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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gary Clark Jr. will play us out

I will not grieve in gold

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Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Agreed…


This Just In: Exelon Announces More $$$$ For Shareholders, Higher 2015 Profits And Still Seeks Bailout

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Exelon announced that its profits for 2015 were $2,270,000,000 and that it is increasing dividends to shareholders 2.5% per year for the next three years.

So you’re thinking – “The company is healthy, shareholders are getting more $$$, the power auctions provided them $1.7 billion for their nuclear plants in Illinois so they must be done asking struggling Illinois ratepayers for a bailout, right?” Nope - it’s never enough for Exelon.

“Groundhog Day was yesterday, but Exelon appears to want to keep celebrating. The Chicago-based nuclear giant is back to threatening to close nuclear plants in Illinois without financial help from the state.” – “Exelon’s Crane beats the drum again for nuke subsidies” Crain’s, February 3, 2016

To review:

  • Exelon made more than TWO BILLION DOLLARS ($2,270,000,000) last year
  • Exelon received a $1.7 BILLION WINDFALL through new capacity charges

Illinois still has no budget, the state’s finances and services are in shambles, the social safety net is being decimated but Exelon STILL wants the Legislature to pass a huge BAILOUT.


Just say no to the Exelon Bailout.

BEST Coalition is a 501C4 nonprofit group of dozens of business, consumer and government groups, as well as large and small businesses. Visit

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Politicians behaving badly

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Things appear to be getting rough out there…

…Adding… A police report has been filed, according to Ald. Reilly.

This is the original billboard…

* Meanwhile, we discussed this yesterday

“If donating a book constitutes voter fraud, then the Senator is guilty of the same thing for handing out tax rebates at the polling place,” responded Cardenas campaign manager and 15th Ward Ald. Raymond Lopez. “I don’t think of what he’s alleging as voter fraud.”

Lopez’ comments referred to a flyer distributed by Muñoz’ 12th Ward Democratic Organization promoting a property tax rebate seminar scheduled for this Saturday at the McKinley Park Field House, the same location as the 12th Ward’s early voting polls.

* And then I posted this from Tom Shaer, Deputy Assessor for Communications at the Cook County Assessor’s Office…

This seminar is one of over 125 standard Taxpayer Outreach events which the Cook County Assessor’s Office annually does for many community organizations and elected officials in all townships.

All aspects of property valuation, assessment, the appeal process and exemptions will be covered. No ‘rebates’ are being offered and qualifications for all exemptions are subject to State of Illinois statutes governing such exemptions.

* Late yesterday, Ald. Ray Lopez sent me an e-mail…

Does this look like a typical flyer for a “standard Taxpayer Outreach event” to you?

The flier…


Question of the day

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your rating?

…Adding… Rate this one, too


Today’s quotable

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Ivan Moreno at the AP

Even some Democrats seemed exasperated by the lack of progress on a state budget. Rep. Jaime Andrade, a Chicago Democrat, predicted that voters may end up punishing lawmakers.

“A lot of incumbents can be beat by Mickey Mouse because the people are just very frustrated out there,” he said.


No need for confusion

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mark Brown

With an election in less than two weeks, state government in a shambles and lawmakers looking for cover, this would not be a good time to accept anything coming out of Springfield at face value.

Case in point: The Illinois House voted 110-4 on Thursday to allow Chicagoans to elect their own school board.

In one fell swoop, House members overwhelmingly turned aside two decades of opposition by Chicago’s mayors to let the people control their schools, as Democrats and Republicans joined together in blissful solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union.

Or just as likely House Speaker Mike Madigan allowed everyone to fool themselves again with a pre-election maneuver, the purpose of which we mere mortals may never know.

I’m not sure why he’s confused. He solved the mystery about why this bill passed twice in his first four paragraphs…

With an election in less than two weeks

a pre-election maneuver

* And, of course, there’s this, which is pretty much identical to what I told my subscribers earlier

After talking with a few more folks, the consensus is that Speaker Mike Madigan, as usual, had some personal reasons to let this bill go forward. That is helping his own re-election prospects against the first real primary challenge he’s faced in many years. Electing school board members polls awfully well.

It polls well everywhere in the city.

Plus, since Emanuel ally President Cullerton is the Senate sponsor, there’s little to no danger that it’ll actually become law.

Campaigns win, issues lose. It is always thus.


