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Open thread

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Blogging will be light the rest of the day because of my City Club thing. So, talk amongst yourselves. But, please, be nice to each other. It’s the holidays.


Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2015 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Contract Lobbyist had two very strong crowd favorites, so I’m declaring a tie…

There isn’t a more respected contract lobbyist in the capitol than Dave Sullivan. He’s the best around. He’s pragmatic and bipartisan. He’s legitimately nice and helpful. And he takes on hard issues and clients — having FOP and Local 150 right now is a handful, and Sullivan does it with aplomb.


Nancy Kimme for best contract lobbyist.

It is a rarity to find someone with Nancy’s level of experience in both the political and governmental sides of the business who commands so much respect from both sides of the aisle - and not just from staff but elected officials. Her sphere of influence reaches out not just under the Dome but throughout Illinois and includes Washington DC insiders and electeds. Nancy’s knowledge of state government, professionalism, and likability are why people trust her to get the job done and a solid indicator as to why she has accumulated such a broad portfolio in just one year as a lobbyist.

I know them both, I respect them both, it’s only fitting that they share this award.

* The 2015 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best In-House Lobbyist also had a crowd favorite…

Emily Miller with Voices for Illinois Children. Emily has elevated the public debate about the impact the budget has on health and human services across Illinois. She’s frequently quoted on this blog and she lead efforts among colleagues to bring national media attention to Illinois’ budget issues at hearings both in Springfield and Chicago.

She’s been a fearless advocate for social services, in a system that is often ripe with advocates that are scared to challenge leadership of all stripes.


* I decided a few weeks ago (long before she won today’s award) to change the name of today’s category to the Emily Miller Award for Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist.

Have at it and make sure to explain your vote. Thanks!


GOP leaders not enthused about recall bill

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune writes about Rep. La Shawn Ford’s (D-Chicago) bill to allow a recall of Chicago’s mayor

Republican activists have sought to encourage GOP lawmakers to sign onto the bill, ostensibly to encourage Republican outreach to African-Americans but also to try to take advantage of a rare show of weakness by Emanuel.

Republican Rep. Jeanne Ives of Wheaton added herself as a co-sponsor. Signing on Tuesday was Rep. Ron Sandack of Downers Grove, the House Republican floor leader and a key ally of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner, a friend of Emanuel.

Rauner’s office had no comment on the measure, but even House Republican leader Jim Durkin of Western Springs, an attorney, questioned whether a recall bill — if passed and signed into law — could affect Emanuel in his current term.

“I don’t think that the constitutional law can apply to a sitting mayor,” said Durkin, who has taken no position on the bill. “I’m not giving any advice (to members) one way or the other.”

Senate Republican leader Christine Radogno of Lemont said that while she supports “empowering voters,” she remains cautious. “Establishing the process for the recall of elected officials can set off a lot of alarm bells. If not done properly, it could put us on a dangerous path,” she said.



Was a Murray resident waterboarded?

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

Like most of the severely disabled residents at the Warren G. Murray Developmental Center in southern Illinois, Todd Clementz stuck to a routine: Deaf, blind and requiring constant supervision, he passed his days with meals, therapy and an evening bath.

But in late March, Clementz’s routine was disrupted when a worker at the state hospital gave him an unscheduled shower, during which the 46-year-old man choked to death. A jury in a coroner’s inquest last month ruled his death a homicide. […]

Tom Hatley, a state police investigator, testified at the coroner’s inquest that the mental health technician who gave Clementz the shower told him that Clementz had missed his regularly scheduled bath “because he was exhibiting a behavior.”

Other workers testified that the forced shower was meant to help keep Clementz from going to sleep earlier than scheduled.

Within minutes, Clementz began choking on the cold water being sprayed from a hand-held shower wand, the trooper testified. His lips turned blue as he became unconscious and went into cardiac arrest. An autopsy determined Clementz died from choking on cold water as well as regurgitated food.

