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*** UPDATED x1 *** Anti-union legislator thinking about leaving Illinois: “Strangled by incompetence”

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* As usual, it’s Erickson with the scoop

State Rep. Reggie Phillips, a Republican from Charleston, said he has taken out options on real estate in [Florida] and made other preparations in anticipation of a possible move.

“We’re very actively looking at it,” Phillips told the Quad-City Times Springfield bureau. “I’m a practical businessman. I can’t stay here and allow myself to be strangled by incompetence.”

Phillips, who owns a homebuilding and real estate company in Charleston, took office in January and was hopeful Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner could move quickly to implement his plans to make Illinois a more business-friendly state.

But, he said, “The fight is a lot harder than what I anticipated.” […]

Phillips did not offer a timeline for when he might make a decision, but records show he has taken steps to open a business in Florida.

* You’ll remember Rep. Phillips

* Rep. Phillips is a sponsor of a “right to work” bill, and now we know why

    State Rep. Reggie Phillips made his feelings on the proposed right-to-work resolution clear Thursday, saying AFSCME members are “like ants” and asking his members to lock arms and support towns that pass the resolution.

    Phillips, R-Charleston, along with State Sen. Dale Righter, R-Mattoon, spoke at the Charleston Chamber of Commerce’s legislative update lunch at the Unique Suites hotel. Phillips pointed to right-to-work and pension reform as two of the biggest topics state legislators are dealing with.

    Phillips said he will ask Charleston city officials to resurrect the right-to-work resolution, rescinded by council members after union supporters packed council meetings to speak against it, and wants his constituents to support it.

    Phillips noted he attended one of the council meetings in support of the resolution.

    “There’s only 38,000 members in AFSCME (represented by the contract in Illinois),” he said. “You’d think there’s 38 million. They’re mobilized, like ants.”

    Phillips said he wished Gov. Bruce Rauner and Phillips’ own supporters would have stood firm on the issue. The process of change may be painful but is necessary for the state, he said.

    “Trust me, it’s like spanking a child sometimes,” he said. “The child doesn’t want to be spanked, but in the end it’s going to make them a better person.”

*** UPDATE *** Press release…

Rep. Reggie Phillips announces he is running for a second term

Charleston, IL – State Representative Reggie Phillips today announced he will seek a second term as State Representative in the 110th District.

“I went to Springfield because I was tired of seeing bad policies drive jobs and opportunities away from our state,” Phillips said. “I looked at my grandchildren and I wondered what kind of future will they have? The decision to run was based on my desire to turn our state around. I think it is important to have representation in Springfield that is not beholden to campaign contributors or party leaders. I am an independent voice and I serve the people of the 110th District and I would be honored to continuing serving in Springfield for another term.”

Rep. Phillips is working with local farmers in opposition to the Green Belt Express Clean Line. He also sponsored a measure (House Resolution 173) to support the nation of Israel. Additionally, he is working with several of his colleagues to pass a measure (House Resolution 671) which calls for an investigation of Planned Parenthood in light of the recent videos exposing some horrific practices involving the sale of human body parts.

One of Rep. Phillips’ top priorities is to change the economic climate in Illinois and enact meaningful business reforms. Illinois ranked dead last in the Midwest per capita for new payroll jobs added to the economy in 2014 while Iowa ranked 14th and Wisconsin 20th, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“One of things I find so frustrating is that there are a few simple changes we can make to really get our economy going but we continue to ignore these simple reforms,” Phillips said. “Enacting real workers’ compensation reform, reducing excessive business regulations, and unleashing the full potential of Illinois’ natural resources would put us back on a course to economic growth and prosperity. The current policies are not working. Illinois also needs term limits and we need to take the legislative remap process out of the hands of politicians. We can turn this state around but it starts with real, meaningful reform.”

Rep. Reggie Phillips grew up in Arthur, Illinois. He and his wife Martha have four adult children and 10 grandchildren. In 1986, Reggie and Martha started a residential and commercial building business in Charleston, Illinois which now employs approximately 400 people. He was elected State Representative in the 110th District in 2014. The 110th District encompasses parts or all of Coles, Crawford, Lawrence, Cumberland, and Edgar Counties.


Dunkin speaks

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Paris Schutz caught up to Rep. Ken Dunkin by phone

“For [Speaker Madigan] to throw me under the bus like that is foul,” Dunkin told Chicago Tonight over the phone. “I guess they took for granted that I was going to be there. I told them emphatically that I was going out of town. They knew damn well I was going to be gone.”

