Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Brown: “The lame duck tax increase has been the Rauner strategy all along”
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Brown: “The lame duck tax increase has been the Rauner strategy all along”

Wednesday, Nov 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Speaker Madigan’s spokesman Steve Brown responds to yesterday’s Republican Party slam on three House Democrats for being Madigan tools

“They’re kind of in disarray because they’ve schemed to have the lame duck tax increase, and it’s blowing up,” Brown said, referencing the introduction of a House resolution and constitutional amendment to prevent lame duck tax increases. “The lame duck tax increase has been the Rauner strategy all along. He could have a bump in the road. All of his allies would be unable to vote, unless they want to violate their pledge.”

State Rep. Jack Franks, D-Marengo, and Rep. David McSweeney, R-Barrington Hills, introduced a series of bills to try to fight off a last-minute tax hike vote. It’s an effort to try to make sure the 16 “lame ducks” don’t pass controversial bills, including a tax hike.

“The actions of unaccountable legislators have been allowed to go unchecked for too long,” Franks said.

McSweeney called “grand bargain” and “grand compromise” the scariest words in Springfield.

“That’s just a simple code phrase for a massive income tax increase,” McSweeney said. “We need to stand up for our constituents, for the working people of the state, the families of the state and oppose raising the income tax.”

Those proposals are here.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:13 am:


    That won so many days… except today when Rauner needs the “Rauner Tax” passed.

    I’m not worried. Lance will tweet something trolling to Rep. Lang about something utterly ridiculous and end with the hashtag #TaxHikeMike just to troll his boss, I guess, who is crying crocodile tears for revenue.

    If I were “ck” I’d get Madeupville on board with a press release asking for the “Rauner Tax”, maybe a resolution of some sort. That would be fun.

    Maybe Goldberg could write a letter to Rep. Bradley asking that the “Rauner Tax” has his support and how Rep. Bradley should read page 17 or something, then end with an epic closing, full of snark and distain.

    I mean, isn’t this the Superstars’ M.O.?

  2. - Juice - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:18 am:


  3. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:21 am:

    At least the Dems still have some life in them. It would be a good strategy, if it wasn’t for the fact that so many of them are on record pushing for it including Madigan with his “starting point” remark.

    If Rauner is going to hit them while “negotiations” are going on, then they want to hit back.

    Unfortunately this could lead the news while no progress is being made.

    Maybe this is Madigan’s response to criticism from his members. No, the answer isn’t a deal, an end, real negotiations, or anything like it, it’s just a new political angle to help get by until 2018.

  4. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:23 am:

    Um…okay. Is that why the 2011 hike was done well after the 2010 election cycle ended? Or why the matter was not even taken up for a vote in November or December 2014 or lame duck in January 2015? Governor Rauner must have some magical time travel powers to go back and rig the income tax hike narrative a few years before he even announced he was running. I wish I had those kinds of powers!

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:26 am:

    - m -

    You should use the Google key and ALL the #TaxHikeMike ads just weeks ago, and the tweets and the press releases…

    Something “fresher”…

    That “BossMadigan.Com” seems pretty fresh.

    Hows about Rauner get 12-13 of those Democrats you seem to allude to and get them on the stairs with EVERY Raunerite in the House and have Rauner say, with cameras and microphones that he, Governor Rauner has enough votes to pass the “Rauner Tax”

    - m -… why won’t Rauner do that?

  6. - jade me not - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    It’s too bad that Sen Matt Murphy has moved on. Now there’s no one to point out that “candidate Rauner” and “Governor Rauner” are different and cannot be compared.

  7. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    Call him petty. Call him extra. Call him Petty Crocker. Madigan is straight up O.G.

  8. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    Instead of honoring their oath, and working to find compromises, both sides seem to be doing everything they can to make an honorable outcome impossible.

    Meanwhile, rauner is quite comfortable w starving the beast. If he cant crush madigan and unions, he will settle for crushing the state.

  9. - MOON - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:38 am:


    Can you explain what O.G. means…just curious.