“This gentleman was waterboarded,” said Tony Pauluski, executive director of The ARC of Illinois, an advocacy group that wants the state to close all of its developmental centers by 2020.

Hatley said several co-workers of the technician — who is at least 6 feet tall and about 250 pounds — said he had previously given forced showers to discipline uncooperative residents. The trooper said he wasn’t able to independently corroborate those accounts.



Just in case you want to watch my speech…

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The City Club of Chicago will be livestreaming my speech today. The festivities begin at 12:30


The trend is not their friend

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a classic HDem campaign move

House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, wants to raise income taxes to close the state’s multibillion-dollar budget deficit, but he’s not getting support for the idea from local legislative candidates. […]

“I absolutely do not agree with increasing the income tax to 5 percent,” said Andy Skoog, a La Salle Democrat, who was named Thursday to fill out the remainder of longtime legislator Frank Mautino’s term. “People are struggling now. If you put a tax increase on them, you’ll take them over the edge.”

Skoog is the only Democratic candidate in District 76 in the 2016 election. […]

Skoog said he would target corporate tax loopholes and work in a bipartisan way to go through the budget line by line. At the same time, he said, he would seek to protect funding for middle-class families, the elderly, children and veterans.

Skoog, who is now La Salle County’s circuit clerk, said he would use his years of experience as a small-business owner to root out wasteful spending.

I’m sure his years as a small-business owner will translate so well into balancing a government budget.


But that’s one less vote for a tax hike.

Positions are going to harden fast, folks. Rep. Skoog isn’t going to be the only one to do this - and it will likely be at the urging of Madigan’s own staff.


It’s also “long-term pain”

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Bruce Rauner recently said this about his fight for his Turnaround Agenda and the resulting impasse

“We’ll take short-term pain for big long-term gain.”

* But as several commenters have been saying recently, the impasse is creating long-term, perhaps irreversible pain. Service providers, for example, are in real danger of going under, never to return. And then there is higher education

As Illinois makes its way through the sixth month of the fiscal year without a budget, state universities continue to look for ways to keep the bills paid. […]

Southern Illinois University President Randy Dunn wasn’t available for comment on Tuesday, but he’s been quoted as saying the lack of state funding is creating a problem of crisis proportions.

“It will take us years to dig out … if the state doesn’t fulfill its commitment,” Dunn told KFVS-TV.

“We’re going to have to figure out a means to pay back about $200 million in operations and about $46 million or so in student aid and grants and contracts we typically have from the state,” Dunn said.


Telling quotes

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Salon

In a meeting on July 24, 2012, Chicago Police Officer Allyson Bogdalek broke down and cried as she admitted to prosecutors the obvious: She had lied under oath in the case of a man accused of robbing a Back of the Yards liquor store and shooting the owner in the leg.

The victim of the shooting had picked the suspect, Ranceallen Hankerson, out of a lineup. But Officer Bogdalek lied on the stand during an April 13, 2011, hearing when she denied that the victim had been shown photographs of possible suspects prior to Hankerson’s arrest. In fact, the victim had been shown photos, and he had failed to pick Hankerson out—evidence that would have proven beneficial to the defense.

Prosecutors opened an investigation, and recommend indicting Bogdalek for perjury and other felonies, according to Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office files provided to Salon. In February 2014, however, the process came to a screeching halt: State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez overruled her subordinates and instructed them that no charges would be filed. The case, which until now has escaped much public notice, provides evidence to back charges that Alvarez, currently under fire for her handling of the fatal police shooting of Laquan McDonald, protects officers accused of misconduct. […]

In a statement released to Salon, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office blamed judges and juries, saying that they decided not to prosecute Bogdalek because it is simply too hard to win convictions against police officers.

The officer admitted committing perjury and yet they doubted they could get a conviction?