Dunkin confirms that he was in New York for both work and personal reasons: he first attended a work conference and then a funeral for the friend of his wife. He says he told the speaker and his staff that he was upset the bill wasn’t called a week earlier, and he sacrificed personal and family time to be at the statehouse then, and that he supported the bill at that time. But Dunkin says that his support for the bill eroded when he started asking more questions.

“This is such an unprecedented move by any union under any governor in this state’s history. I wanted to see what they were talking about,” Dunkin says. “I wanted to see the union’s position and where they were in negotiations in writing. I asked AFSCME for information on what specifically they were negotiating and they said, ‘We don’t typically share that information.’ I also asked the governor’s office and had to squeeze information out of them.” […]

When asked if Gov. Rauner did anything to persuade Dunkin to miss the vote or if he offered any sort of benefit in return, Dunkin said, “Hell no.” But Dunkin admits that the governor made the case that AFSCME had a poor record on hiring and protecting the jobs of minorities in state agencies. He says AFSCME flatly rejected that claim but offered him no evidence to the contrary. […]

“The speaker made this a super issue,” Dunkin said. “I don’t want to be a part of his political manipulations. I don’t know what he was thinking when he called the bill knowing he didn’t have 71 votes. He knew I wasn’t 100 percent on board anyway. I’m not in the pocket of Mike Madigan. I don’t work for Mike Madigan, I work with him. I don’t work for the governor. You can print that.”

“There are 47 other bodies that [Madigan] has worked with equally if not longer,” Dunkin said. “But I’m the cause of his self-manufactured defeat? Meantime, on Wednesday eight people were killed in Chicago. The schools are $480 million short. And this is the most salient thing we can talk about in Springfield? This bill meant nothing to the average person.”


Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Have a great Labor Day and I’ll talk at you Tuesday

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Mazel tov!

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* In keeping with our ongoing theme of treating people as humans instead of cartoon characters, I give you one Richard Goldberg.

Yeah, some of y’all don’t much like Richard. I get it. The governor’s chief liaison is also the Prince of Snarkness and not exactly popular around here.

Regardless, he’s still one of my favorite people in the entire Rauner administration. You just don’t know him like I do.

* This past weekend, Richard treated his girlfriend Roxie to one of those Lake Michigan dinner cruises. I’ve met Roxie on a few occasions and she’s about the nicest person you’ll ever know. Some of us sometimes wonder what she sees in our boy, but he’s most definitely blessed to have her.

Anyway, Richard told us that he was going to pop the big question during the cruise. And he followed through…

Nice rock.

For whatever reason, Roxie said “Yes.”

I couldn’t be happier for them.


Everybody wants to get into the act

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not sure that the budget impasse is a great marketing ploy, but Green Toyota sure seems to think so…


Another Day. Another Auction. Another $275 Million For Exelon

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Exelon just received an additional $275 million from the PJM Capacity Auction process – this time for the 2016-2017 transitional auction. This comes on top of last week’s 2018-2019 PJM Capacity Auction which resulted in $650 million in total capacity revenue. As the Tribune reported, Exelon “lobbied hard for the new [auction] rules” and they are reaping the results. More highlights:

  • $675 Million REVENUE INCREASE for Exelon – Exelon is now approaching $1 BILLION dollars in additional revenue for its Illinois nuclear fleet, with one more auction coming September 9th.
  • Byron Cleared Both Auctions – Will Run Through At Least May 2019 –According to a Crain’s analysis, Byron, which Exelon characterized as troubled and in danger of closing just weeks ago, now “…stands to reap profits of around $26 million even if future energy prices remain this low.”
  • Quad Cities Cleared 2016-2017 Auction, Earning More Than $80 Million – Quad Cities cleared the 2016-2017 Auction, ensuring it will run through at least May, 2017. Perhaps Exelon should answer how it was able to offer and clear Quad Cities’ for a fraction of the price for the 2016-2017 auction, but couldn’t offer at the same price for 2018-2019. Is Quad Cities in danger of closing because Exelon chose a different bidding strategy?

Exelon ginned up the new rules and has now received its “market-based” bailout. It doesn’t need another $1.6 billion more from struggling ratepayers. Enough is enough.