  10. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    Please. Madigan said — his words — the tax increase had to “start” at 5%. Recall his speech at the City Club of Chicago.
    Madigan and his caucus (with but a few exceptions) are relentless in their belief that more revenue is required.

    Thus, Madigan and his goofy spokesman, “Brownie,” are posturing and doing so via manipulation of the House Rules Madigan alone controls.

    The election of earlier this month settled nothing. Rauner vs. Madigan remains at DEFCON 4 (soon to be 5), and will continue until 2018 finally settles things.

  11. - Jose Abreu's next homer - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    OG = Original Gangsta…..rap song from the mid 90s

  12. - Robert the 1st - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    If Madigan is OG, he’s doing the whole pants thing backwards.

  13. - The Captain - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    I think Steve Brown has scratched the surface of a winning angle here but it’s so inside baseball that they need to lay more groundwork. Most lay people see Madigan as the one wanting a tax increase because Rauner doesn’t pass up a chance to say so and the Democrats aren’t providing a proportional rebuttal. I’m not sure many people outside the dome know that the McSweeney and Franks press conference took place or understand the context behind it and to the extent that they do they probably thought it was a preemptive stand against a Democratic plan to raise taxes.

    Those of us that follow this closely know that Brown’s messaging has merit but they need to do a better job of getting everyday voters to understand it. The Democrats need to be winning the messaging game more consistently, and for the last two years they haven’t been even though Rauner keeps giving them a strong hand to play.

  14. - illini97 - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:44 am:

    I’m starting to think the #TaxHikeMike was a fun bit but not a solid long term play. Surely that can’t be true though, because SuperStars think about the long game, not the short fun.

  15. - Juvenal - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    This was foreseeable.

    Democrats decided against a lame duck tax hike in 2014, and the last two years have vindicated their distrust of Rauner.

    And, Republicans steadfastly refused to support a tax increase from 2002 to 2014, leaving Democrats to enact one on their own.

    Well, if Rauner needs more revenue, it seems likely he is going to have to figure out how to do it with all Republican votes.

  16. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    Ha! I’ll give you that Robert the 1rst! OG Madigan has his style! I’ve been grinning like a maniac all morning thinking of OG Madigan with Gangsta rap blaring from a low rider.

  17. - Not It - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:58 am:

    Maybe if the Speaker wasn’t so unwilling to compromise we wouldn’t be waiting until the lame duck to do something that should have been done months ago.

    At least Rauner has a strategy. What is Madigans strategy to fix our broken state?

  18. - Hit or Miss - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 9:58 am:

    It is a clear that Rep. David McSweeney will not support a tax increase which must mean that he wants to cut spending by the State of Illinois. I for one would like to see a list of the spending cuts that he will support so as to balance the states budget. Which state services are his constituents demanding that they want to do without?

  19. - Anon - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:06 am:

    Well, if that’s true, at least Rauner has a strategy.

  20. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    ===Well, if that’s true, at least Rauner has a strategy.===

    Had. He had a strategy. Now he needs a new one.

  21. - Shark Sandwich - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    “If Madigan is OG, he’s doing the whole pants thing backwards”


  22. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Another great image. Master Madigan Kung fu just Screaming Eagle clawed the ILGOP. Master Madigan ripped the beating heart (anti-tax rhetoric) out of their chests and took a taste. “Mmmmm you’re right no veto session tax hikes tastes good. “

  23. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    ======Well, if that’s true, at least Rauner has a strategy.===

    Had. He had a strategy. Now he needs a new one.===

    Yep, and the new one has to involve putting more R votes on any tax increase after January 11. Nifty maneuver by MJM to put him in that box.

  24. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    Well if Steve Brown says it, at this time of the year, at this point in the cycle, with the circumstances that exist right now, and his boss in the state he’s in…well, it just must be true.

    What a crock.

