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Another one of those weeks for Gov. Rauner

Friday, Dec 1, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Once again, Gov. Rauner is not having a great week. As Greg Hinz notes, he’s taking heat because one of his top contributors, Dick Uihlein, is backing Roy Moore in Alabama. He “seemed to waffle” on where he’s at on the DC tax bill. And the National Review called him the “worst Republican governor in America.” Not good

It’s all got to be weighing on the Chicago private-equity mogul who thought he would save the state. It certainly is showing on his increasingly haggard face. […]

“Republicans understand that Gov. Rauner is unelectable,” [Rep. Jeanne Ives] declared in a statement. “He betrayed his party’s values. He broke promises. And lied about his intentions, most notably on a bill that forces taxpayer funding of abortion on demand.”

Ives is right about the latter. Rauner was for abortion rights, then against them, before he finally was for them again. The position irritated just about everybody on all sides of the volatile abortion issue and was only the latest sign a guy who couldn’t get his own way on taxes, workers compensation reform, spending or lots of other things couldn’t find a middle ground to get what he needed.

“He never understood the concept of 30 and 60,” quips Greg Baise, the veteran Republican who heads the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, referring to the number of votes needed to pass a bill in the Democratic-controlled Senate and House, respectively.

To put it a little differently, it took Rauner three years to learn, if he really has learned, the difference between firing off orders as a private-equity chieftain and governing a mostly Democratic blue state.

* IWT rubs it in…


  1. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 3:18 am:

    === He never understood the concept of 30 and 60 ===

    - Greg Baise, President, Oswego Willy Fan Club

  2. - Retired Educator - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 4:18 am:

    The people on this blog, have known this since the beginning. It is nice that the experts are finally figuring things out. Rauner is not capable of understanding the political landscape. My way or the highway does not work in the political arena. He refuses to learn, and the next four years would be a disaster if he wins. It is time for Illinois to move on, with a new Governor.

  3. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 5:26 am:

    Rauner also forgot “you shall reap what you sow”

  4. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 5:33 am:

    Governor Rauner is like the dog in the Republican manager. He can’t win the general election and won’t let any credible candidate compete. (Ives is not credible as a general election candidate. )

    His badmouthing the state has been effective. One of our children lives in Colorado, another is planning to move there, and the third is California dreaming.

    Way to go Brucie!

  5. - PublicServant - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 5:41 am:

    He deserves every bit of it, and more. It’s been his way, or the highway from day one. He just didn’t realize he was the one that was going to be hitting the road, and I hope he hits every pothole that he should have filled by now.

  6. - Norseman - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 5:43 am:

    Good one YDD.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 6:21 am:

    ===. === He never understood the concept of 30 and 60 ===

    - Greg Baise, President, Oswego Willy Fan Club===

    The 60, 30, Signature trifecta and rule of governing far predicates me, and others, far smarter and better than me pointed it out often.

    I seriously doubt Mr. Baise is a fan in any way, or recognizes me… but does fully understand the 60, 30, signature rule.

    I’d hate to make light of what Mr. Baise is saying here… by comically inserting my own ridiculousness of what we all know is true.


    To the Post,

    In simplistic terms… Raunerism is failing and failed abs continues to fail due to a lack of understanding the governing fundamentals, or worse, purposely ignoring those fundamentals to purposely destroy Illinois.

    I hope more bad weeks continue. Illinois has had nearly 3 years of devistation… and in the end… governors own.

  8. - Headdesk - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 6:29 am:

    Does IWT have a purpose other than snarky tweets? More power to em but what of substance are they putting forth?

  9. - Radio Flyer - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 6:30 am:

    It is disgusting that Uihlein would support Moore, in light of all the evidence that Moore is a child molester. Why not support Lee Busby instead he doesn’t want Jones to win? Are Alabamans dumber than Alaskans, who were able to find a pen and write Murkowski? If Ives, Illinois Policy and Rauner received Uihlein money before this revelation they did no wrong as far as Moore goes, but if they receive Uihlein money after this, they are very twisted individuals indeed.

  10. - Scoot - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:14 am:

    This state is very difficult to govern…unless you’re not the Governor then you have all the answers.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:22 am:

    ===This state is very difficult to govern…unless you’re not the Governor then you have all the answers.===

    By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off since Bruce Rauner became governor.