 Just Say “NO” to the Exelon Bailout

BEST Coalition is a 501C4 nonprofit group of dozens of business, consumer and government groups, as well as large and small businesses. Visit

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First time for everything

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* House Republicans have been avoiding taking stands on bill after bill this year. But this is the first time I can remember a newspaper calling a member out on it. From the Southern Illinoisan

State Rep. Terri Bryant is doing her damnedest to amass the most milquetoast legislative voting record possible. Her middling quest for ambiguity is a disservice to voters and her office alike.

Bryant, R-Murphysboro, yet again refused to pick a side Wednesday night when House Democrats unsuccessfully attempted to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of SB 1229, legislation more concerned with empowering union bosses than serving the state.

The freshman Republican was in the chamber when the override died. She just didn’t cast a vote. Any vote. None. The roll merely registers Bryant as “no vote.”
Strong stand, indeed.

It’s just the most recent addition to a disturbing pattern taking shape since Bryant took office in January.

Put simply, she too often goes AWOL when strident leadership is most required. Right-to-work zones: present. July’s temporary budget: no vote.


Go read the whole thing. It’s quite harsh.

And considering all the grief that Rep. Ken Dunkin has taken this week for skipping Wednesday’s session, it’s about time other folks who refused to hit a button right in front of them took a bit of heat as well.

Frankly, I don’t care how a legislator votes, as long as it’s reasonably consistent with their own ideology and/or their districts. But when you skip a vote, you’ve crossed over into unacceptable behavior.


Question of the day

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Facebook

* The Question: Caption?


‘Tis the season

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Candidate petitions started hitting the streets on September 1st…


The question nobody’s asking

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times early yesterday

Dyett High School will reopen as an open-enrollment arts-themed high school, a decision that, it is hoped, will end the three-week hunger strike by the Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization (known as “KOCO”), Janice Jackson, chief of education for Chicago Public Schools, announced Thursday.

Saying newly-installed leaders at CPS had to “look with fresh eyes,” Jackson said CPS would be “taking pieces” from all three options presented under a prior request for proposals. That includes one from the Coalition to Revitalize Dyett/KOCO and another from Monica Haslip, founder of Little Black Pearl.

“We will have an arts theme, but it will not be run by Little Black Pearl, and we are also bringing in the technology piece that KOCO has lobbied for.”

Students who live within Dyett community boundaries would be given enrollment preference. Remaining seats would be filled by a lottery.

Jackson said CPS settled on an arts program because that model attracts students from all over the city.

* All sorts of people were hopeful that this would break the impasse and end the hunger strike

Claypool announced the plan for Dyett at the district’s Loop headquarters alongside Chief Education Officer Janice Jackson, senior adviser Denise Little and a group of African-American elected officials and community leaders that included U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill.; Ald. Will Burns, 4th; and state Rep. Christian Mitchell, D-Chicago. […]

“In my opinion,” Rush said Thursday, “the activists — the community activists, those who really care about the community, those who are really concerned about the educational future of the community — they have won.

“They wanted Dyett to remain open, it’s going to be open. They wanted Dyett to be an open-enrollment facility, it’s going to be an open-enrollment facility. They wanted Dyett to be a neighborhood school, well, they won. It’s a neighborhood school.”

* Mary Mitchell

CPS was forced to deal with Dyett High School, and KOCO can take credit for that.

Now that CPS has come up with a proposal for Dyett High School that would help this community heal, it would be foolish for KOCO to fight it.

* It didn’t work

“This does not reflect the vision of the community,” the group said in a statement after reviewing the proposal that CPS hoped would end the 2 1/2-week hunger strike by the Kenwood-Oakland Community Organization.

And as for ending the hunger strike, the group’s spokesman, J. Brian Malone, said: “We haven’t made that decision yet.”

* As Progress Illinois has been reporting for a while, the Dyett protests have been “spearheaded” by the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, or KOCO for short

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget town hall meeting got shut down Wednesday night after Dyett protesters took over the stage, which caused security to lead Emanuel away from the scene. […]

“Twelve people have been on a hunger strike for 17 days, three of them have been hospitalized in the process, and these people are coming closer and closer to death to get a school. That’s why I went on that stage,” Jawanza Malone, executive director of the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization, a key group behind the Coalition to Revitalize Dyett High School, told the newspaper after the meeting was disrupted.

Wednesday’s budget town hall meeting, held at the South Shore Cultural Center, was the second of three that Emanuel is holding this week. Emanuel also faced a raucous crowd at Monday’s budget meeting, during which people chanted and spoke out in support of the Dyett hunger strikers.

“All we’re asking is for a quality school in a neighborhood. It doesn’t take five years, 17 days or to the end of a meeting to make a decision,” Malone added. “The mayor is refusing to make a decision.”