  25. - Whatever - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    I always thought his strategy was to accept whatever tax hikes or spending cuts the Democrats wanted to enact as long as the budget is balanced. He doesn’t really care about tax rates or how the money is spent, or even about his turnaround agenda. He just wants to be able to blame the tax hikes and spending cuts on the Democrats and (unless the cuts include a lot of state employee wages and benefits) on the unions.

  26. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:22 am:

    I picture something more akin to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

  27. - Like Water for Chocolate - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    If this were a boxing match Rauner would be the boxer that throws lots of light flurries for points and Madigan would be the boxer that patiently throws hard blows for KOs. This is a very hard shot to the ribs.

  28. - Joe M - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    It seems like the Dem’s tax hike is evolving into the Rauner tax hike - unless the Governor is going to let us know where he wants to cut - and how deep those cuts will be. Either way, Rauner should be meeting his constitutional duty to prepare and submit a budget.

  29. - XDNR - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    #NoBudgetBruce needs #TaxHikeMike, but Mikey ain’t playin’ nice.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    ===Please. Madigan said — his words — the tax increase had to “start” at 5%. Recall his speech at the City Club of Chicago.
    Madigan and his caucus (with but a few exceptions) are relentless in their belief that more revenue is required.===

    “A good place to begin, good place to begin would be the level we were at before the income tax expired,” Madigan said, referring to the 5 percent individual income tax rate and 7 percent corporate tax rate set in 2011 as part of a four-year temporary tax hike.

    “And starting there, you can go in whatever direction you want to go,” Madigan said.

  31. - PoW - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    Brown always seems to have a different take from what is said. It’s as if he half listens, half wonders about things and somehow creates what he wants to say. Rarely is it what actually was said or meant.

  32. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    So McSeeenry has no physically or mentally disabled, challenged,mentally ill, addicted, unemployed, retired people, or people who otherwise need state services in his district? Or he just doesn’t consider any of ‘those people’ to be his constituents even though they may have voted for him?

  33. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    ===Madigan and his caucus (with but a few exceptions) are relentless in their belief that more revenue is required.===

    … because Revenue IS 100% required. Period.

    Please keep up. Revenue has never, ever been a give.

    To tack this on to - Joe M -…

    It was ALWAYS going to be the “Rauner Tax”, that’s why Rauner hoped to deflect, but the time has come. The Rauner Tax ask is here.

    Math is Math is Math…

  34. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    I’m sorry. Old eyes, phone screen. McSweeney

  35. - Winnin' - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:48 am:

    Franks, Franks, go away. You’ve made everything worse with your narcissistic ways.

  36. - zatoichi - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:53 am:

    When does Madigan stop being the talking reason / excuse for everything? Actually doing something beside campaign mode, complaining about a non-existant super-majority, and using $40M to keep the troops lassoed would be a reasonable effort. Do something. Be a governor.

  37. - Simple Simon - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 10:59 am:

    Seems like I am always a step behind in the inside baseball. Why is the tax increase coming to a head now? Because of the opportunity for the lame duck? Because of the end of the stopgap? Rauner has ignored budget reality for 2 years and has been politically rewarded for it. Why stop now? He hasn’t taken any heat for overspending and completely undoing the good of the Quinn tax hike.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    ===… with the circumstances that exist right now, and his boss in the state he’s in…===

    What does that mean?

    Bruce Rauner wants #TaxHikeMike to help pass the “Rauner Tax”…

    Rauner should find 12-13 Democrats, stand on those stairs and proclaim he, Bruce Rauner, has the votes to for the Rauner Tax.

    Wonder if all that will make it on that “BossMadigan.Com” website?

    So… with Rauner begging and crying for #TaxHikeMike to pass the “Rauner Tax” and “BossMadigan.Com”… fully operational…

    … what “state” is Madigan in?

  39. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:03 am:

    So now that Madigan makes it the Rauner tax hike… And Madigan is on the other side…
    All of you who have been relentlessly hitting Rauner for ignoring the “reality of the necessity of the revenue” will now start slamming Madigan for standing in the way of what everyone knows needs to be done(tax hike)?