    National Review has Bruce Rauner as the “worst Republican governor in America”

    Rauner has yet to sign a full fiscal year budget.

    The budget allowing the state to function now was instituted by a bipartisan vote of both chambers… overriding Veto after budgetary Veto… including paying social services, funding state universities for a whole year, for the first time since Rauner became governor, and… funding Rauner’s own agencies, something Rauner personally, gubernatorially, has refused to do since taking the oath.

    So.. spare me the … “This state is very difficult to govern…unless you’re not the Governor then you have all the answers.”

    Deciding to do or not to do the job as Illinois’ Governor is and has been a choice Rauner choose not to do… to create leverage… to create crisis… to hurt those worth hurting… for an agenda that can’t get 60 and/or 30.

    Do you understand… “that”?

  12. - Scoot - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:43 am:

    When did I say Rauner was right? I don’t have all day to sit on capfax and be a keyboard warrior like you do. Spare me the Illinois is worse off under Rauner when the dems controlled the govs mansion, the house, and the senate…and really played a huge role for today’s problems.

  13. - Rabid - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:46 am:

    got to be weighing on, i love the JB reference

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:47 am:

    ===Spare me the Illinois is worse off under Rauner when the dems controlled the govs mansion, the house, and the senate===

    Your beef isn’t with me… it’s with Crain’s.

    They said that.

    Keep up.

  15. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:54 am:

    - This state is very difficult to govern…unless you’re not the Governor then you have all the answers. -

    Another member of the Rauner crybaby caucus heard from.

  16. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 7:59 am:

    It is Madigan’s fault. Probably b cause Madigan knows how to count you would like Hank a private equity guy could do math

  17. - Rabid - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:20 am:

    he is not man of the year, but he did get an end of year magazine cover

  18. - City Zen - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:22 am:

    When your dues money goes to support organizations like Illinois Working Together, you get a better understanding of what Mark Janus means by compelled speech.

  19. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:24 am:

    =This state is very difficult to govern…unless you’re not the Governor then you have all the answers.=

    This would have been a great platform for Rauner to have run on initially as it would have been foretelling. But he didn’t. In fact he told us that he could take the arrows and would shake things up. He also told us that his business chops left him well positioned to deal with the likes of Madigan.

    Greg Baise is merely stating what’s been obvious to many of us for a long time.

  20. - Angry Republican - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:36 am:

    I hear Carhartt wants their jackets back too.

  21. - Keyrock - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:46 am:

    Not just Carhartt — all of the Village People want their costumes back.

  22. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 8:52 am:

    “He never understood the concept of 30 and 60”

    It appears to have been deliberate. Rauner had to have known that the votes were not going to be there for his so-called reforms. He wanted Democrats to strip collective bargaining rights and repeal prevailing wage in local governments. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that they wouldn’t do that—especially for this rabidly anti-union governor.

  23. - He stepped in - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:05 am:

    He can’t stop stepping in it, look how he handles (or fails to) Mendoza.

  24. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:07 am:

    ==The people on this blog, have known this since the beginning.==

    I sure didn’t. I was never a fan, but I always just assumed he’d pass *bad* budgets, not fail to pass a budget for 700 days. Maybe Thompson, Edgar, and Ryan were just super-politicians, but I thought Rauner would be able to work with the GA about as well as they did. And while I knew he’d always struggle to separate himself from the worst elements of national Republicans, I didn’t know that they’d make the worst element President, and that he’d suck up so much oxygen that it would become impossible to ignore him. So a lot of Rauner’s struggles took me by surprise.

  25. - Annonin' - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:25 am:

    Actually considering all that was possible it was a pretty decent week. His petitions might be valid. No one has taken his investments and checked hits they gets from Paradise Papers…why McKinsey got the $12+ million no bid contract tor the Medicaid Managed Care scheme —it could be a a lot worse.
    Meanwhile Charley Wheeler has a piece that finally notes all of GovJUnk triumphs — school funding, early release — happened with Madigan support. Yikes
    And more Il residents are beginning to wonder what IL might be like without Madigan.They aren’t buyin’ the GovJunk in charge.

  26. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:31 am:

    Before Rauner, I don’t think most Illinois residents actually knew the reasons why our state has declined economically over the past few decades and had such a crushing debt load.

    Now they know, Democrats want to expand government, impose severe restrictions on business our neighbors don’t and continue to raise taxes on middle class families.