A day late and billions of dollars short

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Subscribers know more about the “why,” but on its face this is just plain goofy

The Illinois House passed two new bills Thursday that would authorize approximately $3 billion in spending for state services including higher education and human services.

This came a day after the Democrat-controlled House’s failure to override Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of another bill that would have provided $721 million for MAP grants, community colleges and adult-education programs.

Both bills passed Thursday were sponsored by Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie, D-Chicago. The first, in an effort to pay for the spending, eliminates the state’s obligation to reimburse money “swept” from special state accounts from the previous fiscal year, which would save about $454 million

$3 billion in spending with $454 million in kinda sorta funding?


The governor’s statement

“Instead of leaving town for a month, the House should continue to meet and focus on the real bipartisan solutions that have been introduced as fully funded bills, instead of voting on sham bills and continuing a crisis for political gain,” Rauner said.

* OK, setting aside that ridiculousness for a second, remember on Wednesday when Democratic Rep. Scott Drury voted against the MAP grant veto override?…

* Drury said the body is “delusional” because it keeps passing piecemeal budget bills without paying for them. He’s been arguing for months that this approach was doing more harm than good by putting off a real budget agreement

Drury, the lone Democrat not to support the override motion, said members from both parties need to stop taking votes to make themselves feel good or to include in their campaign literature.

He argued rank-and-file lawmakers must look for a true solution to the budget deficit and the impasse or admit to themselves they are only allowing their respective party leaders to keep the stalemate going for their own purposes.

“As long as there is no pressure … they are empowered to keep this impasse going. And they have done that since June,” he said.

“The answer is to stop empowering this leadership that keeps thrusting this upon us, because if we don’t give them an out, we can get a solution,” Drury said.

“We have to be accountable,” Drury said. “We have to do our jobs, we have to have courage, (and) we have stop being wimps.”

* And this is what Drury told his constituents after Wednesday’s vote…

For months, I have been outspoken about the problem with the piecemeal approach. By prolonging the impasse, victims are continually victimized. Even the victims who think they have received help often don’t realize that the “help” is illusory because no funding is actually provided.

Emphasis added.

* Well, Drury voted for that $3 billion appropriations bill yesterday. He then voted against the only funding (however inadequate) for the bill.

Drury said during debate yesterday that the $3 billion approp bill was a more comprehensive solution.


$3 billion in appropriations without revenues to back it up is comprehensive? And he also voted against the funding?

Gimme a break.

* Another legislator who voted against the MAP grant override this week was GOP Rep. Reggie Phillips, who represents EIU and has said since the bill was introduced that it was a phony piece of legislation

From his MAP grant legislation comments in the above video

“How did that bill get funded? How are you going to fund that bill?… I’m not gonna go vote for a bill that isn’t gonna be funded… I’m not gonna vote for a shell bill that’s not gonna be funded! Do you understand that? This is politics as usual!”

But, guess what? Rep. Phillips, like Rep. Drury, voted for the $3 billion appropriation yesterday. He also voted against the funding portion.

* If Drury and Phillips had both voted for the override Wednesday, it would’ve passed. The impasse dynamic could’ve actually changed for a couple of reasons: 1) Rauner would’ve lost a House veto override motion for the first time since his inauguration; and 2) The governor would then have been put in a very tight spot to come up with money to fund the grants for impoverished college students.

Instead, nothing.

Worse than nothing, actually.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Schneider, Rotering burning through cash

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the NRCC…

Hey there,

FEC reports came out in IL-10 and it’s just as ugly on the Democrat side as we expected. Brad Schneider has spent over $900,000 while Nancy Rotering has shelled out more than $650,000, and there are still nearly two weeks until Election Day! While Schneider and Rotering burn through cash attacking each other, Bob Dold has stockpiled more than $1.6 million for the general election.

Here’s a look at cash on hand as of the latest report:

    Bob Dold $1.6 million in cash on hand

    Brad Schneider: $296,000 in cash on hand

    Nancy Rotering: $452,000 in cash on hand

In the final two weeks, Schneider and Rotering will ramp up their spending even further, ensuring the eventual nominee is damaged and far behind in the cash race on the morning of March 16th.

NRCC Comment: “While Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering burn through cash attacking each other, Bob Dold has stockpiled more than $1.6 million for the general election. Whoever is the eventual Democrat nominee is sure to be damaged, broke, and facing an uphill climb in the expensive Chicago media market.” – NRCC Spokesman Zach Hunter

That’s wishful thinking if they believe whoever wins that primary won’t have the money to compete this fall. It’s gonna be one of the very top races in the country, after all.