  40. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:05 am:

    == Why is the tax increase coming to a head now? Because of the opportunity for the lame duck? Because of the end of the stopgap? ==

    In simple terms, this is the only easy window of opportunity for the next 2 years … it go es the voters 2 years to forget about it.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    ===All of you who have been relentlessly hitting Rauner for ignoring the “reality of the necessity of the revenue” will now start slamming Madigan for standing in the way of what everyone knows needs to be done(tax hike)?===



    Didja forget all that, or you hopin’ by makin’ Rauner a “victim of now enlightened circumstance” that Rauner has been honest?

    This is hysterical.

    Rauner wants the “Rauner Tax”, Rauner can find Democrats he’s “still” not linking to “BossMadigan”… “.Com”…

    Rauner wants “no surrender, so stopping”… and #TaxHikeMike to get the “Rauner Tax” passed… whinin’ about it ain’t gettin’ the votes.

  42. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:13 am:

    ===This is hysterical===


  43. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    @Deft Wing-

    Please talk to me about $14 billion in cuts and your specific ideas for achieving that and how many ILGA votes your?Rauner’s $14 billion cut can acheive.

    Seriously. No drivel. Help me understand $14 billion in cuts, because that is what is needed as a minimum now.

  44. - Simple Simon - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    Thanks RNUG, I get that. But it still seems like we are missing something. We had to go through 2 years of budget hell because Rauner needed good timing for his increase? He hasn’t seemed to care before now about budgets, deficits, or whether the state had enough money to run. Why start? Where is the pressure coming from? A normal person worries about their performance and chances for reelection. Am I wrong about his apparent lack of concern?

  45. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    -ow and Rich
    That’s the point.
    No one else is going to forget #taxhikemike and “start there”.
    So the long term Dem plan is to try to sell the tax hike as Rauner’s? Which no one will buy right now. Or wait until 2018 and IF (big IF) the dems can retake the mansion, then what? Prove Rauner right and take ownership of the tax hike?

    There was a time when everybody talked about how Madigan played chess while everyone else played checkers.

    Feels like that has flipped.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    ===So the long term Dem plan is to try to sell the tax hike as Rauner’s? Which no one will buy right now.===


    Then why won’t Rauner publicly just own it?

    It’s because Rauner, when he signs the Rauner Tax, it’s his.

    So… Rauner is cryin’ he wants this Rauner Tax, but doesn’t want to own that it’s the Rauner Tax?

    “BossMadigan.Com” is going to make this #TaxHikeMike, so…

    Rauner now feels “compelled” for his tax? Great, find the votes, Governor.

    As Kristen McQueary tweets… “Simple…

    But asking #TaxHikeMike for help, that’s fun!

  47. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    For years the big R money in Illinois either went to Dems, moderate R’s, or stayed in the bank. Now Rauner gave enough cover for everyone to come out big time. That cat doesn’t go back into the bag.

    It can be #taxhikemike now, in 2018, 2020, 2022, etc. because the money is there to make that the reality for voters for a long time.

    So if the big Dem plan is play switcharoo game right now, they’re just delaying the inevitable. What’s the Dem plan to actually move forward? I forgot, there isn’t one.

  48. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    –Well, if that’s true, at least Rauner has a strategy.–

    Indeed he has.

    It’s called squeeze the beast: renege on contracts , slash higher ed and run up massive debt to create, by necessity, a lower baseline of state services.

    That’s been obvious by his actions. These things don’t happen by accident when you have the power of the Illinois governor’s office. If he didn’t want them to happen, they would not have.

    If or when there’s a tax increase, it will certainly have to be devoted to just paying off the tripling of the backlog of bills Rauner has engineered since taking office.

  49. - Jack Kemp - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    OW - seriously dude. What in the world are you talking about?

    Why in God’s name would Rauner have to stand on the steps with the Dems to pass a tax hike? That makes absolutely no sense. Zero. None.

    Rauner’s message hasn’t changed one bit since jump street. You act like he’s somehow going to have to change his tune.

