Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner poll: Voters oppose CPS “bailout”
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Rauner poll: Voters oppose CPS “bailout”

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Keep in mind that many of these questions are obviously slanted, but polls like these are done to test messaging. And, according to their poll, that messaging is working. From the governor’s campaign operation…

Victory Phones, which accurately tracked the 2014 Illinois governor’s race, conducted a statewide opinion survey about the status of school funding and the current budget impasse. The poll surveyed 777 likely Illinois voters between June 25-27 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.52 percent. The sample was D+15 and included 25% cell phones.

Key Findings

1. Speaker Mike Madigan, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Teachers Union are all unpopular.

Q. What is your opinion of Mike Madigan?

    Favorable 13.2%
    Unfavorable 71.1%
    No opinion 15.6%

Q. What is your opinion of Rahm Emanuel?

    Favorable 17.7%
    Unfavorable 61.6%
    No opinion 20.8%

Q. What is your opinion of the Chicago Teachers Union?

    Favorable 21.5%
    Unfavorable 50.3%
    No opinion 28.2%

2. Democrats’ intransigence and decision to leave Springfield without passing a budget is helping Gov. Rauner’s image recover.

Q. What is your opinion of Bruce Rauner?

    Favorable 43.1%
    Unfavorable 41.4%
    No opinion 15.6%

3. Voters oppose bailing out Chicago Public Schools even if it means turning down additional money for their own schools.

Q. Do you support or oppose a taxpayer-funded bailout of Chicago Public Schools if it includes increasing state funding for all schools across Illinois including your own local school districts?

    Support 32.3%
    Oppose 53.7%
    Unsure 14.0%

4. Voters don’t want their legislators to vote for any legislation that would bailout Chicago Public Schools.

Q. Would you be more or less likely to vote for your state legislator if you found out they voted for a bill that increases local school funding but also provides the largest taxpayer-funded bailout in the history of Chicago Public Schools?

    More Likely 23.3%
    Less Likely 53.9%
    Unsure 22.8%

5. Voters prefer Gov. Rauner’s education funding proposal over the one proposed by House Speaker Mike Madigan

Q. One proposal, put forward by Speaker Mike Madigan and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, would provide record funding for schools throughout Illinois, but would also give Chicago a bailout worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The other proposal, put forward by Governor Bruce Rauner, would increase education funding by $240 million but would not include a Chicago bailout. Of these two proposals, which do you prefer?

    Speaker Mike Madigan and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s bill that increases school funding for all and includes a Chicago bailout 38.8%

    Governor Rauner’s bill that increases school funding but does not give Chicago a taxpayer bailout 61.2%

6. Illinois voters believe Chicago Public Schools are poorly run and don’t pay enough of their own costs.

Q. Do you agree or disagree that Chicago Public Schools is run by corrupt politicians?

    Agree 59.6%
    Disagree 23.1%
    Unsure 17.3%

Q. Do you agree or disagree that Chicago Public Schools gets unfair treatment by the state and deserves more funding than most other school districts?

    Agree 35.2%
    Disagree 50.45%
    Unsure 14.4%

Q. Do you agree or disagree that Chicago Public Schools is a financial wreck that gives sweetheart deals to special interests and political insiders, forcing taxpayers to pay more to foot the bill?

    Agree 64.7%
    Disagree 18.1%
    Unsure 17.2%

7. A robust messaging campaign will further solidify support for Gov. Rauner’s education plan and opposition to the Democrats’ plan.

Q. Chicago Public Schools has had years of runaway spending, reckless mismanagement and giveaways to special interests and political insiders. Knowing this do you support or oppose a taxpayer-funded bailout of Chicago Public Schools?

    Support 20.2%
    Oppose 67.8%
    Unsure 12.1%

Q. The proposal to bailout Chicago Public Schools is supported by Chicago politicians Rahm Emanuel and Mike Madigan but opposed by reformers like Bruce Rauner. Knowing this, do you support or oppose a taxpayer-funded bailout of Chicago Public Schools?