    Democrats will have to run on their records too you know.

    Ask the Cook County Democrats how that is going

    Permanently raising taxes and not fixing the problems in Illinois and the state are not a ticket to reelection

    Can anyone honestly say the Democrats have tried to fix Illinois? The majority of their party thinks government is too small and does not spend enough despite the fact we owe more money than any other state and currently have one of the highest tax burdens.

    Yet JB and others can campaign on giving away more goodies and just taxing the rich and you all lap it up despite the fact this is impossible

  27. - Terry Salad - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:32 am:

    You mean you can’t run a State like a business?

  28. - Pundent - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:38 am:

    =Before Rauner, I don’t think most Illinois residents actually knew the reasons why our state has declined economically over the past few decades and had such a crushing debt load.=

    And Rauner made each of these issues worse. Regardless of what has occurred in the past Rauner has made things willfully and demonstrably worse since he took office.

    So exactly what is your point?

  29. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:40 am:

    Rauner’s biggest chance for success (as he sees it) will be next summer when he can likely implement his contract for state employees. He is probably one-term, but he’s not done yet.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:41 am:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Here’s what you need to come to grips with… not the past, only cowards and losers live in the past, you told me that, quoting Ditka… so…

    By nearly every measure, Illinois is worse off since Rauner became governor - Crain’s

    Bruce Raunis is the worst Republican governor in America - National Review

    Polling indicates that a mere 30% approve of Rauner, and 55% of disapprove, a 25-point underwater ratio

    Congressmen are waking away from endorsing Rauner, his ally is supporting Roy Moore, Trump who is polling 37% approval here in Illinois is seemingly more popular than Rauner, in a state Clinton beat Trump by 16 points…

    Rauner is a costal liberal social Democratic governor who also wants to destroy social services, close higher educational institutions by starving them, and ran up billions in debt… to end prevailing wage and collective bargaining,

    And your wondering “what about the Dems?”?

    Governors own. That’s why it’s Rauner’s bad week, these are governor issues, issues where a candidate Rauner would say “Pat Quinn failed”, but you say “what about the Dems?”

    Yikes, man.

  31. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:43 am:

    ==Permanently raising taxes and not fixing the problems in Illinois and the state are not a ticket to reelection==

    That’s why Bruce Rauner, who supports Donald Trump’s tax hikes on the middle class and has done nothing to fix our state’s problems, is in serious trouble.

  32. - NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:44 am:

    Point Conceded, Rauner has not demonstrated any capacity to govern. He failed to recognize that when he couldn’t make change happen immediately that going for incremental change wasn’t capitulation. He could have been working to slowly build a new coalition. He was elected because enough voters recognized the terrible job Democrats had done and they wanted change. And yes, they have been terrible for this state, the debt, the corruption, the ineptitude, the pandering to State employee unions. But Rauner threw it all away, for reasons only he knows and made a terrible situation even worse. Good Luck in thinking everything will be ok once he’s gone. We’ll still have the same politburo of Democrats running this state. And having the governors office back after 4 years of it being in enemy hands they will stop at nothing. Taxes will go up again, even more nanny state legislation will emerge and the unions will have more clout than ever (in spite of their minority status among workers).

  33. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:49 am:

    I wonder who quarterbacked that National Review takedown?
    That cover story didn’t originate in their offices. Some right-winger with ax to grind with Rauner pitched it and worked it.

    The writer, John Miller, is part of the Hillsdale College network. My guess is someone from that messy IPI/Proft breakup successfully got back at Rauner.

    They made him look ridiculous. And a man in his position cannot afford to look ridiculous.

  34. - King Louis XVI - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 9:58 am:

    Rauner’s crisis communications guy, Hud Englehart, is doing a bang up job…

  35. - Bobby T - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    They made him look ridiculous. And a man in his position cannot afford to look ridiculous.

    Um, well. When you dress like (as someone already pointed out) an out-of-work rancher at events where everybody else wears a jacket and tie — and you wear that moldy motorcycle cut and puff out your chest like you’re the real-deal 2%-er — it doesn’t take much to make you look ridiculous.

    Unless, of course, your Bruce Rauner and “don’t read the news” and “don’t look at the polls” and think that “everything is a load of deep yogurt.”

