenced in October 1993 to 36 years in prison for aggravated criminal sexual assault, plus a separate 30-year sentence for aggravated kidnapping. With credits for good conduct reducing his sentence, Cordrey was due for release in April 2012. The terms of his parole – called “mandatory supervised release” in Illinois – required him to register as a sex offender, attend three different types of counseling, have no contact with his victim, check in with his parole officer twice a week and wear an electronic tracking device at a suitable home.
As his release date approached, it became clear that Cordrey – who Poor says has no family or friends outside prison – wouldn’t be able to find a place to live during his parole. The Illinois Department of Corrections attempted to place Cordrey in transitional housing paid for by the state, but no facility could accept him, mainly because of his sex offender status. On April 12, 2012, instead of being released, Cordrey was informed he would stay in Menard Correctional Facility to serve his three-year parole term.
Cordrey sent a handwritten appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court, asking the justices to free him on the legal theory that confining people past their prison terms violates the state and federal constitutions. If Cordrey had been a rich man, he reasoned, he could have easily obtained housing and would have been released sooner. Cordrey claimed keeping poor inmates confined longer creates a second-class status for them, in violation of the constitutional guarantees of due process and equal protection. […]
Cordrey is currently being held in the Peoria County jail. After he served his additional three years of parole in prison, he was released and picked up by police in late October 2014 while walking on a highway near Peoria. Because Cordrey is homeless, he was deemed to have violated the terms of his sex offender registration, which means he will likely be sent back to prison.
The Supreme Court ruled against him.
On the one hand, this just doesn’t seem right, and it’s certainly costing the taxpayers plenty of money. On the other hand, convicted sex offenders are deemed by statute to be more of a danger than other criminals, and many of them probably are.
Your thoughts?
Budget stuff
Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Gov. Bruce Rauner talked about the Democrats and the state budget, via the Illinois Radio Network…
“It was nowhere near balanced. They just assumed that they were gonna win and hike taxes after the election, and so they not only didn’t appropriate enough money for many of the departments, but then they told some of the people in the departments , go ahead and ignore what we appropriated, go ahead and spend what you wanna spend, ‘cuz we’ll deal with it later, so they have not been honest about it and that’s a problem that I’ve gotta fix, and I will fix it, but it’s gonna be hard to do,” he said.
Rauner says long-term, he’ll propose an “overhaul” of the state’s tax code. He also says he’s “looking forward” to contract negotiations with AFSCME, after saying last week that state workers are overpaid.
* And on a related note, the state’s childcare program was deliberately underfunded last year and is basically out of money…
State Senator Emil Jones is trying to shore up funding for child care programs in Illinois. He wants lawmakers to approve an extra 300-million dollars for the effort.
The money would help low-income working families pay for child care services. The program which usually offers support has run out of money, which means many daycare providers are turning kids away.
* Meanwhile, the mayor of DuQuoin believes that his town’s “state fair” will survive the budget axe…
The results of November’s gubernatorial elections hadn’t been announced yet when the rumor mill started its inexorable grinding of fact to pulp. “I’m hearing that Governor Rauner is going to close the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds,” whispered one. “The state is closing the fairgrounds after the first of the year,” said another.
You want to know what I’ve heard? Nothing. Not a single confirmed, reliably-sourced utterance has come my way about the future of the fairgrounds. I’ve heard lots of unfounded pessimism, doubt, negativity, and worst-case scenarios, but nothing substantial until early last week.
That’s when I read in reliable print media that the new Director of the Illinois Department of Agriculture, Philip Nelson, wants to modernize both the Illinois State Fairgrounds and the Du Quoin State Fairgrounds. He further wants to develop strategies for sustainability based on increasing year-round utilization of both fairgrounds. It’s out there in print. Google it, as I did.
That’s what he said. He didn’t parse words. He didn’t obfuscate or dart around the subject. Director Nelson’s comments, if taken as his intent, indicate a positive, constructive vision for our beloved Fairgrounds that bodes well for its future. It’s music to my ears!
Yeah, well, as much as I truly love the DuQuoin State Fair, I’m not sure it’s more important than things like childcare for the working poor. Then again, it’s undeniable that the region has already been hit hard by state facility closures. This one isn’t as important as losing, say, a prison, but shutting it down will have a negative economic impact.
* The Aurora Chamber lays out the problem for its members…
The state is constrained as to what it can cut. Illinois cannot cut debt service or pension payments. After adjusting for matching revenue, it would take an estimated 20 percent in cuts to remaining spending — including education, Medicaid, public safety and transportation — to eliminate the deficit.
There’s only so much Medicaid spending that can be cut because of federal rules on “mandatory” services. But, yeah, 20 percent of GRF is about right, and that’s just for this fiscal year. And it doesn’t include things like the already existing childcare shortfall.
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