* Tribune

Fraternal Order of Police President Dean Angelo told aldermen it was “very disturbing” to rank-and-file officers that the mayor said during a high-profile speech to the City Council this month that the city needs to deal with the “code of silence” in which Chicago police protect each other when they engage in misconduct.

“We have kids, we have bills, we have families,” Angelo said. “And to think, in 2015, with all the cameras that are around and all the videotaping that’s going on, that a police officer’s going to risk his livelihood for his family is ridiculous. And to think we have a population of people that say ‘Oh, it’s not a big thing. We do it every day.’ We don’t do that. This is not 1950.”

But when Ald. Proco “Joe” Moreno, 1st, asked Angelo to state for the record that a code of silence doesn’t exist in the Police Department, Angelo hedged. “There is not an answer I could give you that would be a blanket statement that someone out there is not doing something they should not be doing,” Angelo said. “I can’t say that.”

* Meanwhile, the Second City Cop blog has an interesting post about some of Mayor Emanuel’s recent promotions. The blog also points to this story

Could Rahm Emanuel be headed to the witness stand?

Attorneys representing two police officers who said they faced retaliation for trying to reveal corruption, say they will call the mayor to testify about a so-called “code of silence” in the Chicago Police Department.

The mayor’s office said it will oppose any such effort, but lawyers for the two officers say he is key to their case, because he has publicly acknowledged that officers sometimes cover for each other.

“We now have an admission from the highest, within the City of Chicago, that the code of silence exists,” says attorney Christopher Smith. […]

“I am looking for a new leader for the Chicago Police Department, to address the problem at the very heart of the policing profession,” Emanuel told the City Council last Wednesday. “The problem is sometimes referred to as the thin blue line. The problem is other times referred to as the code of silence, and its tendency to ignore it. It is a tendency to deny it. It is a tendency in some cases to cover up the bad actions of colleagues.”



Is the Foxx campaign involved in the Chicago protests?

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mihalopoulos

The face of the protests so far has been 16-year-old Lamon Reccord. His staring contests with officers have featured on cable news channels and in the world’s most widely read English-language news site, the Daily Mail.

According to his LinkedIn networking profile, Reccord began helping Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez’s challenger Kimberly Foxx in September — well before the release of the police video of McDonald being shot.

Reccord also has worked as an intern for a nonprofit group called Chicago Votes. The organization’s former executive director is Foxx’s campaign manager, and one of its longtime board members is the campaign’s spokeswoman.

He should be commended for getting involved in civic life even before he’s old enough to vote, at an age when many peers appear more interested in video games.

But Reccord’s recent trajectory makes me wonder if the protesters include many newly converted critics of the local political powerhouses or largely the same players who couldn’t unseat Emanuel in last spring’s unprecedented runoff election.

Other protesters who’ve been widely quoted by media include hardened veterans of the battles with Emanuel over school closings and a minister who got just 7 percent of the vote to finish fourth in a six-way aldermanic race earlier this year.

Is this an expanding movement that can generate waves of voters for anti-establishment candidates? Or are the protesters mostly people who already were firmly against the mayor and Alvarez, even before the McDonald video exploded into public view?

Good questions.


Your “right to work” roundup

Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Daily Herald

Lincolnshire officials approved a controversial right-to-work ordinance that’s been called illegal by Attorney General Lisa Madigan without first getting an opinion from their own attorney, village emails indicate.

When Village Manager Brad Burke specifically asked Mayor Elizabeth Brandt and the trustees in late November if they wanted an opinion on the proposal from attorney Adam Simon, nearly everyone declined. The strongest response came from Brandt, who had brought the plan to the board.

“I had already expressed that I did not want an opinion from Adam … and do not want to over react to a threat of litigation,” Brandt wrote in a Nov. 30 email to Burke.

Brandt also said she thought Madigan’s opinion on the right-to-work issue “was weak.” […]

When reached via email Tuesday, Brandt noted the Liberty Justice Center — a group associated with the Illinois Policy Institute — will provide free legal counsel if the ordinance is challenged.