Keep in mind that the hunger strikers have also demanded that the other two groups which were vying to run the school step aside. KOCO has protested the opening of a grocery store in the middle of a vast food desert because of “gentrification” concerns. These folks appear to be quite radical, and radicals don’t often want to settle for half a loaf.

* I apologize in advance if I’m out of line here, but somebody needs to start asking some questions that would’ve naturally come up if KOCO was part of the “regular” city apparatus.

Could there be another reason for KOCO’s obstinance? Since the group is “spearheading” both the protests and the push for that particular school, are they at all in it for the money, the jobs, the contracts and the influence that would come from creating a school of their own? And are they willing to allow hunger strikers to die to achieve those all too earthly goals?

I sure hope not. And I’m also sure they would flatly deny it if asked.

Click here to read the group’s proposal for the Dyett school. Scroll down to page 25

That’ll probably be a smallish contract, but it is quite interesting that KOCO plays a formal role in the school’s envisioned operation.


Today’s number: $10.65 billion

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois comptroller’s office estimates the state’s current unpaid bill backlog at $5,256,826,990, and we’re barely two months into the fiscal year.

* From Moody’s earlier this week

Illinois projects its income and other taxes to generate $32 billion this fiscal year, or $5.4 billion less than expenditures without cuts

Adding those two numbers together probably doesn’t accurately project our end of year negative account balance, but it’s close enough.


The cat herder

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Zorn writes about House Speaker Michael Madigan’s alleged cloak of invincibility

And Rauner, the political novice who was ostensibly going to be overmatched by the savvy Madigan, didn’t suffer a single Republican House vote in favor of the override. The Democratic failure Wednesday strengthens Rauner’s position with AFSCME and negotiations over terms to begin budget talks.

Ah, but is Madigan simply trying to lure Rauner into overplaying his hand? Does he plan to use Wednesday’s anti-union votes to turn Republican seats Democrat in next year’s election?

Some hopeful chatter on the message boards is saying yes, he’s still playing the long game and is going to win. But that’s still his reputation speaking, not reality.

Reality is that he lost. The game has changed. It’s from Rauner that the satisfied chuckle emanates: “Bwa-ha-ha!”

That’s true, except that the governor was far more magnanimous in victory than Zorn gives him credit for.

* Madigan does not exert absolute control over his members, and that has been on clear display time and time again. Remember his pet project millionaire’s tax? The constitutional amendment was defeated when Reps. Franks, Drury and Dunkin voted against it - the same three Democrats who didn’t vote for the AFSCME bill override motion…

Just about everybody from the governor (”legislators that Madigan controls”) all the way down to the most casual political observer constantly say that Madigan can do whatever he wants. He’s the grand puppet master. For years and years, people said he was fighting with Governors Blagojevich and Quinn because he was not so secretly setting up his daughter for a run at the big office. But then she said she wouldn’t run because he wouldn’t step aside. So much for that theory.

* Madigan has carefully cultivated this perception of invincibility. It’s part of his schtick. I think I’ve told you the story about why he never played golf at his golf outings. He told me that he had this illusion of power, and if people saw him futilely hacking away at a golf ball that illusion would be damaged. (Later on, he learned to play golf properly because his son was interested in the game.)

I remember sitting on the Republican side of the chamber in January of 1995 when Lee Daniels was elected Speaker. Back then, I was allowed to roam around wherever I pleased, so I sat next to some House Republicans that day to get a feel for the moment. As is tradition, both Madigan and Daniels were nominated for Speaker. The nominating speeches dragged on for a while and then Madigan asked to be recognized. An audible gasp rippled through the GOP side of the aisle. What was he up to? What trick did he have up his sleeve?

Turns out, it was nothing of the sort. Madigan said that Daniels had waited long enough and asked for a unanimous roll call. The relieved Republicans stood and cheered.

* But occasionally, as with the AFSCME bill, reality creeps in and people who previously thought that Madigan was all-powerful are now saying either that he’s lost his touch or that he’s up to something else that we mere mortals can never comprehend.


What happened on Wednesday was just one more illustration of the difficult reality of herding cats. Madigan is an expert cat herder, for sure. Likely the best who ever was. But occasionally some cats will scamper away.

* Madigan runs his Statehouse office like he runs his ward office - he’s a consummate fixer, he does favors large and small, he protects his people from every sort of possible harm.