    This is Madigan’s new ploy? Weaksauce.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    - m -


    But Rauner, like every governor, ever… needs a budget.

    A threat of the politics, that’s already happening anyway… the Speaker can wait him out.


    Well, why would #TaxHikeMike feel the need?

  51. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:32 am:

    ===If or when there’s a tax increase, it will certainly have to be devoted to just paying off===

    GOMB wants to bond out much of the backlog if it ever gets a budget.

  52. - sal-says - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    == …and oppose raising the income tax.” ==

    And the Repubs & McSweeny’s solution is…….?

    Still waiting, …and waiting, …and….

  53. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
    Here are two completely views on the impasse, both of them are completely accurate.
    1.The impasse and destruction are caused by a governor trying to pass his political agenda.
    2.The impasse and the destruction are caused by the outright refusal of one party to even consider a handful of incredibly popular legislative proposals.
    You may like one more than the other, but they’re both right. Who has a path forward? Who can convince the voters that they have a path forward?

    Several people here have stated that the destruction isn’t a glitch in the program, it’s a feature.

    But the problem is that it can be said about either side.

    To -word,
    ==If he didn’t want them to happen, they would not have.==
    That works for either guy. That’s the problem.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    ===Why in God’s name would Rauner have to stand on the steps with the Dems to pass a tax hike? That makes absolutely no sense. Zero. None.===

    The “cost” of #TaxHikeMike…

    You devote time and money to #TaxHikeMike, websites, TV Ads, and then you want a partner to… “raise taxes”… that you knew you were going to be required to anyway?

    Nah, you find those 12-13 Dems, go in those stairs, ask, beg, for the Rauner Tax.


    Had Rauner stopped campaigning for 26 minutes, then I’m sure the Speaker would help, but “BossMadigan.Com” kinda blew that up too.


  55. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:39 am:

    ===Several people here have stated that the destruction isn’t a glitch in the program, it’s a feature.===

    You want me to pull up the 2012 Rauner quote, or can you find it yourself?

    While you’re pulling that up, find where another governor in this state’s history or when the Dems refused to fund Higher Ed…

    No, no, I’ll wait, thanks.

  56. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    –GOMB wants to bond out much of the backlog if it ever gets a budget.–

    Never going to happen with the 3/5ths requirement. GOP legislators were unanimously against the idea — on deeply held principles — when Quinn wanted to do it.

    I kid. They’ll do what The Boss tells them, if it ever gets that far.

    GOP legislators may have principles, but The Boss is loaded with principal.

  57. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    And your point is? Nothing, that’s what I thought.
    Every voter in this state has a rough guess of Rauner’s plan and path forward. Like it or not, they know he has one.
    What is Madigan’s? Keep saying no?

  58. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    ==If he didn’t want them to happen, they would not have.==
    That works for either guy. That’s the problem.–

    So by your New Agey relativism, Rauner and Madigan are in league to renege on contracts, slash higher ed and triple the backlog of bills?

    Curious that Madigan didn’t do that stuff before. I guess he’s just lucky that he and Rauner finally found each other.

  59. - Jack Kemp - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:48 am:

    If that’s what you’re going with, go for it. That makes sense to you and you alone. It’s a cute spin, but you’re the only one buying it.

    Rauner has said all along, consistently, from day 1: “I’m open to new revenue, but reforms first.”

    Madigan has said the opposite of this. Openly. Numerous times. Now he’s going to whistle a different tune? Again: weaksauce.

    Everybody will see this for exactly what it is. Madigan’s relentless dedication to obstruction. Let’s see how it works for him.

  60. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:54 am:

    –Every voter in this state has a rough guess of Rauner’s plan and path forward.–

    And what is that “everyone” knows?

  61. - walker - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:54 am:

    Well at least something might be happening to begin governing and getting a budget. Franks and McSweeney both well know, as do the Governor and all Legislative leaders, that a significant tax increase is required. Simply no doubt, especially after Rauner’s cuts and budget proposals fell billions short of balancing. The only issue is how to evade responsibility and blame.