* They’re gonna need the legal help

The AFL-CIO of Illinois will go to court over a Chicago suburb’s new ordinance that would bar private employers from requiring workers to join unions or pay dues, setting up a challenge to a key aspect of Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s business-friendly agenda. […]

“The city of Lincolnshire was notified that the vote was illegal, they moved forward with adopting the ordinance anyway, so we’ll move forward to take legal action,” said Illinois AFL-CIO President Michael Carrigan.

Rauner’s spokesman, Lance Trover, declined to comment.

* And this person appears unclear on the concept

Long-time [Lincolnshire] board member Tom McDonough said the concept is misunderstood by its opponents.

“The underpinning issue is, it helps union members organize,” McDonough said after the meeting. “There is a theory that it’s a first step toward weakening a union, and that is not the case.”

Yeah. OK.


Light blogging ahead

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I have to be in Chicago for an early dinner tonight ahead of my City Club gig tomorrow. So, I need to leave fairly soon.

Expect regular blogging tomorrow morning, and then light to non-existent blogging tomorrow afternoon.

So, consider this an open thread.

Have fun, but do your best to behave. Thanks!


Credit Unions Giving Back

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Credit Unions find numerous ways to support their communities each holiday season. This year, Cornerstone Credit Union and Credit Union 1 are helping to ensure that everyone’s needs are met – from their own members and employees, to animals in need at local shelters.

Cornerstone Credit Union, with locations in Freeport, Sterling, and South Beloit identifies ways to best assist the communities they serve throughout the holidays. With donations they collect, the credit union puts together Thanksgiving food baskets for credit union members in need. Employees nominate members they feel would most benefit from receiving this gift.

Additionally, Cornerstone Credit Union displays a food bin where members and employees can donate to the Salvation Army to assist with their collection efforts during the holiday season. The credit union also coordinates donations to Toys for Tots, and their Helping Hands Committee provides a monetary donation to an employee who has recently experienced an unexpected life hardship.

In addition to serving their members and local families in need, credit unions also assist local animal shelters during the winter months. For example, Credit Union 1 in Springfield is currently holding a donation drive for Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control.

Credit union employees and their members are proud to be making a difference in their communities this holiday season!

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Caption contest!

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Speaker Madigan and Paul Green…


Today’s number: 21.5 percent

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A new era of openness by Chicago government? Hardly. Just ask Phil Kadner

Before Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times on a Chicago street leading to federal investigations, the firing of the police superintendent, murder charges being filed against a police officer and calls for Mayor Rahm Emanuel to resign, a squad car that had been tailing McDonald radioed for a Taser-equipped patrol car to respond to the scene.

I thought all patrolmen in Chicago were equipped with Tasers. In researching this column, I found a Chicago Tribune article from March 2010 that stated Chicago was purchasing 380 new Tasers to add to the 280 in use so there would be one for each of the department’s 281 beats. “The ’stun guns’ will go in every squad car to give front-line beat officers a more effective way to protect themselves and calm a disturbance,” the story said. […]

After several days of e-mail exchanges and multiple phone calls to the mayor’s office and Chicago Police News Affairs, I was finally informed that the percentage of sworn officers that are Taser-certified is 21.5 percent. […]

There are many critics of Taser use by law enforcement and the recently released video showing a suspect in a lock-up being repeatedly zapped with a Taser by Chicago police. The suspect who was dragged out of his cell eventually died following a reaction to an antipsychotic drug, although an autopsy showed he had 50 bruises and scrapes from the top of his head to his lower legs. That video has created another Chicago Police Department scandal.

So I’m not going to suggest that Tasers would solve every problem involving the abuse and misuse of force.

But Tasers do offer an alternative to the deadly use of force, meaning a police officer may not have to discharge his sidearm when confronting a suspect. Chicago police encounter people using illegal drugs, drunks and individuals who are mentally ill on a regular basis. They may not heed calls to stop, put their hands in the air and lay down on the ground. That’s apparently what happened with McDonald, who kept on walking with a folding knife at his side as he was surrounded by police, including some who had drawn their guns.