And every once in a while he does things to show that he is capable of serious retribution, both to keep his own people in line and to warn away anyone who might mess with his people. You’ll recall how he stripped a committee chairmanship from Rep. Jay Hoffman for being too close to Rod Blagojevich. And then there was this

John Bills’ career at City Hall wasn’t without its series of bumps, like the time in 2000 when Bills took it upon himself to support the campaign of then-Ald. Patrick Levar, 45th, against Dorothy Brown in her successful run for Cook County Circuit Court clerk. He made the mistake of not seeking Madigan’s approval.

“Unbeknownst to John, I guess Madigan didn’t think Levar had much of a chance, so there wasn’t a lot of support,” Ryan said. “Anyway, when Madigan found out that John was working for Levar he wasn’t too happy and called him in. They had a bit of a falling out.”

Bills, then an assistant commissioner in the electricity bureau, was exiled to a trailer in a South Side quarry.

“The next day, John was moved to the quarry and handed a tape measure,” Ryan said, adding that Bills spent about a year measuring offices for renovations. “Eventually, they let him back in.”

“He absolutely hated it,” another friend said. “I remember he had to go down to (13th Ward Ald. Frank) Olivo’s office with his tail between his legs begging to get back in good graces.

“Eventually, Madigan let him back in,” the friend said. “For one thing, he raised a lot of money for Mike.”

* His members love him and fear him, and he prefers it that way. I’ve used this example before…

Hundreds of guys depended on Paulie and he got a piece of everything they made. And it was tribute, just like in the old country, except they were doing it here in America. And all they got from Paulie was protection from other guys looking to rip them off. And that’s what it’s all about. That’s what the FBI could never understand. That what Paulie and the organization does is offer protection for people who can’t go to the cops. That’s it. That’s all it is. They’re like the police department for wiseguys.

Again, he’s a powerful man, and a true legend. But buying into this theory of invincibility perpetrated by so many is merely buying into Madigan’s own personal spin. He’s extremely talented, but he’s still just a man.

This is real life, not a cartoon fantasy.


The new normal: Lack of pressure, lack of talks

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Kurt Erickson has a story about the 440 people who were hired by the state during August

State Sen. Daniel Biss, D-Evanston, who is running for comptroller in 2016, said the hiring numbers indicate that many people may not be taking the lack of a budget seriously.

“We don’t have a budget. We have this awful stalemate. But people are acting like it’s no big deal,” Biss said. “It’s just bad, bad news.”

Biss said there may be legitimate reasons to hire some workers, but the numbers indicate government appears to be operating in a “business as usual” manner.

“This is a crisis. God help us if this is the new normal,” Biss said.

State Rep. David Harris, R-Arlington Heights, said if the objective of the budget impasse is to bring government services to a halt, it is not working.

“We can’t even shut down government right,” Harris said. “It’s a weird, crazy situation that, without pressure, it won’t get resolved. The whole things seems odd.”

* And Brian Mackey writes about how the governor and the four leaders haven’t met since possibly the end of May

The calendar has been filled with pressure points that were supposed to help push the governor and Democrats toward compromise: The end of the legislative session in May. The new fiscal year July 1. Not being able to make the state payroll in mid-July or provide funding for schools in August. But each of these has come and gone, with a mix of courts, consent decrees, the governor himself stepping in to ease pressure.

No pressure, no conversation. And no conversation, no deal.

The problem in the Capitol is not just that the state’s top politicians are talking past each other.

The problem in the Capitol also seems to be that the state’s top politicians are not talking at all.



Illinois Credit Unions – Actively engaged in the communities they serve

Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Credit unions have a well-recognized reputation for providing exemplary service in meeting their members’ daily financial needs. A “People Helping People” philosophy also motivates credit unions to support countless community charitable activities and worthwhile causes on a continual basis.

As a prime example, Consumers Credit Union (CCU) in Waukegan is wrapping up another summer filled with community outreach. This not-for-profit financial cooperative participated in an array of community events, including festivals, parades and community celebrations. As part of their involvement in several neighborhood events, the credit union also promoted the importance of saving for children.

“Team CCU” is active in fundraising, too. The credit union’s walking team raised nearly $3,000 for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event held in Waukegan. CCU also made a donation of more than $2,000 to the March of Dimes.

Credit unions are able to better serve their communities because of their not-for-profit cooperative structure and leadership of a volunteer board elected by and from the local membership. Illinois credit unions: locally owned, voluntarily led, and actively supporting your community.

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Friday, Sep 4, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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