  36. - RNUG - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    == thinks government is too small and does not spend enough despite the fact we owe more money than any other state and currently have one of the highest tax burdens. ==

    I consider myself a moderate member of the GOP (not the Raunerite version) and when it comes to Illinois State government, I think there are parts of it that are too big and should be cut back and other parts, mostly in social services, that need to be properly staffed, which will require expansion. So that probably makes me a rare bird …

  37. - GA Watcher - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:00 am:

    To add to Wordslinger’s point, the Governor got a favorable column from George Will several days ago. The ultra-conservatives, who are now clearly off the Rauner reservation, needed to do a piece to counter Will’s column.

  38. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:04 am:

    “We’ll still have the same politburo of Democrats running this state. And having the governors office back after 4 years”

    One has no room to talk, because Rauner is worse than Democrats. Talk about Democrats when you get a better governor.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:05 am:

    ===They made him look ridiculous. And a man in his position cannot afford to look ridiculous.===

    You can build many an “opera house”, but Rauner can’t make bad opera better.

  40. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:07 am:

    ==So that probably makes me a rare bird …==

    Maybe, maybe not, but in practice, Republicans rarely try to cut police and Democrats rarely try to expand prisons, so everyone picks-and-chooses which parts of government they work on.

  41. - RNUG - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    == Rauner threw it all away, for reasons only he knows and made a terrible situation even worse. ==

    It seems his major goals are keeping taxes low for the 1.4% and destroying unions.

    My guess, when he couldn’t dictate his preferred solutions, is that Rauner fell back on the only method he knows: venture capitalism via bankruptcy. Trying to get inside his mind, he thought all he had to do was make the State’s fiscal position so bad that either (a) the legislature would be forced to implement his ideas or (b) the State would be forced into a bankruptcy like process of closing branches (departments) and selling off assets.

    He seems to truly believe in the “starve the beast” approach. And he also seems to have started out poorly informed of the limitations placed on the Governor’s office. He’s acted like a sole corporate owner from day 1. He’s also acted like he did in the venture capital world where pesky laws we’re just something to have the lawyers work around.

    I truly believe this stint as Governor is the first time Rauner has not been able to just run right over every obstacle, which is why MJM is on his hit list.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:13 am:

    ===…I think there are parts of it that are too big and should be cut back and other parts, mostly in social services, that need to be properly staffed, which will require expansion. So that probably makes me a rare bird …===

    … and where you and I concur. Often.

  43. - Jocko - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:18 am:

    ==This state is very difficult to govern==

    And yet surprisingly easy to dole out 2.8 billion of unappropriated funds…with no plans on paying it back.

  44. - Winnin’ - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    Rauner is a horrible governor. He had a bad week he’s had a bad year and a bad term.
    But none of that matters when you have the financial resources to change the narrative and destroy the future of anyone who stands in his way.

  45. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    That’s why Bruce Rauner, who supports Donald Trump’s tax hikes on the middle class and has done nothing to fix our state’s problems, is in serious trouble.

    Washington Post gives that 4 pinnochios

    In their haste to condemn the GOP tax plan, Democrats have spread far and wide the false claim that families making less than $86,100 on average will face a hefty tax hike. Actually, it’s the opposite. Most families in that income range would get a tax cut. Any Democrat who spread this claim should delete their tweets and make clear they were in error. [Update: Harris and Casey deleted their tweets after this column appeared.]

  46. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:29 am:

    GAW, the Will column was an easy sell for GTIA(TM). Will was obsessed with public employee unions long before Rauner was making millions off of public employee pension funds.

  47. - Honeybear - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    This National Review was a targeted precise strike. I’ve seen this type of precision before. It’s military precision. I bet a certain Navy Lt lined this up. I’m sayin it’s Goldberg. Or at least he had a hand injury it.
    The guy could land a hit.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:34 am:

    ===That’s why Bruce Rauner, who supports Donald Trump’s tax hikes on the middle class and has done nothing to fix our state’s problems, is in serious trouble.===

    1) Cite please. Just yesterday, the Trib reported this…

    ===Was the governor endorsing the Senate version of the plan or the House version? (The Senate version would eliminate the deduction for property taxes, which tend to be higher in Illinois than elsewhere. The House version would keep the deduction, but limit it to $10,000.)

    Neither, apparently. Rauner spokeswoman Patty Schuh said the governor was expressing “general” support for reducing taxes and hopes Congress is able to “deliver when all said and done.”===

    Oh, and that “tax plan” is polling miserably.