* But, money aside, check out Rotering’s new press release…

Nancy Rotering for Congress launched “Values,” the campaign’s third television ad of the 2016 primary election cycle. The :30 second TV ad highlights the difference between Rotering and Schneider on access to health care, Schneider’s voting record against President Obama and touts Rotering’s endorsement by the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun Times.

“When given the opportunity to increase access to health care, Brad Schneider chose to side with the Republicans and diminish the opportunity for nearly half a million people to finally receive access to health care and effectively deny women access to birth control,” stated Stacy Raker, Campaign Manager for Nancy Rotering for Congress. “Brad cannot run away from his record. It is an undeniable fact that Schneider voted with Republicans to undermine Obamacare. Nancy Rotering would never stand in the way of increasing access to preventative care or birth control.”

The ad

* Schneider has been complaining about Rotering’s ads for weeks. From February 12th…

Yesterday, Brad was added to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) competitive “Red to Blue” program because Democrats nationwide consider our race as one of the BEST opportunities to flip a seat this November.

But right now our opponent is spending thousands on a vicious and deceptive ad campaign that is misrepresenting Brad’s progressive record.

*** UPDATE *** Schneider response to Rotering ad…

“Nancy Rotering is behind in the polls and has resorted to desperate, dishonest tactics to try to hurt Brad,” said Campaign Manager Magen Ryan. “His 100% ratings from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America say it all; Brad always has and always will stand with women to ensure they have full access to quality, affordable healthcare. Implying anything different is playing politics with an issue that is too important to us all. We have enough Republicans trying to do that – we don’t need our fellow Democrats doing it too.”

Rotering Claim:
Schneider voted to effectively deny women access to birth control.

Schneider earned perfect, 100% ratings from Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America for his votes in Congress.

In fact, the legislation Rotering references dealt with funding the ACA through penalties. The cited bill would have delayed the employer mandate and fine for one year, until 2015, just as the Obama Administration itself had done earlier by executive order. Furthermore, under the law, employees whose employer did not provide compliance coverage in 2014 could purchase subsidized coverage on the exchanges. As notes, “Plans in the Health Insurance Marketplace must cover contraceptive methods…”


Caption contest!

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner is visiting another high school today…


Illinois Credit Unions – A Smarter Choice

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

Profit. We generally think of profit as good. We all like to profit from our decisions.

However, when you become profit for someone else, it takes on a whole new meaning.

Credit unions are different. They are not-for-profit financial cooperatives that return earnings to their members. Services are based on member needs, not profit margins.

It’s time your money profited YOU. If you are a credit union member, you already know the credit union difference. If you are not a member, go to to discover of all the advantages that credit union membership holds.

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For the millionth time, we need a freaking plan

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My dad, an uncle and several of their friends used to work at this factory before it fled south

Once a site for about 3,000 blue-collar manufacturing jobs, the long-ago closed Kankakee Roper building will finally only be a memory.

A Chicago company, Brandenburg Industrial Services, has gained a demolition permit from the city of Kankakee to tear down the massive 810,000-square-foot complex that once anchored west Kankakee. […]

The building is in the city’s 3rd Ward and rests on 35 acres.

GE purchased the Roper business in 1987 and the Kankakee property was included in the purchase. A GE official said Wednesday that no decisions have been made about the property’s future.

The hulking structure has been a white elephant and a horrible eyesore for decades. The city tried to do different things with it, but nothing ever worked.

We know the governor’s plan for small towns like this: “Right to work.” But I wish the Democrats or the unions or the Republicans would propose something real of their own to counter that simplistic crud. But I don’t think they have a clue about what to do, other than throw tax money at corporations to move here.

I mean, for crying out loud, GE isn’t even using a local contractor to tear the place down?



*** UPDATED x1 - Benton responds *** Proft TV ad blasts Sen. McCann: “When he lied about serving in the Marines, that was the last straw”

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s a new Liberty Principles PAC ad whacking Sen. Sam McCann but good

Background is here.

*** UPDATE *** Bryce Benton’s campaign…

Today, local veterans and two Illinois Congressmen with decorated military records spoke out about Sen. Sam McCann’s false claims of military service.

In 2010, Sam McCann claimed to have served in the United States Marine Corps. He claimed to have enlisted in November 1989. He called himself a “veteran” and said he learned “courage” in the Marines.