Great points about Tasers, and very worthy of discussion here. But why does it take so long to get basic information like that?



The Illinois Constitution turns 45

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Charlie Wheeler in Illinois Issues

Forty-five years ago this month, Illinois voters ratified a new Constitution to replace the state’s century-old predecessor. The framers of the new document saw it as a step into the 20th century for the state from the horse-and-buggy era of the 1870 Constitution.

As Illinois staggers into an unprecedented sixth month without an enacted budget and faces massive bill backlogs and pension debt, now might be an appropriate time to ask how well the 1970 charter has withstood the test of time. Has its promises of streamlined government operations, clear delineations of responsibility and greater ethical behavior been achieved? In retrospect, what obvious mistakes did its authors make? What problems did they overlook or fail to foresee?

As one who covered the Sixth Constitutional Convention as his first major assignment for the Chicago Sun-Times, your columnist admits to a certain bias in favor of the delegates’ handiwork. But on balance, I’d submit the 1970 charter has served Illinoisans well in most regards.

Consider these 1970 updates to the 1870 Constitution.

Go read the whole thing and tell us what you think.


This Is Illinois

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

A Chicago businessman convicted of pocketing nearly $3 million in state grant funds was sentenced to six years in prison Monday after a federal prosecutor declared that Illinois government corruption “seems to be the norm anymore, rather than the exception.”

U.S. District Judge Richard Mills imposed the sentence — short of the eight years the government requested — on Leon Dingle Jr. for his role in a six-year fraud involving Illinois Department of Public Health funds. He also was ordered to pay $2.9 million in restitution.

After a sentencing hearing lasting more than two hours, Mills ordered Dingle’s wife, Karin, to spend three years in prison for her role in the scheme. Leon Dingle, 78, was convicted last December of 17 counts of conspiracy, mail fraud and money laundering. Karin Dingle, 76, was convicted on six counts. […]

Mills took into consideration 55 letters of support for Leon Dingle, including from U.S. Rep. Danny Davis, a Chicago Democrat and uncle of a co-defendant in the case, and Alphonso Jackson, secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President George W. Bush. The judge noted that Dingle became wealthy by investing in a cable television company and spent years in health care and doing charitable work.

“Dr. Dingle has done a lot of good in his life,” Mills said. “But this is a very serious offense involving a staggering amount of money that went on for several years. It’s not an aberration or something that occurred once or twice.”



Leaders to meet again

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

The governor and four legislative leaders will meet again Thursday at the Thompson Center in Chicago as they continue talks during the budget impasse. Two weeks ago, they met at the Capitol in Springfield, making public speeches beforehand. Last week, they met in Chicago behind closed doors.

Your predictions?


Norwood: State’s healthcare infrastructure is “fragile”

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Community Behavioral Healthcare Association of Illinois…

Top Rauner Administration health officials said on Monday that the fiscal year 2017 state budget is taking shape and that they are seeking “partnerships” with community human services providers to help reshape Illinois’ health care landscape.

At the Community Behavioral Healthcare Association annual conference in Schaumburg on Monday Department of Human Services Secretary James Dimas, as part of a panel discussion, told a packed-room of non-profit behavioral healthcare providers that his department’s FY 2017 budget proposal gets delivered to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget on Tuesday.

In December, the state entered its six-month without a FY 2016 budget.

During his speech to the assembled local behavioral healthcare non-profit leaders, Dimas criticized the “across-the-board” budget cuts approach on human services in the FY 2016 fiscal plan and suggested that FY 2017 plan will include “hard choices” to establish priorities.

In his remarks to conference attendees Dimas also recognized that DHS’ elimination of grants totaling $27 million for psychiatric care in the current budget has caused hardship for both behavioral healthcare providers and communities but pledged a new funding model to deliver care, but declined to disclose any details.