    Support 25.3%
    Oppose 64.8%
    Unsure 10%

* Top takeaway: That question about support/oppose more money for their own schools as part of a CPS bailout is truly not good for Democrats, who’ve proposed doing just that. The folks out there in VoterLand don’t need to buy in to the governor’s “CPS is bad” rhetoric because they’ve always felt that way.

Also, check out those MJM numbers. Even with a D+15 sample. Ouch!


  1. - Carlo Renfro - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    I just asked all of my friends if they thought that *fast food triple big whammy burgers with cheese, bacon, and sauce were unhealthy* and most agreed with me.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:32 am:

    I do hope the Rauner Campaign Shop waits for a deal to be reached before just slamming the usual Rauner Dem targets.

    July 1st is around the corner and without even a Stopgap close to passage, let alone signature, thinking a $500k buy here or there is NOT going to help find 71 or 36…

    … if governing is important to Rauner at all

    This poll is bad news all the way around. If Raunerites wanting some short-term governing don’t see that, then run the Ads tomorrow and be done with it because this “mighty nice district you have, would be a shame if we ran Ads in it” is folly anyway, given the history Rauner has with Ads in the midst of negotiating.

    Nothing good from this.


  3. - Commander Norton - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    “Do you agree or disagree that CPS gets unfair treatment by the state and deserves more funding than most other school districts?”

    That question literally, objectively doesn’t make sense. Sigh.

  4. - Hostages 'R Us - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    Those Madigan numbers are some of the most negative I have ever seen for a pol at any level. Ouch, and then some.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    There are a decent number of voters who believe that their own schools get too much money as it is so an increase for them tied to an increase for Chicago is a lose-lose.

  6. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    ===There are a decent number of voters===

    Man, you bent yourself over like a pretzel on that one.

  7. - Ahoy! - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    Fun question, who is more unpopular in Illinois, Trump or Madigan? These poll numbers are good for the Republican’s and they are going to burn the message into the voters before Labor Day, but the party still needs to get a ground game going before they really scare the Democrats. If that happens, I would be terrified as a Democrat because outside of Chicago, the Democrats are on the wrong side of the voters.

  8. - Michelle Flaherty - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:40 am:

    Wanna wager on what the results would be if someone threw in this question:

    Do you agree or disagree that the Illinois governor’s office is run by corrupt politicians?

  9. - A guy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    This has been the mood in voterland for a while now. And it’s getting more sour from one weekend to the next. This is definitely going to be a very weird cycle all the way around.

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:42 am:

    There was talk last year about a Chicago Casino that would generate a revenue stream to help with city pensions. I would guess that would be popular with just about everyone. We would be keeping gamblers in Chicago instead of losing another battle with Indiana. This would be way more popular than all this extra money from Springfield that is unlikely to materialize. Where is the leadership from the Speaker, the Senate President and Mayor Emmanuel about forging a plan on this issue?

  11. - South of Sherman - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    Not only do the voters hate Madigan, Rahm, and CPS, but suddenly the governor’s numbers are not underwater anymore. Now that’s what I call a Turnaround!

  12. - A guy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:45 am:

    ==Wanna wager on what the results would be if someone threw in this question:

    Do you agree or disagree that the Illinois governor’s office is run by corrupt politicians?===

    Why waste time wagering? Send your mail. In fact, I think the HDO is a little ahead of you on this one. With a little help from friends at SEIU and AFSCME. Your message might improve with different messengers.

    Not trying to impugn the union folks with that statement, but pointing out that “they are the only ones talking like that”. They’re becoming less noticeable and easier to dismiss.

    They need other groups out there.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:48 am:

    While the awfulness of these numbers speak for themselves, I’d be interested in House or Senate breakdowns, “just because”

    The races in the micro districts… that’s the ball game come August.

    It’s about Seats. It’s always about Seats.

  14. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:48 am:

    =The proposal to bailout Chicago Public Schools is supported by Chicago politicians Rahm Emanuel and Mike Madigan but opposed by reformers like Bruce Rauner.=

    To be a “reformer” don’t you actually have to “reform” something? Really, anything at all? Change is not the same as reform, neither is diminish.