    So, my point is… since you seemingly want to take Patty Schuh’s gig, “what did I miss from what Ms. Schuh said?”

  49. - a drop in - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    “I wonder who quarterbacked that National Review takedown?
    That cover story didn’t originate in their offices. Some right-winger with ax to grind with Rauner pitched it and worked it.”

    Obviously came from the Russians.

  50. - JS Mill - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:37 am:

    In many ways I agree with RNUG except I don’t identify with either party. I am a fiscal conservative and socially progressive.

    We need to pay our bills as a state.
    We need to support our most vulnerable.
    Support education P-22
    Repair/build infrastructure
    Protect our citizens (police/fire/emergency management)
    Efficient and Effective governance.

    Taxation should be at the level needed (progressive income tax) to carry out those six priorities.

    The governor and his robots do not support any of that. He is on record in favor of a 3% income tax which tells me he does not. He has accomplished nothing on his own and one of his touts was actually vetoed (school funding) as part of his budget veto. He can’t even create a balanced budget proposal.

    He wasn’t elected because of the “democrats”. He was elected because Quinn was a lousy governor. In addition, Rauner didn’t run on his beliefs but what he wanted people to believe.

  51. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    ==Washington Post gives that 4 pinnochios==

    WaPo doesn’t fact check my posts, Silly.

  52. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:38 am:

    Wordslinger- Governor Woltz - as the eerie scene unfolds slowly, it’s like metaphor of watching Rauners governorship unfold…..finally the unveiling, and actually it’s the citizens doing the horrified screaming while looking at what Gov Phony hath wrought. He is usually associated with the other end of the horse.

  53. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:46 am:

    ==The Senate version would eliminate the deduction for property taxes, which tend to be higher in Illinois than elsewhere.==

    Deductions for mortgages, student loans, and medical bills have also been targeted through the various bills. It’s a bit of a moving target because the Senate still hasn’t really written its bill, but there’s a lot to sock taxpayers at play here, and Rauner is “generally supportive” of it.

  54. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 10:58 am:

    ==Oh, and that “tax plan” is polling miserably==

    Tried to post this the other night, but it got moderated so I’ll try again. And this is entirely anecdotal so it may not mean much.

    Went to west TN for thanksgiving with the extended family, most of whom are poor and middle class trump supporters and very conservative. A couple of them are real true believers - brietbart readers and hannity viewers - and they are, every one of them, HOPPING mad about this tax bill. They aren’t buying this sales job congressional R’s are selling, claim they’re “breaking trumps promises”. One even went so far as to claim trump is being “tricked” into supporting it by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell (please don’t ask).

    I remember thinking that if congressional R’s can’t even convince these people to buy their lies about this tax bill, it may end up hurting republicans everywhere like the ACA did for dems.

  55. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:06 am:

    ==They aren’t buying this sales job congressional R’s are selling, claim they’re “breaking trumps promises”. One even went so far as to claim trump is being “tricked” into supporting it by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell (please don’t ask).==

    Many of us underestimate how much grassroots Republicans hate their own party’s congressional leadership, and how much their obvious disdain for Trump helped Trump in the election.

  56. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:12 am:

    The last proposal for the tax plan is a tax cut for any middle class family that last year had less than $24,000 in deductions because it doubles the standard deduction from $12 to $24K.

    Asking the Governor to give an opinion on a bill that is not formulated yet is insider baseball and just catnip for political junkies

  57. - Sgt. Slaughter - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:20 am:

    Hmm. Hasn’t accomplished much of his agenda. Has fought with the legislature to enact a budget. Has gone into overtime every year of his governorship. Who else did we see struggle with these exact things? Hmm. Rod? Pat? In Illinois government, during all that time, there has been a lot of change, but only one constant presence (Jesse White excluded). Who would that be?

  58. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:21 am:

    ===Asking the Governor to give an opinion on a bill that is not formulated yet is insider baseball and just catnip for political junkies===

    … and yet, Patty Schuh, the governor’s spokesperson stated;

    ===Rauner spokeswoman Patty Schuh said the governor was expressing “general” support for reducing taxes and hopes Congress is able to “deliver when all said and done.”===

    The takeaway is Rauner “generally” supports reducing taxes, and what’s out there claims to be a tax cut, but… according to Schuh, Rauner spokeswoman Patty Schuh said the governor was expressing “general” support but will see what the Congress will “deliver when all said and done.”