“Psychiatric care is a core service to help individuals working to recover from mental illness, and it needs to be funded,” said CBHA CEO Marvin Lindsey, following the panel presentation. “From Cairo to Rockford, 86% of Illinois community behavioral health providers have cut psychiatric care for low-income individuals who need treatment.”

Lindsey, who assumed his post in July, noted that the frozen $27 million is part of $288 million in broader behavioral healthcare funding for both community mental health and substance abuse treatment funding that has been blocked.

“Financial starvation is no longer a viable option if the state intends to maintain its commitment to those vulnerable Illinois citizens who need mental health care and drug treatment,” Lindsey said. “The budget stalemate is engulfing more community behavioral health care agencies and is pushing them towards a financial sinkhole.”

Following on Dimas’ presentation, DHS’ new mental health division director Diana Knaebe told non-profit leaders that the Rauner Administration’s plan to reshape the delivery of human services required “partnerships” between the state and community mental health providers, citing the new state law, House Bill 1, to fight the state’s heroin epidemic, as one area of “partnership.”

Health and Family Services director Felicia Norwood hit a high-note by hailing the implementation of the Affordable Care Act for providing a stable stream of behavioral health care funding and extending health care to an additional 620,000 Illinois residents through increased Medicaid enrollment. Norwood acknowledged, however, that the state’s healthcare infrastructure is “fragile.”

“The ongoing budge dispute has financially starved local behavioral healthcare providers,” Lindsey said. “A prolonged delay will only aggravate the state’s fraying health care system and infrastructure.”


A new twist

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* When it comes to gaming the electoral system, nobody does it “better” than judges

A hearing officer for the Illinois State Board of Elections on Monday laid out the procedure for how he will review challenges to the candidacies of three St. Clair County judges.

The three circuit judges — John Baricevic, Robert Haida and Robert LeChien — have filed paperwork to retire in December 2016, but also are seeking to run as candidates in the November 2016 regular election. Normally, circuit judges are up for a retention vote every six years, where they’re required to get “yes” votes from at least 60 percent of voters. By running as candidates in a regular election, the three would need to receive only a simple majority of votes over any challenger. […]

After Monday’s conference, Cook said the tactic being employed by the three judges should be prohibited, because it will lead to other judges doing the same.

“The whole retention process will be avoided,” Cook said.



Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There was a clear crowd favorite for the 2015 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best State Agency Director…

For all of the reasons already posted and then some, I nominate Nadine O’Leary for the director award. She has kept the trains running and most of the staff from abandoning ship en masse despite the crazy that was the leadership at ALPLM and HPA. Thanks to her efforts the Library has even been able to expand its reach and offer new programs. Not bad, to say the least, when your bosses want you gone and never heard from again.

* This next one is probably gonna create a bit of a stir, particularly since he runs the shop, but the 2015 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Legislative Liaison goes to Richard Goldberg for nominations like this one…

People sometimes forget the old adage in our field that “business is business” - nobody epitomizes this more than Richard Goldberg which is why I nominate him for best liaison. He is smart, savvy, irreverent, indefatigable, versatile and immensely skilled. Just ask Democrats (or Republicans for that matter) who have encountered him in a committee meeting or in small group discussion or on the floor - like him or not he has the confidence of the staff and the Gov and serves a useful function - something his detractors often misunderstood from the beginning. Madigan has Lou Lang - the Governor has Richard Goldberg.

Business is business folks - or to quote the Godfather “it’s not personal Sonny it’s strictly business” or something like that.. Goldberg is a terrific person but he’s serious and effective in his work - that is why I nominate him for this award.

Congrats to our winners!

* Moving right along…

* Best Contract Lobbyist

* Best In-House Lobbyist

As always, explain your nominations or they won’t count. Thanks!