  15. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    =Where is the leadership from the Speaker, the Senate President and Mayor Emmanuel about forging a plan on this issue?=

    If I am not mistaken, your owner is opposed to this idea as are many downstate voters. But, never mind that, seems better to ask these other guys for their leadership. /s

  16. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:53 am:

    Rauner’s messaging is close to incoherent — and it continues to run rings around the Democrats.

    While making no long-term logical sense, Rauner keeps winning most daily news cycles.

  17. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:54 am:

    Simon Institute had Rauner’s disapproval at 50% back in March.

    It’s hard to believe that 3 months later with no budget passed from the governor and his job approval has improved.

    It also does not matter.

    Cullerton is not going to pass an education budget that does not provide full funding for CPS.

    If Rauner wants to topple the budget deal over it, he can.

    But you notice they didn’t release the results to the question: “Should governor Rauner veto legislation that increases funding for Chicago schools, even if it means schools in your community won’t open in the fall, potentially shortening or eliminating the high school sport’s season?”

  18. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:55 am:

    Well when you want a predisposed result to your poll, the questions are written in such a way as to lead the answers.

    “This has been the mood in voterland for a while now.”

    Personally, I think the dissatisfaction is the result of the intransigence of 1.4%. Insisting on an agenda and the incessant campaigning to blame a co-equal branch of government is going to stir up the ill will of the soiled masses.

  19. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    My Owner? Why would a downstate voter care if Chicago builds a Casino to fund Chicago obligations? I ambushed they would order that to an increase in their own taxes.Wouldn’t Rauner prefer Chicagoans and tourists pay for Chicago obligations?

    Just because Rauner opposes and I don’t think he does does not stop the Mayor or the other elected representatives from Chicago for advocating for solutions to defund the cities problems.

  20. - West Side The Best Side - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:07 am:

    If the 13.2% who approve of Madigan statewide all live in his district he will keep coming back.

  21. - City Zen - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:08 am:

    ==Do you agree or disagree that Chicago Public Schools is a financial wreck that gives sweetheart deals…==

    No respectable survey should include the word “sweetheart” unless it’s written by Hallmark or Sybaris.

  22. - Me too - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    I’m curious if this really was a messaging test because it seems they believe the results are valid.

    Do you agree that demanding harmful actions against 40,000 middle class Illinoisans are taken before a budget is passed, a year late at that, is a contemptible practice and the power hungry governor should stop wrecking the state economy.

    Lol. Seriously these questions are almost as ridiculous as that.

  23. - canman 197 - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    as sad as this makes me to read these statistics, there are a handful of questions in this poll that prime the reader to answer a certain way. negatively framing a certain viewpoint is not the proper way to get real, unbiased answers out of the public. If a solid decision is to be made on this issue we need to have people who want to get to the root of the problem for real and not who are trying to push their own viewpoints by making a hardworking group of educators look bad. The bias in this poll is unacceptable and it needs to be redone.

  24. - cgo75 - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    This has to be the most skewed, inaccurate poll in the history of Illinois….There’s no way that Madigan’s numbers are that low..The whole thing seems awry.

  25. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    Regardless of the veracity of the poll it will be used to justify more damage. That’s what I hate. At this point I literally hate all of them. Clausewitz was right. “War is politics by other means”. I’m stuck in a trench slugging it out with an opponent who just wants to survive all this just like me. I hate all this and vacillate between fighting like a fiend for my union sisters and brothers to resignation to my doomed soon to be outsourced or unaffordable career as a public servant. I blame Rauner for taking hostages and the perfidy. I blame Madigan for creating the conditions that caused Rauners rise to power. There are Illinois citizens of good will on both sides in those trenches right now. The devastation to peoples lives is real and it truly is happening. Those not feeling this need to understand their privilege. Although I know I want peoples prayers, it’s going to take more than that. People need to wrestle fair again. We have to start acting in a civilized manner and debate and engage in democratic process towards change. No hostage taking. No insults. No perfidy. No tricks. Good, honest, clean democratic wrestling. I know I’m guilty of all of the above and I hope you will call me on it. But we’ve got to get our heads on before more people die or face ruin because of this.