Since 2010, McCann has been unable or unwilling to publicly provide documentation to prove his military service. (Bernard Schoenburg, “McCann Camp Calls Demuzio Tax Charge A ‘Diversion’,” The State Journal-Register, 10/14/10).

It has been 6 since years since McCann first claimed military service on the campaign trail, and yet his record continues to be shrouded in doubt and secrecy.

Statement from Kevin Rachford, Army Combat Veteran, Purple Heart Recipient:

“These allegations are very serious. Anyone who would steal the valor of our American heroes is unfit to hold elected office. It’s hard to fathom that a politician would stoop so low to win an election.”

Statement from Jim Mathes, Army Combat Veteran:

“I spent more than a year in Vietnam. I sacrificed for my country. How could any politician demean the service of brave men and women just to win a few votes?”

Statement from Congressman Adam Kinzinger, Major, United States Air Force

Congressman Adam Kinzinger has served in the United States Air Force since 2003 and has been a member of the Air Force Special Operations Command, Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, Air National Guard and was progressively promoted to his current rank of Major.

“I am deeply disturbed to hear Sam McCann lied about his service in the US Marine Corps,” said Kinzinger. “For an elected official to use military service for political gain is beyond reprehensible and offends all those who have actually served and sacrificed in our armed forces. Our veterans and those currently serving deserve a full explanation and an apology. Bottom line: the people of Illinois deserve better.”

Statement from Congressman John Shimkus, Graduate of United States Military Academy (1976-1980); United States Army (1980-1986), US Army Reserves (1986-2008):

Congressman John Shimkus, a graduate of the United States Military Academy (West Point), served over five years active duty in the Army (1980-1986), then entered the Army Reserves (1986-2008). While in the Army, Shimkus earned the Expert Infantry Badge, Ranger tab and Parachutist Badge and served overseas with the 54th Infantry Regiment in West Germany
“As an Army veteran and graduate of the US Military Academy, I recognize the importance of electing public servants who will sacrifice for the common good and make the tough decisions to get our nation and state back on track,” said Shimkus. “It’s sad that anyone would attempt to sell himself to voters as someone who served in uniform without even attending boot camp. ”


Early voting shows strength, but for whom?

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC Chicago

At the age of 73, Madigan was first sworn into office in 1971 and, with the exception of two years, has been Speaker of the House since 1983.

At the age of 42, Gonzales, an innovation consultant, is a first-time candidate.

“His base is waning. It’s not as powerful as it used to be,” Gonzales said in an interview with NBC 5 at his Southwest Side campaign office, when asked about his opponent.

Maybe so, but the 13th Ward has now early voted a total of 1,709 people.

* Gonzales, however, thinks that’s a good sign. ABC 7

On the southwest side, in House Speaker Micheal Madigan’s district, early voting numbers are off the charts. Madigan’s opponent Jason Gonzales believes high turnout helps him.

“I think early voting numbers show that I’m a real threat to Speaker Madigan and that I can very well win the race,” Gonzalez says.

Or not? Helen Snow is early voting for the convenience and she is sticking with Madigan.

“His office has been good to the seniors, so that is why I’m voting for him,” says Snow.

Election officials say because early voting is so popular it is no longer a reflection of turnout on Election Day, but is more representative of voters that have already made up their minds.


Jason Gonzales says it’s fear that’s motivating the turnout.

Jason Gonzales: Certainly he’s pressuring his base to come out and vote early and to vote for him. I think Speaker Madigan is very worried that I may just win.

Voter John Vyhnenek isn’t buying it.

John Vyhnenek: No, he won’t lose. He’s got the people with him that are important.


…Adding… As noted in comments, Gonzales tells one reporter that high turnout helps him, then tells another reporter that Madigan is behind the big early voting turnout, but tells a third reporter that Madigan’s base “is waning.”

It can’t be all three, can it?


Rauner asks mayors to help pass his “preferred” budget

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* We talked yesterday about a letter sent to school superintendents by Gov. Bruce Rauner’s education czar which claimed Democrats were going to hold up education funding.

Well, the governor also sent a letter this week to the state’s mayors and village presidents that was a far more direct attack on Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton…



Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Friday, Mar 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the holiday weekend
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Jack Conaty
* New state law to be tested by Will County case
* Why did ACLU Illinois staffers picket the organization this week?
* Hopefully, IDHS will figure this out soon
* Pete Townshend he ain't /s
* Open thread
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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