Tribune warns Democrats will get all the blame

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Chicago Tribune editorializes on the Chicago Public Schools’ serious financial problems

Meanwhile, back in Springfield: Democrats who largely set this disaster in motion with laws and policies that ruined CPS finances now hold the power to rescue the district. The cost? Reach a compromise with the state’s Republican governor. He seeks to reform governing and labor policies that have dunned taxpayers and strangled job growth in Illinois.

Gov. Bruce Rauner is ready to deal. He’s ready to help the schools. But there’s got to be some give and take, not take it or leave it, from Democratic leaders.

The strategy of House Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton is to … hope that Rauner eventually caves to public pressure for a budget. But if those teachers get fired, or if the school system capsizes under debt, it won’t be a freshman governor who gets the blame. It will be Democrats, starting with those longtime leaders in Springfield and Mayor Rahm Emanuel in City Hall.

Teachers sent a loud and clear message Monday. Negotiations now should kick into higher gear. Claypool has cut central office jobs, and can — should — cut more. CPS should push to close struggling or half-empty schools. Teachers should pick up their share of pension contributions — the 7 percent that CPS can no longer afford. We understand that Springfield may contribute more to the system, but only in return for the kinds of reforms Rauner advocates.

Um, OK, when the stuff hits the fan is the governor really gonna say “I’d love to stop the city school shutdown, but I want remap reform first. And cuts to workers’ comp coverage. And a gutting of local collective bargaining rights.”

Yeah, that’ll work. You’re content with allowing the largest school system in the state to “capsize” over remap reform? Go with that.

Not saying that the governor will get all the blame here. There will definitely be an infinite amount of blame to go around. I’m just saying Rauner can’t avoid blame, except for on one floor of a certain ivory tower on Michigan Ave.

Also, notice how once again the Tribune doesn’t mention any specifics about the governor’s proposed reforms? That would destroy the narrative, of course.

* So, as a reminder, this is one of the governor’s demands which has actually been put into bill form

Prohibited subjects of bargaining. 

(a) A public employer and a labor organization may not bargain over, and no collective bargaining agreement entered into, renewed, or extended on or after the effective date of 
this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly may include, 
provisions related to the following prohibited subjects of collective bargaining: 

(1) Employee pensions, including the impact or 
implementation of changes to employee pensions, including 
 the Employee Consideration Pension Transition Program as 
set forth in Section 30 of the Personnel Code. 

(2) Wages, including any form of compensation including salaries, overtime compensation, vacations, 
holidays, and any fringe benefits, including the impact or 
implementation of changes to the same; except nothing in 
this Section 7.6 will prohibit the employer from electing 
to bargain collectively over employer-provided health insurance. 

(3) Hours of work, including work schedules, shift 
schedules, overtime hours, compensatory time, and lunch periods, including the impact or implementation of changes 
to the same. 

(4) Matters of employee tenure, including the impact of 
employee tenure or time in service on the employer’s 
exercise of authority including, but not limited to, any 
consideration the employer must give to the tenure of 
employees adversely affected by the employer’s exercise of management’s right to conduct a layoff.


*** UPDATED x2 - Munger responds *** Lincolnshire passes “right to work” ordinance

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* None of the proponents on the village board spoke in favor, yet they passed it anyway. Telling

Lincolnshire has become the first town in the Chicago area to establish itself as a right-to-work zone, a move critics have assailed as anti-union. […]

To create the zone, the village board approved an ordinance preventing local employers from requiring workers to pay union dues with payroll deductions. […]

Trustee Mara Grujanac cast the lone dissenting vote after saying the policy didn’t belong in Lincolnshire. None of the five trustees who voted for the plan commented. […]

“This isn’t about unions,” said [Ted Dabrowski, vice president and spokesman for the Illinois Policy Institute], whose group created a model ordinance Lincolnshire officials used to draft their own. “It’s about individual freedoms. It’s also about the right to not join a union.”

The ordinance applies only to private employers.

* More

Lincolnshire is not by any means a union town. With the exception of some of those working in the village’s corporate center and hotels, most of its 25,000 workers don’t belong to a union.