  26. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:22 am:

    ===There are a decent number of voters===

    Man, you bent yourself over like a pretzel on that one.

    How so? And I’m not saying they are right to feel that way, but it is undeniable that some do.

  27. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    ===There’s no way that Madigan’s numbers are that low===

    Oh, please.

    My own poll had him at 65 percent unfavorable two years ago

    Wake up.

  28. - Chucktownian - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    This is a garbage poll and reads like a push poll. Did they ask about John McCain’s black child somewhere in there?

  29. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    Doesn’t anyone share my belief that causing a collapse is the goal? I believe the Speaker thinks that. The goal posts will be moved after every attempt at compromise. No unions, no defined benefit pension plans, significant reductions in state employees by introducing professional staffing companies, neuter workman’s comp, privatize most government functions, etc. This is a strategy. Give in or collapse. Either way, the goal is achieved. Winning is guaranteed. Fascinating.

  30. - Chris - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:24 am:

    Bailout is a slant word.

    Like “Do you support the collectivist policies of the Illinois democrats?” Or “Do you support Rauner’s agenda to gut the middle class?”

    And, of course, the order of the questions can influence the ‘fair’ individual opinion questions–if that last question immediately preceded the individual opinion questions, that result is unsurprising, but not truly accurate.

  31. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    ===Give in or collapse===

    Yep. And both sides are playing this game.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    ===and reads like a push poll===

    Q. What is your opinion of Mike Madigan?

    Favorable 13.2%
    Unfavorable 71.1%
    No opinion 15.6%

    That’s all the results you need. And no push involved.

  33. - Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    First, 777 voters is not very many. Second, were they evenly distributed across the State? (CPS is not popular downstate). And third, how much credibility does a slanted poll like this really have?

    Propaganda may have become more sophisticated, but it’s still propaganda.

  34. - Chucktownian - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    Oh I don’t defend much that Madigan does but the whole poll is written like it came from the Illinois Policy Institute rather than any sort of reputable polling firm. Where are there no negative characterizations in the questions about the governor, I wonder? Perhaps they should ask if they think the governor should fulfill his constitutional obligations to present a balanced budget and then to use the amendatory veto to balance those produced by the GA? Why isn’t that in that poll somewhere?

  35. - northsider (the original) - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    With that kind of animosity directed towards it, maybe Chicago should #Chexit

    Interesting that they didn’t ask if voters were in favor of forcing CPS into bankruptcy, or if they favored collectivist government, since those two seem to be flavors of the month.

  36. - Illinois Bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:34 am:


    =There are a decent number of voters who believe that their own schools get too much money=

    As someone who’s knocked on a lot of doors for school board campaigns, I can tell you this isn’t true. The general public has NO idea how much their schools spend on the kids, not how much their teachers and staff are paid. When I showed them the isbe data and salary info, they were amazed. That didn’t matter to the “booster” networks though. They knew how much they wanted their schools to spend…..MORE!

  37. - Honeybear - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    ===Give in or collapse===

    Yep. And both sides are playing this game.

    So this is the actualization of “mutual assured destruction”.

  38. - cgo75 - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    It’s hard to believe that there could be that little support for someone who’s devoted a majority of their career like Madigan has to public service and the people of the State of Illinois. I think people are forgetting all of his accomplishments.

  39. - Illinois Bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    Lucky for Madigan that he doesn’t run for statewide election. Hate throughout the state for him doesn’t matter at all, unless it’s transferred to his candidates, which it won’t. They know not to take sides here, as my Rep Kelly Burke has pretty much hidden on the budget issues since she’s been elected.

  40. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    ===I think people are forgetting all of his accomplishments===

    Has he ever once reminded them?

  41. - Chicago Hope - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    =the largest taxpayer-funded bailout in the history of Chicago Public Schools?=

    Governor, let me re-word the question for you:

    Do you believe that school districts that serve overwhelming numbers of low-income children should receive state education funding that is at least equal to their percentage of state enrollment?