    Rauner wants to support the alleged tax cut but not the heat of the current tax proposal(s) polling so poorly.

    Charlie Brown is less wishy-washy

    They coulda said “not the plan currently framed by either chamber”… but they didn’t

    Words matter. Schuh is a pro, helping Rauner here.

  59. - Chris Widger - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:22 am:

    ==In addition, Rauner didn’t run on his beliefs but what he wanted people to believe.==

    The rest of your analysis is what it is, but this is wild. Illinois won’t suddenly be staffed by hundreds of Russ Feingolds. No one in the highest echelons of government is earnest and to expect them to be is the highest degree of self-delusion.

  60. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:29 am:

    ==The last proposal for the tax plan is a tax cut for any middle class family that last year had less than $24,000 in deductions because it doubles the standard deduction from $12 to $24K.==

    Except over here in reality…

    ==Asking the Governor to give an opinion on a bill that is not formulated yet is insider baseball and just catnip for political junkies==

    They’re voting on it today. It’s not the voters’ fault that they’re so incompetent they haven’t actually written the bill yet.

  61. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:33 am:

    And I mean, if Rauner doesn’t want to comment on the bill ’cause he hasn’t read it yet, he could just do that, instead of saying he’s “generally supportive” of it.

    This is even easier than usual, LP.

  62. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    Except over here in reality according to the liberal Washington Post

    In their haste to condemn the GOP tax plan, Democrats have spread far and wide the false claim that families making less than $86,100 on average will face a hefty tax hike. Actually, it’s the opposite. Most families in that income range would get a tax cut. Any Democrat who spread this claim should delete their tweets and make clear they were in error.

    Being generally supportive of tax cutes for middle class families despite all of this spin that has been proven false would put the Governor at odds with Illinois Democrats who want to raise taxes on them.

    Go ahead and make the case that Governor Rauner wants to expand government and raise taxes and JB, Madigan, Cullerton, Preckwinkle and the rest of the Cook County Democrats who rule Illinois want to shrink Government and lower taxes.

  63. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 11:52 am:

    The trolling is absurd. Of course Rauner’s support for the GOP tax plan was a mistake, otherwise His spokesperson would not have been walking back the statement.

    Sun-Times ran a full story on the National Review article, “Bible of American conservatism dubs Rauner nation’s worst GOP gov”, complete with a shot of the cover.

    And Roy Moore may prevail in the special election, which means Bruce gets to spend the next 11 months defending his ties to Moore or running away from them.

    Rich didn’t even have room for the continued ruckus over the $61 Billion no-bid contract padded with a $12 million set aside for Munger Inc.

    Is it his worst week? He has had quite a few bad weeks in a solid string of bad months in a very bad three years, so it is hard to judge. But like his website, it was a week without any communications achievements worth highlighting.

  64. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:04 pm:

    ==Except over here in reality according to the liberal Washington Post==

    Why are you citing a source that’s so hopelessly ideological that you put their ideology right in your identification of them?

    Anyway, I note that you’ve failed to link to this article twice now, and that you haven’t responded to the BI article. And I know why, Spin-Cycle.

    ==Go ahead and make the case that Governor Rauner wants to expand government and raise taxes==

    Well, I’m going to continue to say that Rauner supports Donald Trump’s tax hikes, ’cause Rauner himself said he supports Donald Trump’s tax hikes.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -, LOL

    Let’s then focus on Rauner.

    Not Washington DC, not even Republicans, let’s look at Rauner’s bad week.

    One of his financial stalwarts now is supporting Roy Moore. That can’t be too great.

    National Review took the time to not only write an article to say Rauber is the worst Republican governor, it’s a cartoon caricature cover of the worst Republican governor, Bruce Rauner, in costume, with broken prop union made motorcycle.

    Congressmen here, they won’t support Bruce Rauner.

    Polling. In polling Donald Trump’s 37% approval is higher that Rauner’s 30% approval.

    Rauner had a sorry tweet of petitions, not Rauner himself with them, to show his filing moment.

    Where is any of this a Dems fault, individually or collectively?

  66. - NoGifts - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:08 pm:

    Plus he can say whatever he wants because he doesn’t have to vote on it.