“It gives workers the choice to decide whether a union serves their interests. If it does they’re free to support it. But if it doesn’t they don’t have to have money coming out of their paycheck,” said Jacob Huebert, Illinois Policy Insitute.

The Illinois Policy Institute says these so-called right-to-work laws promote job growth. Their model is the one Lincolnshire used to draft their ordinance. Twenty five states including Indiana, Wisconsin and Michigan already have right-to-work laws on their books. […]

(T)here is a question of legality surrounding and it will likely be challenged in federal court. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan is among those who say that local municipalities are not able to legally approve right-to-work laws.

*** UPDATE *** From Oswego Willy in comments…

Of all the towns, cities, counties to pass this, also so cowardly with not a soul speaking for it…

… Susana Mendoza notes… Leslie Munger’s hometown passes RTW.

Gee, if I’m going to frame my opponent as a Bruce Rauner “Raunerite” and gin up Unions, including trade unions, wouldn’t a great way to do that is have your opponent’s hometown as the “test case” for RTW “zones”.

The next move by Mendoza?

That’s easy;

“Ask Lesile Munger about Right to Work passed in her hometown. Ask her if she approves?”

Geez Louise, the Labor Movement now has a question that has to be answered. Can’t skirt your hometown.

*** UPDATE 2 *** Munger campaign…

Comptroller Munger is focused on addressing the unprecedented challenges created by the ongoing budget impasse. She has not had the time to wade into Village Board matters in her hometown.

Still, it is fascinating that Clerk Mendoza would take up this argument. As a City of Chicago elected official, she might want to spend more time addressing the many challenges facing her hometown and constituents. To get the conversation started, we offer the questions below:

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza support Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s budget, which included more than $755 million in new fees and taxes on Chicago residents?

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza agree with the City Council and Mayor Emanuel passing the largest property tax increase in the city’s history?

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza side with the Chicago Teachers Union in its vote to strike?

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza support the Chicago Teachers Union in its effort to impose new taxes on banks and financial institutions to close a half-billion budget gap at Chicago Public Schools?

    Should Cook County Circuit Court Clerk Dorothy Brown step down given the ongoing FBI investigation into her dealings?

    As Chicago City Clerk, Susana Mendoza is responsible for keeping City Council minutes and ensuring that city government is transparent in its dealings. Why didn’t she tell the public after the Council voted on a $5 million settlement with Laquan McDonald’s family?

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza believe Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez should resign?

    Does Chicago City Clerk Mendoza support recently-introduced legislation that would allow Chicago to recall the Mayor?


A friendly reminder if you’re coming to my annual City Club thing

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the City Club

Christmas with Rich Miller Registrants,

Thank you for signing up to attend Christmas with Rich Miller this Wednesday, December 16. Like last year, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois will be on hand before and after the luncheon to collect wrapped toys for children. The toys should target ages 3-5. Individuals can also donate gift cards from places where children’s toys are sold.

Lutheran Social Services of Illinois early childhood programs have been in existence for more than 40 years, providing high quality, diverse and culturally sensitive services for children and families in some of Chicago’s most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods. LSSI’s mission is to create a stimulating learning environment that promotes social competency and school readiness for preschool age children who are academically and economically at risk.

Please consider donating to them on Wednesday.

We look forward to seeing you soon.


Tweed Thornton
Executive Director
City Club of Chicago

If you weren’t able to score tickets (they sold out pretty fast) or can’t (or won’t) otherwise attend, then please consider donating to LSSI. They do such great work. Click here to give. Thanks!


*** UPDATED x1 *** Message to subscribers

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m having some trouble with my e-mail delivery service today (Constant Contact). Luckily, the password is the same as last week. So, click here and read today’s edition online. Sorry about that. I’m working on it.

*** UPDATE *** It’s finally working. You should receive your e-mail soon. Sorry about that!

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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