    I suspect you’d get a dramatically different answer. But then you’d have to tell them that Chicago gets funding of less than three-quarters of its enrollment, despite an 85% poverty rate.

  42. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:54 am:

    Illinois Bob, then why do referendums so often fail?

  43. - cgo75 - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    Has he ever once reminded them?
    Good point, Rich

  44. - Thoughts Matter - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    Stop. Just stop. Chicago is part of our state unless it secedes, or downstate does. What’s’ next, not bailing out the folks that live next to the Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio rivers? Or maybe the folks in Washington, Gifford, or Pontiac? Geographical warfare. As if race, class. Gender warfare wasn’t enough.

  45. - Ricardo - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    I don’t doubt that Madigan and the Dems are hugely unpopular.

    But this is the only poll in Western Civilization that show Rauner is not considerably upside down on approve/disapprove — which puts the veracity of all the numbers in question.

  46. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    ===upside down on approve/disapprove===

    These are favorables. Different animal.

  47. - New Slang - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    ==someone who’s devoted a majority of their career like Madigan has to public service and the people of the State of Illinois==

    And as such, hold enormous sway ($$$) over his flock.

    The poll on MJM alone, to me, reflects a career change may be near.

  48. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:07 am:

    LP- Casino’s are not very popular with downstate folks. Seems strange given Peoria has one but many of the pols down here are opposed on “moral” grounds. Those pols, at least the ones I have listened to, are GOP pols. I asked them about job creation and all of that, good paying and perfectly legal jobs, and they were opposed on “moral” grounds. I suspect that was because their constituents felt that way more than they did, but I cannot confirm that, just a feeling.

    Rahm and others have expressed the desire for a casino and the Governor has stated his opposition. Maybe the governor will flip on that statement as he is want to do. A casino with a dedicated purpose (to fund pensions or what ever) is not a bad idea.

    =owner?= I was being snarky, my bad. Hyperbole not withstanding, Rauner clearly owns the GOP these days.

  49. - Galena Guy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    I’m guessing that all the folks polled who were against the CPS “bailout” understand the issues and intricacies about as well as those folks in England who voted for “Brexit”. And Rauner is counting on just that.

  50. - @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    This article from Gallup discusses the relationship between Approval and Favorability ratings:

    tl;dr- Approval ≈ job performance; Favorability ≈ opinion of the officeholder as a person.

    – MrJM

  51. - Chris - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    “That’s all the results you need. And no push involved.”


    The order of the questions matters–you know that–I that was legitimately the first question asked, no doubt it’s fair. If it came just after the last question in the release, then less so.

    Obviously, Madigan is *hugely* upside down on favorability/approval on a statewide basis, but that doesn’t mean that this poll was set up to fairly measure how much.

  52. - anon - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:35 am:

    The Governor’s school funding proposal increasing funding, including for CPS. How comethat’s not a Chicago “bailout” too?

  53. - Very fed up - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:35 am:

    Chris you may have a point. Being a D+15 skew the 13.2% is likely overinflated by a few percentage points

  54. - Union Man - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    The paragraph reads like this poll was taken June 25-27th of 2014…

  55. - Harry - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:44 am:


    Do you think it fair that Chicago taxpayers pay the entire public cost for Chicago teachers’ pensions PLUS about $600M annually for pensions for downstate teachers? If “Yes,” please explain.

  56. - Obamas Puppy - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:52 am:

    This poll is about as useful as well fill in the blank_____. Mike Z is now on the spin cycle.

  57. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:57 am:


    it is “unasked” because that question is based on inaccurate math.

  58. - Illinois Bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:04 pm:


    =Illinois Bob, then why do referendums so often fail?=

    Because they rarely are for providing better educational opportunities for the kids. I actually first got involved in school politics campaigning FOR a referendum. I needed some selling points for the ways the kids would benefit from the additional revenues.