  67. - Impasse Casualty - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:13 pm:

    Anyone have a link to the Dartmouth magazine? I’m having trouble tracking it down.

  68. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:21 pm:

    At this rate his immigrant grandparents will disavow him.

  69. - pawn - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:23 pm:

    impasse casualty — I think the IWT was trading in satire, not suggesting that any of those things actually exist.

  70. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:44 pm:

    All summer long you said Rauner was toast if he vetoed HB 40 because Illinois is blue and suburban women would abandon him.

    Now after Rauner signed HB 40, the most conservative publication in America is against him and you think he is toast because of that.

    Do you want a cold Yuengling and some mustard to go with pretzel you have wound yourself up in?

  71. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    “Lucky Pierre”…

    ===Do you want a cold Yuengling and some mustard to go with pretzel you have wound yourself up in?===


    Not a pretzel.

    Who is Rauner’s constituency?

    That’s a bigger question, then your now concern about my Yuengling consumption.

    That’s a new one.

  72. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:48 pm:

    “He betrayed his party’s values. He broke promises. And lied about his intentions”

    If I were advising Jeanne Ives, I’d suggest that she repeat these irrefutable facts all day, every day.

    – MrJM

  73. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 12:59 pm:

    You think the National Review article is bad for Rauner because they are upset he is not Governor Ted Cruz.

    Nomrally you are smarter to get just past the picture and the headline.

    The article is actually favorable given the make up of Illinois electorate.

    Rauner’s constituency would be those residents who want smaller government spending and the taxes that fund it and a more robust economy.

    Conservative, Pro life voters will have no candidate in this race but you think they will abandon the rest of their principles and vote for JB and Madigan

  74. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:09 pm:

    “The article is actually favorable given the make up of Illinois electorate.”

    If you just ignore the words and the pictures, it’s really not so bad.

    – MrJM

  75. - wordslinger - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    –This article is actually favorable…–

    You’re making Baghdad Bob laugh.

  76. - ZC - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:31 pm:

    When did Dartmouth Alumni Magazine call Rauner a disgrace? I can’t find that link either.

    I’m impressed if it did, but Rauner donates a heckuva lot of money to Dartmouth. His name’s on buildings and things. Was this a letter to the editor? I can’t believe the institution would slam him.

  77. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:39 pm:

    ===The article is actually favorable given the make up of Illinois electorate.===

    “Worst Republican Governor in America”

    That’s good?

    “Lucky Pierre”…

    ===Rauner’s constituency would be those residents who want smaller government spending and the taxes that fund it and a more robust economy.===

    So… not Republicans? Just these…”residents”

    Rauner is a coastal ultra liberal social Democrat… who despises Labor, crippled social services, squeezed higher education, and ran up debt from $6 billion to $16 billion, with no signed budgets.

    What “residents” of a plurality or winning an election seed Rauner as a good option.

    Right now? 30%

    ===Conservative, Pro life voters will have no candidate in this race but you think they will abandon the rest of their principles and vote for JB and Madigan===

    1) “Eat it, Conservatives”… hmm

    2) “You’re stuck with me”…. hmm

    3) “Don’t stay home, vote for me, the singer of HB40”… hmm

    Lots of wishes there. Rauner at 30% approval isn’t an accident.

  78. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    The Washington Post is liberal and called the tax plan a cut for those that make less than 86K

    The Business Insider columnist Josh Barro is critical of the tax plan

    Here is Mr. Barro’s background from Wikipedia

    Early in his career, Barro described himself as Republican but criticized many policies.[15] He also identified as a neoliberal.[16]. Barro has been opposed to traditional Christian beliefs regarding homosexuality, stating that they “linger and oppress” and must be “stamped out ruthlessly”.[17][18]

    After the 2012 United States elections, Barro became increasingly critical of the Republican Party and wrote that “the party’s economic agenda, as embodied in the latest Ryan budget, is simply terrible for the vast majority of Americans.”[1] Barro called Congressional Republicans “crazy and awful”.[3] Reactions by other conservatives in the media led The Atlantic to name Barro “the loneliest Republican.”[3] Ezra Klein said that based on Barro’s views, “He doesn’t come across as much of a Republican.”[19]

    On October 11, 2016, following the Republican Party’s nomination of Donald Trump for president, Barro said he had left the Republican Party and registered as a Democrat.[20][21] Barro cited as reasons for his decision the “fact-free environment so many of its voters live in, and because of the anti-Democrat hysteria that had been willfully whipped up by so many of its politicians,” which created a “vulnerability in our democracy.”[20]

    He is a Democrat who like every single other Democrat will reflexively oppose a GOP proposal

  79. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:46 pm:

    ===Here is Mr. Barro’s background from Wikipedia===

    “Bagdad Bob” uses Wikipedia?