  62. - illini97 - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    - m - “Every voter in this state has a rough guess of Rauner’s plan and path forward. Like it or not, they know he has one.”

    Hi. I’m a voter. I reside in Illinois. I’m not aware of any plan from Rauner. I do know he wants to gut unions, but I’ve never heard how that pays any bills. I’ve also not heard what rate he has planned for our flat State Income Tax. Did I miss that mailing? All I’ve gotten in the mail are cute photoshops of Speaker Madigan as a puppeteer.

  63. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    ===Rauner’s plan and path forward. Like it or not, they know he has one.===

    Then Rauner, on his own, should get those 12-13 Democrats that you even eluded to and stand in the stairs and embarrass Madigan with that Rauner Tax.

    Why won’t he?

    That’s the plan, right? Raise taxes? Ok, Rauner can find the votes.

    That would show “BossMadigan.Com”..,

    Right? Exactly right. lol.

    Rauner can be a governor any time he wants, no one is stopping him.

    Rauner wants “BossMadigan.Com”, #TaxHikeMike, than Rauner and his plan to raise taxes… Rauner can sell it.

  64. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    ===Rauner has said all along, consistently, from day 1: “I’m open to new revenue, but reforms first===


    Rauner is now saying Revenues are Required, not a “Give”

    Please keep up.

  65. - RNUG - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    == Why start? Where is the pressure coming from? ==

    Rauner needs to be able to show SOME accomplishment (besides just opposing Madigan) in order to get re-elected.

  66. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:06 pm:

    When you sell that to the people, let me know. If it makes you feel better to just keep hating on the gov, go for it. But as you like to say, that doesn’t get 60 or 30.

    Reforms, then revenue and budget. It’s simple, it’s vague, and it works with voters. Put your own spin on Rauner and his motives, but it won’t change that.

    One more time: Here are two completely views on the impasse, both of them are completely accurate.
    1.The impasse and destruction are caused by a governor trying to pass his political agenda.
    2.The impasse and the destruction are caused by the outright refusal of one party to even consider a handful of incredibly popular legislative proposals.

    So sell me on how one of these is wrong? The union busting Rauner angle hasn’t moved the needle when less than 20% of the people here belong to a union.
    There’s no outrage in the streets over the contract negotiations.(other than AFSCME’s own rallies that the general public doesn’t care about)

    Sell the people on how saying no to property tax freeze is good, no to term limits, no to redistricting, no to workers comp reform. Then convince them that blocking those incredibly popular ideas is worth not having a budget. Report back when you accomplish that.

    One side already has their message sold. And they have plenty of money to keep selling.

  67. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    =I guess he’s just lucky that he and Rauner finally found each other.=

    LOL!! As the saying quality!

  68. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===Reforms, then revenue and budget. It’s simple, it’s vague, and it works with voters===


    You know what probably works even better? “No lame duck tax hike.”

  69. - sal-says - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:21 pm:


    ==If he didn’t want them to happen, they would not have.==
    That works for either guy. That’s the problem.

    Wonderring. So explain. How would you -personally- respond to constant attacks, demonizing and bullying?

  70. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:23 pm:

    ===When you sell that to the people, let me know. If it makes you feel better to just keep hating on the gov, go for it.===

    “When Bruce Rauner tried to push a lame duck tax increase, ‘X’ voted against the Rauner Tax… ”

    I like it.

  71. - sal-says - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:24 pm:

    == GOMB wants to bond out much of the backlog if it ever gets a budget. ==

    Cool! That’s a ‘no cost’ solution. Let’s play kick the can.

  72. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    ===Let’s play kick the can===

    Meh. You’d prefer to use additional revenues to immediately pay down the backlog?

  73. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    Perhaps Capt Fax could ask Rep Franks/McSweeney to send over the BigBrain staffer email that lays out the January lame duck budget vote plan. Distributed at presser

  74. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    ===One side already has their message sold. And they have plenty of money to keep selling.===

    Boy, that’s swell…


    The Rauner Tax and no accomplishments or budgets for a Governor?