    I started benchmarking against other good districts to see if our spending was appropriate for things like non-instructional spending. It wasn’t, and when I asked the administration what the kids got for the substantially higher spending, they only said, “We spend on many beneficial things. Thank you for supporting the referendum”. That’s when they lost me and I started writing LTEs about the fact that the tax increase would do little more than throw more money in the pot for raises.

    After that, they kept REAL close track of me…

  59. - Chris - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    JS Mill “is “unasked” because that question is based on inaccurate math.”

    So, it would have been in the poll if the math were fixed? That’s the only reason that Rauner’s political shop didn’t ask a a question phrased that way?

    NOPE! Any question of that ilk doesn’t fit the Guv’s narrative, which is really clear in all the other questions.

  60. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    =NOPE! Any question of that ilk doesn’t fit the Guv’s narrative, which is really clear in all the other questions.=

    Yes, the governor’s narrative is very clear in the poll. I am not a supporter of the governor.

    Your question, however, is short on accuracy and long on another inaccurate narrative that leaves out a lot of real math. CPS, relative to other schools or even all schools in Illinois, is getting it’s fair share and then some.

    I would point out that many schools in the state need more support, including CPS. Two different arguments though.

  61. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    =People need to wrestle fair again. We have to start acting in a civilized manner and debate and engage in democratic process towards change. No hostage taking. No insults. No perfidy. No tricks. Good, honest, clean democratic wrestling.=

    @Honeybear +1000. This has gone past the point of sanity, and everyone is beginning to see that.

    Either they both move towards a compromise together, or nothing moves.

  62. - RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    The Rauner pension “reform” savings will be non-existant. More smoke and on that subject.

  63. - Leading inDecatur - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    So, Illinois/Arizona Bob… am I to understand that you went door to door arguing IN OPPOSITION to passing a referendum to increase school funding???
    You’re THAT guy???

  64. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 4:20 pm:

    Poor Rahm. Still underwater to CTU even if you count his huge suburban fan club.

  65. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 4:45 pm:

    ==You’re THAT guy???==

    Yes, he is. He’s the only guy in the world I’ve ever seen argue for less school funding.

  66. - illinois bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 5:00 pm:

    @leading in Decatur

    =So, Illinois/Arizona Bob… am I to understand that you went door to door arguing IN OPPOSITION to passing a referendum to increase school funding???=

    Absolutely, when the reason for the referendum has not merit.

    Let me guess…you’re one of those folks who know little about how to make schools better and more effective, how to provide better service for less expense, and support higher school spending without holding schools accountable for improving student outcomes for what they spend?

    You’re THAT guy???

  67. - illinois bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 5:04 pm:


    ==You’re THAT guy???==

    =Yes, he is. He’s the only guy in the world I’ve ever seen argue for less school funding.=

    and there was just ONE person in a whole foolish kingdom honest enough to cry out, THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES! I guess you’re just lacking in skepticism and analytical skills, and perhaps honesty, not to follow the argument, Dem…

  68. - Harry - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 5:36 pm:

    - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 11:57 am:
    it is “unasked” because that question is based on inaccurate math.==

    Not at all. TRS got about $3.72Bn from the State in 2016 and Chicago is about 18% of the State’s tax base, that’s $674M, roughly. If you want, you might knock off about $250M for the value of the CPS block grants over the normal formula, in which case you could call it about $425M.

  69. - Shanb - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 7:01 pm:

    Q. Do you agree or disagree that Chicago Public Schools is a financial wreck that gives sweetheart deals to special interests and political insiders, forcing taxpayers to pay more to foot the bill?

    Agree 64.7%
    Disagree 18.1%
    Unsure 17.2%

    Unless you are a Governor of a state named Illinois and sat on the board of SUPES for a $20Mil kickback scheme then it’s okay..

  70. - Roscoe Tom - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 7:17 pm:

    Thanks for the numbers you have produced. You are probably the best polling company in the nation. Perhaps you can help out Dan Proft. Just send your bill, I’ll probably throw in a bonus. Thanks again. Love Bruce.

  71. - Ramsin - Thursday, Jun 30, 16 @ 5:08 pm:

    This poll is ludicrous, and it has next to no bearing on how the next two elections will turn out.

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