    Yikes, this is getting like Bizzaro-World

  80. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:47 pm:

    ===When did Dartmouth Alumni Magazine call Rauner a disgrace?===

    Dude. Really? It was snark. C’mon.

  81. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 1:58 pm:

    ===when your dues money goes to support organizations like Illinois Working Together.===
    Stop right there. Dues can’t be used for political purposes by law.

  82. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 2:45 pm:

    ==Go ahead and make the case that Governor Rauner wants to expand government ==


    You’re welcome.

  83. - Honeybadger - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 2:55 pm:

    LP-are you Dan Proft or perhaps Gov Rauner in another disguise? WHy can’t you come to grips with the fact that Rauner is indeed the worst GOP Governor (IMHO-the worst no matter what party) in the U S of A.

    Also, why not answer OW’s questions with answers and not more questions? Sheesh

  84. - VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 3:00 pm:

    L.P. is a sell-out. Rauner could reveal himself to really be Michael Madigan’s twin brother and he’d support him.

  85. - Demoralized - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    ==Also, why not answer OW’s questions with answers and not more questions? ==

    Because he has no arguments other than “what about the Democrats.” He’s the Governor’s chief victim enabler who seems to have convinced himself that the ills of the state were the fault of prior years of Democratic rule (including Governors), but somehow Rauner isn’t culpable of anything during his term in office. In Lucky’s world Rauner is simply a victim.

  86. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 3:09 pm:

    ==Go ahead and make the case that Governor Rauner wants to expand government ==


    Yes, he consolidated HPA into DNR for a massive savings of a couple millions annually.
    But before that he went out and created an entirely new state agency — DoIT — with a budget of over $300 million annually.

    Does he want to close DOC facilities in the name of cost savings and social justice and second chances? Or does he want to try to score cheap political points and open ones that were closed to save money. His answer varies depending on where he is.

    And for that matter the guy started spending the tax increase two years before it arrived on his desk for him to “veto” — wink, wink.

    Then there’s the never ending stream of new deputy governors, education czars and other high priced bureaucrats that Illinois never had before.

    Please, do tell me more about small government Bruce Rauner.

  87. - VanillaMan - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 3:10 pm:

    How many times did we see Rauner give us that empty blue eye stare of his and think, “holy sweet mother of Abrahan Lincoln, he’s completely clueless?”

    He made Dan Quayle look like Einstein.

  88. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 4:05 pm:

    Demoralized Rauner did not introduce HB 40.

    That was a signature Madigan political trap designed to splinter the Republican party, he just signed it. Are you claiming this was the Governor’s bill?

    If Madigan was only as good at fixing Illinois as he is maintaining power, Illinois would be leading the nation instead of bringing up the rear.

  89. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 4:12 pm:

    ==The Washington Post is liberal==

    Then you, a rock-ribbed conservative, shouldn’t be citing them.

    But of course, you are because you will do or say *anything* to defend Bruce Rauner. Donald Trump’s tax plan, which Bruce Rauner “applauded”, does indeed raise taxes on people who pay state and local taxes, or pay mortgages, or student loans, or medical bills. This is all in the plan. “WaPo says it won’t raise taxes on peoplewho make less than 86k!” is unresponsive to that. And I know why you’re unresponsive. I know why you gotta be, because it demolishes your “Rauner is always right, and when he’s wrong he’s DOUBLE RIGHT!” mindset. But it remains true that Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump’s plans to hike taxes.

  90. - Arsenal - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    ==Go ahead and make the case that Governor Rauner wants to expand government and raise taxes==

    It is hilarious how comprehensively this has blown up in your face, LP.

    Remember: Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump’s plan to hike taxes.

  91. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Dec 1, 17 @ 4:20 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Rauner signed clean HB40.

    No one made him.

    Rauner lied to a Catholic Cardinal, and signed a bill you called so liberal, it couldn’t get passed and signed in California…

    … and yet, the limousine social liberal Bruce Rauner signed it.

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