    Hmm. No budget AND the Rauner Tax?

    That’s tough to be seen as a governor… governing, lol

  75. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:29 pm:

    @Daft Wing- still waiting for your “plan”.


    === GOMB wants to bond out much of the backlog if it ever gets a budget. ==

    Cool! That’s a ‘no cost’ solution. Let’s play kick the can.=

    Can’t argue your point at all.

    Costlier, but a way to make some room. Given the the overall debt picture, not a big blow.

    One could also say that is how we got to spot we are in the first place.

  76. - sal-says - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:34 pm:

    == Madigan’s relentless dedication to obstruction. ==

    OH, please.

    Madigan has worked successfully with Den & Repub govs, as well as GA of both stripes. Have you missed all that?

  77. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==The Rauner Tax and no accomplishments or budgets for a Governor?==

    There is no Rauner tax with no budget. Not complicated.

    Less than that, and all you have is “he’s a tax raiser too!” Not a great selling point.

    A handful of incredibly popular proposals stand between the impasse and the bargain. One gets to sell that it’s Madigan stopping the will of the people. The other guy gets to sell “we actually agree on the one thing neither of us wants to do but believe needs to be done… but I won’t do what needs to be done OR what the people want done. My plan is nothing.”

    Who are you buying from?

  78. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:42 pm:

    ===There is no Rauner tax with no budget. Not complicated===

    There will be a vote on the Rauner Tax… Wonder how everyone will fall?

    ===A handful of incredibly popular proposals stand between the impasse and the bargain.===

    Nope. Rauner doesn’t have 60 or 30 for them.

    Rauner can show his 60 and 30 at any time. So… No.

    What’s standing in the way? Sixty and thirty.

    I’m buying from…

    “When Bruce Rauner wanted to raise your taxes in a lame duck session, ‘X’ voted against the Rauner Tax”


    No budget, a failed Rauner Tax…

    Hmm. That #TaxHikeMike worked “so well”…

    … until today.

  79. - Jack Kemp - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    OW @ 12:28

    You’ve been more or less saying that exact same thing for the better part of two years now. November came and went. You were wrong. Time to rebrand, friend.

  80. - m - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:52 pm:

    I should add that “incredibly popular proposals” wasn’t referencing lawmaker votes, it was referencing the people of the state. You’re not selling this to lawmakers, but eventually to voters. You are aware of that?

  81. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:57 pm:

    - Jack Kemp -

    Rauner hasn’t been on the ballot, Munger lost statewide

    Hows about those apples?

  82. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 12:58 pm:

    ===should add that “incredibly popular proposals” wasn’t referencing lawmaker votes, it was referencing the people of the state. You’re not selling this to lawmakers, but eventually to voters. You are aware of that===

    Then Rauner should be able to get 60 and 30 easy.

    Why can’t he?


  83. - anon - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    ON the final day of the lameduck GOP General Assembly in 1997, they voted to take away from voters the option for a straight-party punch. Is that the kind of controversial legislation Durkin and Radogno are talkin’ about?

  84. - City Zen - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    As long as the “Rauner Tax” falls below 5%, it’s better than its predecessor, the “Temporarily Forever Tax”

  85. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 4:09 pm:

    ===As long as the “Rauner Tax” falls below 5%, it’s better than its predecessor, the “Temporarily Forever Tax”===

    I dunno if you can go below 5% at this point…

    We’ll see..

  86. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 6:10 pm:

    = the “Temporarily Forever Tax” =

    You mean that one that expired two years ago?

    How has that worked out?

    The Temporarily Temporary Tax.

  87. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 30, 16 @ 6:39 pm:

    –As long as the “Rauner Tax” falls below 5%, it’s better than its predecessor, the “Temporarily Forever Tax”–

    That expired Dec. 31, 2014.

    Alternative reality is strong in some.

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